Reasons for defeat in World of Tanks random battles. The outcome of the battles is planned by the developers in advance. Why are there constant crashes in World of Tank?


The title of this article is deliberately slightly provocative. Although, for many unclear shadow algorithms in the game that raise many questions, it could be applied much more, however, in the absence of direct evidence, we have to beat around the bush, not stating anything for sure, but only hanging some inconvenient questions in the air, stating some inconvenient, for the guys from Wargaming, facts. So, let's immediately decide that we will not indiscriminately accuse anyone here, but with the force of a couple of article pages we will present here a few, not exactly facts, but conjectures and assumptions and hypotheses. The general meaning of them will be that the gameplay in the popular MMO game is not at all so obvious and honest. In other words, World of Tanks is an arena for fraud on the part of the developers. But, let’s take it one step at a time. not like that.

Banned for asking.

Perhaps it’s worth remembering that this tank action game comes from Belarus, where the deservedly tough morals of the local Old Man were, in part, passed on to some of its citizens. In general, the fact remains: for the slightest hint of foul play or an “inconvenient” question asked on the official gaming forum, the questioner is banned in the shortest possible time, and they do it, sometimes indefinitely. The ban, however, applies not only to the forum, but also to the game. What is the hidden meaning of such harsh treatment of tank fans? Is it possible that the saying comes into force here: - if he is afraid, it means he hears the truth. It is clear that forum provocateurs and rude people need to be punished mercilessly, but when a forum member opens a topic where he asks a simple question about the strange failure of a projectile to penetrate an enemy, or, conversely, about the strange penetration of a loved one, then such a topic will be immediately deleted, but the player may be forgiven for for the first time, but more often you hear stories about unprecedented bans for such questions. A little strange, isn't it?

Red General.

Personally, I heard a legend from a person who heard from another person, who heard from an acquaintance who knows one of the Wargaming programmers who participated in the development of World of Tanks, who allegedly talked about what is often and densely in the form of “red” The commands that are moving towards you are not real players at all, but the most real and official gaming bots. Allegedly, several players there may still be real, but it will be the bots led by the Red General who will set the tone. According to all this word of mouth, the Red General is easy to identify. It is always a heavy tank, always in camouflage, always shoots gold, always penetrates everyone and everything, and it, in turn, is almost impossible to penetrate. But the most important thing is that such a General amazingly illuminates almost half the map. Partial proof of this is that it is impossible to engage such a General in a conversation for the simple reason that he is a robot controlled by a system from a fake account. The presence of the Red General and bots on the enemy’s side can be proven a little this way: take it and agree with the whole team to organize a “rush” along the flank of the map. If bots play for the Reds, then on that “unexpected” flank they will take you and meet you, almost with the whole team. They will meet you and smash you to pieces.

The classic version of the Red General’s participation is to lose with a score of about 2:11 in the first 2-3 minutes of the battle. Moreover, such battles can be repeated 5-10 times in a row. A player caught in such a situation has no choice but to simply disconnect from the game and change the game server, in the hope of a better attitude towards him. Actually, all other complaints not only from paranoids, but also from completely sane tankers boil down to the fact that very often, especially with the release of the latest patches, extremely strange non-penetrations, ricochets and suspicious “one-shots” from very weak opponents began to happen. But more on that a little later.

World of Tanks: scandals, intrigues, investigations.

