Games to develop children's speech. Communication games Everyone lives with a little one, talk, play

Speech development in preschoolers is a complex process that occurs over several years, beginning in some of its aspects in newborns and expanding into its subtleties at an older age.

Considerable research efforts have been made to determine the age at which speech reaches its most efficient rate of development.

Most often, speech development is described in terms of phoneme acquisition (the characteristic sound elements used to form words and morphemes in a particular language).

The skill of this species is usually determined correct positioning sound (for example, 50%, 75% or 100% correct pronunciation).

And since children really love to study in play activity, then for the development of speech you need to use different game moments.

Game "Find the odd one out"

Any number of children can take part in this game. The only thing you need is a stock of series of words.

For example:

  • Thin, skinny, round, thin;
  • Tall, mean, long, short;
  • Brave, fat, courageous, daring;
  • Soap, toothbrush, shampoo, cucumber;
  • Birch, mug, pine, aspen;
  • Boy, book, girl, uncle;
  • Second, minute, ladle, hour;
  • Car, cucumber, potato, tomato;
  • Beautiful, lovely, green, charming;
  • Bicycle, car, ice cream, tram.

Game "Long Tail"

Very interesting game, which will not only allow children to have fun, but also teach them to cooperate in solving complex problems.

Each participant needs to be given pictures with different animals. It is very important that these animals have hostas of different lengths. Then, at the command of the leader, the children line up as quickly as possible. Whoever has the longest tail stands up first and then everyone stands in descending order of tail length.

If there are a lot of children in the group, then playing becomes even more interesting. Thanks to the participation of two teams, a competitive effect can be introduced into the event. Each participating team must line up correctly, and the one that does it the fastest wins.

The little ones can also be involved in the process. For example, let them find the one with the longest (short) tail out of all the animals. Or have them just name the animals in order based on the length of their tail.

Game "Guess what it sounds like"

Game "Highlight the word"

This game does not require the use of any visual aids, toys or objects. All you have to do is just get together and start playing.

The teacher explains that he will now pronounce different words. In some of them there will be a “mosquito song” (sound), in others – a water song (sound). If one of these sounds is pronounced, the children should clap their hands.

The game should be played in two stages: joint and individual. It's better to play in a group first. This will allow children to quickly learn the rules of the game and get involved in gameplay.

Then, when each child can easily cope with the task, you need to begin the individual stage.

The teacher calls on those children who have difficulty pronouncing the sounds z and s.

Game “Choose similar words”

This game does not require the use of any visual aids. It is only important to get together and start the gameplay.

First, the teacher explains the rules of the game and demonstrates how it is done. He names a word, and then selects and names another word that sounds similar to the first.

For example, the word “cat” would go well with “spoon”. And for the word “ears” a suitable pair would be the word “pillows”.

Then the teacher invites the children to take part in this game. He calls acquaintances simple words and encourages preschoolers to choose pairs that sound similar.

If children have difficulties, the teacher can give simple tips.
It is important to ensure that children choose the words correctly and say them clearly, loudly and clearly.

Game “Guess where the mugs are and where the mugs are”

For this game you will need two children's mugs and a couple of circles.

First, the teacher shows the kids “circles”, calls this word out loud and asks the children to repeat. Then he shows them “circles”, also says it loudly and asks the children to repeat.

The process can be repeated until preschoolers master these two words.

Then the teacher places each mug on a circle and asks the children what is on top and what is below. Having waited for the correct answer, the teacher places a circle on each mug and again asks the question, what is on top and what is below. Continue the game until everyone can easily complete the task.

It is important to ensure that children not only indicate without errors which object is located where, but also clearly pronounce the words with correct use accents.
Game "Take a toy"

For this game you will need any items whose names contain three or four syllables. For example, crocodile, Thumbelina, Cheburashka, Pinocchio.

The game is very similar to a deaf phone, but has some features. Children are seated in a semicircle.

All the toys are laid out on the table. The presenter whispers the name of one of the toys into the ear of the nearest baby. He whispers this name to the nearest child.

So, the word is passed from one to another until the last child hears it.

He must get up and find the toy whose name he heard. Then he takes the toy in his hands, shows it to everyone and calls it loudly.

The teacher’s task is to monitor the distinct and clear pronunciation of all words that children whisper.

Game “Hear and say the right word”

The purpose of this game is to help children develop auditory and phonemic awareness.

It is very important that children are already preschool age were able to hear and pronounce given sounds.

Additional visual material for the game is not required: you just need to gather the children next to the teacher.
The teacher explains that now he will read out interesting children's poems.

There are words in these verses that contain the sound “S” in their pronunciation. As soon as the children hear such a word, they should pronounce this word loudly and clearly in chorus. The teacher reads the verse slowly, so that it is not difficult for the children to catch the sound of each individual word.

