What bird is colored clay in minecraft. How to make clay in Minecraft and where to look for it

Clay in Minecraft is clay balls, or lumps, and clay blocks from which these balls can be obtained. The blocks are painted blue-gray. They can be found at the bottom of reservoirs and oceans (where they are present as one of the components of silt), as well as on sandy beaches, where they are scattered in small piles. In order to extract clay after finding deposits, any tool is suitable, but the optimal choice is a shovel, since it speeds up the extraction process. Water is not the most suitable place for crafters, so to make work comfortable, it is advisable to use enchanted armor. Building underwater bases in Minecraft would be a good idea. Of course, these tips are relevant if you plan to mine serious reserves. The texture of the blocks is similar to sand, but they differ in color from sand.

To make clay lumps, you need to destroy the block. Destruction gives four balls. The reverse process in Minecraft is, of course, also possible.

Let's try to make a burnt version

Clay in Minecraft, as in life, is mainly used when you need to make bricks.

Bricks, in turn, are used to craft brick blocks. Why they are needed is probably not worth explaining. Thus, clay in Minecraft cannot be overstated.

If you make a couple of moves, you can get an improved chapter. By burning lumps in a kiln, we get bricks. By burning blocks, we get burnt chapter in Minecraft.

Its advantage over the usual one is its increased strength (for example, its explosion resistance is 30, while the usual one is 3) and the ability to paint it. In terms of dyeing, it is similar to wool. To do in Minecraft color clay, you need to take the desired dye.

Its texture resembles that of stone. Those who are too lazy to do roasting can be advised to go to the Minecraft mesas - biomes in which you can find a darkness of burnt deposits, and of a variety of colors.

A few facts to help make material extraction easier

Those who have decided to devote their lives to the “clay mining industry” will find additional information useful.

  • Sometimes ch. in Minecraft can be found right under the farms of villagers.
  • Sometimes, very rarely, it can be found at low levels in dungeons.
  • When using the “Luck” enchantment, you should not expect to receive more than four lumps. In this case, the enchantment does not work, and the specified number of balls always falls out of the block.
  • In v. Beta 1.6 Minecraft has a bug. Clay is generated there exclusively in areas where the coordinates coincide, and then only if the other conditions required for its generation are met. Because of this error, it is almost impossible to find clay on maps.
  • In the real world, clay also comes in a variety of colors.

Clay is one of the building materials in Minecraft. You can get it from clay blocks that are generated at the bottom of reservoirs. Most often, clay can be found in the swamp biome. It can be mined, like land, in any way. The fastest way to do this is with a shovel.

From clay you can make (Recipes below):

  • Clay blocks;
  • Bricks;
  • steps;
  • Stove;
  • Flower pots.

When you break a block of clay, it drops 4 clay balls. What’s noteworthy is that even when using a shovel with the “Luck III” enchantment, more than 4 balls will not fall out of a clay block.

In the version of the game without modifications, the use of clay is not so widespread.

How to make clay blocks

Balls of clay can be used to create clay blocks that can be fired in a kiln and dyed with dye to your desired color.

Here are a couple of painting recipes:

8 baked clay blocks + 1 (color) dye = (color) baked clay.

Here we got blue and purple fired clay. The recipes for other dyes are identical. And here are all the clay colors available in the game in one photo:

In the future, such blocks can be used as building or decorative material. True, it will not be possible to make half-blocks or steps from them.

How to make bricks

Clay balls can be fired in a kiln to produce bricks:

From these you can later make brick block, used mainly for construction. Its explosion resistance is 30. If we compare the explosion resistance of brick and earth, then the earth will lose greatly. Its resistance to explosions is only 2.5. So it's better to build your house out of bricks!

You can make steps and a brick slab from bricks:

Brick is one of the most popular building materials. And this can be said not only about real life- in Minecraft the demand for it is no less. But, unfortunately, bricks are one of those blocks that you cannot find in nature, so you will have to make them yourself. And for this you will need the material from which they can be made, namely clay. But how to make clay in Minecraft? Where to look for it? How to mine? All these questions require a clear answer so that you do not have problems with the availability of bricks in the future.

Where to look for clay?

How to make clay in Minecraft? This is the first question that may arise in front of players, but there is no point in wasting time on it. Clay is one of the natural materials that you cannot craft by hand. Therefore, you will have to go in search of her, which, fortunately, will be quite simple. The fact is that you can always find clay at the bottom of any body of water. There is no point in looking for it in other places, because any lake that is located near your base will be an excellent source of clay. It will be enough for you for a huge number of bricks, and even if it runs out, it is unlikely that it will become big problem find another deposit. As you can see, this is much easier than trying to find answers to questions about how to make clay in Minecraft. But how to distinguish clay from sand, which makes up most of the bottom covering of any reservoir?