If you follow the trend that the developers promote with the release of each new patch in World of Tanks, it is an increase in randomness in the form of strange projectile flight trajectories, supposedly for the benefit of physics, as well as a gradual decrease in accuracy. While working on new models of vehicles and new maps, the developers specifically increased the spread when conducting aimed fire. And the accuracy of self-propelled guns has been reduced to the point of impossibility. Now even the most accurate guns with a pumped-up gunner cannot properly hit an enemy tank. More precisely, it’s possible to hit, but the hit/miss situation rests entirely on the shoulders of the hidden game mechanism of “random numbers.” In-tank mechanics, which, as it were, does not exist, takes upon itself the right to determine the accuracy of a projectile’s flight. The situation is very reminiscent of how UEFA does not want to introduce video replays, supposedly due to the fact that the spectators, having seen the wrong decision of the referee on the scoreboard, will go wild, but in reality, citizens from UEFA, and FIFA, simply do not want to lose another lever for controlling the game in the form of resolving a refereeing issue. It’s the same here: so that there are no unnecessary questions like: “What is this, I aimed accurately, but the projectile flew into the distance?” Therefore, the players' sights have been expanded. If earlier the enemy’s equipment completely fit into the sight circle, now, not at the greatest distance, 3-4 such tanks can be placed in the sight “point”. Here's another reason for you to think.

Strange lack of penetration and light.

To begin with, let's talk about glare. Even if we put aside the semi-mythical Red General, the problem with incomprehensible lights has continued to escalate for more than one month. The most typical situation looks something like this: for example, there is a Stug with full optics, crew, illumination, etc. Everyone died, he was alone. Here, as if on command (none of the dead prompted) one of the tanks breaks towards the Stug. And the Stug itself, it must be said, is standing in a hole that is not subject to gunfire. There is no art in the game. In general, first the tank lights up the T-34-85, although the Stug itself does not see it, although it should, and then a deadly blank from the KV-2 arrives with a 152-mm cannon (which has no accuracy at all), which stands half a map later. But this is not enough: the shell hit the Stug with a canopy, because there is no other explanation for HOW the shell could have hit the tank standing at the bottom of a deep hole. Asking questions on a gaming forum is to your own detriment. And there are many such examples. A whole book could be written.

Now for the penetrations. Example: Bat Chat is standing in the bushes, and an IS-8 comes sideways. The chat puts 6 shots from the side from the drum. 5 of them are penetrations. Recharging. Waiting. The same IS-8 is leaving (it’s still a piece of cardboard, I must say). The chat also begins to hit the side. As a result, 0 penetrations out of 6. The chat is drained. There is only one conclusion: the limit of penetrations issued by the system has been “exhausted.” Naturally, the team flies in at 3:15.

And if you remember a lot of incomprehensible incidents that happened with damaged tanks, which in observation mode were quite realistically highlighted to their remaining allies. You can remember a lot, but the main difficulty is that there is no evidence that the developers of World of Tanks are dishonest, and it is unlikely that there will be unless one of the people involved and offended tells a story in the spirit of “I was fired from MTS, so I’ll tell you now...” In the meantime, all that remains is to build hypotheses and wait for WoT fans to come running and explain to you that you are a deer.

If you don’t know what the point is, then know: the point is money.

Having made simple conclusions like journalists from RenTV, we can firmly say that all the above-described cases may well have one single goal - to pump out more money from the players. With the release of the latest patches, which clearly demonstrated that this is how much you earned now, but this is how much you could earn if you played in the “prem”, many strange things began to happen. Many players began to complain that if previously, according to statistics, a specific tank, for example, accounted for about 53% of victories, then over the past few months, victories have dropped to 42% on the same tank. Wild cases of 10-13 terrible drains in a row, etc., have become more frequent.

All these difficulties with aiming, difficulties with penetration, and so on, can be directly related to forcing the player to open a wallet and pay real money for a premium tank, or purchase a premium account more often. After all, games are made in order to make money from them, so why can’t developers “stimulate” purchasing power a little. It's no secret that during the game at the "premium" the number of leaks radically decreases, statistics improve, and the player more often ends up in the top. And without a premium, the player is thrown for the amusement of the “premium” tankers, just as they used to throw a boar under the drunken shots of the master. But the boar had no choice at all, but the player does.