Then you can repeat this exercise, choosing different letters. Particular attention should be paid to those letters whose pronunciation is not easy for some children.

Who is the best listener?

2 children take part in the game. The rest are also present and carefully observe the progress of the process. Their role will be described below.

Two competitors stand with their backs to each other, so that the watching children see them both from the side. Let's say one child's name is Sasha, and the other is Masha.

The teacher explains that now he will name the words. Some words contain the letter "sh". And if this sound is heard, then Sasha must raise his hand. Other words have a "w" sound.

If it sounds, then Masha should raise her hand. If the word does not contain these two letters, then no one raises their hand.

Think, don't rush

This game not only develops speech, but also allows you to use maximum level children's thinking abilities, which contributes to their overall mental development and intelligence.

The teacher offers the children to solve several interesting tasks.

  1. Name a word whose first letter is the same as the last letter of the word “karapuz”;
  2. Name a bird whose name contains the same sound as the last sound in the word “sob”;
  3. Name a word whose first letter is “k” and the last letter is “sh”;
  4. What word will you get if you add just one sound to the letter combination “but”?
  5. Come up with a sentence in which each word begins with the letter “m”;
  6. Find all the objects in this room that have the sound “u” in their names.

Game “Name the last sound in the word”

This game will require additional visual material.

You need to select pictures with different objects, animals, etc.

The teacher shows a group of children one picture and asks what is shown on it. After the correct answer has been received, you need to ask the children to name the last sound in this word.

At the same time, the teacher carefully monitors the correct pronunciation of sounds. It is especially important that children be able to pronounce both hard and soft consonants. For example, in the word door the last sound is “ry”, not “r”.

After all the pictures have been reviewed, the teacher asks the children to put them in two different piles. One pile contains pictures with the last soft sound. And the second stack with the last hard sound.

Game "First Sound"

To play you will need any objects, toys or cards with the image of something.

The teacher shows an object and asks the children to loudly pronounce the name of this object in chorus. Then you need to ask the children to pronounce the first sound with which the name of the object or toy begins.

In order to diversify the gameplay, you can also ask the children to take turns saying the first sound of the name of the person standing or sitting next to them.

It is important to ensure that sounds are pronounced clearly and correctly. For example, in the word “Vadik” the first sound sounds like “v” and not “ve”.

Game "Avalanche of Words"

This game will help develop not only the child’s speech, but also his memory, attention, ability to group objects and interact with other children.

The teacher explains to the children that now they will play the game “Avalanche of Words.”

The adult starts the game. He says the phrase “I put apples in the basket...”. And one of the children must continue this sentence by saying another word.

Only this word should denote an object that, in meaning, goes well with the first one.

For example, any other fruit goes well with the word “apples”: lemons, oranges, grapes, etc. But the word tractor or something like that won’t do at all.

Several years may pass between the first long-awaited word “Mom” and the baby’s understandable speech. But I really want to talk to the baby and understand his desires. If educational activities are already making your head spin, stop and just play... games that will help your baby speak!

Parents are silent - children are silent

  • - "Speaks?" - the pediatrician asks me laconicly at the next appointment.
  • “He says a lot, but little is clear,” I answer.
  • - “By the age of one year, I should already speak 20 words!” - the doctor insisted.

Did your baby speak 20 words at one year old? Did you even count? So I didn’t count, because all children are different. Who came up with this rule? And how can you count if half of the words are special words, family words, understandable only to parents.

Delay speech development in a 2 year old child: signs, causes, treatment.

But if you see that your peers on the playground are already babbling quite understandably, and your little one is still distorting his words, do not rush to take him to a speech therapist. Do you talk a lot? With him, with her husband, with other family members?

“Many parents don’t even realize that they themselves are robbing their child of a chance for normal and timely speech. Nowadays, children simply don't hear as many words as they should. What is a typical family evening like? Mom is standing at the stove, dad is in front of the TV or computer, the child is given a bunch of toys, “as long as he doesn’t distract him.”

Adults communicate little, part of the communication has been absorbed by social networks, and therefore the younger generation has no need for speech,” says Ksenia Ladozhskaya, a speech pathologist and speech therapist at a private development center in Moscow.

Does your baby talk a little? Then let's start with the parents! We turn off the TV and phone, as well as laptops and tablets. Just finish reading the article first, because next we will talk about games that will help your “silent person” talk.

Talking games for kids

Mom commentator

Teaching your child to talk to himself is very useful thing. Just comment out loud all your movements: Mom went for a walk, mom is getting dressed. The baby will very soon begin to repeat after you, albeit in his own, for now, “gibberish” language.

“Your mine I don’t understand”

Mom can pretend to be deaf for a day and constantly ask the baby again. For example, a baby reaches out for a cup of water, but you deliberately give him a spoon, even though you understood his request. What remains for the child? Try to express your need verbally. If the baby is angry, help him: what should I give you? Some bread, some water?

