Walkthrough of dishonored death. Guide and walkthrough of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider – How to unlock all achievements

We begin our walkthrough of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider by watching a short introductory video, after which the main character Billie Lurk will decisively go in search of her mentor, the legendary assassin Daud. She had not seen the latter for fifteen years: if you went through the additions to the first part, you probably know why she tried not to catch his eye.

For those who are not in the know, let us explain that Daud literally took Lerk off the street, taught her various skills, took her into his gang and gave her a chance to live a normal life, and not make ends meet. In the end, Billie decided that Daud's time had passed and betrayed him. However, he forgave her and let her go.

Billy knows for sure that Daud is now in Karnak and believes that he can be found in the Albarka bathhouse, where, according to rumors, underground battles are held, and the participants use black magic and amulets from whale bones to make the battles effective, which led to our heroine on the trail. Just a little hint that will certainly make it easier for you to complete Dishonored: Death of the Outsider in the future: carefully read the hints that appear. The game is made in such a way that they appear in exactly the right place at the right time, making it easy to get used to even for those who have not played previous games in the series.

And now we will be offered to take on additional contracts: “Burn the white dog” and “Industrial espionage”. Looking ahead, we note that both side quests will be completed in the same building as the main one, so we strongly do not recommend ignoring them, especially since in this article we will also look at how to complete them, not only the main mission. We immediately advise you to put marks on both contracts in the “Contracts” section in order to see the distance to the target and its direction. The main target (that is, Daoud himself) will be displayed by default.

Now let’s get straight to the passage and its nuances. Let us immediately note that all games in the Dishonored series can be played in radically different ways: there are many ways to perform the same task, just as there are two radically different approaches - secretive and aggressive. There are a lot of opportunities for implementing both here: Billy hides well, deftly wields a blade and shoots accurately.

In fact, no one is pushing you to choose one of the two options, but the experience of the previous parts teaches that the fewer people you kill (especially innocent ones), the better the chances of a good ending. We will focus this walkthrough of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider on those gamers who want to complete the game without a single kill, since it is, in principle, much easier to complete it by killing everyone.

So, we begin our journey on Billy’s ship “Fallen House”, already familiar from the second part. Follow the first mark - along it you will emerge into a spacious room on the same level of the ship on which your cabin is located. There is a “Task Board” stand there with a large map, which is what we need now. When you approach it, press "F" to examine it.

Now you need to leave the ship, go, following the marker, you can go ashore through the pipes, go up the steps a little further, you will see another hint regarding the whispering of rats. Yes, yes, this is an innovation: Billy knows how to understand what they are talking about. Their speech is not always intelligible, not always useful, but sometimes useful information slips through. Having passed further, you will see a carriage on rails - get in and go to “Albarka”.

When you get out of the carriage, you will see that there is only one exit from the small room - a narrow opening in the wall, partially blocked with bricks. The remaining space is blocked by boards; they must be broken with a sword in order to move on. You will first find yourself in a fairly spacious hall, then you will go out onto the square, where the only enemy (the first in the game, by the way) is carefully studying your face on the “Wanted!” poster.

This will be our first combat experience in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. The game will advise you to neutralize your opponent using a choke hold. To do this, approach quietly from behind (the stealth mode is activated by the "C" key by default) and, when the enemy is a couple of steps away, press and hold the "Ctrl" key to choke. To the right of the place where the enemy stood, there is a small room in which you can slightly replenish your resources. Exit from there to the steps leading down.

Below are two opponents talking to each other. Ideally, cut them both out. You can use electric projectiles, you can follow the game's advice and jump on top of one of them, holding that same "Ctrl" in the air for non-lethal elimination. Then there is only one obvious exit - there is an opening in the sewer below, but on the left you can climb up the pipes and climb through the balcony into the window of the apartment on the second floor. There are a lot of useful things there, including an amulet on the table and a safe with jewelry.

This is the first safe in the walkthrough of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, in our case the combination was “451”, however please note that the code can vary not just for different players, but also for the same gamer going through the game a second or more times . Solving the code is very simple: you need to study the books above the table.

One way or another, having collected everything that is in the safe, leave the apartment, go outside, and from there you will see the entrance to the desired bathhouse. So far, no one here considers us an enemy, but places of interest to us are prohibited from visiting and locked from the inside, so we will have to look for alternative options. One of these can be found out by listening to the conversation of rats (remember, we come closer to the rodents and press “F”). You need to go down to the basement, there in the locker room climb onto the locker on the left, from it onto the pipes, through the pipes to get to the hatch, and you will find yourself on the second floor as quickly and easily as possible.

Daud is kept locked down below, but we will deal with him closer to the end of the task, while it is worth completing the side quests. The game simultaneously displays a notification that there is an amulet nearby and recommends exploring the surrounding area. Let us immediately note that there are six such amulets in the first mission. It’s quite easy to collect them here, almost all of them are on the second floor, but you’ll have to do a little cleaning.

So, having climbed through the pipes from the locker room through the opening in the ceiling on the second floor, you will find yourself in a kind of dead end: a cramped room from which there is only one obvious exit - the hatch through which you came here. However, there is a way out and it is not so obvious, however, it is blocked by the flow of hot steam from the damaged pipe. To get through safely, you need to turn the valve, thereby closing the steam supply. Here, by the way, there is another amulet - it lies on the right side of the table. This is the second of six.

