World bosses. World and field bosses in bdo World boss spawn map in bdo

World bosses now appear on schedule:

Now, when a boss disappears, up to 80% of all players who fought him can receive trophies, but the quality of trophies is lower and there are fewer of them. The 10% of players who dealt the least damage to the World Boss can no longer obtain the Boss Weapon Chest.

Now the boss's health scale is the same for all channels.

if a world boss appears on the channel, the PvP mode is blocked until his death

  • Simply put, you cannot turn on the mode or challenge another player while the world boss is alive on your channel;
  • PvP does not work after the appearance of such world bosses as Kzarka, Nouber, Karanda, Ancient Kutum, Offin the Destroyer, Muraka and Quint;
  • When the world boss appears, you will be moved from the arena if you are in the Freedom Arena, in a personal battle or in a guild battle;
  • PvP is available in the Arena of Arsha and the Arena of Blood.
  • UPD. From the moment the world boss appears, there is no possibility to change the channel for 15 minutes;

Huge mud monster

Corrupt ruler of Kzark

Location —

Time to kill: 15 minutes.

Red nose

Cowardly Bheg

Giant Treant


Location: Karanda Ridge

Time to kill: 15 minutes. In fact, they kill for 3-5.

Respawn location - Karanda Ridge. Knowledge on Karanda can be obtained from the NPC Klakstor, the manager of the Karanda Ridge node, for 400 friendship points.

It drops a chest containing a top gold-quality awakened weapon.

At the moment, killing bosses has been made easier - i.e. The area where the boss will now give his ultimate is highlighted in red. You just need to run away from the red zone and you will be safe and sound.


Location —

Time to kill: 15 minutes.

Nouber appears immediately after the system message, and not after 30 minutes, as before;


Location —

Time to kill: 15 minutes.

Location - Mirumog Forest Ruins

Time to kill: 15 minutes.

  • during the battle, you need to attack not only Offin, but also his roots, as well as his protective aura;
  • Matchlock guns are effective against a protective aura;
  • fines are imposed on the character if he dies in a fight with the boss.

Trophies from Offin

By killing the boss you can get the following items:

  • "Ofin's Sealed Chest of Light";
  • "Veltar's Belt of Radiance";
  • "Wrath of the Forest";
  • elements of the “Lemoria” kit;
  • “Crystal of enhanced magic - Gobellinus”;
  • "Crystal of the Altered - Gobellinus";
  • "Crystal of Revived Magic - Gobellinus";
  • “Stone of Destruction”;
  • “Breath of the Forest”;
  • “Forest Energy”;
  • “Black stone (weapon)”;
  • “Black stone (armor)”;
  • Bark of a young ent.

The 30 players who dealt the most damage to the roots have a solid chance of receiving additional items: “Ofin’s Roots”, “Ofin’s Ray of Light”;

The 30 players who dealt the most damage to the aura have a solid chance of receiving additional items: “Wrath of the Forest”, “Ofin’s Beam of Light”;

players who attacked the roots and aura, but did not damage the boss himself, do not receive the main trophies.

“Ofin's Roots”: 1 piece can be sold to traders for 50,000 silver.

“Ofin's Ray of Light”: having collected 100 Rays of Light, go to Grana, to NPC Dixie Poe, take the quest “Ofin’s Rays of Light” from him to exchange 100 Rays for “Ofin’s Sealed Chest of Light”; task conditions - level 56 and above; The quest can only be completed once per account, after which Dixie Poe will offer an exchange of Rays for Fragments of Memories in a one-to-one ratio. In other words, 1 Beam for 1 Scrap.

“Ofin's Sealed Chest of Light”:

  • contains Offin's light weapon for your character's class;
  • Offin's new weapon is the main one.

The penalties for dying near Offin are the same as other world bosses.


Location —

Time to kill: 15 minutes.


Location —

Time to kill: 15 minutes.


The ship heading to the Ocean Blade departs from the shore 5 minutes after it appears.

Servers where Boss Vell will also appear:

- Calpheon 3

— Media 3

— Valencia 3

Red Dragon Kamos

The red dragon Kamos appears 3 times a week (Thursday at 22:30, Saturday at 23:30, Sunday at 12:00) in Kamose's Lair on all Black Desert servers, except for the Olivia and Arsha servers.

