The nuances of bowling. Bowling for beginners: simple rules for a good game

The essence of bowling is to knock down as many pins as possible with the ball.

One game for each player consists of 10 frames. The player's task is to knock down all 10 pins in each frame.

In each frame, the player can make 2 throws of the ball.
1. If the 10 pin is knocked down on the first throw, the player does not throw the ball a second time.
2. if 10 pins are knocked down from the first throw in the tenth frame, the player is given two bonus throws, and if from the second throw - one.

The number of points in each frame is equal to the number of pins knocked down (except for strikes and spares).

Strike: If a player knocks down 10 pins on the first throw, such a throw is called a strike and is designated "X", points in this frame are awarded at the rate of 10 plus bonus points - the sum of points for the two subsequent throws.

Spare: If a player knocks down 10 pins with two throws in one frame, such two throws are called spaa and are designated “/”, the number of points in this frame is awarded at the rate of 10 plus bonus points - the number of points for one subsequent throw.

If a player crosses the foul line, the shot does not count, regardless of the number of pins knocked down. This throw is designated "F". The result of the game is the sum of the results of all 10 frames.

If desired, the result of the game can be printed at the reception desk from our bowling operator. He will answer all your questions.


Before the throw...

How to hold the ball correctly

A standard three-hole ball is grasped with the thumb, middle and ring fingers. The thumb is completely immersed, and the middle and ring finger are only submerged up to the second joint. The little finger and index finger lie freely on the surface of the ball, and the palm only slightly touches it.

This is a "traditional grip" of the ball. If the ball's holes fit the player's fingers, this allows the player to swing without squeezing the ball. Don't worry about your fingers getting stuck in the holes. To play well, it is very important to have a ball that is the right size for your fingers.

When making a ball of suitable size, the distance between the thumb and the rest of the fingers is taken into account. Once the correct angle and location for the holes is determined, the professionals get to work.

The ball is considered the most important and personal part of an athlete's equipment.
Starting position

When you enter the runway area, you will notice dotted lines. They are located at a distance of 4.5 m and 3.6 m from the spade line. These lines help determine the correct starting location for the takeoff run. Children need to stand closer to the foul line than adults because their steps are shorter. In any case, it is advisable for the player to stand closer to the foul line. After acquiring some skills, you can move away. Whatever the running distance, do not step beyond the foul line. Your foot should stop at least a foot from the line. A good position is with your feet together and your body slightly tilted forward. This will give you a feeling of free readiness rather than tension. The ball must be held with the right hand (if the player is left-handed, then with the left) from below at a level between the waist and chest, and only slightly support it with the other hand. Turn your shoulders at right angles to the target. The free hand supports the ball. The wrist should not tilt back. The elbow of the hand with the ball is pressed to the thigh. Knees slightly bent. Feet are placed together and directed towards the target.

There is a little "trick" when aiming in bowling. Usually, if we want to hit something, we look at the target. But experienced bowlers almost never look at the pins! The idea is to roll the ball towards the pins that are far enough away and aim at the pins that are close.

Arrows - direction indicators, placed at a distance of 4.57 m from the line of the offensive line, serve as a target indicator. Usually it is along them that the aiming is carried out.

There are seven arrows on the track. The middle one is located in the center of the track, in line with the main pin. The rest of the arrows are also aligned to the corresponding fonts.

Your starting position relative to the center of the lane and your aiming point are selected depending on the desired trajectory of the ball. By changing the starting position or the aiming point, or both, you can achieve the desired result. After each throw, evaluate how accurate the aim was and whether it should be changed.
The moment of the throw...

Swing (swing)

The swing of the ball (swing) is based on the “pendulum principle”. Its essence is that the hand and the ball form a “pendulum”, which has the greatest energy at the lowest point of the trajectory. Using this principle, it will be easier for you to make a throw.

From the starting position, the ball is first sent forward, then a backswing is made (reverse swing), after which the hand with the ball, like a pendulum, rushes down and a throw is made. The height of the backswing should be from waist level to shoulder level, with the arm straight.

Regarding the weight of the ball, use a ball that can be swung back and forth freely and comfortably. The ball is too heavy for you if your wrist bends during the swing or the weight of the ball forces you to lower your shoulder. And too light if you feel like you can throw it around. Steps

The next principle of bowling is the optimal number of steps when performing a set. For beginners, it is recommended to use a 4-step approach. For experienced players, you can add a fifth step. The steps are simple, walking type, in a normal manner - from heel to toe.

The first step should be the shortest. The last one, since it involves sliding, should be the longest. On the final step, the player's boot hits the approach area with the balls of his feet, then makes a sliding motion, and the body weight is transferred to the heel to stop.

The ball comes forward and begins to move down and back.

The ball moves down and back.

The ball moves back and up to its maximum swing.

The ball moves down and forward.

Take the first step with your right foot and, in order not to lose your pace, count: “1-2-3-4”. In truth, the sheer number of steps is not as important as your ability to coordinate your movements during the run; your swing and steps should flow together into a natural, continuous chain of motion.

If the number of steps you take allows you to achieve maximum result- this is right for you, regardless of any principles.

Connecting the swing and run-up together

The start of the run is the moment to set the pace of movement. Concentrate on performing your swing and steps together and in sync. They will determine how successful the entire approach will be. You need to use the power of your steps so that all the accumulated energy of movement is transferred to the ball at the moment when you release it to roll along the path.

This can be achieved by swinging the ball with the greatest amplitude, so that it goes back as far as possible on the penultimate step. The first three steps are taken during the backswing. And when the ball begins its downward movement - the last step, sliding and throwing. The leg sliding on the last step and the hand rocking the ball move forward together, and the ball is released at the moment when the slide comes to an end.

Ball launch (throw)

The ball should be released on the last step, at the moment when it moves past the ankle of the sliding leg. The distance from the ball to the ankle should be 2.5 - 5 cm. This requires bending over a little. Bend the knee of your supporting leg on the last step and tilt your upper body forward 15-20 degrees.

To maintain balance, at the moment of the throw, the middle of the chest should be just above the knee of the sliding leg. During the approach, keep your head straight, focus your eyes on the target, and extend your free arm to the side.

After the throw is completed, the player's hand rises from the ball's launch point to shoulder level or higher. The movement of the hand should follow a line straight towards the target and should not deviate either to the right or to the left. Although the ball has already been thrown at this moment, you need to practice completing the throw completely.

A good player can be easily identified by the way he throws the ball and completes the throw. After the throw is completed, the player's arm rises from the ball's launch point to shoulder level or higher. The direction of the hand should be strictly forward, and not to the left or right. This movement improves swing function and helps you maintain better balance.

Bowling technique: target and strategy.

Throw angle (attack)

The angle of the throw is important for a successful shot because it helps the ball maintain its trajectory. The ball should go into the “pocket” between the 1st and 3rd pins at an angle from right to left and knock down the 1-3-5-9 pins. In this case, the player's chances of hitting STRIKE increase significantly.

