Which tanks are better - World of Tanks or War Thunder? What is better Tanks War Thunder or World of Tanks Why war thunder is better than world of tanks.

A little more than a year has passed, but the life of tankers has not become any easier. If a year ago it was unclear what is better to play, what to devote your free time, or even free money, to, now everything has become even more confusing, because a lot has changed in the genre of tank simulators, and this is good, no matter how you look at it . Firstly, we see that progress does not stand still, and secondly, our material in which we will compare these three games and try to figure out which one is better, will be more interesting.

We will compare the old fashioned way, rating them on a five-point scale. After the first, non-judgmental round, we will look at graphics, sound, realism, gameplay and donation. And then we will count the points and make a final verdict. In general, if no one minds, then everyone will go to their cars!

General comparison from afar.

Let's start with the patriarch. World of Tanks is the oldest representative of our competition. The game, for a second, revealed itself to the world in 2010. Since then, this project has become the main brainchild of the Belarusian company Wargaming, which, no matter how hard it tried, could not surpass the glory of its tank creation. World of Tanks is known all over the world, its version was released on mobile devices, it has been played on consoles for a long time, and they are also trying to promote it in e-sports. This game periodically appears on the list of the most profitable MMOs in the world. In general, a real titan, you can’t say anything.

Next we have War Thunder, created by the Russian Gaijin Entertainment, better known for its aircraft. Tanks first appeared in War Thunder in 2014. And before that, for two years, the word War Thunder was associated only with airplanes. This project is rightly positioned as patriotic, educating young people in the right direction. Thanks to Gaijin Entertainment, many military-historical and documentary films have appeared in the world. Let's not forget about the 28 Panfilovites. In general, War Thunder, despite its smaller laurels, also has a lot to love.

Well, the last representative is Armored Warfare - a game of 2015. When we compared it last year, it was in an extremely early stage of development, even with graphics there were problems here and there. But now, a year later, the situation has clearly improved, despite the fact that the game is still far from the final release. Armored Warfare is the brainchild of Obsidian Entertainment, a company known more for classic fantasy role-playing games than tank simulators. In addition, the American public is traditionally indifferent to the tank topic. In the military history of the United States there was no Kursk Bulge, and indeed there were no serious tank battles. Now, if we were talking about the Death Star and space fighters, then yes, there would be success. Well, so far we see that our forecast is confirmed: Armored Warfare is a game designed, oddly enough, for the eastern market: European and the countries of the former USSR.

At the time of comparison, World of Tanks was updated to version 0.9.16. War Thunder up to version 1.63, and Armored Warfare up to version 0.18. Well, now we move on to the first round, for which the contestants will receive marks.

Visual component.

Comparing the graphics, oddly enough, turned out to be quite difficult. It's like figuring out what's more beautiful: a sunset against the backdrop of the blue sea, or a sunrise against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains. Well, or, if you want sarcasm: who is scarier: Julia Roberts or Led Gaga. Let's try to figure it out.

So, World of Tanks has decided to transform itself. Tanks from Wargaming clearly listened to their fans and made a qualitative leap in graphics. A bunch of tanks received HD textures, the maps themselves became much more beautiful, and many special effects were added in the field of fires, explosions, hits and shots. The trees seem to have become more voluminous, and, of course, the play of light and shadow has noticeably improved. Tanks shine in the sun, sparkling with armor textures, shots are accompanied by smoke and a high-quality fiery flash, and let’s not forget about the long-awaited appearance of tracks from tracks, which work especially well in the snow. In general, one continuous delight. The game seems to have taken a couple of years off, which is quite a long time for an MMO. And in the end, little remained of the old tanks. Overall, we really like it.

War Thunder also looks good, but the game seems to be resting on its laurels. After last year's unconditional victory, nothing has changed at all in the quality of graphics. Even the trademark feature of the impossibility of moving the tank away, which is why the gamer is forced to observe the textural beauty of the tank’s rear close-up, no longer works so effectively. The hit animation remains the same, and is reminiscent of the first parts of Sniper Elite, with the slow-motion effect of a bullet hitting an enemy. This feature is no longer impressive, and in some ways even looks outdated. Although, the tracks from the caterpillar tracks continue to please the eye, as does the pseudo-voluminous grass, but the need to change the plaster, in our opinion, is already overdue.

As for Armored Warfare, this game also pleases us with its graphical progress. In terms of pictures, there is a clear desire to do it like World of Tanks, and this desire cannot be called bad. The game looks good, but, in our opinion, it suffers from a certain dullness and greyness. She lacks bright colors. No matter what map we look at, we still see muted tones, and at the same time there is no need to invent anything with shadows or play of light. The tanks clearly lack HD textures, but that's not to say they look bad. They look good, and at the moment they don’t hurt the eyes at all. And for shootings at night and the animation of exploded equipment, you can generally give a separate certificate. However - let's be honest - for a project that opened its tank hatches in 2015, it could look more interesting.

Based on the results of the graphics round, we get the following: Armored Warfare receives 4 points. The game is clearly moving in the right direction, but there is still room for improvement in beauty. We suspect that the developers do not deliberately overwhelm the gameplay with special effects so that it works even on Soviet calculators, so they approach image improvement with caution. War Thunder gets 4.5 points. To be honest, we wanted to deduct half a point for the lack of progress at the end of the year, but we decided to leave it as is, because it would not be correct to lower the Tundra to the assessment of Almaty. As for World of Tanks, we also give this game 4.5 points, because the visual progress that Wargaming has made over the past year is impressive.

