Alliance buildings in the game clash of kings. Clash of Kings: a guide to proper combat

Sep 14, 2016 Game guides

In this Clash o Kings guide, we will try to cover the basics of proper strategy when conducting combat. Clash of Kings is not a farm, and you won’t be able to sit in a castle until you get old, and therefore sooner or later you will have to start fighting. You won’t be able to fight alone in this MMO strategy for a long time, so this guide assumes the presence of an adequate alliance capable of coordinating attacks and acting together - if not 100%, then at least to some extent. Of course, the described strategies and tricks apply to one player, but some of them require support or at least the presence of allies in the alliance. The main purpose of this guide is to introduce you to tricks and maneuvers that allow you to save more soldiers and resources while inflicting the maximum possible damage on the enemy in the expected situation. This guide will be divided into two main parts: Attack and Defense. In these parts, we will respectively look at smart tactics for attacking and repelling/avoiding enemy attacks.


The first thing to understand is that planning is necessary before attacking. Even if you have good allies, it is useless to rush into an attack alone and then ask for reinforcements. First of all, you need to try to attack those alliances whose strongest players are not currently in the game. This moment is quite difficult to guess, since different players They enter the game in different ways, but if you watch the enemies long enough, you can identify a time period when the majority of alliance members are outside the game. This interval is evidence that the members of the alliance belong to approximately the same time zone (alliances are often assembled on the basis of nationality and language ability) and during this interval the members of the alliance go to sleep or for some other business that does not allow them to play. The absence of all members of the enemy alliance is almost impossible, so you need to keep an eye on the top players first of all.

Before launching an attack, you need to familiarize yourself with the enemy fortresses. It is not recommended to send reconnaissance immediately - the enemy may find out about this and go into defensive mode. You rather need him not to expect an attack and not have time to prepare units. How to find out how many units are in a fortress without using reconnaissance? By counting their number approximately! You need to imagine that the strength of troops in a developed city is approximately a little more than half of its total strength, and based on the level of the enemy, you can assume what kind of troops can expect you in the fortress and in what quantity - so, for example, if the strength of the fortress is 600k, then the strength of the troops will most likely vary from 300k to 400k. Taking into account the level of the castle, we can assume what maximum powerful units the opponent may have and in what relation to weaker units. Such calculations, of course, cannot be made in the head without sufficient experience, but in general it never hurts to imagine the most possible dangerous situation and prepare for it.

The next thing to do when preparing troops for an offensive is to distribute targets. You and your allies must simultaneously attack the strongest players of the enemy alliance to prevent the possibility of sending reinforcements. Enemies will be preoccupied with the state of their castles and will have no time to go to the aid of anyone else. Now you can start a simultaneous hike.

And at this stage you should send your reconnaissance. Reconnaissance should be directed only to the intended targets - since the scout will return quickly, opponents will not have time to react to your approaching army, and you will be able to know exactly what to expect from the battle.

During the campaign, check your target with reconnaissance and monitor the behavior of the enemy alliance. The enemy will quickly begin to prepare for an attack - but you should not be afraid and withdraw your troops, your losses are inevitable in any case, but the enemy’s losses will most likely greatly exceed yours. With your first attack you will weaken the enemies and you can quickly send a second expedition after to finish off the remaining enemy units.

While the battle is going on, other members of the alliance will most likely try to send reinforcements - they should be intimidated by deceptive campaigns against their castles. With a high probability, they will recall reinforcements and take them to defend the castle, and you will be able to interrupt the false campaign and divert the attention of the alliance members from the attacked targets.

Having destroyed key players, you can plunder the cities of almost all small alliance members without fear - they are unlikely to pose a threat to you and will prefer to withdraw their troops to leave them alive.

This approach requires time and preparation, but the result is worth it - millions of stolen resources from the enemy alliance can become yours in literally an hour of competent play.


There are two scenarios when your alliance is attacked by an enemy: 1) he is stronger than you and you will lose in an open battle and 2) he is not particularly stronger than you and you can strike back.