Spin balls move from right to left at a greater angle, resulting in a steeper angle of entry into the 1-3 pocket. But even without twisting, you can achieve the correct angle of impact by directing the ball with a direct hit into the “pocket” on the right side of the track. In this case, the second arrow from the right is selected as the sight.

Throw theory

As already mentioned, the effectiveness of the throw depends on the angle of the ball hitting the “pocket” between 1 and 3 pins. The angle is determined by the trajectory of the ball, which, in turn, depends on the position of the fingers at the moment the ball is released.

The thumb comes out of the ball first, followed by the other fingers a split second later. In this split second, while your fingers are still holding the ball, it is possible to give it some additional movement (turn, rotation, twist, etc.).

To describe the position of the fingers during various throws, we will use a simple and understandable “clock” model. Imagine a clock placed across the lane on the throwing line, on its right side. Division 12 points directly into the track, 6 points away from the track, and 3 and 9 lie directly on the line of the spade.

Variants of throws will be illustrated taking into account the location of the fingers relative to the imaginary clock. In this case, the thumb is in the center of the “dial”, and the middle and ring fingers form the “clock hand”.
Straight throw (Straight ball)

The trajectory of a straight throw goes from the throw line to the pins in a straight line. A straight throw is created with the fingers positioned at the 6 o'clock position. Typically, a straight ball is thrown into a "pocket" on the far right side of the lane, from right to left.

To perform a STRIKE, a straight throw is significantly less effective than, for example, an arced throw. This is due to the fact that the angle of entry into the “pocket” between the 1st and 3rd pins is quite small and the straight ball easily deviates from the “correct” trajectory. This results in the ball hitting the third pin full force at point-blank range and barely touching the 5th pin, if at all. You can improve your results with a direct strike using three recommendations:

The average result for a direct throw is 50% STRIKES. If a result of 175-180 points is acceptable to you, you can only use this blow. The straight throw is recommended when performing SPARE, where it is most effective.

Arc Throw (Arc Ball)

With this technique, the ball moves towards the pins in an arc, thereby increasing the angle of attack and improving the result. The position of the fingers on the “clock” when throwing is between 4 and 5. In this case, at the moment the ball is released, it is necessary to turn the fingers counterclockwise. The intensity of the “turn” of the fingers determines the radius of the arc.

Beats "SPARE" (SPEA)

An old bowling adage goes: "Learn to SPARE, the STRIKE will come." These shots are designed to knock down all the pins in one frame in two shots. The main rule is the principle of crossing the path. When the pins are on the left side of the lane, the best starting position will be on the right, and vice versa.

To perform SPARE shots, you need to calculate the trajectory of the ball and aim at the pins located in the last row (7, 8, 9 and 10). Then the pins standing in front of them will be knocked down as if by themselves! To knock down each of the pins 7, 8, 9 and 10 there is “its own” blow with “its own” trajectory.

These make up the four main SPARE strikes using the lane crossing technique. Any combination of attacks that can knock out SPARE can be achieved using the specified trajectories.

For example, to knock down the remaining pins 1-2-4, you should choose the trajectory of hitting pin 8, because in the initial position the 8th pin is located directly behind the 2nd pin. If you need to knock down a combination of 3-6, then you need to use the trajectory to knock out the 9th pin.

Combinations in which the 5th pin remains must be knocked down by launching the ball along the trajectory intended for the STRIKE throw. The straight line for knocking out any of the pins in the back row must pass through the third or fourth (center) arrow or somewhere in between. The starting position is different for each throw.

To be successful at SPARE shots, you must be able to mentally map out the path of the ball crossing the lane and throw it exactly along it. Practice and experience will allow you to make these throws more and more successfully every time.

How to throw a curve ball

The direction of the ball depends primarily on how and when the ball was thrown. But usually, when a ball is thrown, there is some twist and “sidespin.” The best bowlers deliberately side-spin the ball. For beginners, this happens by chance. In any case, twisting affects the movement of the ball. If the ball rotates clockwise, then its direction will be from right to left. The left-hander spins the ball clockwise so that it moves from left to right.

Previously, balls were made of rubber or plastic. But today polyurethane balls are very popular. Such balls spin better and deviate from the target less often.

Twisting of the ball occurs when it first slides off the thumb, and only then from the other two. As soon as the ball is released from the hand, it begins to spin. The direction of the ball's spin is determined by where the thumb was pointing when the ball came off the hand. This moment lasts for a fraction of a second.

It is natural that the thumb is released first because it is shorter than the other fingers. However, it is important to have a ball that is the right size.

To twist the ball, place your thumb at 10 or 11 o'clock, for a left-handed person at 1 or 2 o'clock respectively (mentally imagine a watch dial). Positioning your thumb at 12 o'clock will create a straight ball direction. When throwing a curved ball, do not bend your hand; it should remain firm. As you release the ball, you should feel a pressure or tug. Learning to throw a curved ball is as easy as learning to throw a straight ball.

Many players try to increase the spin of the ball by using more force. However, this should not be done at the expense of good technique.

Today we will look at the basic rules of bowling or how to bowl correctly. We’ll also talk about what bowling technique is that allows you to get the maximum number of points and pins. Learn how to properly hold and throw a bowling ball

Let's start with the fact that bowling is not such a new activity. In fact, the game dates back more than 7,000 years of history, and the ancient Egyptians were the first to come up with the idea of ​​rolling balls. The baton was picked up by the inhabitants of Polynesia, and only then, about three hundred years BC, the archaic prototype of bowling became almost an obligatory religious ritual. Later, the British, the Dutch, and other European peoples became interested in bowling. And the well-known admiral Francis Drake generally preferred to end the game before repelling the Spanish attack. And even if historians boasted in their retelling of the legend, this does not change the fact that both bowling and its rules were formed quite a long time ago. So they have a right to respect, right?

Modern gaming takes place in comfortable and pleasant conditions. All clubs are equipped according to the same principle, and all you need to know is that at the end of the 18-meter lane there are always exactly 10 pins waiting for your shot. Your task is to shoot them down with a special ball. With a ball, too, not everything is simple, because they are all different, and you still have to choose your “projectile”. All of the same diameter, they differ in weight and color. The lightest ball weighs only 2.5 kg, the heaviest - 7.3 kg, well, different colors indicate this. Bowling balls are not just hard balls, their secret lies in their shifted center of gravity. Due to this “skew”, not just rolling is ensured, but the rotation of the ball around the center and its movement along the correct arc. Don't be alarmed if bowling tools seem complicated in theory. Mastery comes from playing, so let's get down to business.

So, the main task is to score as many points as possible by knocking down the pins. The maximum possible number of points for one game is 300. The entire game is divided into ten frames (attempts). With each approach, the player is given the opportunity to throw the ball twice to knock down 10 standing pins; if the pins are knocked down on the first try, then such a throw is called a “strike”. In this case, the second throw is not made. In each frame, the participant is awarded a number of points equal to the total number of pins knocked down in two throws in this frame.