Sound component.

Let's move on to sound. Sound doesn't seem to be very important. At least less important than graphics. Many of us play all kinds of tanks on old headphones, often faulty. Many people are content with cheap Chinese speakers turned on at minimum volume. However, it is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that if you have the equipment, high-quality sound can significantly improve the gaming experience. In general, let's go.

Following the graphics, the sounds in World of Tanks have also noticeably changed. And, if the graphics can be ignored, then it is simply impossible to deny the sound progress. After another large-scale update, the guns in the game thundered so much that if, in the heat of battle, you close your eyes and listen to the sounds, it may seem that you are listening to a chronicle from somewhere on the front lines of one of the currently blazing wars on planet Earth. The sounds of engines began to sound richer, the sounds of hits became more interesting, well, and for the way the guns sounded, you just need to shake your hand tightly. After frankly no sound last year, now World of Tanks is simply unrecognizable.

As for the sound in War Thunder, the game builds on past achievements here too. The sound here is fundamentally different. Not an attempt to do the same thing as in Wargaming tanks, only better, namely, its own approach. The engines sound as if they were alive. If you bring the camera closer and accelerate hard, it seems that you are about to be smoked with diesel fuel and pelted with clods of dirt from under the tracks. The guns can also be heard perfectly. If we imagine that we have never seen War Thunder before and don’t know what it is, without nitpicking about the lack of progress, then we can say that the sound in the game is excellent. Different tanks sound differently, guns roar differently, and when a plane crashes to the ground nearby and bursts into flames, sometimes you can jump, if the acoustics and nervous system allow it.

Speaking of sound in Armored Warfare, compared to last year, the sound range seems to have become richer. The difference between driving on tracked vehicles or on rubber wheels is more clearly audible; machine guns and just small-caliber guns sounded more interesting, but we didn’t feel much of a difference in moving on different surfaces, which our competitors have. In simple terms, the sound of Armored Warfare now is the same as it was in World of Tanks a year ago.
For this round, Armored Warfare gets 4 points because there is progress and because it is an early version. And War Thunder and World of Tanks each receive 5 points: the first because it simply pleases us with the excellent, realistic sound of huge, armored vehicles, and the second because its creators were able to step over their laziness and invite, it seems, competent specialists, and show that the gunpowder remained in the flasks.


One of the favorite hobbies of many fans of tank simulators is to shout that World of Tanks is not a simulator. Due to its weak popularity, they don’t shout such things about Armored Warfare, but, probably, the matter would not have rusted beyond that. However, all three games are nominally tank simulators, such as Need for Speed ​​- a racing simulator, as are, for example, numerous simulators of hunting, fishing, goat, cat, baby and so on. If everything is clear with this, we will probably continue.

So, in this round we will talk about realism. Is it good or bad to have realism? Probably good. In any case, I would like more realism, especially since we have tanks here, you know, and not walkers from Star Wars.

World of Tanks doesn't have much realism. The game never moved to a new engine, as many wanted, and also continues to cherish dreams of a great e-sports future, where Tanks will be played no less than Dota or League of Legends. This means that realism is not needed here. But, be that as it may, what do we have? We have a life bar, we have strange artillery fire, the shell explosions of which do not in any way affect the nearest equipment. A shell can explode even three meters from the tank, but nothing will happen to it. We have a controversial system of penetrations and ricochets, as well as funny getting stuck in different places with difficult terrain.

In War Thunder, realism is in perfect order, just like last year, although not without its excesses. No life bars for you, no playing along with aiming. The world here is ruled by well-aimed shots and cunning maneuvers going into the rear. You're driving, you're driving, then - bam - you're shot at from the sky. You drove a little further and a plane made a hard landing in front of you, plowed up several meters of the ground, and caught fire. Moreover, not some kind of scripted plane-bot, but a real one. Again, the presence of so-called “one-shots” is an extra nod towards realism. And, one could say that War Thunder is the most realistic tank simulator at the moment, if not for this very notorious “one-shot”. Even the most powerful tanks are often destroyed in one shot, and nothing can be done about it.

As for Armored Warfare, it's a perfect arcade game. This is not to say that this is bad. Not at all. Different games are needed, different games are important, but since we are talking about realism, then let's figure it out. Here, after hits from tanks, numbers pop up, like in some Korean MMORPG, here armored cars with rubber wheels can perform unimaginable acrobatic pirouettes, and use narrow cannons to pierce the turrets of heavy tanks head-on. However, we won’t embellish the arcade too much, but will only say that almost everything here is the same as in World of Tanks, with the exception of some types of wheeled vehicles, which add carousel fun.

In general, War Thunder gets 4 points for realism, because the game clearly still has room to grow. One-shots are no good. History knows examples when a tank resisted even after several dozen hits. We give World of Tanks 3.5 points, because there is no smell of realism here at all. Well, Armored Warfare gets 3 points, without a discount for the early version.


