Discounts on equipment in May. World of Tanks promotions: what they are and how to use them correctly

2017 is coming to an end, and Wargaming has already shown us about 20 premium tanks, many of which have already been sold or are still on sale. 2018 is already ahead and Wargaming is unlikely to slow down the pace of riveting premium vehicles for World of Tanks. Among all this diversity, let's figure out which cars are the best in terms of their performance characteristics and are still relevant for farming credits and pumping up the crew at the moment, that is, at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018, and which of all this is worth buying for your hangar .

We will divide our review into several “Top 5” sections in order to cover as many wonderful premium vehicles as possible, of which there are quite a few in World of Tanks. In this article we will consider only premium level 8 tanks - because if you want to farm more and upgrade your crew faster, you should only take them.

Top 5 best promotional premium tanks in World of Tanks in 2017

This top will consist of the most the best cars, at the moment, which will be relevant for farming and upgrading the crew in World of Tanks in 2018. These vehicles can only be purchased through promotions in the World of Tanks premium store.

First place. Well deserved! The best heavy tank of tier 8 in World of Tanks in terms of overall performance characteristics. Many people generally believe, and not without reason, that this is a Tier 9 tank. The alpha strike of 440 makes it the ultimate dispute resolution solution in many situations. Only tank destroyers have higher one-time damage at level 8. The tank, moreover, is also well armored. Disadvantages: poor visibility, long aiming times and average mobility. It went on sale only once on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23, 2017. Many who have not yet purchased Object 252U Defender want to get their hands on this soviet tank to your hangar, but when will it go on sale again in premium WoT store- unknown yet.

Second place. or just Grisha! Second place in our top. Not because this tank destroyer is worse, but because it is more difficult for the average player to play on it, and the new balancer that appeared in WoT in the spring of 2017 did not make the situation easier, and in some places even vice versa. But the best weapon in terms of its performance at level 8 is the 12.8 CM KANONE 43 L/55, popularly known as a “Mousegun”, which has excellent armor penetration and one-shot damage. In addition, this tank destroyer has a circular rotation turret, which turns it into medium tank, but the car was designed on the basis of a tank. In the end, all this gave Grishka the people’s love. Of the minuses Rheinmetall Skorpion G means large dimensions and a small number of strength points. Quite a frequent visitor to the WoT premium store, so if you have not yet purchased this machine for your hangar, then such a chance appears quite often.

Third place. New American heavy tank - ! As is clear from the GF prefix, this tank was sold for the WGL Grand Final in the spring of 2017, which is why it has black camouflage. Despite the large dimensions and rear position of the turret, the tank has excellent dynamics, stabilization and armor characteristics. And also a very good weapon, but gold-dependent. 198 mm of armor penetration for an BB is very little for level 8. It is still unknown when it will be possible to purchase it again in the World of Tanks premium store, but most likely the tank will also go on sale at the WGL Grand Final in 2018.

Fourth place. American heavy tank premium tank tier 8 - . Popularly nicknamed "Pershing without a driver"! The best premium medium tank, which for some reason was made heavy. If you like the gameplay of American CTs, in particular, then feel free to buy, the tank is a frequent guest of the premium store. Among the advantages, it has excellent DPM and armor penetration for both basic and premium projectiles; it also has good armor for its level, and it also has very comfortable UVNs! Of the minuses - this is a Pershing without a mechanical drive! In addition, the tank is head and shoulders better than such premium garbage as . Because the one who balanced these machines clearly did not cope with his task, and, it seems, did not try.

Fifth place. The first premium tank of level 8 in World of Tanks is . Yes, many have already forgotten about this little face, popularly simply called the black bulldog. Yes, this is a version of the American light tank with a 90 mm gun. From the GF prefix it becomes clear that this tank was dedicated to the WGL Grand Final, and was sold in 2015. It is an imba, since this tank was balanced under the old light tank balancing system and after the LT branches were stretched to level 10, it did not receive a change/nerf to its characteristics, but received a normal level of battles, so yes, this is now very good tank. But alas, World of Tanks is unlikely to sell it anytime soon.

Top 5 best premium tanks in World of Tanks in 2017, which can be purchased in the game client

Yes, those premium tanks that can be purchased through the WoT in-game store should always be considered in a separate top, which is what we did for you!

