Dragon scales skyrim id. TES IV: Oblivion, Alchemy, Special ingredients Chicken egg skyrim id

  1. Find Alvin at his house and talk to him.
  2. He asks you to bring 12 Rumar Killer Fish Scales.
  3. Kill 12 fish, collect scales and receive the "Jewel of Rumara" as a reward.

Killer fish

Alvin Merowald can be found outside his home in Veya around 7-8 am. Talk to him and go through your dialogue to receive the quest - kill twelve Rumar killer fish. When talking with him, it is advisable not to choose the “laugh at him” option, since ridicule will worsen his attitude towards you by 60 points and end the conversation. If you drop his disposition below 20, he won't even want to talk to you; in this case, use a spell or scroll of enchantment.


Follow the quest marker to find and kill every fish. It may be necessary to search the area where the marker points because it is not always accurate. The Detect Life spell is useful for locating fish. It is also much easier to fish during the day.

Rumar killer fish

After you collect the scales of the first fish, the marker should point to the next one (there may be a short delay). If the marker does not update, try hitting the fish corpse or moving away and waiting a few hours in another location. Continue until you have all twelve scales. You do not have to do everything at once; you can return to completing this task at any time.

Talk to Alvin and he will give you a unique ring called Rumare's Jewel, which is enchanted with Water Breathing and improves Athletics by 4 points.

Pension savings

Alvin mentions that the scales will be sold to the alchemist and the money received will be a contribution to his pension. If you can’t imagine life without theft, then select the dialogue “Where are your savings”? With a placement of at least 70, he will mention that his savings are locked in a box in his house and he has the key. After Alvin says this, you can steal the key or kill the old man. The chest is located to the left of the fireplace in his house, although the chest only contains a small amount of gold. The key will not appear in Alvin's inventory unless you ask him about the savings.

  • There are two inconsistencies in the quest log:
    - Although the quest log says that Veye's settlement is southwest of the Imperial City, it is actually to the west.
    - The quest log says that Alvin has become too old, so you need to do the work for him. However, Alvin says the reason he can't get the scales is because the killer fish shot him in the leg.
  • After you complete the quest, you can steal the Rumar Killer Fish Scale from Alvin, but this is not recommended as it is still classified as a quest item and cannot be sold or removed from inventory. It will also get stuck in your inventory if you collect the scales, but Alvin will die before you can give it back.
    This bug was fixed by the "Unofficial Oblivion Patch".
    You can remove the scale's quest item status with the following command: setquestobject 00185FE2 0
  • Alvin is very close to the wild lands, so he can roam around and become food for the local wolves. If this happens, you will need to resurrect him using the console using the Resurrect 00185FE1 command, but on Xbox or PS3 you will not be able to complete the quest.
  • The only way to obtain the Rumare Jewel is if Alvin gives it to you himself; the ring will not be on his corpse if you kill him.
  • It is not recommended to kill the fish before making the quest active, as this may cause the marker to vaguely point to the first fish.
  • Sometimes the quest marker gets stuck pointing to the location of the fish you just killed.
    - This can happen even with an unofficial patch installed.
    - Using the console to create scales in your inventory will not continue the quest. However, if you place the scales in a killed fish and then take them away, this sometimes helps.
    -Alternatively, just look for other Rumar killer fish in the lake. You can use the console to create a new fish right in front of you: player.placeatme , Where ranges from 00068825 to 00068829 (young, adult, etc.).
  • Fish sometimes get stuck inside a rock in the lake, making them difficult to find.

    - The same recommendations as for the error above also apply here.
  • The quest doesn't provide new goals when needed.
    - This bug was fixed by the "Unofficial Oblivion Patch".
  • Alvin's savings chest was supposed to contain at least 500 gold (a fixed amount combined with a leveled amount), but due to a bug, 500 never appears, only a much smaller leveled amount.
    - This bug was fixed by the "Unofficial Oblivion Patch".
  • Every time you ask Alvin "Where is your savings?" a copy of the key is added to his inventory. This way he will have several identical keys.
    - This bug was fixed by the "Unofficial Oblivion Patch".

Diary entries

short circuitDiary entry
10 In the settlement of Veye, northwest of the Imperial City, I met Alvin Merowald. To fulfill a customer's order, he needs 12 Rumar Killerfish scales. He asked me to get them, since he himself was too old for such work. The Rumare killerfish is a special subspecies of killerfish found in Lake Rumare, just north of Veie.
90 I managed to get 12 scales of the Rumar killer fish. You should take them to Alvin Merowald in the Veye settlement.
100 Alvin Merowald received 12 scales of the Rumar killer fish and rewarded me with a magic ring.
110 Alvin Merowald from the settlement of Veye wants 12 scales of the Rumar killer fish. Having scolded me for fishing in “his” waters, he exchanged the fish scales for an amulet.
200 With Alvin's death, this task cannot be completed.


