Outdoor folk games for environmental education of older preschoolers. Outdoor games for kids

When there are a lot of children in the house, not every parent knows how to cheer them up. To prevent you from finding yourself in such situations, we have selected a lot of fun and exciting games that will suit both for small groups of children and large ones.

Outdoor games fortwo Andthree children

Usually, two kids can entertain themselves (it will not be difficult for them to easily agree, taking into account the interests of each) and they do not need the help of adults. But, nevertheless, there are some cases when the help of moms and dads is simply necessary.

The following active games are perfect for two children:

About How else can you entertain little fidgets with a ball? explained in this video:

Three of us Children can play outdoor games such as:

  • « dwarves and giants". The essence of the game is that the presenter takes turns saying the appropriate words and, at this time, the kids need to sit down and become small or remain in a standing position;
  • "dog". Suitable for older children preschool age. Two participants stand opposite each other and begin to throw the ball, the task of the third is to catch it. The participant through whose fault the ball was lost takes the place of the driver;
  • "edible-inedible". Familiar to many parents exciting game, which is suitable for kids of all ages. It will help replenish your vocabulary, develop erudition, thinking, speed of reactions and much more.

Outdoor games for a large number of children

It is much more difficult to entertain a large group of children. After all, all kids are different: some like to jump more, some like to run, and some even like puzzles exclusively. What to do in such situations? We need a compromise. We have selected a number of children's active games that can satisfy all the wishes of little fidgets.

IMPORTANT! Tasks for 3-year-old fidgets should not be difficult. Otherwise, the children will be bored.

Outdoor games for children of different ages

Finding outdoor games for children of different ages is not easy. Their development in physical, psychological and mental terms is significantly different. The best active games for little fidgets of all ages are:

  • « unravel the thread» . Interesting circle fun for children. One person is selected from the group of children - the leader. The moment he closes his eyes, all the other participants join hands and “get entangled” in a large and complex ball. The most important rule is that you must not let go of the hands of other players. Having formed a complex structure, the kids call the leader, who must return them to their original position. If someone lets go of their palm, the game ends;
  • « the sea is worried- once, the sea is worried- two...» . 1 participant is selected, who, counting a little count, starts the game and sets a task (for example, a sea or forest figure). All the other children are moving and having fun at this moment, but after the word “freeze”, they should freeze in one position, not move and not react to the leader’s provocations. Those who could not resist (moved or laughed) are eliminated. The most persistent participant wins. This game promotes the development of imagination, movement coordination, self-control;
  • « children's bowling" - an exciting outdoor game. The participants' task is to knock down all the pins with a special ball. Both a one-year-old baby and older children can cope with this task. A set for such a game can be bought at any children's store. Its absence can be replaced with a regular medium-sized ball and plastic bottles (half filled with water).

Outdoor games for children of different ages: useful video

For even more ideas on how to entertain a mixed-age group of little fidgets, look for it in the next video.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HPE “Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after. I. Ya. Yakovleva"

Faculty of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology

Department of Preschool Education and Service

Album of outdoor games in different age groups



3rd year student of group B

Ilyina Tatyana


Ilyina L. L.

Cheboksary – 2015

I junior group:

Game "Bear and Children"


Learn to run in one direction, act in accordance with the words of an adult;

Create pleasure from joint actions; encourage children's independence.

Actions: The role of the bear is played by a teacher's assistant or a child in the older group. Children are placed at one end group room or plot. The teacher says the words:

The bear was walking through the forest,

For a long, long time he searched,

The bear was looking for children,

He sat down on the grass and dozed off.

Rules of the game: The bear walks around the group and pretends to be looking for children. Then he sits down on a chair at the opposite end of the room and dozes. The teacher says:

The children began to dance,

Mishka, Mishka, get up,

They started knocking their feet.

Catch up with our kids.

To these words, children run around the room, stomp their feet, and perform movements at will. The adult encourages them

Train game

Tasks. Learn to move in a certain direction, coordinate actions with other children; instill a sense of confidence and empowerment; encourage independent action.

Rules of the game: Children should not be disconnected from the teacher

Game "Chickens and Cat"

Tasks: Improve running; develop the ability to imitate, be attentive and act on a signal; encourage independent action; evoke a feeling of joy from joint actions.

Come out, chickens,

Bugs, spiders

Collect the crumbs

On the green path.

Chicken children run out into the middle of the hall, flap their wings, and fly. The teacher continues:

Children-chickens squat down and tap their fingers on the floor, saying: “Knock-knock-knock!”

Suddenly a cat appears (teacher's assistant):

I'll go out, I'll go out onto the path,

Where the chickens look for crumbs,



The chickens scream loudly: “Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko!” - and run away to their houses.

Rules of the game: Children should go out only upon a signal from the teacher , should not run into houses without command

Game "Ducks and Dog"

Tasks: Improve walking, running; encourage imitation; evoke a feeling of joy from joint activities with adults and peers.

Attributes: Hats or breastplates with images of ducks according to the number of children playing, a dog hat or a toy dog.

Early, early in the morning She teaches them, teaches them!

The mother duck came out, you are swimming, ducklings,

Teach the ducklings. Smoothly in a row.