- After being notified of the appearance of the Red Dragon Kamos, statues and monsters of the Kagum Tribe appear. Kamos will appear after players start destroying the statues.

- Kamos disappears if he is not killed 15 minutes after the start of the battle.

— Every time Kamose’s health drops below a certain level, a system notification comes and a random statue from among the remaining ones comes to life. Regardless of the time the statues are revived, Kamos disappears after 15 minutes after the start of the battle.

“The red dragon Kamos has powerful skills and is a serious threat to adventurers.

- If the Red Dragon Kamos is defeated in battle by the adventurers and flies away, leaving behind the spoils, the adventurers who contributed the most to the victory will be able to receive various items, such as the Heart of Kamos, which can upgrade Nouber/Katum's sub-weapon.

There are currently 3 world bosses and 2 dungeons on the Korean Black Desert servers. In addition, there are summoned bosses that must be killed to complete daily and weekly quests. Scrolls for summoning bosses can be obtained from the Black Spirit, dropped from monsters, or purchased at the pearl store (F3, Miles). There are also scrolls for summoning guild bosses, designed for groups of 5-20 players. These bosses drop the Liberto weapon, one of the best in the game.

World bosses

World bosses drop legendary (yellow) weapons, which are currently the best in the game. After killing, several lucky players will receive chests containing weapons intended for the corresponding class. The chest can be transferred between characters through the warehouse. World bosses appear 8-12 hours after the last kill. Each channel has its own timer.

Kzarka appears in the Temple of Serendia, located south of Heidel. This boss drops the legendary (yellow) primary weapon Kzarka with 18-22 attack power, a +3 bonus to attack speed and two stone sockets. When sharpened, the damage dealt and accuracy increase.

Verbe (dragon)

Verbe appears in the Valencia Desert, at one of three random locations. Coordinates: x8100y2300, x7300y50 and x10050y350 (marks on the map are approximate). Verbe appears 30 minutes after the announcement. Before appearing, the location is plunged into darkness. The boss drops a legendary (yellow) secondary weapon with 6-8 attack power, a -10% bonus to incoming damage and two sockets for stones. When sharpened, the damage dealt and accuracy increase.

Karanda (Queen of the Harpies)

Karanda appears on the ridge of the same name, located northeast of Calpheon and southwest of Velia. The boss drops a legendary (yellow) awakened weapon intended for characters level 56+. In addition, you will have to complete a special task and unlock the talent tree.


In December 2015 The Ruins of Ahkeman and Historical Ruins dungeons appeared on Korean servers. They are located underground and can only be entered through a portal. Portals appear at random locations in the Valencia Desert.

Below are videos about exploring dungeons and fighting in them:

Some monsters that live in dungeons (such as lava giants) have incredible strength. Dungeons are designed for small groups of players level 56+. However, you can go there alone, but the passage will take a very long time. Gather a group of like-minded people and go on a treasure hunt!

In BDO, world bosses are the most powerful of mobs with a huge amount of health and an impressive attack. You can make good money by farming them, as well as killing field bosses, with a certain degree of luck. From this guide you will learn about the features of world and field bosses, their reps, where to find the timer, spawn table and these monsters themselves. You can read about the bosses of the Dark Rift.

World Bosses BDO

For quite some time now, bosses in BDO that are classified as world bosses appear strictly according to a certain schedule. These are Kzarka, Karanda, Kutum, Nuber, Offin, Quint, Muraka, Kamos and Vell. These monsters live for 15 minutes and during this time activating the PVP mode is impossible, even if you did not go to farm, and changing the channel is also not available. The spawn locations of all world and field bosses are marked on the world map (as in most MMORPGs, activated by pressing the English M on the keyboard).

BDO world bosses appear simultaneously on all channels at once. They are cross-server, that is, the health level is common for all channels, and it decreases due to the damage caused by all the players who came to farm. If there is coordination of actions that lead to the killing of the boss, the best damage dealers receive a generous reward. The rest - depending on your luck.

If the monster cannot be killed, it leaves, and the participants in the slaughter receive a worse drop. It is not necessary to be a member of a raid or group: this does not affect the receipt of the reward. The only case when this is appropriate is a played const, the participants of which buff and heal each other. When there is a large concentration of players in one place, an optimization mode is activated that hides other players to reduce the load on the video card.