Based on the results of this round, we will evaluate the gameplay, or, more simply, the interestingness. Here it must be said that if in previous rounds we still tried to pretend to be specialists, here we will evaluate subjectively, from a deeply philistine point of view, according to the type: like/dislike. If a person, for example, does not like mustard, then it is impossible to convince him by proving to him that it is tasty until time passes and his taste buds change. Today our taste buds are as follows:

World of Tanks has the most convenient menu. Everything is clear, everything is clear. No pop-up windows that cover each other. The only thing I don’t like is the strip of equipment in the hangar, which has become two stories high, but that’s it. The game itself seems to us very interesting. Several combat modes, the ability to play in a separate platoon, many tactics that can be implemented, depending on your skills and the capabilities of the equipment, many curious cases, the joy of victories, and the bitterness of defeats. Here you can turn the tide of the battle, or you can lose it, letting down the entire team. Here you need to target individual parts of the tanks, trying not to run into a ricochet, exposing your own tank at an angle for fire. In general, the game is really interesting, addictive and fun. In addition, there is a huge 24/7 online presence, and you don’t have to wait long for a fight.

But these are tough times for War Thunder. The favorite horse has galloped away in the form of realism, and the game is viewed from a different perspective. Let's start with the fact that the menu in Tundra is inconvenient. Pop-up buttons cover other micro-buttons, and if you hover your cursor over them, it is absolutely impossible to immediately understand what they are. The menu, which is unsuccessful in all respects, continues with a long wait for the battle, which can last for 1.5-2 minutes. Well, then the game begins, and we see that things are amiss. Firstly, other than constantly capturing points, there is nothing to do here. Secondly, the much-praised aircraft often fly in the sky and do not influence the course of the battle. Thirdly, these same “one-shots” completely destroy the desire to continue. Once you went in the wrong direction, but on - you received critical damage to everything and everyone, and then stand there and wait until they finish you off. Having played War Thunder after World of Tanks, we personally got the impression that the game didn’t have its own design. Everyone who goes to the forest, who buys firewood. Skirmishes usually occur over long distances. The hit system leaves many questions. Well, and, of course, the notorious respawn, which ruins everything. It’s one thing to die completely, knowing that you won’t be able to resurrect, and another thing to be revived after a few seconds. We did not add this point to realism, deducting points, because resurrection occurs on a different vehicle, but still, this also takes away a fair amount of tank excitement.

Regarding Armored Warfare, everything is very similar to WoT, with the only exception that there is the opportunity to fight against weak-willed bots, and the technology park itself is currently extremely small. Armored Warfare is clearly trying to become a cyber discipline. This is a dynamic, bright, interesting game where both tactics and accuracy and dexterity of control are needed. Here you will not be killed with the first shot, but if they are killed, then there is no respawn for you. In general, those who for some reason do not like World of Tanks should like tank battles in Armored Warfare.

At the end of this round, World of Tanks receives 5 points. No need to shout about the life bar. It's a video game, and video games have a lot of conventions that need to be followed to make the gameplay interesting. The creators of War Thunder failed to do this. It seems that for all their graphics, sound and realism, the developers forgot that they, in fact, are making a game that should be fun and enjoyable. Therefore, we give Tundra 3 points, because, to be honest, there is no desire at all to replay and upgrade it. In general, the contrast with very interesting aircraft is striking. Well, we give Armored Warfare 4.5 points for its interestingness. The game is moving in the right direction, albeit very slowly. It won't outshine World of Tanks, but it's slowly occupying its niche.


Everything is simple here. In World of Tanks, a donut crushes an ice floe like a seal. After the most profitable tanks of the 5th level, deterioration begins, reaching real hell at the 10th level. To make up for an unsuccessful fight at 10, you need to skate well in 2-3 fights at 5. But there is a way out - buy a premium tank for $40 and earn your living. Well, or ride a vehicle no higher than level 6, and enjoy life.

In War Thunder there is also a donation, but it is not so obligatory. You will begin to experience problems with money much later, but you will still begin. True, tanks here are a little cheaper. For $30 you can buy top-level equipment and feel like a wealthy person.

In Armored Warfare, donation pressure is felt weakly. At least, not as it might seem to those who find out that MailRu is responsible for the game in Russia. A top-end tank will cost you $20, which, for a moment, is half as much as in World of Tanks.

Based on the results of this round, not forgetting that we are dealing with shareware games, and that developers also need to earn something, we give War Thunder and Armored Warfare 5 points each, and World of Tanks for traditional greed, we give 4 .

Bottom line.

Now it's time to count the total number of points scored and distribute places to our competitors. So, Armored Warfare takes the honorary bronze, having earned 20.5 points after five rounds. We award silver to War Thunder, which scored 21.5 points. Well, the winner of our competition is World of Tanks, which accumulated 22 points in a bitter struggle. Just 0.5 points more than its closest pursuer. In an amicable way, one could say that friendship won, but let this be a wake-up call for War Thunder, whose creators are about to start developing the game more aggressively. Well, that's all. Peace, friendship, chewing gum, victories to all, strong armor, a steady hand and a sharp eye.

So, we have gradually arrived at the moment when it became appropriate to compare World of Tanks and War Thunder. This happened after they finally added a full-fledged ability to fight with tanks, and also more or less settled the situation with donations. Therefore, within the framework of this partly comic, partly serious material, we will try to find the answer to the question: what is better today: War Thunder or World of Tanks.

General comparison from afar.

