Why tanks crash on Windows 7. World of Tanks crashes on startup - what to do? World of Tanks won't install

In order to objectively analyze the causes of problems with the game, you first need to understand how its client works. When you tear off the game folder, you will notice that it weighs a lot compared to most other games. This is due to the fact that WOT stores the bulk of data on your device and only downloads a small part of it during the game itself. Unpacked, with high video settings, you can see the client's size up to 55 GB. Any damage to these files may result in the game not working.

The integrity of files as a whole may be compromised for the following reasons:

  • Emergency shutdown of the PC during a game or update;
  • Network disconnects while updating the game;
  • Deleting a file by a malicious virus or while your antivirus is running;
  • Installation of low-quality modifications to the game;

According to statistics, Word of Tank game crashes most of all precisely because of the last point. There are many modifications, but not all are done in good faith. New files come into conflict with the game client, which causes the game to close. Even the game developers themselves have repeatedly stated that it is better not to use mods to avoid such problems. But if you really like playing with them, let’s consider the main options resolving departure problemsWOT.

Why does the word of tanks game crash when starting the game and what to do about it.

The first thing you should do if you encounter a game crash immediately upon launch is to check the minimum requirements of the program itself. It is possible that your device simply does not have the minimum parameters required to start.

If your hardware is suitable, but the game still stubbornly prevents you from playing it, you need to pay attention to the graphics settings. Unfortunately, the game is designed in such a way that the minimum parameters for being able to play and the maximum are very different. If the game settings are set to maximum, then perhaps your computer simply cannot handle them. As a result, the game crashes. In the settings, there is a button for “recommended” parameters. By clicking it, the client will configure itself for your hardware.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the WOT game may conflict with the installed OS. It is recommended to run the game launcher “as an administrator”, in compatibility mode with your OS. Another reason could be an outdated game driver. Before starting, you should update the video driver and install Windows system components, such as: DirectX, .Net Framework, Visual C++

If none of the above methods suits you, we recommend that you contact the forum Wargaming.net. Of course, you will have to wait with your application on the forum, but they will certainly answer the question there, why does the game crashwordoftanks on an individual basis.

Why does Word of tanks crash during the game?

The game launched normally, there were no problems in the menu. You start the match, clientwot crashes when loading a battle. Every second player faces this problem. As mentioned earlier, there is most likely a problem with the integrity of the game files. To solve it, first of all, it is recommended to disable the antivirus program, or add WoT to its exceptions. Then you should remove all installed mods for the game. If this does not help, use the launcher to check the integrity of the game itself. It is advisable to do this as an administrator and with the antivirus program.

If it's all the same World of Tank kicks you out of the game, then you should pay attention to the condition of your PC. First of all, download the utility Everest and check the device temperature during running game. WoT tends to load your video card during battle, especially on maximum settings. If your hardware overheats, your OS is designed to automatically close the program that poses a threat. It is quite possible that it is simply time to clean your computer from dust or change its thermal paste for better performance of the cooling system. Having done this, the temperature will become lower and the game will stop crashing.

WoT game crashes during battle

Since the game has started and the battle has loaded, the task of finding the problem is greatly simplified. If only because we now know for sure that the game files are in order. If this happens, first of all you should pay attention to the readings of your system. The reason may be the same overheating. Download Everest and check the temperature using the utility.

If the temperature is normal, open the task manager and look at the load on your processor and RAM. The computer can be loaded by third-party processes that are launched accidentally or on purpose. For example, most of the Mail.ru utilities. Which could get onto your computer when installing a browser or torrent. They have the ability to scan your device in real time. Of course, this will load your system, and under heavy load the game will either freeze or close completely. It is recommended to close unnecessary processes and try playing. If WoT will stop flying, the reason is found and solved at the same time.

There may also be a variation that your computer does not have unlocked RAM. That is, physically you have it. The minimum requirements are suitable, the game sees it and starts, but the system has set a limit on its use. In order to unlock the memory, you should do the following:

  1. Open either the command line or the Windows “Run” tab. You can find it in the pop-up menu in the lower left corner.
  2. There we uncheck the “Maximum memory” parameter

If there was a limitation, then it is quite possible that this was the answer to the question, why does it throw you out of the game?wordoftanks. The system simply did not allow memory to be used beyond the specified limit.