The BDO world boss schedule has not changed since spring 2019. This table also takes into account sieges, so when they are carried out, bosses do not appear - they do not fit in according to the schedule. It’s easier to find out when bosses appear in BDO in the game client itself by pressing the F1 button and clicking on the “World Bosses” item on the right side of the menu. Boss timers for different servers are available on this site. Currently, the BDO boss table looks like this:


A corrupt ruler, revered as a deity, and, by the way, a male being. Every player could meet him while completing the starting quest chain from the Black Spirit. Spawns in the Sanctuary of Serendia just below Heidel to the southeast of Glish. Has a couple of damage attacks in the area, in between them it strikes with four paws and tentacles. The most valuable drop from this boss is the Kzarka weapon chest, from which the main weapon is extracted for the class of the character who opens it.


The Harpy Queen, who appears on Karanada Ridge to the left of the Western Guard Camp on the map. Periodically deals area damage, showering raid members with feathers. You can hide from this attack by standing in the center of the circle. Sometimes she summons smaller harpies to help her, and also selects a random player to whom she inflicts several powerful blows. The most valuable drop is a chest with Karanda's awakened weapon.


An impressively sized mechanical worm created by the Ancients. Spawn location: Red Sand Stone Hall in Valencia, just above the Desert Naga Castle. A very nimble creature that has both targeted strikes and powerful area attacks. The most valuable drop is a chest with Kutum's additional weapons, which are counted due to additional parameters.


The difficulty of finding a respawn location increases due to the fact that it is located in the desert where navigation does not work. You'll have to use a compass, or move at random, navigating along these different piles of sand, or ask to see someone in a party and navigate by his location. Nouber is a formidable-looking, but not very dangerous dragon with average attack power. Lately he is almost never killed by players because he is greedy. The most valuable drop is a chest with Nouber's additional weapons.


A giant tree that appears next to the Mirumog Forest Ruins node. Deals impressive damage, which, combined with lags, significantly reduces the character’s chances of survival. It is farmed according to the following algorithm: first, three roots are chopped, then the “cabin” is shot from hunting rifles, and at the end the entire raid chases the escaped ghost to kill it. The most valuable drop is a chest with Offin's weapon of light.

Quint and Muraka

Troll and goblin that are almost never killed by players. Alas, Quint will need to be killed when you start passing. The drops from these bosses are so-so. The most valuable items are the items that can be exchanged for the Ogre Necklace. They spawn simultaneously in Calpheon not far from each other (by game standards).


A huge dragon that appears in its lair in the territory of Drieghan. The area attack has a colossal radius, and targeted attacks are quite painful. The raid is divided into several stages, during each of which Kamose summons Kagums. After killing these mobs, players absorb their souls and become stronger by destroying one of the four statues. The raid is considered successful if all the statues are destroyed and Kamose has almost no health left, after which he takes off running. This boss drops a unique pet - a small dragon, as well as the Heart of Kamos, which is necessary for Kutum or Nouber.


A huge sea monster that appears in the open ocean. The only boss who can be farmed on the water with an entire fleet at once, firing from cannons, which requires your own brig, escort or guild galley. The boss drops the Heart of Vell - a kind of alchemical stone with very “tasty” characteristics, as well as the items necessary for its crafting.

Field Bosses BDO

In BDO, bosses, called field bosses, are thinner in terms of power, but their drops are also poorer. There is no clear schedule regarding their appearance - everyone can come out on a timer after the start of respawn at any time. They spawn in 10 random channels, but usually at least one per region (Balenos, Serendia, etc.). The average frequency of occurrence is once a day. The health of such a boss on each channel is counted separately, so you can manage to farm field bosses several times by switching to another server.

Red Nose

Appears to the left of the Western Guard Camp. A huge demon armed with a scimitar, whose main attacks are. Periodically jumps, crushing all the heroes that turn up with its belly. The most dangerous attack is a scream: if you don’t have time to block, all your health will be destroyed very quickly. The most valuable drop is the Red Nose armor.

Giant Treant

The spawn location is the Hermit's Grove node. Not too fast, but quite a damaging monster, whose particularly successful attacks stun the character for up to 5 seconds. At a long distance it throws stones and tries to reach it with its long branches. Periodically summons assistants who rummage around, but cause almost no damage. The most valuable drop is the armor of the Giant Ancient.

