What to download for a warlock in WW3.3 5. Warlock - What is Warlock? A useful profession for a warlock

This will be a kind of generalized guide on Lock, in which we will look at all three branches, and only the most important things regarding Lock’s rotation, his DPS, build and nuances of playing technique. We'll talk about the merits of this or that spec, how to properly deal damage in raids, and how you can improve Lock's DPS. In general, everything about warlocks 3.3.5 PvE. The first thing to note is that you must...

Interesting story It turns out that in 3.3.5 it is Afli Lock who starts to rule in PvP. Many people haven’t tried playing, because it’s hard to leave other branches when you’ve already gotten used to them. But those who have already switched have not regretted it for a minute. This is exactly what I did half a year ago, when I decided to change Demonology to the Afli branch and now I see that...

Over the past year, I've been trying to get everything I can out of the Demonologist in PvP. Before that, I played in another branch and there I achieved some success. I was tired of the stability and wanted something new, so I decided to take it new branch and experience it to the fullest. As a result, the game began to develop better in the Demonology branch than in the Destro branch. Now I...

Why is every class unique in WoW? Yes, all because not everything is as simple as it seems. Everyone thinks: the build has been upgraded, the characteristics have increased and you can lay down everyone around you, but that’s not the case. In addition to the elements of leveling up, you also need to infuse a little brain into the character. This is what makes our Destro Lock unique in 3.3.5 PvE. The main feature of Warlock is that...

Mysticism has always fascinated everyone with its ability to create spells and enchantments. It is Afli Lok whose entire essence is based on witchcraft. There are main five reasons why Afli Lock is considered the best in raids in terms of DPS: self-control of spells, ability to survive, providing assistance to the raid, complete control of your DPS, good buffs. Based on playing qualities from Afli Lok, they make quite good...

When faced with demons, most heroes see only death. Warlocks see great opportunity. Their goal is power, and the dark arts help them achieve it. These sorcerers summon demons to fight on their side. At first, only demon servants are available to them, but as the warlock’s knowledge grows, seductive succubi, abyss demons and terrible fel hunters begin to obey him, striking anyone who opposes their master.

Warlocks, in the game they are also called loki from the English Warlock - a class that deals damage with fire magic, dark magic and can summon various demons. Warlocks are specialists in inflicting various negative effects on enemies, which reduce their characteristics and cause damage to them. Capable of summoning allies to themselves, able to resurrect themselves after death and their allies in and out of battle, warlock demons have a large “arsenal” of spells and can perform various functions.

Warlocks have a large arsenal of control spells, and are considered good class for PvP.

Depending on the direction the warlock chooses, he has certain bonuses:

  • Demonology – the warlock demonologist (Demonology) can summon a large number of demons, each of the demons has certain functions and gives certain bonuses for the warlock and the raid group. The demonologist also deals damage with fire and magic spells, but still, part of his damage depends on demons. The demonologist is able to take on the form of a demon, thanks to which his damage and other characteristics are increased.
  • Affliction - the damage of the Afflik warlock (Afffliction) depends on the negative effects applied to the enemy and causing damage to him - dot, specializes in dark magic. He has a large number of curses that lower the characteristics of enemies, and a large “arsenal” of control spells.
  • Destruction – Destro the warlock (Destruction) specializes in fire magic, his spells immediately cause damage as soon as they hit the enemy. The most dynamic warlock specialization.

How are warlocks useful?

Warlocks are useful in raids and groups due to:
They can resurrect allies in battle, and are also capable of resurrecting themselves if they have hung the Soul Stone in advance;
Summon allies to themselves at any distance and in any quantity - Summoning Ritual;
They create stones that heal - Health Stones;
They have a large arsenal of negative effects applied to enemies that reduce their characteristics - curses;
Increases the endurance characteristics of the raid group - Bloody Alliance;
Increases the power of group and raid spells - Demonic Alliance.


Resources: Mana, Soul Shards
Available armor: Cloth
Available weapons: Daggers, One-handed swords, Staves

Available classes for the Alliance for magicians are gnome, dwarf, human, worgen.

There is no choice for warlocks for the Alliance, only worgen, thanks to the “Bitterness” bonus - +1% to the “Critical Strike” statistic.

For PvP - Alliance - people - Every man for himself - this racial ability removes all slowing and control effects from you, which will allow you to equip an accessory that deals damage or increases your characteristics.

Available classes for the Horde are Forsaken, Blood Elf, Goblin, Orc, Troll.