So think about it now. On the one hand, there seems to be faith in the pure, eternal and good. It is supported by the lack of material evidence. Convicting developers is not so easy. And on the other hand, the understanding that almost everything in this world is done because of money. So why not tweak a couple of options in order to hurry up the embittered and dissatisfied player a little, and quickly start pouring money into the project in order to increase comfort. Although premium, of course, is not a complete panacea for gaming arbitrariness, when the T 34-85 cannot penetrate the side of the T-50 with its top gun, when you, with optics, a walkie-talkie and a pumped-up “light bulb”, do not see the enemy’s light, and it is you who are being killed along it, without any tracers. Moreover, a characteristic feature of particularly zealous lawlessness is that such symptoms appear when the team is clearly going to waste. It is not beneficial for the system for the team to resist for a long time. The servers are overcrowded, you should die quickly and give way to someone else, and not cling to life with all your might. At the same time, when you see similar symptoms with non-penetration, strange lighting, etc., you immediately realize that you are being “dumped”. As a rule, this idea turns out to be 100% correct.

Not a spiteful afterword.

In general, comrades, this article does not pretend to be the ultimate truth. Moreover, the author in no way pursued the goal of denigrating or slandering anyone there. One could even say that this article contains some of the most striking examples of the ambiguity in the interpretation of game processes in World of Tanks, game physics and other similar things.

Play and win, and if you suddenly start losing, then add some money to your account and you will immediately see that life will become better, life will become more fun. To the cabins!

It’s no secret that the gaming community of the “World of Tanks” project is famous for its inexhaustible reserves of sad lamentations that rise to the skies: “yes, as much as possible, constant drains, I’ve lost so many battles in a row in WoT, I’m tired of it, I’m deleting the game for good, me -they put-to-noobs, the balancer-specially-puts-noobs-to-me, tra-ta-ta...", et cetera, et cetera.

In fact, no one is setting anyone up for anything or anyone on purpose. That's how it works. The coincidence of several (two and/or more) factors - and the battle is lost, and it is difficult for its participant to remember pleasant moments; the consciousness prefers to focus more clearly on the very fact of defeat. A certain toggle switch is triggered - and the user is almost ready to move into the “stage of Mulderism,” as my colleague and I call it - the search for conspiraсy theory (a conspiracy theory of “evil and greedy developers” who do not allow him to “bend” the rand, and over and over again put him on to the noobs, giggling sadistically and rubbing his palms).

Everything is much simpler. My colleagues and I thought about it and came up with the following set of reasons why many players have failures in World of Tank and painful reactions:

  1. There is a promotion going on. Most of the “players” fall into the state of “I don’t care about the fight! Urgently remove all the stars (experience, silver, etc.). And few people think that a high-quality x3 star is worth about 4000-5000. And a “just like that” removed is something the same as doubled.
  2. You have moved to a new car. At the beginning there are “sparing” battles, you are almost always at the top of the setup and often win (the ratio swings more towards victories than defeats, and noticeably). Then this freebie ends, but the car is not yet in your hand. Depending on the person (reaction, age, learning ability, etc.), type and level of the new machine, it will take some time to master it and get it to play.
  3. You are "obsessed" with your statistics. This is especially noticeable with “milestone” numbers, like “just about, a couple more fights and I’ll have X0% victories". X0-1 or X0+1) the numbers remain a few victories, and instead of them there are losses - this becomes more noticeable and puts pressure on your nerves. And these are new errors in the game and new failures - a vicious circle.
  4. You felt like God! The technique has been studied, you remember the cards every stone, when you launch the client, you demonstrate with all your appearance: “Pray, randomly! I’ll rush in and tear everyone up!” As a rule, this happens in the initial stages. But even the gods can be forced to descend to the sinful earth. The game is a team game, the setups are different, if several times in a row one managed to destroy almost the entire enemy, this is an exception. There is safety in numbers. I don’t want to feel like “NOT God,” and the mind again offers a version of a “special series of drain battles.”
  5. You either didn’t read at all, or quickly forgot the patch note for the current update. In some ways, the performance characteristics of ammunition and equipment (all or individual tanks) have changed, some have added armor or an inclination angle, some have been cut off, normalization has changed, this or that vehicle has been nerfed as a class, etc. etc. - and now you can no longer understand, “I’m not worried about so-and-so, but I’ve never dealt with any problems before?” And if you can’t understand, you can’t adapt to changes. This means that in cases where you previously achieved success, you are now losing on all counts. In the combination of factors, the team also loses. And again, “what about plums again???”
  6. Yesterday we had a little "fun" with friends (or - now we still have "fun"). No comments. It's prohibited to drive in this condition, but is it possible to drive in tanks? If you think it’s possible, then don’t complain about the failure of the World of Tanks supertest. As they say, there is no point in blaming the mirror if the surface of the face is asymmetrical. Here, at this point, one can include illness, fatigue, etc.
  7. You just overplayed your hand. This is especially clear in the example of those who do 30 or more fights a day. “Here’s one more battle, I’ll kill everyone and leave the game” - and after “one more battle” for some reason you press not Esc on the keyboard, but the virtual “Battle!” button.

