Who revived the Olympic Games during the time of Zeus. Quiz "Olympic movement

  • The emergence of the Olympic Games dates back to the distant past. The ancient Greeks created many beautiful legends about how the Olympic Games came to be.
  • One of the oldest is the legend of Pelops, which is mentioned by the ancient Roman poet Ovid in his "Metamorphoses" and the ancient Greek poet Pindar. Pelops, the son of Tantalus, is told in this legend, after the king of Troy, Il conquered his hometown of Sipil, left his homeland and went to the shores of Greece. In the very south of Greece, he found a peninsula and settled on it. Since then, this peninsula has been called the Peloponnese. Once Pelops saw the beautiful Hypodamia - the daughter of Enomai. Enomai was the king of Pisa, a city located in the northwest of the Peloponnese, in the valley of the Alpheus River. Pelops fell in love with the beautiful daughter of Enomai and decided to ask the king for her hand.

    But it turned out to be not so easy. The fact is that the oracle predicted Enomai's death at the hands of his daughter's husband. To prevent such a fate, Enomai decided not to marry his daughter at all. But how to do that? How to refuse all applicants for the hand of the Hypodamia? Many worthy suitors woo the beautiful princess. Enomai could not refuse everyone without reason and came up with a cruel condition: he would give Hypodamia as a wife only to the one who won him in the chariot race, but if he turns out to be the winner, then the defeated one must pay with his life. In all Greece there was no equal to Enomai in the art of driving a chariot, and his horses were faster than the wind.

    One after another, young people came to the palace of Enomai, not afraid to lose their lives, just to get the beautiful Hypodamia as a wife. And all of them were killed by Enomai, and in order to discourage others to come woo, he nailed the heads of the dead to the doors of the palace. But that didn't stop Pelops. He decided to outwit the cruel ruler of Pisa. Pelops secretly negotiated with the charioteer Myrtil Oenomai so that he did not insert the pin holding the wheel on the axle.
    Before the start of the competition, Enomai, confident, as always, in success, invited Pelops to start the race alone. The groom's chariot breaks off, and Enomai slowly makes a sacrifice to the great Thunderer Zeus, and only after that rushes in pursuit.
    Now the chariot of Enomai has reached Pelops, the son of Tantalus already feels the hot breath of the horses of the king of Pisa, he turns around and sees the king swing his spear with a triumphant laugh. But at this moment the wheels from the axes of the chariot of Ehnomai jump off, the chariot overturns, and the cruel king falls dead to the ground.
    Triumphantly, Pelops returned to Pisa, took the beautiful Hypodamia as his wife, took possession of the entire kingdom of Enomai, and in honor of his victory organized a sports festival in Olympia, which he decided to repeat once every four years.

