American branch of tanks. World of Tanks Blitz: detailed description of US tanks World of tank American tanks

Hello, fellow tankers! Today we will look at the American branch of tank development (in the game), or rather, I will describe to you all its pros and cons in as much detail as possible from my point of view and, perhaps, help you decide on the choice of nation.

Popularity of US tanks in World of Tanks

American tanks– sounds serious. They are no less serious in battle. It’s not for nothing that this technique is so loved and respected in the game. The most popular premium tanks in the game are American. The most powerful artillery in the game is American, etc. But in real life, US tanks had and still have the best reputation in the world, so to speak. Many experienced players like to ride American equipment. And just amateurs often play it for fun. US tanks are considered the most “convenient” tanks in the game.

Advantages and disadvantages of American tanks

  • From advantages Most equipment is worth noting the armor. Many American tanks have strong frontal armor, and especially turret armor. An example is such tanks as T29, T32, T34, “Goose” and many others. The guns are also a plus, although they don’t shine with anything special, unlike the Germans, French or even the Soviets. They are easy to use, well balanced, and the only downsides are the aiming speed and dispersion. Good visibility and speed of many cars are also advantages.
  • Minus The Americans are armored hulls. For many vehicles it suffers greatly, especially for those that have good guns. The same T29, T30, T34 and many, even top tanks, easily penetrate the frontal armor. But the Americans also have tanks with excellent armor and weapons.
Speed ​​cannot be considered either a plus or a minus, because... Different branches have different speeds.


The technique is divided into 4 initial development branches WoT: tank destroyers (up to T82), medium tanks (up to M3 Lee), light tanks (up to M5 Stuard) and self-propelled guns (artillery).


American anti-tank guns famous for their cannons, and some for their legendary armor. You can get a lot of pleasure from breaking through them and damaging them at any level of battles. At T82, the development tree is divided into two branches: up to T110E4 and up to T110E3. The path to the T110E4 lies through tank destroyers with guns that have high damage but low armor. And tank destroyers up to T110E3 have both good damage/penetration and excellent frontal armor (an example is the T95, about whose armor and speed you can see a lot of memes and jokes). In general, we can say about them that they are pleasant to play and they can decide the outcome of the battle. The only negative is the armor and speed (each branch has its own), and the guns are the best at the level. The most popular vehicles of this type of technology are the M18 Hellcat, T30, T95 and ten-tier tank destroyers.

Medium tanks

US medium tanks they start immediately from the second level and have good armor, but are too large in size. The branch goes to the M3 Lee (a tank that is unloved by many due to the lack of a turret and a huge silhouette, although it is quite well armored and has a good rapid-fire cannon). Then there is a branch to heavy tanks (up to T110E5, passing through the most popular tanks, such as T29, T32), and to medium tanks (starting with the M4 Sherman, which has the famous high explosive (which is very popular at this level, especially with premium shells), and passing through the forehead-impenetrable medium tanks M4A3E2 and M4A3E8 (although it is more corton), and reaching the weakly armored but mobile T20, Pershing and ending with the quite popular Patton). US medium tanks have access to heavy tanks.

Light tanks

US light tanks starting from M2 Light and ending with M5 Stuard, after which there is a branching to M24 Chaffee and to. Chaffee is a dead end branch of development. After the medium tank M7 there are relatively new and interesting tanks T21, T71, T69 (which has a huge penetration of 300 mm with a premium shell for its level), T54e1 and the most popular tank in the game today T57 Heavy. Starting from the T71, all tanks in this line have a drum loading mechanism. The most interesting thing about US light tanks at the initial levels is that they have penetrating guns, excellent speed, excellent armor, but all this is compensated by a little maneuverability.

self-propelled guns

Artillery - the gods of war. It’s not for nothing that they were called that, because a skilled artillery commander can crush all enemy tanks and keep all enemies at bay. Self-propelled guns fire along a hinged trajectory from a howitzer aiming mode at long distances. The advantages of American artillery are its enormous damage. Otherwise, they are quite inaccurate, have a low projectile speed and a large spread. The T92 is considered the most powerful artillery in the game and even heavily armored tanks like the Maus are afraid to hit it.