The above list is not limited to these items. This is just IMHO, but based on thoughtful analysis. The list can be supplemented and expanded, but that’s not the point. Let us repeat once again: there were, there are, and there will be drains in the tanks. Learn to overcome them calmly, gracefully, cheerfully and without unnecessary hassle. Good luck in your battles, friends!

The topic of series of defeats is perhaps one of the most popular on tank forums. A dozen leaks in a row can really spoil your mood. Sometimes the thought creeps in that this cannot be an accident, the FBR today is configured in a special way and specifically throws at weak allies. The player goes to the forum and creates a topic in the spirit of “BOILED!!1”. Since the situation is familiar to everyone, there will always be sympathizers who will confirm the existence of a conspiracy, as well as trolls who will advise you to level your hands.

Is the balancer programmed to repeatedly throw the player towards weak allies? Is the result of each battle random, or are there hidden mechanisms that lengthen the streak of defeats for willful defaulters? You can prove your point of view long and diligently, foaming at the mouth, this is a very interesting thing and the forum is literally littered with such publications. However, another obvious, albeit difficult, way is possible - to record the results of many battles, count the number of series and compare with calculations for an “honest” VBR. This is what I have been doing for the last thousand or so fights. Since grabbing a pencil and notepad after each battle quickly gets boring, I created a small program that automatically records the history of battles in a file like this (21 KB).

The first thing that needs to be checked is the independence of the result of the battle from the outcome of previous battles. If I won the last fight, will my chances of winning be higher in the next one? I’m on a horse today and I’m dragging like hell? And if I lose, does that mean I’m failing today, and I’ll most likely lose in the next fight? Or maybe, on the contrary, after defeat I will tense up and try by all means to win, charging a full set of cumulative weapons? The presence of a long chain of results allows us to answer this question unambiguously.

Let's consider, for example, the first few battles from this chain of results (1 - victory, 0 - defeat):

0001 0 01 0 1 0 1 1111110 ...

The battles that were preceded by defeat are highlighted in red, and the battles preceded by victory in green. It is necessary to compare the percentage of victories for “green” and “red” battles. Having painstakingly processed the entire chain, we get the following result: the percentage of victories “after a victory” is 57.14 and after a defeat – 57.78. The values ​​turned out to be very close; for a chain of such length – 1269 battles – the discrepancy is less than a statistical deviation. In other words, the winning percentage for green and red battles is the same.

Thus, we came to a conclusion, obvious and expected for some, paradoxical for others: the probability of victory doesn't depend at all from the result of the previous battle. Thanks to this property, we can apply the simplest probability theory to analyze the chain. Initially, I was interested in how common it was to have series of lesions of varying lengths.


