How to leave a platoon. How does the balancer work?

IN World of Tanks It is possible to create platoons of two or three people, which allows you to play together with friends and acquaintances in random battles. Is there any benefit to this? Simply huge. Firstly, you play with a friend and acquaintance and have a good time together. Secondly, you coordinate your actions and play harmoniously, which dramatically increases your combat effectiveness.

A well-played platoon of three skilled players is capable of winning both 70 and 80 percent of battles, which, you see, is a very good indicator. Naturally, this is extremely positive both in terms of experience and silver. Just don’t think that as soon as you create a platoon, you will immediately automatically start winning. You need teamwork skills that appear after many joint battles.

Which platoons are the most effective? In general, it is better to take the same equipment; this maximizes the advantages of specific machines, which will allow you to win more often. Often in platoons they play on different vehicles, which is due to individual preferences, as well as simply because players are pumping up different tanks.

If, for example, you and a friend play with different medium tanks, you can still drive together, although the individual characteristics of each vehicle may create obstacles. For example, if American tanks due to good angles vertical aiming allow you to play effectively from behind the hills, then Soviet or German medium tank will not allow such tactics to be used.

If, for example, you got on a heavy tank, and your friend took a medium one, then most likely you will have to split up and go in different ways: on most maps it is extremely unprofitable to drive, for example, heavy tank along a route usually used by average skiers. So, when playing with a platoon, it is better to take the same tanks.

Although there is one exception: these are platoons that consist of two self-propelled guns and one light tank. Before patch 0.8.6 this was simply a killer combination, but even after such platoons are capable of dragging out the battle. Self-propelled guns are brought into a square, into which the firefly drives, and fire synchronously, which allows you to destroy most tanks in one salvo.

If the enemy is behind a destructible cover, then for two self-propelled guns this will not be a problem: one destroys the cover, the second destroys the enemy, who remains defenseless. And the synchronization of actions does not allow the tank to hide. When playing with such a platoon, there is one more advantage: a light tank can scout out whether there is an enemy in a given square, then self-propelled guns will occupy it and unpleasantly surprise the enemy team with fire from an unexpected position.

Now let's move on to specific tips that will help you act more effectively in a platoon. First, use voice communication. Typing text takes a long time, it is very distracting in a dynamic battle. Standard commands are still not enough to coordinate your actions in a difficult situation. Nowadays a microphone costs almost pennies, so don’t waste money on buying it.

Secondly, work on focus, that is, concentrate fire on one enemy. It is always better to guarantee the destruction of one enemy than to damage several. If the enemy only has a few hit points left, they will still shoot and damage both you and your team, which can ultimately tip the scales in favor of one team or the other.

Third, cover the injured teammate you are playing with in a platoon. Strictly speaking, this also applies to everyone else on your team. The same rule applies here, but already in reverse side: it will be better if you have the maximum number of tanks left in your team, even if they are damaged, than to have only a few, but with a full margin of safety.

Skilled players who go into battle as a platoon are able to evenly divide the damage they receive among themselves, which allows them to inflict the maximum amount of damage. In general, if you have few strength points left, then do not hesitate to hide behind less damaged allies.

Fourth, choose your equipment wisely, especially for those modules that improve visibility. It makes sense for one player in the platoon to take, for example, a stereo scope and camouflage net, to highlight the enemy from the bushes, and shoot the other two from a long distance, so as to also remain unnoticed, at least it will be difficult to hit them.

Fifth, kill tanks that stand alone first. Everything is simple here: an enemy who has strayed from the rest is an easy target. And the fewer tanks there are on the enemy team, the better.

Sixth, during the pre-battle countdown, discuss future actions with other platoon members. You can do a little brainstorming and choose the most suitable route. In general, many players neglect tactics and assessing the situation in battle, but World of Tanks is, first of all, tactical game, in which the ability to shoot accurately and “tank damage” play an important, but still secondary role.

Seventh, try not to glow ahead of time. Experienced opponents will try to destroy the platoon first, as they understand the threat it poses. And it’s better not to reveal yourself until the very last moment in order to attack from an unexpected direction and shoot the hesitating enemy.

Eighth, your partner can always cover your flank or rear. In random battles, allies behave unpredictably; for example, they can simply abandon you and leave you alone with several opponents. A platoon partner will not do this, which greatly increases your tactical capabilities. With a platoon, for example, you can organize a successful rush, which is unlikely to be effective if you act with random allies.

Ninth, a platoon partner can be useful to you even after death. He can control the tactical situation and give advice. In addition, he sees all allies and enemies, some of which may be hidden from you due to the short communication range, and will always keep you informed of all events on the battlefield.

In most online games team interaction brings tangible benefits. World of Tanks is no exception here; it is a pronounced team game, in which a skillfully played platoon can “drag” even the most “draining” battle, even if most of the allies died in the first minutes. Plus, by playing with an experienced player in a platoon, you will learn and gain invaluable experience.

And so to begin with, for beginners, let’s explain what a platoon is in World of Tanks (hereinafter referred to as WoT).
A platoon in WoT is a team of two or three players who always end up together in the same battle and on the same team. That is, in essence, it is a team within a team.

Pros of playing in a platoon

One of the biggest advantages of playing as a platoon is that you can usually always rely on the support of your platoon mates. That is, you, with your teammates, can, for example, regardless of the actions of your team, or capture the base, thereby bringing a lot of benefit to the entire team and leading it to victory.