Now, finding ourselves above the ring and below, we have greater freedom of choice about where to go and what to do. We will describe how we went through it ourselves, although it doesn’t really matter where you start and where you end. So, we turned left, where we ran into a locked door from the inside. But on either side of it is simple glass, easily broken by a blow from a blade. The noise, of course, will cause enemies to come running, but you can go back to the previous room where you shut off the steam valve, after some time the guards will calm down.

When everything settles down, continue the passage of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, entering through the broken glass, there will be two enemies in the room, knock them out in any way you like (preferably non-lethal). Take the key and amulet (the third in a row) from the woman (Jeanette). You will see an enclosure with wolfhounds straight ahead. Let's remember that we have a side quest in which the owner (now ex) is worried about a seriously ill pet, who is forced to fight and asks for an end to his suffering. The dog must be killed and burned. It is very easy to distinguish it from the other two by its white color.

On the right there is a corridor where a couple more bandits periodically appear. Defuse them, then you can search the area. On the left there is a small room where you can get hold of attracting mines and replenish other supplies. There are also a couple of bottles of chloroform. Useful things: throwing them at the feet of a living creature will make it fall asleep, be it a dog or a person. The main thing is to throw accurately. By the way, you can euthanize dogs right here - climb up and throw a bottle through the ventilation hole, although it is difficult to get in so that the bottle goes down without breaking prematurely.

So, returning to the problem with the dog: you can open the enclosure by pressing the button to the left of it; first, it is better to euthanize the canine brethren with the same chloroform. Pick up Snowball and carry him to the corridor to the right of the enclosure. Having walked along it to the end, turn left and you will see a kind of crematorium. Open the doors ("F"), throw the dog inside, press the big red button to turn on the fire and burn the poor dog. This will complete the first contract.

Next to the crematorium there are steps down, if you neutralize the enemies and go down them, behind the door at the end of the corridor behind the counter on the right in the box you will find another amulet (the fourth of six). In general, try to knock out everyone on the level so as not to interfere. The second contract is also on the second floor, so go back there and follow the marker to the local moonshine production. We are asked to get the recipe for this nasty thing and destroy all supplies. There are also plenty of bottles of chloroform, which are convenient to throw from above at the feet of enemies wandering below.

And in front of the moonshine workshop on the left there is a small room where another amulet, already the fifth in a row, is clamped in cleats. Unclench the cleats and take it away. In the moonshine there will be only one enemy, put him to sleep, take the recipe (search the body, take the key, use the key to unlock the locked box right there, to the right of the entrance) and break all the orange bottles with rats inside. And in the next box with the recipe, you will find another amulet - the sixth and last for this task.


fallen angel

You are looking for your old mentor Daud, whom you have not seen for 15 years. According to rumors, an underground fight club operates in the Albarka bathhouse, where they use black magic and bone amulet. Maybe he's there?

Last Stand.

Look around the cabin, take the first two contracts from the table - “Burn the white dog” and “Industrial espionage”. go out onto the deck, go down to the pier and run forward. You will see rats and learn about the special skill of the main character, who can listen to their thoughts - to do this, press the F key. To view the list of missions, press J. In the same window there is a tab with contracts.

Contracts are special tasks that you can complete in parallel with the game's plot. The reward for them will be given after completing the main mission. Get into the carriage and go to the Albarka baths.

Northern Campo Sete

Look around, destroy the boards that block the hole above the brick wall. Go forward and kill or neutralize the enemy - LMB or CTRL, respectively. Go a little further, through the doors, and eavesdrop on the conversation of two guardsmen. After that, go down to them and deal with them separately. Enter the tunnel and follow the passage on the right, where there are steps to the top.

Here you will find yourself in neutral territory. Enter the Eyeless Lair. So you have two contracts. First, let's look at the implementation of each of them.

Contract No. 1 – “Industrial espionage”

The goal of this mission, the equipment where moonshine is produced, is located behind the door on the right after entering the building. The door is locked. Examine it. The eyeless woman sitting opposite will tell you that she will open the door for 100 coins. You can go down, collect the required number of coins, and then come back here and pay the Eyeless One.

Moonshine workshop.

But there is another way to get inside! In the same hall at the entrance, look for rats. Listen to their conversation and learn about a secret passage that leads to a room where moonshine is made from rats. The passage there is in the locker room. Go down and you will see a captive Daoud being held by a suppression device. Take a good look around here. In particular, check the suppressor control panel to read the note. It says that the key to the device is held by the head of the Eyeless gang, Jeannette Lee.

Now go to the locker room with the shower on the left. You don’t need a shower, but in the locker room you can climb through various objects to the very top, onto the pipes, from where through a hatch you can get to the second floor of the bathhouse.

Along the second floor, carefully neutralizing enemies, go right, into the room where moonshine is brewed. Defuse the man sweeping the floor, take his key and find a cabinet with two drawers near the right wall. One of them will contain an amulet, and the other will contain the moonshine recipe you need. Also, look for crates with brown bottles (this is moonshine) and destroy them all using your main weapon. This will complete your first contract!

