Detailed map of Sousse - streets, house numbers, areas. Arabic originality in an unforgettable trip to Sousse Tourist map of Sousse

Here is a map of Sousse with streets → Tunisia. We study detailed map The city of Sousse with houses and streets. Search in real time, weather today, coordinates, traffic jams

More details about the streets of Sousse on the map

A detailed map of the city of Sousse with street names and villages can show all routes (driving directions) and roads in the Sousse region, how to get to the street. Rue Remada, where is the main or central one, which country, surroundings of the nearest settlement, view of the area for recreation. Located near

To view the territory of the entire region in detail, it is enough to change the scale of the online diagram +/-. On the page there is an interactive map of the city of Sousse (Tunis) with addresses and routes, directions of travel and bypass roads. Move its center to find your home on Rue Ramallah now

The ability to plot a route across the country, measure and calculate distances using the “Ruler” tool, find out the length of the city and the path to the center, determine your location and neighboring areas, addresses of attractions, transport stops and hospitals (“Hybrid”), look at nearby cars and trains train stations, regional borders

You will find everything you need detailed information o location of urban infrastructure. Search for places nearby, look for nearby bus stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and highways.

Accurate satellite map the Sousse resort in Russian with Google search is in its own category. Use Yandex search to show the desired house on a city map in Tunisia/the world, in real time, in full screen. . St. Rue Monastir will help you find your way around.

Coordinates - 35.8309,10.6384

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I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; address email; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such means, if the processing of personal data without the use of such means corresponds to the nature of actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows, in accordance with a given algorithm, a search for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as the transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement - for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized government bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data provided by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and undertake the obligation to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with sanctions of inspection authorities.

I agree that the text of my consent to the processing of personal data, given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, is stored in electronic form in the database and/or on on paper and confirms the fact of consent to the processing and transfer of personal data in accordance with the above provisions and takes responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn by me at any time, and insofar as it concerns a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person by sending a written notice to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights as a subject of personal data have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; email address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such means, if the processing of personal data without the use of such means corresponds to the nature of actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows, in accordance with a given algorithm, a search for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as the transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement - for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized government bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data provided by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and undertake the obligation to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with sanctions of inspection authorities.

I agree that the text of my consent to the processing of personal data, given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, is stored electronically in a database and/or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to process and transfer personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn by me at any time, and insofar as it concerns a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person by sending a written notice to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights as a subject of personal data have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.

Fans of exotic holidays and new experiences should visit Sousse, a city in Tunisia that arose long before Christ. e. and managed to preserve colorful ancient buildings along with modern resort areas.

Located in the center of the Mediterranean basin. Favorable location and shopping sea ​​routes gave the country the second name “Gateway to the Mediterranean”, transforming coastal cities into popular resort areas. Sousse is the third largest city in the country. It is located on the low, easily accessible shores of the Mediterranean Sea, with numerous lagoons, which has made it possible to transform the city into a public holiday destination with magnificent white sand beaches. The population of the city of Sousse (Tunisia), as Wikipedia suggests, is 270 thousand inhabitants.

In 2016, the flow of Russian tourists to Sousse increased to 47 thousand (a total of 341 thousand Russians visited the country), and the destination continues to be popular due to the excellent service, mild climate, warm sea, and cost of travel packages. From Moscow, a flight to Sousse takes 4 hours, almost the same as a flight to Turkey and Egypt.

The city of Sousse in Tunisia - weather and climate

Before traveling to Tunisia, every traveler wants to know what the weather is like in Sousse right now? Let's take a closer look at the climate and weather conditions of this resort.

Sousse lies in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea and has a warm climate. Average summer temperatures range from 22 to 32°C, winter temperatures from 5 to 12°C. The influence of the sea has a positive effect on air temperature, softening the heat in the coastal strip.

In May, the thermometer seems to hover at +25°, warming the water to 21° by the second half of the month. Hotels are working at full capacity, heated swimming pools, spa centers delight with the services offered. Most hotels have thalassotherapy complexes where you can improve your health: warm baths with sea water, seaweed wraps, massages - quickly restore the body after a year of work.

From July to September, Sousse awaits sun lovers. During the day, the thermometer remains stable at 30-33°C, dropping by three to five degrees at night. Daylight lasts 14 hours, there is no rain during this period, and the water temperature is 25-27°C.

Nightlife in Sousse is attractive to young people: clubs, discos, and casinos attract with cheerful music and adventurous winnings. For family holidays, the city has an amusement park, a water park, yachting, banana boating and a full range of extreme fun.

The beach season is officially considered from May to September, but October is quite acceptable for relaxation. The temperature in October stays at 27°C, suitable for walks and excursions to neighboring cities, and at night it drops only five degrees. The sea continues to remain warm - 24.4°, daylight hours are 10-11 hours, the only negative in October is possible rains, but they account for an average of three days, depending on the year.

From November to January the temperature gradually drops to +15, the sea cools down to almost the same level, hotels are 90% empty. Tours this season are very cheap, but the service leaves much to be desired - all efforts are devoted to the summer.

The city of Sousse (Tunisia) on the world map

The location of Tunisia is not very difficult to find. We open the world map, find Africa, and look carefully at its northern part. Between and sandwiched small area Tunisia, total 163,610 km² (Algeria nearby 2,381,740 km², Libya -1,759,530 km²). In the northeast we find a peninsula extending into the Mediterranean Sea, and below it is Sousse.

