Fallout new vegas van graphs. Companions in Fallout New Vegas and expansions

IN Fallout New Vegas you can take 8 characters as partners, but only two can travel with you at the same time: one robot and one humanoid. Each partner gives a certain special skill for the duration of his presence in the squad.

The player can give assistants his weapons and armor. When issuing faction armor to companions, you need to be careful because... they may refuse to wear it and throw the armor on the ground.
The player's assistants are immortal with the exception of hardcore mode; in normal mode, instead of dying, they simply lose consciousness and come to life at the end of the battle (with the exception of story deaths). An assistant who has become unnecessary can be sent home at any time (to where he was originally) or to the presidential suite of the Lucky 38 casino.

There is an unpleasant bug in the game - assistants can get lost, i.e. will take a place in the detachment, but in fact they will not be with you, nor at the place of their permanent “registration”. This risks the fact that you will not be able to fire an assistant who has become a phantom and take another one in his place. If this happens, the easiest way is to reload the old save.

Robot ED-E
Can be found in Prima, in Nash's house. To take a robot into the squad, you need to repair it. This can be done either by using skills ("repair=65″ or "science=55″ + "repair=30″) or using spare parts (3 pieces of scrap metal, 2 sensor modules, 1 piece of electronic junk). Armed with laser weapons. While in a squad, it works as a kind of radar, recognizing and marking targets at a considerable distance around. Can carry things.

The quest can be obtained by talking to the owner of the Gibson Landfill. After 9 game days, you need to come to the Helios 1 power plant and in a conversation with one of the Followers of the Apocalypse, ask about Archimedes. After 2 game days, talk to the ED-E robot. In the conversation, you will receive an offer from the Brotherhood of Steel and the Followers of the Apocalypse. If you bring the robot to the Brotherhood, it will improve its armor, if to the Followers, it will improve its weapons. You will have to leave the robot for the duration of the upgrade and after a couple of days pick it up in Prima, where it was originally.
Also, instead of the landfill and power plant, you can visit the doctor in Jacobstown and the Brotherhood of Steel.

Robopdog Rex
Located in Freeside near the King. If she is present in the squad, things lying around should be highlighted when inspecting the area through a scope, binoculars or camera. Can carry things.

Initially, the dog belongs to the King, the leader of a group of the same name located in Freeside, whose members pretend to be Elvis Presley. The king can be found on the first floor next to the stage (day) or on the third in his room (at night). After starting to complete the King's task and making friends with him, you learn that Rex is faulty and Dr. Henry from Jacobstown can help him. Take your dog to the doctor. He will recommend a brain transplant. You can buy a brain in one of these places:
1. At the "Gibson's Scrap Yard";
2. In the "Devils" camp near shelter 3;
3. In the "Fort" (in the main camp of the Legion, where Caesar is located).
You can install one of the brains to choose from. The first will increase the damage the dog inflicts on enemies, the second will increase its speed, and the third will increase its armor.

Ghoul repairman. Locked in Mount Black Prison. He will go with you if you free him. Gives the player a reduction in weapon and armor wear as a bonus.

With Raul you need to visit three places on the map and talk to three old men:
1. Ranger Andy in Novak;
2. Corporal Sterling in the tent camp at McCarran Airport (or at Camp of Last Resort depending on the progress in the game);
3. You also need to talk to the old man in the hangar in Nellis (who gives the task of raising the sunken B-29).
Each time you visit one of the specified places, Raoul will talk to the player and tell the next part of the story about his past life. As a result, you will have a choice - either he will become a more effective fighter, or he will improve his ability to further reduce the wear and tear of your things.

Scribe of the Brotherhood of Steel. Stands at the "188th trading post". He will go with you without additional preliminary tasks. Melee weapon specialist. Carry with him a portable mobile workbench (on which he can make various items, and also reload cartridges).

To get the quest you need to visit different places with her three times. This is the McCarran base (Veronica spoke in the scientists’ room in the airport building, where the quest “Do not grow grass” is taken) and twice the Van Graf store in Freeside. As a result, Veronica will want to return to the Brotherhood bunker. In the bunker, you need to approach Elder McNamara and listen to his conversation with Veronica. The elder needs proof that the Brotherhood is dying. Evidence may include one of:
1. Pistol "Euclidean Algorithm" (can be bought from children chasing rats in Freeside). However, if you have already distributed energy at the Helios 1 power plant, ignoring Archimedes, then this path will be closed to you.
2. Data from the computer in "Vault 22" (which you are also asked to get from the quest "Do not grow grass"). If you have already completed the quest "Do not grow grass", this item does not apply.
3. Pulse pistol from the weapons room in Vault 34. Having taken one of these items, you need to return to the elder.

Sniper, on duty at night in Novak, inside the dinosaur statue. To join, you must first complete the task of finding the “killer” of his wife. His special skill is that when inspecting the area through the sight, enemy targets should be highlighted.

To accept his task (finding out details about what happened in Bitter Springs), you need to score five prestige points. This can be done by intensively fighting with the legion (it is not necessary to do everything from the list):
1. In Camp McCarran it is required to “interrogate with passion” the prisoner of war Silus;
2. Kill the legionnaire commander on your first visit to Nipton;
3. Rescuing hostages in Nelson;
4. Rescuing prisoners from Nipton, taken to the Legion's camp;
5. Completing the spy quest with clearing the monorail in Camp McCarran.
If there is progress in the relationship, Boone will talk to you every time. He will eventually suggest visiting Bitter Springs. Come there, listen to the details, stay overnight, deal with the legionnaires and get new armor for Boone.

Crazy super mutant. Able to move stealthily. Gives the player a bonus in the form of a 200% increased duration of the stealth battle device. The weapon preference is standard for a super mutant - melee weapons (sledgehammers, etc.) or two-handed firearms/energy weapons. By default she is armed with a sword and a machine gun with a silencer. You can find Lily in Jacobstown.

