Minecraft has been closed due to an unknown error. Minecraft crashes when launched with mods - what to do

Answer from Yergey Serov[active]
Remove Forge.what is lib?

Reply from Yoman Berkut[newbie]

Reply from Nastya Bulgakova[newbie]
I don't know what to do

Reply from Kirill Gutnikov[newbie]
everyone is wrong

Reply from Alexander Alekseev[newbie]

Reply from WhiteSiDe[newbie]

Reply from Ilya Volgin[newbie]
Guys, the problem is that in the .minecraft folder there is a mods folder, you must delete this folder or delete everything from it. current version does not support such mods and it cannot run them, if it helped, please like it

Reply from Eduard Khasanov[newbie]

Reply from Alexey Antonov[newbie]

Reply from Streamez rus[newbie]

Reply from Sandra Cretu[newbie]

Reply from Arturchik[newbie]

What to do? Help.

Reply from Lyudmila Tevosova[newbie]

Reply from Artyom Boyarov[newbie]
Remove forg

Reply from Liza Urazova[newbie]

Reply from Dmitry Khitryy[active]
and I want to play with mods

Reply from Tolya Yuriev[newbie]
I have the same error

Reply from Evgeniy Baranov[newbie]

Reply from Nikita Zadorin[newbie]

Reply from Tolya Yuriev[newbie]
I have the same error

Reply from Evgeniy Baranov[newbie]
I can't play Minecraft without Forge

Reply from Nikita Zadorin[newbie]
but how to remove this forge???!

Reply from Dmitry Khitryy[active]
and I want to play with mods

Reply from Lyudmila Tevosova[newbie]
cunt... your answers helped...

Reply from Artyom Boyarov[newbie]
Remove forg

Reply from Liza Urazova[newbie]
To be honest, you probably won't find the answer. this may happen if the phone does not support the game well.

Reply from Arturchik[newbie]
Minecraft crashed due to an unknown error. The Developer Console was called to determine the causes of the error.
What to do? Help.

Reply from Sandra Cretu[newbie]
Just delete from the folder mods mods, which are intended for another version of Minecraft and then it will start

Reply from Streamez rus[newbie]
I just reinstalled the launcher and after that it even stopped lagging.

Reply from Eduard Khasanov[newbie]
I just need to copy the folder, delete it and put it back in my srobotolo

Reply from Alexey Antonov[newbie]
Yes, you are just geniuses... You don’t even read the comments, you keep writing “Delete forge, it will help!”, it has already been clearly said that it did not help.
I’ve already reinstalled Minecraft and Java, but Minecraft still crashes, and only when I’m playing on the servers.

Reply from Alexander Alekseev[newbie]
Try changing the version if you play without mods, did it help me?

Reply from WhiteSiDe[newbie]
reinstall main, java, uninstall java download offline

Reply from Nastya Bulgakova[newbie]
I don't know what to do
It started for me when I flew to the edge
I don’t know what to do now, because keepInventory is also broken, so I can’t write kill

Reply from Kirill Gutnikov[newbie]
everyone is wrong

Reply from Yoman Berkut[newbie]
Guys, the problem is that there is a mods folder in the .minecraft folder, you must delete this folder or delete everything from it because the current version does not support such mods and it cannot run them, if it helped, please like

Reply from Ilya Volgin[newbie]
Guys, the problem is that there is a mods folder in the .minecraft folder, you must delete this folder or delete everything from it because the current version does not support such mods and it cannot run them, if it helped, please like

The most popular sandbox has gathered an impressive army of fans, which launches millions of gaming sessions every day. Naturally, with such a scale it is impossible to do without failures. One of the popular problems is the “Minecraft closed with exit code 1” or “TLauncher: An unexpected error occurred” error that appears when running any version of TLauncher Forge. Today we will try to talk about everyone possible reasons this bug, and also show how to fix most of them.

Error "Minecraft closed with exit code 1"

Causes of errors in Minecraft

The error itself only indicates that a failure has occurred. Specific information can be seen in the information window, where the reason itself will be indicated. The source of the problem may be different, which is why users receive different notifications:

Basically, the problem appears after changing the OS version, applying system updates, or switching to a new version of the game launcher. It is also worth mentioning the influence of mods and extensions.

How to fix Minecraft closed with exit code 1

We collected all the solutions noted by the players, and made a description starting with the simplest ones. Next, proceed step by step, checking the functionality of the game each time.

The described error in Minecraft is very common. One by one, check all the points that should definitely help in eliminating the bug.