  • Other legends claim that in Olympia, near the grave of Crohn, Zeus's father, a running competition took place. And as if they were organized by Zeus himself, who thus celebrated the victory over his father, which made him the ruler of the world.
  • But, perhaps, the most popular in antiquity was the legend, which he mentions in his songs in honor of the winners of the Olympic Games Pindar... According to this legend, the Games founded Hercules after completing his sixth feat - cleansing the barnyard Augia, king of Elis. Augeas possessed innumerable riches. His herds were especially numerous. Hercules proposed to Augius to cleanse his entire huge court in one day, if he agrees to give him a tenth of his flocks. Augeas agreed, believing that it was simply impossible to do such a job in one day. Hercules broke from two opposite sides the wall that surrounded the stockyard, and diverted the water of the Alpheus River into it. Water in one day carried away all the manure from the barnyard, and Hercules again folded the walls. When Hercules came to Augeas to demand a reward, the king did not give him anything, and even drove him out.
    Hercules took terrible revenge on the king of Elis. With a large army, he invaded Elis, defeated Avgius in a bloody battle and killed him with a deadly arrow. After the victory, Hercules gathered troops and all the booty near the city of Pisa, made sacrifices to the Olympic gods and established the Olympic Games, which have since been held every four years on the sacred plain, planted by Hercules himself with olives dedicated to the goddess Pallas Athena.
    There are many other versions of the appearance and creation of the Olympic Games, but all these versions, most often of mythological origin, remain versions.
  • According to indisputable signs, the appearance of the Olympic Games dates back to the 9th century BC. NS. In those days, heavy wars ravaged the Greek states. Ifit- the king of Elis, a small Greek state, on the territory of which Olympia is located - goes to Delphi to consult with the oracle, how he, the king of a small country, can save his people from war and plunder. The Delphic oracle, whose predictions and advice were considered infallible, advised Iphit:
    "We need you to found Games pleasing to the gods!"
    Ifit immediately sets off to meet his powerful neighbor, the king of Sparta. Lycurgus... Obviously, Iphit was a good diplomat, since Lycurgus decides that from now on Elis should be recognized as a neutral state. And all small fragmented states, endlessly at war with each other, agree with this decision. Immediately, Iphit, in order to prove his peaceful aspirations and to thank the gods, institutes "Athletic Games, which will be held in Olympia every four years." Hence their name - the Olympic Games. This happened in 884 BC. NS.
    Thus, a custom was established in Greece, according to which, once every four years, in the midst of internecine wars, everyone put their weapons aside and went to Olympia to admire the harmoniously developed athletes and glorify the gods.
    The Olympic Games became a nationwide event that united the whole of Greece, while before and after them Greece was a multitude of disparate, warring states.
  • After some time, the Greeks came up with the idea to establish a single calendar for the Olympic Games. It was decided to hold the Games regularly every four goals "between harvest and grape harvest". The Olympic holiday, which consisted of numerous religious ceremonies and sports competitions, was held first for one day, then for five days, and later the duration of the holiday reached a whole month.
    When the festival lasted only one day, it was usually celebrated on the eighteenth day of the "holy month" beginning on the first full moon after the summer solstice. The holiday was repeated every four years, which amounted to "Olympiad"- Greek Olympic year.
  • The name of the games comes from the city of Olympia. The source of the origin of the tradition of their conduct has not been precisely established. There are several theories, some of which are related to the legends and myths of ancient Greece. One of the legends tells about the young man Pelops, his love for the beautiful Hypodamia and her cruel father, King Enomai. By cunningly defeating Enomai in an equestrian competition, Pelops celebrated his victory with a sports festival at Olympia. Another legend says that Zeus organized a competition in honor of his victory over his father, Kronos. The name of the famous Hercules is also mentioned in connection with the origin of the Olympic Games.

    The origin of games also has historical confirmation. In 884 BC. NS. Iphit, king of the small Greek state of Elis, fearing an invasion of his small country, proposes that Elis become a neutral state. And the athletic games, held in Olympia every four years, were supposed to become a symbol of peacefulness.

    In ancient Greece, games were not only a sporting event, but also a religious, cultural and spectacular event. At the time of the games, a sacred truce was declared: any hostilities ceased.

    The Olympionist, the winner of the Games, was "crowned" with an olive wreath and a palm branch - a symbol of selfless sports struggle. Also, the winner received economic and political privileges in his homeland.

    On the first day of the Olympic Games, sacrifices were made to the gods, the athletes took an oath in front of the statue of Zeus. Interestingly, at the very beginning, women were forbidden not only to participate, but also to watch the competition. There were special games for women dedicated to the goddess Hera. The games had a pronounced religious background. That is why the emperor of the Roman Empire Theodosius I banned the holding of games in 394 as a manifestation of a pagan cult. Indeed, at this time, Christianity had already become the generally accepted religion of the empire.

    At the end of the 19th century, the French public figure Pierre de Coubertin proposed to restore the tradition of holding the Olympic Games, which had not been held for more than 14 centuries. And in 1896 a significant event took place in Athens - the Olympic Games.

    Much time has passed since then, a lot has changed. In August 2008, the Summer Olympics will be held in Beijing. We will see the symbol of the games - five multi-colored rings, a burning Olympic flame. Athletes from many countries, different nationalities and religions will come together to take part in truly “the most peaceful and friendly gathering of all the peoples of the world”, because according to the Olympic Charter they “unite amateur athletes from all countries in fair and equal competition. In relation to countries and individuals, no discrimination on racial, religious or political grounds is allowed. "

    Origin of the Olympic Games

    The Olympic Games, also called the "Games of the Olympics", are the largest and oldest international sports competitions held every four years. Their history begins in ancient times. In ancient Greece, sporting events were a great holiday about the origin of which legends and myths have come down to us. The oldest legend is mentioned in the work of the ancient Greek poet Ovid "Metamorphoses" and tells about the chariot competition, which was organized by King Enomai, promising to marry his beautiful daughter to someone who can overtake him. Many young men laid down their heads in these competitions, until the cruel king was defeated by cunning, in love with his daughter, Pelops. According to legend, in honor of his victory, he introduced a new holiday.

    The main idea of ​​the competition was a truce announced for the entire duration of the Games. It is not known exactly when this tradition began, the first document talking about it dates back to 776 BC. but it originated much earlier.

    Almost twelve centuries after the first documentary mention of the Games, the Games were banned for religious reasons by the Roman emperor Theodosius I. Their revival took place many years later, at the end of the 19th century.