First place. A newcomer among premium vehicles and just recently appeared in the in-game store is the Chinese premium tank destroyer! Yes, this new premium tank destroyer has very comfortable performance characteristics and will be an excellent purchase for those who love Soviet tank destroyers. The vehicle is easy to learn, and with an alpha of 440 units, high damage per minute, good armor and a low silhouette, it has already appealed to many players. WZ-120-1G FT! did not make it into the previous top not because of some of its shortcomings, but because it can be purchased in the game client. Perfect for getting to know new branch Chinese tank destroyers and pumping out crew for them, and not just farming silver. The tank destroyer is perfect for WoT beginners. Cost: 10200 gold

Second place. Also occupied by a newcomer to the World of Tanks in-game store. Swedish premium Tier 8 tank destroyer! An excellent premium car that has been setting records for farming on the server since its introduction. A well-deserved second place due to some difficulty in mastering this machine due to the mode (X key) that you need to switch to when playing on Swedish tank destroyers. Excellent dynamics, low silhouette and alpha of 390 units, coupled with high damage per minute, make this tank destroyer a strong opponent. Cost: 10900 gold

Third place. Is no longer a novice in the fields battles World of Tanks - French medium tank tier 8! The gameplay of a medium tank with high one-time damage will appeal not only to fans of French technology, but also to everyone who likes Soviet destroyers. Alpha of 390 units, coupled with good UVNs, will give a lot of comfort when farming credits, which is also important; this medium tank has a low cost. Cost: 7200 gold

Fourth place. Occupied by an old man and one of the first premium tanks of level 8, into which the developers inspired new life Not so long ago I gave the car a good upgrade, and this is a German premium tank of level 8. Good dynamics, excellent air-damage and excellent armor make this TT a worthy purchase for farming credits and upgrading the crew. The disadvantages include low DPM and one-time damage, but nevertheless the tank is one of the most popular and well-deserved premium vehicles. This tank is also perfect for beginners. Cost: 12500

Fifth place. Rightfully ranked as the Japanese premium medium tank of level 8!. After a good upgrade, the tank turned from a piece of garbage into a good machine for farming and leveling up the Japanese crew. Good mobility, small dimensions and comfortable UVNs, coupled with low cost, make this tank a good purchase for your hangar! Cost: 7400 gold

Top 5 preferential premium tanks in World of Tanks in 2017

And we continue. Once upon a time, the preferential level of battles was a feature of a number of premium vehicles and made them very comfortable vehicles for farming credits and upgrading the crew. But the developers have not released new benefits for a long time, and with the introduction of a new matchmaker, playing on non-benefits tanks has ceased to be a pain, especially at lvl 8. This top will contain only current and comfortable cars at the moment.

First place. And our gold goes to a Tier 8 American medium tank! Yes, this tank even in the current realities of World of Tanks feels great at its preferential level of battles, as it has excellent armor. however, not without vulnerabilities. But the most important advantage of the tank is its armor penetration; the Super Pershing gun allows you to farm comfortably and penetrate 9 levels. Great for newbies WOrld of Tanks. The tank is also sold in the game client and has a low price. Cost: 7200 gold.

Second place. Silver is rightfully occupied by a representative of the French school of tank building - a heavy tank of level 8! The tank, just like the American, feels at a preferential level of combat; the only thing that distinguishes it is the complex, in terms of gameplay, mastering the vehicle, which requires higher gaming skills from the player. Perfect for farming credits and upgrading French crews of heavy tanks, besides, a second branch of TT will appear in the French tree with update 0.9.21. Cost: 11900 gold

Third place. In this place of honor in our top is the German premium Tier 8 tank destroyer! One of the best preferential credit farmers on the server - what else do you need to buy this car for your hangar?! Unfortunately, this tank destroyer has been withdrawn from free sale and appears in the premium store only during certain promotions. So don't miss out when it's available for purchase again. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the general slowness and sluggishness of this machine.

Fourth place. This place is occupied by one of the rarest representatives of preferential premium level 8 tanks in World of Tanks -! The fact is that this TT could only be purchased in a package with a large amount of gold, which was then removed by the developers for sale. Many players have wanted to get their hands on this premium car for a long time, and such an opportunity presented itself in 2016, when it was put on sale for a short time. It is possible that someday such an opportunity will present itself again. The tank has excellent armor and a good gun, against the backdrop of general slowness and very large dimensions. We recommend for purchase.

