Rules of poker hold'em combinations. Texas hold'em poker card combinations by seniority, in pictures

Learning how to play Texas poker is not that difficult. game mechanics quite simple, besides, this is the easiest and most popular option. The main goal of the game is to collect a strong combination of cards and take the pot.. It is more difficult for beginners to learn the nuances, terms, combinations, game progress, trading circles. A lot of questions often arise: how is the winning formed, who makes the first move, how many combinations and which one is older, how to resolve disputes, what are the flop, turn and river? And other difficulties. In fact, it will be difficult only at first, with each new hand the user learns the rules of Texas Hold'em more and more, learns to do all the actions “on the machine”.

Each hand in poker usually lasts no more than five minutes, during which time the players determine the winner and manage to make many moves. Inside one hand (as the distribution is called differently), there are the following elements:

  • collection of winning combinations;
  • placing initial bids;
  • trading circles and bank formation;
  • determination of the winner.

These are the highlights of one round, within a game session there can be several hundred or even thousands of hands. Let's analyze these rules of Texas Poker in more detail.

Hold'em combinations

The most important part, it is around the collection of combinations that the whole game is built, in poker Hold'em the rules state that the one who can collect the strongest combination, takes the whole bank. The combinations are listed below in ascending order of precedence.

  1. senior card. In another way, a kicker. Five cards in random order, not related to each other in any way. If all participants do not have any combination, then the leader is determined by the highest card.
  2. Pair. First combination. Consists of 2 cards linked to each other by the same denomination. Since any combination must consist of five elements, three more act as kickers, they are needed to determine the winner in disputable situations.
  3. Two pairs. Two pairs of cards with the same denomination. In Texas Hold'em poker, the rules state that the seniority of the combination is taken into account from the highest par value Pair. For example, two kings and two tens will beat two queens and two jacks.
  4. Set. Three cards that have the same value. Two kickers complete the combination.
  5. Straight. Opens combinations in which there is no kicker. Five cards in ascending order of denomination. All suits must be different (if they are the same, this is a different, stronger combination). Combination allowed ace,2,3,4,5.
  6. Flash. Five cards of the same suit of any value. Seniority is determined by the face value of the highest card in hand. Suits in poker are all equivalent.
  7. Full house. The combination is assembled from a Set and a Pair, that is, three cards of the same value and two more. The rules of Texas Hold'em state that the hand with the higher value of the Set is higher.
  8. Kare. Four cards that have the same rank. There is also one kicker here.
  9. Straight Flush. Five consecutive cards of the same suit.
  10. Royal Flush. Royal set. Five cards from 10 to Ace of the same suit. Drops out extremely rarely.

Before you study in depth the rules of Texas Hold'em poker, you need to remember the combinations by heart. Without this, it is undesirable to sit down at the table, especially in offline mode. When playing via the Internet, it is better to print the combinations and keep them with you, at least for the first time.

Starting bets and start of the game

After learning the combinations, you can sit down at the table and play the first few rounds. Practice will allow you to quickly and better remember the rules of the Texas poker game, how the draw goes, how much the winner is entitled to, who becomes the leader and other components.

It is allowed to sit at the gaming table from two to as many people as you like, the main thing is that everyone needs two pocket cards and five common ones on the field. The rooms accept formats of 2.5 and 9 participants.

In Texas Hold'em, the rules of the game require that two opponents bet small and big blinds. These are mandatory bets designed to stir up the interest of the participants, as well as a guarantee that the winner in any case will receive at least the minimum amount.

The big blind is always equal to the minimum possible bet of the table, the minimum is half of it.

All players must take turns posting the big and small blinds. The move in each round is passed in a circle, according to the clockwise movement, so as not to confuse the order, there is a button chip on the table - a special element with a pointer. Hold'em poker rules state that in the very first hand, the starting bets are made by two players sitting to the left of the croupier.

Then the direct distribution of cards and betting circles begins, further Hold'em rules on betting circles and bank formation will be considered in the next chapter.

Trading circles and bank formation

The first bets are made, now the croupier starts the distribution. According to the rules of the game in Hold'em, cards are dealt clockwise, starting with the player sitting to the left of the dealer. Everyone receives two cards in their hands, they are not shown to opponents, after looking at them, the participants decide on their further moves.

The player who made the small blind is the first to say his word, several actions are available to him:

  • Call. In the rules of Texas Hold'em is the designation Col. That is, the player calls the bet to the big blind.
  • Reset. Designation fold. Throw cards and exit the current hand, losing the small blind.
  • Boost. Designation Raise. The player can increase the big blind by the amount stipulated by the table limit.
  • All in. Designation All-in. Put all your chips on the line. Allowed only in the no-limit version of the game.