    Initially, the idea to revive the Olympic Games appeared after sports facilities were discovered at archaeological excavations in 1766. Ancient culture was presented to the European society as an interesting, beautiful world, some of the details of which would be excellent to restore, so the excavations a century later were continued by German archaeologists.

    French public figure, Baron Pierre de Courbetin became interested in the Olympic Games for two reasons. Due to the fact that, in his opinion, the reason for the defeat in the Franco-Prussian War was the poor physical training of the French soldiers, as well as because of grief over the low interest of young people in international relations.

    At the international congress in the Sorbonne, which lasted for several days, his ideas were "accepted with a bang" and decided that the first modern Olympic Games will be held in Greece, the home of this tradition. To organize the competitions, a committee was created, which today has become one of the most respectful organizations, whose corporate website is visited daily by thousands of users from all over the world - the International Olympic Committee.

    The first modern Olympic Games were successful, despite the small number of participants - only 14 countries, represented by 241 athletes. The Greek representatives even offered to host all subsequent Olympic Games, but the decision of the IOC was to change the venue every four years.

    There is a lot of confusion about the origins of the ancient Olympic Games. But it is definitely known that the birthplace of the Olympic Games is Ancient Greece, and more specifically the sanctuary of Olympia, which is located in the west of the Peloponnesian Peninsula. Here, in the valley of the Alpheus River, at the very foot of Mount Kronos, the fire of the Olympic Games of our time is still lit. This is where it all started ...

    Many legends and myths have come down to us about the origin of the Olympic Games, the characters of which were gods and heroes.

    • Legend one... When the mighty Zeus the Thunderer defeated his father Kronos in a mortal battle, who devoured his own children and was absolutely merciless. Zeus freed them and ordered in honor of this event to hold games, which were called Olympic.
    • The second legend... This legend says that the Olympic Games were invented and organized by the son of Zeus - Hercules, who performed twelve legendary feats. In honor of one of these feats, the Olympic Games began to be held.

    A very interesting detail of this legend is known. It lies in the fact that Hercules measured the distance for running with his own feet, which was 600 feet. This is how the common measure of length in Greece, which was called "stages", appeared. From this name, the word "stadium" known today arose. If we translate this measure of measurement into modern units, then it turns out that the distance for running was 192 meters and 27 centimeters.

    Legend has it that for a long time athletes identified winners only in this type of competition, until Hercules introduced other disciplines. One of them is pankration, a rather severe sport that combines fist fighting and wrestling.

    • The third legend... In this legend, it is said that the Olympic Games were established in honor of the victory in horse chariot competitions of Pelops, the grandson of the great Zeus the Thunderer, over the king of the city of Pisa, Enomai. In gratitude for the victory, Pelops erected a sanctuary at Olympia. There he made sacrifices. And also, most importantly, he established the Olympic Games.

    Legend has it that thanks to Pelops, the Olympic Games became traditional and they began to be held every four years. During the Olympic Games, universal peace was concluded throughout the territory of Ancient Elada. The violator of this sacred truce was faced with the most severe punishment.

    The Olympic Games were held for about 1,100 years until they were banned by Emperor Theodosius. m for religious reasons in AD 394. Their revival began only in 1892.

    On June 23, 1894, the International Congress of Amateur Athletes made an important decision: to revive the Olympic Games and establish an International Olympic Committee, which will be responsible for the management, organization and conduct of the modern Games. And in April 1896, the long-awaited Olympics in Athens was held, in which 311 athletes from 13 countries took part. Athens has fully revived the true spirit of the Olympics and the long-lost Olympic values. The revived Olympic Games brought back the once-torn thread to Greece and reconnected it with the classical tradition and the Olympic origins of antiquity.

    Sources: www.saptz.ru, olympichistory.info, sportbox.by, www.junior.ru, nsportal.ru

    “Impossible - once enlightened,
    and those who have tasted the gift of heaven ... and fallen away, renew again with repentance,
    when they crucify the Son of God in themselves again and curse Him ”(Hebrews 6: 4-7).

    "What was, will be; and what has been done, will be done" (Eccl. 1: 9)

    Oleg Likhachev

    The Olympic Games came from the name of the mountain range in northern Thessaly, which was considered the seat of the twelve main gods: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, Aphrodite and Ares.

    The first Olympic Games took place in 776 BC in the northwest of the Peloponnese in the village of Olympia, named after Mount Olympia, the seat of the so-called gods. Olympia with the "sacred olive grove" along the Alpheus River at the confluence of the Kladay stream was originally built as a temple for Zeus and the Olympic Games dedicated to him.