To deal damage, it is best for a warlock playing as a horde to take an orc - “Bloody Fury” - increases attack power for 15 seconds, once every 2 minutes. “Power” - increases the attack power of summoned demons, constantly.

For a mage in PvP (player versus player) playing for a horde - a blood elf - the racial ability of the blood elves “Magic Flow” will allow you to restore 6% of your mana, as well as impose a negative silencing effect on all enemies within a radius of 8 meters for 2 seconds, and also interrupt the casting of spells by opponents, if the opponent is not another player, for 3 seconds, can be used once every 2 minutes.


In World of Warcraft: Legion, as you must know, warlocks specialization demonology deprived of metamorphosis, giving it to demon hunters. But what did demonologists get in return? Do they perform well in dungeons and raids? This guide will help you answer these questions.

General overview of the Warlock (demonology) in WoW Legion

Playing as a demonologist is now entirely based on summoning demons and strengthening them - it sounds quite logical and is quite suitable for this class, although some still liked the old mechanics more.

In addition to the obvious and main advantage of demon locks in the form of a flying and occasionally stinging skull with horns, one can also note good constant damage to a single target and burst AOE damage.

However, demon locks also have a lot of disadvantages - mediocre burst damage to one target, the same constant AOE and the inability to painlessly switch between several targets, which leads to a decrease in effectiveness if there are not many enemies for AOE damage. We must also not forget about the low mobility of the demonologist - with many dashes in battle, you will lose a significant part of the damage.

Like other Warlock specs, the Lok Demon uses soul shards for its most powerful spells - in particular for summoning more powerful demons. Demon Lock has virtually no problems with mana - you only have to sometimes use Life Tap when the character declares that he does not have enough mana.

When the warlock is not summoning demons, he casts Shadow Bolt - it is needed specifically to fill downtime. The rest of the time, you need to use Summon Sinister Hunters and the Hand of Gul "given, and then strengthen the summoned demons with Demonic Strengthening - this is the basis of any rotation of a demonologist. To generate soul fragments, you need to ensure that the Doom spell is maintained on targets, or use Demonic Wrath, if There are too many targets - this way you will deal AOE damage and replenish your supply of fragments.

Demon Lok has a lot of interesting talents. When leveling up, you can even make a choice in favor of entertainment, but in raids you should take the choice of talents more seriously, depending on whether you want to deal more AoE damage or show the true power of dark magic to the boss himself.

Tier 1 talents

    Remember that you need to strengthen demons only in large groups - choosing the right time is extremely important for the effectiveness of the demonologist in battle.

    • Rotation for AOE damage

    This rotation is similar to the previous one, but what is more important here is not strengthening the demons, but the explosion of wild demons and controlling their numbers.

    Monitor the generation of soul fragments in order to have time to summon as many wild demons as possible with the help of the Hand of Gul "dan. When there are a lot of demons, you must strengthen them very quickly and cast the Implosion spell. If you choose the moment incorrectly or do not act quickly and accurately enough, then You will achieve only half of the possible effect.

    Any time you don't spend blasting demons, use Demonic Wrath and summon the Darkseer, which should appear when Gul'dan casts Doom on your opponents.


    The most important thing for demon loka is Speed ​​- it has priority even over intelligence. The faster the demonologist, the more effective he is - most of his abilities require casting time and reducing it is critical.

    Critical Strike and Mastery are approximately equal in importance - choose which stat is more important for you to increase based on your personal feelings.

    Versatility is good, but unless you are a demonologist, there are things that are much more important for you.

    If you have gear with sockets, take 1 Saber's Eye of Intellect and Lightning of Swiftness for all remaining sockets.

    From enchantments, choose the enchantment of speed and intelligence, depending on which characteristic is more important to increase.

    It also wouldn't hurt to stock up on Infusion of Secret Agreement and Potion of Lasting Strength, as well as use health stones or health potions. Mana potions don't play a big role for you. But food that increases speed is important, so get ready to meet Nomi.

    Artifact Skull of Man'ari and relics

    Advertising block. Sorry for the advertisement! Our website is selling. He has his own will, but it does not affect the gameplay in any way, except that occasionally the skull makes a comment about what is happening. The artifact contains nests for relics of darkness, fire and corruption.

    Although over time you will level up all the features of the artifact, you need to adhere to a certain development path in order to get the best features as quickly as possible - they will be useful to you when equipping a character in 5-person dungeons.