Throughout the existence of the city, active trade relations with Africa, Egypt, and Europe remained here, and the homogeneity of the population served as an impetus for the formation of the western branch of Arab-Muslim culture on the Mediterranean coast. Part of the culture has been preserved in its original form and is accessible to tourists.

Sousse (Tunisia) - the most famous attractions of the city

It’s better to start getting acquainted with the ancients from Medina – that’s the name of the historical center. Since 1988, the old part of the city has been placed under UNESCO protection. The main attractions are collected in the center and its surroundings: the Ribat, the Great Mosque, the Kasbah, the archaeological museum, the Dar Esid museum.

All objects are within walking distance, but to feel the atmosphere of antiquity, it is better to spend several days exploring.

Please note: in Medina there is a specific trading bazaar, but the peculiar manner of behavior of the Arabs scares away reserved Russians who are not accustomed to shouts in Arabic, haggling, boring barkers and clingy people. In addition, the market is full of thieves who will gladly reduce your financial situation.

It’s worth walking around the streets, touching the wall, built in 859 and not restored to this day, is a must, but for shopping it’s better to go to Soula or Palma center.

The Ribat fortress was built at the same time as the ancient center. Its 35-meter tower in the southeast is located in the Medina.

The first floor was given over to military needs and the church, the second floor housed living rooms, and from the terrace one could see the expanse of the sea. If you go up to the second floor, you can see a trace among the columns where each tourist is trying to place his foot.

The thickness of the fortress walls is 4 m! You are amazed at the skill and professionalism of the builders who manually erected the fortification, which has survived more than one thousand rulers. The fortress can be accessed from Tuesday to Sunday from 08:00. Admission is free for children.

The Great Mosque is a controversial place.

For non-Muslims, the entrance to the mosque itself is closed; you can only walk around the courtyard, having previously put on the proposed national clothes, reminiscent of a robe and a headscarf.

The mosque is radically different from the usual religious buildings (850-860), as it served as a defensive fortification. There is no minaret, but there are watchtowers, and the courtyard is decorated with arches. You can climb the stairs to the second floor and see how enormous the thickness of the walls is.

If you're lucky, you can catch a prayer that can be clearly heard in the courtyard due to the acoustics. Arabic prayers are musical, penetrating to the depths of the soul, and the imam’s voice mesmerizes. There are no architectural delights here, but the atmosphere itself is impressive.

Hotels in Sousse – where to stay for tourists

Hotels 5 stars:

  • Hannibal Palace;
  • Concorde Green Park Palace;
  • IBerostar Diar El Andalous;
  • Moevenpick Resort & Marine Spa Sousse (and many others).

They are located in the most favorable places, on the first coastline.

Please note: for Russian tourists in the rooms - television in Russian with 5-6 channels, wireless Internet, daily room cleaning, all necessary household amenities (slippers, bathrobe), shower (daily soap, shampoo), water bar, refrigerator, safe.

Hotels have spa centers, swimming pools, and access to the beach, where sunbeds are always available. The service is impeccable, although they don’t speak Russian. It is advisable to have basic English to understand the hotel system if you arrive on your own.

For 4* hotels everything is not so simple:

  • The Seabel Alhambra Beach Golf Hotel & Spa (a room on average costs 9,300 rubles for two) will give a head start to the high class due to its location, all-inclusive system with luxurious rooms and a wide range of entertainment services;
  • Hasdrubal Thalassa & Spa Port El Kantaoui (on average from 5800 rubles) is an excellent holiday option for those who plan not only to relax, but to restore their health. The hotel has a huge thalassotherapy complex with swimming pools, jacuzzi, and massage treatments. Buffets are common in hotels; you can order something exotic for a fee, although the menu is designed to suit every taste.

A little about hotels with bungalows. As a rule, this is a huge area with orange and olive orchards and recreation areas for children and adults. The houses are standard, small, with simple furnishings, very good for a family, with direct access to the recreation area.

There are nuances: Insects and lizards live in the bungalow. If the proximity of nature is not scary for you, book a bungalow.

When planning a vacation in Sousse (Tunisia), you need to clearly understand what services you will receive for your money, i.e. you should not expect VIP service if you are staying in a 3* hotel. In our world, everything costs money.

Sousse (Tunisia) – beautiful photos of the city

While vacationing in Sousse, you want to capture the unusual Arabic lifestyle, but it’s not so easy. You can’t film much; there is a ban at the state level.

Be careful: if you are caught photographing government buildings, military buildings, bridges, flags, palaces, people in uniform, people praying, then you will get into trouble.

But the seascapes, city streets, and noisy bazaar, where every shop is like an art museum, turn out beautifully. Photography of historical monuments is allowed, but everywhere there are nuances, which are notified at the entrance to the territory of the building.

The photographs of the suburbs, the Catacombs, Monastir, Kairouan, and the sandy expanses of the Sahara are excellent. Photo sketches made with a good lens will add to your collection and can become a wonderful desktop background, like a vacation memory.


The landscape and atmosphere of Sousse is determined by Mediterranean nature: the fjord, bays that have become a haven for relaxation, low houses located on the coast. All this sets the measured sound of the area, a certain peace and tranquility. The town fits organically into the natural landscape. It’s a cozy place to relax, wander through ancient streets, and touch the cold stone of buildings with a centuries-old history. If you are looking for new experiences, then Sus is ready to introduce you to its flavor.

Watch the video in which the user shares his impressions of his holiday in the city of Sousse (Tunisia):