    The appearance of the Olympic Games dates back to the 9th century BC. NS. According to legend, Iphit, the king of Elis, a small Greek state on whose territory Olympia is located, goes to Delphi to consult with the oracle on how to save his people from war and plunder. The Delphic oracle, whose predictions and advice were considered infallible, advised Iphit: "It is necessary that you establish Games pleasing to the gods!" Iphit goes to meet with her powerful neighbor - the king of Sparta Lycurgus, and Lycurgus decides that from now on Elis should be recognized as a neutral state. And all the small Greek states that are at war with each other agree with this decision. Immediately, Iphit, in order to prove his peaceful aspirations and to thank the gods, institutes "Athletic Games, which will be held in Olympia every four years." Hence their name - the Olympic Games. This happened in 884 BC. NS.

    According to Greek mythology, the supreme god Kronos was defeated in battle by his son Zeus, after which Zeus shared dominion over the whole world with his brothers, Poseidon and Hades, freed by him. Zeus received supreme power over gods and people, Poseidon became the ruler of the seas, and Hades became the king of the underworld. In this myth, there is a direct analogy of the eternal struggle with the God of the devil, who seized power in the world. Games in Olympia were held at the grave of the defeated Kronos, and were instituted as a celebration of victory over the supreme deity, as a cult of the deification of the human body and its strength. That is why Olympic sport is an anti-Christian pagan religion.

    Olympic competitions were held every four years, during the "holy month", which began on the first new moon after the summer solstice. The center of ancient Olympia was the Temple of Zeus. Inside it was a 12-meter statue of Olympian Zeus. Nearby was the administrative building - Buleuterion, where the Supreme Council of Hellas met. Here, in front of the statue of Zeus Horkios, judges and athletes took an oath. The Olympic treasuries kept the riches presented to Zeus on the days of sports celebrations. Not far from the building was the Portico Echo - a colonnade 100 meters long. It got its name due to the fact that the name of each Olympic champion - the winner of the competition - was proclaimed there seven times. There were also the temples of Gaia - the mother of Zeus and Hera - his wife. Nearby were also the gymnasium square and the monumental palaestra building. On the first day of the Olympics, sacrifices to Zeus and other gods and a solemn torchlight procession in honor of Zeus and Hera were held. The main ritual of this satanic cult was the solemn lighting of the fire on the sacrificial altar of the temple of Olympian Zeus. This ritual symbolizes the transfer of fire to people from the godless titan Prometheus, who stole fire from Olympus.

    March 25, 2004 Years high priestess of the goddess Hera Talia Prokopiu lit the "sacred fire" of the 28th Olympiad on the ruins of the temple of Hera with the help of a parabolic mirror, igniting the Olympic torch from it. After that, the round-the-world relay race of the Prometheus Olympic flame began. The Olympic flame was transported on a Boeing 747 aircraft called "Zeus", on another aircraft - "Hera" - special equipment, 11 motorcycles and personnel were delivered to ensure the movement of the fire during the relay.

    The Olympiads exalted man, they were the pagan religion of Hellenism, the cornerstone of which was the cult of the body, the idealization of a harmoniously developed man - a thinker and an athlete. Compatriots paid the honor to Olympion, the winner of the Games, as the gods received, monuments were erected in their honor during his lifetime, odes of praise were composed, feasts were held. The Olympic hero entered his hometown in a chariot, dressed in purple, crowned with a wreath, entered not through an ordinary gate, but through a gap in the wall, which was repaired on the same day so that the Olympic victory would enter the city and never leave it.

    The Olympics always ended with an opithodromia - a run in military gear with weapons in hand. This type of competition was considered symbolic - it was after it that the ban on hostilities ended.

    God gave a covenant to His people, saying: “... see, do not enter into an alliance with the inhabitants of the land into which you will enter, so that they do not become a network among you. Destroy their altars, crush their pillars, cut down their [sacred] groves. for you must not worship a god other than the Lord; because his name is jealous; He is a jealous God ”(Exodus 34: 10-17). The Lord does not tolerate unfaithful and double-minded worshipers of other gods, who are demons. Those who have betrayed God, who worship other gods, are fornicators, and they are punished with death.