In other words, each pin knocked down is equal to one point earned.

If the second throw is successful and there are no standing pins left, then this attempt is called a “closed frame” or “Spare”. For this, the bowler earns ten points plus points for knocked down pins in the first throw of the next frame.

Spare designation

Naturally, when starting the next frame, one should strive to knock down all the pins at once, and if this can be achieved, then the player receives a “Strike”, as a result of which the frame ends. For a strike, a person is awarded ten points and the amount of pins knocked down in both throws of the next frame.

Designation Strike

A player achieving two or three strikes in a row is called a double or triple strike, respectively. For a double strike, the bowler receives twenty points and points for knocking down the pins on the next throw. A triple strike is worth thirty points.

According to bowling rules, the maximum score is three hundred. To achieve this number of points, the player needs to make twelve strikes.

Bowling is popular among men and women different ages and professions. The goal of the game is to knock down the maximum number of pins using balls. There are different types bowling: from 5 and 10 targets. They differ not only in the number of pins, but also in the number of throws in one frame. The most common is the second option. The ball must be directed along a special area without going beyond it (otherwise not a single target will be hit). Safety measures Regardless of the level of the player (beginner or amateur), you should start with a warm-up. The muscles must be warmed up and ready for the upcoming loads. If this is not done, there is a risk of injury. In addition, the following rules of bowling must be observed: Since the player is constantly on the move, he must have comfortable non-slip and non-scratch shoes (issued at bowling clubs). If the arm muscles are poorly developed, you should not take a ball that is too heavy, otherwise your back will hurt.

People who want to understand how to bowl correctly often ignore this point and wake up the next morning in a sore state. It is prohibited to cross the foul line, otherwise the result will not count. The thing is that before the start of the game, the surface beyond the established border is covered with a special substance. If you step over the line, the sole will come into contact with it and become slippery. This could result in serious injury.

Those who want to get an answer to the question of how to bowl correctly must be able to choose the right ball. Each of them has numbers indicating weight in pounds (1 unit equals 0.45 kilograms). Ideally, the mass of the product should be 1/10 of the player’s weight. Balloons with numbers 6-7 are intended for children. Women and girls are numbers 8-9, and men are from 10 to 16. The weight of the ball should be average for the player: not too light or heavy. Basically, the more the ball weighs, the easier it is to control, which is why professionals prefer them. For unprepared people who want to understand how to bowl correctly, such an experiment will cost them a dislocation, sprain or rupture of ligaments. The next day your back may hurt, especially after drinking alcohol, which does not allow you to feel the muscle overload. Standard balls have three holes (grooves) designed for the thumb, middle and ring fingers. The big one sinks completely, and the rest only up to the second phalanx. The index finger and little finger are placed freely on the surface, and the palm lightly touches it. The most important thing is how comfortable it is for a person to hold the object.

In order to learn how to bowl, you must understand how to throw and how to properly distribute the weight of your body. We hope you already know from numerous films, cartoons and video games that the bowling lane is about 18 meters long, 1.6 meters wide, there are only ten pins, they are numbered and arranged in the shape of a triangle with four pins on each side . Bowling balls vary in weight - from children's to adult men's. The diameter is the same for all - but the weight is different, but not more than 7.258 kg. The whole point and interest of bowling is that if you hit the ball exactly in the middle, you will not be able to knock down all the pins, otherwise the game will be absolutely not interesting. You need to train for a long time and think with your head in order to knock down with one blow.

Now let’s look step by step at how to learn to play bowling if you come to the club for the first time:

· First of all, we change into special shoes. It will not scratch the surface, as your own shoes can do, and it is specially adapted for the game as well as possible. It has a slippery sole, in order to slip a little during the last step of the throw, and a rubber sole, so that, by transferring the weight to the heel, you can brake in the blink of an eye and not earn a foul due to the spade.

· now we choose a ball for ourselves experimentally - girls take somewhere up to number 10, and men after number ten. You can empirically determine the most convenient ball by poking your fingers into the holes - if they do not fit, then you need to choose a larger bowling ball number

· we try on the first throw - with a pendulum movement we swing the ball on an outstretched arm, feeling its heaviness and inertia

· before throwing, you need to remember that the correct throw in bowling is carried out in four steps. You will have to mentally divide your swing into four steps and perform one of them at each step. The first one involves a backswing, and the last one involves taking the ball forward with a straight hand. In this case, the arm must be raised to shoulder level, without bending it at the elbow joint at the last moment.

You can try to explain everything in words for a very long time, but it is much better to watch the video on how to learn to play bowling, which is posted below and clearly see what we are talking about.

A few words should be said about the rules of the game and scoring. If you describe all the nuances of a bowling score, but you need to write five articles, this will only scare a beginner away from the game. In addition, now all bowling clubs are equipped with lanes with automatic scoring, so you just have to throw the ball and see what score appears on the monitor - everything is simple, clear and as convenient as possible. The only thing you need to remember is that each game consists of ten approaches, which in bowling are called frames.

Your goal for each approach is to knock down all the pins on the first throw (strike), if that doesn’t work, then on the second (spare). If you don’t knock down everything from the second frame, then the number of pins knocked down is counted for you and the game moves on to the next frame.

Everything else, for a simple game with friends, you don’t need to know, if you get involved, then read several advanced articles on scoring. It is better to spend this time practicing movements and choosing bowling tactics. After all, in order to hit a strike, you must aim not at the center of the triangle of pins, but at the area between the first and third pin. Then the blow will trigger the reaction and each pin touched will knock down the nearby one.

Here is another useful video for beginners on how to bowl correctly, with an overview of the main points, foot placement, choice of ball and throwing tactics in bowling.

If you are going to throw a ball at something, you usually look at the target. In baseball, the pitcher looks at the catcher's gloves. The basketball player's target is the basket. But bowling professionals never look at the pins!

Let's say the goal is to knock down certain pins. But it's better to aim by looking at a specific point on the lane than at the pins 60 feet away.

Arrows or directional markers are 4.57 m from the foul line. They serve as target indicators. There are seven such arrows. The middle one is located exactly in the center of the track, in line with the main pin. The rest of the arrows are also aligned to the corresponding fonts.

Choosing a target means choosing a starting position and a focal point. The path along which the ball rolls determines the starting position and the aiming point. By using the arrows as guides, your aim will be more accurate.

The ball should roll at an angle from right to left if the target is the "pocket" between pins #1-3. A left-hander throws the ball at an angle from left to right, aiming for the “pocket” between pins No. 1-2. The angle is very important with Strike, because then the ball rolls exactly along the given path, without deviating from the main pin.
Why do most experienced players use this technique today? In a nutshell - to counteract the deviation of the ball from the central longitudinal axis of the track. A ball of any weight, according to the law of conservation of momentum, will inevitably deviate from its trajectory immediately after colliding with the first pin. Imagine what kind of obstacle 10 kegels with a total weight of approximately 16 kg turn into.