Let the probability of victory be p. We are interested in how often series of n defeats occur in a row. Let us denote by W n the average number of series of n defeats divided by the number of battles. How to find the dependence of Wn on n and p? Personally, I got the answer experimentally, after a lot of fiddling with a random number generator, but once the answer is already known, it is easy to point out an elegant solution.

The first thing to do is to justify equality

W n+1 =(1-n)*W n .

This means that a series of n+1 lesions is exactly (1-p) times less common than a series of n lesions. If anyone is interested, you can practice the proof. From this it follows that

W n =const*(1-p) n

All that remains is to find the constant factor. In sum over n, the products n*W n should give the percentage of defeats. In total, we have

W n =p 2 (1-p) n .

For comparison with experiment and intuitive understanding, it is useful to calculate the following quantities.

1. How often does a series of n lesions occur?

On average, once every 1/W n battles.

2. How many series of n defeats should be obtained on average in the experiment. Approximately, N*W n, where N is the length of the chain.

Mindfucks for connoisseurs(well, suddenly there are such people)

  1. The formula for the density n of lesions is W n =p 2 (1-p) n. For the same series of victories, you need to replace p with 1-r. It is interesting that for n=2 the density of victories is equal to the density of defeats. In other words, a pair of wins is as common as a pair of losses. Regardless of skill: even a bot on a KV-5, or a hellish bender on a Minimouse. Come up with a nice explanation for this.
  2. What does the value of W 0 correspond to? What is a streak of zero losses?
  3. Calculate the variance of W n analytically.

In the table “theoretical error estimate” is the result of a numerical simulation

But in practice...

0001 0 01 0 1 0 1 1111110 ...

3 series of one defeat, one of two and one of three. For the entire chain, the result is shown in the table:

series length n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
184 73 31 14 7 3 0 0 1 0 0 0
theoretical number N p 2 (1-p) n of such series, N=1269, p=0.574 178 76 32 14 6 2,5 1,1 0,45 0,19 0,08 0,03 0,02
theoretical error estimate 12 8 5 3,5 2,4 1,6 1 0,7 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1
7 17 39 92 216 506 1187 2785 6532 15322 35939 84301

The first line is the length of the series (one defeat between two victories is a series of length 1:)). This is followed by the number of series counted in the chain and the theoretical prediction of this value. The longest streak was 9 defeats in a row. Theoretical error estimate is an estimate of the expected discrepancy between experiment and theory that arises due to the non-infinite length of the chain. The last line is the theoretical frequency of occurrence of the series. For example, a series of 12 defeats should occur on average once every 84,301 battles. To complete the picture, the same thing was done for winning streaks:

run length 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
number of episodes in the experiment 136 79 31 34 15 5 5 2 3 0 2 0
theoretical number N(1-p) 2 p n of such series, N=1269, p=0.574 132 76 44 25 14 8 5 2,7 1,5 0,9 0,5 0,3
theoretical error estimate 11 8 6 5 4 3 2 1,6 1,2 0,9 0,7 0,5
theoretical frequency of occurrence of such a series 10 17 29 51 89 154 269 469 818 1425 2484 4330

Well, a general oil painting:

And what is drawn here?

Comparison of theory with experiment leads to the following conclusions. The simplest probability theory quite reasonably predicts the number of series of victories and defeats in a fairly long chain of battles. To do this, you only need to know the player’s win percentage and the total number of battles. In my case, the winning percentage is above fifty, and winning streaks are more common than losing streaks, in full accordance with the theory.

I must admit that this picture completely contradicts the feeling of the game. I remember long losing streaks very well and don't remember epic winning streaks. Psychology turns out to be a funny thing. After four or five defeats in a row, a feeling of universal injustice begins to creep into me. On the contrary, I most likely would not have noticed a streak of eleven victories if I had not specifically recorded the results. Series of victories are taken for granted and are not remembered at all.