  • Not all entries may appear in your quest journal; Which entries appear and which do not appear depends on how the job is performed.
  • The stages are not always in order. This usually refers to quests that have multiple possible outcomes, or quests where certain tasks can be completed in a random order.
  • Mark in the "KZ" (End of Task) column means that the task disappears from the list of active ones, but you can still get new records for it.
  • You can use console to advance the quest by entering the code setstage SQ09 stage , where stage is the number of the stage you want to complete. Please note that it is not possible to cancel (i.e. go back) stages of a quest. See SetStage for more information.

Like all other items in the game The Elder Scrolls V, it has its own unique identification code: skyrim dragon scales id: 0003ADA3. Mainly used for blacksmithing - improving or creating items such as armor, shield, helmet, gloves or boots. In order to improve or create an item, you will need 2-3, and in some cases 4 dragon scales.

Also used in a single case by Esbern to complete the quest “Study of Dragons” and create a special dragon slayer potion.

Of course, from the name of the item, it is clear that in order to get this item, you will need to find and kill a dragon. These intelligent lizards who live in Nirn are the children of Akatosh and may have been the very first intelligent creatures in all of Tamriel. Once upon a time, dragons ruled over mortals and, with the help of dragon priests, supported the Cult of the Dragon.

It was a cruel and ruthless reign. However, after a confrontation called the "War of the Dragons", the mortals practically exterminated and drove out the dragons. The victory was made possible thanks to the help of the defector dragon Paarthurnax and the goddess Kin. This dragon still lives at the very top of the Throat of the World mountain and teaches mortals who come to him.

Dragon scales should not be confused with dragon heart scales; they are almost identical and visually indistinguishable, as they have the same weight and appearance; you can get them if you have Cavosein's Fang.

Therefore, you should know that skyrim dragon scales id: 0003ADA3, and dragon heart scales have id 000D0756 and are not used in blacksmithing. If you hold the fang in your right hand while examining a defeated dragon, you can find this item. Can be used as extra income if sold or just as a trophy. Also used to complete the quest “Ritual Spell of Change.”

The only place where you can find dragon scales without killing the dragon itself is the Shrine of Akatosh, it is located near Lund's hut.

With the art of blacksmithing maximally pumped up, you can create Dragon armor, this is dragon scale armor (includes a helmet, shield, boots, breastplates and gloves) - light armor, as well as dragon shell armor (a similar set as light armor) - heavy armor. To create this armor you will definitely need dragon scales skyrim id: 0003ADA3, dragon bone, strips of leather and the leather itself, as well as iron ingots.

Dragon armor is one of the best armor in Skyrim, in its protective parameters it is second only to the unique Daedric armor - the most powerful armor of heavy armor, but much easier to manufacture.

If you have leveled up your heavy armor skill and are wearing this armor, it will cause envy even among the city guards

So, you are a blacksmith and your skill level is up to 100? Then we take our supplies of dragon scales and take all our goods to the forge. Not forgetting the rest of the ingredients you will need to make the armor. If you need a set of light armor, then practically nothing except the scales themselves will be needed for production; in such armor it is easy to walk and sneak up unnoticed. And to make a heavy set of armor you will need not only scales, but also a similar number of dragon bones.

What is noteworthy is that only dragon armor is present in the game, without any dragon weapons. Therefore, if you want to have the best weapons, in addition to armor, you will definitely need to develop the heavy armor branch in blacksmithing in order to forge Daedric weapons (and maybe Daedric armor along with them) and become an almost invincible warrior in the world of Skyrim.

The most difficult thing in blacksmithing is to find the dragon itself, fight it and win. It is very, very difficult to specifically find these intelligent lizards, because meeting a dragon is an accident. They can be found almost anywhere, both on the top of a mountain and on the plain, or when approaching a settlement, catch a dragon in battle with a security detachment. You can also simply buy (or sell, if you want to make extra money) dragon scales on the market, bargaining for a decent price - if, of course, you find someone willing to sell it.

He who seeks will always find, and the most persistent will succeed.

TES IV: Oblivion has unusual ingredients - quest ones, for which their use as raw materials for creating potions and poisons is not provided (therefore, they are included in a separate list), as well as deadly poisoned apples and chokeberries:

Ashes of Hindaril

Quest MS40 - Vampire cure,

To get a cure for vampirism and be cured, the hero must bring old Melisande the ashes of the powerful vampire Hindaril, imprisoned many years ago in the deep cave “Redwater Slough” near the Panther River.