If the ball suddenly deviates from the main pin, then the chances of playing a Strike are slim. A spun ball moves more from right to left (for a right-handed player). As a result, the angle will be steeper and the chances of hitting pocket 1-3 will increase.

An old bowling adage goes: "Learn to SPARE, the STRIKE will come." It's special good advice for beginners in bowling, because... these shots are designed to knock down all the pins in one frame in two shots. There are approximately 1023 potential combinations of SPARE strikes. Most of these impacts almost never occur. While there are a dozen "normal" combinations that are achieved using a minimum number of angles and sights.

The main rule is the principle of crossing the path and requires simple geometric knowledge. When the pins are on the left side of the lane, the best starting position will be on the right, and vice versa. Practice hitting Spare using the crossing lane principle. To perform SPARE shots, you need to calculate the trajectory of the ball and aim at the pins located in the last row (7, 8, 9 and 10). Then the pins standing in front of them will be knocked down, as if by themselves! To knock down each of the pins 7, 8, 9 and 10 there is “its own” blow with “its own” trajectory. These make up the four main SPARE strikes using the lane crossing technique. Any combination of attacks that can knock out SPARE can be achieved using the specified trajectories.

For example, to knock down the remaining pins No. 1-2-4, you need to take the 8th pin as a target, because it stands just behind the 2nd, with all the pins in their places. To shoot down the 3rd and 6th, you should aim for the 9th. The fifth pin as a target usually results in a Strike.

The straight line for knocking out any of the pins in the back row must pass through the third or fourth (center) arrow or somewhere in between. The starting position is different for each throw. To be successful at SPARE shots, you must be able to mentally map out the path of the ball crossing the lane and throw it exactly along it. Practice and experience will allow you to make these throws more and more successfully every time.

In order to knock down any pin in the last row, you need to follow the third or fourth (middle) arrow or between them. The starting position is different for each throw. Of course, practice and experience will improve your results.

The "miss" poses a much greater challenge. To knock down the remaining pins on a Miss, you either have to be very accurate or lucky! To throw a bowling shot correctly, the strength of a ten-year-old child is enough.

In the approach zone you can see two rows of dots (dotted lines). The first row is 15 feet (4.5 m) from the foul line (stud line), and the second row is 12 feet (3.6 m). These points will help you determine your starting position (the correct place to start during the takeoff run). Children need to stand closer to the foul line than adults because their steps are shorter. In any case, it is advisable for the player to stand closer to the foul line. After acquiring some skills, you can move away.

Children need to stand closer to the line of the spade than adults, because their steps are shorter. The same can be recommended for beginners to feel more comfortable. As you gain confidence and experience, you can lengthen your run if necessary.

Whatever the length of the run-up, calculate it so that your last step, along with the slide, ends within 30 cm of the line of the spade.

Before throwing, try to feel confident and free. Place your feet together and lean slightly forward, release tension and feel a state of relaxed readiness!

The ball should be held in front, on the right side of the body, at chest height or slightly lower. The line of the shoulders is parallel to the line of the blade (A). The playing hand holds the ball from below, the free hand helps support the ball (B). Keep your wrist firm and straight, without tilting back (down) (B). The elbow of the hand holding the ball is pressed to the side (D). Feet together, knees slightly bent (D), feet perpendicular to the line of the blade or directed towards the target (E).

Throwing a ball in bowling combines a number of different techniques merged into a single continuous movement. And it includes choosing a target, swinging the ball (swing), running (steps), throwing (launching the ball) and the player’s actions after the throw.

If you take a fairly heavy object, such as a bowling ball, and try to make a throwing motion with your arm from below, you will notice that the motion itself generates a driving force. This is the "pendulum principle". It forms the basis of a good and consistent swing. If bowlers did not have a "free" source of energy, we would hardly be able to roll the ball down the line at all.

The essence of the “pendulum principle” is that the hand and the ball form a “pendulum”, which has the greatest energy at the lowest point of the trajectory. Using this principle, it will be easier for you to make a throw. From the starting position, the ball is first sent forward, then a backswing is made (reverse swing), after which the hand with the ball, like a pendulum, rushes down and a throw is made. The height of the backswing should be from waist level to shoulder level, with the arm straight.

Regarding the weight of the ball, use a ball that can be swung back and forth freely and comfortably. The ball is too heavy for you if your wrist bends during the swing or the weight of the ball forces you to lower your shoulder. And too light if you feel like you can throw it around.

Most players throw the ball as if from a running start. It is important to accurately calculate all movements during the approach.

Typically, the run-up of players throwing from four steps begins from the second row of marks. Those who throw from five steps, or take long steps when approaching from four steps, throw from the round marks of the third row. The first row of marks (at the line of the spade) is a guideline for the direction of the final step when executing a throw. You will see other marks in the form of arrows on the path ahead at a distance of 4.5 meters from the spade line. These arrows serve as your aim when calculating the ball's trajectory. It is one of these arrows that you need to look at while throwing, and not the pins themselves.

Focus on left leg, the right leg is relaxed and slightly bent at the knee. The player's gaze is directed to arrows 2 - 3 (arrows count on the right).

Beginners are advised to use a 4-step approach. For experienced players, you can add a fifth step. The steps are simple, walking type, in a normal manner - from heel to toe. The first step should be the shortest. The last one, since it involves sliding, should be the longest. On the final step, the player's boot hits the approach area with the balls of his feet, then makes a sliding motion, and the body weight is transferred to the heel to stop.

Take the first step with your right foot and, in order not to lose your pace, count: “1-2-3-4”. In truth, the sheer number of steps is not as important as your ability to coordinate your movements during the run; your swing and steps should flow together into a natural, continuous chain of motion. If the number of steps you take allows you to achieve maximum results, this is right for you, regardless of any principles.

If we consider each of the actions separately, then swinging a ball and steps are not such difficult physical exercises. But how you put these movements together will determine how successful the approach will be. At the moment when you release the ball, you need to be in a stable position, but you also need to use the driving force of your steps. You want all the speed you've accumulated to be transferred to the ball the moment you let it roll down the track. Therefore, releasing the ball in a timely manner means doing so when the slide of the last step comes to an end.

How do you achieve the perfect combination of stability and propulsion the moment you release the ball? By swinging the ball with maximum amplitude, so that it goes back as far as possible in the step preceding the last one. From this position, the sliding leg and the swinging arm move forward together. If you succeed, then you will achieve the desired effect.

The first three steps are taken while the ball moves backward to the maximum point of the swing amplitude. When you are in position where the ball begins its downward movement, slide and release the ball. The point is that the ball gets a good impulse to move along the track. In bowling, it's a push. In the second step, the ball is moved from the starting position to a distance of 12-18 inches from the body. The third and fourth steps are preparation for the throw.