In the first case, the best tactic is avoidance. Avoiding an enemy attack, of course, is not at all cool, but it is better to suffer a blow to your own pride than to lose an army and a lot of time to restore it. The best way To avoid an enemy attack - buy and build a shield, but if this does not work out, you can try the following:

  • Send your troops on long campaigns. They will not be able to be intercepted and destroyed, which means that your army will remain intact and you will be able, having accumulated strength, to take revenge on the offender. In this case, you will definitely lose resources - but in any other case, you will also lose them when a strong enemy army defeats your defenders. By withdrawing the army, you will save more than by leaving it to nobly defend the sawmills.
  • In order to prevent the enemy from painlessly taking away your resources, prepare more traps in advance and install archers - when the enemy’s troops begin to die in an empty city, he may even decide that the game is not worth the trouble and leave your city, leaving some of the resources in it. The main thing to do is to leave at least one soldier in the city who can activate traps! Even if he is killed, you can quickly restore him and continue to inflict damage on the enemy army.

In the second case, you can try to fight back against the invader and even end up emerging victorious from the battle, capturing the resources of the unlucky attacker.

  • First, you need to understand that when a large army comes to you, it means that there is no large army somewhere. If you have a teleport, use it to jump into your opponent's fortress and force him to turn around to protect his city. This will also prevent the enemy from attacking your allies without a response - after all, you can do the same to the weak members of his alliance, and he will not have time to come back to defend himself. Theoretically, you can even come to a peaceful resolution and simply go back “home.” The disadvantage of this plan is that you will need a large enough army to repel the attacks of the attacker's allies, and you will also leave your own city open. In addition, if the enemy has a lot of money, he can simply teleport back to his place, knock you out, and then return to your castle.
  • Secondly, do not support weak allies. This will be an unnecessary waste of your army, since it will not be possible to repel the attack of a powerful enemy. If an ally has a good embassy and is prepared for battle, you simply must send reinforcements to him in order to increase the chance of victory over the advancing enemy.
  • And thirdly, even if you do not have a teleport, you and your allies can launch numerous expeditions into the city of an attacking opponent, so that he will have to retreat to protect his own fortress and resources. This element of intimidation often works and forces lone enemies to retreat.

In any case, your task when defending is to preserve the maximum number of units and resources. If you can discourage an enemy from attacking with eloquence by talking to them in chat, this is also a great defensive tactic in a pinch. The main thing you shouldn’t do is try to defend yourself or strike back when you have an army that is weak relative to your opponent. If the enemy is clearly stronger than your alliance, run away and don’t take risks, and advise your allies to do the same. But usually such situations rarely happen, and even strong invaders often have powerful defenders. The main thing is that they are in the game at the time of the attack!


Clash of Kings is a game about real war, and in war, tactics and strategy are always important. Methods of fighting in war cannot be “dirty” and “dishonest” - these are only certain effective tactics that are difficult to resist. With the help of this guide, you learned about such tactics. With them you will be able to play even more efficiently and get much more pleasure from the exciting MMO strategy Clash of Kings! I hope that this guide will help you stay alive in the war and you will win many brilliant victories in online battles!

To successfully complete the game Clash of Kings you will need a lot of patience and precise strategic calculation. On your first visit gameplay a lot of different information will open up to you, but do not rush to despair, after a short period of time you will be able to figure it all out and get certain experience. All that remains is to constantly improve and develop a new and improved game strategy.

Our knowledge base will help you understand some secrets of Clash of Kings, with which you will be able to quickly and easily get used to and gain a foothold in this cruel and full of adventure game world.

Clash of Kings resources

Clash of Kings provides several resources that are necessary for the construction and upgrade of various buildings, as well as for training warriors.

The game provides several ways to help you get the resources you need.

  • Construction of sawmills with farms. They facilitate the extraction of wood and food. Having reached levels 10 and 15, you will have access to the construction of iron and mithril mines.
  • Robbery of other players' territories. Traveling around game world, look for abandoned castles, where there are no troops, but traps. The attack on such castles is successful and without losses. If you find this kind of castle near your territories, it can become an excellent feeding ground for you.
  • A more interesting way. You can independently create another lock specifically for the purpose of production necessary resources. Build and improve farms and sawmills on it. From time to time, attack his territory in order to collect resources. Or join the ranks of one of the alliances, this will give you the opportunity to exchange resources with other players who are also part of this alliance. Collect resources on the map. You can send your warriors to collect resources on the map. In this case, it is worth remembering that during the gathering, your soldiers may be subject to attacks from enemy troops.
  • Reward for completing quests. By completing various kinds of tasks, you receive rewards, including food. Don't rush to take everything at once. There is no need to overfill the warehouse and feed the army. This type of reward is activated when you need it to upgrade, train or heal your troops.
  • Constantly visiting the harbor, using the capabilities of the wishing well, and also visiting the tavern to spin the wheel of fortune. When turning to the well of desires, choose to become, because everything else can be obtained without much difficulty. You can use steel in the forge.
  • Extermination of monsters. By destroying monsters, you gain more than just experience. Quite often, they may drop the necessary food and materials for construction.
  • Timely collection of resources. Keep resource reserves in items at all times. Items cannot be robbed. They can be activated instantly at any time you need. You shouldn't waste them, it's better to save them for the time when you really need them. All resources go to the warehouse. All resources that you collect, receive as rewards and activate automatically go to the warehouse. In this case, no one can rob them. At first, the initial volumes of the warehouse will be enough to meet the needs of the castle. Resources that were not collected from the fields can be plundered. It is worth considering this fact during attack and defense.
  • Saving. If the amount of food is zero, then nothing will happen to your army. There is no point in feeding the army in vain. Resources should only be used for development.
  • The necessary food for the upgrade should be collected last. After all, it cannot be stored and is constantly consumed by the army. As the number of your troops grows, so do their appetites. At the beginning of the gameplay this is almost not noticeable. But upon reaching more high levels food practically disappears from storage.