    Let us remember how the Jews retreated: “When Seleucus died and received the kingdom of Antiochus, nicknamed Epiphanes, then Jason, brother of Onias, sought the hierarchy ... introduced customs contrary to the law. On purpose, under the fortress itself, he built a school for the bodily exercise of young men and, having attracted the best of the young men, led them under a shameless tire. So there was a tendency towards Hellenism and a rapprochement with other tribes due to the exorbitant wickedness of Jason, this atheist, and not the high priest, so that the priests ceased to be zealous for serving the altar and, despising the temple and not caring about the sacrifices, rushed to take part in the games of the Palestine that are contrary to the law. disc being thrown. They did not value national honor at all; only the Hellenic honors were recognized as the best. For this, a heavy visit befell them, and the very ones to whom they competed in their way of life and wanted to be like them in everything, became their enemies and tormentors; for

    it is impossible to act wickedly against the laws of God without punishment ”(2Mac. 4: 7-18).

    What's going on now? Our wickedness surpassed the wickedness of the Jews, for they did not have the example that we have before our eyes. No, there will be no excuse for wicked Christians who commit fornication with the princes of this world! Will not! Ossified in falling away, there is no repentance! We do not see our spiritual damage and do not want to see! Whoever thinks that God is blind is mistaken. God's retribution will not slow down!

    Here is the latest news: “A religious center for followers of different religions will open on Sunday (August 1, 2004) in the Athens Olympic Village. According to the organizers of the Olympics, the center with a total area of ​​more than five hundred square meters will be adapted for followers of various religions. Separate rooms are provided for Muslims, Jews and Christians of the three main religions - Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant. At the service of athletes who wish to pray before the competition, there will be about eighty "ministers of worship" - priests, pastors, imams and rabbis. Also in the Olympic Village there will be special nutrition programs for believing athletes. Muslims will be offered a special pork-free menu, and Jews will be offered kosher food. ”

    Tell me, to whom and for what will the pagans, who consider themselves believers, pray in this center? Will they ask Christ Crucified to give them victory in the Olympiad, which is idolatry? Will they ask Christ for mercy to worship Satan? Yes it will not be!

    The wrath of God will be poured out on the people who betrayed Him. Will not the people who call themselves by the name of God fear this, will they not see the iniquity that has surpassed their head? Remember what the Jews did: “In those days, sons of lawlessness came out of Israel and persuaded many, saying, Let us go and make an alliance with the nations around us, for since we were separated from them, many calamities have befallen us. And this word seemed good in their eyes. Some of the people expressed a desire and went to the king; and he gave them the right to carry out pagan ordinances. They built a school in Jerusalem according to the pagan custom and established uncircumcision in themselves, and departed from the holy covenant, and united with the Gentiles, and sold themselves to do evil "(1Mac. 1: 11-15).

    And what befell them for this iniquity:

    “After two years had passed, the king sent the ruler of taxes to the cities of Judah, and he came to Jerusalem with a great crowd; cunningly spoke to them the words of peace, and they believed him; but he suddenly attacked the city and struck it with a great defeat, and destroyed the multitude of the people of Israel; He took the spoils from the city and burned it with fire, and destroyed its houses and its walls all around; and they took away their wives and children, and took possession of the cattle ... His sanctuary was desolate like a desert, his feasts turned into mourning, his sabbaths into reproach, his honor into humiliation ... King Antiochus wrote to all his kingdom that they all be one people and so that everyone leaves their law. And all the nations agreed on the word of the king. And many of Israel accepted his idolatry and sacrificed to idols and defiled the sabbath. The king sent letters through the messengers to Jerusalem and to the cities of Judah, so that they would follow the legalizations that were foreign to this land, and that burnt offerings and sacrifices and libations in the sanctuary were not allowed, so that they would curse the Sabbaths and feasts and desecrate the sanctuary and the saints, so that they would build altars. , temples and temples of idols, and sacrificed pork meat and unclean cattle, and left their sons uncircumcised, and defiled their souls with all uncleanness and abomination, so that they would forget the law and change all regulations. And if someone does not do according to the word of the king, let him be put to death ... On the fifteenth day of Haslev, one hundred and forty-five years, they built an abomination on the altar of desolation, and in the cities of Judah they built altars around, and in front of the doors of houses and in the streets they made incense, and books the law that they found, tore apart and burned with fire; whoever had the book of the covenant and who kept the law, he, at the command of the king, was put to death. With such violence they dealt with the Israelites, who came every month to the cities. And on the twenty-fifth day of the month, offering sacrifices on the altar that was over the altar, according to the given command, they killed the wives who circumcised their children, and hung babies by their necks, their houses were plundered and those who circumcised them were killed. But many in Israel remained strong and strengthened so as not to eat unclean things, and chose to die so as not to be defiled with food and not to scold the holy covenant - and they died. And there was a very great anger over Israel "(1Mac. 1: 29-64).