Fifth place. This place ranks Chinese premium heavy tank level 8 - ! Yes, it occupies the last place in our top, but not the last in terms of its performance characteristics, the Chinese premium tank. Unfortunately, it is a rather rare visitor to the premium store, and it is unknown when it will go on sale again. At one time, many players got it through a marathon. Then the tank was given a gun and now, thanks to it, it is head and shoulders above its Chinese counterpart and the Soviet heavy tank. Good armor, good mobility and excellent armor penetration - that's all you need to know about this tank.

As you can see, we have such an impressive list of 15 tanks that we can safely recommend for purchase! Here you will find both tanks that are inexpensive and available for free sale, as well as those vehicles that are very difficult to get into your hangar. But rest assured that each of them will bring you a lot of credits and fun from the game. Choose!

World of Tanks regularly pleases with pleasant bonuses both its loyal fans and those who are just about to join the team of tankers. Promotions in the World of Tanks game happen almost every day. These can be large events that are timed to coincide with important events, or rather minor ones. But even such small bonuses can be used wisely - a trifle, but still nice.

Thus, the developers from Wargaming keep the audience in the game. Promotions in Tanki always attract those who like to get something “for free”, so during them the online traffic is off the charts.

Promotions in the World of Tanks are interesting and important topic for conversation, and therefore we will give them due attention.

About World of Tanks promotions

Why are promotions held in World of Tanks? The answer is simple. First of all, they help attract new players and retain old ones. It is on promotional days that players can afford to make more purchases, win a valuable tank or just a few days of a premium account.

You can also get premium products in another way - by purchasing them for real money. But why buy if you can play on the “right days”?

Where can I find out the promotion schedule?

Where can I find out about upcoming promotions in World of Tanks? There are two ways.

Events calendar

One of them is the “Event Calendar” on the official website of the game - All current events and those that will begin very soon are shown here.

The calendar is a kind of schedule of promotions in World of Tanks and, using it, you can always get on the right days. With the help of the calendar, you can always find out in a timely manner about upcoming World of Tanks promotions, when there is an opportunity to grab something valuable, and for free.

Personal account

You can find out when the next WOT promotions will be in the game itself.

How to do it:

  1. We go into the hangar.
  2. There is a special icon in the upper left corner of the screen - “ Combat missions and shares."
  3. We click, and then a window pops up in front of us with all the active and upcoming discounts and promotions in World of Tanks.

In this window you can also see the process of completing a particular combat mission in order to receive a well-deserved prize for it.

Types of shares

The promotions in WOT are very diverse, they all differ from each other, and therefore it is reasonable to talk about their varieties.

Premium store special offers

They represent an opportunity to buy special sets or just tanks in the premium store at a good discount. For low levels it is 50% of the base cost, for tanks a little higher – 30%, and for premium Tier VIII tanks – 15%.

Such promotions can be timed to coincide with special events, such as a company’s birthday, etc.

Combat missions

Combat missions should be understood as stage-by-stage game tasks for which the player receives a reward.

As a rule, combat missions have an expiration date. For completing them you can earn credits, experience, equipment, reserves and even premium equipment.


There is no need to explain what discounts are. Thanks to them, tanks, equipment, gold, reserves and other useful gaming content you can buy at a lower cost, for example, for 50% of the base price.


Events are special promotions during which all players, for example, are given the task of “killing” a person from the WG team. For destroying such a player, you earn gold and other valuable awards.

Examples of promotions

To help players better understand what events are held in the game, we offer examples of tank promotions in World of Tanks that you can participate in regularly or periodically.

Seasonal promotions

Seasonal promotions are held every year, for example, in new year holidays, or for Victory Day. For participating in such promotions, players receive premium accounts and special offers from the premium store. On promotional days you can often find great discounts on equipment at WOT.

Invite a friend

“Invite a Friend” is a special program to attract new players, which also rewards the mentor of a new player with a Tier VIII auction tank.

Combat missions

Military actions have already been discussed above. It should only be added that in the future the developers promise to significantly expand and diversify them, meeting the players halfway. An example of such a task is to deal 250 thousand damage in a month on the vehicles of each nation. This promotion actually took place not long ago, and the prize was a Tier VIII premium tank.

Random promotions

Random events are held in honor of historical events in which tanks participated. These could be, for example, famous tank battles and military operations of World War II.

If you are not only a keen tanker, but also a history buff, then it won’t be difficult for you to even predict future World of Tanks bonus events dedicated to significant events.