The difference between clay and sand

Many people wonder how to make clay in Minecraft visually different from sand? In reality this problem since externally these two materials are very different from each other. This is noticeable even when you look at the surface of the water - those places where the bottom is clay will be lighter than those where there is sand at the bottom. But this is only an initial observation - further discoveries await you at the bottom of the reservoir. Once you are underwater, you will immediately understand how different these two materials are. Sand has a dirty yellow color and a grainy texture, while clay is gray and smooth. You won't have any problems distinguishing between these two materials once you try diving to the bottom at least once. Now you know where to get clay in Minecraft, but one more problem remains - its extraction.

How to extract clay?

When you just start playing, you have to get the first materials, namely wood, with your bare hands. But then you use the wood to create your first wooden axe, and the process speeds up significantly. It's the same with clay - you can mine it by hand, but it will take a very long time. It would be much better to use a shovel - it will set the optimal speed for extracting materials. You know where to find clay in Minecraft, you have the tools needed to mine it, so you can start the process. One clay block you break with a shovel will net you four balls of clay, which is quite a lot. You won't have to spend much time to get hold of a real clay fortune. There is only one question left: “Why is there clay in Minecraft?”

Making bricks

Unfortunately, you will not be able to use this material for various purposes, since, in fact, it has one purpose - bricks are created from it. Without bricks it is difficult to imagine the process of constructing any building or defensive structure, so their benefit to the player cannot be overestimated. If you have enough clay balls, you can move on to the process of turning them into more advanced materials. To do this, you will need a stove, as well as coal to light this stove. One ball of clay makes one brick, so put it in the oven, charge the oven with coal and get yours building materials. Considering the fact that clay is a very affordable material, you will not need much effort to acquire materials for the construction of any building. This is what makes bricks the most popular of all building elements in the game. The situation got even better in version 1.8, in which the developers purposefully increased the chance of finding clay in bodies of water, so now construction in Minecraft has become even more accessible.

Turquoise clay

ID of turquoise fired clay: 159:9 .

NID: stained_hardened_clay:9.

Turquoise fired clay in Minecraft is also called: Cyan stained clay, turquoise colored clay, turquoise hardened clay.

How to get:

The English word "Cyan" in color photography has the following translation: green-blue, greenish-blue (blue-green; sea green; and even poisonous blue). And therefore, this is the shade of a block of turquoise fired clay. Although, on the other hand, “Cyan” in computer technology is turquoise and light blue, in printing and in computers it is blue. Open wiki and read: "Turquoise color is a shade of blue and green, varies from light green with blue to blue; close to cyan. The characteristic color of the minerals is turquoise (hence the name) and chrysocolla". As for Minecraft and turquoise clay, it cannot be found in desert temples, and below we will show how it can be made.

How to craft turquoise clay

Making it in Minecraft, or rather coloring it, is very simple. You just need to have some simple baked clay and dye in stock. From eight blocks of baked clay we get the same eight blocks, but turquoise colored clay as shown below in the figure.

Let us remind you: how to make it in Minecraft

Now let's remember how to make the ingredients for turquoise clay: fired clay and blue dye. When you hover your mouse over a cell of a workbench or stove, a tooltip will pop up with the name of the crafting ingredient.

Fired clay

Turquoise dye is made from lapis lazuli and green dye:

Turquoise dye

All types of clay in Minecraft

In Minecraft, in addition to turquoise clay, many other types are used:

How to make colored polymer clay

Recently, in one of my posts the topic was how to prepare polymer clay. In this post I will briefly write about how you can make colored polymer clay. Since colored clay is often needed when making products, you need to know what paints you can use. Now you will learn about methods for producing colored polymer clay.

To color polymer clay you can use:

- aniline dyes for fabric;

- oil paints;

- food coloring.

There is no need to put a lot of paint at once, but it is better to add it in portions, gradually, and at the same time you need to stir constantly.

Each portion of colored plastic should be kept separately wrapped in a plastic bag - they should all be placed in a plastic container with a tight lid - kept in the refrigerator.

I offer several simple ways how to get colored polymer clay:

- coloring of finished products:

- if the products are ready, that is, they have already gone through the “baking” process, then they can be painted with acrylic or other paints.

- mixing white polymer clay with acrylic paints:

- to do this, apply a little paint of the desired color to the prepared piece of clay and knead it with your fingers. If the shade turns out to be too pale, the procedure can be repeated.

It is important that if some of the paint remains on your hands, it must be washed off immediately and only then continue to knead the mixture until the color becomes uniform.

- using food coloring:

- during cooking, add food coloring of the desired color to the white polymer clay;

- can also be painted using acrylic or gouache paints.

Another interesting one method of coloring finished products:

- the product is coated with dry dye (using a brush), and then it must be held over steam for some time, as this fixes the dye. This coloring method allows you to get a more realistic look to your products.

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