"We sing the words"

“We were baking a loaf of bread, this tall...” Involve the child, at first he will simply raise and lower his arms, spin around in a round dance, but imperceptibly for himself he will begin to sing along, trying to pronounce the words. Also suitable for this purpose folk games: “Across the hummocks” or “Baba sowed peas.”

Important rule! At first, the baby can only sing individual words or even parts of words. Don't rush or correct him, he should feel "free". At the same time, do not go to the other extreme, do not switch to childish language and do not distort words like a child.

Articulation exercises for practicing with a child up to one year old

Fingers will help you speak

More than once you have heard that development fine motor skills hands is directly related to speech. But the fingers will help the baby speak in the literal sense of the word.

“Finger, whose are you?”

You can act out a real theatrical scene with just one child’s hand; the “actors” don’t even need costumes. Show your baby how your finger can talk, twitch it and ask: “Finger, whose are you?” “I’m mommy’s finger!” - answer as if the finger said it. Now repeat the procedure with your baby's hand, adding other simple questions. In order for the baby to believe that the finger really can talk, you can sew a tiny hat for it, draw eyes and a mouth. It’s even easier to use special toys in the form of animals or people.

“Snail, show us your horns!”

Mom's fist can turn into a real snail that can show and hide its horns.

  • Clench your fist tightly and slowly move it along the table, as if a snail is crawling.
  • Let the baby ask the snail to show its horns; if he doesn’t cope with the task the first time, do it for him.
  • The snail, at the child's request, shows its horns - the middle and index fingers, then hides them again.
  • Then offer the snail candy or other treat, the snail rejoices - its palm opens.
  • The goal of the game is to get the child talking and captivate him with the “executive” and funny snail.

Good old nursery rhymes

Teach nursery rhymes, children love them very much, quickly memorize them and soon begin to repeat them on their own. Accompany the reading of each nursery rhyme with movements of your hands, and maybe the whole body.

Games for children over three years old

If your baby already speaks, but knows few words, you can “talk” him through games, preferably collective ones.

Who is the parcel for?

This game can be played in a small children's group or with parents. You will need several boxes, as well as toys or other items to pack in them. Let dad play the postman who brought the package for the child, he tells who sent the package, what is in it and why it was sent. Now the baby is trying on the role of the postman; what package did he bring and for whom?

Go hunting!

What kid hasn’t dreamed of going on a real hunt with dad? The time has come to make his wishes come true, albeit in game form. You need to play outside, preferably on a playground where there are many children. Children stand in one line and take turns moving to the improvised forest, where the hunt will begin. As you take a step, say the name of the animal.

“I’m going into the forest, I’ll hunt elk!” says the first player. “And I’m going into the forest to hunt hares,” says the second. If a participant cannot name the animal, he is eliminated, and the one who can get the farthest wins.

Toys play fairy tale

You and your child distribute toys among each other; these will be characters for fairy tales. You can choose a well-known fairy tale or agree that you will come up with it as you go. Then everyone in turn names a sentence and shows the action with a toy (for example, “the old woman baked a bun” - the doll approaches the box and takes out a bun ball). It turns out to be a real performance.

The main thing is to involve the child so that he starts talking and wants to come up with lines for the characters. Perhaps later the baby will want to show you a performance or act as a character. Consider this your success!

Games that develop the speech of a child aged 3-4 years

Kind words

You can play this game with your family; the more players, the more interesting it is. The presenter names the surrounding objects, and the players take turns calling them affectionately. Potato - potato, chair - chair, mom - mommy. If a child cannot pronounce a kind word, he drops out of the game. This game is suitable for children over four years old; younger players will find it difficult.

We talked about what games with words, as well as collective and finger games help develop baby's speech. Don’t be lazy to play them, and also recite poems, read fairy tales, talk a lot, and then your baby will babble “incessantly.”

What speech development games do you play with your kids?


The players begin counting out loud from one to one hundred, taking turns calling the numbers. The players’ task is to say “tru-la-la” instead of numbers that are divisible by 7 or include the word “seven” in their name (you can come up with any other funny phrase; and instead of 7, choose another number, for example, 4). The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The remaining participants start counting over again. You need to keep score quickly, then mistakes happen often, and the game turns out to be very fun. The winner is the one who has never made a mistake.

Earth, air, water, fire

Interesting word game for children on quick thinking. The participants of the game form a circle, in the middle of which the driver stands. He takes turns throwing the ball or balloon players, naming one of the elements: earth, air, water or fire. If the driver said the word “Earth!”, then the one who caught the ball needs to quickly (while the driver counts to five) name some domestic or wild animal; to the word “Water!” the player answers with the name of a fish or aquatic animal; to the word “Air!” – the name of a bird (flying insect). At the word “Fire!” everyone should wave their hands. The one who makes a mistake or cannot name the animal is eliminated. You cannot repeat the names of animals, fish and birds.