How to create a platoon?

For experienced players, playing in a platoon is already a completely familiar thing, but for players playing WoT for the first time, this can cause difficulties.
To begin with, to create a platoon you need to open the battle type selection dialog box, which is located at the top of the game interface, under the button "To battle!"

Then, when we have already created the platoon, all we have to do is invite the players we want to play with (let me remind you that their number cannot be more than 2, not counting you).

Ready! We are waiting for your teammates to be ready and press the button "To battle!"

Competent platoon play

As for competent platoon play, everyone has their own opinion on this matter. In my opinion, first of all, to play competently in a platoon, you need literacy and coherence among your platoonmates. That is, playing with a platoon is not only about riding the entire battle together, sometimes shooting at enemies, it is also about competent actions depending on the situation. For example, if the defense is about to be broken through on one flank, one of the platoon mates can quickly change location and hold back the enemy forces, while the remaining platoon mates will go behind enemy lines or attack from the flank. But this is only one of the possible scenarios for the development of events; in reality, there will be a large number of them, and in each of them, platoon players need to assess the situation and, based on this, make decisions about further actions. As a rule, competent and skillful platoon play can bring a lot of benefits to the team, thereby bringing victory to the team in what would seem to be the most hopeless situation. Well, in my opinion, that’s all you need to know about playing with a platoon in WoT. Happy bending on the battlefields!

In conclusion, we’ll add a couple of videos from water makers

Prepared by: KARTMAN1996

The balancer is a mechanism that finds a team for a player who is queued for a random battle. To make the battles interesting, there are several rules: the teams must be similar in class and vehicle levels, but not always exactly the same, in order to maintain a variety of tactics. In addition, no one wants to wait in line for a long time, so the system must collect teams quickly.

What does the balancer take into account?

Takes into account:

  • car class;
  • number of platoons in queue;
  • balance weight;
  • battle levels.

Does not take into account:

  • equipment, equipment, module packages;
  • nation;
  • crew;
  • "skill" of the player.

When creating a battle, the balancer first of all tries to place large platoons (of 4-5 players), then artillery, then light tanks, which are balanced according to the rules for selecting scouts. After this, the remaining players are selected so that the balance weights of the teams are as close to each other as possible.

If the balancer fails to create a battle that meets all the rules, then some of them are softened so that players do not have to wait in line for too long. However, it is never broken.

If even after five minutes it was not possible to select teams, the players return to the Hangar.

What are battle levels?

There are 11 battle levels (BC), which should not be confused with vehicle levels (I-X). Each vehicle, depending on its performance characteristics, falls into a certain range of battle levels. Although battle levels are not displayed in the Hangar, you can see maximum level opponents of each machine.

The tables below show the levels of battles into which vehicles fall. Please note special rules balancing light tanks and premium vehicles with preferential battle levels.

The figures are current for version 4.2. To enlarge the picture, click on it.


Special cars

Balance weight

The balance weight of the car is the main parameter when assembling a team. The balancer tries to make the total balance weights of opposing teams as equal as possible, while being guided by a set of restrictions. The balance weight of a tank depends on its level and class, but for some vehicles it is configured individually.

If a vehicle is not listed in the “Individual Settings” table, the balance weight from the “Default” table is applied to it. To enlarge the picture, click on it.



  • Tables from this page can be downloaded in one Excel file.


For platoons, the minimum combat level is determined by the lowest combat level for all members of the platoon. The maximum combat level is determined by the level of the platoon commander's vehicle.

It is undesirable to create platoons from vehicles with different levels fights: this may lead to uncomfortable results. For example, if a Tier IV light tank, which - according to the scout balancing rules - can get into battles up to level 7, is combined into a platoon with a Tier IV medium tank, for which the battle level is standard (up to 6th), then the medium tank will be in a battle of an inappropriate level for himself and will not be able to fight normally. The same thing happens when VIII IS-3 (standard UB) plays in a platoon with VIII IS-6 (preferential UB). The IS-3 pulls the IS-6 into a higher-level battle.

Platoons of 2-3 players are balanced approximately the same as solo players, but large platoons consisting of 4-5 participants have special matchmaking rules: the size of the platoon, the average balanced weight of the participants, the maximum level of the vehicle in the platoon and the distribution of levels are taken into account among the platoon members. As a result, vehicles in such a platoon can have a greater balance weight than if they were playing solo.

If there are multiple platoons in combat, balancing issues may arise. The balancer solves them this way: if there are many platoons in the queue, then first he selects platoons, and then fills the missing spots with single players.

And finally, if each member of the platoon has encountered a series of failures in battles of their level, the next time the balancer will select softer conditions for this platoon. When players leave the platoon, everything works as normal again.

team list: top to bottom

We know the feeling when you find yourself at the “top” of the team and you can influence the outcome of the battle, as well as the feeling when you are thrown to the very bottom, and you can only rely on your comrades.

And now about the good stuff: if a player two times in a row on the same vehicle ends up in the upper half of his range of battle levels, that is, he ends up at the bottom of the team list, then for the next battle the balancer places him in a battle of a lower level - that is, our tanker will end up already in the top half of the list. This way, no one has to constantly play against too strong opponents.

At the same time, the number of battles in a row spent in the “top” does not affect anything.