To summarize, I will once again voice the main idea - the answer to the question of where the series of leaks come from. As trivial as it sounds, from time to time several defeats occur in a row simply by chance. The average frequency of such streaks is determined by a player's win percentage and can be calculated mathematically from his win percentage. Due to the peculiarities of perception, the impression of a total superiority of series of defeats over series of victories may arise, but upon examination it is discovered that this is only an illusion.

You have a series of losses in World of Tanks, or, more simply put, losses, then this article is for you.

We will find out why leaks occur in wot and give recommendations on what to do correctly in a situation when you lose several games in a row.

Why are there only drains in the tanks?

The reason for writing this article about leaks was the appeal of a player with the nickname xxxvovkaxxx1991xxx. Here is his text:

Good evening! Happy holiday to you, Happy New Year, Merry Christmas and Happy Epiphany. I have a question for you: why do I constantly have problems with World of Tanks today? I get it down to full information, I hit the target exactly, but the shells go right, then left, up, then down, but don’t hit the tank. What's the matter? I played in a platoon with my brother today. There were plums too. As soon as he left the platoon and began to play alone, he immediately began to win!

Drains in tanks - what to do?

To answer his question, we have prepared several options for developing situations. Why are tanks constantly draining?. Let's place them in order of influence on losses in World of Tanks from the highest and most frequent to the lowest and rare from top to bottom.

Situation 1. Most often, haste and the desire not to miss out on farming at any cost lead to draining tanks. This attitude towards the game often leads to the fact that you find yourself in the center of the hottest battles - on the front line. Naturally, the risk of being destroyed there is maximum and the series of leaks will continue. If after the start you immediately go to take an advantageous position, competing with the players of your team for the best place on the map, then you are in too much of a hurry.

What to do in situation 1. First of all, stop and take your time. Let events on the battlefield develop without your direct participation. Play in the second line of defense. Don't be a shield for other tankers. Take care of your tank. Don't try to deal as much damage as possible at any cost in order to farm more credits and experience. When you have a chance to safely prove yourself, you will sense and fire a shot at the enemy tank.

Situation 2. The second most common influence on drains in World of Tanks is the lack of a good mood. As practice shows, the biggest influence on your mood is not the game itself, but your surroundings and the people who are next to you.

What to do in situation 2. If you need to go to the store, stay off the computer so you can play a couple more fights before leaving the house. First, settle all your affairs, ensure yourself guaranteed free time and personal space, and then calmly sit down to play World of Tank. Take frequent breaks from playing. Remember - World of Tanks is just a game. You shouldn’t devote all your free time to it. Part of your free time should be devoted to household chores, study or work, as well as meeting with friends.

Situation 3. The third place among the reasons for tank drains is the player’s insufficient experience. And also using the same strategies on maps and tanks from game to game.

What to do in situation 3. It is important to understand and soberly evaluate your current skills as a tank player. Find time to go into training battles and check how this or that weapon penetrates a tank that you are not good at hitting in battle. In each battle, try to use any strategy different from the one you are used to. Make it a rule not to play the old way at all.

  • If you rushed, on the contrary, play thoughtfully, do not move without reconnaissance.
  • If you like ambushes - Rashte.
  • On self-propelled guns, try changing position more often.
  • On a heavy tank, after a couple of shots, return to defend the base.
  • On a medium tank, shine and do not engage in battle.
  • On a light tank, wait for the end of the main battle and only then go to the light.
  • Tank on tank destroyers.

This will significantly reduce the level of defeats (leaks) in wot. And it will enrich your set of tactics and strategies when playing tanks. In addition to the number of strategies, do not forget about the quality of their execution. Try to play each battle in a new and unusual way.

Situation 4. The fourth place in the list of reasons for leaks is an incorrect understanding of the current game situation and/or the inability to quickly adapt to changes on the battlefield.