The beginning of the approach is the moment to set the pace of movement. The push should be simple and easy. Even good players cannot always calculate the timing to catch a comfortable pace. Take the first step and push in sync. This sets the impetus for the rest of the approach.

The ball should be released on the last step, at the moment when it moves past the ankle of the sliding leg. The distance from the ball to the ankle should be 2.5 - 5 cm. This requires bending over a little. In order for the ball to pass at ankle level, you need to bend your knee slightly during the last step. What may at first seem like an awkward pose will later become quite normal. Bend your upper body forward 15-20 degrees. For balance at the moment of throwing, the middle of the chest should be directly above the knee of the sliding leg. During the approach, keep your head straight and focus your eyes on the target. The free hand is moved slightly to the side and serves for balance.

When completing the throw, the toe of the left foot is slightly to the left of the central round mark of the first row, and the ball passes along the 2 - 3 arrow mark. If when throwing you see that your ball is going to the left, move it starting position a little to the right, and vice versa.

To spin the ball, mentally imagine a watch face and position your thumb so that it points to 10 or 11 o'clock (or 2 or 1 o'clock for left-handed people). If the thumb points to 12 o'clock (straight), then the throw will be straight. With your thumb in the backspin throwing position, keep your wrist relatively steady throughout the entire process as the ball leaves your hand. You should feel some pressure or tug on your fingers as the ball leaves your hand. These are the components of twist. Try it and you will see that learning to throw a curved ball is just as easy as learning to throw a straight throw.

It is very important that the ball fits your hand well. Therefore, be responsible when drilling it. Use only the services of a professional.
To get a good grade, look at the mark! Manufacturers produce balls with a complex eccentric core, and with a surface that interacts with the track on molecular level(so-called reactive and proactive balls) so that some of the player’s errors are smoothed out by the ball itself. Thus, the first thing that should be understood by those who want to learn the technique of spinning a ball is that spinning a ball is effective only when using special balls.

· Before the start of the game, a ball of the required mass is selected. As a rule, the mass of the ball should be 1/10 of the player's weight. It should be noted that the heavier the ball, the easier it is to control it during the throw.

· A regular ball has three holes, which should be grasped with the ring, middle and thumb fingers. The thumb goes completely into the hole, and the ring and middle fingers only go up to the second phalanx. The index finger and little finger are located freely on the surface of the ball.

· To perform a good throw, you need to take the ball in your right hand, while supporting it with your other hand, and lower it down to the level between your chest and waist. The elbow of the right hand should be pressed to the thigh.

· The game includes ten rounds. In each round, the player makes two throws of the ball, except for the tenth round, which may include three throws: an additional throw is made after knocking out a strike (pins knocked down on the first attempt) or a spare (pins knocked down in two throws) in the tenth round and is counted only for the results of the tenth round.

· If a player fails to knock down all the pins within two ball throws in one round, the stage remains open.

· Points scored at each stage are counted as the sum of pins knocked down and bonuses. In a round in which all pins are not knocked out, the number of points equals the number of pins knocked out. The player is awarded bonus points if he hits a strike or save. For one strike, ten points are awarded and bonuses equal to the number of pins knocked out by the player in two throws. For one spae, ten points are awarded and bonuses in the form of the number of pins knocked down by the player in the next throw of the ball.

· The maximum number of points scored in one round is thirty (if the player gets three strikes in a row), and for the entire game - 300 (twelve strikes in a row). In fact, bowling with high scores (more than 200 points) is only possible if you get several strikes in a row, which is an indicator of high skill.

· Scoring takes place using an automatic system that displays the result of each throw, the final result and other calculations on the monitor screen located above the track.

The first thing when playing bowling is, of course, the correct grip of the ball. Bowling balls come in different weights and their holes can also have different sizes. The player must choose a ball so that the grip is comfortable and the holes correspond to the size of the fingers.

So, the bowling technique is as follows: the ball is grabbed by the middle, ring and thumb fingers, which are placed in the corresponding holes. In this case, the thumb is inserted to its entire length, and the middle and ring fingers are inserted only partially. The index finger and little finger are simply placed on the surface of the ball.

The swing before throwing should be carried out without tension, the hand should be practically relaxed. This can only be achieved with correct selection ball.

Each throw is preceded by a player passing through the approach zone. For convenience, this area is marked with two rows of dots, the first of which is located twelve feet from the foul line, and the second is fifteen feet. These points allow the player to accurately determine the moment of the throw when approaching the line. For those who do not have much experience, it is advisable to come closer to the line of the spade, and as the player’s skill grows, he can send the ball from afar. In any case, the moment of throwing the ball will be determined by the playing style of a particular person. However, according to the rules of bowling, you, of course, should not step beyond the foul line and stop at least a foot from it. Well, the generally accepted position of the player at the moment of sending the ball is considered by bowling classics to be such a position when the legs stand together and the body leans forward.

Well, now that we have looked at the fundamental points separately, it is time to put everything together and look at the run-up and the message from start to finish in order to finally understand how to bowl correctly.

First, the ball must be held with one hand. You can only slightly support it with your second hand before swinging.

The second, and most difficult thing, is the takeoff run. It will be more convenient for a beginner to take four steps, and as he gains experience, he can add a fifth step to the run-up. During the first three steps, the hand with the ball is retracted back, a swing occurs, the ball is raised as much as possible in the rearmost position, and only on the fourth and fifth steps should the hand go forward so that the sent ball receives maximum speed when removed from your hand. The last step, in this case, should be sliding: thanks to the inertia of the ball and your own body, you should slide some distance along the run-up zone.

It is important to achieve synchrony and harmony of all movements when throwing. Your body and the ball in your hand should work as one, like a swinging pendulum. In any case, you need to look at how other, more experienced players do it; words are unlikely to explain the throwing technique to a person who has never seen a bowling game. Of course, your first throws will most likely turn out to be unsuccessful and clumsy, but already on the third throw you will master the basic skill and achieve synchronization and smoothness of movements.

So, the main signs of a correct throw according to the rules of bowling are a smooth, beautiful movement and no tension when throwing. The ball, when you swing your arm forward, should pass a short distance from the ankle, that is, the final phase of the run takes place on half-bent legs. Swing, push, slide, and finally release the ball. The ball goes along the path towards its target. After the throw, the working hand continues its movement to the level of the player’s eyes. In this case, it is very important that the plane of the swing is directed precisely at the frame with the pins; after the throw, the freed hand should also move in the direction of the target, without moving to the right or left. This will help you maintain your balance and complete the cycle of your movements in a way that looks beautiful and does not cause you any discomfort. It is also worth noting that bowling shoes should fit well on the foot and not dangle.

Having explained the theory of the throw, it is worth talking about where and how, in fact, this throw is directed. The ball sent must hit the pins, located sixty feet from the foul line, and aiming at the pins themselves would be completely useless.