  • Ashes of Hindaril, Form ID: 000977DD
  • Effects: Silence, Resist. Resist Disease, Frost Damage, Invisibility

Jumbo Potato

Quest SQ01 - The Potato Snatcher

"Who needs fresh
some bread..."

The hero, who wanders into the Faregyl Inn, located near the Green Road, learns that a giant potato was stolen from the Khajiit S"jirra. The same one from which she makes the “famous potato bread,” and now, having lost all her supplies, she doesn’t know what to do. Of course, S'jirra asks the hero to find the thief and return the stolen goods, and of course, promises a reward for returning her precious potatoes. All she knows about the thief is that he is huge and has retired into the forest in a western direction.

Having gone deeper into the forest to the north-west of the tavern, the hero after a while comes across a level ogre, which is not so difficult to take down, since he is alone, slow and vulnerable to poison by 25% (the ogre's level is equal to the player's level, health = 26* level, stamina = 20*level, melee attack damage = 22+1*level pts). The ogre's corpse will contain the missing six giant potatoes and the ingredient - ogre teeth. After picking up the potatoes, you can return to the tavern and make S'jirra happy.

The Khajiit woman will thank the hero for his efforts with her baked goods - several loaves of branded potato bread worth 30 gold each. The number of reward loaves depends on the hero’s level:

  • Level 1-4 - 1 loaf;
  • Level 5-9 - 2 loaves;
  • Level 10-14 - 3 loaves;
  • Level 15-19 - 4 loaves;
  • Level 20+ - 5 loaves.

Subsequently, if the hero goes to the tavern again, he can buy the same bread from S'jirra for 25 gold apiece in unlimited quantities.

Note: Your hero may encounter this ogre in the forest before receiving the quest. If this happens, then the ogre will have a quest potato in its inventory and you will see the following message: “I killed an ogre in the forest. Strange, but he was carrying a bunch of giant potatoes with him. I should grab these potatoes, it’s all too unusual.” Next, to complete the quest you just need to find the Faregil tavern and S'jirra.

  • Jumbo Potato, Form ID: 00177A2A
  • Effects: Restore. Restore Fatigue, Shield, Burden, Frost Shield

Rat Poison

Quest DASheogorath - Sheogorath,

As he completes the order received from the statue of Sheogorath, the hero can find and pick up rat poison (3 pieces, weight - 1 lb.), which will not be useful in the future; you can only create potions from them and rat poison. Moreover, if you choose a poisoned apple or chokeberry as the first ingredient, then the potion will have the effect of a “poisoned apple” or “fruit poison” on itself (permanent damage to health - protection from poison does not work), and if it is the second, then the potion will have the effect of “rat poison" on oneself (for 1 sec) - in this case, no harm to the hero’s health was noticed.

  • Rat Poison, Form ID: 00026B08
  • Script Effect: Rat Poison

Rumare Slaughterfish Scales

Quest SQ09 - Go Fish

Catch a fish

Aelwin Merowald from the settlement of Weye, located west of the Imperial City, asks the hero to get 12 scales of a special Rumar killer fish. The scales are needed in order to fulfill the order of one young alchemist, who paid so well for them that the fisherman had almost saved up for a comfortable old age. There were only 12 scales left to get, but one of these fish grabbed Alvin by the leg and, thereby, deprived him of his job.

Of course, the hero is free to agree or turn up, but if you want to help the old man, then when talking with him you should not choose the “Laugh in his face” option, since this will lower his favor by 60 points and end the conversation, after which you will have to try to be charmingly charming.

At first glance, fishing is not difficult - you just need to follow (swim) in the direction indicated by the green compass arrow and catch the fish. But the fish is level and a weak hero with a blunt iron weapon will have a hard time (see indicators below). It is much easier to freeze fish with magic (cold damage works in water), or use the spell of walking on water and arrange an unpunished beating of fish under water. If you have difficulty finding fish, then you should use life detection. As soon as the first fish is cut, the compass will point to the next one (bugs are possible here). All this must be continued until the hero has 12 scales. There is plenty of time and the fish are not swimming anywhere, so you can rest on the shore if necessary.

Having obtained 12 scales, the hero can go to Alvin for a reward - a unique ring Jewel of the Rumare, with permanent effects of water breathing and increasing athletics by 4 units. For a low-level hero, this is an exceptionally good reward.