    The choice of relics for an artifact should be approached from the point of view of the level of the items, but if it is already high, then you should concentrate on choosing the features that are best strengthened. For Demonologists, the choice comes down to whether you play in an AoE rotation or choose a single target rotation.

    • Guts of Darkness and Unclean Hands are rare abominations, try to change the relics that enhance them as soon as possible.

    All other features can be described as normal - they are not very useful, but they also cannot be called useless.

    Demonologist Warlock in patch 7.2

    In this patch we are given the opportunity to continue strengthening the artifact. To do this, we will have to go through a new scenario on the broken shore, do a couple of quests from the new campaign until we are given 26 knowledge as a reward and the ability to continue placing orders for them up to 50.

    At the same moment, Khadgar on the Broken Shore will give us a quest to find “something unknown,” which will simply need to be knocked out from the mobs on the Broken Shore. This quest item will be our chain for opening new ranks in the artifact. We will be sent to Dalaran, where we will be given 3 quest chains (one for each specialization), after completing which the artifact for a certain spec will be reset to 35th, the spent power of the artifact will be returned for ranks pumped above 35th, and new ranks will open.

    Demonologist Warlock Legendary Items

(only works outside of combat)

  • To obtain Soul Shards in combat, you must kill an enemy that grants experience or honor while channeling the Drain Soul spell. This will give you 3 shards. In the destruction tree, you can use Shadowburn for the same effect.
  • The spirit is now almost useless, you no longer receive spell power from the spirit. Only mana replenishment.
  • Intelligence now gives spell power, rating critical hit and mana.
  • A new characteristic has been added - mastery. Its bonuses depend on what spec you are currently using.
  • Spell power has been completely removed from equipment, with the exception of weapons and inchants.
  • Soul Shatter now reduces threat by 90%, up from 50%.
  • You can now summon your Doomguard and Infernal without any ingredients or party members. Use this in all specs!
  • Talent trees have been changed and simplified (31 talent points). You get a total of 41 talents at level 85.
  • The Health Stone has been changed to replenish a percentage of your base health instead of a fixed amount.
  • Void Magic added as passive ability, which increases your intelligence by 5%.
  • You need 17% hit - 804 hit rating (lvl 85) on gear since hit talents were removed and darkness and moonkin no longer give 3%.
  • Curse of Agony and Curse of Doom have been transformed into Scourges. Now they are not included in the curse category, which makes it possible to use one scourge and one curse at the same time (Weakness, Exhaustion, Elemental, Tongue-tied)
  • Scourge of Fate - curses the target with inexorable doom, inflicting dark damage every 15 sec. When dealing damage, the spell has a 20% chance of causing a demonic guard to appear. A warlock can only cast one Scourge spell on each target, and the spell can only affect one target. (Scourge of Agony is best used in the Sorcery branch).
  • Curse of Weakness changed - Reduces physical damage dealt to target by 10% for 2 min. The warlock can only cast one curse on each target.
  • All DoTs benefit from haste and critical strike ratings, including Drain Life. With the exception of Scourge of Fate and Drain Soul, which do not benefit from haste rating but can deal critical damage.
  • All dots are now recalculated at each tick, meaning there is no longer a need to cast Shadowbolt for 5% crit or refresh damage when health is less than 25% (Death's Embrace)
  • New glyphs have been added to the game and all glyphs can now be reused after learning them.
  • You can no longer lose the last tick of DotA. (Reweighing the dot will add its full duration only after the next tick)
  • Dots are best updated immediately after the penultimate tick. This means that if DotA has 10 ticks, update it immediately to the field of the ninth (penultimate tick). This way your dot will continue to tick without a break between the tenth tick and the first tick of the next dot. However, do not interrupt the spell to do this. Only if possible.
  • You can now use reforging for your items.

List of all symbols

List of all symbols for Warlock in Cataclysm.