The mother duck moves smoothly, moving her arms slightly back, and the baby ducks imitate her. Then she says: “The ducks are swimming in the pond, smoothing their wings” (stroking her arms and sides with smooth movements), praises the baby ducks: “Well done, how well they smoothed their wings, quack-quack, quack-quack.”

Suddenly a dog appears barking (an assistant teacher or a child in an older group). Mother Duck says:

Don't bark, little dog!

Don't scare our ducks!

Our ducks are white

Without that, they are not brave.

The dog runs up to the pond, and the ducklings quickly swim to the mother duck and hide under her wings. The dog runs away. The game repeats itself. Then the mother duck says:

Don't bark, little dog!

Don't scare our ducks!

Better play with us.

Come visit us, we will treat you to something delicious

Rules of the game: Only after the teacher’s words, children should run to the teacher, and not before.

Game "I love my horse"

Tasks. Learn to gallop; develop attention, learn to act on a signal; develop imagination and imitation.

Contents of the game. Children imitate riders. To the words from A. Barto’s poem “I love my horse, I will comb its fur smoothly, I will smooth its tail with a comb...” they stroke and comb their horses. To the words “And I’ll go on horseback to visit...” they gallop (if they don’t know how yet, then as best they can). The adult first acts with the children, and they imitate him. Then the children act independently, and the adult encourages them.

Rules of the game: act only on a verbal signal

II junior group

Game "The mice hid"

Tasks. Develop the muscles of the spine and shoulder girdle; encourage independence; develop imitation; evoke a feeling of joy from the movements performed.

Game content. A bench is placed, children pretend to be mice, kneel behind the bench at some distance from it. At the adult’s signal “The cat is sleeping,” they place their hands and forearms on the bench (the spine bends) and remain in this position for 1.5-2 seconds. Then the adult gives the signal: “The cat is awake!”, The mice again hide behind the bench. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Rules of the game: act on a signal, stay in a position for a certain time

Game "Humpty Dumpty"

Tasks: Encourage joint action; evoke a feeling of joy from joint activities with peers.

Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty

Sat on the wall. Fell in his sleep.

Children fall to the floor in a relaxed state.

Play the game with one child or a subgroup of children.

Rules of the game: act on the teacher’s verbal signal

Game "Bunny"

Tasks. To teach children to listen to singing, understand the content of the song and perform movements in accordance with its text; evoke imitation of an adult.

Bunny, stomp your foot, Like this, stomp your foot,

Gray, stamp your foot! That's it, stomp your foot!

Children, standing in a circle, stomp their feet, while keeping their hands on their belts:

Zainka, clap your hands, Gray, clap your hands!

Children clap their hands.

Little Bunny, turn around, Little Gray, turn around!

That's it, clap your hands, that's it, clap your hands!

That's it, turn around, That's it, turn around!

Children turn 1-2 times, keep their hands on their belts.

Little bunny, dance, dance like this,

Gray, dance! That's it, dance!

Children jump on two legs as best they can.

Bunny, bow, Gray, bow!

That's it, bow down, That's it, bow down!

Children bow, spreading their arms to the sides.

Rules of the game: act on the teacher’s verbal signal, perform all actions

AND gra "Sparrows and the car"

Target: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place.

Content. Children - “sparrows” sit on a bench - “nests”. The teacher depicts a “car”. After the teacher says: “Let’s fly, little sparrows, onto the path,” the children get up and run around the playground, waving their arms—“wings.” At the teacher’s signal: “The car is moving, fly, little sparrows, to your nests!” - the “car” leaves the “garage”, the “sparrows” fly into the “nests” (sit on benches). The "car" returns to the "garage".

Rules of the game: act only on a signal from the teacher, you cannot run away without a signal

Game "My Merry" ringing ball»

Target: teach children to hop on two legs

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you start galloping to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you.

Then the teacher invites the children to jump, while hitting the ball on the ground. After reading the poem again, he says: “I’ll catch up now!” The children stop jumping and run away. The teacher pretends to catch them. The teacher, without using the ball, invites the children to perform jumps, while he himself raises and lowers his hand above the children’s heads, as if hitting balls.

Rules of the game

Game "Sun and Rain"

Target: teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the teacher’s signal.

Rules of the game: Listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Middle group

Game "Bear in the Forest"

When the teacher says: “Go, children, for a walk!” - children leave the house and go into the forest, pick mushrooms, catch butterflies, etc. (bend over, straighten up, make other imitation movements). They say in unison:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries,

And the bear is sitting

And he growls at us.

After the word “roars,” the bear begins to catch the children running away home.

After the bear catches several players, another child is assigned to this role. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Rules of the game: Children cannot be caught behind the house line. Anyone whom the bear touches is considered caught: the bear takes him to his den.

Game "Traps"

Tasks: develop agility, speed

At the signal “one, two, three... catch,” all the players scatter around the playground, dodging the trap, which is trying to catch up with one of their children and touch him with his hand, staining him.

Rules of the game: When 3-4 players are spotted, choose another driver. The one whom the driver touched with his hand moves aside.

Game "Cook and kittens"

Target: train children in various types walking or running, developing reaction speed, dexterity, and the ability to focus on words.

Pussies are crying in the corridor,

In kittens great sorrow:

Tricky cook for poor pussies

Doesn't let you grab the sausages.

With the last word, the “kittens” run into the “kitchen”, trying to grab the sausage. The cook is trying to insult the running players.