Another reason for frequent game crashes may be a clogged cache memory of the program itself. In order to clean it, you need to delete the contents of the folder along this path. C\Users\\AppData\Roaming\ Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks. Where USERNAME is your username. When deleting files, the system may display a message that this deletion may affect the performance of the program. There is no need to be afraid of this, everything will work, only your login and password, which were saved with the “remember” button, will be lost. Moreover, if this operation has never been done before, then your game will run faster, since a clogged cache memory also tends to slow down the gameplay.

After these operations, problems with the game crashing should stop. In special cases, you should contact the project forum for help. I hope this article helped solve your problems.

Every gamer has at least once heard about World of Tanks, and perhaps spent more than one hour in the game. This is a multiplayer game in which you choose your own units of equipment, upgrade them and fight with other gamers who are doing the same. The main advantage of this project is the fact that the developers have made every effort to make the game as similar to reality as possible. And they succeeded in many ways - almost all the characteristics of tanks, guns and other elements correspond to what they really were. Thus, this game suitable for anyone who is interested in tanks or likes to spend time playing an exciting game in which you can act together with your friends or fight against them. However, it is worth noting that for some gamers this game may crash, which does not make them particularly happy. But don’t be prematurely upset about such problems - both the developers themselves and the creators of popular modifications for the game are looking for permanent and reliable solutions. And if World of Tanks crashes for you, you should either wait until the developers release something specific, or use some tips to help you play your favorite simulator.

Removal and installation

The first thing you need to try if World of Tanks crashes for you is to delete your client. Don't worry about the progress you've made, nothing will be lost or disappear. The fact is that all the necessary information is stored on the game servers. And when you delete the client, you only remove from your computer the means to play WoT, but all your tanks, your resources and experience remain. Therefore, feel free to delete the client, and then reinstall it again, only without various modifications and patches. This should help - in most cases, gamers can safely play on a clean client without experiencing crashes. Naturally, you can gradually try to add mods that interest you, patch the game and see if the crashes return. It is quite possible that everything will remain ok. This way, you can find the very element that was stopping you from playing. However, this does not always help, and if World of Tanks crashes for you even after reinstalling, then you need to try other methods.

Reinstalling Java

In some cases, the problem with World of Tanks crashing is that you do not have the latest Java update package installed correctly. The game uses Java, so if something is wrong with this block software, then you will need to completely remove all existing Java components, and then reinstall them by downloading them from the official website. Naturally, this is not a universal way to deal with this problem, but it’s worth trying all the methods that have been and will be indicated in this article. You don't need to do all the steps - try the steps in order until one of them suits you. If your World of Tanks game crashes, then you should think about solving this problem as soon as possible, because this will allow you to quickly return to the game and continue leveling up without wasting a minute.


Most popular mod, which is installed WoT players, is XVM, which is also called a reindeer measurer. With this free and legal modification, you can get advanced statistics on the game, change the sight, display the names and indicators of opponents, and much more. At the same time, the main advantage of this mod is that you can completely customize it, that is, customize it to your taste, disabling services you don’t need and connecting the ones you need. But if you start wondering “Why does World of Tanks crash?”, you definitely need to check if everything is okay with this modification. The fact is that the creators of the mod are constantly working to improve and improve their product, so you can download a more stable and reliable version at any time. If your World of Tanks client crashes, you need to check all the possibilities, and the XVM mod should be one of the first to be checked. Naturally, if you use other mods, you will also need to try to remove or reinstall them to finally make sure that they are not the cause of the crashes.

Application.swf file

The game package, which contains all the mods for the game, contains the Application.swf file, which can cause crashes for certain, as yet unknown reasons. Of course, if you remove it, some of your modifications (especially those related to the garage) will no longer work. However, many gamers report that their WoT stopped crashing immediately after deleting this file. So the sacrifice may well be justified.

Video card drivers

Also, drivers for the video card can be a very important point - always check that they are up to date, because they directly affect how many of your images will be displayed. computer games. Outdated drivers are what often cause crashes in World of Tanks, so perhaps when you update them, everything will return to normal.