Bottom line

To summarize, we can say that American tanks are good, convenient and attractive for beginners. They forgive mistakes of inexperienced players, thanks to their armor and one-time damage. They are fun to play and can be used to control direction alone. The biggest disadvantages are only in mixing and dispersion. Otherwise, they may well be a good competitor to any nation. It is recommended for beginners to download American Tanks in order to understand the mechanics of the game and learn to play more or less well. While pumping up this nation, it is worth remembering that high-speed vehicles do not have armor, and armored vehicles do not have speed. Premium technology is a separate topic for description.

I have been playing World of Tanks for a long time since 2011, but not often. Somehow I accidentally calculated that in 2012 I played only 2k fights, this is not enough for such a period of time, many people play 20k in a year. Well, for the last 4 months I haven’t even logged into the game, but a couple of weeks ago I somehow wanted to log in and play again. By the way, over these months I began to think more and more about moving to another country, to some damn capitalist one and away from the shit. MB is boiling, MB is seasonal, I don’t know. After several battles on the RU servers of the world of tanks, I left the game. The patience of this stupid redneck and schoolboy has filled up. And then I thought about switching to American servers and finding out how the Americans (and not only) play there, and I will see more English (by the way, in VK the language has long been changed to English).

So, for the last couple of weeks I have been playing only on North American servers and only in the random game mode (this is when players randomly gather, divide into 2 teams and fight on some map). My impression of playing on them is very positive! This is a completely “different”, more interesting game. From the technical side, everything is the same, only in a different language, but the game process itself, the gameplay, can be said to be completely opposite, and the communication, although in English, is understandable and generally friendly. I want to highlight a few points:

  • If on RU servers you wish everyone good luck in the general chat, then you can often hear some insults addressed to you, even humorous ones, like: “We will do you,” but still somehow not very friendly. If you wish everyone good luck on NA servers, they will answer you in kind. I didn't even understand what it meant at first gl, wrote in general: gl? And they immediately answered me Good Luck. There were no “go ask the abyss” or anything like that. Those. NA players understand that this is just a game.
  • The tactics and timing of battle on NA servers are different. For those who don’t know, 1 battle can last a maximum of 15:00 minutes. On RU servers, battles last on average 5-7 minutes. On NA servers, battles even at the very beginning levels (again, on average, according to feelings) last 10-15 minutes. There is often a draw when time runs out.
  • The interaction between players in the game is fundamentally different. On NA servers, people constantly interact with each other, stay in groups of 3, 4, 5 tanks, press or hold the direction, and these tanks are not necessarily together in a platoon (in a group, maximum 3) with voice communication. The connection itself is mainly maintained through so-called quick commands, such as: I understand you, negative, Attack, support with fire, back, stop, etc.
  • Just like on RU servers, people also play on NA servers, only with a different mindset. Although, despite this, insults against NA still happen, but not so often, not in every second battle. In 2 weeks I saw, I think, 2 times, and 1 time the word fuck.
  • It’s strange, but on NA servers a scout is called a scout. I didn't see any fireflies in the chat. I remember on RU servers when I just started playing, some in-game terms were unknown to me. For example, the names of tanks, all sorts of cool guns, and so on. Although I'm sure that NA servers at higher levels probably have their own fireflies.
  • During the battle, if you destroyed someone's tank, no one will write bad words to you.
  • I met Russian speakers on NA servers, and now I know that Americans do not like obscure characters (Cyrillic). In theory, Americans should see Russian letters in their chat, because... Many languages ​​are built into the OS by default, although I could be wrong here. The Americans politely write “English, please,” or maybe they were Russians pretending to be Americans. But I came across the expression “English, please” 5 times when someone or I wrote in Russian.
  • I managed to communicate with one “compatriot,” a certain woman89, who came to the American servers: “neighing and beating down the Americans.”
  • A few seconds before the end of the battle on NA servers it is customary to write to the chat gg(good game - literally: a good game), you won’t see this on RU servers. I won’t even say what you can see there in the chat after the battle (although no one has canceled matfilters, but they don’t always save).