Contract No. 2 – “Burn the white dog”

Based on this contract, you need to find a wolfhound named Snowball, kill and burn his body to put him out of his misery. Marker. which you can activate through the contracts menu, will lead you to a cage in which three wolfhounds are kept - one of them is white - this is Snowball. But before you can deal with him, you will need to deal with two Eyeless. One of them is Jeannette Lee, who you need in the main storyline.

Try to act silently, but if that doesn’t work, then kill the enemies. After this, be sure to search Jeannette's body to get KEY suppressive device. Open the cage on the right, kill all the wolfhounds and pick up Snowball's corpse. Take it back to the room where the rats and the furnace are located (if you activated the contract marker, it will point you to the location of the furnace). Open the furnace, and then throw the corpse of the wolfhound Snowball by clicking LMB. This is important because it is impossible to put the dog inside the oven using the F key. Surely you will have to practice to throw a dead carcass. After that, close the doors and press the red button on the left.

Having completed both contracts and obtained the key, go downstairs where Daud is being held and use the key to unlock the grate on the remote control. Pull the switch to free Daud and talk to him.

After this, you will have to return to the crew to go back to the Fallen Angel. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple: guards will appear on the location and kill the remaining Eyeless. You will need to carefully bypass all opponents, or kill them, and only then use the crew. Don't forget that it is located behind a brick wall with a hole on top. By interacting with the crew you will complete the mission.


fallen angel

Talk to Daud, and then go to the crew and move to a new location - Upper Kiria.

Following the ink trail.

Upper Kiria

As soon as you find yourself in place, jump onto the guard box, and from it onto the high fence to get into a closed area. Look around the place - you need to get into the Camellia beauty salon on the right side. There is no key for it, but a little further around the corner, if you move to the right of the front door, there is a small passage. Go there, open the gate and stun or kill the wolfhounds. Having done this, go inside. Here you can carefully stun the maid, search her and take the key to the beauty salon. You need it in order to leave this place through the front door. And so go to the back office and on the desktop find a book with notes from visitors. Explore it to find two new story mission targets - Shan Yuan and Ivan Jacobi. These are the ones you'll have to find out about next, but for now let's move on to contracts.

To get the contracts, you will have to follow the dotted marker and go down to the black market. If you don’t want to be noticed, then use the “Similarity” skill. To do this, in a secluded place with the left character, use it on him to take the form. This way you can move freely around the location, but do not forget that in this case energy is consumed.

Contract No. 1 – “Death to Mime”

This contract requires you to kill the mime, but make it appear as if he died a natural, accidental death. Go to him. There will be a couple of people nearby, so you won’t be able to simply stun the mime. Opposite it there is a passage leading to the stairs. Go through the passage and enter the shop on the left, where they sell various stuffed butterflies and other insects. Steal the key from the owner and go down to the basement, disarming the mine on the steps along the way. In the basement you can free the prisoner, and also pick up a bottle of chloroform on the table with the corpse. Having done this, go upstairs and throw chloroform at the mime and the standing people. Next, together with the unconscious mime, go down to the dam where the fisherman is sitting. Go to the very edge of the dam (further than the fisherman and the bridge) and throw the mime down so that it falls under the dam itself. If you throw it into the water a little closer, it won't be an accident.

Contract No. 2 – “Lost Brother”

While in the Camellia beauty salon, go to the room not far from where you found the journal. There will be a chair for tattoos and the device itself that allows you to make them. Use the device and apply the Eyeless Tattoo.

Tattoo machine in a beauty salon.

Follow the markers of the two contracts pointing to the bartender and Alberto (that same missing brother). Knock on the door and show your tattoo to be let in. You'll have to make some noise here. The brother is on the top floor in the back room, lying on the bed. Enter and disarm the dark man, then switch the device on the wall. Pick up Alberto and carry him outside the bar. But first! Complete the third contract involving the kidnapping of the bartender. You will need to either make a lot of noise or use another jar of chloroform located at the top. If a fight starts, you will need to counterattack the bartender, and then hold CTRL and stun him.

After that, take Alberto to the right place inside the building near the dam and the fisherman. Place it on the ground and the contract will be fulfilled.

Contract No. 3 – “Bartender Kidnapping”

You can read more about how to get to the bar in the description of the previous contract “The Lost Brother”. Once inside, you have several options - try to neutralize everyone and then stun the bartender, or attack all the enemies. As soon as you have the bartender in your hands, drag him through the house near the Camellia beauty salon along the steps to the very roof, and then place him inside the open blue box.

We'll look at the fourth contract later, but for now, go to Shan Yuan's house, knock (you can find out the secret knock at the location from rats or other characters - I honestly admit, I "stuck" the moment I found out about it) and go inside, having previously stunned the maid .

House of Shan Yuan

Inside the house you can act as you wish. If you decide to go ahead and go ahead, it will, of course, be much easier. One way or another, you can, for example, find the key to the room with the elevator, which is located on the second floor. We are, of course, talking about a dumbwaiter. Inside this room is a device from which you must remove a special battery. This will allow you to turn off the electrical traps on the floor of the adjacent room with exhibition stands. Behind the glass of one of these stands is a piece of paper with an audiogram.