Quite often people encounter a problem that irritates them most in this world. Alas, she is not connected with the neighbors and their constant friction, she is not connected with her mother-in-law, who is already so fed up that sometimes it is simply impossible to endure. Everything is much simpler, but so annoying, because a lot of players have encountered a similar problem, when you first registered for what seems like an eternity, then downloaded the game even longer, and it is huge, despite the fact that the Internet is simply useless. Yes, yes, every already experienced player vividly remembers his first day in the game, or rather outside of it, while he had to spend the whole day, or even more, to finally play such an alluring game world of tanks. Many beginners encounter this problem and, unfortunately, there is no escape from it. But even this is not as frustrating for the player as the situation when a newly downloaded world of tanks game crashes upon startup. Then everyone immediately rushes into a rage, because it’s unbearable how much they will suffer with installing the game and downloading it necessary updates, and as a result nothing works. Very often this happens both among new players and among experienced players who have been playing the game for a long time, and then all of a sudden the game stops starting.

As for the problem of launching the World of Tanks client for those people who have just begun to delve into this wonderful game, everything here is quite simple, since many of them simply do not read the minimum requirements for the game. For people of this type, Wargaming has compiled a number of recommendations for launching the game and possible problems, due to which the client may not start. The fact is that the very first thing you need to make sure is that the machine on which you want to play world of tanks has the necessary technical characteristics for this, and they should be as follows:

Operating system on the Windows platform of any version such as XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10;
- availability of an Internet connection with a speed above 256 Kbps;
- a central processor with at least two active cores, with a power of 2.2 GHz;
- availability of RAM with a capacity of 2 GB, for more comfortable game recommended
use a computer with 4 GB of RAM;
- a graphics card with at least 256 MB of memory and DirectX 9.0c installed;
- the sound card must also be compatible with DirectX 9.0c;
- in addition, for installation and comfortable gaming it is recommended to have at least 20 GB
free space on your drive.

Very often, it is precisely because the minimum characteristics of the machine are not met that the game does not start or works very poorly. To avoid unnecessary workload, customer support recommends that you familiarize yourself with these characteristics. In addition to having the necessary technical characteristics of the computer, there are also requirements for software that must be installed on the computer, since during the game it is this that is used for its normal functioning. Such software includes the following tools:

Availability of the latest version of drivers for the graphics card installed, depending
from its manufacturer (NVIDIA, Radeon, Intel);
- if you have problems with sound during the game, it is recommended to update and install
latest version drivers for sound card computer (drivers must be
used exclusively from the official website of the developer);
- in addition to these two very important components, the player’s computer must have
The latest version of DirectX must be installed, taken from the official website
Microsoft companies;
- the presence of such libraries is required for the game to function as a Microsoft add-on
Visual C++ 2008 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 according to your operating system type
- also make sure that you have the following versions of the program installed NET Framework like 1,
3, 3.5 and 4.0, since without their installation the game will not work the same as without the previous programs
- don’t forget about installing such a useful add-on as nVidia Physx.

There are cases, both among beginners and among experienced players, when even after installing all the necessary software package, the game does not want to start. In this case, it is time to talk about whether your computer is infected with viruses. Recently, they have most often begun to block access to the game, as well as steal personal data of players, which include logins, passwords and email addresses. The question of why World of Tanks crashes at launch even for regular players continues to torment me. The fact is that there are millions of such people around the world and their problems are very different depending on the cause of their occurrence. Someone installed latest modifications, which block files and lead to a general crash, so the game closes, someone accidentally deleted the necessary file instead of removing the add-ons, and someone simply interrupted the updates, and as a result of this, a crash occurred, after which the game stopped running. In most cases, simply reinstalling the game helps, which not only completely creates all the original files, but also clears the game of modifications. It happens that the game crashes when launching world of tanks and those who have already used this recommendation and reinstalled the game, but still something is wrong. Quite often this is due to damage to the operating system, which over time from the moment of installation becomes clogged with unnecessary programs and many files that not only burden its operation, but can also interrupt the normal functioning of everything in it. Therefore, simply reinstalling it also very often solves all the problems that may arise both while working with this game and when launching other games.

To this day, many errors in the game itself cannot be ruled out, which for some reason the developers are in no hurry to solve. Therefore, there are times when it is these bugs that lead to the problem of launching the game and enjoying the immediate gameplay. Like other well-known errors of crashing out of the battle itself, loading tanks in the air, or simply freezing in battle out of the blue, there is an error that is directly related to the client crashing. A bug that closes the game when minimizing the game panel and many, many others. All this is possible even despite the fact that you have just downloaded the game and you have all the gaming software necessary for a successful launch, and the hardware is so cool that Jov himself might envy it. If after all this the game still crashes, then you are welcome to “bomb” the game’s user support service as soon as possible. Perhaps they will not only help you solve the problem associated with the game crashing at startup, but will also think about the fact that if the number of requests related to the game and errors in it increases, then perhaps it is worth thinking about fixing them. And, of course, if you have tried all the methods and nothing helps, then you definitely need to contact them as often as possible and then the developers will finally start thinking about the simplest players and their problems and will take care of everything.