Verbal volleyball

In this game, participants stand in a circle and throw a ball or balloon to each other. In this case, the player who throws calls any noun, and the one who catches the ball needs to name a verb that has a suitable meaning, for example: the sun is shining, the dog is barking, etc. If the player calls an inappropriate verb, he is eliminated from the game.

There is one answer to all questions

You need to prepare cards with names in advance various items household items. These can be kitchen utensils, household appliances, household and other items, for example: a frying pan, a saucepan, a vacuum cleaner, an iron, a broom, a mop, etc.

The players sit in a circle. The presenter approaches each participant and offers to pull out a piece of paper with the name of the item from the hat (box). When everyone has sorted out the cards, the leader stands in the center of the circle and the game begins. The host asks the players in turn a wide variety of questions, and the players must answer these questions only with the names of the items they received on the cards (in addition, only prepositions are allowed). Rules: you need to answer questions very quickly, and the one who is talking with the host is forbidden to laugh, while the rest of the participants can deliberately make him laugh.

Options for questions and answers:

  • What is your name? - Mop.
  • What do you use to brush your teeth in the morning – a vacuum cleaner.
  • What's the name of your hairstyle? - Washcloth.
  • Who are your friends? - Frying pans.
  • What do you have instead of eyes? - Spoons.

The main task of the presenter is to come up with such questions, the answers to which involuntarily cause laughter like specific players, and so do all other participants. The player who laughs is eliminated from the game. The most calm participant who knows how to restrain his emotions wins.

The answers are out of place

The essence of the game: any questions from the presenter must be answered very quickly, without hesitation, with any proposal that is not related to the question asked. For example, the presenter asks: “Isn’t it wonderful today?” The player needs to answer something like this: “I think today is Saturday.” If he makes a mistake or answers in monosyllables (for example, saying “yes”, “no”, “true” or “false”), he is eliminated from the game. One participant in the game cannot be asked more than three questions in a row. The presenter's task is to try to confuse the player. For example, he asks: “Isn’t it wonderful weather today?” The player replies: “I think today is Saturday.” Host: “Is it Saturday today?” Player: “I love going to the movies.” Host (quickly): “Do you like going to the movies? One, two...” Player playing by inertia: “Yes” - that’s it, he lost in the dialogue and is out!


In this simple fun game, which does not require any additional props, can be played while sitting at the table. A driver is selected and asks everyone in turn a variety of questions. The players’ task is to give the same answer: “sausage” or related words: “sausage”, “sausage”, etc. The main thing is to answer with the most serious face. The one who laughs first is out of the game. The winner is the player who fully copes with his emotions and does not succumb to the leader’s provocations. Laughter during the game is guaranteed!


A fun outdoor game for children. The presenter tells the participants words denoting the names of the objects, and the players need to quickly find this item and hand it to the presenter. The difficulty lies in the fact that the presenter calls all the objects “backwards”, for example: cham, akzhol, agink, alkuk (ball, spoon, book, doll). Fun for kids guaranteed!

Will you go to the ball?

A fun word game for quick reaction for a small company. The essence of the game: participants are not allowed to laugh (or even smile!), or say the words “yes”, “no”, “black” and “white”. Anyone who violates these conditions gives the game host a phantom - any item he has, after which he is eliminated from the game. When there is no longer a single player left in the game, everyone who gave forfeits buys them back by completing fun tasks invented by the presenter.

The game begins with the presenter approaching each player in turn with the words: “The lady sent you a golik and a broom, and a hundred rubles of money, she told you not to laugh, not to smile, not to say “yes” and “no”, black and white not wear. Will you go to the ball?

Examples of possible dialogues with player errors:

  • - Will you go to the ball?
  • - I'll go.
  • - Or maybe you’ll stay at home?
  • No, I'll go. Oh…
  • — What color will your dress be? White?
  • - Yellow.
  • - Then the hat, of course, will be white?
  • - Not white, but pink. Oh…
  • —Will you go in a carriage?
  • - Most likely, in the carriage
  • — What will you wear to the ball?
  • — Beautiful dress.
  • - Black?
  • - Blue.
  • — Will it be sewn specially for this ball?
  • - Certainly.
  • - And you will be the most irresistible lady at the ball?
  • - Necessarily.
  • - And you will kiss everyone?
  • No! Oh…

During the game, the host tries to make the person answering laugh; in addition, he asks questions so that forbidden words are spoken as soon as possible, and the players pay for it with forfeits.

Communication games: 25 interesting communication games for developing communication for children and adults.

Communication games.