This is a very important audiogram because it is the key to opening the safe on the third floor. The key to the elevator room where you can disable the trap is located on the third floor in Shan Yuan's office. Actually, Shan himself will be there - you can decide what to do with him - kill the scoundrel or leave him alone.

Another key is found on the butler's belt, which is usually found in the kitchen on the first floor. One way or another, when you have the key, disarm the trap on the second floor and take the audiogram hidden behind one of the display cases. Go up to the third floor, enter the room and on the left wall, behind the bookcase, you will find a safe. To open it, use the audiogram on the player standing here. Get the necessary documents from the safe, and then leave Shan Yuan's house.

Upper Kiria

Proceed to Ivan Jacobi's apartment. Try to get inside, but the door will be closed. Read the note on the door, and then run to the square where Ivan is holding a rehearsal. Decide what to do with the soldiers. Whether you kill everyone or act silently, you just need to steal the key from Ivan.

Ivan Jacobi.

Use this key to open his apartment, go to the office in the far right corner, and then search the table, taking the note and blade. In fact, you can now return to “Fallen Angel” and continue the plot, but there is still one unfinished business - you can investigate the crime and find evidence on Ivan Jacobi. You don't need to go far - open the picture hanging on the wall behind Ivan's desk and take out a vial of blood and a note from the safe. Deliver this bottle to the journalist on the square in front of the bank.

Contract No. 4 – “Threats”

I don’t remember the exact name of the contract, but as part of it you have to look into a local bank and overhear threats from a woman. Then follow her until she stops near her accomplices. All of them will need to be killed. How exactly you do this is up to you!

Racketeer in a bank.

After this, return to the crew and move to the Fallen Angel. To get through the fence, use movement so that the main character teleports to the gate. You don’t even have to try to move through the bars!


Go up to the deck, talk to Daud and go to the crew to be transported to Upper Kiria again.

Bank robbery.

Upper Kiria

First, visit the pharmacy, but you won’t find anyone there. Go to the beginning of the location, where there is a staircase leading to a pier with a bridge. When you go down the steps, look up and find a balcony. Move there using the heroine's skill, and then talk to the pharmacist's daughter about all topics. You learn that the drug you need is about to be sold at auction. We are talking about poppy tincture.

By the way, you can buy the same one on the black market, but it costs 800 coins. If you go to an auction using a marker, you will have to use the “Similarity” skill and turn into any ordinary citizen. After that, go to the auction and interact with the free space. During the auction you will have to raise the bid several times, and you can finally buy the lot for approximately 440 coins. Agree, it is cheaper than on the black market. Now you have a means by which you can put bank employees to sleep. All that remains is to get to the bank itself, but first, let's fulfill the contracts. As usual, head to the black market and grab the contracts hanging on the notice board.

Two contracts need to be executed outside the bank, and two more – inside.

Contract No. 1 – “Art Connoisseur”

Everything is very simple here - go to the pier to the courier’s boat. Here you will see two people - one of them will soon leave, and the other will remain to guard the courier boat. You will have to kill him or stun him. One way or another, don't even think about waiting - this burglar won't be able to open the door. You need a key, and finding it is very simple - dive into the water in the same body of water and examine the bottom of the boat, where the corpse of the courier will float. Search, take the key and open the boat door. Pick up many useful items, including a painting needed to complete the contract. It's done!

Corpse under the boat.

Contract No. 2 – “Pickpocket’s Happiness”

The task is not easy, because you will have to visit the well-guarded courtyard of the bank and steal a note from one of the elite guards. To do this, I would recommend turning into one of the guards using the Likeness skill, sneaking up on the guard and stealing the note. You need to act unnoticed, and after that do not stun this guard, otherwise the task will fail.


fallen angel

You are looking for your old mentor Daud, whom you have not seen for 15 years. According to rumors, an underground fight club operates in the Albarka bathhouse, where they use black magic and bone amulet. Maybe he's there?

Last Stand.

Look around the cabin, take the first two contracts from the table - “Burn the white dog” and “Industrial espionage”. go out onto the deck, go down to the pier and run forward. You will see rats and learn about the special skill of the main character, who can listen to their thoughts - to do this, press the F key. To view the list of missions, press J. In the same window there is a tab with contracts.

Try to act silently, but if that doesn’t work, then kill the enemies. After this, be sure to search Jeannette's body to obtain the Suppression Device KEY. Open the cage on the right, kill all the wolfhounds and pick up Snowball's corpse. Take it back to the room and the stove (if you activated the contract marker, it will show you the location of the stove). Open the furnace, and then throw the corpse of the wolfhound Snowball by clicking LMB. This is important because it is impossible to put the dog inside the oven using the F key. Surely you will have to practice to throw a dead carcass. After that, close the doors and press the red button on the left.

Having completed both contracts and obtained the key, go downstairs where Daud is being held and use the key to unlock the grate on the remote control. Pull the switch to free Daud and talk to him.

After this, you will have to return to the crew to go back to the Fallen Angel. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple: guards will appear on the location and kill the remaining Eyeless. You will need to carefully bypass all opponents, or kill them, and only then use the crew. Don't forget that it is located behind a brick wall with a hole on top. By interacting with the crew you will complete the mission.


fallen angel

Talk to Daud, and then go to the crew and move to a new location - Upper Kiria.