After all, the errors that we encounter day after day have accumulated over many years from the day the game was created and released to the public, and no one wants to solve them, which is very, very sad, considering that the game has gained such popularity among people all over the world.

Options to solve the problem:

Problem Solving

Option 1.

Run the WorldofTanks.exe application as Administrator.

Option 2.

Removing mods. Go to the catalog res_mods –> . We delete all files from the folder.

Option 3.

Update the drivers for the video card and reinstall DirectX. Download them from the official websites of your video card manufacturer.

Option 4. OK.

Option 5.

Right-click on WorldofTanks.exe, select Properties A, tab Compatibility . We set the lowest compatibility – Windows 95. OK.

If it doesn’t help, we return to the starting position.

Option 6.

Let's rename the file WorldofTanks.exe to file WorldofTanks000.exe. In this case, it will be impossible to log in through the launcher. If it doesn't help, we return everything as it was.

Option 7.

Create in the catalog WorldofTanks folder with the user name (see option 4.), inside it there are sequential subfolders AppData -> Local -> Temp .

Option 8.

Removing the game client completely WorldofTanks from your computer and install it again

Any questions left, ask...

World of tanks is a popular online project that has won the love of many users. More than a dozen updates and additions have already been released for this exciting game and every day players are increasingly asking one question - why is World of tanks being thrown out of the game? Well, this problem occurs quite often and there is no exact answer why this happens, but today we will try to answer this question, and also identify the main recommendations for resolving the problem.

So why is WoT crashing?

Some gamers suggest that this problem in the game is caused by mods that players like to install in order to simplify and speed up the gameplay.

There are also frequent cases when a malfunction occurs in the game client itself. Today, both the creators of the game itself and gamers are puzzling over how to get rid of crashes, but, unfortunately, there is no 100% solution to all kinds of crashes.

It is important to know: if you have mods installed for the game, then the main evil lies in them, so it is recommended to completely remove them from your gaming device.

Throws it on the desktop

This crash occurs even if you do not use mods. To solve this problem, you can try to completely remove the game client from your computer, since it is possible that a serious malfunction in its operation can lead to a similar case.

It is important to know: on the Internet you can find many versions of the client for World of tanks, as well as other patches. For reliable operation of the application, it is strongly recommended to download and install the client from the official website of the game.

If you have reinstalled the client, but the problem is not solved, then you can try another more complex and time-consuming method. You can manually delete Java scripts that store information about the old version of an application. In order to do this, go to the Control Panel, then, programs and components (starting with Windows 7, this menu item is called – Add or Remove Programs), find Java and completely remove it. Now you will need to download a new one again Java version and install it on your personal computer.

Crashes on startup

Exactly this flight associated with the presence of mods for the game. Below is a list of mods that disrupt the program (if desired, they can be updated or completely removed from the computer’s file system):

  1. XVM mod - you don’t have to delete it, since more has been released new build. Important: Before installing updates, completely clear the application cache.
  2. Jove Modpack - you can also refrain from deleting it, because the developers quickly released an update that eliminates game crashes.

Simply download and install the new version, first deleting the old one.

It is important to know: even if you use any other mod that is based on Jove Modpack, and you have problems with crashes, you can also update this mod and continue to use the game safely.

You already know the solution to the problem - just remove them or update them, and your favorite game will begin to function fully again.

Throws out during battle

This is not due to poor client performance or the presence of any mods. Most likely, the problem lies in an intermittent or missing Internet connection; this factor is critical for any online game. To resolve this problem, do the following: disconnect and reconnect your Internet cable, after which the connection will be established (if this does not help you, then contact the provider that provides you with these services).

Also, crashes and brakes may be caused by an overly high graphics level. It is enough to delete the preferences.xml file, which is responsible for WoT settings, including graphic options. After deleting and starting the game for the first time, all your settings will be reset, so it is recommended to make a backup copy of the file (in case the crashes do not disappear).