One-time promotions

One-time promotions are the most generous, as they are timed to coincide with special events, such as “15 years of Wargaming” or “100 years of tanks”.

Such bonuses will delight any participant, even the least active one. Discounts in World of Tanks during one-time events will allow you to buy even X-tier tanks for half their cost.


Cards with a cashback function have already become firmly established in our lives. For those who are not yet in the know: cashback is the return of a certain percentage of the amount spent on purchases. Just keep in mind that in Tanks money is returned not in rubles to your card, but in gold - to the game balance.

On the website you can order a cashback card linked to WOT. With its help, you can receive “free” gold in the game by paying for purchases in the following services:

  • AliExpress;
  • MediaMarkt;
  • Lamoda and others - more than 50 stores in total.

Using cashback, you don’t even have to wait for discounts in World of Tanks, because by making the necessary everyday purchases, you will thereby accumulate gold on your balance in WOT.


You can learn more about the cashback card in our video.

Discuss Watch

... This was not news for the Americans, because the announcement was made in advance. This is the first sale of the wheeled car anywhere since the February “marathon”. In fact, the news is minor, but you wrote so much about it to us in private messages, so here you go. Wait for it to appear in Europe, and especially here in RU, well, no, definitely not. […]

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In honor of Wargaming's birthday, special offers are available for you in the Premium Store. From August 2, 12:00 (Moscow time) to August 5, 12:00 (Moscow time) Discounts up to 50% on packages with permanent premium equipment. View sets in the store: From August 2, 12:00 (Moscow time) to August 12, 12:00 (Moscow time) Tank premium account on large number […]

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From August 2, 09:00 (Moscow time) to August 5, 08:30 (Moscow time) you will find: 50% discount on premium tanks of tiers II–V. 30% on premium tanks of tiers VI–VII. 15% on Tier VIII premium tanks. 50% discount on slots in the Hangar. 15% discount for 30 days of premium account. 10% discount for 1 day […]

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Actually, this is what the footprint looks like. 2 months in tanks. Compiled in a very understandable and beautiful map. What remains unsolved is “SHOP” [end of September]. No information. And it’s not very clear from: “Festival Fair” [mid-August - mid-September]. What's a festival without a fair? Every day, a new premium tank will be put up for sale right in the game client […]

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“Tank Festival 2019” will open with a series of tasks with a Czech “accent”, which can be accomplished not only by veterans, but also by beginners. “Czech Holidays” will last from August 9 to 19. Players will be able to collect a whole bunch of fragments of drawings for the Czech World branches of Tanks and get a unique 3D style ( for the Czech Tier VIII premium tank Skoda T 27 - and this […]

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WoT news and promotions, - August 1/2 2019. Twitch Prime package 7 (promotion: Live broadcast), “Golf” is available. You can connect here: With the opening of the servers, the “Tank Festival” 2019 will begin, which will last 2 months. Discounts on some packages with Tank premium account. SU-130PM is on sale (at a discount). […]

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Buns for birthdays of tanks and troops. And other promotions. And for those who haven’t played for a long time, WG offers to follow the link and receive gifts to return to the game. Try it and write in the comments what was there (personally, I just have a coupon for a 15% discount, but I played the day before yesterday): #wg #wot #worldoftanks #promotions #Karinochka

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Dates: August 6 (with the opening of servers) - October 7. In honor of the ninth anniversary of our game, on August 6 (with the opening of servers), we are launching Tank Festival 2019 with many activities for everyone who loves World of Tanks. We have prepared a grandiose program for you with a huge number of discounts and gifts. Try your hand at new things game events And […]

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Wargaming announces a whole kaleidoscope of promotions for two months - a “tank festival”! These are two months of special events: races, front line, marathon, discounts and other activities!… #wg #wot #worldoftanks #promotions

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Before we all enter the period of the “Tank Festival” and begin to celebrate the birthdays of Wargaming and...

... World of Tanks, I would like to conduct a survey related to the gift tank. Interesting to see your opinion! After all, the probability, as you know, is 99.9%, but there is always a 0.1% chance of surprise, and this is much more unexpected and pleasant than +/- 25% random! 🙂 However, it may happen that, thanks to the efforts of colleagues from a well-known independent public, no one will receive any gift at all, only [...]