Following the ink trail.

Upper Kiria

Contract No. 2 – “Lost Brother”

While in the Camellia beauty salon, go to the room not far from where you found the journal. There will be a chair for tattoos and the device itself that allows you to make them. Use the device and apply the Eyeless Tattoo.

Tattoo machine in a beauty salon.

Follow the markers of the two contracts pointing to the bartender and Alberto (that same missing brother). Knock on the door and show your tattoo to be let in. You'll have to make some noise here. The brother is on the top floor in the back room, lying on the bed. Enter and disarm the dark man, then switch the device on the wall. Pick up Alberto and carry him outside the bar. But first! Complete the third contract involving the kidnapping of the bartender. You will need to either make a fair amount of noise or use the chloroform located at the top. If a fight starts, you will need to, and then hold CTRL and stun him.

After that, take Alberto to the right place inside near the dam and the fisherman. Place it on the ground and the contract will be fulfilled.

Contract No. 3 – “Bartender Kidnapping”

You can read more about how to get to the bar in the description of the previous contract “The Lost Brother”. Once inside, you have several options - try to neutralize everyone and then stun the bartender, or attack all the enemies. As soon as you have the bartender in your hands, drag him through the house not far from the beauty “Camellia” along the steps to the very roof, and then place him inside the open blue box.

We'll look at the fourth contract later, but for now, go to Shan Yuan's house, knock (you can find out the secret knock at the location from rats or other characters - I honestly admit, I "stuck" the moment I found out about it) and go inside, having previously stunned the maid .

House of Shan Yuan

Inside the house you can act as you wish. If you decide to go ahead and go ahead, it will, of course, be much easier. One way or another, you can, for example, find the key to the room with the elevator, which is located on the second floor. We are, of course, talking about a dumbwaiter. Inside this room is a device from which you must remove a special battery. This will allow you to turn off the electrical traps on the floor of the adjacent room with exhibition stands. Behind the glass of one of these stands is a piece of paper with an audiogram.

This is a very important audiogram because it is the key to the third floor. The key to the elevator room, a trap, is located on the third floor in Shan Yuan's office. Actually, Shan himself will be there - you can decide what to do with him - kill the scoundrel or leave him alone.

Another key is found on the butler's belt, which is usually found in the kitchen on the first floor. One way or another, when you have the key, disarm the trap on the second floor and take the audiogram hidden behind one of the display cases. Go up to the third floor, enter the room and on the left wall, behind the bookcase, you will find a safe. open, use the audiogram on the player standing here. Get the necessary documents from the safe, and then leave Shan Yuan's house.

Upper Kiria

Proceed to Ivan Jacobi's apartment. , but the door will be closed. Read the note on the door, and then run to the square where Ivan is holding a rehearsal. Decide what to do with the soldiers. Whether you kill everyone or act silently, you just need to steal the key from Ivan.

Ivan Jacobi.

Use this key to open his apartment, go to the office in the far right corner, and then search the table, taking the note and blade. Now you can return to “Fallen Angel” and continue the plot, but there is still one unfinished business left - you can investigate the crime and find evidence on Ivan Jacobi. You don’t need to go far - open the one hanging on the wall behind Ivan’s desk and take out a vial of blood and a note from the safe. Deliver this bottle to the journalist on the square in front of the bank.

Contract No. 4 – “Threats”

I don’t remember the exact name of the contract, but as part of it you have to look into the local bank and from the woman’s side. Then follow her until she stops near her accomplices. All of them will need to be killed. How exactly you do this is up to you!

Racketeer in a bank.

After this, return to the crew and move to the Fallen Angel. To get through the fence, use move so that it is on the gate. You don’t even have to try to move through the bars!

Upper Kiria

First, visit the pharmacy, but you won’t find anyone there. Go to the beginning of the location, the stairs leading to a pier with a bridge. When you go down the steps, look up and find a balcony. Move there using the heroine's skill, and then talk to the pharmacist's daughter about all topics. You will find out that the drug is about to be sold at auction. We are talking about poppy tincture.

By the way, you can buy the same one on, but it costs 800 coins. If you go to an auction using a marker, you will have to use the “Similarity” skill and turn into any ordinary citizen. After that, go to the auction and interact with the free space. During the auction you will have to raise the bid several times, and you can finally buy the lot for approximately 440 coins. Agree, it is cheaper than on the black market. Now you have a means by which you can put bank employees to sleep. All that remains is to get to the bank itself, but first, let's fulfill the contracts. As usual, go to the black market and grab the contracts hanging on the .

Two contracts need to be executed outside the bank, and two more – inside.

Contract No. 1 – “Art Connoisseur”

Everything is very simple here - go to the pier to the courier’s boat. Here you will see two people - one of them will soon leave, and the other will remain on the boat. You will have to kill him or stun him. One way or another, don't even think about waiting - this burglar won't be able to open the door. You need a key, and finding it is very simple - dive into the water in the same body of water and examine the bottom of the boat, where the corpse of the courier will float. Search, take the key and open the boat door. Pick up many useful items, including those needed to complete the contract. It's done!