These are all the main points that I would like to talk about. I'm happy with playing on American servers. I even paid for a monthly subscription to get more experience, which, by the way, costs a little more than the same 30 days on RU servers, 414 rubles. on NA versus 329 rub. on RU servers (it is worth noting that the subscription price is tied to the dollar exchange rate, so prices may change over time).

In conclusion, I would like to wish everyone to escape from the Russian mentality, change their circle of friends and strive for a better life.


The American history of tank building began thanks to the efforts of General John Pershing. He arrived in Europe in 1917 with the US Expeditionary Forces after they declared war on Germany. Having become acquainted with the experience of the Allies, their equipment and trench warfare, which was unknown in America, the general began to seek attention from his leadership to the topic of tanks.

The US Army purchased French Renaults and used them in the battles of Verdun. American designers, having received foreign cars, carried out a slight modification. After World War I, US tank forces were disbanded due to cost. Then for several years the American army did not allocate funds at all for the creation of new vehicles. And only in the 1930s. the first experimental models of our own production appeared. It was an M1931 (T11 combat vehicle). It was never adopted, but experimental work gave American designers the necessary food for thought before further research.

The evolution of American technology was also slowed down due to the Great Depression, which seriously shook the country's economy. Serious funding came to engineers and designers only with the beginning of World War II, when the authorities realized that they might not be able to sit overseas and would have to send troops to Europe.

In 1941, the M3 Stuart appeared. This light tank was produced in the amount of 23 thousand units. This record in its class has not yet been broken. The history of world tank building does not know of a model produced in such quantity. “Stuarts” were not only used by the American army, but were also supplied to the allies: Great Britain, France, China and the USSR under Lend-Lease.

Upgrading a branch from scratch:

  • Upgrading a branch from scratch - 7000 rub.(If ordering experience is not from 0, then the price is 50,000 experience - 500 rubles + discounts)

Upgrading tanks. Prices:

  • 50,000 experience - 500 rub.
  • 50,000 experience for self-propelled guns - 700 rub.

Minimum order: 50,000 experience.

Discount system:

  • When ordering from 100,000 experience - discount 5%.
  • When ordering from 200,000 experience - discount 10%.
  • When ordering from 400,000 experience - discount 15%.

Execution speed: from 50 battles per day.

Obtaining a “Master” on each tank starting from level 5 - GUARANTEED!

How to place an order?

You leave a request on the website;
We contact you and clarify the order details (equipment and number of fights);
You pay for your order in a way convenient for you;
You get the long-awaited result :)

Sep 25, 2016 Game guides

American tanks: a general view

If you have already read the general guide to tanks of different nations, then this paragraph will not tell you anything new - but otherwise, or for repetition, you should familiarize yourself with it before we move directly to the tanks.

The main feature of most American tanks (compared to tanks of other nations) is their mobility. Thanks to their mobility and relatively small size, these tanks can perform almost any task on the battlefield. Of course, this makes them less powerful, long-ranged or armored compared to other tanks, but at the same time they are almost always devoid of obvious shortcomings (or fewer such shortcomings). They are less specialized and more versatile. When using American tanks, it is extremely important for the player to understand the terrain and his position, understand his own strengths and weaknesses and imagine the weaknesses of rival tanks - in this case, he will be able to win with a much higher probability than players of other nations placed in the same conditions.

Now let's move on to a more detailed review of US tanks.

US light tank

There is no mistake in this subtitle - in America’s “garage” there is only one light tank, the T1 Cunningham, which you will receive at the very beginning of the game. This is a compact, mobile and fastest light tank of the first rank in the game. Thanks to its powerful engine, it overcomes obstacles well, accelerates quickly and gains high speed, which makes it an excellent scout and allows you to quickly mark enemy tanks at the beginning of the game. The second useful feature of the T1 Cunningham is its semi-automatic guns, capable of quickly firing a five-round burst and reloading relatively quickly (5 seconds is quite fast for semi-automatic guns in the game). Such weapons allow this tank to quickly destroy enemy light tanks. With heavier tanks, however, a problem will arise - the penetration and caliber of shells of Cunningham's guns are quite low, so shooting at strong armor will be practically useless, especially at an angle. Another key weakness of this tank is its almost paper armor, which can be easily penetrated by almost any opponent, even at an angle. If you chose the American development branch and started playing on such a tank, then stick to the “hit-and-run” tactics and never stand still in battle. Getting hit will be very painful, but, fortunately, getting hit will not be so easy if you know how to competently move between covers and change heights.

