Skyrim mod for beautiful faces for women. Skyrim beautiful female faces

"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a game with open world for personal computers and consoles in the Action RPG genre. Like other games in this genre, Skyrim provides the right to freedom of movement and choice, thereby capturing the hearts of gamers who value this so much in games.

Basic steps story company take place in the time after the events of the previous part of Oblivion, when the mighty dragon Alduin appeared on the mainland of Tamriel, whom the main character will have to defeat. As the player progresses, he learns that only he can defeat the main enemy, because it is in him that the blood of the dragonborn flows.

And the sometimes gloomy landscapes of Skyrim are often burdened by the plain, dirty or joyless faces of the female part of the province. Gamers are trying to change even the low-quality rendering of already unattractive faces into better side to get more and more pleasure from the game. Therefore, not intending to put up with this, fans are still trying to create beautiful female faces in the Skyrim province.
At the moment, the game is more than 3 years old, but it still continues to be popular among gamers. Without a doubt, the main merit of such a long-term interest in Skyrim belongs to the many modifications that are created by fans of the series.

It is worth noting that the so-called modding has always been one of the features of this game, which was precisely the reason to spend time alone with the world of Skyrim There will be many more hours for many gamers who missed the main story campaign.

Modifications serve as an addition to the game and are mainly a purely subjective (and sometimes not only) view of how the author would like to see this game. So, one example of such a creation is a mod for altered faces of characters, and, in particular, women.

The essence of this mod is that the faces and hairstyles of female NPCs are replaced with brighter, clearly drawn and completely new textures, which makes the characters extremely realistic. Of course, everyone has different tastes, but there are a real variety of authors of such add-ons - everyone will find the most attractive option.

In general, if you suddenly decided to bring new colors to the game and get beautiful female faces in Skyrim, then this is your choice.

After installing the mod, you will notice that the dirt on your face has changed to freckles or has simply been removed, the eyes have become brighter and more realistic, and the hair, instead of the original texture, which was more like straw, has become extremely natural and attractive. Moreover, not inherent in original version the gait of women (for example, the orc race) is replaced by a much elegant and more natural one.

But for those who have already completed the game (or a significant part of it), do not be alarmed by the fact that previously familiar characters will look completely different. Maybe this will make you want to look at the characters of Skyrim or the whole world from a slightly different perspective, and this will serve as a reason to go through this wonderful story of the “dragonborn” one more time.

A face mod for women in Skyrim allows you to completely change the appearance of gaming beauties. Only affects female NPCs. Orc girls no longer look like fanged jocks.

Dirt from faces has been replaced by freckles or removed altogether.

In total, more than three hundred were processed female characters.


When creating, hairstyles from another modification were used - SG Hair Pack;

The plugin is completely self-contained, no additional downloads are required;

For maximum convenience, the files are archived in bsa;

For partners Skyrim mod persons does not apply, because There are plenty of other improvements created for them.

Important! The mod conflicts with its counterparts if the same NPCs are changed.

Version 1.5

Improved several NPCs;

Three additional face textures;

The Bsa archive has become even more compact;

Two bards have been added.

To update old version will need to be removed.


Data unpack and place in the root folder of the game;

If necessary, confirm merging files;

Activate the modification in the launcher.

To remove a face mod from Skyrim, you need to turn it off in the launcher and then delete the files.

« The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an open world game for personal computers and consoles in the Action RPG genre. Like other games in this genre, Skyrim provides the right to freedom of movement and choice, thereby capturing the hearts of gamers who value this so much in games.

The main actions of the story company take place in the time after the events of the previous part of Oblivion, when the mighty dragon Alduin appeared on the mainland of Tamriel, whom the main character will have to defeat. As the player progresses, he learns that only he can defeat the main enemy, because it is in him that the blood of the dragonborn flows.

And the sometimes gloomy landscapes of Skyrim are often burdened by the plain, dirty or joyless faces of the female part of the province. Gamers are trying to change even the low-quality rendering of already unattractive faces for the better in order to get more and more pleasure from the game. Therefore, not intending to put up with this, fans are still trying to create beautiful female faces in the Skyrim province.
At the moment, the game is more than 3 years old, but it still continues to be popular among gamers. Without a doubt, the main merit of such a long-term interest in Skyrim belongs to the many modifications that are created by fans of the series.

It is worth noting that the so-called modding has always been one of the features of this game, which became the reason for many gamers who were missing the main story campaign to spend many more hours alone with the world of Skyrim.

Modifications serve as an addition to the game and are mainly a purely subjective (and sometimes not only) view of how the author would like to see this game. So, one example of such a creation is a mod for altered faces of characters, and, in particular, women.

The essence of this mod is that the faces and hairstyles of female NPCs are replaced with brighter, clearly drawn and completely new textures, which makes the characters extremely realistic. Of course, everyone has different tastes, but there are a real variety of authors of such add-ons - everyone will find the most attractive option.

In general, if you suddenly decided to bring new colors to the game and get beautiful female faces in Skyrim, then this is your choice.

After installing the mod, you will notice that the dirt on your face has changed to freckles or has simply been removed, the eyes have become brighter and more realistic, and the hair, instead of the original texture, which was more like straw, has become extremely natural and attractive. Moreover, the gait of women (for example, the orc race), which was not typical in the original version, is replaced by a much elegant and more natural one.

But for those who have already completed the game (or a significant part of it), do not be alarmed by the fact that previously familiar characters will look completely different. Maybe this will make you want to look at the characters of Skyrim or the whole world from a slightly different perspective, and this will serve as a reason to go through this wonderful story of the “dragonborn” one more time.