In Jacobstown, talk to Dr. Henry. He will offer to visit the local cave and find out why the night hunters there (a mixture of a cat and a snake) suddenly became invisible. He will offer to take Lily as an assistant. Visit the cave and remove the chewed stealth boy from the Nightkin's corpse. Take it to the doctor. It turns out that the animals became invisible because they were eaten by stealth fighters. Follow the experiment to test the Stealth Boy Mk.II on Lily. Settle disputes with the nightkins who also wanted to “participate” in the experiment (with eloquence skill = 80, you can persuade or simply interrupt). At the end of the showdown, with a science skill of 90, you can additionally give Dr. Henry smart advice regarding the direction of his research.
As many have noticed, Lily flies into a rage. After this happens for the first time, you need to talk to her. She will tell you that this happens when she forgets to take her medicine.
After some time, after the conversation, Lily will turn on an audio recording of her chatting with her grandchildren. Talk to her about this. At the end of the dialogue, you can advise her three things:
1) Take the medicine every other time.
2) Do not skip taking medications (i.e. maintain the dosage).
3) Take the medicine 2 times more often.
Depending on your choice, Lily will receive one of three new abilities.

Arcade Gannon (Arcade)
Former enclave member. Now he works in Freeside, in the old Mormon fort for the Disciples of the Apocalypse. Secretly dreams of reviving the Enclave. Doesn't like Legion and won't go with a player who has a good relationship with him. Armed with a plasma pistol. While in a squad, increases the effectiveness of treatment.

During his quest, he will offer to bring together the five remaining members of the Enclave. To start the quest you need to be loyal to the Followers of the Apocalypse, not be friends with the Legion and visit several memorable places (each time Arcade must speak to you):
1. Repconn headquarters (the conversation will take place after communicating with the robot guide, if your intelligence is at least 6);
2. Camp McCarran (after talking with Dr. Hildern);
3. Rotorcraft crash site;
4. Van Graff's store in Freeside;
5. Legion Fort (when Arcade arrives there, he will immediately ask what you forgot here - answer with a phrase like “let’s find out what Caesar is up to, and then we’ll quickly leave”). In addition, significant progress in passing the main course is required. storyline games (the quests “For the Republic”, “Joker: place your bets”) must be completed. Having received the quest, you should visit 5 former enclave members and persuade them to “kick back the old days” at the end of the game. This:
1. Dr. Henry from Jacobstown (his quest should be completed by now);
2. Cannibal Johnson from the cave of the same name;
3. Judah Krieger of the West Side;
4. Orion Moreno from the location of the same name;
5. Daisy Whitman is a rotorcraft pilot from Novak. If you convince everyone, you will receive the password to the "Bunker of the Remainers" (everyone will give their part of the password). Having arrived there, talk to them at the briefing and decide which side the enclave members should support - the NKR or the Legion (if you choose the first, Orion Moreno will leave the bunker, however, with a speech skill = 80, he can be persuaded to stay, if the second, Cannibal Johnson will leave and persuade him won't work). This place can also teach you how to wear power armor. When you leave the bunker, Arcade will ask you if he should participate in final battle or go your own way. If you choose the second option, you will receive the Tesla armor that belonged to Arcade's father.

Drunk lady cowboy from a bar in the Mojave outpost. Handles machine guns, rifles (including energy ones) and shotguns well. To join the squad, you will first need to complete her quest (go to the Crimson Caravan, and then return and persuade Cass to sell them her bankrupt company).

Cass wants revenge on those who destroyed her caravan. Talk to her and go to the place where the caravan died. During the mission you will visit three different caravan attack sites. In the end, you will find out that the Crimson Caravan and the Van Counts are behind all this. Cass will offer to clear these locations, but the issue can be resolved peacefully. To do this you need to get evidence. One of them is in the safe in the Crimson Caravan office, the other is in the safe in the Van Graf store in Freeside. Having obtained the evidence, give it to the head of the Mojave Outpost in the NKR, who will promise to deal with the culprits in the future. By the way, you can take the task from the Van Grafs to find and bring Cass to their store, where she will be spanked.

General information about satellites.

In total, the game has 8 different characters with whom you can travel around the world together. Each assistant, while in the squad, gives the player some kind of temporary special ability. The list of possible satellites is as follows:

1. Robot ED-E (looks like an Enclave spy robot). Found broken in Prima, in Nash's house. In order for the robot to join the squad, it needs to be repaired (right here, on the spot, without leaving the cash register). This can be done with your bare hands (with the skills "repair=65" or "science=55"&"repair=30") or with the help of spare parts (3 pieces of scrap metal, 2 sensor modules, 1 piece of electronic junk), if These skills are low. Armed with laser weapons. While in a squad, it acts as a kind of radar for the player, recognizing and designating targets at a decent distance around. Well, of course, he also carries things around.

2. Robodog Rex. Located in Freeside near the King. Strictly speaking, this dog is not so much a robot as a cyborg. Unfortunately, the dog does not know how to fetch ammunition and weapons, but if it is present in the squad, things lying around should be highlighted when inspecting the area with a scope, binoculars or camera.

3. Raul. Ghoul repairman. Locked in Mount Black Prison. He will go with you if you free him. Gives the player as a bonus a reduction in wear and tear on weapons and armor, i.e. While Raoul is with you, things wear out more slowly. In addition, he can become a repairman with a repair level of 100% (though don’t flatter yourself too much, because he will only repair in cash), but for this, Raoul will have to be excluded from the squad and sent home to his native shack (location “Raoul’s Hut”, located a little short of Nellis). He is loyal to the Legion and even approves of their methods, but will go with the player even if he is not friends with Caesar.