US medium tanks

Fortunately, America has many more medium tanks than just one. You will get your first medium tank immediately after the light T1 Cunningham at rank two - it will be the T2 Medium Tank. With the change in class, the T2 MT tank received relatively good armor, capable of holding back fire from small-caliber guns, but lost the mobility of the previous model and, most importantly, greatly increased in size, which made it an excellent target for enemies. Nevertheless, its semi-automatic guns have become more powerful and are capable of destroying light enemy vehicles without any problems if you manage to drop a full magazine into the enemy tank. This tank has become more combative, but is focused on battles at close and medium range - you will have to hide in ambush from snipers shooting from afar.

The next M2 Medium Tank changed the approach to shooting - capable of equipping powerful 75mm guns, it easily knocks out tanks of its rank and below, especially when firing from the flanks. In addition, mobility has increased - the M2 is a fast and agile tank, capable of quickly changing its position in battle. This tank looks much less like a huge refrigerator on tracks compared to the previous T2, which only makes it better. However, if we talk about armor, then the M2 is protected only from the front thanks to strong angled armor - the side and rear armor is penetrated by almost any gun, and at the same time the tank has little health, so every penetration can be fatal. Also, its high-caliber gun is not particularly accurate and at long distances you may well miss even despite the correct aiming.

The “descendant” of this tank is the M3 Lee, which looks more like a tank destroyer rather than a medium tank. The fact is that the M3 Lee cannon is not located on the turret, like on tanks, but in the hull, like on a tank destroyer, which makes the game much more difficult for anyone who does not have experience playing as a tank destroyer. At the same time, the M3 cannot be praised for the stealth capabilities of a tank destroyer - it is large and can easily be marked by the enemy, and its armor is by no means the strongest. How then to play for him? Thanks to sufficient mobility and a high rate of fire, this tank excels in close-range battles - set up ambushes and destroy the enemy up close.

The reward for the “complicated” M3 Lee will be the next famous M4 Sherman. This tank has become iconic for the American tank forces - its popularity can be compared, for example, with the popularity of the T34 in the Soviet branch of tanks. The M4 Sherman is a very good tank, capable of fulfilling any role in combat - it fires large caliber shells, is mobile and is quite well fortified. Unfortunately, it is not ideal - its mobility is limited by weak acceleration, the turret has virtually no armor, and its guns fire very inaccurately. However, thanks to its many advantages, this tank can be used in any situation if you know how to operate it.

The development of the M4 Sherman consists of two models - the stronger and heavier, but slower M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo and the fast, but less robust M4A3E8 Sherman. They both have a high rate of fire from 76mm guns, but both deal mediocre damage and have low gun penetration. Moreover, both have a fairly curved shape and are able to “repel” projectiles fired at an angle. The first is one and a half times stronger, the second is one and a half times more mobile - this is the main difference between these modifications of the M4 Sherman. Both of these tanks further lead to the T20 medium tank, which follows the path of lightness and speed - its smart guns are capable of inflicting great damage, penetrating well and shooting accurately, and the speed of movement allows you to bypass opponents and quickly take a tactically correct position. The other side of the coin, as it should be in such cases, is the thickness of the armor - it is very thin and does not withstand shots from piercing shells. Also, when using a 90mm gun, the rate of fire is reduced, which reduces the overall effectiveness of the tank.

The follower of the T20 is the M26 Pershing. The Pershing is a tough tank, capable of moving quite quickly and at the same time shooting accurately. Its strength is its excellent target penetration when using APCR-type projectiles, while its weakness is its low penetration with regular APs. Get ready to spend a lot of money on ammunition! Otherwise, this is a tank that is capable of providing excellent support to allies and is always useful in battle.