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... festival). The following is a translated quote: “[August-September] In August, a very long event called “World of Tanks Festival” starts. Because of this, we will have to slightly change the usual release schedule and special offers. Over the next two months, you can expect a series of small events and new content being added to the game, including some content you've been waiting for. […]

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Czechoslovakia, what does this nation have in our game? Nothing, just prems 🙂 Prem, which has a style, and prem, which was nerfed ( Hmm, as most correctly noted, the tank is for a very fast “marathon”. Škoda T 27 (Czechoslovakia, ST-8, premium, drum), the tank first entered the supertest on January 25 of this year (, in 1.5 tank […]

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Discuss Watch

The 7th package “Golf” was released as part of the “Live Broadcast” (Twitch Prime) promotion for August. Dates for the 7th package promotion: from July 29, 20:01 to August 27, 19:59 (Moscow time), 2019. PC, all regions. The package comes in German style, all its contents correspond. _______________________________________ The most complete set: Ferdinand “Der Käfer” Volk (1 piece) - […]

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Remains from Twitch set 7 (Twitch Prime WoT) for the month of August. Everything is known except for the 2nd month tank for rent (6-7 lvl). Let us remind you that the package is called “Golf”, and the tank for rent will be the interesting Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 ( The entire set itself comes under the flags

Discuss Watch

... release date. — Hack-and-slash action RPG from Mad Head Games and Wargaming will be released worldwide on August 27 along with a major update 1.0. It is currently in early access. The game features a full story campaign, 2 new heroes, a school of magic, a new ability tree, click-to-move and full controller support. “The release version will continue to grow and develop after […]

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The update will be released immediately after the completion of the “Last Frontier” event. Preliminarily, 1.6 RU will be released on August 6 (Tuesday), or rather on the night of August 5-6. For other regions, as always, a day later. The “Last Frontier” event knowledge base will work until ~03:30 Moscow time on August 6 (until the servers are turned off). Whether the patch will be preloaded is unknown. […]

Concerning the export of Russian weapons in May 2017, there were supplies of aviation equipment. In particular, details emerged regarding the export of Ka-52 helicopters to Egypt, information about the creation of a joint Russian-Indian venture to produce Ka-226T helicopters, and news about a possible contract with Bangladesh for the supply of the first batch of Su-30 multirole fighters.

Russia and India have created a joint venture to produce Ka-226T helicopters

According to the Indian Embassy in Russian Federation, On May 2, 2017, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs of the Government of India established the Indian-Russian joint stock company India-Russia Helicopters Limited Company, the main activity of this company will be the production of helicopters. This event marked the formal creation of a joint venture between the two countries with the participation of the Indian state-owned Hindustan Aeronautic Limited (HAL) and the Russian JSC Russian Helicopters, as well as JSC Rosoboronexport. According to the Indian side, this event was a key milestone in the organization of joint production of Ka-226T helicopters in India with the participation of Russia. An intergovernmental agreement on the creation of this joint venture was signed in the Russian capital on December 24, 2015 as part of the 16th annual India-Russia summit at top level.

A specialized blog notes that the assembly of Kamov Ka-226T helicopters in India, within the framework of the created joint venture, is planned to be deployed at the new production site of HAL, located in Tumakuru (located 74 kilometers north of Bangalore). The cost of the production lines being built here is estimated at 50 billion rupees (about 670 million US dollars), and the number of workers employed in the production of helicopters will be about 4 thousand people. It is assumed that the assembly of the Ka-226T in Tumakuru could begin as early as 2018.

The Ka-226T is a military version of a light multi-purpose helicopter, which is designed to perform various jobs in difficult-to-reach high-altitude conditions, hot climates, as well as over sea waters, transport cargo (up to 1500 kg), transport 7 paratroopers or service personnel, conduct reconnaissance, target designation and monitoring the situation.

The Ka-226T is a version of the helicopter with Arrius 2G1 engines from Turbomeca and a new gearbox. Already in 2010, an experimental helicopter of this version participated in the Indian Armed Forces competition. The helicopter inherited all the best from its predecessor Ka-226 - modular design, reliability, low vibration levels, simple piloting techniques, flight safety, and unpretentiousness in operation.

Bangladesh ordered 8 Su-30SME fighters

According to the online resource, the Bangladesh Air Force signed a contract with Rosoboronexport JSC for the supply of 8 Su-30SME multirole fighters with an option to purchase 4 more aircraft in the future under the same contract. The news says that the conclusion of the contract was confirmed by an unnamed representative of the Rostec state corporation. The agreement also provides for the supply of relevant weapons and training of pilots, engineers and technicians in the interests of the Bangladesh Air Force. It is worth noting that the Su-30SME is a version of the Russian Su-30SM fighter (serial, modernized) currently being promoted for export, which in turn became an adaptation of the Su-30MKI for the Russian Air Force.