What to do in situation 4. Perhaps this is the most difficult thing - to follow the game situation without missing a single detail. You must understand and constantly monitor what is happening not only in front of your tank, but also on all other flanks. Periodically monitor the situation at your base and, if necessary, correspond in a general chat with self-propelled guns or tanks located in close proximity to your base. Find out if they need help. Ask to write in the chat about what is happening in the battle in the direction furthest from you, where your view does not allow you to fully control what is happening. Inform your allies about exposed tanks and their attempts to break through your allies' defenses. Believe me, not all players monitor the minimap at the location of your tank. In addition, you need to see when the enemy is clearly superior to you and is able to quickly destroy your tank. Try to avoid such situations and try to retreat deep into the defense or change the flank in time. Later, your tank will come in handy when knocking down the capture of the base. The same goes for your attack - watch out for when the opponents are distracted by other tanks and leave the ambush to open the second side of the attack. It is impossible to describe all the options for the development of events in World of Tanks at once, but remember the need to constantly collect information about the state of affairs in battle in order to instantly analyze it and make the right decisions. Keep an eye on what's happening around you.

Situation 5. In the fifth situation, the reason for the drain in tanks is the composition of the platoon and its actions in battle. Playing in a platoon formed from vehicles of different classes and levels often leads to loss. Also, the reason for constant defeats can be a large difference in the skill level of players.

What to do in situation 5. Try to go into platoon battles using vehicles of the same level and class in order to act together. Take a player of the same skill as you into your platoon. Often in combat, platoon players try to act together. Imagine, would it be convenient for you to organize joint actions if your ally is on a level 10 self-propelled gun, and you are on a level 3 tank destroyer? In such a team there can be practically no qualitative return from the presence of the platoon in battle. It’s another matter if there are two level 10 self-propelled guns or 2 level 3 tank destroyers. Consider your platoon composition to ensure that you work together and cohesively.

Situation 6. Going into battle in prime time is the sixth situation that leads to frequent leaks. Prime time is the time when the largest number of active players are in battle in World of Tanks.

What to do in situation 6. Everything is simple here - to win more, play when the main players are not in tanks. Let's explain why prime time negatively affects your victories, why does it happen that you end up in tanks? The fact is that your skill, which determines your level of proficiency in the World of Tank game, constantly competes with other players. The more players with high skill are in WoT, the higher your chance of meeting them. And now a trick for those who read our articles to the end. To play safely and count on winning the battle even in prime time, try to play on premium tanks. These combat vehicles have a higher rate of getting to the top of the list in battle. This means that by choosing a premium tank to participate in battle, you will protect yourself from your opponents by getting to the top of the list of battle participants.

As you know, leaks in World of Tank lead to a drop in income, a decrease in the speed of researching new equipment, slow down crew training and, most unpleasantly, spoil the statistics. Use our instructions for each of the situations described above to increase your tank win rate.

5 years and 11 months ago Comments: 59

We can say that the only serious reason for defeat in random battles is tactical mistakes of players. In general, the equipment is well balanced, so there is no such tank that would allow you to “bend over” everyone in random battles. The fact that, for example, a rather limited set of equipment is used in company battles does not mean anything: some tanks are good for team play in clan battles, while others may be better suited for those who are used to playing alone in random battles. And skillful commanders often assemble an unusual company and win.

And don't forget that you don't have to be good at every tank in the game. They are different people, one loves dynamic firefights at close range, the other prefers to remain unnoticed and inflict a large amount of damage from behind the bushes from a long distance. Is it possible to implement one favorite tactic on completely different tanks? Naturally not. So look for cars that best suit your individual preferences. If you want to try all the tanks in the game, then you need to adapt to each tank, and not use the same tactics on everyone.

Further, the same principle applies to cards.

Many players prefer one route on any map, but simply don’t take others. This often results in, for example, a player driving a classic “ambush” tank destroyer along a route for heavy tanks. This cannot end in anything other than a quick send to the hangar. Although, for example, on heavy tank destroyers of high levels you need to ride together with heavy tanks.