After the M26 comes the M46 Patton - essentially an evolution of the M26, which has lighter armor, but is able to travel faster and deal even more pure damage when penetrating.But America's final medium tank, the M48A1 Patton, is quite different from its predecessor - it is strong (everywhere except the rear and the dome on the turret), mobile and has very accurate guns. It does not accelerate to the highest speeds and is quite large - so when using it you will have to use cover and try not to stand still.

US heavy tanks

The first US heavy tank is the T1 Heavy Tank, which appears after the aforementioned M3 Lee. Despite being a heavy tank, it has good mobility and a high rate of fire with good penetration. The problem with this tank is its relatively thin side armor and low gun accuracy - it is designed for head-on combat.

Next comes the M6 ​​tank, which continues to develop in the same direction, but with an emphasis on speed and sacrificing its frontal armor. Rapid-fire and accurate weapons are his forte, but at the same time he must move more and try to avoid enemy fire.

Next after it, the T29 is an ideal tank for shooting from under the enemy. Its durable turret can withstand many shots, and its accurate and powerful weapon deals a lot of damage to almost any enemy. Unfortunately, its hull is not so durable and cannot withstand hits from penetrating shells even from the front, and the gun takes a long time to reload - it is best to use this tank for ambushes.This tank's descendant, the T32, continues the same line of behavior and has (at maximum upgrade) the strongest turret in the game. It is simply useless to shoot at it with standard shells, so this tank can safely show it from behind cover and shoot enemies. At the same time, T32 is quite mobile and can quickly change its position. The disadvantage of the T29 has not gone away - the hull armor is not very strong, so it is best to use this tank to support allies from cover.

The M103 heavy tank that follows it is very different - it does not boast an invulnerable turret, but its armor is curved and allows it to deflect many shots if positioned correctly. Its 120mm guns fire quickly, accurately and with great power, allowing you to quickly dispatch enemies - but only if they're in front. If this tank gets surrounded, the warped armor will not help it deflect shots, and the ammunition located on the sides tends to quickly explode and destroy the tank if hit. Always try to cover your sides when using this tank!

The latest US heavy tank, the T110E5, is very different from the top heavy tanks of other nations - it is very mobile and fast, as it replaces the huge armor with curved armored areas that the enemy is likely to shoot at. At the same time, the guns of this tank are powerful and rapid-fire, which allows it to quickly destroy many opponents without being damaged. However, if the enemy discovers or accidentally touches the tank’s weak points, then it will quickly come to an end (relative to other heavy tanks of the tenth rank).

US tank destroyer

Unlike light tanks, US tank destroyers are represented in the game by a large number of models - as many as 16! But at the same time, it doesn’t make much sense to describe each one separately - they all have approximately similar qualities up to T28 of the eighth rank. Starting from T18 to T25 (i.e. from the second to the seventh ranks), all tank destroyers of America are characterized by their rather large size and thin armor, but at the same time the highest speed and rate of fire. The accuracy of their guns gradually increases, allowing them to become snipers and shoot enemies from afar, but America's first tank destroyers were designed more for shooting from cover at medium range. It’s worth mentioning separately about the M10 Wolverine - this tank destroyer has a turret and is not only mobile, but can also aim at enemies much faster than any before it. Only starting from T28, American tank destroyers change (and radically). The T28 becomes slower, but acquires thick frontal armor and is able to take the enemy “by force” without resorting to constant maneuvering - and it is one of the slowest tanks in the game. Slower is only the T95, the slowest tank in the game, which has extremely thick armor and powerful large-caliber weapons. He is not able to withstand several opponents surrounding him at the same time, but he can easily hold off any number of enemies in front. The latest US tank destroyer, the T110E3, is slightly faster, but just as durable and powerful as its ancestor. Its strongest turret allows it to deflect even premium projectiles, making it extremely dangerous when shooting from behind obstacles. The weak side is the relatively weak sides of the hull and the poor location of the ammunition - on the lower front part of the hull. If you keep your hull out of reach, this tank can destroy enemies quickly and efficiently, without letting them move!