    Remember what you did in 394 A.D. pious Roman emperor Theodosius I, who was an ardent supporter of Christianity! He banned the Games as a pagan religion vile to God. He ordered to throw the Greek gods of Olympus from their pedestals and banned the Olympic Games. But since after this decree, competitions continued to be held at the Olympic Stadium, the next Roman emperor Theodosius II in 426 ordered the destruction of the temple of Zeus and the burning of Olympia. The order was executed, and the era of the Olympic Games of antiquity ended. Earthquakes that occurred later finally destroyed ancient Olympia. After that, the Games were not held for one and a half thousand years!

    The wicked emperor Nero, known for his numerous atrocities against Christians, also participated in the Olympic Games. In order to have time to better prepare, he moved the competition from 65 to 67.

    Shamelessness, disgrace, cattle-like - this is what the Hellenic system of physical education, or ancient gymnastics, is. It included physical exercise in the nude. The word "gymnastics", more precisely, gymnastics, comes from the Greek word for "naked". The pagan Hellenic cult of freedom of sensuality did not include such a thing as shame. “And on that day, says the Lord, I will cut off your horses from among you, and destroy your chariots, I will destroy the cities in your land, and I will destroy all your fortifications, I will pluck out magic from your hand, and you will not have any fortune-telling in the clouds; I will cut off your images and idols from among you, and you will no longer worship the products of your hands. I will uproot your sacred groves from among you, and I will destroy your cities. And in anger and indignation I will take vengeance on the nations that will be disobedient ”(Micah 5: 10-15).

    The French theologian Pierre de Coubertin was the organizer of the revival of this wickedness. Pierre de Coubertin's call: "We need to make sport international, we need to revive the Olympic Games!", Was a sports version of the well-known slogan: "Workers of all countries unite ..." for their racist convictions. They performed at parallel Anthropological Games.

    According to the will, Coubertin was buried in Switzerland. The heart of Pierre de Coubertin, according to his will, was embalmed and brought to Greece in a special urn, where it was placed in a marble monument at the entrance to the sanctuary of the legendary Olympia.

    When the Olympic Torch Relay took place in New York on June 19, 2004, the torch was carried by boat past the statue of the Babylonian harlot Liberty, who also held a torch in her hand. It was a sign that "the Promethean fire of freedom of wickedness, which began to blaze from America in 1776, went through the world and came back." God will execute His Judgment on the Whore. "Gymnast" Comaneci, lowered in Times Square with a torch in her hand, is the final sign of impending retribution. Amen.

    Oleg Likhachev

    Press Service of the United Fatherland


    1 XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi is dedicated to the quiz "OLYMPIC MOVEMENT: YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW" winter Games. GAUK MO "Moscow Regional State Scientific Library. N.K. Krupskaya ”invites everyone to take part in a quiz dedicated to this event. DATES 1. The Internet quiz is held from January 14, 2014 to March 24, 2014. 2. Works are accepted until March 24, 2014. 3. Summing up the results of the Internet quiz will take place on March 31, 2014. The procedure for registration of competitive works: All answers to the quiz must be sent in electronic form (format A-4 in MSWord, font TimesNewRoman 12, interval 1.5) no later than March 24, 2014 . to the department of the general reading room of GAUK MO “Moscow Regional State Scientific Library named after NK Krupskoy "at the email address: with a note: quiz" Olympic movement: yesterday, today, tomorrow. " The title page contains: surname, name, patronymic in full; age; place of study (work); home address indicating the postal code and the name of the municipal district, urban or rural settlement in which the contestant lives; contact phone number (required).

    2 RESULTS OF THE COMPETITION, AWARDS TO THE WINNERS 1. Information about the winners of the Internet quiz will be posted on the website of the GAUK MO “Moscow Regional State Scientific Library named after N.K.Krupskoy ". 2. Based on the results of the Competition, the winners are awarded with Diplomas, letters of thanks and mementos. Quiz questions 1. When and where did the Olympic Games originate? 2. Where exactly were the Games held in Ancient Greece? 3. At what time of the year and with what frequency were the Games held? 4. In what forms did the ancient Olympians compete? 5. How did the ancient games influence the relationship between states? 6. During the Olympic Games, a sacred truce was declared. Was it violated in ancient Greece? 7. Who participated and had the right to participate in the games of Ancient Greece? 8. Did women take part in the games? 9. What is the award for the winner of the Olympic Games? 10. The king of the small Greek state of Elis, whose name is associated with the establishment of the athletic games in the city of Olympia? 11. When the Roman emperor, known for his cruelty, wished to personally participate in the competition, he went to the start of the chariot race in splendid isolation. None of the athletes competed with him, so as not to risk their lives in vain. Having fallen twice, he came to the finish line and was crowned with an Olympic wreath. Who is this? 12. The dynasty of the Olympians lived on the island of Rhodes. The head of the family, his sons and grandchildren have participated in the Olympic Games for over 80 years, took part in 12 Games, and won nine laurel wreaths for their island. Remember the name of the founder of the dynasty. 13. In whose honor were the Games held in 776 BC? 14. Who was called an athlete in ancient Greece? 15. What were the names of the judges and directors of the Games in ancient Greece? 16. How could the referees punish an athlete who violated the rules of competition at the Olympic Games? 17.In Hellas, they competed in one stage race. The distance, according to legend, was marked by Hercules himself. How did he measure the distance?