Communication games– this is the name of games for developing the ability to communicate, the ability to cooperate and interact with people in a variety of life situations. Communication games can be played at home, in the yard, at a children's center, at a party or family party, during training or use as moments of relaxation after classes. The article contains games that I use in my communication with children and which we love very much. Let me tell you a secret that I also played them with teachers when I taught them classes on the topic of developing communication in children. And even the “adult aunts” played them with pleasure!

I wish you joyful games! Start playing communication games with us.

Communication game 1. “Hello”

You need to have time in a limited time (1 minute or while the music is playing) to say hello to as many people present as possible. The way in which we will greet each other is agreed upon in advance - for example, by shaking hands. At the end of the game, the results are summed up - how many times they managed to say hello, whether anyone was left without a greeting, what the mood of the players is now.

Communication game 2. “Confused”

There are two options in this communication game.

Option 1. “Confused woman in a circle.” The players stand in a circle and join hands. You can’t unclasp your hands! Players tangle the circle - without releasing their hands, stepping over their hands, turning around, and so on. When the prostitute is ready, the driver is invited into the room. He needs to untangle the players back into the circle without releasing their hands.

It's very funny and exciting game, which kids, teenagers and adults play with great pleasure. Try it - you will like it!

Option 2. “Snake” (author of the option – N.Yu. Khryashcheva). The players stand in a line and join hands. Then they get entangled (the first and last players - that is, the “head” and “tail” of the snake pass under the players’ hands, step over the hands, and so on). The driver’s task is to untangle the snake without releasing the players’ hands.

Communication game 3. “Locomotive”

The players stand one after another. The first in the chain is a steam locomotive. His eyes are open. All other players – the “carriages” – have their eyes closed. The locomotive carries its train straight, snake-like, and with obstacles. The task of the “carriages” is to follow the “locomotive” forward without releasing their hands. The task of the “locomotive” is to walk in such a way as not to lose the trailers behind you. If the “car” is unhooked, then the train is “repaired” and moves on.

Communication game 4. “Kangaroo and baby kangaroo”

They play in pairs. One player is a “kangaroo”. He's standing. The other player is the little kangaroo. He stands with his back to the kangaroo and crouches. Kangaroo and baby kangaroo hold hands. The task of the players in pairs is to reach the window (the wall). The game can be played even with the smallest children both at home and on a walk.

Communication game 5. “Mirror”.

Players are divided into pairs. One player in a pair is a mirror. “Mirror” synchronously repeats all the movements of the second player in a pair. Then they change places. This is not as simple as it seems at first glance - try to keep up with the player as a mirror!

Then, when the children have mastered the option of playing in pairs, it will be possible to play this game with a group of children. Children stand in a line, and the driver is in front of them, facing the players. The leader shows the movement, and the whole group synchronously repeats this movement after him (note that the group repeats in a mirror manner, that is, if the driver raised his right hand, then the “mirror” raises his left hand).

Communication game 6. “Hold the ball”

In this game we will learn to adapt our movements to the movements of our playing partner.

Players stand in pairs and hold one common large ball. Each player holds the ball with both hands. On command, players must sit down without dropping the ball from their hands, walk around the room with it, and jump together. The main task is to act in concert and not drop the ball.

When players can hold the ball with both hands without any problems, the task becomes more complicated - the ball will need to be held with only one hand for each player in the pair.

Communication game 7. “Favorite toy”

Everyone stands in a circle. The game leader has a soft toy in his hands. He says a few words about her - compliments: “Hello, little mouse! You're so funny. We really love to play with you. Will you play with us? Next, the presenter invites the children to play with the toy.

The toy is passed around in a circle, and each player who receives it says affectionate words about the toy: “You have such a cute face,” “I really like your long tail,” “You are very funny,” “You have such beautiful and soft ears.” .

The game can be played even with small children - offering them the beginning of a phrase that the baby will finish: “You are very...”, “You have beautiful...”.

Communication game 8. “Greeting” (“Clapperboard”).

I really love the different rituals created with children. We, adults, very often think that this is a trifle, nonsense. But how important they are for children!

My children and I make a “cracker” when we meet. Everyone stands in a circle, arms extended forward. I open my palm, the children place their palms on my palm, one on top of the other (it turns out to be a “slide” of our palms). Then we lift this “slide” up and all together make a “cracker” on command. I say: “One, two, three” (to these words we raise our hands and stretch up - and we stretch as high as we can reach without separating our hands). "Pop!" At the word “clap,” our common clapper claps to everyone’s joy—the arms quickly spread to the sides like a fountain.

If there are few children, then during the circle before the clap we greet each other: “Hello, Tanya (Tanya’s palms rested on our clapper), hello, Sasha,” and so on.

Communication game 9. “Needle and Thread” (folk game).

All players stand next to each other. One player is a needle. Other players are a thread. “Needle” runs, changing the direction of movement - straight, and in a snake, and in a circle, with sharp turns and smoothly. The rest of the players must keep up and adapt their actions to their team.