4. Veronica. Scribe of the Brotherhood of Steel. Stands at the "188th trading post". He will go with you without additional preliminary tasks. Melee fighter. Handles melee weapons well (for example, a super sledgehammer). Very useful in battle if:
a) will have time to reach the enemy;
b) will hit it.
Otherwise, he quickly turns into cannon fodder and becomes “unconscious”. Also good because it can take you to the Brotherhood of Steel bunker. Carry a portable mobile workbench (on which you can make various items, as well as recycle cartridges). However, don’t flatter yourself too much here, because Veronica only has a workbench, and that’s all necessary components To make certain items, you must obtain them yourself.

5. Boone. , on duty at night in Novak, inside a dinosaur statue. To join, you must first complete the task of finding the “killer” of his wife. The task is carried out simply - at night, go to the “reception” of a local hotel and find a contract in the safe, after which you go to the house of the hotel owner and invite her to look at the dinosaur statue. And then, as they say, it’s a matter of technique. Boone is an excellent sniper, i.e. ranged fighter. Its bonus is this: when inspecting the area through the sight, enemy targets should be highlighted.

6. Lily is a super mutant who clearly suffers from mental disorders (a kind of granny in a straw hat who thinks she has an imaginary grandson Leo). Despite her large size, Lily can move secretly. Gives the player a bonus in the form of a 200% increased duration of the stealth battle device. The weapon preference is standard for a super mutant - melee weapons (sledgehammers, etc.) or two-handed firearms/energy weapons. By default she is armed with a sword and a machine gun with a silencer. You can find Lily in Jacobstown (by the way, the main thing in the city is our old friend from Fallout2 - Marcus).

7. Arcade Gannon. This is a doctor with glasses, a former enclave member. Now he works in Freeside, in the old Mormon fort for the Disciples of the Apocalypse. Secretly dreams of reviving the Enclave. Doesn't like Legion and won't go with a player who has a good relationship with him. Armed with a plasma pistol. Being in a squad makes treatment more effective.

8. Cass. An alcoholic in a cowboy outfit, drinking in a bar at the Mojave outpost. Handles machine guns, rifles (including energy ones) and shotguns well. To join the squad, you will first need to complete her quest (go to the Crimson Caravan, and then return and persuade Cass to sell them her bankrupt company).

As in F3, the player can give assistants his weapons and armor, and they will use them (with the exception of robots, apparently). When issuing faction armor to your companions, be careful, because they may refuse to put it on and will throw your armor on the ground.

The number of assistants that a player can take with him at the same time does not depend in any way on his characteristics. In any case, you can take with you one robot and one non-robot (that is, you won’t be able to take two people or two robots at the same time). The player's assistants are immortal (with the exception of hardcore mode, where they can be killed), in battle they simply lose consciousness and revive at the end of the battle (with the exception of plot deaths). An assistant who has become unnecessary can be sent home at any time (to where he was originally) or to the presidential suite of the Lucky 38 casino (the player will receive this apartment according to the plot), from where he can be called back to the squad at any time.

Attention: bug - assistants can get lost, i.e. it will be considered that they occupy a place in the detachment, but in reality they will not be with you, nor at the place of their permanent “registration”. This risks the fact that you will not be able to fire an assistant who has become a phantom and take another one in his place. If this happens, you can safely reboot, because there are apparently no other ways at the moment.

Assistants. Personal quests.

Each of the assistants has his own quest, upon completion of which he improves his characteristics.

Robot ED-E

To activate his quest, come with the robot to the Gibson Landfill location and talk to the owner of this establishment. After 9 in-game days, come to the Helios 1 power plant and, in a conversation with the scientist there (a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse), ask him about Archimedes. After 2 in-game days, talk to the ED-E robot. In the conversation you will receive an offer from the Brotherhood of Steel and the Followers of the Apocalypse. If you bring the robot to the first, it will improve the armor, if to the second, it will improve the weapon. One way or another, you will temporarily leave the robot with one or the other (do not forget to empty its inventory in advance). In a few days you will be able to pick up the already improved robot in Prima, where it was originally located.


To start her task, you need to visit certain places with her 3 times. I went once to the McCarran base (Veronica spoke in the scientists’ room in the airport building, where the quest “Don’t Grow Grass” is taken) and twice to the Van Graf store in Freeside. Ultimately, the beginning of her quest will be Veronica's desire to urgently return to the brotherhood bunker. Return to the bunker, approach Elder McNamara and listen to his conversation with Veronica. Yes... the brotherhood is actually kirdyk, and the elder needs some more evidence. Militant isolationists still believe in their invincibility. Well, well. We will have to explain to them that in our time, power armor is no longer a panacea for all ills. Go outside with Veronica. There you will learn that evidence may be one of:
1. Pistol "Euclidean Algorithm" (can be bought from children chasing rats in Freeside). However, if you have already distributed energy at the Helios 1 power plant, ignoring Archimedes, then this path will be closed to you.
2. Data from the computer in “Vault 22” (which you are also asked to get during the quest “Don’t let the grass grow”). If you have already completed the quest “Do not grow grass”, then you will also be in trouble.
3. Pulse pistol from the weapons room in Vault 34.

In general, after taking one of these items, return to the bunker to the elder and listen to his next conversation with Veronica. Yes... why did you ask to look for evidence if the elder claims that he understands the situation, and if the brotherhood does not change, it will disappear, but he cannot do anything, because... this is against the code of brotherhood. Veronica is offended and wants to leave the fraternity - you can agree or dissuade her. At the end of the conversation, go “to the garden” again. On the street you will be met by a squad of paladins who are unhappy that Veronica is muddying the waters. In principle, you can settle the matter with them peacefully (by conversation)... This is such a strange task.