Corpse under the boat.

Contract No. 2 – “Pickpocket’s Happiness”

The task is not easy, because you will have to visit the well-guarded courtyard of the bank and steal a note from one of the elite guards. To do this, I would recommend turning into one of the guards using the Likeness skill, sneaking up on the guard and stealing the note. You need to act unnoticed, and after that do not stun this guard, otherwise the task will fail.

There are several ways to get into the bank. First, visit the orderly's house, which can only be reached using the teleportation skill. Examine everything here, read the note on the table and find out that the last time the orderly went to the cliff near the bank. This cliff is located to the right of the central entrance to the bank, if you stand facing it.

But first, let's get into the territory of the bank itself. This can be done using the teleportation skill, moving from balcony to balcony on the left side. Next you need to teleport to the bank itself, where the dog will be. She will have to be killed!

After this, move to the right side, towards the cliff, to find the corpse of an orderly. You'll have to jump down the ledges. Search the corpse and take the key. Go upstairs using teleportation. Now you know one way to get into the bank. But there are two others!

If you jump to the steps leading to the bank, a little to the side so that the guards do not notice, then you will find several sewer hatches in the ground. They are all closed. You must go under those same steps from the very edge of the location, go down and enter the corridor where a man is repairing the wall. Stun him and then take the wrench from the box. With this key you can open the hatches and get into the bank through the boiler room.

As for the orderly's key, you need to proceed to the left of the central entrance, in the opposite direction from the cliff from which the orderly fell, open the doors and hide inside the trash can.

Entrance to the Abyss

Moving through the mine, you must reach the Abyss. The only way to get there is to interact with the Eye of the Dead God. A locked room will be marked as a prohibited area.

Eye of the Dead God.

In the huge cave hall, go up the steps and use teleportation to get to the other side. Reach the eye by rock jumping and interact with it.

Once in the Abyss, the corpse of Malhodi (I don’t remember the exact name) is chained to the rock on the left. Search his body and take the required key. Moving through the modified location, get back to the locked door. Open it and examine the box. The code combination for the blue box is 962. After opening it, study the note to find out how you can save the Alien.


fallen angel

You are looking for your old mentor Daud, whom you have not seen for 15 years. According to rumors, an underground fight club operates in the Albarka bathhouse, where they use black magic and bone amulet. Maybe he's there?

Last Stand.

Look around the cabin, take the first two contracts from the table - “Burn the white dog” and “Industrial espionage”. go out onto the deck, go down to the pier and run forward. You will see rats and learn about the special skill of the main character, who can listen to their thoughts - to do this, press the F key. To view the list of missions, press J. In the same window there is a tab with contracts.

Contracts are special tasks that you can complete in parallel with the game's plot. The reward for them will be given after completing the main mission. Get into the carriage and go to the Albarka baths.

Northern Campo Sete

Look around, destroy the boards that block the hole above the brick wall. Go forward and kill or neutralize the enemy - LMB or CTRL, respectively. Go a little further, through the doors, and eavesdrop on the conversation of two guardsmen. After that, go down to them and deal with them separately. Enter the tunnel and follow the passage on the right, where there are steps to the top.

Here you will find yourself in neutral territory. Enter the Eyeless Lair. So you have two contracts. First, let's look at the implementation of each of them.

Contract No. 1 – “Industrial espionage”

The goal of this mission, the equipment where moonshine is produced, is located behind the door on the right after entering the building. The door is locked. Examine it. The eyeless woman sitting opposite will tell you that she will open the door for 100 coins. You can go down, collect the required number of coins, and then come back here and pay the Eyeless One.

Moonshine workshop.

But there is another way to get inside! In the same hall at the entrance, look for rats. Listen to their conversation and learn about a secret passage that leads to a room where moonshine is made from rats. The passage there is in the locker room. Go down and you will see a captive Daoud being held by a suppression device. Take a good look around here. In particular, check the suppressor control panel to read the note. It says that the key to the device is held by the head of the Eyeless gang, Jeannette Lee.

Now go to the locker room with the shower on the left. You don’t need a shower, but in the locker room you can climb through various objects to the very top, onto the pipes, from where through a hatch you can get to the second floor of the bathhouse.

Along the second floor, carefully neutralizing enemies, go right, into the room where moonshine is brewed. Defuse the man sweeping the floor, take his key and find a cabinet with two drawers near the right wall. One of them will contain an amulet, and the other will contain the moonshine recipe you need. Also, look for crates with brown bottles (this is moonshine) and destroy them all using your main weapon. This will complete your first contract!

Contract No. 2 – “Burn the white dog”

Based on this contract, you need to find a wolfhound named Snowball, kill and burn his body to put him out of his misery. Marker. which you can activate through the contracts menu, will lead you to a cage in which three wolfhounds are kept - one of them is white - this is Snowball. But before you can deal with him, you will need to deal with two Eyeless. One of them is Jeannette Lee, who you need in the main storyline.

