Eve online interface mods. Mods for Eve Online - to help capsuleers

Every resident of New Eden sooner or later thinks about the question of how to automate routine, optimize the interface and thereby simplify their life? Are there any useful mods for Eve Online? How can you make your life easier? This note is devoted to these issues.

CCP Games Policy

Today, the terms of the license agreement explicitly state that the change custom client is strictly prohibited and will lead to account ban. In the usual sense, mods for Eve Online do not exist and cannot be developed due to the strict policies of the company that owns the project. However, the Icelandic developers themselves provide a wide range of tools for creating third-party offers - API Tools.

The community has created a range of programs, without which not a single “professional” capsule pilot can imagine life today:

  • EFT/EVE Fitting Tool is a ship designer that takes into account the skills your character has currently learned. Plan your character development and career!
  • EVE Mentat is an indispensable utility for a trader or industrial tycoon. Allows you to automate price monitoring on the market, can store data in convenient format, build tables and dynamic graphs;
  • EVE Mon is an advanced skill planner that uses your character information as a basis;
  • EVE HQ is a combined program that combines the benefits of the packages above.

Through the API, applications can freely read information about the character and game world. In fact, the above software is a functional addition to the client. Get started today with a free trial account and explore the world of EVE with the tools you need at your fingertips! If you suddenly come up with an interesting idea, don’t hesitate to experiment - the creators of useful software are respected in the community.

The Past of Mods for Eve Online

Today, “multibox” is still functioning - a program that allows one player to control an entire fleet. The player launches several windows (this is not prohibited, and to some extent is even encouraged by the developers, because each window is a paid account), presses a button and a similar command is transmitted to all other clients working in parallel.

Thanks to this technology, it was possible to independently clear combat anomalies and dig into several “shovels” (mining ships). Starting January 1, the use of the multibox mod for Eve Online will be prohibited.

The future of the project and fashion for the game Eve Online

Despite the fact that the development of third-party software for "Eve" is currently limited to working with the API interface, in the future we can expect changes in the CCP Games policy. Icelandic developers actively interact in the community and implement ideas that are popular among players.

The game already has a wide range of add-ons built in that make life easier - a notebook, a calculator and even a full-fledged web browser (which, however, runs on an outdated engine and does not support flash components)!

Nova Eden is a large space sandbox. As soon as the project has room for players to be creative in changing the client, the first “legal” mods for Eve games Online. The only thing you definitely shouldn’t expect is permission to use automation software game processes, such as mining, salvage, etc. CCP is confidently fighting the practice of bot breeding, and they are not going to stop.

For experienced pilots, the information below will not be so useful, since they cannot live without it;), and beginners simply may not know, so watch, download, use =)

Unlike many MMOs, Eve client Online does not allow users to create any mods. To fill this gap, the game community has created a huge number of different applications. We will consider the best and most useful of them:

#1 - EveHQ (all in one)

EveHQ Features:

- Monitoring server status;

- View information about the character;

- Advanced skill planner;

- In-game integration (EveHQ modules are available through the game browser);

- Backup EVE settings;

- Generating character reports in HTML, XML, Text formats;

- Logitech G15 keyboard support.

EveHQ uses a plug-in system to provide additional functionality to the program. For example:

- Item Browser - a complete offline database of all EVE-Online items, their characteristics;

- Data Converter - converter of CCP Data Export files into various formats;

- Charecter Creation;

- Map - Route planner for a regular class of ships, as well as for Capital class ships;

- InEve Uploader - Uploading spell skills to InEve;

- Assets - View and search for items, control both your character’s jack and the corporation’s jack (if the character has CEO or Director privileges);

- CorpHQ - Your and corporate standings;

- HQF - Fitting tool... The program allows you to both import and export fits into a similar program E.F. T.


EVEMon is a small standalone Windows application designed to monitor the development of EVE characters Online. You can view your current skills and attributes, what you are currently training for, and your ISK balance. EVEMon can monitor multiple characters from multiple accounts, so all changes can be monitored from the same simple interface.

You can also plan your character's future development by setting a skill training plan; or even just play the “what if” mode with a detailed list of all the skills and a training schedule. Incorporate skill training into your training plan and the timing will be set automatically. EVEMon will take a closer look at your plans and recommend some time-saving skills for you to learn!

EVEMon saves your character data in XML format or a text file. Your study plans can be shown to other EVEMon users, who can also give you advice on study plans. EVEMon automatically adds or removes skills from a plan when a plan file is uploaded by another user to set skill prerequisites or remove skills you have already learned.