The last move belongs to the big blind, he is allowed one more action - Check, that is, to miss without betting anything in the pot, but on the condition that no one made a Raise.

First round - flop. The croupier puts three cards on the table, they are considered common, they can be seen by all participants and used to make combinations. In Texas poker, the rules of the game for dummies provide that a new round of betting begins, the possible actions of the players are described above.

Second round - turn. The fourth card is laid out on the table. A new round of betting begins, already at this round, most of the opponents throw out their cards and leave the game.

Third round - river. The number of community cards reaches five, the participants open the final round of betting. In Texas poker, the rules stipulate that at this stage the final pot is formed, which will go to the winner.

Determination of the winner and disputes

If there are several opponents left in the game, they produce showdown - opening cards and comparing the collected combinations. Whoever has the strongest combination will take all the winnings for himself. This is where the ambiguous moments arise, in which beginners get confused, in the rules of Texas Hold'em poker, disputes are resolved quite simply.

  1. Two or more poker players turned out to have the same combination in terms of strength. In this case, the rank of the cards that make up the combination is taken into account. For example, a Flush with a king will beat a Flush with a ten. A pair of nines will be stronger than a pair of threes, and so on. If the set base is the same, kickers will count.
  2. The combination of cards turned out to be completely the same for two or more opponents, Texas Holdem rules interpret this situation in favor of all participants. In this case, all applicants are declared winners, and the bank goes to them in equal parts.
  3. In Texas Holdem poker, the rules allow for a situation where all five community cards on the table, if they form any combination, are counted by all players. In this case the bank is divided equally.
  4. If one of the participants goes all-in, and the other cannot call him, then side pots are created. The point is that there will be several pots at stake. For the number of chips that the player could not equalize, he cannot claim. They go to the participant who has collected the second most powerful combination. It will not work to consider all the subtleties of these Hold'em rules; it is easier to understand them directly during the game.

These are the main controversial points that cause difficulties for beginners. The best way understand all the nuances constantly practice at the gaming table, even if it is an ordinary simulator of interest.

Limits in Hold'em Poker

The last aspect to consider in the rules of Texas Hold'em poker for beginners is - limits. Each table has certain restrictions regarding the betting of players in the betting circles, in total there are three draw options.

  • Unlimited. This means that each player, regardless of the current round, bank and other indicators, has the right to put any amount on the line. It is allowed to go for broke at any stage, the other participants are obliged to support this move, or refuse to fight. Today it is the most popular version of the game.
  • Limit. In Limit Hold'em, the rules limit the size of bets within a strictly allotted range. This means that the player cannot go beyond the established limits. For example, a $10/$20 table means that the minimum bet is $10 and the maximum bet is $20. There is no talk of any all-in here. The rarest variant of the game.
  • Pot limit. The size of bets here depends solely on the bank, how many chips are in it at the current moment of the betting round, and how much the player is allowed to bet. For example, if there is $100 in the bank, then the participant can put up the same amount. All-in is not allowed. The second most popular version of the game.

As you can see, the rules of Texas Hold'em poker are not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to keep practicing. And at first, carry a cheat sheet with you so as not to confuse anything.

Continuing to get acquainted with the rules of our favorite game, we come to one of its most important aspects - combinations in Texas Hold'em poker. They collect from five cards and this should be remembered. Next, we'll look at combinations in order from common to rare, or, if you like, from simple to complex.

Perhaps you already know this, or it will become clear after reading this material. But the strength of poker card combinations directly depends on the rarity of their appearance at the table. That is, the smaller the chance to collect a combination, the older, and therefore stronger, it is in the poker hierarchy.

Texas hold'em combinations in order of how often they appear at the table

Here we will look at all possible options on the theme of Texas Hold'em combinations of cards. To simplify the perception of the material and gradually immerse yourself in the atmosphere of poker analytics, we will mark the combinations from frequent to rare:

Sometimes there are situations at the table in which none of the players collects a combination. More precisely, at least the highest card is collected, but if you do not take it into account, then there is no hand. It was for such situations that the highest card was introduced. Comparison of this hand, as you might guess, takes place on the card of the highest denomination. If they are the same, the second in seniority comes into play. Then the third and so on, up to the fifth. texas holdem rules combinations say that the hand consists of five cards, which means that in cases where all the cards used by the players in creating the hand turn out to be the same, the pot is divided equally.