    3 18.History has brought to us the name of the winner of the Games of 776 BC. fast chef from Elis. The history of the Olympic movement begins with this name. Name it. 19. Who was the multiple Olympic champion wrestler in ancient Greece? 20. Astil from Croton went down in the history of the ancient Olympic Games not only as one of the record holders for the number of victories (6 in one and two stages at the Games from 488 BC to 480 BC). If at his first Olympics Astil played for Croton, then at the next two for Syracuse. How did former fellow countrymen take revenge on him for his betrayal? 21. Which of the famous people of Ancient Greece took part in the Games? 22. A mathematician and philosopher from the island of Samos, who left his famous theorem as a "legacy" to schoolchildren around the world, was crowned at the Games with the laurel wreath of the champion in fist fighting. Name it. 23. What words associated with the ancient Olympic Games have become firmly embedded in our modern language? 24. How did the fate of the ancient Olympic Games develop? 25. How did the Olympic Games revive? 26. Why did Pierre de Coubertin need to revive the Olympic Games? 27. Quote the main words of Pierre de Coubertin's famous "Ode to Sport". 28. How important are the Olympic Games for world peace? 29. When and where were the first modern Olympic Games held? 30. When did women start taking part in the Olympic Games? 31. “The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to the building of a peaceful and more peaceful world by educating youth in sports, without discrimination and in an Olympic spirit, which includes mutual understanding, a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play”. What is this text? 32. What organization runs the Olympic movement when it was created? 33. Why is the Olympic flag white? 34. How much gold does an Olympic gold medal contain? 35. What is the slogan of the Olympic Games? 36. At the opening of the Olympic Games, the teams are listed in the alphabetical order of the host country. But the team of the same country is always ahead. Which? 37. What is the Anniversary Olympic Games, when and why did they take place? 38. In which city was the Olympic flame lit with a burning arrow shot from a bow? 39. The XI Winter Olympic Games were held for the first time in Asia. When and where?

    4 40. Name the continent on which the Olympic Games were held in 2000. 41. During the opening of the Olympic Games, one of the distinguished athletes of the host country makes a speech on behalf of the participants in the Games. What is this district? 42. At the Olympic Games in Mexico City, the animal mascot first appeared. Which animal became the talisman? 43. How is the Olympic torch lit? 44. In which city is the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee? 45. In what year was the 1st Winter Olympic Games held? 46. ​​What Games were not held due to the world wars? 47. What is the history of Olympism in our country? 48. When did Russia first take part in the Olympic Games? 49. Each National Olympic Committee has an emblem. What does the emblem of the Russian National Olympic Committee look like? 50. When was the three-color banner raised in honor of the victories of the Russians at the Olympic Games for the first time? 51. Which Russian won the first gold medal? 52. What Olympic Games were held without the participation of Soviet athletes for political reasons? 53. Were the Olympic Games held in Russia, if so, when and in what city? 54. The talisman of the Olympic Games in Moscow? 55. The first Olympic champion of our time? 56. Two-time Olympic champion, discus thrower who won the first Olympic gold medal in the history of Soviet sports? 57. For the first time in history, an active athlete was awarded the highest award of our country. For outstanding achievements in sports, courage and heroism, she was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Who is she? 58. A famous swimmer, four-time Olympic champion, who did not want to be included in the Olympic team on the grounds that he is "old"? 59. Hockey goalkeeper, three-time Olympic champion, at 22 years old, recognized as the best goalkeeper in the world? 60. The kind of sport in which Yuri Vlasov violated the "American dominance" and set unprecedented world records? 61. A unique gymnast: has 18 Olympic medals, of which nine are gold? 62. High jumper Dick Fosbury became Olympic champion by jumping in a way he invented. Since then, all the world's achievements in this sport have been established only in this way, called the "Fosbury Flop". What is this jump?