How to start a new game in Clash of Kings

To get started new game in Clash of Kings, you need to click on your character icon in the upper left corner of the screen. On the page that opens, click the “settings” button, and then open “account”. A window will open in front of you with several buttons. You need to click on “start new game”, after which your gameplay will begin again.

Clash of Kings Lord Skills

One of the most important game areas is the hero’s skills. With their help, it is possible to speed up, improve and strengthen your troops, buildings and resources. You can earn skill points by killing monsters, exploring ruins, training troops, and building various types of buildings. It is worth remembering that skill points can be reset using a scroll from the alliance store. To do this you will need to spend 200 thousand science points. It is also possible to reset skill points for gold. You will have to spend 1000 gold for one reset. The direction in which you level up your skills depends entirely on the direction in which you play.

Clash of Kings Alliance Science

One of the most important things for the alliance is its science. Thanks to it, the size of the alliance can increase, the size of the army that you gather to jointly attack the enemy. Science can also strengthen the soldiers of your army.

In addition to the obvious bonuses that apply to each member of the alliance, you have the opportunity to purchase many different useful items using “fame points” that are earned while leveling up science.

To start the process of pumping up science, you need to open the alliance window, and then the science window. Next, you need to select the science that you need to upgrade.

Often, each member of the alliance receives instructions from its leadership which science needs to be upgraded at the current time. You should not ignore such instructions.

Clash of Kings - wheel of fortune

The wheel of fortune is located on the territory of the tavern. You have the option of one free spin. For all subsequent transactions, 1000 copper coins will be withdrawn from your game account.

To rotate the wheel, you need to slide your finger across the screen to the side.

Defense and attack

The combat system is automatic. You are not directly involved in the confrontation. At the end of the battle, you receive a report with the results.

  • Pay attention to the development of castle defense. You can withstand an enemy attack only with improved walls, towers, also by building traps and pumping up your skills. The most valuable tool during combat operations is the watchtower. By upgrading it, you get more detailed information about the enemy.
  • When your territory is attacked by enemy forces that are superior to yours, it is best to withdraw your army completely outside the castle. But don’t forget about the resources that the enemy can plunder. It's best to put them to good use quickly.
  • Engage in the construction of traps. After all, they will require large quantities of resources at once. In peacetime, you should not spend time building traps. At this time, resources are best spent on alliance science, construction, upgrades, or helping friends. Provided that you have quite a lot of resources left, and defensive actions bring little results, and you understand that it will be extremely difficult for you to survive, then in this case it is best to lose resources, but at the same time save your army.
  • It is worth attacking the enemy or accepting battle only if you are completely confident in your victory. After all, an army takes a long time to train and is expensive, but you can lose it in a short time.
  • An army that is heading towards a target can still be brought back. For this purpose, the “recall from the march” function is provided.
  • During the defense of the castle, wounded soldiers are immediately taken to the hospital. If there are no free beds, they die. That is why you should not leave more soldiers in the fortress than the hospital can accommodate. After all, treating wounded soldiers is much more profitable than training their replacements.
  • You should not leave your army unattended for a long time. Before you are distracted from the gameplay for a long time, send warriors to collect resources. In this case, it is worth calculating the time of gathering and marching in such a way that by the time you return to the game, the army has already returned to the castle. It is worth remembering that while collecting resources, your army may be subject to attack from numerous opponents. To avoid unpleasant situations, send the army into the ruins for eight hours, in which case they can be recalled at any time. Upon returning from the ruins, the army will bring with it not only resources, but also experience.
  • The targets you want to attack should be chosen very carefully. If you attack an empty castle that is part of an alliance, then there is a risk that the members of this alliance may take revenge on you for this.
  • In the event of an attack on you, it is possible to send an army to the enemy, which is located in your other castle. Before this, it is also worth scouting how many warriors the enemy has left. After all, the enemy can deploy his army towards yours.
  • For each attack or defense of the castle, the selection of an appropriate army is necessary. Each type of army has its own advantages and weaknesses. To view the characteristics and features of your army, there is a special “train” item, where you need to click on the exclamation mark located under the image of each of the warriors. For example, swordsmen have increased protection against archers and crossbowmen. It follows from this that it is not worth releasing them against this army depot. Having studied the composition of the enemy army and having information about the pros and cons of the soldiers, you will be able to conduct the confrontation with the greatest effectiveness.