One of the most common combinations at the poker table. The frequency of appearance on the table is more than 50%. It is created from two cards of the same rank (for example, a pair of eights - 88) and three, senior, third-party. The strength of this combination in poker hold'em is estimated by the face value of the cards that made up the pair. In cases where their rank is the same (because there are four cards of any rank in a deck), the face value of the highest of the three auxiliary cards is evaluated.

Such auxiliary cards in poker are called kickers.

An extended version of a pair that includes another card of the same denomination. That is, together these are three cards of the same rank, plus two as kickers. Comparison, as usual, takes place according to the seniority of card denominations. In this case, you will have to resort to kickers only in cases where trips are compared (when the pair is on the table). Since if you have a set (a pair is in the hands - pocket pair), then there is no chance for identical hands.

Contains both the regular version of the pair and extended to triple. That is, this is one of the options for improving your hand in Texas Hold'em poker. Everyone who has a pair in hand, or who gets two pair on the flop, wants his hand to turn into a full house. This hand is much less likely to occur than a flush or straight, making it much stronger than the latter. Comparison of combinations starts with a three, in case of equality, attention is drawn to a pair. As usual, in case of equality, the bank is divided.

Four cards of the same rank is a pretty rare thing. That is why this combination is so powerful. The second option is to strengthen your hand in poker hold'em. That is, having a pocket pair, the chance is still not high, but not negligible. Comparison, as in the example with a pair, takes place according to the seniority of the face value. The kicker of this combination enters the game only if it falls completely on the table.

The second combination of cards in the Texas Hold'em section, in which the suit is involved. In fact, she is the last one, but more on that later. It consists of five cards, the denominations of which are arranged in order, only unlike a straight, of the same suit. Comparison takes place according to the same principle as in a straight - the highest card in the combination. I said that it is the last of the suit combinations. Because, considered the strongest, Royal Flush (royal flush) is not a separate combination. This is the same straight flush, only the highest possible one (from ten to ace).


Texas hold'em combinations are the very basics that you should know by heart. After all, all other components will not make any sense if you cannot determine the strength of your combination. That is, you can be a superpsychologist or a prodigy in the mathematics of poker, but it will not make any practical sense. It's like not knowing the arrangement in chess and sitting down to play. I hope I have described all the combinations sufficiently and clearly and quite convincingly outlined the need to memorize them. In the future, we will definitely share with you other knowledge in the field of poker. Thank you for your attention.

start, of course, with the rules. There are many different variations of poker: Omaha, Texas Hold'em, Stud and others.

Texas Hold'em is the most popular kind of poker in the world. Therefore, in this article we will analyze the rules of the game in this type of poker.

If we talk about the exact date and place of birth of this game, then it is unlikely that reliable figures and facts can be found anywhere. The most acceptable version is that he came to us from North America (in particular, from Alaska) in the form in which we know him now.

For the first time the rules of Texas Hold'em were approved in 1900 in Texas (Robstown), which actually owes its name. But its popularity really began to gain momentum with the holding of the first tournament in this poker discipline in 1969.

World Poker Tournament (WPT) commentator and poker pro Mike Sexton likes to say: It only takes a minute to learn the rules of Texas Hold'em poker, and a lifetime to become a master.".

How to learn to play poker? Poker is like an onion - you peel back layers of knowledge one by one. As you travel through the world of poker, you never stop learning something new.

How to play Texas Hold'em? Rules

Now we will analyze in detail all the stages of playing poker. You can also learn the combinations and rules of Texas Hold'em with the help of a video from the Poker Academy. Below the video information about the rules of Texas Hold'em poker is described in more detail.

  • Landing

Hold'em is usually played by nine or ten players. On the figure 1 shows a typical posture for this variant of poker. In this example, there are ten players at the table with the same banks (number of chips).

Picture 1

  • Dealer chip

Dealer chip, inscribed disc "Dealer" or "D", is a very important part of the game as it shows who is dealing and who is in position "button". Each player will have to visit the dealer once in one round. If you are playing in a casino, then you will have a professional dealer at the table who will deal cards to everyone except himself. However, in this case, the dealer's chip passes in a circle from player to player.

First of all, the cards are dealt to the player to the left of the button, and then clockwise. On the figure 1 Player 1 has the dealer's chip. In the next hand, Player 2 will have it, and then Player 3, and so on. In a company without a professional dealer, players deal cards (are dealers) in turn.