Try to act silently, but if that doesn’t work, then kill the enemies. After this, be sure to search Jeannette's body to get KEY suppressive device. Open the cage on the right, kill all the wolfhounds and pick up Snowball's corpse. Take it back to the room where the rats and the furnace are located (if you activated the contract marker, it will point you to the location of the furnace). Open the furnace, and then throw the corpse of the wolfhound Snowball by clicking LMB. This is important because it is impossible to put the dog inside the oven using the F key. Surely you will have to practice to throw a dead carcass. After that, close the doors and press the red button on the left.

Having completed both contracts and obtained the key, go downstairs where Daud is being held and use the key to unlock the grate on the remote control. Pull the switch to free Daud and talk to him.

After this, you will have to return to the crew to go back to the Fallen Angel. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple: guards will appear on the location and kill the remaining Eyeless. You will need to carefully bypass all opponents, or kill them, and only then use the crew. Don't forget that it is located behind a brick wall with a hole on top. By interacting with the crew you will complete the mission.


fallen angel

Talk to Daud, and then go to the crew and move to a new location - Upper Kiria.

Following the ink trail.

Upper Kiria

As soon as you find yourself in place, jump onto the guard box, and from it onto the high fence to get into a closed area. Look around the place - you need to get into the Camellia beauty salon on the right side. There is no key for it, but a little further around the corner, if you move to the right of the front door, there is a small passage. Go there, open the gate and stun or kill the wolfhounds. Having done this, go inside. Here you can carefully stun the maid, search her and take the key to the beauty salon. You need it in order to leave this place through the front door. And so go to the back office and on the desktop find a book with notes from visitors. Explore it to find two new story mission targets - Shan Yuan and Ivan Jacobi. These are the ones you'll have to find out about next, but for now let's move on to contracts.

To get the contracts, you will have to follow the dotted marker and go down to the black market. If you don’t want to be noticed, then use the “Similarity” skill. To do this, in a secluded place with the left character, use it on him to take the form. This way you can move freely around the location, but do not forget that in this case energy is consumed.

Contract No. 1 – “Death to Mime”

This contract requires you to kill the mime, but make it appear as if he died a natural, accidental death. Go to him. There will be a couple of people nearby, so you won’t be able to simply stun the mime. Opposite it there is a passage leading to the stairs. Go through the passage and enter the shop on the left, where they sell various stuffed butterflies and other insects. Steal the key from the owner and go down to the basement, disarming the mine on the steps along the way. In the basement you can free the prisoner, and also pick up a bottle of chloroform on the table with the corpse. Having done this, go upstairs and throw chloroform at the mime and the standing people. Next, together with the unconscious mime, go down to the dam where the fisherman is sitting. Go to the very edge of the dam (further than the fisherman and the bridge) and throw the mime down so that it falls under the dam itself. If you throw it into the water a little closer, it won't be an accident.

Contract No. 2 – “Lost Brother”

While in the Camellia beauty salon, go to the room not far from where you found the journal. There will be a chair for tattoos and the device itself that allows you to make them. Use the device and apply the Eyeless Tattoo.

Tattoo machine in a beauty salon.

Follow the markers of the two contracts pointing to the bartender and Alberto (that same missing brother). Knock on the door and show your tattoo to be let in. You'll have to make some noise here. The brother is on the top floor in the back room, lying on the bed. Enter and disarm the dark man, then switch the device on the wall. Pick up Alberto and carry him outside the bar. But first! Complete the third contract involving the kidnapping of the bartender. You will need to either make a lot of noise or use another jar of chloroform located at the top. If a fight starts, you will need to counterattack the bartender, and then hold CTRL and stun him.

After that, take Alberto to the right place inside the building near the dam and the fisherman. Place it on the ground and the contract will be fulfilled.

Contract No. 3 – “Bartender Kidnapping”

You can read more about how to get to the bar in the description of the previous contract “The Lost Brother”. Once inside, you have several options - try to neutralize everyone and then stun the bartender, or attack all the enemies. As soon as you have the bartender in your hands, drag him through the house near the Camellia beauty salon along the steps to the very roof, and then place him inside the open blue box.

We'll look at the fourth contract later, but for now, go to Shan Yuan's house, knock (you can find out the secret knock at the location from rats or other characters - I honestly admit, I "stuck" the moment I found out about it) and go inside, having previously stunned the maid .

House of Shan Yuan

Inside the house you can act as you wish. If you decide to go ahead and go ahead, it will, of course, be much easier. One way or another, you can, for example, find the key to the room with the elevator, which is located on the second floor. We are, of course, talking about a dumbwaiter. Inside this room is a device from which you must remove a special battery. This will allow you to turn off the electrical traps on the floor of the adjacent room with exhibition stands. Behind the glass of one of these stands is a piece of paper with an audiogram.

This is a very important audiogram because it is the key to opening the safe on the third floor. The key to the elevator room where you can disable the trap is located on the third floor in Shan Yuan's office. Actually, Shan himself will be there - you can decide what to do with him - kill the scoundrel or leave him alone.

Another key is found on the butler's belt, which is usually found in the kitchen on the first floor. One way or another, when you have the key, disarm the trap on the second floor and take the audiogram hidden behind one of the display cases. Go up to the third floor, enter the room and on the left wall, behind the bookcase, you will find a safe. To open it, use the audiogram on the player standing here. Get the necessary documents from the safe, and then leave Shan Yuan's house.