Rules of the game: The affected players are eliminated from the game. The game continues until all the sausages are stolen from the cook. The winning kitten becomes a chef.

You can’t run into a circle too early. The cook is not allowed to grab the kittens, only salt them, he is not allowed to go outside the circle. It is prohibited to take 2 or more items at the same time.

Game "Fox in the Chicken Coop"

Target: develop in children dexterity and the ability to perform movements on a signal, practice running with dodging, catching, climbing, deep jumping.

Content: A chicken coop is outlined on one side of the site. In the chicken coop, chickens are located on a roost (on benches), and children stand on benches. On the other side of the site there is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard. One of the players is assigned to be a fox, the rest are chickens - they walk and run around the yard, pecking grains, flapping their wings. At the signal “Fox,” the chickens run into the chicken coop, climb onto the perch, and the fox tries to drag away the chicken that did not have time to climb onto the perch. He takes her to his hole. The chickens jump off the roost and the game resumes.

Rules: The fox can catch chickens, and the chickens can climb onto a perch only when the teacher signals “Fox! "

Game “Burn, Burn Clear! »

Target: develop children's self-control and spatial orientation. Exercise in running fast.

The players stand in a column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. The “catcher” stands on this line. Everyone says:

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out.

Look at the sky - Birds are flying,

The bells are ringing! One, two, three - run!

After the word “run,” the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one on the left, the other on the right, trying to grab the hands of the person in front of the catcher, who is trying to catch one of the pair before the children have time to meet and join hands.

Rules: If the catcher manages to do this, then he forms a pair and stands in front of the column, and the remaining one is the catcher.

Game "Wolf in the Moat"

Target: develop courage and dexterity, the ability to act on a signal. Practice running long jumps.

Content: Two parallel straight lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 80 - 100 cm - a “ditch”. A “goat house” is outlined along the edges of the site. The teacher appoints one player as a “wolf”, the rest as “goats”. All goats are located on one side of the site. The wolf stands in the ditch. At the teacher’s signal “wolf in the ditch,” the goats run to the opposite side of the site, jumping over the ditch, and the wolf tries to catch (touch) them. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Rules: act on a verbal signal, the wolf takes those caught to the corner of the ditch

Senior group

Game " Sly fox»

Target: To develop endurance and observation in children. Practice running quickly with dodging, lining up in a circle, and catching.

Content: The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The fox's house is outlined outside the circle. The teacher invites the players to close their eyes, walks around the circle behind the children and says, “I’m going to look for a cunning and red fox in the forest!”, touches one of the players, who becomes sly fox. Then the teacher invites the players to open their eyes and carefully look at which of them is the sly fox, to see if she will give herself away in some way. The players ask in chorus 3 times, first quietly, and then louder, “Sly fox, where are you?” At the same time, everyone looks at each other. The sly fox quickly goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up, and says “I’m here.” All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them. The caught fox takes him home to his hole.

Rules: The fox begins to catch children only after the players ask in chorus 3 times and the fox says “I’m here!”

If the fox gave himself away earlier, the teacher appoints a new fox.

A player who runs out of bounds of the court is considered caught.

Game "Pass - stand up"

Target: To foster a sense of camaraderie in children, to develop dexterity and attention. Strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and back.

Content: The players line up in two columns, two steps apart from each other. In each they stand at arm's length from each other. A line is drawn in front of the columns. Two balls are placed on it. At the “sit down” signal, everyone sits down with their legs crossed. At the signal “pass,” the first in the columns take the balls and pass them over their heads to those sitting behind them, then they stand up and turn to face the column. The person who receives the ball passes it back over his head, then stands up and also turns to face the column, etc. The column that passed the ball correctly and did not drop the ball wins.

Rules: Pass the ball only over your head and while sitting. Stand up only after passing the ball to the person sitting behind you. The one who fails to receive the ball runs after it, sits down and continues the game.

Options: Pass the ball to the right or left, turning the body.

Game "Find the ball"

Target: Develop children's observation and dexterity.

Content: All players stand closely in a circle, facing the center. One player becomes the center, this is the speaker. The players keep their hands behind their backs. One is given a ball in his hands. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He can ask each of the players to show their hands by saying “hands.” The player extends both hands forward, palms up. The one who has the ball or who dropped it stands in the middle, and the driver takes his place.

Rules: The ball is passed in any direction. The ball is passed only to the neighbor. You cannot pass the ball to a neighbor after the driver demands to show his hands.

Game "Two Frosts"

Target: To develop inhibition in children and the ability to act on a signal (word). Practice running while dodging while catching. Promote speech development.

Description: On opposite sides of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located on one side of the court. The teacher selects two drivers, who stand in the middle of the area between the houses, facing the children. These are Red Nose Frost and Blue Nose Frost. At the teacher’s signal “Begin,” both Frosts say: “We are two young brothers, two frosts are daring. I am Frost Red Nose. I am Frost Blue Nose. Which one of you will decide to set out on the path?” All the players answer: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost” and run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and the Frosts try to freeze them, i.e. touch with your hand. The frozen ones stop where they were caught in the frost and stand like that until everyone else has finished running. The frozen ones are counted, and then they join the players.