Getting the ball into specific pins determines the moment of the throw, because when the ball leaves your hand, it is clear that it rolls along the path, guided solely by the laws of physics, and your will no longer plays any role. That is why you should aim at the markers located already behind the foul line. These markers are a series of arrows indicating the direction of specific pins.

In order for the throw to be as effective as possible, you must adhere to certain tactics and send the ball, as they say, to the place. Of course, in this article it is impossible to summarize all the variety of techniques and nuances used in bowling, and we will consider only the main ones.

To get a strike you must hit the gap between the first and third pin on the right, or the first and second, respectively, on the left. The ball must roll along the track at a certain angle, which is set at the moment of the throw.

To achieve a spare, it is usually necessary to knock out the pins standing on one side of the track, since the rest have already been knocked down by the first send. And here, too, it is extremely important to throw at an angle so that the ball crosses the path. If the pins are on the left, the ball must be thrown from right to left; if it is the other way around, then the ball must be thrown from left to right. In order for the ball to approach the target as steeply as possible, it is usually given rotation in a horizontal plane, and then the trajectory of its movement turns out to be curvilinear and most advantageous.

Rotation of the ball can be achieved if, when throwing, the thumb leaves its hole later than the rest. Moreover, as a rule, the ball twists in the direction where the thumb will point at the moment of separation. Without training at a bowling school, it will, of course, be difficult for a beginner to achieve correct and predictable spin, but as your skill grows, you will be able to quite accurately calculate the trajectory of the ball and spin it exactly as much as the goal requires.
So, remember the basic rules of bowling:

1. Be sure to change your shoes before the game. Replaceable shoes are necessary so as not to scratch the expensive surface of the paths with soles and heels. The flat rubber sole of these shoes prevents slipping and reduces the risk of an accidental foul (which is called when a player steps over the line at the start of the lane). In addition, this tradition pre-sets the mood for the game and creates a special atmosphere - all players look like members of some kind of closed club.

2. Select a ball of suitable weight. Before the game starts, they all lie on the surface of a special machine, and each team member can find a comfortable pair of balls and remember their weight. Tentatively, anything smaller than No. 10 is suitable for women, and balls from No. 10 and heavier are suitable for men.

3. To grab the ball, insert three fingers of your right hand into its holes: thumb, middle and ring. Do not immerse your fingers completely; let your palm only slightly touch the surface of the ball. This placement of the hand is not accidental: it allows you to control the push and subsequent movement of the ball along the track as best as possible.

4. Now about the track itself. Before it starts there is the so-called “running zone”, in which you must be before starting the throw. This area is separated from the varnished track itself by a throw line. Mentally divide your runway into four steps. If you did more and crossed the throwing line, you earned a foul, that is, the pins knocked down this time will not count.

5. Each step to the throwing line is accompanied by a corresponding movement of the hand with the ball. It goes through the trajectory from the backswing to the push of the projectile with a straight hand along the track.

6. At this moment you must release the ball, which will accelerate towards the pins. The more it hits, the more points you earn. Ideally, all 10 pins are knocked down with one hit, and such a throw is called a “strike”.

7. No matter how many pins you knock down, the game passes to the next player. Each team has 10 approaches to the track. When all team members have used their approaches, points are tallied. This happens automatically, and the result will be displayed on the monitor above your track.

By and large, all these rules are mastered in practice faster than the time you spend reading them. When you come to a bowling club for the first time, do not hesitate to ask more experienced comrades and observe their actions. Try to take the correct steps towards the path and repeat the poses of successful players. Over time, you will begin to feel more confident. And when you learn to correctly distribute the center of gravity of your body and the ball, you will stop thinking about the position of your arms and legs before throwing.

And finally, a couple of tips for those aesthetes who want to master not only the technical part of the game. Like any sport, bowling has its own ethical rules. By sticking to them, you will make a positive impression on seasoned players and give good example for beginners. First, remember the so-called “right-hand rule.” It obliges players to give another advantage to those standing on the right. This one standing on the right, in turn, can nod back the move to another team member.

The second universal rule is not to interfere with players on adjacent tracks. For example, do not enter the run-up zone if you see that a neighbor has begun preparing to throw. Your movement in peripheral vision can distract the other player and negatively affect the outcome of his approach. Basic politeness and respect for others are equally important components have a good game, like polished technique and precise throws. Observe both – and easy strikes for you!

Bowling is both a great way to have fun with friends and a serious game sport. If you want to know how to become an amateur bowler or how to improve your bowling skills, read this article.


Part 1

Bowling Basics

    Bowling alley. Before you start bowling, understand the purpose of a bowling alley. A bowling alley is 60 feet (18.29 m) long from the foul line to the head pin closest to the player. There are gutters on both sides of the path. If the ball deviates too much and leaves the lane, it will fall into the chute and be out of play.

    • The run zone is 15 feet (4.57 m) and ends at the foul line. When running up, a bowler must not step beyond the foul line, otherwise his throw will not be counted.
    • If the ball falls into one of the chutes and then bounces and knocks down one of the pins, it will not count.
  1. Bowling pins. The pins are placed at the end of the bowling lane before each frame. They are placed in the shape of a triangle so that the corner of the triangle is directed towards the player. In the first row there is one pin, which is called the head pin, in the second there are two pins, in the third there are three pins, in the fourth there are four pins.

    • The location of the pins is numbered from 1 to 10. The pins in the fourth (back) row are numbered 7 - 10, in the third row are numbered 4 - 6, the pins in the second row are numbered 2 - 3, and the head pin is pin number 1.
    • Any knocked down pin will earn the player one point. The pin numbers indicate their position and not the points awarded.
  2. Terminology. Before you can call yourself a real bowler, you must learn a few specific terms. Knowing these terms will make the rules easier to understand. Here they are:

    • A strike is a throw that knocks down all the pins.
    • A spare is counted when all the pins are knocked down on the second throw.
    • Split - a situation where the first ball of the frame knocks down the head pin (closest to you), but two non-adjacent pins remain. In such a situation, it is quite difficult to perform a split, especially if you still have the most difficult split - corner pins 7 and 10.
    • Turkey - three strikes in a row.
    • If after a throw there are still unknocked pins, then this situation is called an “open frame”.
  3. Principles of bowling. One batch consists of 10 frames. Each frame consists of two player rolls. The player's goal is to knock down as many pins as possible per frame (ideally all the pins).

    • A bowler may bowl twice in a frame unless he bowls a strike.
  4. Principles of scoring. If the frame remains open, then the sum of points will be equal to the number of pins knocked down in this frame. For example, if 6 pins are knocked down after two throws, the player will receive 6 points. However, if the bowler bowls a spare or a strike, the rules become a little more complicated.