War Thunder was created by Gaijin Entertainment in 2012. Initially, the game was positioned as an online simulator of combat on military aircraft. At the moment, the game has up to two hundred thousand active players. World of Tanks was created by Wargaming two years earlier than its competitors. At first glance, this is not such a long period of time, but in fact, the period is sufficient to bite off all the most delicious things from a niche cake. Now this game has about a million people playing simultaneously during periods of greatest discounts, promotions and other attractive events. Not so long ago, a record of a million or so was set. At the same time, the game is expanding for consoles and the Western market, in particular for the United States.

All this was said in order to give sober assessments. It can be seen that the contestants perform in different weight categories. However, despite this, War Thunder performed well. By the way, both games were created by the efforts of Russian companies, although World of Tanks, after all, was created by a Belarusian company, but in fairness we note that Wargaming is the same Belarusian company as Electronic Arts is a Canadian one.
In general, let's move on.

Visual component.

The graphics in both games look good. Actually, it is this area that causes the greatest number of holi-wars between fans of both projects. Well, let’s leave our non-binding opinion here. There is no point in arguing with the fact that the creators of War Thunder use a more modern engine. The game came out two years later and that says it all. It's like when your parents buy you a Dendy with 8 bits, and you will be the coolest in the yard, after which, a year later, your neighbor Vasya, who was wildly jealous of you, went and bought a Sega with 16 bits. In a more modern perspective, we can give an example with telephone models: either you buy and start using it earlier, or you wait and buy something more modern.

Let's not hide it, there is an opinion that War Thunder looks much better. The shots in the game are perfectly implemented, the equipment burns and explodes perfectly, and the tanks themselves do not give the impression of a model tank rotating in one place, while the earth with all its relief rotates under it. In War Thunder, everything looks a little different, but noticeably better. The trees here look like trees, and not like a flat bunch of pixels, shadows are cast by almost all objects, and everything that happens on the screen is quite reminiscent of a real tank battle. At the same time, in World of Tanks the graphics are more ascetic. However, this does not stop fans from playing the game, just as it does not stop them from still playing the insanely outdated Counter Strike 1.6. WoT graphic designers have achieved that the picture, although full of many clearly cardboard objects cut out of plywood with a jigsaw, is generally easier to perceive. It's easier to fight on it. What can we say if players independently turn up the graphics to a minimum so that the enemy can be seen in the grass, so that the ping is lower, etc.

Sound component.

The sound in War Thunder is monotonous and after a while it just starts to put pressure on your ears. The tank's monotonous grunting clearly doesn't make the game look good. At the same time, in World of Tanks the sound is in perfect order. It’s not for nothing that the developers ran around museums, visited reconstructions and watched newsreels. In War World of Tanks, the tank growls as it should, shoots as it should, and all other sounds not only do not interfere, but also really add to the atmosphere. In general, in this round WoT is definitely taking revenge for not the best performance in the “graphics” competition.


War Thunder and World of Tanks are tank battle simulators for real gourmets and connoisseurs, so no arcade style is appropriate here: only maximum realism on the verge of the cruel prose of life. Anyone who disagrees is welcome to the arcade, children's Tanki Online.

Physics in games flows smoothly from the capabilities of the engine. The first thing that catches your eye is that in War Thunder there is a feeling that you are controlling a hefty armored fool with all the ensuing consequences. In World of Tanks, this impression is somewhat blurred; it was possible to convey the heaviness of the tank, its mass, clumsiness, or vice versa, the maneuverability of light tanks was realized, although not bad, but not realistically enough. To put it in the words of Stanislavsky, “I don’t believe it.”
In War Thunder, the tank has inertia. Once you've accelerated, you won't be able to brake quickly, you can roll over during a sharp turn, and you can even keep silent about various obstacles. World of Tanks is not very good with this. It feels arcady, even if you crack it.


The most important thing in the game, of course, is the gameplay, which naturally consists of sound, graphics, mechanics, as well as that which does not have a specific name and is defined by the general term “interestingness.” So, let's see what our competitors have in terms of gameplay interest.

War Thunder compensates for its relative lack of experience and green youth with fresh solutions, novelty of gameplay, excellent graphics and equal opportunities for everyone. World of Tanks experimented a lot and eventually settled on solving the problem of attracting the maximum number of players to the game. As a result, the entire gameplay was structured in such a way that the complexity threshold was not very high, and both children and adults could play the game without complaining that the game was too primitive and tended to simplify some aspects.

War Thunder and World of Tanks are like an apple and a pear, a nectarine and a peach: it’s impossible to figure out which is more interesting to play. This is exactly the case when taste and color are an excellent reason for a fight. It's fun to play both games. In World of Tanks you will be pleased with the mass of tactical techniques that can be used in battle, the abundance of issues of interaction in the team and the need for the ability to calculate the situation. War Thunder will offer you a more realistic experience. Those who are most demanding of tank realism will here feel more strongly a real tank battle with all its quirks. In general, we believe that this round of the competition ended in a draw.

Administration attitude.

Not so much a rating round as a comparative one. In War Thunder, the administration is more loyal, forgiving players such things for which they would be banned forever in World of Tanks. Although, of course, this is not an axiom and there are exceptions. As for World of Tanks, totalitarianism reigns in the game. You cannot ask sensitive questions on the forum, and any detected attempts to transfer the account to a third party will be stopped by banning the account. The administrators of War Thunder cannot afford this and are pursuing a less harsh policy, although, again, who will run into whom.

