How to set custom missions in war thunder. Custom missions in War Thunder

In war thunder, missions allow the player to gain experience, gain new skills and just have fun. While beginners understand the gameplay and sit on the main maps, experienced gamers can go through special war thunder missions that are created by users. How to do it and where to get them, we will tell in this guide.

The developers took care of their players and created a platform where each user can develop their own campaign. And everything is not done at the level of "figure it out for yourself." This is a full-fledged constructor with which you can create your own battles, cars, camouflage and full-fledged locations. All this can be independently drawn and made working.

Custom missions for war thunder allow you to try new sensations, practice strategy and just have fun. On the official website of the game, you can download a constructor that will allow you to create unique campaigns. Run the installation file, wait until it is on your computer, and run the program.

How to create a campaign in War Thunder

The simplest mission can be created without any skills at all. When you open the program, the location "Britain" will immediately start. You can start making a game right here, or you can change it through the Scene View menu. Next, you should go to the Mission Settings section, select the installed location and start creating a campaign, giving it a name.

The settings set the time of day, weather conditions and other data that allow you to diversify the game. Click on Create Unit and create a plane. When you press the P key, a menu will open where you can set the characteristics of the machine. Save them and you can start flying.

Unfortunately, development options only include aircraft, you won't be able to get tanks or ships. But if you prefer to fly, then it's great fun to create your own unique campaigns.

How to set a user mission

So let's figure out how to set custom missions in war thunder. You can run them in the game and go both alone and in the company of other players. If the game is created for the Web, then the following requirements must be met:

  • The mission must be adapted for a multiplayer battle, which means that it is necessary to make teams respawn zones.
  • You need to use an existing gaming location.
  • There must be an initiator (session creator). To comply with this clause, you must purchase any product in the game store in the amount of $10 or more.

If all conditions are met, you can enjoy the multiplayer game. To start, follow these steps:

  1. Open the mission in LIVE and click the "Copy Mission Link" button.
  2. Enter the game, open the battles window, go to the "Polygon" tab.
  3. Next, click the "Create session" button, select the "sessions by URL" item and add a mission.
  4. Give your campaign a name and paste the copied link into the field.

Now it remains to launch the mission and open it for all players. In the near future, you will immediately test your campaign.

Single player mode

If you want to play on your own, have fun and practice your skills, the mode is enough. single player. For example, you want to create a unique location and test it. It is possible, the start instruction is as follows:

  1. On the official website of the game, you need to find the mission you are interested in or find your created campaign there. Download it.
  2. On the computer in a folder with installed game you need to find the UserMissions folder. The downloaded .blk file must be added to this folder.
  3. Launch the game, go to the battles tab and select custom missions. There you will find the campaign that you previously downloaded and will be able to run it.

Playing custom campaigns is fun. You can just have a good time, practice your skills and work out new tactics and strategies. It is worth noting that the developers monitor user missions and notice noteworthy sessions.

If your project is among them, the company will offer you payments. And it doesn't have to be perfect. Developers pay attention not only to the general parameters of the campaign, but also to camouflage, aircraft models and characteristics, locations, and so on. However, a number of conditions must be met, including the campaign must comply with the latest updates.

This will enable you and other players to enjoy interesting campaigns. It is easy to download such missions, they are presented both on official sites and on other resources. Run quizzes, get creative, and enjoy exciting campaigns in War Thunder.

To all those who are close to the battles and, especially the atmosphere of the Second World War, my fiery greetings!

Indeed, in the game you can take part not only in exciting realistic battles, but also make adjustments, at least virtual ones.

Of course, not in the historical events themselves, but in the game process War tanks, in its unique atmosphere.

How to do it? There is a CDK tool with which you can create custom missions.

Such an innovation in the game appeared relatively recently, now fans of the popular browser can create Mission War thunder, own cards, and it also became possible to independently design attack aircraft, fighters, bombers.

Today you will learn what custom missions are, what they are for and how they can be created.