The page contains all the most common mistakes with the launch of the launcher and Minecraft. If you haven't found the answer to your question here, don't despair. Describe your mistake in our VK group http://vk.com/mlauncher, and we will help you solve it. All the most common errors will be added here

How to find the minecraft folder

On Windows OS: Start/Run, enter the command %APPDAT%\.mienecraft On Linux OS: ~/.minecraft

Where to download / How to install Java?

Download the latest version of Java (Java 8) from here https://www.java.com/ru/download/ . Before downloading, check the processor capacity of your computer. In Windows OS, the bit depth can be found through Start / My Computer / Properties - System Type. If it's 64 bit operating system, then we load the file 64-x Java version.

My launcher won't launch

Possible solutions to the error:
  1. Check what you are using latest version mlauncher. If not, download it http://site/downloading
  2. https://www.java.com/ru/download/
  3. Delete the launcher settings folder. In Windows OS it is located in %APPDATA%\.mlauncher
  4. If suddenly your antivirus blocked the launcher, which happens very rarely. Try temporarily disabling protection in your antivirus. And be sure to report this bug to the mlauncher developer
  5. If a black screen suddenly appears when you first launch it, try running the launcher as Administrator. When you first start mlauncher, it adds two keys to the registry and requires administrator rights.

Minecraft won't start for me

Possible solutions to the error:
  1. Download the latest version of Java (Java 8) from here https://www.java.com/en/download/
  2. Delete the minecraft folder completely. In Windows OS - %APPDATA%\.minecraft. Before deleting, do not forget to save the minecraft world in a separate folder
  3. Update your video card drivers. Intel (including Intel HD Graphics, Intel Iris and Intel Iris Pro):

The Minecraft sandbox is known all over the world. Despite the simplicity of the graphics, its gameplay is more than serious. What can we say if, based on the projects created in the game, real parks, squares and even entire settlements! The game continues to improve, but the release of mods and updates is not without errors and crashes. What should you do if the game crashes on startup, or due to mods, causing messages like “Minecraft has crashed”?

The game was created in the Java programming language, which in itself is already interesting. Crash from the game can be caused by mods: their conflict, or incorrect installation. Just don’t forget about broken files and lost libraries. In general, there are many reasons. Most often, these errors appear in versions 1.5.2 and 1.7.10. Let's move on directly to solving the problem.

Game crash error “Minecraft has crashed!”

Fixing crash bugs in the game

The simplest and most effective method is uninstallation games along with mods and its subsequent reinstallation. But if you are not looking for easy ways, then let's try to restore what is.

Working with the system
  • Let's start with reinstalling Java. We delete it via "Programs and Features", after which we must reboot. Download and install it from the official website. And we reboot again.
  • Install the latest version of the video card driver from the manufacturer's official website. All kinds of utilities do not always do this correctly, so we recommend performing the operation manually.
  • Now let's move on to memory. Firstly, in addition to the RAM itself, you need a swap file. If you have at least 4 GB installed on your computer RAM, then there is no special need for it. However, if this parameter is lower, then increase the page file by 1024-3072 MB. It is important that when setting manually, the minimum and maximum size parameters match. Secondly, when launching the launcher, you can change the amount of allocated memory. You can set this parameter using a trial method.

How to learn to shoot correctly in CS GO

Black screen crashes

If at starting Minecraft If a black screen appears, then the problem lies directly in the launcher.

  1. Go to the directory AppData –> Roaming ->.minecraft->bin. The final folder may have another name, namely - "versions".
  2. We delete all files in this folder. You can drag them into a folder, in case the procedure does not help.
  3. Launch the game from a shortcut on the desktop.

At this moment, the game detects the missing files and downloads them from the Internet. Of course, you will need a network connection.

A black screen also appears if the version of the game and the mod do not match. Most often it pops up when using add-ons for more new version Minecraft. Accordingly, it is necessary to remove the interference.

Problems with mods

Was everything fine before installing the mods? Don’t rush to erase the game; perhaps they just need to be configured correctly.

So, in the event of a mod conflict, a window with an error log appears in front of the user. We are interested in the lower part, after the line "BEGIN ERROR REPORT...". In case of mod conflicts, find the line "...IllegalArgumentException Slot..."- after "Slot" a block is indicated that is claimed by 2 mods at the same time. The line might look different: "...ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException...", and after it the slot numbers are indicated. If there are no such clarifications, then the error is in the Forge, or it does not match the game/mod version.

To change the slot, you need to go to the game folder and perform the following manipulations.