Attitude towards donation.

Well, and probably the most scandalous and most taboo topic is donation in the game: do you need to pay to play comfortably and how much to pay.

In general, both games were announced as free-2-play, which, in principle, they are. But in both games, a standard mechanism is implemented, when with entry-level equipment you feel like a completely accomplished citizen, you play comfortably and watch with satisfaction the replenishment of your wallet, then at high levels it’s either a battle or a loss. At this stage, there is a chance to expect a crowd of protesters arguing that there is no need to “crack”, that “I play and don’t go into the red”, that “you just need to play better.” That’s how it is, but on average it turns out that without donation it’s still difficult.

For example, in World of Tanks you can comfortably drive level 6-7 vehicles, no more. On the eighth, money simply begins to flow through your fingers, and on the maximum tenth, the game’s silver simply pours out into the abyss, at the bottom of which a black, all-sucking hole spins. Darkness! Therefore, those who do not want to pay have to keep a couple of level 5 tanks, which, like that guy, can feed both the master and the general. Otherwise, either pay for a premium account and play without worries, or buy premium equipment and make more money on it.

In War Thunder the problem is similar, but if in World of Tanks the developers simply deprive you of money, then in War Thunder the developers also slow down your development in the air branches, but in general, oddly enough, in War Thunder the donation pressure is felt less, even after the release of the scandalous and unloved patch 1.37. when the creators of the game clearly showed that they created their project for the sake of money, and not so that some schoolboy could have a boring evening or two.

You can play without donating here and there, but War Thunder has a small advantage, which the creators of the game, I’m sure, would be happy to give up: their audience is about two hundred thousand, or even less. There are noticeably more than a million in World of Tanks. It is not known whether we should talk about superiority by an order of magnitude or just five times, but the fact remains: World of Tanks is old, cool, famous and its creators can afford to tighten the screws, but things are worse with War Thunder. It got to the point that after yet another tightening of the screws, the developers were forced to make, albeit small, but still concessions, which World of Tanks has never done in real life and will not do in the next few years, because there are no prerequisites. The struggle for the market is absent as a class.

As a result, we can say that donating in War Thunder is less difficult, less intrusive and more attractive than in World of Tanks, where you are forced to either pay or spend time earning money on level 5 tanks, or simply not drive something, above level 7. Although, in fairness, we note that both here and there you can play without donating.


As you can see, British scientists have once again proven that the earth is not round, but dirty and creaks in the teeth. So it turns out that World of Tanks, which is several times, if not orders of magnitude more popular than War Thunder, is generally losing to its competitor, although perhaps the sense of novelty of sensations is at work here: after all, War Thunder is two years younger, and the tanks are appeared in the game quite recently. In short, the score turns out to be 3:2, and in tough situations - 5:2 in favor of War Thunder, although if you bribe the judges a little and turn a blind eye to some of the flaws of War Thunder, and also reveal more widely the advantages of World of Tanks, then it may well turn out draw 3:3.

In general: Peace! Friendship! Chewing gum!

But we want to compare the “top” cars that we were able to try on the War Thunder Dev server.

Let's start with the USA. The Americans received at their disposal two main battle tanks, the M60A1 RISE (P) and the MBT-70.

M60A1 RISE (P)

Let's look at the next modification of the M60, fortunately the developers have combined some of the Patton family tanks into one stack, thereby making it easier to upgrade this unit.

The new modification of the M60 boasts the presence of dynamic protection and a new armor-piercing finned sabot projectile (hereinafter referred to as BOPS).

The armor penetration of the new projectile is enough to hit a T-64A in the front of the hull up to 500 meters, but problems may arise from above. Dynamic protection saves you from most cumulative projectiles; the only threat may be the Raketenjagdpanzer-2 HOT, but it is worth considering that in the VI era most tanks fire BOPS, which makes the M60A1 RISE (P) a mediocre tank, although unique due to its ERA.


MBT-70 and Kpz-70, in our opinion, should be considered together, because they have only one difference - engines, the Kpz has a little more powerful.

The positive qualities of the Kpz-70/MBT-70 include a gun equipped with an automatic loader that fires both BOPS and ATGMs, a 20-mm anti-aircraft gun and high dynamics. The tank has exactly one drawback - weak armor, relative to its classmates, of course.

The armor penetration of the BOPS is enough to confidently defeat a T-64A in the front of the hull from two kilometers; at close ranges it is possible to hit the frontal projection of the turret, and the 20-mm cannon will help against lightly armored vehicles and aircraft.


(Taken from the official War Thunder website)

The new “top” of the USSR is a truly formidable vehicle equipped with combined armor capable of withstanding most kinetic and cumulative projectiles, and also armed with a 125-mm gun with an automatic loader and firing deadly BOPS.

The T-64A penetrates absolutely all its opponents with its “top” BOPS, but everything has its price. In this case, you have to pay with disgusting vertical aiming angles and average dynamics.

Chieftain Mk.10

(taken from the official War Thunder website)

The good old “leader” received a small upgrade, very similar to the upgrade of the M60A3. What distinguishes the 10th modification from the previous ones is the presence of BOPS and the “Stillbrew” additional reservation kit.

The Chieftain Mk.10 BOPS has the highest armor penetration characteristics in the game at the moment, which in theory allows it to penetrate even a T-64A into the turret from considerable distances, and the additional set of armor, in turn, should protect against enemy shells, but only the turret was strengthened.