    • If a bowler makes a spare, he must draw a “/” on the score sheet. After his next throw, he will receive 10 points plus the points for the pins he knocked down on that throw. That is, if after the first throw 3 pins are knocked down, then before the next throw the player will receive 13 points. If after this he knocks down 2 pins, the player will receive a total of 15 points.
    • If the bowler bowls a strike, he must draw an "X" on his sheet. The player who makes the strike receives 10 points plus points for pins knocked down on the next two shots.
    • The maximum number of points a bowler can score is 300. These are the points awarded for 12 strikes in a row, or 120 pins knocked down in 12 frames. The ideal game is 12 strikes rather than 10, since the bowler who strikes in the last frame can bowl two more shots. If the player hits strikes with these two throws, he will receive 300 points.
      • If a player hits a spare in the last frame, he may make another shot.

    Part 2

    Preparing for a bowling game
    1. Find a bowling establishment. Find your local bowling alley online. Or try to find a place that offers bowling lessons or has a beginner bowling league.

      • If you want to go bowling with friends, find a place that has a fun environment and where you can buy food or snacks.
    2. Visit the bowling alley of your choice. Talk to the players and staff and see if you can join the game. Or go bowling with friends. If you are going to join a game, make sure it is not too aggressive. Perhaps you will make new friends at the bowling club.

      Get bowling shoes. If you are a beginner, you can rent shoes directly from the bowling alley. If you want to level up your game, invest in your own bowling shoes. Regular shoes are not suitable for bowling because they will prevent you from sliding on the floor or will cause you to slide too much, which can lead to injury.

      • If you don't wear bowling shoes, you may cause damage to the lane, such as scratching it. Rent shoes if you don't want to run into problems before you even start playing.
      • Don't forget to wear socks or bring them with you to the bowling alley. You can buy socks at some bowling alleys, but they are very expensive.
    3. Choose the appropriate ball. Before starting the game, find a ball that suits your weight and size (for your fingers). The weight of the ball is indicated on its surface, for example, a ball with the number "8" weighs 8 pounds (3.63 kg). Here's how to choose a ball that's suitable in weight and size:

      • Weight. A 14-16 lb (6.35 - 7.23 kg) ball will fit most men, and a 10-14 lb (4.54 - 6.35 kg) ball will fit most women. It is recommended to use a heavier ball to help you make the correct throw. General rule: The weight of the ball should be 10% of your body weight, so if you weigh 70 kg, you should play with a 7 kg ball.
      • Thumb hole size. Your thumb should fit snugly into the corresponding hole. You should be able to remove it from the hole with ease, but the hole should not be so large that you have to squeeze your finger to hold the ball.
      • Size of holes for index and middle fingers. After inserting your thumb into the corresponding hole, insert your middle and index fingers into the other two holes. If the distance between the holes is correct, both fingers should fit easily and comfortably into them so that the second phalanx is in line with the edge of the hole closest to the thumb. Bend your fingers into the holes so that they fit snugly in them (similar to your thumb).
    4. Find a bowling alley. After registering at the bowling club and wearing special shoes, you will be shown to your lane. If you are allowed to choose a path, choose one that is located away from loud or noisy groups. But it depends on you - you may perform better when surrounded by other bowlers.

    Part 3

    Start of the game
    1. Grab the ball correctly and head to the position in front of the bowling lane. Place your middle and index fingers into the top two holes and your thumb into the bottom.

      • Hold the ball slightly to the side, with the hand holding the ball underneath it and the other hand supporting the ball from below.
      • If you are right-handed, hold your thumb in the hole at an angle of 30 degrees to the left, if you are right-handed - 30 degrees to the right.
      • Spread your legs slightly apart. Place your sliding foot forward. The slip leg is placed on the opposite side of the torso from the throwing arm (i.e. a right-handed bowler will slide with the left leg).
    2. Take aim. The bowling alley has a chain of dots (at a distance of 2.13 m) and black arrows (at a distance of 4.27 m). If you are new to bowling, aim to hit the ball in the center of these marks. Once you gain experience, you will be able to aim at the side marks and throw curve balls.

      • Even if you aim for the center of the marks, you may miss the pins because the ball may slow down or roll into the chute. So remember where the ball is rolling and adjust your aim accordingly.
      • Aim for the marks, not the pins.
    3. Make a throw. Run in a straight line so that the position of the ball and hand remains approximately the same - under the ball and behind it during the swing. Smoothly move your hand with the ball back and then forward to release the ball. Release the ball when your hand reaches its maximum possible height.

      • When throwing correctly, the thumb comes out of the ball first. This is the only way to give the ball the necessary speed.
      • As you release the ball, look at the target. If you look at your feet or at the ball, you will lose your balance and be unable to throw correctly.
    4. After throwing, dry your hands. Make sure your hands are completely dry before picking up the ball for your next throw. Use a towel to dry your hands, or if you don't have one, dry your hands on your clothes. The ball may slip out of your hands if they are sweaty.

      • You can also use rosin, which can be purchased at most professional bowling stores. It will make your fingers a little stickier and less slippery.
    5. Keep track of points throughout the game. Most bowling alleys have computers near the seating areas that will allow you to keep track of your scores. If the bowling alley does not have computers, you will be given a sheet to record your points. Points should be recorded as follows:

      • The box at the top left of each frame is used to record the results of the first ball, and the box on the right is used to record the results of the second ball or strike mark. A strike is marked with an “X” and a spare with a “/”.
    6. Take your shot when the distance between you and the foul line is about 15 cm. This means that the ball will fly some distance above the foul line before it makes contact with the floor. This way the ball will retain enough energy to hit the pins. If you shoot too far from the foul line, just move closer to it on your next shot.

      • Remember that a strike is 10 points plus two rolls, and a spare is 10 points plus one roll. If you hit a strike with the first ball of the 10th frame, you may throw two more balls to determine the final score. 300 points is the maximum number that can be earned.

Sports games are a great way to have a great time, especially if at the same time you can sit at a table and chat with friends. Often you want not only to enjoy the process, but also to win. From this publication you will learn how to play bowling correctly, its technique and other features.

Brief history and description of the game

The one in question began to look modern at the end of the 19th century. Previously it used 9 pins, then another one was added. At the end of the 30s of the 20th century, a pinsetter was invented in the USA - a device for automatically setting pins and returning the ball. In the 70s, the scoring system was automated.

Bowling is popular among men and women of different ages and professions. The goal of the game is to knock down the maximum number of pins using balls. There are different types of bowling: 5 and 10 targets. They differ not only in the number of pins, but also in the number of throws in one frame. The most common is the second option. The ball must be directed along a special area without going beyond it (otherwise not a single target will be hit).

Security measures

Regardless of the level of the player (beginner or amateur), you should start with a warm-up. The muscles must be warmed up and ready for the upcoming loads. If this is not done, there is a risk of injury. In addition, the following bowling rules must be observed:

  1. Since the player is constantly on the move, he must have comfortable non-slip and non-scratch shoes (available at bowling clubs).
  2. If the arm muscles are poorly developed, you should not take a ball that is too heavy, otherwise your back will hurt. People who want to understand how to bowl correctly often ignore this point and wake up the next morning in a sore state.
  3. It is prohibited to cross the foul line, otherwise the result will not count. The thing is that before the start of the game, the surface beyond the established border is covered with a special substance. If you step over the line, the sole will come into contact with it and become slippery. This could result in serious injury.