You can find this file in the following directories:

Windows 7: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\preferences.xml

Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application Data\wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\preferences.xml

Crashes after update

Often, patches are released to fix game bugs and add new features. But there are times when updates only bring disappointment in the form of crashing from an online game. Similar things can be found in World of tanks. In order to get rid of this problem you need to remove already installed client and reinstall the game. Please be patient and wait for the latest update.


As you can see, there are many problems that can spoil the impression of gameplay, but also, there are many solutions that can fix this or that problem.

If it happens that after long battles your game refuses to start or simply crashes during a battle, there could be many reasons for this. World of Tanks, like any other program on Windows, tends to glitch from time to time and show windows with errors.

So let's figure out why World of Tanks is being kicked out of the game, there can be many reasons

1) The game may crash after the next update. This may simply be an incomplete downloaded file from the update server, which does not allow the launcher to continue working. To do this, in the game folder you need to find the Updates directory; there are folders with updates there. Try uninstalling the current update and downloading it again. The reason for under-pumping may be a broken Internet connection or a power outage.

2) Usually World of Tanks tends to crash during a battle or operations in the Hangar. The first reason may be the installation of various mods that can change the game interface and add some advantages. Such mods significantly slow down the game, to the point that you will not be able to get into battle.

3) Sometimes you cannot log in, although you enter the information for your account correctly, then clearing the cache can help. All your game settings are stored in the cache, and you need to delete them. To do this, click on the “Win ​​+ R” combination and enter the word “%appdata”. Then find the “wargaming.net\World of Tanks” folder, you need to completely clear it, of course, then all the game parameters will need to be configured again.

The reason may lie in a hardware or software malfunction of your computer.

4) First, you need to make sure that your computer meets the minimum requirements to run the game, you need a processor with the SSE2 instruction set and a frequency of 2.2 GHz, at least 1.5 GB, preferably 2 GB of RAM and a video card with 256 MB of video memory.

With each update, the game’s “appetite” grows, and you will most likely need to replace the hardware with a newer one. If everything is fine, make sure that you have the latest drivers for your video card and the necessary DirectX and Visual C++ libraries installed, without these libraries the game will most likely crash with errors.

5) The next reason why he throws out Games World of Tanks is a poor connection speed to the server and high ping. This usually happens during a battle; if your ping is too high, then you can lose control of your tank, even to the point of being kicked out of the server.

6) It is impossible to enter the Hangar while entering credentials. These may be more likely internal problems with the Wargaming servers. You should wait a while and try to enter the game again.

These are the main solutions to the problem of crashing from the World of Tanks game. We hope that some of the tips will help you not to encounter crashes, because it is so unpleasant.

For smartphones and tablets based on the Android OS, there are a huge number of all kinds of games for every taste, from the simplest casual games to shooters with excellent graphics. Even if the user is using the most powerful device on the market, this may not prevent the game from crashing. Why can games crash on Android devices and what to do in this case?

Reasons for games crashing

  • The most common reason- poor optimization of the game for a specific device. In other words, if on your smartphone from one company the game runs great and doesn’t crash, then on a more powerful tablet from another company you may encounter constant crashes. The only thing you can do in this case is to contact the developer - you can leave a review in the Google Play Store with a wish to optimize the game for a specific device.
  • Another reason is poor optimization of the game in general. In this case, crashes will occur on all or most devices. In this case, as a rule, you need to wait for an update from the developer that will fix this bug.
  • The game is not designed for your version of Android OS. For example, if the game requirements say that the required OS version for the application is 4.1 and higher, and you run it on Android 2.3, then the game may not start at all or will start but crash. Don't forget to look at the requirements when downloading applications.
  • Please also note that some toys may be designed for certain device models, for example, for a specific processor. In this case, the game may start, but will crash. You need to download an application that is suitable for your device.
  • If you download the application not from Google Play Store, but from another resource, it is possible that the problem is in a broken link. Download the application again.
  • Often the problem occurs when installing the cache. As we know, if a user downloads a game from third party resource, then he needs to install the cache himself. So, if you confuse the folder for installing the cache, this can lead not only to crashes, but also to other problems with the game.
  • Don't forget that some games are extremely demanding on hardware. Crashing due to a lack of resources is not a surprising phenomenon.

What to do?

It is clear that in some cases, if, for example, the game is not intended for your device, nothing can be done. In other situations, you can try to help yourself. How?