Basic symbols

  • Glyph of Scourge of Agony - Increases the duration of your Scourge of Agony spell by 4 sec.
  • Glyph of Chaos Arrow - Reduces the cooldown of the Chaos Arrow ability by 2 sec.
  • Glyph of Conflagration - Reduces the cooldown of the Conflagrate spell by 2 sec.
  • Glyph of Corruption - When you deal damage with the Corruption spell, you have a 4% chance of entering a shadow trance state. While in this state, the casting time of your next Shadow Bolt spell is reduced by 100%.
  • Glyph of the Felguard - Increases the damage dealt by the Felguard's Legion Strike ability by 5%.
  • Glyph of Haunting Spirit - Increases the periodic damage bonus from the Haunting Spirit ability by an additional 3%.
  • Glyph of Immolate - Increases the damage over time of your Immolate spell by 10%.
  • Glyph of the Imp - Increases the damage your Imp deals with your Firebolt spell by 20%.
  • Glyph of Incinerate - Increases the damage of your Incinerate spell by 5%.
  • Glyph of Pain Burst - Increases the damage dealt by your Succubus' Pain Burst spell by 25%.
  • Glyph of Metamorphosis - Increases the duration of Metamorphosis by 6 sec.
  • Glyph of Shadowburn - If you fail to finish off an enemy at 20% health or less with Shadowburn, its cooldown will immediately expire. Effect recovery time – 6 seconds.
  • Glyph of Unstable Affliction - Reduces the casting time of your Unstable Affliction spell by 0.2 sec.


Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Inscription, Tailoring, Jewelcrafting, Engineering and Leatherworking are all very good professions. Herbalism isn't too bad since it got buffed.

Bonuses from different professions:

  • Enchanting: 80 Intelligence
  • Jewelcrafting: 81 Intelligence
  • Leatherworking: 130 Intelligence, but you lose 65 haste rating on bracers
  • Alchemy: 80 Intelligence
  • Blacksmithing: 80 Intelligence
  • Inscription: 80 Intelligence
  • Tailoring: 580 spell power for 15 sec. ~145 spell power, but you lose 50 intelligence.
  • Engineering: 480 speed rating for 12 sec. when using (gloves) ~80 speed rating + gadgets such as jet acceleration/invisibility/shield, etc. The downside is that you lose 65 mastery on gloves, meaning you have to choose between a small increase in damage or perks.
  • Herbalism: ~40 haste rating, but you get a healing spell that can save your life. Dead is not DPS.

To maximize damage, choose Jewelcrafting and Tailoring. But they are very close to Herbalism and Engineering. So choose what you like best - the difference is not big.

I'll stick with my Enchanting and Jewelcrafting. Disenchanting everything you get while leveling gives you a nice increase in gold and people always need inchants and stones.

Equipment in Cataclysm

To take a turn in the dungeon finder, two conditions must be met:

a) Find and open the entrance to the dungeon
b) Have a certain intermediate level things.

You can always just go into the dungeon, despite point b)

The minimum required average level of items for each dungeon for 5 people is given below:


Items for Warlocks that can be purchased from faction representatives:

For respect we receive lvl 346 items, and for exaltation we receive lvl 359 epics.

Dragonmaw Clan/Wildhammer Clan

Guardians of Hyjal

Dungeon Equipment

BiS list (best epic things)

New abilities

In the process of leveling up to 85 you gain 3 new abilities:

There is currently no viable lifesteal or shadowbolt spec, however, the lifesteal spec is slightly worse in all situations and will give you a lot of trouble.


The first thing you need to know is that you need to reforge as much of your critical strike rating as possible into hit and haste ratings.

After reaching the hit cap, if you can no longer forge into speed, choose mastery.

[Glyph of Fear] can be very useful in dungeons/raids to keep mobs from pooling half the dungeon.

Small symbols don't really affect anything, since none of them provide a damage increase, except for [Glyph of Soul Steal], which can increase yours when restoring mana.

It seems to me that the most useful are the Symbol of the Ritual of Souls and the Symbol of Endless Breath.

[Glyph of Demon Enslave] could also become useful if Blizzard introduces bosses that require you to enslave demons in battle.


Use Fel Hunter for Demon Soul

Spell Priority

Deep Soulburn > Haunt > Corruption > Unstable Affliction >

Once you're in position, use Haunt > Unstable Affliction and start spamming Shadowbolt.

Priority list (when moving):

Soul Burn + Soul Burn (if not Deep Soul Burn) > Life Tap > Corruption > Scourge of Agony

Tips for the Conjuring Warlock

  • Use Soul Burn 10 seconds before the pool and immediately Soul Harvest to get the shard back. This gives you an extra shard in combat that can be used to instantly Soulburn on the run after Corruption/Scourge of Agony/Doomguard.
  • Drink a Volcanic Potion right before the boss pool (so you can use 2 potions per fight).
  • Use Soul Burn for Soul Burn.
  • Do not use Life Tap while procing accessories.
  • Exchange of souls with a symbol is very good thing, don't forget! In fights with minions, use it on every cooldown. In single-target battles, use it to instantly upgrade your pillboxes on the fly. It's better to upgrade Unstable Affliction/Scourge of Agony the normal way rather than using Soul Swap. However, Soul Exchange is good while moving.
  • After this, use Hand of Gul'dan on cooldown (to prolong Immolate and deal damage). Also use Metamorphosis on CD. Don't forget about damage. If you are in the zone, use Flame of Darkness. After proc of Molten Core, cast Incinerate. The Havoc proc is time for Soul Burn. If there is nothing left to cast, use Shadow Bolt.