The two-seat highly maneuverable multi-role fighter Su-30SM is super-maneuverable and is equipped with thrust vectoring engines (AL-31FP), a phased array radar (phased array radar), and a front horizontal tail. This fighter is capable of using modern and advanced high-precision air-to-surface and air-to-air weapons. The fighter can be used to train pilots for advanced multifunctional super-maneuverable single-seat fighters.

The aircraft was created through the efforts of the Sukhoi Design Bureau and is produced at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, a branch of PJSC Irkut Corporation. It is worth noting that, since 2016, the Russian Knights aerobatics team of the Russian Air Force has been flying Su-30SM aircraft.

New details about the supply of Ka-52 helicopters to Egypt

In 2015, Egypt purchased 46 Ka-52 attack helicopters from Russia, becoming the first foreign customer of these combat vehicles. According to Andrei Boginsky, General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding company of the Rostec State Corporation, Russia will fulfill the first export contract for the supply of Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters until 2020. The Egyptian military will receive the first helicopters in the summer of 2017. Currently, flight tests are being carried out on the first Ka-52 combat helicopters in export version, manufactured by the Arsenyev Aviation Company "Progress" specifically for Egypt. Algeria, which is traditionally included in the list of the largest buyers of Russian production, could become the second foreign customer for these combat helicopters.

The Ka-52 Alligator combat reconnaissance and attack helicopter is designed to destroy enemy tanks, as well as armored and unarmored equipment, its manpower, helicopters and other aircraft at the forefront, as well as in the tactical depths of its defense at any time of the day and in any climatic conditions. The helicopter received powerful weapons and the most modern avionics. The helicopter's armament can be changed for different combat missions, and the coaxial design of the rotors, which is the hallmark of Kamov helicopters, allows the machine to effectively maneuver and perform complex aerobatics. Among other things, the Ka-52 received an electronic defense system and visibility reduction devices, as well as active countermeasures. Today, these helicopters are in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces and are taking part in combat operations in Syria. The ship's modification of the helicopter was part of the air wing of the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov during its recent voyage to the shores of the Syrian Arab Republic.

As reported by the official state corporation Rostec. Within a month, the results of the Egyptian Navy tender will become known, according to the results of which Ka-52 reconnaissance and attack helicopters in the naval modification Ka-52K can be ordered from Russia. Andrei Boginsky believes that Russian-made combat helicopters have a fairly high chance of winning, since their characteristics are superior to their competitors’ helicopters.

It is worth noting that the Ka-52K helicopters have already passed the first stage of sea trials, which took place from the end of 2016 to the beginning of 2017. Two Ka-52K helicopters took part in the tests. Based on the results of completing the tasks set by the command, the testing of these combat vehicles was considered successful. The helicopters have already been placed at the disposal of engineers of Kamov JSC to carry out additional research work on the helicopter, as well as its individual components and assemblies, and make changes taking into account possible requirements from the military.

The Ka-52K combat helicopter is a continuation of the product line of “marine” helicopters created by engineers of Kamov JSC and adopted by the Russian Navy. This line includes such well-known helicopters as the Ka-25, Ka-27, Ka-29, Ka-31. The new Ka-52K combat helicopter is designed for patrolling and fire support of landing troops when landing on the shore, as well as solving anti-landing defense tasks at the front line and in the tactical depths of enemy defenses. The presence of modern equipment on board the helicopter provides the combat vehicle with navigation in the absence of landmarks at sea.

The Ka-52K version differs from the basic model of the attack helicopter by the presence of a shortened folding wing, which was specially modified for the installation of heavy weapons, as well as a mechanism for folding the blades, which allows the helicopter to be compactly located in the hold of warships. The reduced dimensions of ship-based helicopters make it possible to place more of these machines on a warship. The presence of an armored cabin and ejection system allows pilots to safely leave the helicopter in an emergency. In addition, the Ka-52K helicopter was equipped with a rescue device kit (KSU), which allows you to rescue people in distress at sea.