Rules: Players can run out of the house only after the word “frost”. Whoever runs out first and whoever stays in the house is considered frozen. The one touched by Frost immediately stops. You can only run forward, but not backward or outside the area.

Outdoor game "Carousel"

Target: To develop in children the rhythm of movements and the ability to coordinate them with words. Practice running, walking in a circle and forming a circle.

Content: The players form a circle. The teacher gives the children a cord, the ends of which are tied. The children, holding the cord with their right hand, turn to the left and say the poem: “Barely, barely, barely, barely, the carousel started spinning. And then around, around, all running, running, running.” In accordance with the text of the poem, the children walk in a circle, first slowly, then faster, then run. While running, the teacher says: “It’s okay.” Children run in a circle 2 times, the teacher changes the direction of movement, saying: “Turn.” The players turn in a circle, quickly grabbing the cord with their left hand and run in the other direction. Then the teacher continues with the children: “Hush, hush, don’t write it off, stop the carousel. One, two, one, two, the game is over!” The movements of the carousel are becoming slower and slower. At the words “the game is over,” the children lower the cord to the ground and disperse.

Rules: You can only take a seat on the carousel by calling. Those who do not manage to take a place before the third bell do not take part in the skating. You must make movements according to the text, observing the rhythm.

Outdoor game "Mousetrap"

Target: To develop children's self-control, the ability to coordinate movements with words, and dexterity. Practice running and squatting, lining up in a circle and walking in a circle. Promote speech development.

Content: The players are divided into two unequal groups. The smaller one forms a circle - a “mouse trap”, the rest of the “mice” - they are outside the circle. The players, depicting a mousetrap, hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying: “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, ate everything. Beware, you cheaters, we will get to you. We’ll set mousetraps for you and catch everyone now.” Children stop and raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run in and out of the mousetrap. According to the teacher: “clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap has slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children change roles.

Rules: Lower your clasped hands using the word “clap.” After the mousetrap has slammed shut, you must not crawl under your arms.

Preparatory group

Game "Burners"

Target: teach children to run in pairs at speed, start running only after finishing the words. To develop speed of movement and dexterity in children.

Children stand in a column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. According to the counting, a Trap is selected. He stands on the line with his back to the other children. Everyone standing in pairs says:

"Burn, burn clearly,

so that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky - the birds are flying,

The bells are ringing.

One, two, three – run!”

With the end of the words, the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left), trying to grab hands. The trap tries to catch one of the pair and connect hands with him.

Rules: If the catcher managed to do this, he forms a new pair with the caught one and stands in front of the column, and the one left without a pair becomes a trap. If the Trap is not caught, he remains in the same role.

While pronouncing the words, the Trap does not look back; you can catch before the players hold hands.

Game "Traps" (with ribbons)

Target: teach children to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to act quickly on a signal. Develop orientation in space, the ability to change direction.

Children line up in a circle, each with a colored ribbon tucked into the back of their belt. There is a Trap in the center of the circle. At the teacher’s signal: “One, two, three – catch it!” children run around the playground. The trap tries to pull out the ribbon. At the signal: “One, two, three, quickly run in a circle - all the children line up in a circle.”

Rules: After counting those caught, the game is repeated.

Game "Frost - Red Nose"

Target: teach children to run across the scattered ground from one side of the site to the other, dodging the trap, act on a signal, and maintain a motionless posture. Develop endurance and attention. Strengthen running with shin overlapping, side gallop.

On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, in one of them there are players. In the middle of the platform, the driver, Frost the red nose, stands facing them, and he says:

“I am frost - a red nose.

Which one of you will decide

Should we hit the road?”

The children answer in chorus:

“We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost”

After that, they run across the site to another house, the frost catches up with them and tries to freeze them. Rules: The frozen ones stop at the place where the frost overtook them and stand there until the end of the run. Frost counts how many players managed to freeze; it is taken into account that players who ran out of the house before the signal or remained after the signal are also considered frozen.

"The Kite and the Mother Hen"

Target: teach children to move in a column, holding each other tightly, without breaking the clutch. Develop the ability to act in a coordinated manner and dexterity.

8-10 children participate in the game, one of the players is chosen as a kite, the other as a hen. The rest of the children are chickens; they stand behind the hen, forming a column. Everyone hold on to each other. To the side is a kite's nest. At a signal, he flies out of the nest and tries to catch the last chicken in the column. The hen, stretching her arms out to the sides, prevents the kite from grabbing the chick. All the chicks follow the movements of the kite and quickly move after the hen.

Rules: The caught chicken goes to the kite's nest.


Target: teach children to run, trying not to catch up, to jump on one leg, landing on the toe of a half-bent leg. Develop agility, speed of movement, and the ability to change direction while running.

Progress of the game:

Participants in the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paint. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly names it to its owner. When all the paints have chosen a color and named it to the owner, he invites one of the buyers. The buyer knocks:

Knock! Knock!


Why did you come?

For paint.

For which?

For blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots, wear them and bring them back!” If the buyer guesses the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself. A second buyer arrives, the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they come up one by one and sort out the paints. Rules: The buyer who collects the most paint wins. The owner can come up with a more difficult task, for example: jump on one leg along the red carpet.