    Rotation opening (on the run)

    Burning Soul + Soul Burn > Scourge of Fate > Corruption

    Metamorphosis > Shadowbolt (if nothing else in the raid gives 5% crit) if there is no Immolate > Hand of Gul'dan > Immolate

    After this, we follow the priorities from the paragraph “Opening the rotation (standing still).”

    Burning Soul + Soul Burn (if no Improved Soul Burn) > Life Tap > Metamorphosis > Scourge of Fate > Corruption > Sacrificial Pyre > Shadowflame

    Tips for Demonology Warlocks:

    • Drink a Volcanic Potion before attacking the boss (you can then use 2 potions per battle).
    • Drink a Volcanic Potion during the execution phase.
    • Use the Fire Snarl during the “execution phase” (when the boss is below 35% health).
    • Make sure you have enough mana for Metamorphosis, using Life Tap in Metamorphosis is BAD.
    • Try to avoid using Life Tap during accessory procs.
    • Demonic Leap is not a waste of the global cooldown compared to the damage dealt by Demonic Rush. It deals a decent amount of damage and gets you into close range where you can use Immolate and Shadow Flame. It also deals damage to all targets within 5 yards, so it's a lot of damage on AoE packs.

    • Minion


      Spell Priorities

      Improved Soul Burn > Immolate > Conflagrate > Scourge of Fate > Shadowflame > Corruption > Chaos Bolt > Burning Soul + Soul Burn > Soul Burn (if Mighty Imp pierced) > Incinerate

      Opening rotation (standing still)

      Burn (we start casting so that it pierces at the moment when the tank aggroes the mob) > Sacrificial Fire > Ignite > Scourge of Fate > Flame of Darkness (if we stand in miles) > Corruption > Chaos Arrow

      By incinerating we fill the gaps between the CDs of other spells. We use the Mighty Imp procs. We support the Improved Soul Burn buff (Burning Soul + Soul Burn per CD). Don't forget about the Scourge of Fate, Corruption, Sacrificial Fire.

      Rotation opening (on the run)

      Scourge of Fate > Corruption > Burning Soul + Soul Burn > Shadow Flame

      Once we got to the position

      Immolate > Conflagrate > Chaos Bolt

      After this, we repeat the point “Opening the rotation (standing still)”

      List of priorities while driving

      Burning Soul + Soul Burn (if no Improved Soul Burn) > Life Tap > Scourge of Fate > Corruption > Conflagrate > Shadowflame

      Tips for Destruction Warlocks:

      • Take Burning Soul 10 seconds before the pull and use Harvest of Souls to restore the shard. Thus, you will receive one more fragment for the battle.
      • Drink a Volcanic Potion before attacking the boss (you can then use 2 potions per battle).
      • Use Fire Snap on CD.
      • Make sure the Improved Soul Burn buff is on you.
      • Try not to use Life Tap during Trinek procs.
      • Use the /cast [@pettarget]Firebolt macro.

Warlock “Demonology” capable of achieving what he wants with the hands of others - in particular, summoned demons, many summoned demons. He himself gains strength in order to summon these demons and strengthen them. In general, read this guide on the demonology warlock - we tell you everything in detail.


Basic information on spec:

Warlock “Demonology”uses 2 main resources - soul fragments and mana. The number of soul fragments outside of combat always tends to 3. The maximum you can have is 5. They are spent on powerful spells and summoning demon pets. Mana is used as a resource for any spells.

Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses this specialization:


  • High sustained damage to a single target
  • Good burst and stable AoE


  • Very mediocre switch
  • Extremely ineffective in the cleave
  • DPS depends very much on the number of movements in battle













Miles and range zone


WoW for Russian players initially existed only on foreign languages, since the native language of the game is English, many terms to this day are formed from the English names of established mechanics and many abilities.

AoE- (from the English Area of ​​Effect) literally - this is the area in which the effect occurs, whether damage is done in this area or healing is performed does not matter. Typically this abbreviation is used as a command to deal damage in a group/raid to multiple targets. It is also used to describe any boss ability with the effect described above.

Buffpositive effect. By default it is displayed to the left of the minimap along its top edge.