Who is the best?

We talked about the key features of the main battle tanks of the VI era, it’s time to compare them and conduct a little analysis.

The M60A1 RISE (P) is a clear outsider, because its dynamic protection against BOPS is useless, the technical characteristics do not differ significantly from the previous version, and its BOPS is one of the worst in terms of characteristics.

Chieftain Mk.10. looks head and shoulders above, because it has the best BOPS and turret protection from kinetic projectiles, which in most cases will be fired at it.

However, the United States was not deprived, because the joint project with Germany, Kpz-70/MBT-70, represents a set of the best characteristics, essentially being a continuation of the idea of ​​a fast vehicle with a powerful weapon capable of resisting most enemy tanks on equal terms.

The T-64A, although it has the best armor, is essentially an “average” vehicle that considers good dynamics and an excellent gun.

To summarize, I would like to note that none of the nations (with the exception of Japan) was deprived of a suitable vehicle at rank VI, and the balance of the new era of tank battles is close to ideal, which is good news.

So which game is cooler?

Games about World War II have become incredibly popular among residents of the post-Soviet space. The starting point was a game from Wargaming - the well-known World of Tanks.

World of Tanks is one of the most profitable games in the world today. It’s no wonder that everyone began to copy them. But it’s one thing to copy, and quite another to take as a basis something more, even much more, than just tanks. After all, not only ground equipment takes part in war, but also aircraft, as well as the fleet. Developers from the Russian company Gaijin drew attention to the idea. These guys set themselves a task of epic proportions - to combine in one project all types of military equipment from the 30s to the 50s. And do it at the highest graphic level. This is how the newest generation game appeared - War Thunder.

War Thunder essentially combines two games - tanks and airplanes. Next up is the Navy. It is still difficult to predict what it will look like, but the intentions of the developers alone will take your breath away.

The graphical execution of ground battles in Var Thunder is beyond praise. It is now quite obvious that the developers set themselves the task of surpassing the brainchild of Wargaming in all respects. And it seems that they not only succeeded - they jumped to such a high bar that it causes genuine delight.

So far, War Thunder is the most spectacular confrontation of all that have been seen in games of this kind. There are dynamic battles, a large and interesting system for developing steel monsters and crew. Both beginners and experienced pilots and tank crews feel comfortable here. The creators paid great attention to detail. The project is developing every day. New elements appear in the gameplay. The most important thing is that the game does not bore you with long waits - you booted up and immediately went into battle.

However, today's article is dedicated to the huge and terrifying machines that dominate the earth - tanks. As you already understand, we will compare the ground vehicles of War Thunder with the game World of Tanks.

Which game is better?

Debates about which game is better have been going on on various forums for a long time. Basically, you can read something like “the ground version of Thunder will come out, and the Tanks servers will be empty forever” or “everyone is used to Tanks, and we don’t really need this Thunder.” These discussions are initially not entirely correct, and now we will explain why.

Firstly, comparing these two games is like comparing Cross Fire with Black Fire - i.e. they are games with similar names and similar genres, but completely different weight categories. World of Tanks was released at the end of 2010, that is, almost 7 (!) years ago, accordingly, their engine was quite outdated, since it was developed to suit the realities of that time (in order to reach a larger audience, the game should not have required a powerful video card or processor. It should have worked on any average computer of that time). War Thunder is a newer game with a more powerful engine and more advanced graphics. I think this has already said a lot.

Secondly, many people are mistaken about the gameplay. In "Tanks" the developers themselves come up with performance characteristics, as a result of which some tanks bend and others suffer. That is, in reality, completely different equipment and guns were installed on this or that tank than we see in the game. War Thunder was originally created with an emphasis on realism.

Thirdly, War Thunder and World of Tanks are games of different genres. The first is a large-scale military simulator with an eye toward full historical correspondence and real performance characteristics. The second one is essentially an arcade game with some historical elements. So choosing the best historical simulator out of them is simply ridiculous.

In general, it is clear that the monopoly of Wargaming is coming to an end. After all, a much more ambitious project is rushing to the market. The fact that Gaijin’s planes are superior to the Belarusians is not seen only by the most die-hard player, who has created an idol for himself and prays to it. But are ground vehicles better or, more simply put, Var Thunder tanks? Let's figure it out.

Similarities and differences

The first feature that distinguishes Thunder from WoT and all similar ones is the limitation of visibility. There is no backlighting or player names above the equipment, which makes the game picture more realistic. You may notice an airplane flying two kilometers away or a tank driving towards you at a distance of several kilometers. Light equipment is needed for quick detours and capture of key points. This is a real breakthrough towards realism.

At the same time as everyone else, aviation also takes part in battles. The planes in Thunder are also controlled by real players. So it is very useful for a tank to hide in the bushes.

You can take both planes and tanks into battle, using them alternately. And soon ships will be added to them, which will further diversify the gameplay. At the same time, the impressions of playing, say, a T-34 in Var Thunder are not comparable to the impressions of playing the same tank in WoT. Physics, graphics, sensations - everything is different.

On top of that, the maps in War Thunder are much larger and, moreover, they are not limited by various conventions, such as a river, for example, or other obstacles that cannot be overcome. Tanks can hide in the forest, behind rocks, behind pillboxes. That is, the enemy can hide anywhere. This absolute freedom of action, limited not by the imagination of the developers, but only by the logical framework of realism, breaks all templates, raising the genre to new unprecedented heights.