Also, an important feature of this version of the combat helicopter was the use of corrosion-resistant materials in its design, which is due to the need for the helicopter to serve in a marine climate (aggressive environment). The ship-based Ka-52 helicopter received an upgraded air conditioning system, which allows for ventilation of crew members' sea rescue suits. Among other things, the Ka-52K was additionally equipped with a short-range navigation radio system, which was not used on the base model of the helicopter.

Armenia could become the first foreign buyer of the Verba MANPADS

According to information that was published on the Armenian Internet resource, shortly after the end of the so-called “Four-Day War” with Azerbaijan in April 2016, Armenia bought new 9K333 “Verba” man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia. By publishing this information, the publication refers to the newspaper of the Armenian Ministry of Defense “Hay Zinvor”.
According to Artur Poghosyan, Colonel of the Armenian Armed Forces, after the conflict in April 2016, appropriate conclusions were made in the country, in particular, the Armenian military took measures to urgently strengthen the military air defense component and rearm it to modern complexes. According to Poghosyan, a batch of Verba and Igla-S MANPADS was purchased at the same time. At the same time, news about the purchase of the Igla-S MANPADS appeared back in February 2016, but information about the acquisition of the Verba MANPADS was announced for the first time.

According to information from open sources, the Verba MANPADS allows you to hit air targets in the altitude range from 10 to 4500 meters and at a distance of 500-6000 meters. Maximum speed targets hit on collision courses can reach 400 m/s. It is reported that the 9M336 missile of this complex is equipped with an infrared tri-band homing head. If the information published by the Armenian online publication is true, then Armenia will become the first known foreign buyer of the modern Russian Verba man-portable anti-aircraft missile system.

Promotion- a special World of Tanks event prepared by the developers for players, aimed at reducing prices for modules, camouflages, consumables and other things that can be purchased in the game store. Also, during the promotion, the coefficients for pumping up the crew, experience gained and credits increase. Promotions are held within a certain period and sometimes certain conditions must be met to complete them.

One-time promotions

Promotion "Anniversary Marathon"

“Anniversary Marathon” is a series of promotions taking place in 2013 in honor of the 15th anniversary of Wargaming (in 2014 the promotion was extended by changing the name from “Anniversary Marathon” to “Marathon”). Each promotion in the series lasts 15 days, from the 1st to the 15th and from the 16th to the 30th of each month, and all this time the last 3 vehicles in one of the tank research branches (from level 8 to 10) have a 30% discount on the cost and an increase of 30 % yield. The purpose of this promotion is to encourage players to download exactly the top tank that is presented in the promotion.

Past promotions 2013

  • May 1-15 - Campaign “Anniversary Marathon: IS-7”
  • May 16-30 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: T110E5”
  • June 1-15 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: E-100”
  • June 16-30 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: AMX 50 Foch (155)”
  • July 1-15 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: FV4202”
  • July 16-30 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: T57 Heavy”
  • August 1-15 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: Bat.-Châtillon 25 t”
  • August 16-30 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: Leopard 1”
  • September 1-15 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: T-62A”
  • September 16-30 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: Maus”
  • October 1-15 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: Object 268”
  • October 15-30 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: AMX 50 B”
  • November 1-15 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: M48A1 Patton”
  • November 16-30 - Promotion “Anniversary Marathon: 113”
  • February 1-15 - Promotion “Marathon: FV215b (183)”
  • February 15-28 - Promotion “Marathon: Object 261”
  • March 03-17 - Promotion “Marathon: T110E4”
  • March 17-31 - Promotion “Marathon: FV215b”
  • April 04-18 - Promotion “Marathon: E 50 Ausf. M"
  • April 18 - May 2 - Promotion “Marathon: IS-4”.

Campaign “Marathon of Nations”

“Marathon of Nations” is a series of promotions that allows you to get a premium account for 3 days for completing tasks in each nation. Each promotion lasts 1 month. Goal: Playing on any vehicle of levels VI–X of each nation (including premium vehicles), inflict 150,000 units of damage to enemy vehicles in random battles and destroy 150 enemy vehicles. An exception is the series of events “Retrospective 2013: combat missions”. Goal: using Tier VI vehicles of each nation (excluding premium vehicles), earn a total of 100,000 experience points for each nation. Reward: 21 days of premium account (3 days for each national task) and a tank along with a slot.