Burst- (from the English Burst), an ability that allows you to inflict large quantities damage in a short time.

Gir— (from the English Gear) is essentially equipment.

GKD— (short for English Global Cooldown) is the total recovery time of abilities.

Debuffnegative effect. By default it is displayed to the left of the minimap along its bottom edge.

DoT— (from English Damage over Time) is an effect that causes damage over time

DPS— (from the English DPS — Damage per Second) is a value that reflects the damage dealt per second.

Cleve— (from the English Cleave) the ability to inflict damage on secondary targets by inflicting damage on the main target while having no loss (or with minimal loss) on the main one.

Cooldown- (from the English Cooldown, you can often find the abbreviation “CD”, or “kdshki”), the main meaning is the recovery time of the ability. Also often used in relation to bursts or various defensive abilities.

Miles and range zone- (from the English Melee and Ranged, respectively) Miles - means a melee zone, also used to name all classes/specs that deal effective damage directly in this zone. Range (can also be found “range”) usually means a zone that is not a melee zone, and, accordingly, is also used to name all classes/specs that can effectively deal damage from a distance.

Trait— (from the English Trait) the name of the “talents” of your Azerite armor.

Basic Abilities

Offensive Abilities

Bursts, important DPS cooldowns and passive effects


General information. As you reach several new levels, new “tiers” of talents will open up for you. In each such line, you can select only one talent at a time. Talents can influence abilities in different ways: add new ones, replace old ones, passively modify various effects and spells. You can change talents while in sanctuaries or in any recreation areas, however, if there are no such places nearby, you can use the “Tome of the Tranquil Mind,” which will allow you to change talents within a minute. Talents cannot be changed in battle. The talent cannot be changed if the talent chosen in this tier is on cooldown; you will first have to wait for it to be restored.

Tier 1. 15 lvl.

Tier 4. 60 lvl.

  • From the shadows. Summon sinister hunters Increases the target's damage taken from your Darkflame spells for 12 sec.
  • Soul Strike. Extra Attack your felguard with a 10 sec cooldown. Creates 1 Soul Shard.
  • Summoning is abomination. For 1 soul fragment, summon an abomination for 15 seconds, which will attack your target.

* Classically, Summon Abomination is considered to be a single target choice, and Soul Strike is an AoE choice. For a single target, you can choose any of these talents, but for AoE only Soul Strike.

Tier 5. 75 lvl.

  • Dark Fury. Reduces the cooldown of Shadowfury by 15 sec.
  • The face of decay. You can put an enemy to flight for 3 seconds and thereby restore 20% of your maximum health. Application radius is 20 meters. CD 45 seconds.
  • Demonic circle. You create a portal underneath you for 15 minutes. You also learn Demonic Circle: Teleportation, this is the ability that will teleport you to a pre-set portal, as well as remove all slow effects from the warlock.

*The choice depends on your situation. Need to stun more often - Dark Fury. Need additional mobility or teleportation itself - Demonic Circle. Face of Decay - additional control or the possibility of small self-healing in battle.

Tier 6. 90 lvl.

  • Mediator of souls. Gives 20% a chance not to use up a soul shard to cast a spell that requires this resource.
  • Inner demons. Once every 12 seconds you will passively summon a wild imp. But with a 10% chance you can summon a stronger demon for 15 seconds.
  • Grimoire: Felguard. Summon a second Felguard for 15 seconds. He is 25% stronger than your permanent pet, and after being summoned, he immediately stuns your target, dashes and after a few seconds uses Fel Storm.
  1. Demonic Power / Explosive Bileworms
  2. Soul Broker/Grimoire: Felguard

Without traits (weak option):

  1. Demonic Power / Explosive Bileworms
  2. Grimoire: Felguard / Soul Broker
  3. Gate of the Void / Sacrificed Souls

Azerite traits

BfA was introduced new system traits on things. The Helm, Shoulders, and Chestplate are now special Azerite-enhanced items that have multiple rings with so-called traits that provide various combat buffs.

We will try to collect several specific top traits.The following traits will be our priority:

The first thing you should strive for is to collect x3 Implosive Potential. This combination increases the damage dealt the most.

You should also be sure to have at least 1 Malicious Spell, because... and the Tyrant himself is strong, so this greatly increases the number of soul fragments per battle.

Since Demonologist is strong in Mythic+, it is worth strengthening Hand of Gul'dan with at least 1 trait - Demonic Meteorite.

Also worth noting is the strong raid trait