Dealer position (button) is the most favorable in the game. The player in this place makes the last bet, after he has seen what decisions the others have made. The exception is the first round of betting, as the blinds come into play immediately after the dealer.

  • Blinds ("blind bets")

Before the players receive cards, according to the rules, the two players to the left of the dealer are required to put the so-called blinds– mandatory bets that are made by default in each hand. The player to the left of the button (picture 1) bets half the required bet - small blind. The next player places a full bet - big blind. In our example, the small blind is $1 and the big blind is $2.

  • Distribution

After the small and big blinds are posted, each player is dealt two cards face down and face down. These are pocket cards. The best starting cards, according to the rules of Texas Hold'em, are two aces. The first round of preflop trading begins.

Combinations in poker- the basis of the basics, because if you do not know poker card combinations, you will simply lose your hard-earned funds. Poker card combinations- one of the components of the rules of the game of poker, because the goal of poker is the need to collect a stronger combination of cards than your opponent, or to force your opponent to discard their cards.

This article is the third in a series of tutorials on poker rules. Here we will consider card combinations, which are used in most varieties of poker games, including no limit texas hold'em.

From this article you will learn:

  • What combinations in poker
  • The name of the combinations in poker
  • The probabilities of getting one or another combination
  • Poker combinations by seniority and much more

We have also prepared a small step by step instructions, which will help you not only memorize poker card combinations, but instantly determine their strength and seniority:

Poker game rules for beginners - combinations

This lesson should be understood and learned by you first of all, if only because it is quite difficult to imagine a winning (or at least playing at zero) player who does not know the basics of No Limit Texas Hold'em - Combinations. Surely, you have at least some idea of ​​​​combinations in poker (its most popular variety is texas hold'em), because the highest combination in poker - a royal flush or a royal flush - is very often used in all kinds of pictures with cards.

Any person who wants to succeed in any business must first study it inside and out, and only then proceed to its direct implementation. Similarly, in poker: the first thing for a beginner is to master the possible card combinations, as well as their strength (seniority), and only then begin to learn the rules, and even more so - to practice the game. Don't be afraid, you won't have to strain your memory as you did (or do) in school when you learn poetry. In this case, everything is much simpler - only 10 (ten) poker combinations, which are fundamentally different from each other. 10 fingers - 10 combinations in poker. It's simple, isn't it?

To get started, you need to familiarize yourself with the seniority of the cards themselves(from weakest to strongest):

Deuce (weakest card)
- troika
- four
- five
- six
- seven
- eight
- nine
- ten (may be denoted by the letter T or the number 10)
- jack
- lady
- king
- Ace (highest card)

Texas Poker: poker hands by seniority

Below you can see combinations in poker. They are located along seniority from the oldest (strongest) to the youngest (weakest). The structure of the combination representation is as follows: the name of the combination, combination example, the probability of its occurrence, poker hand description. So let's get started.

How many combinations are there in poker? What are their names? What is the weakest/highest/highest/best hand in poker? What is the general order of combinations? You will find answers to all these questions below in the text.

Below you see the hierarchy (i.e. short review combinations in order of seniority from the weakest to the strongest):

  • The highest card is the most weak combination
  • Two pairs
  • Troika
  • Straight
  • Full house
  • straight flush
  • Royal flush - the strongest combination

AT this list we used the names of all combinations in Russian for the convenience of users.

Below we will consider these combinations in more detail with examples and explanations, but in reverse order - from the strongest to the weakest.

Detailed overview of poker hands by seniority

Below we have compiled all possible combinations of cards in poker (Texas Hold'em) that are used in the game. Combinations are sorted in descending order from strongest to weakest. The same combinations of cards are used for the vast majority of other types of poker games: Omaha, 27 Draw, Stud, Badugi, etc. Therefore, we can say that, having memorized them once, you will already be guided by the rules of the vast majority of poker games. Each combination has short description, and is also accompanied by examples to make it easier for you to assimilate the material.

1. Flush royale or Royal flush (Royal flush)

Probability of getting a royal flush combination in poker (no-limit Texas hold'em) is 0.0002%.

Royal Flush- the strongest (highest) combination in poker. Royal flush - a combination of five consecutive cards of the same suit from ten to ace. Otherwise, a straight flush from an ace. Royal Flush can be drawn in any suit.

Examples of a Royal Flush combination in poker:

  • - "heart" flush royale
  • - "peak" royal flush
  • - "diamond" flush royale
  • - "cross" flush royale

Obviously, in any given hand, players can only get one of the four royal flushes. Situations when players have collected 2 royal flushes cannot be in principle. There are situations when a royal flush falls on the table in the form of community cards. In such cases, the pot will always be divided equally among the players involved in the distribution.