In general, most maps are quite simple, and the routes for a certain type of vehicle are obvious on them. There are “heavy tank paths” with good cover from self-propelled guns, there is large free space for light tanks, there are places where tank destroyers can be well positioned, etc. If you have doubts or questions, you can always read the forum or watch guides.

Rush - as a reason for defeat

Another tactical mistake is the famous “”, which in the vast majority of cases ends in a quick, almost instantaneous sending to the hangar. It should be said that rushing is a complex tactical technique that can be effective if used by a well-coordinated platoon of skilled players. If the opponents know how to play World of Tanks at least a little, then stopping the “ololo rush” will not be difficult for them: they will simply shoot you from cover, and most likely they themselves will not get a single penetration.

A real rush that can bring victory to a team involves attacking several tanks in an unexpected direction. Moreover, the ability to cover a comrade and concentrate fire on a specific enemy is very necessary here. Without this, the rush quickly suffocates, or in the worst case, is destroyed.

Often players are not just rushing thoughtlessly, but are simply in a hurry. In many situations, you need to slowly and carefully push the enemy and not expose yourself to a shot. In narrow places you need to put pressure on the enemy in this way, and not boldly fly out under shots. Amazingly, even high-level tank players often make this mistake.

Ambush in the bushes - another mistake

The opposite mistake is the tactic of “sitting in the bushes” until the last moment. This may be true for classic “ambush” tank destroyers with thin armor, but a heavy tank with strong armor standing in the bushes forces less armored allies to expose themselves to fire, which in the end will most likely lead to defeat. And for an “ambush” tank destroyer, you shouldn’t stand in the same bushes for battle, you need to actively change your position, sometimes it may even be necessary to go into close combat.

Often this tactic of “standing in the bushes” is followed by inexperienced players, who in this way try to save on repairs. They say, let them kill their allies, and I’ll stand in the bushes. But as soon as they kill your allies, they will come to kill you too. Moreover, standing in the bushes it is rarely possible to make many effective shots, and the more damage, the more income. It is often more profitable to shoot a lot of damage and die than to stand in the bushes and survive. Don't forget also that winners receive significantly more experience and silver than losers.

In general, your main goal should be victory, not maximum damage. There are, of course, tanks whose main task is to cause maximum damage, which should lead to victory. But many cars have a different role in the game. For example, you often need to cover an ally with a more powerful weapon and even take damage instead of him.

The safety margin of your own car should be considered as one of the resources for achieving victory. You need to understand well when it is necessary to protect your own tank behind the backs of your allies or in the bushes, and when you should make a tough exchange with the enemy, which may even be disadvantageous to you, but will ultimately bring victory to the team.

Most of the unsuccessful actions of players that lead to defeat are associated precisely with a lack of understanding of when to be careful and when it is possible or even necessary to expose yourself to shots. The variety of game situations does not allow us to give specific advice here. But often everything is already quite obvious. For example, when a base is captured by the enemy, in most cases it makes sense to ride out under enemy fire and knock down the capture, although this may lead to being sent to the hangar. But you will buy time for slow allies who are on the other side of the map, which will ultimately allow your team to win.

Team interaction in random battles

Often the reason for defeat is the lack of teamwork among the players. Of course, in random battles you cannot achieve the teamwork that is present in clan wars, but, for example, at least sometimes nothing prevents you from covering your allies. It often makes sense, for example, to distract the enemy or cover with your tank an ally who has one shot left. Together you will have a chance to tip the scales in your favor. This is not about abstract kindness; team interaction greatly increases your chances of winning, which will bring you more credits and experience. After all, World of Tanks is a team game, even skillful individuals lose to players who interact at least in the slightest degree.

As a conclusion We should repeat the idea that the reason for defeat in World of Tanks is tactical mistakes, which can be very diverse: we went the wrong route, we were in a bit of a hurry, we didn’t pay attention to an ally asking for help... and now your tank is already destroyed, and you scold in the chat of inept allies. Better pay attention to your mistakes, without this you will not learn to play well.