We've covered almost everythingnon-premiumAmerican tanks. Some models were reviewed in more detail due to their exclusivity and effectiveness, others were skipped because they are improved versions of their predecessors. After reading this guide, you can get a complete picture of the features of American tanks and decide how (and whether it is worth it) to develop the development branch of this nation. I hope that this knowledge will help you in battles both on the side of US tanks and in battles against them. Fight like a pro in World of Tanks Blitz!

11.8.2017 10555 Views

The question of how to create a European WoT account is relevant for any regular of this popular online game. There are far fewer players on European servers, and you don't have to wait in line to compete. The gamer gets better opportunities to practice and improve his skills.

The process of creating an account on the EU Euroserver is relatively simple. To register WOT accounts on the European server, you need to go to the address: and fill in all the required fields. The system, having analyzed yourIP, may offer to switch to the RU server, but you must select the “stay on EU” option.

During the registration process, the player will be required to provide his email address. Standard procedure for account verification viaEmail, for which it is better to have mail on a foreign server.Gmail- the most suitable option. Make sure that the new address does not coincide with the one you indicated when registering on the Russian game server.

How to download the European WOT client

After registration, you need to download the client program. You can find it at this link:

Please note that the client takes up more than 3 GB (there should be plenty of disk space), and the download time will depend on the speed of your Internet connection.

Also keep in mind that after downloading the program to your PC, where the client for another region was already installed, the game files will be updated. After this, you will no longer be able to play using the old client. When the download is complete, the client will install and update - don't worry if it takes a while. The next step after successful installation will be WOT EU registration itself.

Note: Each region requires the installation of a client program designed for it. If you try to access a foreign server through your account using a Russian client, you will not be able to do this. The system will not accept your password and will constantly report that it is incorrect.

To start registering for World of Tanks EU, launch the client and press the PLAY button. A special window will appear in which you can create an account by entering your email address and password. Next, click Create account, and a window will appear on the screen with a registration form on the WOT server in Europe.

After you fill out all the fields correctly and submit the form, an email will be sent to your email address asking for confirmation.E-mail. Without this step, access toEUservers will not be able to open. As an additional gaming advantage, it would be a good idea to indicate your existing invite codes. Read more about them.

Invitation codes for the European server HERE

Registering a European accountWorld of Tanks and by entering invite codes, you can get good bonuses. You should indicate in a special box; others will not be suitable for these purposes. Invitation codes provide additional days for a premium account or 1000 gold, which is important when starting the game.

How to register and play on the European (American) WOT server.

To register accountsWOTfor European servers, you need to use an anonymizer. The most popular of them:

    AnonymoX. You will need to install the anonymizer and click the X icon, then select the flag of the desired country. Works with browserFirefox.

    Browsec. After installing it, a shield will appear in the Firefox browser in the upper right corner. If you use Google Chrome, a planet icon will appear in the upper right corner. If you click on the shield, your IP address will change to the IP of the Netherlands. When you click again, the IP address will again correspond to the region in which you are located.

Important! When using Browsec in Google Chrome you can select any country, whereas when working in the Firefox browser, only the Netherlands IP will be available.

To continue registration, you must log in to any of the serversWorld of Tanks EU, and the anonymizer must be enabled. Add an invite code for the desired region. You also need to make sure that the country you selected in the anonymizer matches the country of registration.

The language will bring it to Europe

A partial barrier to registering on a European server may be the language barrier. To understand what data must be provided during registration, you need to download one of the translators and install it. And only after that download the client program.

Before a new client is installed forEUserver, do the following (in the same order):

    Move the game settings file preferences.xml to another location, and name the old shortcut something like this: World of Tanks_ru.

    Create a folder named W orld_of_Tanks_EU and install the newly downloaded client into it.

    Replace with your filepreferences.xm is a similar file in just installed new game.

    Move to a new folder W orld_of_Tanks_EU from the previously used folder: audio and text, confirming the replacement of files when transferring.

Now your game is onEUserver will be accompanied by Russian text and partially voice acting in Russian. Launch the browser (the anonymizer must be enabled) and go to the site, where by selecting the European region, we go through the activation process. It looks exactly the same as for the Russian server. Also provide the updated path to the game when you install additional mods. And start enjoying the gameplay!