  • You should not waste your gold reserves during training, or in order to speed up low-level construction projects. The amounts will, of course, be very small, but you will simply waste money.
  • Until your castle is upgraded to level six, use the free teleport. Don't miss the opportunity to move your castle closer to the alliance or to the estates of your friends. Starting from the sixth level, teleport will have to be purchased for gold or in an intra-alliance store.
  • Don't try to create a large army right away. To begin, develop the barracks, shooting ranges, stables and chariot factory in maximum level. The higher the level of your army, the better. Have large number warriors, if they are weak, there is no point. Victory over the enemy directly depends on the strength of the army: the more high-level units your army includes, the better for you.
  • Outside the castle, the number of slots for the construction of buildings is strictly limited. Therefore, it is worth carefully weighing the decision of what to build. Erected buildings can be demolished. Use this opportunity if you need to change something.
  • Erect eight military tents, this will provide an opportunity for training more warriors. A large number of hospitals is not at all necessary at first. The level of your troops should always be under your control and, as necessary, improve them or build new ones. At the initial levels, while the army is small, a couple of hospitals will be enough. You should also not build a large number of sawmills at once. You don't need wood for an army, and you don't need much of it at the beginning of the gameplay. It is also worth remembering that when you reach levels 10 and 15, you have access to the construction of an iron and mithril mine; it is worth replacing almost all sawmills with them.
  • You should start studying science in college as early as possible. First of all, you should take care of the “legion”, having received which, you will be able to send not one, but two squads on a mission. The task for one squad should always be to collect gold, and for the second - to destroy monsters, extract other resources, and plunder empty castles.
  • Every new level lord brings development points. Don't forget to use them. What skills you need to develop depends on your playing style. It is worth concentrating on one branch, pumping it up, certain moment You can get an active skill.
  • The development of the lord takes place sequentially. To open a new skill, the previous one must be improved to the last level. At the university, everything is different. Enough for science entry level and you can do the next one. It’s worth remembering this and downloading only what you really need.
  • Early completion of construction is possible five minutes before completion. The time for this increases with VIP level.
  • Construction sites , which need a long time, it is best to bet at night or at a time when you will not log into the game for a while, and short upgrades should be planned during the day.
  • You should always have accelerators in stock during military operations. For example, you will need to speed up the treatment of warriors and have time to restore strength before the enemy arrives.
  • Earn experience for the lord and resources by destroying monsters. The place where mined loot is stored is items. They are closed for looting and subject to activation at any time.
  • N You shouldn’t strive to immediately pump up the castle to the maximum. Pump up the buildings first, and only after that start improving the castle.
  • If you have available funds, hire a second builder (by clicking the golden hammer icon). Its cost is 250 gold and it is given for only two days. With intensive play, you can level up quite well this way.
  • Don't ignore timers. Having information about the time after which the enemy will attack you, you can plan your further actions.
  • It is almost impossible to reach the top in this project on your own. Therefore, you should immediately join the alliance. Being part of a good alliance is the key to success. If an alliance has a good donation, and the concentration of its participants is determined by one or several points, then it is worth joining.
  • When you are part of an alliance, you should be extremely careful about reconnaissance and attacking other players. With your rash actions there is a possibility of provoking not only yourself, but also the entire alliance. To avoid making a mistake, you should actively chat, play in a team, plan and coordinate your actions with other members of the alliance. This will make it easier to defend against enemy attacks and attack enemy territories.
  • Don't forget to make contributions to the science alliance - this will bring you a certain amount of fame points, which will allow you to purchase the necessary things in the alliance store. With each deposit, time is added to the timer. If this time is exceeded by more than four hours, then during this time you will not be able to donate resources.
  • The task of the alliance leaders is to monitor who invests in science and how much. If there are no contributions on your part to the common cause, then most likely you will be expelled from the alliance. To achieve success, you must actively participate in the gameplay.