The problem of raising a healthy generation has been and remains relevant in the practice of public and family preschool education and dictates the need to search for effective means of their implementation. The formation of children's health and the full development of their body is one of the main problems in modern society. During preschool childhood, the child lays the foundations of health, comprehensive physical fitness and harmonious physical development.

Play in childhood has a high developmental value. L.S. Vygotsky noted that in childhood play and activities, play and work form two main channels along which activity flows. He saw in play an inexhaustible source of personal development, a sphere defining the “zone of proximal development.”

Outdoor games- one of the main means physical education and child development. Children's great need for movement must be satisfied through such games. The game creates a positive emotional background against which all mental processes occur most actively.

In general, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of outdoor games for children, especially at the present time. During active movement, metabolic processes in the body, breathing and blood circulation are activated. In addition, qualities such as attention, spatial perception, coordination of movements, speed of reaction are developed, strength and endurance are trained, impulsivity, emotional and muscle tension are relieved. Also, during such games, children develop and improve communication skills.

The same game can be played several times in a row, depending on the mood of the children and the nature of the motor load. The total duration of outdoor games ranges from 5 to 15 minutes (depending on the baby’s age and physical activity).

So, let's start playing?

Brown bear

This game requires the participation of two adults. "Bear" (one of the adults) sits on a chair in the corner of the room “in a den.” Another adult with the child (or children) walks through the forest, collects “mushrooms” and “berries”, they call to each other: “Ay! Aw!” Then the adult and children, holding hands, begin to approach the “bear” with the words:

Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

And the “bear” answers:

I didn’t treat myself to honey,

That's why I got angry with you. R-R-R!…

On the last word the “bear” growls (gently! so as not to scare the kids) and runs after the players, catching them.


When cheerful music plays, children run, jump, and have fun. The music stops, and the children squat down and hide (so that the snake “doesn’t notice” them). Snake (toy) crawls past the children, and the children have to hold on and not rush to run away from the snake. In this game, children develop endurance.

"Cat and Mouse"

Children - “mice” - dance in a circle, in the middle “the cat sleeps” (one of the children)

The cat is guarding the mice

Pretended to be asleep

Hush, mice, don't make noise!

You won't wake the cat!!!

With the last words, the “cat” wakes up and catches the “mice.” Children can hide if they sit on chairs (they will climb into the holes).

Pancakes and pancakes

A large hoop is placed in the center of the room (that's "damn"), and there are several small hoops around (“pancakes”). Children run around the room, then the adult says: “Damn,” or “Pancakes.” Children need to stand in the appropriate hoop.


The driver says: Imagine that we are walking in a zoo; when I clap my hands once, you (you) will turn into a frog and squat down, if I clap twice, you will turn into an elephant and spread your arms to the sides, and if I clap three times, you will turn into a heron and stand on one feet like real herons.

Traffic light

Each player is assigned a "car". The game requires three circles (red, yellow, green).

The driver says: You are cars (you are a car), you will drive around the room, but paying attention to the color of the circle that I will show you.

Red light - no way, you stop

Yellow get ready, start your engines, get ready to move

And the green one says, you can go, the way is open! continue on your way."


Children stand one after another in a column and place their hands on the shoulders of the child in front. It turns out to be a “locomotive” that slowly moves around the room with the words:

"Locomotive, locomotive,

Brand new, shiny,

He drove the carriages as if he were real!

Who's on the train?

Different kids: beautiful girls and brave boys!”

At the last words, the children run away and can pretend that they are picking mushrooms and berries. At a signal from an adult, they again stand one after another, pretending to be trailers.

Find your match

First you need to prepare postcards cut into two parts. (pictures) by the number of children.

Children get into pairs. Each pair of children is given one of two parts of the card.

At a signal from an adult, the children separate and run around the room at random. At the second signal, each child must find his pair as quickly as possible. The couple that spent the longest time looking for each other loses.

Catch the bubble

Prepare soap bubbles.

Open the caps

Blowing bubbles

Here they are - look!

They are all airborne

And very naughty.

How can we catch them?

Hold it in your palm!

An adult and children blow bubbles, watch them, and catch them. You can use mittens (in order to hold soap bubbles).


Everyone joins hands and stands in a small circle. An adult recites a poem and takes small steps back, saying the following words:

Blow up, bubble!

Blow up big!

Stay like this

Don't burst!

The circle expands until the adult says, “The bubble burst!” Then everyone claps their hands, says in unison: “Clap!”, runs into a small circle and joins hands again.

Soap bubbles

Bubbles are funny people

He lives in his own houses.

And now you will be bubbles, and the hoops will be your houses. (At the signal “Let’s fly,” children run out of the hoops and fly; at the signal “Home,” they return to the hoops).

Masha, you are in our forest...

Everyone joins hands and stands in a circle. One child is in the center of this circle, blindfolded. An adult recites a poem:

Masha (child's name) you are in our forest,

We call you: “AU!”

Well, close your eyes,

Don't be timid!

Find out who is calling you, quickly!

An adult shows a child who calls the name of the one who is blindfolded. The child who was called must guess by his voice who did it.

Big feet ..

An adult says words and shows movements (children/child repeats after him):

Big feet walked along the road

Top-top-top takes big steps

Little feet ran along the path

Top-top-top. Takes small steps.