Unlike Veronica, everything is very clear with Cass. She wants revenge on those who destroyed her caravan. To receive the quest, you don’t have to take her there - I don’t know where, so many - I don’t know how many, and so - I don’t know how. Just talk to her and go to the place where her caravan died. During the mission you will visit three different caravan attack sites. In the end, you will find out that the Crimson Caravan and the Van Counts are behind all this. Cass will offer to go and take everyone out of these locations. It can be this way, but it can be another way. To resolve the issue peacefully, it is necessary to obtain evidence. One of them is in the safe in the Crimson Caravan office (go there at night when no one is there and crack the safe), the other is in the safe in the Van Graf store in Freeside (there is always someone hanging around there, so come in stealth). battle). Yes, while you're digging through the safes, Cass needs to be left outside on watch, otherwise she'll ruin everything. Having obtained the evidence, give it to the head of the Mojave Outpost in the NKR, who will promise to deal with the culprits in the future. By the way, from the Van Counts you can take the task of finding and bringing Cass to their store, where she will be spanked (by the way, this is a plot option when the assistant can be killed).

Regarding her quest. Here in Jacobstown, talk to Dr. Henry. He will offer to visit the local cave and find out why the night hunters there (a mixture of a cat and a snake) suddenly became invisible. He will offer to take Lily as an assistant. Visit the cave and remove the chewed stealth boy from the Nightkin’s corpse. Take it to the doctor. It turns out that the animals became invisible because they were eaten by stealth fighters. Follow the experiment to test the Stealth Boy Mk.II on Lily. Settle disputes with the nightkins who also wanted to “participate” in the experiment (with eloquence skill = 80, you can persuade or simply interrupt). At the end of the showdown, with a science skill of 90, you can additionally give Dr. Henry smart advice regarding the direction of his research. The quest itself is completed. I don’t yet know of any other quests with Lily’s participation.

Robopog Rex

Initially, the dog belongs to the King, the leader of a group of the same name located in Freeside, whose members pretend to be Elvis Presley. The king can be found on the first floor next to the stage (day) or on the third in his room (at night). After starting to complete the King's task and making friends with him, you learn that Rex is faulty and Dr. Henry from Jacobstown can help him. Take your dog to the doctor. He will recommend a brain transplant. You can buy a brain in one of these places:
1. At the "Gibson's Scrap Yard";
2. In the "Devils" camp near shelter 3;
3. In the “Fort” (in the Legion’s lava camp, where Caesar is located).
You can install one of the brains to choose from. The first will improve the damage inflicted on enemies by the dog, the second will increase its speed, and the third will increase its armor.

The Mexican Raul, who turned into a ghoul as a result of a nuclear war, is a long-liver, remembers pre-war times and can tell the player a lot about things. Raoul loves to repair equipment, and when his life's wanderings took him to the New Vegas area, he could not resist the desire to visit the radio station on Mount Black, where he was captured by the Nightkins and became a captive technician. Initially, Raoul is armed with a .44 Magnum revolver. Waits for the player on Mount Black, locked in a cage in a building near the radio station.

I met Raoul during the quest "Madness". The meaning of the quest is as follows. Climbing along the serpentine Mount Black(there is only one highway there, so you won’t get confused), look into “Neil’s Shack” (although this super mutant himself approached me right on the road) and take from him the task of driving away/destroying Tabitha. After talking with Neil, continue up the mountain. Having fought your way to the top in front of the radio station building (after passing through the first floor), on the ground under the stairs to the second floor, pick up the key (oddly enough, it doesn’t look like a key at all, but like an ordinary stone - this is Tabitha’s joke of humor). Go to the second floor, spank Tabitha (however, there is an opportunity to drive her away peacefully - to do this, first find and beat Rhonda in the next house - a robot of the "Mr. Handy" class). When you deal with Tabitha, free Raoul. Keep in mind that once Tabitha is dealt with, the broadcasting of the “Mount Black Radio Station” will be stopped.

In order to “upgrade” Raul’s capabilities, you must visit the following places on the map with him and talk to three old men:
1. Ranger Andy in Novak;
2. Corporal Sterling in the tent camp at McCarran Airport (or at Camp of Last Resort depending on the progress in the game);
3. You also need to talk to the old man in the hangar in Nellis (who gives the task of raising the sunken B-29).
Each time you visit one of the specified places, Raoul will talk to the player and tell the next part of the story about his past life. As a result, you will have a choice - either he will become a more effective fighter, or he will improve his ability to further reduce the wear and tear of your things.

Arcade Gannon

During his quest, he will offer to bring together the five remaining members of the Enclave. To start the quest you need to be loyal to the Followers of the Apocalypse, not be friends with the Legion and visit several memorable places (each time Arcade must speak to you):
1. Repconn headquarters (the conversation will take place after communicating with the robot guide, if your intelligence is at least 6);
2. Camp McCarran (after talking with Dr. Hildern);
3. Rotorcraft crash site;
4. Van Graff's store in Freeside;
5. Legion Fort (when Arcade arrives there, he will immediately ask what you forgot here - answer with a phrase like “let’s find out what Caesar is up to, and then we’ll quickly leave”).

In addition, significant progress is required in completing the main storyline of the game (the quests “For the Republic”, “Joker: Place your bets” must be completed), i.e. in fact, the game should end almost at the end, so hanging out with Arcade at the beginning of the game makes no sense.

Having received the quest, you should visit 5 former enclave members and persuade them to “kick back the old days” at the end of the game. This:
1. Dr. Henry from Jacobstown (his quest should be completed by now);
2. Cannibal Johnson from the cave of the same name;
3. Judah Krieger of the West Side;
4. Orion Moreno from the location of the same name (his house on the sharecroppers' plantations);
5. Daisy Whitman is a rotorcraft pilot from Novak.