When your character's current training is complete, EVEMon notifies you with a desktop tray bubble, a sound effect, or even an automated email. Your plans are automatically updated according to your newly acquired skills!

Applications you simply can't live without

Applications you simply can’t live without

#3 - Capsuleer

Applications you simply can't live without

Applications you simply can’t live without

Application for iPhone, which allows you to follow the news, check the server status, watch videos and control your character.

#4 - Wormhole Thingie

A program for viewing wormholes, each of which is characterized by:

- the maximum mass that it can pass at one time (limitation on the size of the spike);

- the mass that it can miss in total before it closes in mass;

- mass regeneration (yes! The mass of some wormholes is restored!!!);

- lifetime (after this time from the moment of the first warp to the wormhall it will close);

- the area from which it leads;

So, in essence, you are proposing to introduce into the game an official set of modifications to the content that is not involved in the client-server data exchange? Indeed, what will it be like appearance(relatively speaking, color) Raven - blue or pink - on my screen, the server and other players don’t care at all, for them mine is equal (or the one that I see pink) will be the same as by default. The same can be said about the interface - well, those same notorious “bring back square icons”. Ultimately, in the exchange between the server and the client when I lock someone, only a few bytes of shield/armor/structure percentage numbers are involved, as well as several Boolean variables “jammit”, “scramblet”, “trackdisruptit” and so on further. Neither the color, nor the shape, nor the location on the screen of the locked ship icon is downloaded from the servers every time we target someone; these graphical and XML components are taken from the game client installed on the player’s computer.

And if so, then in principle we can very conditionally assume that the presence of modifications of this kind will not in any way affect the operation of the servers and the game as a whole. There is only one "but".... In the SSR there is a whole department of designers who are engaged in coming up with what the game will look like. Do they carry out technical specifications or invent? new model destroyers themselves - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that such a department exists and it works. Sometimes - causing sharp criticism from the gaming community on the products of this department. But still, it works. People receive a salary and their work from the point of view of the MANAGEMENT OF THE SSR COMPANY, which is most important, is necessary and cannot be done without it. Well, since this department exists, I assume that the company has this opinion about it.

Now let’s imagine for a moment that the SSR allowed users to create graphical (for the sake of simplicity of the example, we’ll just take them) modifications of the interface. Each mod creator, using a special utility, converts the mod with a pack of textures and shaders into a special game file format and uploads it to a special official server from the USSR. Where can anyone download it from and install it by checking the box “enable mod No. 12” in the menu. I'm tired of it - I disabled the mod, you play with the standard client, when you start the game, the textures will be loaded into the computer's memory from the usual official files. I turned on the mod again - the download went from its archive.

What will happen in this case? As many examples of similar situations show (I only dealt with non-online games, which have a modlauncher built directly into the game, I’ll make a special reservation) - everyone who wants to will rush to create mods. A lot of mods will be crap, many will be okay, and a few will be just great. Quantity will gradually turn into quality. Of course, many topics with modifications will appear on the official forums, where amateurs will share them, create new ones and ask for advice on programs and file formats, and sooner or later the question will arise - why is that same notorious SSR design department needed at all? And then there are two solutions - either to fire these generally innocent employees who are trying to do and do what they are told from above (I think that the sketches of the round goal icons were not approved by the designers themselves, even if they came up with the whole idea), in the measure of your abilities. The second option is to give them another task. But then they will find themselves in an obviously losing situation, because the competition between 10 people (the SSR department) and a community of mod makers of many thousands, which is constantly changing and by natural selection removes lesser-quality works and leaves more advanced ones - this is an unequal struggle.

So we have the design that was approved by the company’s management. In a single version, without any variations.

PS. At one military department they asked the question “what color should the water heating radiators in the barracks be painted?” - no one could answer correctly. One day a group of students conspired, and all 15 people named different colors, seven colors of the rainbow and eight shades offhand. Nobody passed. To the group’s indignant question, what the hell does the teacher need, he took pity on them and answered, “The batteries in the barracks should be painted the color of the paint that IS AVAILABLE :) Because according to the charter, the color of the batteries is not regulated. So you said blue, but what if there is yellow and green in the unit, but there is no blue? The regulations are a serious thing, if there was blue, it would only be used to paint the batteries, and this is a violation. So the correct answer is that they are painted with the paint that IS! !" The students dutifully came to retake the test with him a week later, and unanimously passed the same test. The case is real.

P.P.S. This is not the place for you, here you will quickly get out of the habit of drinking vodka and causing outrages!