Sunny bunnies

An adult takes a mirror (if the weather is sunny) or a lantern and shows the child how it appears on the wall yellow spot: “This is a sunbeam.” Invite your child to catch the “bunny” with his palms. If the “bunny” ends up on the floor, you can catch it with your feet.

Runners are jumping -

Sunny bunnies.

We call them, they don’t come,

They were here and they are not here...

Sunshine and rain

Show how you can turn an ordinary chair into a house for a child by turning it back to face, squatting and placing your elbows on the seat. Wave your hand through the “window” and explain that this is a house where you can hide from the rain.

Then pay attention to the sky and joyfully say: “Look! The sun is in the sky! We can go for a walk!” The baby runs out of the house with you into the middle of the room and enjoys the sun. Here you can jump and dance together to the rhyming words:

The sun is shining through the window,

Our eyes narrow.

We will clap our hands

And run outside.

Then look at the sky again and say: “Look, a cloud is coming, it’s going to rain, hurry to the house!” Having taken refuge in the house from the rain, you can read the nursery rhyme about the rain again:

Rain, rain, pour, pour, pour,

Drip drops without regret,

Rain, rain, more,

The grass will be thicker!

To create a more vivid imagination of rain, you can tap your hand on the table and even use a spray bottle (I lightly sprayed the children from it).

These are just a few of the games that I often use both in my kindergarten classes and at home with my youngest son. Children really like these games.

Play outdoor games with your children and the results will not be long in coming! Have a nice game!

educational psychologist, combined type GBOU No. 1177

Moscow, Russia

Oksana Vasyanina
Movable folk games By environmental education older preschoolers

Teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten "Romashka" in the village of Molodezhny" Vasyanina O. P.

The educational value of outdoor folk games is enormous. K. D. Ushinsky wrote that education, created by the people themselves and based on popular principles, has that educational power that is not found in the most best systems based on abstract ideas or borrowed from another people. K. D. Ushinsky also considered it necessary to pay attention to folk games, work through this rich source, organize them and create from them an excellent and powerful educational tool.

The source of outdoor games with rules are folk games, which are characterized by brightness of concept, meaningfulness, simplicity and entertainment.

Games are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, their ability to perform certain movements, and follow the game rules.

is determined by the movements that are part of it - running, jumping, etc. and includes a plot (theme, idea, rules and motor actions.

comes from the experience of humanity, passed on from generation to generation.

Game plot

determines the purpose of the players’ actions and the nature of the development of the game conflict. It is borrowed from the surrounding reality and figuratively reflects its actions (for example, hunting, labor) or is created specifically, based on the tasks of physical education, in the form of a scheme of confrontation during various interactions of players (for example, in modern sports games). The plot of the game not only enlivens the holistic actions of the players, but also gives individual techniques and tactical elements purposefulness, making the game exciting.

Rules of outdoor folk games

Rules are mandatory requirements for game participants. They determine the location and movement of players, clarify the nature of behavior, the rights and responsibilities of the players, determine the methods of playing the game, methods and conditions for recording its results. At the same time, the manifestation of creative activity and the initiative of those playing within the framework of the rules of the game are not excluded.

The Russian people have always treated nature very tenderly and reverently, glorifying and taking care of it. These games not only foster love and a kind attitude towards the world around them, but also have educational value: children get acquainted with the surrounding nature.

IN pedagogical process For environmental education and training, outdoor folk games can be actively used. Folk games with natural history content can be included in direct educational activities and other forms of environmental training and education (for example, used in the process of working on an ecological trail, during environmental holidays, leisure activities, quizzes, competitions, etc.).

Outdoor games of a natural history nature are often associated with imitation of the habits of animals, their way of life, some reflect the phenomena of inanimate nature. During the game, children consolidate knowledge about living and inanimate nature; experience an emotional upsurge, which helps them develop a friendly attitude towards nature and develop an interest in it.

Russian folk outdoor game “Grandfather Mazai”

Rules: choose “grandfather Mazai”, the rest agree on what movements they will show:

Hello, grandfather Mazai!

Get out of the box.

We won't say where we were

We'll show you what they did.

Children depict actions (fishing, mowing, picking berries, washing). If he guesses right, the children run away and “Mazai” catches them. The one he caught was “Mazai”.

Objectives: to develop body plasticity and a sense of humor.

Russian folk outdoor game “Running along the trunk”

Rules: the players gather near a fallen tree trunk (gymnastic bench), climb onto it, move back and forth from one edge to the other.

They gradually increase their speed and switch from walking to running, while saying in a recitative:

White birch,

Black rose,

fragrant lily of the valley,

Fluffy dandelion

blue bell,


Whoever loses his balance and slides off the trunk is out of the game. Whoever lasts longer is the winner.

Objectives: develop dexterity, balance, competitive passion.

Russian folk outdoor game "Cabbage"

Rules: place hats, scarves, scarves, and belts in the middle (this is “cabbage”). The “owner” is chosen, he depicts what he is talking about:

I'm sitting on a pebble

I play with small pegs,

I play with small pegs,

I'm planting a vegetable garden.

So that the cabbage is not stolen,

They didn’t go to the garden

Wolf and birds

Beaver and martens,

Bunny eared,

Thick-footed bear.

Children try to run into the garden, grab the cabbage and run away. Whoever the “owner” touches with his hand does not participate in the game. The player who carries away the most cabbages is the winner.