Once everyone on the list is convinced, you will receive the password to the “Bunker of the Remaining” (everyone will give their part of the password). Having arrived there, talk to them at the briefing and decide which side the enclave members should support - the NKR or the Legion (if you choose the first, Orion Moreno will leave the bunker, however, with an eloquence skill of 80, he can be persuaded to stay, if the second, Cannibal Johnson will leave, for now once and for all). In this place you can also be taught to wear power armor (if you have not previously taken advantage of a similar opportunity in the Brotherhood of Steel). When you leave the bunker, Arcade will ask you whether he should participate in the final battle or go his own way. If you choose the second option, you will receive the Tesla armor that belonged to Arcade's father.

At the end of the game, the enclave members will fly to the battlefield in a blue helicopter and will do what you told them at the briefing in the bunker.

To accept his task (finding out the details of what happened in Bitter Springs), you need to score five prestige points. This can be done by intensively fighting with the legion (it is not necessary to do everything from the list):
1. In Camp McCarran it is required to “interrogate with passion” the prisoner of war Silus;
2. Kill the legionnaire commander on your first visit to Nipton;
3. Rescuing hostages in Nelson;
4. Rescuing prisoners from Nipton, taken to the Legion's camp;
5. Completing the spy quest with clearing the monorail in Camp McCarran.
If there is progress in the relationship, Boone will talk to you every time. He will eventually suggest visiting Bitter Springs. Come there, listen to the details, stay overnight, deal with the legionnaires and get new armor for Boone.

IN Fallout game New Vegas quest Billing fees are additional. You can get it from Cass, who is located in the barracks at the Mojave outpost. To get the task, you will have to convince Cass to part with her "transport" company and then take her on as a partner. You can do this in the following ways:
- offer 750 caps;
- drink too much Cass;
- ordinary conviction.

Having become your partner, Cass will ask you to explore the places where her caravans were destroyed. Arriving at the first point, the girl will notice that all the caravaners were destroyed using energy weapons. At the site of the destruction of Griffin's caravan, you will again find traces of the use of energy weapons, and also find out the location of the third destroyed caravan. When you reach the third point, you will find the bodies of the Van Counts and the corpse of a Red Caravan worker. Apparently, competitors decided to “throw” Cass out of business by simply destroying her caravans. You have two ways to take revenge on the villains:
- kill Alice McLafferty and the Van Graffs (the girl insists on this option). After successfully completing the quest, Cass will receive +15% damage from small arms;
- find evidence of collusion between McLafferty and the Van Graffs, and then provide it to Ranger Jackson (+50 health points for Cass).

Since the first option does not imply anything other than a bloodbath, we will dwell in more detail on the second option.

Both the Van Graffs and McLaffertys have evidence in their safes. In the case of the Van Graffs, the safe is located in the Silver Rush store. First you need to get into the central room with a complex lock. You can hack it at skill level 75 or steal the key from any of the Van Graffs, for example, from the guard near the entrance to the store. The safe itself can be opened in two ways - through the hacking skill (75) or the science skill (75), which can be applied to the terminal that opens the safe. After this, the evidence will be in your hands.

In the case of McLafferty, it is better to go for evidence at night - then there will be no one in the Red Caravan. The safe is located near Alice's desk and is locked with a medium-level lock. Once you have all the evidence in your hands, take it to Ranger Jackson at the Mojave post. Also, a compromise option for completing the Payment of Accounts in Fallout is possible New Vegas- first get all the evidence, and after that still finish off McLafferty and Van Graff - this will allow your companion to gain two abilities at once.

There is a common bug in the Paying the Bills quest that does not allow you to complete the quest peacefully if you have previously killed the Van Graffs - in this case you will have to kill the owner of the Red Caravan, which will greatly damage relations with the NKR. To prevent this from happening, you can use a special bug fix posted on the Internet.

In addition, the bugs of the quest Paying the Bills include the fact that after handing over the evidence to the Ranger, the Van Graffs will shoot at you (although you chose the most peaceful way to solve the problem). To fix this, you can set the reputation manually using the console command:
setally 1b2a4 118368 1 1

I can become partners with the main character in Fallout New Vegas different characters, If main character will fulfill some conditions, most often such conditions are completing side quests. Partners can help the main character in completing quests, can carry his things, and can provide fire support. Using such characters for your own purposes greatly simplifies the passage of the game.

For convenience, use summary :

Partners in Fallout New Vegas

In the game Fallout New Vegas there are eight characters who can join the main character and become his partner. In order for this to happen, you need to fulfill some conditions, for example: repair the robot, conduct an investigation, kill someone, etc. A partner not only helps the main character in dragging things or destroying enemies while traveling through the expanses of Fallout New Vegas with a partner, the main character receives a temporary ability from him, each partner has a different ability.

Also, each partner has his own unique and individual quest, you can get it only when you are on good terms with your partner, and for completing this quest, the main character will receive very good goodies, this can be either a unique ability or unique weapon or armor.

Clue: at the same time as the main character there can be 2 partners, one robot and one, well, let’s say “not a robot” =)


A very colorful and interesting character, he is a shadow super mutant, an excellent fighter and simply an indispensable partner during power operations. If Lily is the main character's partner, then he has by 200% The time it takes to use stealth combat will increase.

In order for Lily to join the main character, you need to arrive in the town of Jacobstown, find Dr. Henry and complete the quest “Guess who I saw!” for him, during this quest, the main character, together with Lily, will go to Charleston Cave, in order to help Dr. Henry understand why night hunters developed strange mutations. It is from this quest that the business relationship between the main character and Lily will begin.

By the way, you can significantly increase Lily’s powers, or help her cope with her madness; for this you will need to complete Lily’s personal quest “Lily and Leo”.