  1. Go to the directory "config".
  2. Find the file or folder with the name of the mod. Please note that you need to fix the installed mod, not the previously installed one. Otherwise, some items in the game will be replaced.
  3. Right-click on the file and select "Open with...", install Notepad.
  4. We find in the notepad a slot with the one we are interested in serial number, and replace it with an arbitrary one. Important! The new number must consist of the same number of numbers, i.e. we change the three-digit id to a three-digit one, and the four-digit one to a four-digit one.

By the way, read this article too: How to uninstall Elements Browser Setup


These methods describe solving the main sources of problems in the game. Of course, it is impossible to take into account all the errors in one article, because there are a huge number of them. In any case, if your Minecraft crashes with a black screen error, or “Minecraft has crashed”, the first thing we do is check these points. If nothing helps, then we search further through forums and video instructions. If you have any comments or advice, please write below in the comments.

Often during the game Minecraft gives an error, the solution of which the player does not know. Now we will look at all possible error options and their correction.

The errors themselves can be divided into several points:

  1. Errors in the game (servers, mods, maps, worlds);
  2. Errors related to the game itself;
  3. Errors caused by mod conflicts;
  4. Errors due to PC hardware (memory, video card, etc.).

This is how we divided all existing Minecraft errors into 4 points. We will go into detail about each and describe a series of actions that will help solve almost any problem related to Minecraft. In any case, if you suddenly do not find your mistake, you can write in the comments, and we will definitely help you.

Bad Video Card Drivers Error— the error appears if you do not have any Video card drivers at all, or they are already outdated. To solve this problem, go to the official website of your graphics processing unit (GPU) manufacturer and install the latest version of the video card driver.

Out of Memory Errorthis error occurs due to lack of RAM on your PC. In this case, you need to close all open programs to free up RAM. If the problem does not disappear even if you close all programs, then you have no choice but to expand the RAM.

Error Could not create the Java Virtual Machine— if such an error pops up when starting Minecraft or during the game, then the PC cannot create a Java runtime environment. Reinstall JAVA or update it to the latest, current version.

Minecraft won't start, Black screen when starting Minecraft- the black screen is caused only in one case - when you installed the mod. Either you did not install the mod correctly or it conflicts with another mod, which is why it cannot pass the authenticity check. The solution is to delete the META-INF folder in minecraft.jar.

Error: Bad Login, User not Premium— to log into this server you need a Minecraft License Account. If the administrator of this server If you are you, then change the parameters online-mode=true to online-mode=false in the server.properties file. Don't still have a licensed Minecraft account? No problem, every week we distribute licensed accounts on the forum, come in and you will also get a license!

Error The server responded with an invalid server key— to solve this problem, you need to replace the minecraft.jar file with a clean one and delete the META-INF folder (if it exists).

Outdated Client Error— this error occurs if your version of Minecraft and the server version do not match. For example, you have a Minecraft 1.7.2 client, and you are accessing a 1.12.2 server. The solution is to update the Minecraft client to the required version.

Error Disconnected by Server. Outdated Server- your Minecraft client is higher than on the server. For example, you go to Minecraft server with version 1.7.10, and you have a client with version 1.9.4. Roll back to the correct version Minecraft version to solve this problem.

Error Logged in from another location- someone else logged into the server using your login. This error often occurs if you use accounts from the distribution.

Connection reset error— the error appears when the server is unavailable or there are connection problems. The server may have mistakenly or deliberately disconnected your connection.

Connection refused error— the server has disconnected your connection. There is no server at this address, or you have connection problems. Check your internet connection.

Read time out error— the waiting time is up. Often this error appears during online games, Minecraft and the Server you are playing on are connected using packages. The server or your client may stop responding to requests, and after a certain time the connection is terminated so as not to create unnecessary load. In this case, you need to check your Internet connection and try to reconnect to the server again.

Error: Can't reach server- this error occurs during an online game on the server due to your IP address. To solve this problem you need to use the Hamachi program.

Internal Server Error- may appear while playing on the server, or while logging into the server. The error occurs due to the mod or plugin not working correctly on the server.

Error Minecraft has been crashed!— The Minecraft client is broken, most often this error appears due to incorrect installation of mods. There is only one solution - reinstall Minecraft. Or remove all mods and try starting the game.

Maybe among the players there will be those who have their own servers. During server creation and operation, various errors, let's look at them too:

Error NOT ENOUGH RAM!— when starting the server, it means that very little RAM is allocated for the server or for Java. The solution is to expand (allocate) RAM.

Error FAILED TO BIND TO PORT— the port is closed, it needs to be opened. To solve this, you can change the default port 25565 to any other one, for example to 25555.

If you suddenly haven’t found the reason why Minecraft won’t start, leave a description of the problem in the comments. You can also leave a log on the forum Minecraft files, so that we can help you identify Minecraft crash problems.