Russian folk outdoor game "Zarya-zaryanitsa"

Rules: Children squat in a circle. “Zarya Zaryanitsa” follows them, hiding behind her back the “keys” - a handkerchief with a knot tied. Everyone says together:


Red maiden,

I walked across the sky

I dropped the keys.

saw a month

The sun has disappeared!

The driver discreetly places a handkerchief behind someone. (Children are not allowed to look back.) The one to whom the keys were given runs after the driver. The caught driver sits in his place, and the child, wearing a handkerchief, becomes the “dawn.”

Tatar folk outdoor game “Earth, water, fire, air”

Rules: the players gather in a circle, in the middle -

leading. He throws the ball to someone, saying one of four words (earth, water, fire, air).

If the presenter says “earth,” then the one who caught the ball must quickly name an animal; if “water” - name the fish; “air” - a bird; “fire” - wave your hands. Everyone turns around. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Objectives: develop the ability to understand nature, experience positive emotions from communication with nature.

Tatar folk round dance game “Tatar fence”

Rules: choose a leader according to the counting rhyme, the rest, holding hands, walk under their clasped hands, gradually “braiding” the fence. At the same time they sing:

Go away, you go up,

My cabbage!

Go away, you go up,

My fork!

How do I, cabbage,

don't curl,

How do I, species,

don't get tangled.

Evening on cabbage

Evening on Vilovaya

Frequent heavy rain.

Repeated several times, the main thing is not to release your hands. Objectives: to cultivate a caring attitude towards native nature, interest in Tatar games.

Chuvash folk outdoor game “Sun” or “Month”

Rules: A line is drawn. Children choose two drivers, who secretly agree from the others which of them will be the “sun” and which will be the “month.” “Whose are you?” - the presenters ask the players, the children answer quietly so that the others do not hear. The drivers stand in front of each other on both sides of the line and join hands. Behind them, with their hands on the belt of the person in front, the children from their team line up. They help the “sun” and the “month”, who are trying to pull each other over the line.

Bashkir folk outdoor game “Swallows and Hawks”

Rules: players are divided into two teams, stand in two rows with their backs to each other. In the water row there are “hawks”, in the other row there are “swallows”. A leader is chosen. He walks and says the beginning of the words (LA- or YA-, but does not pronounce the ending. Then the group whose name (beginning) is pronounced scatters in different sides, another group catches up with them. Those caught are considered prisoners of the catchers.

The team with the most players at the end of the game wins.

Objectives: continue to develop interest in native nature, in Bashkir games.

Yakut folk outdoor game “Hawk and Ducks”

Rules: two circles are laid out with cords - two “lakes”. According to the counting, the “hawk” is chosen, the rest are “wild ducks” - teals, pochards and pintails. Teals and pochards swim in one lake, pintails in another. Then the ducks change places, flying from one lake to another. At this time, the hawk, which is on the “land” (between two “lakes”), catches ducks. Those caught are out of the game. You cannot catch in the “lake”.

Buryat folk outdoor game “Camel and baby camel”

Rules: “camel” and “baby camel” are chosen. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The “camel” catches the baby camel, and it dodges, running in a circle or behind a circle. Children help the baby camel. If he is in a circle, they do not let the “camel” in; if the “camel” manages to get into the circle, the “baby camel” is immediately released from there.

Kabardian folk outdoor game “Geese”

Rules: “shepherd” and “fox” are chosen. The rest of the children are “geese”. The shepherd says:

I'm herding geese in the forest.

I'll save the geese from the fox.

Geese, geese!


This is true?

Yes, yes, yes!

Who can hear you?


After the last word, the “fox” begins to catch the “geese,” and the “shepherd” tries to stop them (if the shepherd manages to grab the goose by the wing before the fox, the goose is saved). The game ends when the fox catches all the geese.

All teachers and doctors working with children recognized play as the leading activity of a preschool child. When selecting games mixed age group The teacher must take into account some physiological characteristics of the child’s body, i.e. age characteristics of children, it is good to know the health status and level of physical fitness of the children in the group so that the games offered correspond to the capabilities and individual characteristics of each child. When selecting and organizing outdoor games, you must:

  1. Consider the complexity of the games in accordance with the level of readiness of the children.
  2. Make sure that games are appropriate for the time of year and weather conditions.
  3. Provide different methods for selecting children for responsible roles (use counting rhymes, lots, etc.).
  4. Use different ways children's organizations.
  5. Take care of the rational use of equipment and inventory, environmental items.
  6. Strive to create a good, friendly atmosphere that encourages children to freely participate in various games, to the manifestation of activity and creative initiative.
  7. During games and exercises during walks, conditions should be created so that all children can be independent, active and feel at ease.
  8. When planning outdoor games, it is important to take care of creating a gaming environment (sufficient space for movement, variety and alternation of aids).