    5 63. One of the rarest medals for our team was won by Vladimir Belousov. Our compatriots have never been able to win in this sport again. Name this sport. 64. In 1994, during the Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg, monuments to two Olympic figures were unveiled. Who are these figures? 65. For special services to the Olympic movement, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) awards a sportsman or athlete with the highest mark of Olympic honor. What is the name of this sign? 66. The awards of the 2000 Olympics became scandalous. The Greek goddess of victory, Nika, depicted on them, is not the Athenian Parthenon. Who?

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    Department of Physical Culture and Health Heroes of the Winter Olympics Lecture 6 The first Winter Olympics were held in French Chamonix from January 25 to February 4, 1924. 258 athletes from 16 countries participated. Competition program: skiing (racing

    Synopsis of organized educational activities Full name: Saraeva Julia Alexandrovna. Position, educational institution: physical culture instructor, MDOU DS "Rodnichok". Educational area:

    Topic: "Olympics 2014" Direction of development: "Cognitive and speech" Age group: "Average" Integration of the educational area: "Communicative and personal", "Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic

    "Olympic Games: Past, Present and Future" Objectives: 1. To acquaint with the history of the Olympic Games. 2. Develop interest in sports, healthy lifestyle. 3. To cultivate a sense of patriotism, love for a small homeland.

    Lesson summary Topic: "Sports in kindergarten" Senior group MKOU Zabrodden kindergarten 2 Educator GA Samkova Summary of classes. "Sports for kindergarten". Purpose: formation of ideas about Russia,

    OLYMPIAD SOCHI 2014 Prepared by: teacher MADOU CRR d / s 74 "Zabava" Nemkova Elena Viktorovna "Hot.Winter.Your" Winter Olympic Games 2014 (eng. 2014 Winter Olympics, fr. Jeux Olympiques d "hiver

    According to indisputable signs, the appearance of the Olympic Games dates back to the 9th century BC. NS. In those days, heavy wars ravaged the Greek states.

    Iphit, the king of Elis, a small Greek state on whose territory Olympia is located, goes to Delphi to consult with the oracle, how he, the king of a small country, can save his people from war and plunder. The Delphic oracle, whose predictions and advice were considered infallible, advised Iphit:

    "We need you to found Games pleasing to the gods!"

    Ifit immediately goes to meet his powerful neighbor - the king of Sparta

    Lycurgus. Obviously, Iphit was a good diplomat, since Lycurgus decides that from now on Elis should be recognized as a neutral state. And all small fragmented states, endlessly at war with each other, agree with this decision. Immediately, Iphit, in order to prove his peaceful aspirations and to thank the gods, institutes "Athletic Games, which will be held in Olympia every four years." Hence their name - the Olympic Games. This happened in 884 BC. NS.

    So in Greece the custom was established, according to which every four years, in the midst of internecine wars, everyone put their weapons aside and went to Olympia to admire the harmoniously developed athletes and glorify the gods.

    The Olympic Games became a nationwide event that united the whole of Greece, while before and after them Greece was a multitude of disparate, warring states.

    Despite the seeming plausibility, this version is disputed. There are also completely different versions. For example, the following:

    The idea of ​​holding the Olympic Games is lost in the darkness of the centuries, because before the Games were held not only in Olympia. Although the competitions in this sacred place were the most popular and most famous. It can definitely be said that the first reliably known Olympic Games took place in 776 BC. This year is considered to be the starting date. Even the name of the winner of those Games is known - Koroibos. The history of the Olympic movement begins with this name. But at the same time, there is information that the Olympics, which we are talking about now, was already the twenty-seventh in a row. So, the history of the Games is too ancient to know exactly its origins.

    Only Greeks by origin could become Olympians, and only free people and only men. The competition was extremely stubborn, and most importantly - fair. The winners, the Olympians, were awarded with an olive branch or laurel wreath. Immortal glory awaited them not only in their hometown, but throughout the Greek world. In addition to Koroibos, the names of several other great champions have come down to us. For example, the almost legendary Milon from the city of Crotona (that was a Greek colony in southern Italy). He was a student of the great Pythagoras, which in itself says a lot. At the Olympics, Milon won seven laurel wreaths, all in wrestling competitions. The family of a certain Diagoras from the island of Rhodes - he himself, his sons, and then his grandchildren have participated in the Olympic Games for more than eighty years! They took part in twenty Games! And they won nine laurel wreaths for their sunny island. Yet the most celebrated hero of the ancient Olympic competition was Leonidas, also from Rhodes. This great athlete has won running competitions twenty times!


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