From this article you will learn:

What it is?

It is worth paying tribute to the developers of War Thunder for their democratic nature. Not only can everyone play the exciting browser game for free, and it has a lot of features, so they decided to improve it even more and made it possible to create their own locations, battles, camouflage.

All this is possible thanks to the special War Thunder CDK tool, which you can easily not only draw whatever you want, but also launch it into a working gameplay.

Tool installation

  1. Setting tool for custom missions in War game Thunder is the same as for any other programs.
  2. First you need to download the War Thunder CDK program from the official website Online Games. There are several versions, choose the one located at the very top, it is the last one.
  3. A file of about 147 meters "exe" will appear on the hard disk.
  4. It remains only to run it.
  5. The mission program will be installed on your computer.

What does the program look like

When you open the program, you will see a mini-FAQ window in front of you.

When you open the program, only one of the locations called "Britain" is launched. But you can create any other locations using the menu that contains "Mission Settings".

Here you just need to give the name of your mission and choose the location you like.

How to play?

So, you have created War Thunder missions. Now it’s not clear to you what to do next with them and how to actually play them.

The only thing is that the War Thunder CDK program is currently created only for aircraft, it is not yet possible to do this with tanks.

Nevertheless, it is incredibly interesting, because you can create everything at your discretion. For ground equipment so far only the creation of camouflage is available.

To start playing the mission you created, you need to go to the "custom missions" menu located in War Tanks. Everyone, you start the game.

Any of these missions can be uploaded to the official forum, where other users can learn about your achievements. You can also compare your creation with missions created by other gamers.

Is there a benefit?

You can easily get profit on missions, and in real money. True, not everyone can succeed. You have to be a real "constructor", a connoisseur, have remarkable talent and a rich imagination.

Profit is achieved in the process of careful monitoring by developers who follow the success of the players. The awards go to the best, most skillful, who created unique camouflage patterns, locations, and aircraft.

If you are one of them, then welcome, it is interesting and promises good benefits for you.

Moreover, the best creation is added to the browser, where other players begin to use it, and you will receive a constant profit at the same time.

Concluding my review, I want to note that such custom missions in War Thunder are extremely interesting to play. Often they are quite complex and difficult, which makes their passage even more exciting.

They have several levels of difficulty available, and with the passage of various levels, rewards are issued.

If you are interested, burn with desire and “creative missions” have awakened in you, feel free to start creating a mission. If you do not know how to do this, just try to play, most likely it will fascinate you very much.

We expect further updates to the game about tanks, as the creators will soon promise to surprise all the "inventors" with something unique again. That's all for me.

There is a lot of interesting things ahead, so do not forget to subscribe to my blog updates if you have not already done so. Bye, and creative success!

In this post, I will tell you how you can fly absolutely any aircraft in War Thunder in a Custom Mission in order to test it for other purposes. The aircraft may not be researched or purchased. This has only recently become possible.
KDPV, you can even fly on Li-2.

First you need to download the archive with the flight models and the mission and unpack it into the folder with War Thunder, or unpack and copy everything to the folder with War Thunder. Download.

We check. When you enter the game (you don't have to leave), in the menu select Custom missions. You should see the mission.

Try turning it on. If done correctly, you should be on the N1K2-Ja Shiden-Kai next to the B-24 group. Arrows are off. You can fly. The aircraft will be with reference characteristics.

Now how to change the plane (this can be done without leaving the mission). Find the file in the game folder units2.csv(it contains the names of all units in Russian, English and their internal names) and open it in MS Excel, OpenOffice Calc, or at least notepad or any other text editor. For example, I want to fly the Attacker FB 1. Call the search by pressing Ctrl+F and enter attacker (or enter the name of the aircraft as in the hangar).

We copy the name from the cell highlighted in red, corresponding to the aircraft we need. Then we go to the folder \WarThunder\UserMissions\ and open the file aircraft_test.blk Notepad or other text editor (not MS Word).