When choosing a game for children, the teacher must not only set tasks of a motor nature - to consolidate the skill of a particular movement, but also be sure to develop feelings of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

In our group, children are not only of different ages, but also with functional visual impairments. Therefore, when conducting outdoor games with such children, it is necessary to comply with the strict prescription of an ophthalmologist and pedagogical control over their condition. Control is carried out by monitoring children directly during play, as well as during the day. All kinds of relay races should be carried out with great caution. The game, at first glance, seems simple, but it disorganizes the children; they do not understand its meaning: the children stand in disarray, rather than aligned in a column. Children do not have the self-control to calmly wait for others to run by, and the younger ones are less efficient, they linger and then they are pushed by those standing behind them; Children, even before the end of the game, begin to argue whose team wins, they get so excited that after the end of the game it takes a long time to calm them down and organize them. However, games with elements of competition can and should be given.

The teacher must also remember about the dosage of the game. This is a very important moment. It is difficult to regulate the load in the game; you cannot ask children if they are tired. Captivated by the game, if it is interesting, children do not notice fatigue, but fatigue may already set in. Therefore, the teacher must carefully monitor the external manifestations of fatigue (rapid breathing, redness of the face), the behavior of children (frequent violation of rules, rudeness, lethargy) and end the game in a timely manner.

It must be taken into account that consecutive games that require long-term concentration, attention, or are aimed at developing only one skill (for example, throwing) tire the child, so games should be combined and combined in such a way that they have a diverse effect on the body.

When organizing play activity The following hygiene recommendations should be followed. In the morning, offer to play individually or in small groups. For example, outdoor games “Tail”, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, “Quickly take it and put it down”, “I named it, you look.” Independent games create a calm, joyful mood. To relieve sleep inhibition, games with the motor component, using balls and jump ropes, ring throws and other aids, are advisable. When conducting outdoor games while walking, you need to consider the following. If before the walk there were training sessions with statistical stress, it is better to start it with an outdoor game. If dynamic activities preceded it, it is more advisable to organize the game in the middle of the walk. It is not recommended to end it with an active game. You also need to take into account the time of year and weather conditions.

When conducting outdoor games, it is noticeable that higher performance and the desire to further master motor skills are manifested in children when using a variety of objects, toys, and aids. Actions with benefits are specific and understandable to children, making it easier for them to master various motor skills. It's already 2-3 year old child It is interesting to step over a block or a stick, to crawl under a tight rope, and he puts his efforts into doing this. The use of manuals adds variety to outdoor games. They allow the teacher to use various exercises more widely, vary tasks, and make changes. So, children crawl under sticks placed on low cubes in a lying position; if the sticks are lying on chairs, they crawl up on all fours, etc. Therefore, in order to increase children’s interest in movement, we first of all expanded the set of equipment and attributes: we purchased new jump ropes, balls, hoops, ring throws; manufactured in required quantity hats, ribbons, plumes, scarves. Particular attention was paid to the placement of equipment. It does not clutter up the usable area of ​​the room, and children can freely take and put any object in its place.

When conducting outdoor games in a group of different ages, you also need to consider the following:

1. The sizes of equipment and aids must correspond to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children.

2. The same manuals and gymnastic equipment should be used for various physical exercises. They must be combined with each other: For example, a gymnastic wall with a ladder or boards of different lengths and widths. The basketball backboard must have a device with which you can easily change its height. This is very convenient for children of different heights.

3. Equipment and aids used in the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten must comply with the requirements, hygiene and rules for protecting the life and health of children.

4. They must meet aesthetic requirements, attract children with shape, color, and a successful combination of them.

When playing in the hall or on the site, you need to use not only large aids (gymnastic walls, benches, etc.), but also small ones that can be folded and rearranged as needed, while attracting older children. For example, “arcs” - older children use them when playing relay races “Who is faster?”, and younger children roll a ball in them or crawl under them in outdoor games “In the Goal” or “Mice in the Pantry”.

Balls for children are also selected depending on age. For example: a ball with a diameter of 20 - 25 centimeters can be used in all groups, and a ball with a diameter of 10 - 12 centimeters only in the senior or preparatory group. Children have difficulty learning to play ball. To interest them, we divide the children into pairs and give the task: roll the balls so that they meet, or use games here - relay races, when the team that passes the ball correctly and quickly wins, etc.

Children's interest increases when they gain confidence in their abilities. For older children, the games become more difficult. For example, in the game “Bear the Bear in the Forest,” the bear must crawl through a hoop or jump over a log before catching children. In the game “Fox in the Chicken Coop,” the cord is pulled higher on one side and lower on the other. The child has a choice - to climb where it is lower or where it is higher, and the teacher can evaluate the actions and skills of the children.

In older age groups, outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity should be planned during walks. So, over the course of a month, more than 20 outdoor games can be played, while 3–4 new games are learned.

Since our group is not only of different ages, but also corrective in vision, when conducting outdoor games it is necessary to take into account the nature of visual impairments in children.

In games using various attributes, children learn to master these objects and at the same time they exercise their vision in tracking movement. In games of throwing, throwing, rolling, children develop their eye and accuracy of hits, which are impossible without the participation of vision. To make it easier for children to orient themselves in space while running and walking, they need to use colored cubes and flags that limit the space and show the direction of movement. Using attributes for orientation forces children to actively exercise their vision. Thus, the visual and motor abilities of children develop. In games of a sports nature, one also cannot do without the participation of vision, so here too the eye muscles are trained.

So, we realized that paraphernalia is necessary when conducting outdoor games for the full physical development of a child, so we need to update our sports corners in the group, purchase more modern equipment, and the invaluable value of outdoor games for children has long been known.