This is interesting: During the protagonist's arrival in Jacobstown, Lily spends her time herding bighorn sheep, that is, she is an ordinary shepherd.


Partner ED-E is a robot of the Duraframe series and belongs to a family of flying robots, which are also called robot eyes. If ED-E is in a team with the main character, then the latter's radar ability to detect and identify targets increases.

In order to make ED-E your partner, you first need to find and repair him, because the robot is located in the Primm location in the Nash house and its condition is far from working, in other words, the robot is broken. There are two ways to repair ED-E, this is using abilities, or repairing using different parts.

Abilities for repairing ED-E:

  • « Repair"- 65;
  • « Science" - 55 + " Repair"- 35.

If your abilities in repair and science are far from such, then you can find the parts that are necessary to repair the ED-E, these are:

  • Scrap metal - 3 units;
  • Touch module - 2 pcs.;
  • Electronic trash - 1 pc.

After you fix the ED-E, the robot will be your devoted partner. By the way, ED-E is well armed, he has a laser gun as his main weapon, and a stun gun as a melee weapon. ED-E can set enemies on fire, it looks fabulous.

This is interesting: ED-E's weapons or armor can be improved by completing the quest "ED-E, My Love."

Craig Boone

Boone is the guard of the settlement of Novak, he is a sniper and usually carries out a night watch, his post is located in the statue huge dinosaur. During the daytime, Boone usually sleeps in his room. When Boone is the main character's partner, the latter's enemies are highlighted when using sights; this is a very useful skill.

In order for Boone to become the main character’s partner, it is necessary to complete the “Abduction” quest, during which you need to find out which of the residents of Novak helped kidnap Boone’s wife. Only after completing this quest can Boone be taken as a partner.

Boone's personal quest, after which you can get improved equipment for him, is the quest “I forgot to forget,” which can only be obtained by gaining 5 reputation points with Boone.

Arcade Gannon

This character, being in the same squad with the main character, increases the latter’s ability to heal by 20%. In order for Arcade Gannon to become the protagonist’s partner, you first need to find him in an old Mormon fort and fulfill a number of conditions:

  • To talk Gannon into going with the main character, for this you need to have “Eloquence” of at least 75 points;
  • Gannon will become the protagonist’s partner if he is a friend of the “Followers of the Apocalypse” faction;
  • Gannon can become the main character’s partner out of pity; for this, the “Intelligence” characteristic must be 3 points or lower.

This is important: if you have a good reputation with the Legion, then you don’t even have to approach Arcade, he hates them fiercely.

Arcade Gannon is not a strong partner, but he is very important because of his personal quest “Old Times”, after completing which the main character can get cool power armor.


Cass, or fully Rose of Sharon Cassidy, is the owner of a small company called Cassidy's Caravans. In order for Cass to become the main character’s partner, you need to complete the “You Can Rely on Me” quest, or rather, not even that way; during this quest, the main character can persuade Cassidy to become his partner.

Cassidy's temporary ability is the "Whiskey and Rose" ability, this is a kind of ability that increases the damage threshold of the main character when drinking whiskey.

Cassidy's individual quest is the quest “Paying the Bills”, this quest can be completed in 2 different ways, this is a peaceful and, accordingly, an aggressive way. Depending on how well you complete this quest, you will receive experience points and Cass will gain one of these abilities:

  • Ability “Frozen” (peaceful method) - gives Cass an additional 50 health points;
  • The ability “Hand of Vengeance” (violent method) - increases the damage done to Cassidy by 15%.

This is interesting: Cassidy is a kind of connection to Fallout 2, because she is the daughter of a character who could also become the main character's partner in Fallout 2.


Rex is a robot dog and originally belongs to the King, who can be found in Freeside. To get a dog as a partner, you need to talk to the King, he will tell the main character that the dog is sick. You can promise to cure Rex, in which case the King will make you the new owner of the dog and let him go with you.

Rex as a partner will give you the temporary ability “Search and Mark”, this ability highlights all ammunition, chemicals and food, even if they are in containers, although you need to look through the scope for this.

Rex's personal quest is the quest "A Dog's Life", depending on whose brain is transplanted to Rex, he will receive one of 3 abilities:

  • Ability “Loyal Defender” (Rey’s brain) - the damage Rex inflicts will increase by 25%;
  • Ability “Excellent Tracker” (Violet’s brain) – Rex’s speed will increase by 50%;
  • Ability “Blood of the Legion” (Lupa’s brain) - if Rex receives this ability, his damage threshold will increase by 10 points.


Veronica is a cheerful, cheerful girl whom the main character can meet in the location “Trading Post 188”. In order for Veronica to become your partner, all you have to do is talk to her. While traveling with this girl, you will receive the “Scribe's Help” ability, this is a very useful ability, because with it you can create various items. In order to use the ability, you need to talk with Veronica.

Veronica's personal quest is the quest “Too Much Worry,” by completing which the main character will help Veronica gain a new ability.


This is a very interesting character, let's start with the fact that he is a ghoul, his specialty is mechanics and he is the only prisoner of the prison located on Mount Black. If you free Raoul from captivity, he will become your partner. While in the same squad as the main character, Raoul gives the latter the temporary ability “Regular Maintenance”, this ability allows your weapons and armor to wear out 50% slower.