  • If you don't see any reason for the game to crash, first reboot your device. This will help, firstly, to overcome some failure in the system, if any, and secondly, it will free up additional memory.
  • Just try to unload all unnecessary applications from memory, that is, close them.

  • Reinstall the application. To do this, you need to download it again.
  • In some cases, the application may work fine on a more recent firmware version. Try updating your device's firmware if an update appears.
  • Just in case, use an antivirus, since problems may be associated with malicious files or programs that are on the device.

  • Finally, you can have the device diagnosed at a technical center if it is not doing its job. But this should only be done if problems occur with all games, and not just with one.

We will be grateful if you tell us about your methods of solving problems with game crashes.

Complaints about the quality of Apple products are extremely rare, and any user will confirm this. Of course, from time to time, user messages appear on forums about various problems with mobile devices. But this usually happens not due to hardware problems, but due to the fault of the user himself. Thus, careless handling of the device often leads to its breakdown.

Nevertheless, there are problems with tablets and smartphones from the Apple company. Fortunately, most of them are easy to resolve. Moreover, the user can handle it on his own without going to a repair shop. And one of the most common difficulties is games crashing on the iPad. The owner of the device is completely bewildered and cannot understand what happened.

In this article we will tell you why games crash on iPad and what to do in such a situation. We will also look at the reasons why a game (or several programs at once) crashes.

Game crashes on iPad: reasons

If this happens to your tablet more and more often, try to determine the reason. And our selection below will help you with this.

The most common causes of the problem when gaming software crashes on the iPad mini:

1 The device is damaged. Do not forget that if you accidentally drop the device, irreversible changes may occur inside, and as a result the tablet will not function correctly. Failure of the “filling” elements can occur both during normal operation and when the user tries to perform any function. 2 The authors of the software missed any important points. If you regularly get kicked out of the program, it is obviously due to developer errors. During code development, programmers could make mistakes. Unfortunately, this happens often in small companies. But a single specialist, working more scrupulously, could make a mistake. 3 Incorrect exchange of information between devices. Using iTunes means that access to all programs for the gadget will be provided only to the tablet that has an account or has exchanged data with it. Therefore, when a user tries to enter the utility by entering the data of another user, the program may refuse him and not start. 4 Incorrectly installed software. Just because you ordered software elements does not mean that they will work correctly. It often happens that the operation stalls at 90-99%. In such situations, the program will not function. It happens that the software freezes during the installation process, and the user cannot do anything despite its spontaneous completion.

So, what conclusions can we draw from the above? In most situations, the software is to blame, but not the device itself. Therefore, the problem can be easily solved by the user himself. To this end, he will have to follow a simple algorithm of actions - and the difficulty will be resolved. However, in rare cases nothing helps. Here the user is recommended to do only one thing - seek help from the developers.

What to do when games crash on iPad?

Knowing the origins of the problem, it is very easy to reach its solution. Let us emphasize once again that game software crashes are a big nuisance for any user. And this is especially upsetting for an avid gamer. After all, he is deprived of full access to his favorite toy or to its individual options.

Among other things, when toys fly out on a tablet, the owner of the device falls into complete bewilderment. Usually he thinks that there has been a serious breakdown with the gadget. But this one is almost always wrong. The problem in 99% of cases is solved by a standard update of the operating system to the latest version.

If after performing the above step the problem has not been resolved, the problem is in the program code. If you are not a professional programmer, you are unlikely to be able to figure this out. Contact the author of the software if you can’t imagine yourself without your favorite toy.

Preventive measures

To prevent such a nuisance as toys flying out on your tablet from befalling you, do not neglect preventive measures. Namely, regularly do the following:

1 Keep an eye on the technical parameters. If the software does not want to launch in any way, perhaps the characteristics of the tablet are too old for it. Here the user will have to decide to purchase a new device or be left without his favorite entertainment. However, even the best programs can always be replaced. Less demanding applications will most likely work fine in this situation. 2 Update the operating system and the toys themselves. If the latter do not want to work, obviously the tablet requires a new firmware version. In addition, updating the software will not be superfluous. 3 Reboot your device if any problem occurs. This trivial method often works wonders. But if it didn’t help, don’t be lazy and once again run your eyes through all the recommendations given in this article and follow them.

It only remains to emphasize that in the vast majority of cases when games crash on iPad, software code errors are to blame. Therefore, all measures taken by the user may turn out to be useless.