Next about the combat system. Fans of World of Tanks can simply point the gun at an enemy, and the outline of that enemy will immediately be highlighted. What kind of fantasy is this? It also turns out that tanks have lives, and in order to destroy it, you need to shoot until they are exhausted. In a real battle, the tank's lifespan is one to two minutes. As a rule, one hit is enough, maximum two if the first one hits. In the game, we can shoot at a tank 10 times and not achieve a result.

In World of Tanks, we wait a long time for the start, then we wait until everyone leaves, then ten-minute shootouts begin - all this somehow gets boring. In Thunder everything is different - you don’t have to wait for anything, you walk in and immediately enter the battle. Tanks are undermined mainly by one or two hits, as expected. No hit points. Whether it explodes the first time or the second, it depends on where it hits. In WoT, padded tracks are put on in 5 seconds - forget it. This is a long process, as it should be. Forget about the contours - you will never see the enemy’s nickname - where have you seen the inscription “Vasya”, “Petya” and the like glow above the tank in a real battle? Absurd! In Var Thunder you will not see the enemy tank until it becomes visible visually - absolute realism.

Gameplay War Thunder

You have a specific garage of equipment that we can use during the battle. They killed one, took another, and went into battle again.

I think everyone is already familiar with the gameplay of World of Tanks. But the gameplay of Var Thunder will not hurt to chew on.

If you managed to play Thunder planes, you won’t see anything fundamentally new here - everything is the same, only instead of a sky bird, there’s steel titanium in front of your eyes.

Those who like to delve into development have plenty to explore here. We are upgrading both the tank itself and doing research.

You can take several planes and tanks with you into battle. True, not all maps allow you to fly. There are maps without airfields, where only ground battles will take place. As for the mixed cards, things look a lot more fun. You can bomb enemy tanks directly from the air. At the same time, the enemy can fire at you from anti-aircraft guns.

The fighting is reaching a new level - the developers’ grandiose plan for global militarization has been completed. Welcome to the real training ground. In fact, to complete the battle picture, only two things are missing - infantry and naval battles? as well as some additional types of ground equipment, such as Katyushas. But the development of the game continues, so there’s more to come.

Let's look at the ground war in detail. The first thing that pleases us about Var Thunder is the tank itself - its behavior is as close to realistic as possible. Take shooting, for example. It’s in modern cars that there is muzzle stabilization, so much so that any hole doesn’t matter - the target will be hit in any case. But in World War II the technology was simpler. And here, in order to aim, you need to either stop and take aim, or learn to shoot on the move, which is not easy.

Comparison of graphics and sound

The graphics in War Thunder are extremely close to reality, and each tank can be seen in the smallest detail

Every blade of grass, every birch twig or leaf in Var Tander moves in the wind. If you hit a thin pine tree, it will naturally break and bend realistically. And once it hits a boulder, it will scatter into small pebbles.

The physical model is also excellent - the slightest hill, and the tank immediately changes its speed. Turning over here is generally easier than ever. The terrain you're driving through also affects your speed. By the way, about the terrain - meet really excellent graphics. The game uses DirectX 11, flies quickly, does not slow down, does not lag and is simply pleasing to the eye. Trees, bushes, grass, rocks - everything is beautiful.

In World of Tanks, the graphics are a little outdated. Some cards here are colorful and convey the atmosphere, while some are oblique and dull - in general, everything is somehow ambiguous. Of course, for its time (early 2011) it was a breakthrough, but now the standards are different and such graphics no longer impress many people. What can really be attributed to the disadvantages of “Tanks” is optimization. Despite the rather old engine, the game lags even on minimum settings.

In Thunder, as in a newer game, the graphics are naturally two heads ahead of Tank. Magnificent physics of objects, nature. At maximum settings, the game produces a downright cinematic effect, that is, in some moments the game image is difficult to distinguish from real footage. Summarizing all this, we can say that the graphics in Var Thunder are gorgeous.

As for the sound, it is on par in both games. But again, in “Tanks” the sounds of the vehicles are not natural, because the developers did not set themselves the goal of making a simulator. Sounds in Thunder were recorded from real prototypes. It is clear that it is impossible to record the sounds of all tanks - some are no longer in nature. But the realism is still felt. Very cool volume of sound, the clanging of the caterpillars really reverberates in your ears.

As for physics, in terms of realistic vehicle behavior, World of Tanks also lags behind. Var Thunder is again at its best - the realistic behavior of tanks includes all the nuances - swaying when fired, even the grass is crushed when running over it.

The damage system is not comparable at all. “Tanks” has a primitive arcade damage system. That is, you have hit points or life points, as soon as they run out, the tank explodes. In general, the system is standard for any old game. From a physics point of view, a vehicle is destroyed when it hits the turret or the main chassis roller. War Thunder has a cool realistic system. No hit points - hit the fighting compartment, and the tank at least ceases to be a combat unit, hit the tanks - transom. In principle, any vehicle can be killed with one hit, you just need to know where to shoot, and luck has not been canceled.