Companions from the Fallout New Vegas DLC

Each addition to Fallout New Vegas adds several new partners to the game, in this section we will try to briefly talk about them, these are the characters:

  • ED-E - this character appears after installation DLC Lonesome Road, the only companion from this add-on, is a copy of the regular ED-E, allowing the main character to use the workbench at any time of the day or night. Is a quest character;
  • Roxy is another robotic dog in the game, appears after installation DLC Old World Blues. It is worth noting here that Roxy is not a partner in the full sense of the concept, the fact is that the main character himself creates Roxy, according to the drawings that he finds in the X-8 research center, this center is a kind of home for Roxy, so the robotic dog cannot follow the main character outside the center;
  • Following-Chalk is one of three characters that appear after installing the DLC Honest Hearts. This character is a warrior of the Dead Horse tribe. Temporary ability this character is the ability “Indicative Signs”;
  • Joshua Graham is another one companions DLC Honest Hearts. The temporary ability of this character is the ability “Path of the Canaanite”;
  • Nightcloud is the last of the companions in the Honest Hearts expansion. She is the midwife of the Mourners tribe. Gives the main character the temporary ability “Quiet and Quiet”, this ability reduces the perception of soldiers from the White Legs tribe by 3 points. This character’s personal quest is the “Family Affair” quest, with this quest the main character can set the Mourners tribe against the enemies he needs;
  • Dog/God is a character from the Dead Money expansion pack. Another interesting character is a super mutant shadow with a split personality. The main character has the ability to swap these personalities, respectively, each personality has its own temporary ability (which the main character receives);
  • Christine is a character from the Dead Money expansion pack. With the help of this partner, the main character can learn to counterfeit Sierra Madre chips;
  • Dean Domino is a character from the Dead Money expansion pack. Another partner, a ghoul, gives the main character the temporary ability “Substance Abuse,” which will reduce the damage received from the Cloud by 25%.

In this article we tried to talk about all the partners that are in the game Fallout New Vegas and the additions to this wonderful game. We hope that you liked the article and that you received answers to your questions, if of course you had any. If you don’t understand something, or you don’t agree with something, then write about it in the comments.

Partners in Fallout New Vegas and their quests

All partners in Fallout New Vegas In Fallout New Vegas, you can take 8 characters as partners, but only two can travel with you at the same time: one robot and one humanoid. Each partner gives a certain special skill for the duration of his presence in the squad.

The player can give assistants his weapons and armor. When issuing faction armor to companions, you need to be careful because... they may refuse to wear it and throw the armor on the ground.
The player's assistants are immortal except in hardcore mode; in normal mode, instead of dying, they simply lose consciousness and come to life at the end of the battle (with the exception of story deaths). An assistant who has become unnecessary can be sent home at any time (to where he was originally) or to the presidential suite of the Lucky 38 casino.

There is an unpleasant bug in the game - assistants can get lost, i.e. will take a place in the detachment, but in fact they will not be with you, nor at the place of their permanent “registration”. This risks the fact that you will not be able to fire an assistant who has become a phantom and take another one in his place. If this happens, the easiest way is to reload the old save. Happy New Year guys

Robot ED-E

Can be found in Prima, in Nash's house. To take a robot into the squad, you need to repair it. This can be done either by using skills ("repair=65″ or "science=55″ + "repair=30″) or using spare parts (3 pieces of scrap metal, 2 sensor modules, 1 piece of electronic junk). Armed with laser weapons. While in a squad, it works as a kind of radar, recognizing and marking targets at a considerable distance around. Can carry things.

The quest can be obtained by talking to the owner of the Gibson Landfill. After 9 game days, you need to come to the Helios 1 power plant and in a conversation with one of the Followers of the Apocalypse, ask about Archimedes. After 2 game days, talk to the ED-E robot. In the conversation, you will receive an offer from the Brotherhood of Steel and the Followers of the Apocalypse. If you bring the robot to the Brotherhood, it will improve its armor, if to the Followers, it will improve its weapons. You will have to leave the robot for the duration of the upgrade and after a couple of days pick it up in Prima, where it was originally.
Also, instead of the landfill and power plant, you can visit the doctor in Jacobstown and the Brotherhood of Steel.

Robopog Rex

Located in Freeside near the King. If she is present in the squad, things lying around should be highlighted when inspecting the area through a scope, binoculars or camera. Can carry things.
Initially, the dog belongs to the King, the leader of a group of the same name located in Freeside, whose members pretend to be Elvis Presley. The king can be found on the first floor next to the stage (day) or on the third in his room (at night). After starting to complete the King's task and making friends with him, you learn that Rex is faulty and Dr. Henry from Jacobstown can help him. Take your dog to the doctor. He will recommend a brain transplant. You can buy a brain in one of these places:
1. At the "Gibson's Scrap Yard";
2. In the "Devils" camp near shelter 3;
3. In the "Fort" (in the main camp of the Legion, where Caesar is located).
You can install one of the brains to choose from. The first will increase the damage the dog inflicts on enemies, the second will increase its speed, and the third will increase its armor.

Ghoul repairman. Locked in Mount Black Prison. He will go with you if you free him. Gives the player a reduction in weapon and armor wear as a bonus.
With Raul you need to visit three places on the map and talk to three old men:
1. Ranger Andy in Novak;
2. Corporal Sterling in the tent camp at McCarran Airport (or at Camp of Last Resort depending on the progress in the game);
3. You also need to talk to the old man in the hangar in Nellis (who gives the task of raising the sunken B-29).
Each time you visit one of the specified places, Raoul will talk to the player and tell the next part of the story about his past life. As a result, you will have a choice - either he will become a more effective fighter, or he will improve his ability to further reduce the wear and tear of your things.


Scribe of the Brotherhood of Steel. Stands at the "188th trading post". He will go with you without additional preliminary tasks. Melee weapon specialist. Carries a portable mobile workbench (on which you can make various items, as well as reload cartridges).
To get the quest you need to visit different places with her three times. This is the McCarran base (Veronica spoke in the scientists’ room in the airport building, where the quest “Do not grow grass” is taken) and twice the Van Graf store in Freeside. As a result, Veronica will want to return to the Brotherhood bunker. In the bunker, you need to approach Elder McNamara and listen to his conversation with Veronica. The elder needs proof that the Brotherhood is dying. Evidence may include one of:
1. Pistol "Euclidean Algorithm" (can be bought from children chasing rats in Freeside). However, if you have already distributed energy at the Helios 1 power plant, ignoring Archimedes, then this path will be closed to you.
2. Data from the computer in "Vault 22" (which you are also asked to get from the quest "Do not grow grass"). If you have already completed the quest "Do not grow grass", this item does not apply.
3. Pulse pistol from the weapons room in Vault 34. Having taken one of these items, you need to return to the elder.