Cowardly Bheg

The leader of the altar demons, armed with a hook on a long chain. Appears on the Northern Plain of Serendia node. Its chain reaches players at a distance of several ohms. Up close he deals damage with it, making a couple of short swings. Flowing into a rage, he swings his weapon chaotically for several seconds. The most valuable drop is Bheg's gloves.

Huge mud monster

Appears on the hill just below Heidel. It is extremely slow, but with a successful stun it will kill the character with several strong blows. Summons smaller mud worms that explode when destroyed. The boss's low speed is compensated by a decent amount of health - he is very thick. At the same time, he is also very greedy, so he is almost always ignored by players. The most valuable drop is Sign of the Shadow, an attack ring of rare quality.


A creature most similar to a huge basilisk armed with a spear. Appears in Drieghan near the Ruins of Tshira node. In addition to weapons, she uses poison attacks, including area attacks. The most powerful of the field bosses: if a character has less than 300 defense and is not buffed, he will definitely have to fly to rep several times - with the possible exception of RDDs who can kite. The most valuable drop is the Eye of Ruin ring (for attack, legendary quality). Also, Kashvark always drops a small amount of Dark Energy Remains, which are used for crafting. Farmed by players with varying success, as it is not very generous.

Drop from world and field bosses

In addition to the above boss gear, world bosses drop the following items:

  • Kzarka, Karanda, Kutum, Nuber, Ofin – personalized seals. 100 of these items can be exchanged from NPCs for a chest with weapons. After completing the quest, the same NPC gives a Fragment of Memories (cookie) for each seal.
  • The things of some adventurer are a loot box of legendary quality, from which random gold jewelry drops, both zero and enhanced up to level IV.
  • Gold bars worth 1 million silver.

All bosses, including field bosses, drop inlay stones of varying quality and value, Black Stones of Stability, Purification and Pure Enchantment Stones, used to safely sharpen equipment, chests with Liberto main weapons, chests with awakened weapons of blue quality, some money and a Clot pure enchantment, which is necessary for sharpening. Field bosses drop bars worth 100 thousand silver. With a significant concentration of players, lags are often observed - it is impossible to collect drops manually. In this case, you should release the pets - they pick up everything without any problems.

The more damage a character inflicts on the boss, the higher his chances of receiving valuable loot. You can also drop by hitting it once and smoking on the sidelines, but it will drop a little more than nothing. However, this is just speculation: no one really knows how the drop is actually distributed.

Which boss gear is impossible to drop from the monsters described above and where to get it:

  • Helm of Geass is a daily summon for the Geass boss in Balenos;
  • Muskan's Shoes - Muskan's weekly boss summon in Serendia;
  • Griffin Helm - weekly summon boss Griffin Ahib in Kamasylvia and elite griffin mobs in Navan Meadow;
  • Shoes of Argon is a weekly boss spawn for the Guardian of Gyfirancia in Kamasylvia;
  • Gloves of Libra is a weekly Libra boss spawn in Drieghan.

When farming, keep in mind that if you die from any of the world or field bosses of BDO, except Vella, Quint and Muraki, a penalty is imposed on the character - combat experience is lost and inlay stones may break. If you are not confident in your abilities, I recommend using a twin. Details are in the video. Good luck!

There are 4 types of bosses in the game:

  • Quest (killed alone)
  • Group bosses: daily and weekly (1-5 players)
  • Bosses summoned by scrolls dropped by mobs (for 1-3 players)
  • Raid bosses

It is worth noting that there are very few bosses in the open world, and this makes them the site of fierce battles between guilds, since the drops from them are very, very valuable! The exact time of respawn of bosses is not yet known, we can only say that it will range from 1 to several days with a spread of several hours. Those. bosses will appear not at an exact time after the kill, but with some randomness. You also need to know that the higher the level of the characters who kill the boss, the less loot you can get from it.

Boss - Red Nose

The leader of the imps, nicknamed Red Nose, is a level 40 boss. If you kill him with characters of level 50+, then you can get from him as a drop:

  • 5 - 15 enchantments for weapons and armor
  • 10% chance of boss armor
  • 10% sword of the demon captain (placed in your house and gives a buff increasing damage by 15% for 3 hours)

If you bring the boss Red Nose's life to 50%, he becomes enraged and increases his speed and attack power, as well as his running speed. All bosses in the game have this feature.