Communication game 10. “What has changed?”

The players are divided into two groups. One group will make riddles, the other will guess. Those who guess correctly leave the room. The players remaining in the room make several changes to their appearance. For example, you can take someone else’s handbag on your shoulder or unbutton one button on your shirt, tie a new elastic band on your pigtail, change places, change your hairstyle. When the players are ready, they call their comrades into the room. The other team must guess what has changed. Then the teams change places. The game can be played not only by a team, but even by a couple.

It’s good if there is a mirror in the room where changes will take place - this is very convenient. But you can do without it and play this game even on a camping trip. It turns out to be a lot of fun. Bring props for this game (neck scarves, straps, hairpins and other things that can be used to change your appearance).

Communication game 11. “Compliments.”

All players stand in a circle and take turns complimenting each other. Compliments can include mood, appearance, personal qualities and much more.

This is very nice game- try it.

Communication game 12. “Guess”

All players sit on the carpet. One player - the driver - turns his back to everyone. The players take turns patting him on the back. The driver's task is to guess who stroked him now. Then the players change places so that everyone can play the role of leader. The game can be played not only on the carpet, but also while standing (for example, while walking).

A similar game can be played in another version - call the driver by name - you get the game “Guess who called.”

Communication game 13. “Find your child”

This is a game for family groups and family holidays. The game is a favorite, wonderful, fun, we have already played it many times. I love her very much!

The players are divided into two teams. On one team there are parents, on the other there are their children. Parents take turns being blindfolded and need to find their child among all the other children by touch. Children are prohibited from saying or suggesting anything. On the contrary, you need to confuse the parents - for example, change a jacket or remove a bow from your hair, run to another place in the room, sit down (so that they don’t guess by your height), and so on. As soon as the parent guesses his baby, he says: “Here is Anya!” (says the child’s name) and removes the bandage. If the parent does not guess correctly, then he receives a forfeit, which is won back at the end of the game.

The game is wonderful, we always play with pleasure. Play with your friends!

Communication game 14. “Lame duck”

The duck broke her leg and now walks poorly. One of the children plays her role. The child, playing the role of a duck, tries to show how painful, bad and sad he is. All the other children console him, stroke him, say kind words, hug him, and support him. You can play so that the children take on the roles themselves, or you can use toys and speak for them. In this communication game, kids learn to show empathy.

Communication game 15. “Looking for a friend.”

This game can only be played in a large group of children. You will need a set of pictures or a set of toys (2-3 bears, 2-3 bunnies, 2-3 dolls, 2-3 ducks, and so on). Each child is given one toy or one picture, which has “friends” - the same pictures.

Children are invited to find friends for their toys (find paired toys, that is, for a bunny, find other bunnies, for a bear, other bears). Children look for friends while listening to music. When friends for the toy are found, the children with the toys dance together and have fun to the music.

This is a game for young children who are still learning to interact with each other.

Communication game 16. “Catch the Eye”

This game develops mutual understanding. The game is led by an adult.

Players sit on the carpet or on chairs. The presenter looks at the players, and then fixes his gaze on one of them for a few moments, as if calling him to him. The one on whom the presenter's gaze rests must stand up. The players' task is to guess by their gaze when the game host calls you.

Then, when the players become familiar with the rules of the game, the children lead and try to understand each other by looking at each other.

The game can be played not only with a group of children, but also in a family.

Communication game 17. “Swap places”

We are all different, but we have so much in common! We will see this during the game.

Players either stand in a circle or sit on chairs. The host of the game invites those who… to change places. (The following are the tasks: “Swap places those who love candy”, “Who cleans their bed every day”, “Who has a cat at home” and so on).

Communication game 18. “I want to be friends with you”

This game is developed by O.V. Khukhlaeva. The game helps to establish a friendly atmosphere in a group of adults and children.

The driver says: “I want to make friends...” and then describes one of the group members. The participant, who guessed that they were describing him, quickly runs up to the driver and shakes his hand. And he himself becomes the driver in the game.

A very pleasant and friendly game.

Communication game 19. “Box with a secret”

This communicative game was also proposed and described by O.V. Khukhlaeva. You will need a fairly large cardboard box (for example, from a computer or other household appliance). You can always find her among friends. In this box you will need to cut large holes - such that your hand can fit through them freely. In total you need to make 4-6 holes. Respectively, 4-6 people play (the number of holes in the box, the number of players there can be in your game). The players put their hand into the box (the presenter holds the box on the table at this time), they find someone’s hand there, get acquainted with it and guess who it was, whose hand they just met.

A very fun and mischievous game! It is interesting for adults too.

Communication game 20. “Balls”

Players need to hold hands and form a closed figure of any shape. If there are many people playing, then you need to first divide them into teams. A team can have several players (4-6 people).