Past promotions 2013

  • December 16, 2013 - January 16, 2014 - “Retrospective-2013: combat missions” Soviet heavy tank IS-6 (Tier VIII).
  • December 15, 2014 - January 19, 2015 - Promotion “Marathon: Chinese heavy premium tank WZ-111 (Tier VIII)”.
  • March 1 - April 1 - Promotion "Marathon: American premium heavy tank T34 (Tier VIII)".

Campaign "Anniversary Maneuvers"

The “Anniversary Maneuvers” promotion is a major promotion carried out by the game developers as part of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of Wargaming, the reward for which is a special main prize - 15 years of a premium account. This promotion runs from the middle of this month to the middle of the next month. The condition of the promotion is to gain the maximum amount of experience on a certain type of equipment and at a certain level. All vehicles of a certain type are divided into 10 groups according to their levels, and the goal of the players is to earn the maximum amount of experience on the tank.

Past promotions

Action "Into Battle"

The “Asya Rummages” promotion is a series of promotions that are announced in the “Promotion of the Month” issue with Olga Sergeevna (previously announced in the program “While Everyone is in the Tank”). Every month a lottery is played in the program, in which it becomes known which branches the promotion will be on. The promotion for the selected branch lasts 2 weeks. For the duration of the promotion, there is a discount and accelerated upgrade of the crew of tanks of levels 1-7. Video latest issue“Asya fumbles” is available on YouTube on the official channel.

In the release dated May 26, 2014, it was announced that the promotion was being relaunched. Now discounts apply to vehicles from levels 1 to 10 (from levels 2 to 5 - 50%, from levels 6 to 10 - 30%).

In the news of March 31, 2016, it was announced that the promotion was changing its format. Now every month one branch promotional tanks will be chosen by users by voting on the portal (in this case, the 2 losing branches will be eliminated from further voting), and the second will be chosen by the organizers. In addition, now one and a half crew experience per every the battle was replaced with a similar LBZ. The action changed its name from “Asya is fumbling” to “Into battle.”


  • February 1-15 - American tank destroyer T110E4
  • February 15 - March 1 - French light tank AMX 13 105
  • March 1-16 - Soviet heavy tank Object 277
  • March 16 - April 1 - Polish heavy tank 60TP Lewandowskiego
  • April 1-16 - Soviet tank destroyer Object 268 Option 4
  • April 16 - May 1 - British medium tank Centurion Action X
  • May 1-16 - American tank destroyer T110E3
  • May 16 - June 1 - Italian medium tank Progetto M40 mod. 65

"Combat missions"

The “combat missions” mechanism was developed in the first half of 2013 and introduced into the game in update 0.8.6. During any promotion, the player is asked to complete certain tasks in order to receive a reward. The conditions can be very different: from a certain number of victories to earning some medals. The reward can also be very different: additional experience, increased profitability, prize money in silver, premium consumables, a premium account for a short period.

Since the summer of 2013, “combat missions” have become a permanent addition to all other promotions, displacing previously popular bonus codes.

The developers promise rich development of this functionality. So, with update 0.8.8, current combat missions will be shown directly in the client, and even premium tanks can be used as rewards.

“Combat missions of the month” - a set of combat missions, not associated with specific actions, announced at the beginning of each month and lasting 30 (31) days. The promotion applies only to random battles. Conditions of the promotion for companies and Global map do not apply.

"Invite a Friend" program

Get a unique Tier VIII medium tank T95E2 and many others nice bonuses by taking part in the Refer a Friend program. The essence of the program is to invite friends to the game who have either never played World of Tanks or have stopped playing. Then create a platoon of your recruits and go to the battlefield, paving the way to victory through joint efforts!

  • 2017 - L-60
  • 2018 - T-29
  • 2019 - MKA
  • Promotion for Defender of the Fatherland Day

    The promotion lasts for several days. During the promotion, prices for some goods in the store are reduced and there is a slight increase in the coefficients for accruing experience and credits.

    Promotion for Victory Day

    A big event in World of Tanks, carried out by the game developers in honor of the victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany. During the promotion, the discount usually goes on tanks, real prototypes of which participated in the fighting of the Great Patriotic War. There is also a discount on the cost of a premium account and premium tanks, and the speed of crew upgrades increases several times. Special packages dedicated to the celebration of the date appear in the premium store.

    Random promotions are those that are held in honor of some historical events. These can be either military operations during the Second World War or ordinary holidays. The terms of promotions can be very different.

    All promotions and competitions in tanks online can be seen in the event calendar on the official website Games World of Tanks.