The latest versions of Android are not stable, resulting in many applications, including games, crashing or freezing. But there are ways to help fix this problem.

Why games crash on Android and ways to solve this problem

Recently, many users have begun to complain about the Android operating system and say that very often, for no apparent reason, it can freeze or prevent some applications from launching. You have to reboot the device, after which everything starts working as normal. The situation is especially sad when the user is thrown out of a game or other application without any warnings or saving what they have achieved.

Let us consider in more detail the reasons for the occurrence of such emergency situations.:

1. Poor optimization. Due to the emergence of devices with different numbers of processor cores, this reason affected not only games, but also applications. Developers usually rely on certain technical characteristics.

2. The game is not designed for certain devices. In other words, if a game is just being introduced, it may not have, for example, a certain resolution and is tailored for a specific one (Full HD is required, but the device only supports HD). As a rule, in these cases, developers release special programs (utilities) that correct these shortcomings, but at first it may not be there.

3. System requirements do not match your device. The developers try to visualize the interface as much as possible and add as many special effects as possible. But, sometimes, some devices simply cannot process large number information, which leads to unstable operation of the game.

4. The game is written for a newer version of Android, than installed on your device. As a result, the program may simply not even install.

5. Developer shortcomings. There are situations when the creators themselves missed several errors, as a result of which the game slows down or crashes. In this case, contact the Play Market directly.

6. The application cache is not located in the correct directory.

What to do if Android throws you out of the game

1. Download and install one of the optimizer programs, for example, Clean Master Phone Boost. It will help you set the optimal settings for a specific application, and you will be able to play without visible lags or unplanned crashes.

Remember, to install such an application you must have root rights.

2. Close applications that you are not using while playing. This will help free up RAM and processor, thereby increasing device performance and allocating maximum resources for the game.

3. Install new firmware version. This will allow you to install and play modern, newly released games. Visit the smartphone manufacturer's website and compare the latest firmware version with the current one. If there is a newer version, download and flash your smartphone.

4. Reset your device to factory settings. There are times when the phone may slow down, and toys may constantly crash, due to the presence of viruses or incorrect user settings.

5. Use the services. Braking and crashes may not be related to the settings, but to the device itself. It is possible that some components do not work as intended. maximum level or completely failed.

If it happens that after long battles your game refuses to start or simply crashes during a battle, there could be many reasons for this. World of Tanks, like any other program on Windows, tends to glitch from time to time and show windows with errors.

So let's figure out why World of Tanks is being kicked out of the game, there can be many reasons

1) The game may crash after the next update. This may simply be an incomplete downloaded file from the update server, which does not allow the launcher to continue working. To do this, in the game folder you need to find the Updates directory; there are folders with updates there. Try uninstalling the current update and downloading it again. The reason for under-pumping may be a broken Internet connection or a power outage.

2) Usually World of Tanks tends to crash during a battle or operations in the Hangar. The first reason may be the installation of various mods that can change the game interface and add some advantages. Such mods significantly slow down the game, to the point that you will not be able to get into battle.

3) Sometimes you cannot log in, although you enter the information for your account correctly, then clearing the cache can help. All your game settings are stored in the cache, and you need to delete them. To do this, click on the “Win ​​+ R” combination and enter the word “%appdata”. Then find the “wargaming.net\World of Tanks” folder, you need to completely clear it, of course, then all the game parameters will need to be configured again.

The reason may lie in a hardware or software malfunction of your computer.

4) First you need to make sure your computer matches minimum requirements To run the game, you need a processor with the SSE2 instruction set and a frequency of 2.2 GHz, at least 1.5 GB, preferably 2 GB of RAM and a video card with 256 MB of video memory.

With each update, the game’s “appetite” grows, and you will most likely need to replace the hardware with a newer one. If everything is fine, make sure that you have the latest drivers for your video card and the necessary DirectX and Visual C++ libraries installed, without these libraries the game will most likely crash with errors.

5) The next reason why World of Tanks kicks you out of the game is poor connection speed to the server and high ping. This usually happens during a battle; if your ping is too high, then you can lose control of your tank, even to the point of being kicked out of the server.

6) It is impossible to enter the Hangar while entering credentials. These may be more likely internal problems with the Wargaming servers. You should wait a while and try to enter the game again.

These are the main solutions to the problem of crashing from the World of Tanks game. We hope that some of the tips will help you not to encounter crashes, because it is so unpleasant.