We twist to a fragment of text as in the screenshot.

Now select the name of the aircraft between quotes ( n1k2_jko_type1) and insert what we need ( attacher_fb1_0). Important! Change _0 at the end of the name to _type1. That is, now it will not be attaker_fb1_0, but attaker_fb1_type1. Do the same for any other aircraft. You can also change the enemy aircraft, just delete _0 (For example, we want to change B-24 to B-29. We look in the table B-29, insert b-29_0 instead of b_24d and remove _0 . It turns out just b-29.)

We return to the game, press Esc, Play again. You will appear on a new plane.

Not all aircraft that can be flown are listed in the table. See all the names of the aircraft on which you can fly in the folder \WarThunder\content\pkg_user\gameData\flightModels\.

All of these aircraft can be used in your Custom Missions. They can be created using the War Thunder CDK or downloaded from .

In the mission, it is possible to increase the speed to 800 km/h (press the bomb release button) and up to 600 km/h (press the rocket release button).

I can also tell you how to put ribbons and change bomb / missile presets on a plane in a mission if you want. Write in the comments if you need it.

I ask DMS to fix in the cap.


Hello to everyone for whom the atmosphere of the Second World War, recreated in War Thunder, is not an empty phrase. And, although the story has long been written, in this game you have the opportunity to make your own adjustments. Not in history, of course, but in the game and, accordingly, in the atmosphere of the Second World War, beloved by many. This is done using a tool such as custom missions for War Thunder.

you ist das?

The developers of War Thunder are extremely democratic - not only is the game free and there are a lot of goodies for the players, they decided to go further and invite players to create their own battles, planes, camouflage and even locations. Moreover, this offer is not at the level of "Photoshop to help you." The developers have provided their own tool with which all this can be drawn and made to work.

How to install this wonderful tool? Yes, just like any other computer program. You can download it on the official website of the game. choose latest version(it will be at the very top) and download, an “.exe” file about 147 meters in size will fall on your hard drive. Then simply launch it with a double click of the mouse, and a program called War Thunder CDK is installed on your computer. The open program window looks like this:

Mini FAQ

In principle, creating the simplest mission will not be difficult. By default, when you open the CDK, the location "Britain" is launched, you can play pranks on it, or you can select any other one through the Scene View menu button. Next, go to the Mission Settings section, select the already installed location there and give our mission a name. You can also set the time of day, weather, and so on. After that, click Create Unit and create an airplane. hot key P opens the properties of the unit, there you need to select the class of the aircraft, weapons and indicate that this is the player's aircraft. We save the mission and you're done - you can fly.

Created, what's next?

It's not as fun to create missions as it is to play them, especially if they're handmade. Of course, errors, crashes, and other inconsistencies can happen, so working with the War Thunder CDK is a real opportunity to get into the shoes of a programmer and beta tester. It’s a pity that you won’t be able to ride tanks - in CDK you can only work with aircraft, and for ground vehicles in best case you can fill in camouflage. However, Var Thunder as a project is not yet finished, let's hope there will be a holiday on the street of tankers.

But what about the profit?

Profit is also available. And in real money. True, not everyone has reached such heights, but only the most talented, lucky and rich in imagination. The game developers carefully monitor user-generated content, and if they find a mission, location, aircraft or camouflage that really deserves attention, welcome to the team! The most successful content can be added to the game, and then you get a direct profit, because for the fact that other players use your invention, you will be transferred real money.

There is, however, a fly in the ointment - since the game is currently actively developed, no one (not even the developers) knows whether the custom missions you have painstakingly created will be compatible with upcoming updates. Of course, when it comes to this, the developers will warn all inventors in advance and, probably, even give them some small bun.

In general, if you have a creative streak, try creating custom missions, you might like it. And if you are a pure player, try to play them, there are very interesting ones. On this today we say goodbye to you, subscribe to blog updates, there will be many more interesting things.