Alvin Merowald's savings

After completing the quest, you can learn something interesting - if, if you have a disposition of over 70, in a conversation with Alvin you select the topic “Where are your savings?”, he will tell you that he spent part of the gold to pay for the work of the magician who locked the remaining money in the box. This box is located in his house to the left of the fireplace and nothing can open it except a special key that Alvin always carries with him. With developed secrecy, there is no particular problem in stealing this key from Alvin while he is sleeping, you can also, of course, kill the old man, but this is uninteresting and pointless, since there is not much money in the box - apparently the magician took a very high price for the service rendered...

Bugs: Although I personally have not experienced this, I have read that many bugs occur in this quest, mainly due to the fact that fish get stuck in stones and bridge supports or float over the water and shore. There is also a problem with the compass needle stubbornly pointing to the dead fish. According to rumors, the console commands tcl and movetoqt do not solve anything, as well as adding quest scales to the inventory using the player.additem command. If the fish floats above the water, you can try to restart the game (save often). If the compass points to a dead fish, you can poke the corpse of the fish or go for a few days to other parts of Cyrodiil or use the console command to place the fish in front of the player (FormIDs of the types of quest killer fish are given in the table below):

~player.placeatme FormID 1,1,1

After completing the quest, the scale remains in Alvin's inventory and you shouldn't steal it!, since you won't be able to sell it or throw it out of your inventory without the help of the console:

~player.removeitem 000185FE2 12

  • Rumare Slaughterfish Scales, Form ID: 000185FE2
  • Effects: Willpower Damage, Water Breathing, Health Damage, Water Walking
Varieties of Rumare Slaughterfish

(Rumare Slaughterfish)
Form ID
Strength reserve
Attack Damage
Same for all types
Juvenile Rumar killerfish
(Rumare Slaughterfish Spawn)
15 pts

Greenspore disease - 10% chance of infection

Ingredient: Rumar Killer Fish Scales
(Rumare Slaughterfish Scales)

Coins, silver spoons, master keys, bones, etc. - LL0LootMicroTreasure15, with a probability of 15%

Young rumara killer fish
(Young Rumare Slaughterfish)
Small (Lesser)
Adult rumara killer fish
(Adult Rumare Slaughterfish)
Queen of the Rumar killer fish
(Rumare Slaughterfish Brood Mother)
Great (Grand)

Unicorn Horn

Quest DAHircine - Hircine

Hersin only needs the horn of a unicorn, which can be found in Harkein Grove. It's just a pity that the unicorn is the last in all of Cyrodiil...

  • Unicorn Horn, Form ID: 0001EC5B
  • Effect: Fortify Health

Beating Heart 1

Unearthing Mehrunes Razor

The hero finds this ingredient while searching for the Razor and it is not necessary to use it to successfully complete the search. Having eaten the heart, the hero falls ill with Cannibal's Prion Disease, and, if he was not previously a vampire, then also with Porphyric Hemophilia.

  • Beating Heart, Form ID: xx001AF2 2
  • Script effect: Cannibal Consumption

Deadly Poison

The hero can stock up on poisoned apples (Poisoned Apple), FormID 000918F0, with the “Deadly Poison” effect as he progresses through the Dark Brotherhood line in Fort Farragut and in the Cheydinhal Sanctuary (the contents of the containers are updated every three game days), and there are also apples in sold by a merchant from the M"raaj-Dar brotherhood and one lies in the Grotto of the Braville Wizard. Deadly poison is truly deadly - nothing will help the hero who eats such an apple (the “Poisoned Apple Effect” is added with permanent damage to health - protection from poison does not apply). You can only save the hero using the console by typing:

~player.removespell 00009617

A poisoned apple potion can be brewed when the hero becomes a master of alchemy, but, unfortunately, this poisonous potion can only be used on oneself. If you put such an apple in someone’s pocket and wait patiently until the victim eats it, then you can watch the inevitable death of the unwanted Sithis.

In the garden of poisonous plants of the cave "Deepscorn Hollow" from the official plugin "The Vile Lair" there is a plant Chokeberry Vine, its fruits - Chokeberry berries, FormID xx009BFE** - are similar in everything poisoned apple, have the “Poison Fruit” effect. In the same way, a hero who accidentally eats a berry will die ("Chokeberry Poison" is added with permanent damage to health - protection from poison does not work). And in this case, it is only possible to save the hero using the console by typing:

~player.removespell xx009BFF

1 You must install the official plugin "Mehrunes" Razor.

2 The first two digits change depending on the number of connected plugins and the order in which they are connected, and can be 01, 02, 03, etc. to FE.