Each team is given 3 colorful balloons. The team’s task is to keep their balls in the air without releasing their hands for as long as possible (you can throw the balls with your shoulder or even your knee, blow on them and use all the methods that come to your mind). The team that keeps the balls in the air the longest wins.

If adults are playing, then during the game you can add 2 more balls to each team - this is much more difficult and more interesting!

For the youngest children, you need to offer 1 ball, which is held in the air by a pair of three players. You can play with kids not only with a ball, but also with a fluff of cotton wool, which you need to blow on (an ancient Russian folk game).

Communication game 21. “Animal piano”.

This communication game was developed by O.V. Khukhlaeva and develops the ability to cooperate with each other. Children sit in one line (it turns out to be a piano keyboard). The game leader (an adult) gives each child his voice - onomatopoeia (meow, oink, woof, mu, kokoko, eider and others). The presenter, that is, the “pianist,” touches the children’s heads (“plays the keys”). And the “keys” each make their own sound.

You can also play on your knees – the keys. Then you can also introduce sound volume into the game. If the pianist touches the key lightly, it sounds very quiet, barely audible, if more strongly, it sounds loud. If it is strong, then the “key” is to speak loudly.

Communication game 22. “Snowball”.

This game is good for dating, but can be used in other cases. They play like this. The first player says his name. The next player says the first player's name and his own name. The third player is the name of the first and second player and adds his name. And so on in a circle. We end with the first player calling out all the names. Names are very easy to remember with this weight.

Not necessarily in this communication game name names - you can name who likes or doesn’t like what, who has what dream, who came from where (if we play with children at a country camp) or who has what pet (that is, what we say, you can choose and come up with yourself, depending on the topic )

Communication game 23. “Make the Nesmeyanu laugh.”

One player is Nesmeyana. All the others are trying to make Nesmeyana laugh. The one who succeeds becomes Nesmeyanaya in the next game.

Communication game 24. “Conspirator”

This game was developed by V. Petrusinsky. All players stand in a circle. The driver is in the center of the circle. He is blindfolded. The players dance around the driver. As soon as the driver says: “Stop,” the round dance stops. The driver's task is to recognize the players by touch. If the driver recognizes the player, then the player leaves the game. The task is to become the best conspirator, that is, to make sure that you are not recognized at all or are the last to be recognized.

Very funny and entertaining game. What children just don’t do is stand on a chair or crawl on all fours, disguise their hairstyle under a cap and tie the bow of their dress in reverse (from the back, where it was, to the stomach). Try it - you will like it!

Communication game 25. “Ears – nose – eyes.”

All players stand in a circle. The presenter begins to speak out loud and at the same time show a part of the body: “Ears-ears” (everyone shows ears), “Shoulders-shoulders” (everyone shows shoulders), “Elbows-elbows” (everyone shows elbows). Then the driver begins to deliberately confuse the players: he shows one part of the body and names another. If the driver makes a mistake, children should not repeat his movements. The one who never makes a mistake wins.

Both kids and teenagers play this game with equal delight. It is also suitable for studying foreign languages. The vocabulary of the game (named body parts) depends on the age of the children playing. For the smallest children, it is enough to name the parts of the body they know - nose, ears and others. For older people, you can use more complex words - chin, elbows, forehead, eyebrows and others.

Communication game 26. “Complete the picture.”

The game is very simple. You can even play it together. One person begins to draw - draws a squiggle on a piece of paper. The second player of the pair continues the drawing and again passes the paper and pencil to the first player. The first player continues again and so on until the drawing is completed.

If you play with a group, the game is played a little differently. All players sit in a circle. They simultaneously begin to draw a drawing on a sheet of paper and, at the leader’s signal, pass their drawing to the neighbor on the left. And they themselves receive a drawing from the neighbor on the right. Each player completes the received squiggle and, at the leader’s signal, again passes the sheet of paper to the neighbor on the left. So all the drawings move in a circle until the presenter signals the end of the game. Then the resulting drawings are examined. We discuss what was planned by the first player who started drawing, and what happened.

The game gives all children the opportunity to express themselves; here imagination is not constrained by anything. Even very shy children enjoy playing this game.

Communication game 27. “Conversation through glass.”

They play in pairs. One player appears to be in the store. And the second one is on the street. But they forgot to agree on what to buy at the store. The player “on the street” communicates with gestures to the player “in the store” what he needs to buy. It's useless to shout: the glass is thick, they won't hear you. You can only communicate with gestures. At the end of the game, the players exchange information - what needed to be bought, what the buyer understood from the gestures of his friend in the game.

You can also play this game in teams. One team makes a wish and its representative shows with gestures what is wished for. The other team guesses. Then the teams change roles.

The game is interesting for both children and adults. You can “go” to different stores - to the “Children’s World”, and to the “pet store”, and to the “supermarket”.