2. Straight flush

Probability of hitting a straight flush combination in poker (no-limit Texas hold'em) is 0.0015%.

straight flush- a combination of any five consecutive cards of the same suit. The seniority of flush straights among themselves is determined by the highest card and does not depend on the suit. Sometimes there will be situations in the game when two players will have a straight flush at once. In this case, the winner of the hand will be the player who has more high card, closing the straight flush. An example will be discussed below.

Examples of straight flush combinations in poker:

  • – lowest straight flush
  • – regular straight flush
  • - the highest straight flush, which is also the highest combination in poker (royal flush). We can say that a royal flush is one of the variants of a straight flush.

Example. Player 1 was dealt , and Player 2 was dealt . There were cards on the table. Two players have a straight flush combination. How to determine the winner in this situation? Yes, very simple. Player 2 will win the hand, because his straight flush ends in a ten, and Player 1 ends in a nine.

If there were cards on the table, and players 1 and 2 would have the same starting hands, then the pot would be divided equally between them, since the strongest possible combination is already on the table and no one can make a stronger combination.

3. Kare (Four of a kind)

The probability of getting a combination of four of a kind in poker (no-limit Texas hold'em) is 0.024%.

Kare- four identical cards(Example four kings or four treys, plus one foreign card). The highest four of a kind is four aces, the lowest four of a kind is four deuces. If four of a kind lay on the table, then the winner would be determined by the highest card (kicker). As you may have guessed, in one hand, players at the table can have no more than two four of a kind of different ranks at the same time. In this case (2 quads in one hand), the player who has a higher-ranking quad will win.

Examples of Four of a Kind combinations in Texas Hold'em. They lay down on the table, for example. Player 1 has , player 2 has . In this situation, Player 2 will win, because he has a combination in his hands, and Player 1 has a combination. If Player 1 also held an ace, both players would split the pot.

4. Full house (Full house)

The probability of getting a combination of full house (Full house) in poker (no-limit Texas hold'em) is 0.14%.

Full house (full, literal translation - "full house")- 3 identical cards + 2 identical (or 3+2). In case of two full houses, seniority is determined first by the value of three cards, and then by the seniority of pairs.

An example of a comparison of full house combinations in poker. younger than but older than

5. Flush

Probability of getting a flush combination in poker (no-limit Texas hold'em) is 0.20%.

Flash- any five cards of the same suit. If it happens that several players have a flush at the same time, then the player who has the higher flush card wins. If two or more players have flush flushes, then the pot is split.

Examples of flush combinations in Texas poker. Player 1 has , Player 2 has . They came to the table. Who will win? That's right, Player 2, because he has , and Player 1 has . But if they lay down on the table (with the same pocket cards from Player 1 and 2), then the bank will be divided between the players.

6. Straight or street (Straight)

Probability of getting a straight combination in poker (no-limit Texas hold'em) is 0.39%.

Straight- any five consecutive cards. Similarly to the previous example - if it happened that several players had a straight at the same time, then the player who has the highest straight card in his hands wins. If two or more players have straight straights, then the pot is split.

Note: An Ace can be either the highest or the lowest card in a combination.

Street example:

  • – the lowest street (wheel)
  • - just a street
  • - oldest street

Examples of making straight combinations in Texas Hold'em. Player 1 has , Player 2 has . Cards come to the board -. In this situation, Player 2 will take the pot, because he has a straight from 8-ki - ., and Player 1 has a straight from 7-ki - .

7. Three of a kind or thrips

Probability of getting a three of a kind combination in poker (no-limit Texas hold'em) is 2.1%.

Three of a kind (set, trips)- any three identical cards. Beginning players often think that sets and trips are different combinations. In fact, this is not the case, but there is a slight difference. Let's explain it. In any case - whether you have a set or trips - at the showdown, your combination will be called Three of a kind - three. So, all the difference between a set and thrips is as follows:

  • Set - a kind of so-called. three of a kind, i.e. a situation where you have any pocket pair in your hand and another of the same card is on the board. Example. You - . Board - .
  • Troika - a kind of so-called. three of a kind, i.e. a situation where you have unpaired pocket cards and there is a pair of cards on the board, and you have a third such card in your pocket. Example. You - . Board - .

For completeness, you can also refer to the article set and trips in poker, where everything is described in great detail about this combination.

8. Two pairs (doper) (Two pair)

The probability of getting a combination of two pair in poker (no-limit Texas hold'em) is 4.75%.