Boss - Geass

Goblin leader Geass is a level 40 boss. Geass lives in a cave east of Velia. As a reward for killing the boss you can get:

  • 30% chance of three types of armor (powers of Hercules, powers of Hewe and Luck)
  • 10% chance Geass Helm granting 100HP
  • 50% chance Stuffed Fox Head (placed in your house and gives an MP increase buff for 3 hours)

Once the boss reaches 50% life, he gains a very powerful AOE ability around him. The main thing is to remember the boss animation that he performs before the AOE attack and run away from him in time.

Boss - Cowardly Phek

This is a level 50 boss with a ranged attack and a strong 360 degree AoE. As a reward for killing him you can get:

  • 5 - 15 enchantments for weapons and armor
  • 30% chance of three types of helmets (powers of Hercules, powers of Hewe and Luck)
  • 10% chance of gloves

Boss - Muskana

This is a fairly strong level 50 boss who can jump on you, cast AoE skills, stun and deal a series of powerful blows. You can find this boss in the monastery below the village of Glissia. It's safe to say that this boss is an order of magnitude stronger than Red Nose, Geass and Phek. For killing this boss you can get:

  • 15% chance of three types of boots (powers of Hercules, powers of Hewe and Luck)
  • 10% chance of Muskan's boots

Boss - Big Mud Monster

A level 50 boss with small mud creatures appearing on his skin. The boss has 100% resistance to stun and grab and is able to attack without stopping. As a reward for killing him you can get:

  • 10 - 25 enchantments for weapons and armor
  • 15% chance of three types of gloves (powers of Hercules, powers of Hewe and Luck)

Boss - Hexa Marie

This level 51 witch will cause you a lot of problems with her teleportation and invisibility. You can find the witch in the skeleton location. As a reward for killing her you can get:

  • 5 - 20 enchantments for weapons and armor
  • 30% chance of Liberto weapon for each class
At the moment there are 3 world bosses in the game - Kzarka, Karanda, Nuber. Each boss has its own minimum requirements to kill, as well as its own unique abilities.

World boss spawn schedule:

6:00-8:00 14:00-16:00
Monday Kzarka Karanda
Tuesday Karanda Nuber Red nose
Wednesday Nuber Kzarka
Thursday Kzarka Karanda Muskan
Friday Karanda Nuber
Saturday Nuber Kzarka Geass
Sunday Karanda Nuber Bheg


  • The minimum level to enter is 40.
  • From this RB you can get Kzarka's Main Weapon.

It is best to kill Kzarka while standing in one of the corners, this way your character will receive less damage, thereby you can live longer without wasting cans.


  • The minimum level to enter is 50.
  • From this RB you can get Karanda's main weapon.

It is best to kill Karanda standing behind the RB, also this RB periodically takes off and scatters its feathers either in the center of its nest or at the edges, you should be extremely careful and avoid these powerful skills. Karanda also uses another skill that causes damage and knocks down while flying over the nest, the flight path along which the RB will fly is always visible, you just need to run back to a safe zone.


  • The minimum level to enter is 55.
  • From this RB you can get an Additional Nuber Weapon.

It is best to kill Nuber while standing under the tail of RB. Among the strong skills of this RB, one can highlight digging into the sand, and an almost fatal attack for everyone it hits when it appears. Also, a feature of this RB is that it takes off above the ground in flight, it is invulnerable and uses long-range attacks that cause huge damage and knock over anyone they hit. hit. To bring him down to the ground, 7 players must sit down at the guns and shoot at Noober until he goes down, and so on several times.

Red nose

  • From this RB you can get the Red Nose Armor


  • Minimum level to enter – 35
  • From this RB you can get a Geass Helmet

During a kill on 14 and 4 HP bars, Geass will activate pillars that form a zone in which damage is continuously inflicted. If possible, stand behind the Geass and avoid the pillar areas.


  • From this RB you can get Bheg's Gloves

During a kill on 10 bars of HP, Bheg begins to spin, at this time all players need to start destroying the idols around the RB, you need to destroy all 3 idols, then continue to kill Bheg.


  • Minimum level to enter – 45
  • From this RB you can get Maskan Boots

During the kill, Muskan deals devastating damage. It is not yet known how to avoid it. We will update the information in the future.

Up to 25 people, including you, can take part in one murder at the same time. The entrance to the location from the Republic of Belarus closes 10 minutes before the specified farming time. Each boss has a chance to receive an orange item to close the second tab of the book, or it can be sold to any store for 1k silver.