Upper Kiria

Proceed to Ivan Jacobi's apartment. Try to get inside, but the door will be closed. Read the note on the door, and then run to the square where Ivan is holding a rehearsal. Decide what to do with the soldiers. Whether you kill everyone or act silently, you just need to steal the key from Ivan.

Ivan Jacobi.

Use this key to open his apartment, go to the office in the far right corner, and then search the table, taking the note and blade. In fact, you can now return to “Fallen Angel” and continue the plot, but there is still one unfinished business - you can investigate the crime and find evidence on Ivan Jacobi. You don't need to go far - open the picture hanging on the wall behind Ivan's desk and take out a vial of blood and a note from the safe. Deliver this bottle to the journalist on the square in front of the bank.

Contract No. 4 – “Threats”

I don’t remember the exact name of the contract, but as part of it you have to look into a local bank and overhear threats from a woman. Then follow her until she stops near her accomplices. All of them will need to be killed. How exactly you do this is up to you!

Racketeer in a bank.

After this, return to the crew and move to the Fallen Angel. To get through the fence, use movement so that the main character teleports to the gate. You don’t even have to try to move through the bars!


Go up to the deck, talk to Daud and go to the crew to be transported to Upper Kiria again.

Bank robbery.

Upper Kiria

First, visit the pharmacy, but you won’t find anyone there. Go to the beginning of the location, where there is a staircase leading to a pier with a bridge. When you go down the steps, look up and find a balcony. Move there using the heroine's skill, and then talk to the pharmacist's daughter about all topics. You learn that the drug you need is about to be sold at auction. We are talking about poppy tincture.

By the way, you can buy the same one on the black market, but it costs 800 coins. If you go to an auction using a marker, you will have to use the “Similarity” skill and turn into any ordinary citizen. After that, go to the auction and interact with the free space. During the auction you will have to raise the bid several times, and you can finally buy the lot for approximately 440 coins. Agree, it is cheaper than on the black market. Now you have a means by which you can put bank employees to sleep. All that remains is to get to the bank itself, but first, let's fulfill the contracts. As usual, head to the black market and grab the contracts hanging on the notice board.

Two contracts need to be executed outside the bank, and two more – inside.

Contract No. 1 – “Art Connoisseur”

Everything is very simple here - go to the pier to the courier’s boat. Here you will see two people - one of them will soon leave, and the other will remain to guard the courier boat. You will have to kill him or stun him. One way or another, don't even think about waiting - this burglar won't be able to open the door. You need a key, and finding it is very simple - dive into the water in the same body of water and examine the bottom of the boat, where the corpse of the courier will float. Search, take the key and open the boat door. Pick up many useful items, including a painting needed to complete the contract. It's done!

Corpse under the boat.

Contract No. 2 – “Pickpocket’s Happiness”

The task is not easy, because you will have to visit the well-guarded courtyard of the bank and steal a note from one of the elite guards. To do this, I would recommend turning into one of the guards using the Likeness skill, sneaking up on the guard and stealing the note. You need to act unnoticed, and after that do not stun this guard, otherwise the task will fail.


Dishonored 2: Death of the Outsider is a story expansion for Dishonored 2, focusing on the story of Billie Lurk and the assassin Daud. The two set off on a journey through the dark underworld of Karnaca to prepare the greatest crime in history - the murder of the Alien.

Playing style

These achievements require you to adhere to a certain playstyle

Angel of Mercy
Completed a mission without killing anyone

The easiest way to get it is in the first task, using non-lethal methods of elimination.

You have never been noticed in the entire game

All that is required of you is not to bring the detection status indicator to the critical (red) level. Raised alarms and discovered bodies do not affect the achievement if you are not caught by the enemy.

Just like the good old days
Completed the original game +

After completing the game, a new mode will be available to you - Original Game+. This is a mode that includes abilities from Dishonored 2 (Transfer, Domino, and Dark Vision). Please note that achievements for Billy's abilities cannot be obtained in this mode: Major Player, Solid State Physics, I Have the Honor, Nightingale, Cunning Plan and
The Face of the Abbey

The perfect crime
You cleaned out the vault without breaking the security system or harming anyone

Task 3. Can be combined with achievement Shattered, as well as with contracts From rags to riches and back to rags again. And Quieter than water, below the grass.

The main rule, from the moment you enter the bank, is not to touch the security systems and not to disturb people (you can search).

We overcome the light wall with the help Foresights, putting a mark Movements near the elevator, on the second floor.
The guardsman to whom you give the code wakes up according to the story and no effect to receive an achievement/fulfill a contract. When you lift the vault to the top floor, he will ask over the loudspeaker what's wrong. To avoid raising the alarm, you need to answer into the microphone that "I'm just checking the mechanism".

The achievement can also be completed in the Original Game+. Only this time, you will have to climb to the window of the storage control room, opposite the light wall, and shoot an electric charge at the door open button.

Hidden Achievements

Descriptions of these achievements are not available until they are unlocked..

Free the assassin Daoud.


If you have anything to add, or see an inaccuracy or error in the description, do not hesitate to write in the comments. Good luck in getting achievements and enjoy the game.

I would like to express special thanks to everyone who wrote in the comments with tips and tricks for this guide.