Two pairs(often two pairs are called doper (doper)) - a pair + a pair of any cards. If 2 or more players have 2 pairs at the table, then the value of the older one is compared first, and if they are equal, then the value of the younger one is compared.

Two Pair Examples in Texas Hold'em. You - . Opponent has . Board - . In this situation, you win, because. You have 2 pair - , and your opponent - .

9. Pair

The probability of getting a pair combination in poker (no-limit Texas hold'em) is 42.26%.

Pair- any pair of any cards. If 2 or more players at the table have only a pair, the player with the higher rank of the pair wins. Example. You . Player 2 has . Player 3 has . Board - . In this situation, player 2 wins, because he has a pair , you have a pair , and player 3 has a pair .

10. High card or kicker

The probability of getting a high card combination in poker (no-limit Texas hold'em) is 50.12%.

None of the above combinations. If all five cards are equal, the combinations are considered equivalent.

An example of the highest card in poker.

Player 1.

Player 2.

Board. . Who will win in this situation? Answer - the bank will be divided, because. Player 1 has a pair in seniority lower than those 2 that lie on the board, which means that Player 1 has 2 pairs - . Player 2 has no matches with the dock at all, which means that he also has 2 pairs - . Because there is still a common card on the board - , then this card will be a common kicker for both players. Therefore, they will split the bank.

Now let's look at a similar example.

Player 1.

Player 2.

Board. . In this situation, Player 2 will win, because he has 2 pair + a kicker ace, and Player 1 has 2 pair and a kicker king. less than .

You can refer to our article poker combinations in pictures, where you will find a picture of poker combinations with a brief description, arranged by seniority

Video to consolidate the material

In order for the material described above to be assimilated much better, we suggest that you also watch a special video about poker combinations, which was prepared with the support of the largest online poker room - PokerStars.

Poker combinations of cards in ascending order - table

Also below, we have specially structured all the information presented above to make it easier for beginner poker players to absorb it. As a result, we have a table that can be conditionally called " Poker combinations table".

Using the table of poker hands will help you quickly and easily understand the difference between the combinations, as well as their seniority. As a rule, it takes only a few hours to simply memorize all poker hands. However, it will take a little more time to effectively consolidate this information in your head. Therefore, we recommend that you use our table of poker combinations and feel free to look at it when you have any doubts.

In the initial stages, if you really want to learn how to play poker, you simply must keep a table with poker combinations at hand. With a table of poker combinations, it will be easier to understand the gradation of hands in this card game.

Combination name and short description Combination example
High card (kicker)
If the combinations are not listed below, then the hand with the highest card wins.
Two cards of the same rank
Two pairs
Two cards of one rank and two cards of another rank
Three cards of the same rank and any two other cards
Five consecutive cards (an ace can be used as the highest as well as the lowest card)
Five cards of the same suit
Full house
Three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank (in other words, this is when the player has a Three of a Kind + a Pair at the same time)
Four cards of the same rank
straight flush
Five consecutive cards of the same suit
Royal Flush
Straight from Ten to Ace of the same suit

We advise you to download and print the table of poker combinations presented above in order to always understand what is happening in gameplay and at least approximately, at the initial stage, evaluate your chances of winning the hand.

Rules for making combinations in poker

All poker hands consist of 5 (five) cards, which are made up of pocket cards and community cards of the table. All suits have the same priority (no suit can ever be stronger than another). When making a combination in Texas Hold'em, you can use any 5 (five) cards out of 7 (seven) available to you (two cards in hand that the dealer deals at the very beginning of the game, as well as five community cards on the table that the dealer deals during the game ). Of these cards, you must choose exactly 5 (five) cards that will be used to make the strongest (best) of the possible combinations. 2 (two) remaining cards are not taken into account when determining the winner and making a combination in poker.

When playing Texas Hold'em, players do not need to use own cards to form a winning combination. So. if there is a combination already on the board that cannot be improved with your hole cards, you may not use any of your hole cards at all.

At the same time, you must use any 2 pocket cards and 3 community cards on the table to make a combination in Omaha. Thus, out of five community cards (which are on the table) you need to choose exactly 3 (three), and out of four hole cards you need to choose exactly two. Even if a strong combination is already on the board, you will not be able to use it, since you must use two hole cards without fail. This feature of making combinations in Omaha is one of the reasons why it is more difficult for novice players to play Omaha and why they choose Texas Hold'em.

Also, other types of poker games can have their own characteristics.

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