Donation comparison

You may think that this article expresses a subjective opinion. And indeed, graphics, physics, realism - all these are flexible concepts. And as they say, there is no arguing about tastes. Another thing is donation. It is quite possible to compare it objectively. And he's terrible in World of Tanks. Without premium, pumping up tanks and farming silver is terribly long and tedious. And premium tanks hit your pocket hard.

War Thunder has the same premium features as Tanks, but you can play without them without feeling completely deprived of anything. That is, War Thunder is a completely free game with some paid features that are easy to do without. This is an incomparable plus.

Mode comparison

It's time to talk about the game modes. World of Tanks essentially has one game mode - arcade, divided into several setups. In Thunder, everyone will find a mode to their liking:

  • Arcade(cheerful hack with resurrections and simplified physics).
  • Realistic fights(historical characteristics, full physics, simplified controls for convenience). In this mode, the gearbox really smiled - be sure to try it.
  • Simulator battles(full control of the combat vehicle with all that it entails). This mode is suitable for real tankers and fans of complete hardcore/

Of course, for simulator battles, you first need to learn how to control the equipment. But then the pleasure from such control will be greater. Remember to keep an eye on your fuel level, especially when flying an airplane. When the fuel runs out, you'll just crash.

Bottom line

The seriousness with which Gaijin approaches their project is striking, trying to please, first of all, the most demanding - mature audience.

No, War Thunder is not a clone of World of Tanks. Not a clone at all. Its own feature, its own dynamics - everything is different. And it is undoubtedly different for the better. From the very first minutes the game causes a storm of delight. Not to mention the fact that this is a completely different scale, a different level of implementation. The game looks different and plays differently. After what I saw, I think even the most ardent skeptics will not dare to compare these two games.

It's hard to imagine what arguments Wargaming fans will make in favor of their idol. World of Tanks is a mediocre arcade game that uses an outdated engine with clumsy graphics, physics and everything else. And also protracted, monotonous and tedious battles. It is enough just to have eyes to see the obvious.

So, if graphics and physics are not important to you, if you don’t like complex gameplay and just want to ride for fun, then you can play World of Tanks, as well as 8-bit “tanks” of the “Dandy” system. Basically, if you don't give a damn, anything will do.

If you want to become an eSports player, then “Tanks” is also suitable here, since Vargeyiming put a lot of effort into popularizing their game as an eSports discipline, which is perhaps the only advantage of this project. Everything else is simply not worth mentioning.

If you want to feel a huge tank as an extension of yourself and get an unforgettable experience from a truly high-quality game, then welcome to War Thunder.

That's all. Write

For a long time, tanks in War Thunder were inaccessible to most players and were the lot of a select few: to play tanks, you had to buy an expensive tank package, or go through difficult tasks and be among the lucky ones invited to the closed beta. But everything changed just recently! Exclusive for you! Just enter your username and password and play War Thunder for free by clicking the button below!

Attention! Ground combat in War Thunder in MBT since May 16, 2014. You don’t even have to read the comparison, but register using the button above and evaluate for yourself the graphics in War Thunder, tank gameplay and the number of FPS on your computer! In addition, joint battles between tanks and aircraft are already included!

Hello, dear friends, and those who read this comparison. Today I would like to tell you more about one game that is rapidly gaining popularity, and which, according to many influential game critics, can completely unsettle World of Tanks in the MMoRPG genre where battles take place on equipment that was used in the Second World War. As you probably already guessed, this is exactly that game - War Thunder. Many people already know about it, and many players have already tried to play it. But if you are someone who has not yet played this great game, then this article will be interesting for you!

To begin with, we need to talk about the game War Thunder. War Thunder is a next-generation military MMO game that focuses on combat aviation, armored vehicles, and the navy during World War II. In this game you will have the opportunity to take part in all game battles and also fight with all players around the world.

In War Thunder, a lot of time was devoted to the variety of military equipment, different capabilities and the player’s own development. You will fly on a large number of aircraft. And when you find yourself inside a beautiful cabin with many details, you will be able to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of those times and will feel what it is like to fly in real life, swim in the water and ride on land.

But, as you understand, aviation does not play a big role in war, so there will also be a lot of ground and sea equipment in War Thunder. You will have the opportunity to not only fight one another, but also try to complete many exciting game missions with your friends. You will also find many PvP modes where large-scale battles will take place; there will be a sufficient number of game modes, among which we can especially mention the following: Dynamic Campaign, Individual Missions, Mission Editor and other modes.

And by the way, you don’t have to pay money to play the game. But you understand that there will be things in the game that can only be purchased with in-game currency, similar to the WoT game. But you know that no one has the right to force you to make a purchase. You can play well without the premium that other players have.

A very good big plus in the game is its excellent graphics, which WOT cannot boast of, as well as the destruction damage system, which is completely realistic (WOT does not have this either). Authentic sounds and wonderful orchestral music, the referral system has been greatly developed, because of which you, as well as your friends, will be able to receive quite reasonable bonuses.

Watch the video below to find out what this game is all about.

You can learn more about the game War Thunder on our fan site for the game http://warthundergame.ru.

The main advantage of the game is that you can fight using different types of military equipment. This is exactly the new world where there will be many good gaming opportunities.

If you have already played the game War Thunder, then download it right now! Apart from the fact that the game is now at the OBT stage, you can already understand that the game will be serious when it comes out. Using the link below you can register in the game, and also write in the comments how you compare with the game World of Tanks. Good luck fighting in both games!