Clash of Kings Troop Guide

To survive in constant hostilities, you, as a novice lord, need to follow some rules:

  • maintaining the integrity of your army and increasing it;
  • construction of the necessary buildings on the territory of the castle;
  • constantly look after your army;
  • make ongoing donations to science;
  • extract the necessary resources, but not more than what fits in your warehouse.

You can find out more details about the troops from the downloadable knowledge base below.

Clash of Kings Monsters

An important role in this game project takes the fight against various monsters. Like your character, each monster has its own level, which should be taken into account when attacking. You will learn how to attack monsters correctly and what you need to do to not only stay alive, but also win and receive a valuable reward from the knowledge base, which can be downloaded below.

Video resources for walking through Clash of Kings

Gameplay overview

Castle overview

Upgrading alliance science

Killing monsters

Tips for playing Clash of Kings in the knowledge base for download

  • How to start playing Clash of Kings.
  • Clash Of Kings castles.
  • Forging items.
  • Guide to creating a Twink.
  • Construction.
  • Tricks and attack.
  • Relations between Alliances.
  • Distribution of roles - Rank in the game.
  • Battle tactics in Clash of Kings.
  • How to level up in Clash of King.
  • Military tents or how to increase your army.
  • Battle for the throne.
  • Attack and attack monsters.

Good afternoon, I decided to make a small Clash review of Kings on basic questions of the game that newcomers often ask.

Secrets of the game Clash of Kings

IN: Tell me how to teleport to right place kingdoms?
A: To move the castle, use an advanced teleporter, which can be purchased for 2000 gold coins in the store, or for 400 alliance fame points in the alliance store. Also, there is a chance to win a teleport in a chest when spinning the roulette, or in the port, as well as buy it from a traveling merchant in a carriage at a discount.

IN: Where and how to get alliance points?
A: Alliance points can be obtained in alliance science by donating resources every four hours.

IN: How can I find out the coordinates of the alliance I need?
A: They can only be obtained if you ask them from one of the members of this alliance, or from its leader.

IN: What is the difference between a random teleport and an advanced one?
A: As mentioned above, the frontline moves the castle to any location indicated on the map; when using random, we cannot indicate the coordinates. The castle will be moved randomly.

IN: If I am attacked, will I be able to use the peace shield?
A: Yes, of course! If the enemy is not strong, you don’t have to put up a shield, turn on the buffs, and let him break!

IN: I can’t figure out where to get the golden arrows and the horn of war?
A: These items can be obtained by killing monsters, winning at roulette, or buying in a store.

IN: How to hack this game for gold and resources?
A: This is not possible, so don't fool yourself.

IN: How can I take the place of leader in the alliance?
A: To do this, you need to create your own alliance, or you can be given the rights to leadership, and also, if the leader has not appeared for a long time, you can remove him from his position as his deputy.

IN: I don't have enough resources, what should I do?
A: Collect resources, complete holiday promotions, and finally, rob your enemies!

IN: Where can I get the materials needed to forge armor and weapons?
A: Materials come across when collecting resources on the world map, on an alliance farm, when killing monsters, or in a merchant’s carriage.

IN: I don't have enough steel, what should I do?
A: Steel can be obtained from the wishing fountain, in the store, by killing monsters, or from the merchant in the carriage.

IN: How to leave the alliance?
A: Click on the Alliance icon at the bottom of the screen, leave the alliance in the lower right corner.

IN: I am often attacked, what should I do?
A: Use peace shields, move to another place, preferably closer to the alliance, increase your strength to fight back.

IN: How to play on one device with multiple locks?
A: Create several Google accounts and attach a separate lock to each one. After that, in the settings - Account - Change account - and select the one you need to log into it.

IN: Is it difficult to play without investing money?
A: A bit difficult, but playable! If you create several twinks, leveling up will be fast!

IN: I want to start over, how can I create a new castle?
A: Click on the avatar - Account - Start a new game.

IN: How many kingdoms are there in the game?
A: At the moment there are already more than six hundred.

IN: How can I destroy buildings inside the castle?
A: Buildings cannot be demolished, only farms behind the fence. To demolish, select the one you need and select - Demolish.