Sniper, on duty at night in Novak, inside the dinosaur statue. To join, you must first complete the task of finding the “killer” of his wife. His special skill is that when inspecting the area through the sight, enemy targets should be highlighted.

To accept his task (finding out details about what happened in Bitter Springs), you need to score five prestige points. This can be done by intensively fighting with the legion (it is not necessary to do everything from the list):
1. In Camp McCarran it is required to “interrogate with passion” the prisoner of war Silus;
2. Kill the legionnaire commander on your first visit to Nipton;
3. Rescuing hostages in Nelson;
4. Rescuing prisoners from Nipton, taken to the Legion's camp;
5. Completing the spy quest with clearing the monorail in Camp McCarran.
If there is progress in the relationship, Boone will talk to you every time. He will eventually suggest visiting Bitter Springs. Come there, listen to the details, stay overnight, deal with the legionnaires and get new armor for Boone.


Crazy super mutant. Able to move stealthily. Gives the player a bonus in the form of a 200% increased duration of the stealth battle device. The weapon preference is standard for a super mutant - melee weapons (sledgehammers, etc.) or two-handed firearms/energy weapons. By default she is armed with a sword and a machine gun with a silencer. You can find Lily in Jacobstown.
In Jacobstown, talk to Dr. Henry. He will offer to visit the local cave and find out why the night hunters there (a mixture of a cat and a snake) suddenly became invisible. He will offer to take Lily as an assistant. Visit the cave and remove the chewed stealth boy from the Nightkin’s corpse. Take it to the doctor. It turns out that the animals became invisible because they were eaten by stealth fighters. Follow the experiment to test the Stealth Boy Mk.II on Lily. Settle disputes with the nightkins who also wanted to “participate” in the experiment (with eloquence skill = 80, you can persuade or simply interrupt). At the end of the showdown, with a science skill of 90, you can additionally give Dr. Henry smart advice regarding the direction of his research.
As many have noticed, Lily flies into a rage. After this happens for the first time, you need to talk to her. She will tell you that this happens when she forgets to take her medicine.
After some time, after the conversation, Lily will turn on an audio recording of her chatting with her grandchildren. Talk to her about this. At the end of the dialogue, you can advise her three things:
1) Take the medicine every other time.
2) Do not skip taking medications (i.e. maintain the dosage).
3) Take the medicine 2 times more often.
Depending on your choice, Lily will receive one of three new abilities.

Arcade Gannon (Arcade)

Former enclave member. Now he works in Freeside, in the old Mormon fort for the Disciples of the Apocalypse. Secretly dreams of reviving the Enclave. Doesn't like Legion and won't go with a player who has a good relationship with him. Armed with a plasma pistol. While in a squad, increases the effectiveness of treatment.
During his quest, he will offer to bring together the five remaining members of the Enclave. To start the quest you need to be loyal to the Followers of the Apocalypse, not be friends with the Legion and visit several memorable places (each time Arcade must speak to you):
1. Repconn headquarters (the conversation will take place after communicating with the robot guide, if your intelligence is at least 6);
2. Camp McCarran (after talking with Dr. Hildern);
3. Rotorcraft crash site;
4. Van Graff's store in Freeside;
5. Legion Fort (when Arcade arrives there, he will immediately ask what you forgot here - answer with a phrase like “let’s find out what Caesar is up to, and then we’ll quickly leave”). In addition, significant progress is required in completing the main storyline of the game (the quests “For the Republic”, “Joker: Place your bets” must be completed). Having received the quest, you should visit 5 former enclave members and persuade them to “kick back the old days” at the end of the game. This:
1. Dr. Henry from Jacobstown (his quest should be completed by now);
2. Cannibal Johnson from the cave of the same name;
3. Judah Krieger of the West Side;
4. Orion Moreno from the location of the same name;
5. Daisy Whitman is a rotorcraft pilot from Novak. If you convince everyone, you will receive the password to the "Bunker of the Remainers" (everyone will give their part of the password). Having arrived there, talk to them at the briefing and decide which side the enclave members should support - the NKR or the Legion (if you choose the first, Orion Moreno will leave the bunker, however, with a speech skill = 80, he can be persuaded to stay, if the second, Cannibal Johnson will leave and persuade him won't work). This place can also teach you how to wear power armor. As you leave the bunker, Arcade will ask you whether he should participate in the final battle or go his own way. If you choose the second option, you will receive the Tesla armor that belonged to Arcade's father.


Drunk lady cowboy from a bar in the Mojave outpost. Handles machine guns, rifles (including energy ones) and shotguns well. To join the squad, you will first need to complete her quest (go to the Crimson Caravan, and then return and persuade Cass to sell them her bankrupt company).
Cass wants revenge on those who destroyed her caravan. Talk to her and go to the place where the caravan died. During the mission you will visit three different caravan attack sites. In the end, you will find out that the Crimson Caravan and the Van Counts are behind all this. Cass will offer to clear these locations, but the issue can be resolved peacefully. To do this you need to get evidence. One of them is in the safe in the Crimson Caravan office, the other is in the safe in the Van Graf store in Freeside. Having obtained the evidence, give it to the head of the Mojave Outpost in the NKR, who will promise to deal with the culprits in the future. By the way, you can take the task from the Van Grafs to find and bring Cass to their store, where she will be spanked.