Communication game 28. Sculptor and clay.

For this communicative game with preschoolers, you will need pictures (photos) of people in various poses. They can be copied online and printed.

They play in pairs. One child in the pair is a sculptor, the other is clay. Each pair receives a picture of a person in a certain pose. The child “sculptor” needs to sculpt this figure from his own “clay”. You can’t talk, because clay doesn’t understand words, you can just “sculpt.” Then the “sculptor” and “clay” switch roles.

With teenagers and adults, you can use more complex versions of the game: for example, sculpt a whole sculptural group of several people on a given theme. And then switch roles.

Communication game 29. The blind man and the guide.

This game is played in pairs. One player in a pair is blind. He is blindfolded. The other must lead him from one end of the room to the other end. In advance of the start of the game, obstacles are created in the room - boxes, toys, chairs are placed and other objects are laid out. The guide must guide the “blind” person so that he does not stumble. After this, the players change roles.

Communication game 30. “Competition of braggarts.”

This game was developed by E. O. Smirnova (I highly recommend to teachers her book “Communication of Preschool Children with Adults and Peers”, publishing house Mosaic - Synthesis, in which you will find a system of wonderful games with preschoolers to develop communication).

The players sit in a circle. The presenter suggests holding a braggart competition. And the winner will be the one who best boasts about... the neighbor on the right! You need to tell about your neighbor, what is good about him, what he can do, what actions he has done, why you like him. The task is to find as many virtues as possible in your neighbor.

Children can name any advantages (from the point of view of adults, these may not be advantages - for example, a very loud voice - but the child’s opinion is important to us)!

Although this communication game is intended for children, it is very good to play in a group of employees at work. We played and everyone was very happy! It’s so nice to praise your colleagues and hear their words of support addressed to you.

Posted by: Valasina Asya, author of the website “Native Path”, presenter of the Internet Workshop of educational games “Through the game - to success!”, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, specialist in the field of preschool pedagogy and methods of children’s speech development.


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To make your holiday more fun and exciting, website I've collected a few for you cool games, which will help you laugh a lot, exercise your brains once again and learn a lot about each other. They don’t require any special props, so go for it.


All participants come up with ten words, write them on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. And then the fun begins: players, in a limited amount of time, take turns trying to explain, show or draw the words they come across, and everyone else tries to guess them. The most successful ones receive victory points, honor, glory and a medal around their neck.


Everyone sits in a circle, and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must immediately say into the ear of the next one his first association to this word, the second speaks to the third - and so on, along the chain, until the word returns to the first. If you turn an “elephant” into a “stripper,” consider the game a success.

Get to know me

Several people sit in a row. The presenter must, blindfolded, recognize by touch the hidden person in those sitting. Moreover, you can guess by different parts of the body - for example, by the arm, legs, hair, depending on how far everyone is ready to go.


A tower is built from even wooden blocks, and the direction of laying alternates at each level. Players then take turns carefully pulling out one block at a time and placing it on top of the tower. All this must be done very carefully, otherwise the tower will collapse. The player whose actions caused the collapse is considered the loser.


This popular game, in which, with the help of gestures, movements and facial expressions, participants show the hidden word, and other players try to guess it. The driver is prohibited from pronouncing any words or making sounds, using or pointing to surrounding objects, or showing letters or parts of a word. The lucky one, who guesses what is being said, in the next round depicts the word himself, but a different one.


One leader is selected, and everyone else stands in a very close circle - literally shoulder to shoulder. Players' hands should be behind them. The essence of the game is to pass a cucumber behind your back without the host noticing and take a bite of it at every opportunity. And the presenter’s task is to guess whose hands the cucumber is in. If the leader guesses right, then the player he caught takes his place. The game continues until the cucumber is eaten. It's a lot of fun!


The presenter comes up with a word and tells the other players the first letter of this word. For example, the word “catastrophe” was conceived - the first letter “K”. Each of the other players comes up with a word starting with this letter and tries to explain to the others what exactly he is up to without naming it. If one of the players understands exactly what word was intended by the one who explained, then he says “There is contact!” and both (the one who explained and the one who responded) begin to count out loud to ten, and then each say their own word. If the word matches, then the presenter names the second letter of the word, and the game continues, only now you need to invent and explain a word with the initial letters already given. If the word does not match, then the players continue to try to come up with and explain a new word.


Good old detective fun. Danetka is a word puzzle, a confusing or strange story, part of which the presenter tells, and the rest must reconstruct the sequence of events. Questions can only be asked that can be answered with “Yes”, “No” or “Irrelevant”, hence the name of the game.


A good old children's game. Players collect one of each item, which is put into a bag. One player is blindfolded. The presenter pulls out things one by one, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the pulled out thing, the owner of which must complete it. The tasks can be very different: sing a song, dance or walk the iron.