How to play bowling: rules

One game consists of ten frames, in each of which players have the opportunity to make two throws. If all the pins are knocked down in one attempt, it is called a strike (X), if with two, it is called a spare (I). When the far corners remain after the kick, the combination is called a split (S). If after two throws it is not possible to knock down all the pins, the frame is called open.

When a gamer manages to make a strike, the amount of points from the next two hits is doubled. If you get a spare, then only the result from one next throw increases. In other cases, points are awarded based on the number of pins knocked down. It happens that a player knocks down all the pins twice in a row on the first try. This combination is called a double and is awarded 20 points. Since the final number of points depends not only on the current, but also on the next approach, the tenth frame receives a special status. If a player scores a strike with one throw, he makes two more. When you manage to make a spare - one throw.

Selecting and holding the ball

Those who want to get an answer to the question of how to bowl correctly must be able to choose the right ball. Each of them has numbers indicating weight in pounds (1 unit equals 0.45 kilograms). Ideally, the mass of the product should be 1/10 of the player’s weight. Balloons with numbers 6-7 are intended for children. Women and girls are numbers 8-9, and men are from 10 to 16. The weight of the ball should be average for the player: not too light or heavy.

Basically, the more the ball weighs, the easier it is to control, which is why professionals prefer them. For unprepared people who want to understand how to bowl correctly, such an experiment will cost them a dislocation, sprain or rupture of ligaments. The next day your back may hurt, especially after drinking alcohol, which does not allow you to feel the muscle overload.

Standard balls have three holes (grooves) designed for the thumb, middle and ring fingers. The big one sinks completely, and the rest only up to the second phalanx. The index finger and little finger are placed freely on the surface, and the palm lightly touches it. The most important thing is how comfortable it is for a person to hold the object.

to bowling

Knowing the rules is not enough to score a lot of points and win the game. Bowling technique must be followed. All this exciting process does not tolerate fuss, so before the first throw after choosing a ball, you should thoroughly feel its weight and inertia. To hit a larger number of targets, the product is released in the fourth step, at each of which a small swing of the arm is made back. At the last stage, the ball is deflected forward and a throw is made. It is important to aim as accurately as possible.

If you want to understand how to bowl correctly, you need to know the ball: with a width of 1.6 m, the length of the lane is 18 meters. The skittles stand in the shape of a triangle. A strike is considered professional when it is a strike.

How to determine the result of the game?

Calculating points is a troublesome process, so it is entrusted to automated systems. The results are displayed on a separate monitor after each hit on the target. The players' task is to learn how to make the correct throw and knock down all the pins, following the rules of bowling. The player with the maximum number of points wins.

In one frame you can score 30 points if there are three strikes in a row. Participants who score high results (from 200 points) have sufficient knowledge high level skill. A game with a score of 300 points (12 strikes in a row) is called “Perfect Game”, which means “Perfect Game”.

How to win at bowling?

Many people come to the center just to relax, and glasses are not too important to them. Those who want to win the game can give several recommendations. Beginners should remember that they are playing for fun and should not chase the results of professionals who spend half their day bowling. The rules and technique of the game must be followed, otherwise points are lost. There is no need to rush anywhere. To begin with, it is better to use light balls.

In order to get a strike, you need to aim not at the nearest single pin, but located between two or more other targets. This secret creates a domino effect that increases your chances of getting a strike. The most important criterion for success remains regular training. The more often a person visits a bowling center, the higher his results.

Benefits of bowling

The type of leisure in question takes place in active movement. At this time, the body experiences a surge of energy, which improves blood circulation. The bowling technique forces you to do a lot of bending and turning during the game, the muscles are constantly activated and this together helps to lose excess weight!

Working with a ball trains your arms and improves the flexibility of ligaments and joints. Bowling is good for psychological health, relieving the body and strengthening relationships in the team. It gives mood and is a great way to relieve tension and stress, and therefore prolong life.

Now you know everything basic about bowling: the rules and technique of the game, calculation of results, benefits. Whether to become a professional or an amateur - everyone decides for themselves. It is important to remember safety measures, but the main thing is to have the best possible time.

Bowling is very simple and popular game. Not all people are good at knocking down pins and winning against friends. After all, what is important in this game is not strength, luck, or even knowledge of the rules of the game, but mastery of certain subtleties. Bowling has its own secrets, which you will learn about best player. We will reveal to you the secrets of bowling.

The first secret of bowling is choosing “your” ball. It should swing back and forth freely and comfortably in your hand. The ball must be medium weight. This is very easy to determine. If you take the ball in your hand and feel that you can throw it far, it is an easy ball. And if you pick up a ball and feel like you have to bend your wrist and lower your shoulder to throw it, then it's a very heavy ball.

We also draw your attention to the fact that when gripping the ball, the thumb is completely immersed in the hole, and the middle and ring fingers are immersed up to the second joint. When you swing the ball, the energy should be concentrated at the bottom point of the hand and the ball.

Starting position in bowling.

The secrets of bowling also lie in the starting position. The best bowling position is with your feet together and your body slightly bent forward. The ball should be located below at a level between the waist and chest, the second hand should slightly support the ball, and press the elbow of the hand with the ball to the thigh. This way you won't feel tense.

The trick to bowling is to aim correctly. You shouldn't look at the pins. Your task is to aim at the marks, arrows, which are target indicators. There are 7 shooters in total on the lane. For right-handers, the ideal marks are those located on the left side of the center mark. And for left-handers, those that are located on the right side of the central mark.

Types of ball throws in bowling.

Before you take a shot, you need to take the right steps. Your task is to choose the number of steps that will be optimal for you. If you are just learning to bowl, we advise you to take 4 steps: the first one should be short, and the last one should be long with a slide. Experienced bowlers take 5 steps.

The secret to winning bowling is to coordinate your movements during the run-up. When you take steps and swing the ball, all these movements should occur naturally, complementing each other.

Your chain of movements before throwing should look like this:

Now let's move directly to the secrets of bowling shots. There are 3 types of ball throws:

  • Direct throw. Using it will take you to a "pocket" on the far right side of the path, from right to left. It is difficult to hit Strike with a direct throw (50% chance). For a perfect straight shot, we recommend that you launch the ball at high speed and throw the ball from the right side of the lane;
  • Throwing in an arc allows you to increase your score. The secret to arc bowling is to rotate your fingers counterclockwise as you throw the ball;
  • Spin ball at the bowling alley. You can throw a ball with a twist when you first remove your thumb from it, and only then the other two. With such a throw, the ball tends to rotate sideways;
  • Spare shots are aimed at knocking down the furthest pins (7,8,9,10). Here you are required to mentally draw the trajectory of the ball. The meaning of hitting spare is to follow the principle of crossing the path. For example, if you need to knock down the pins from the right side, then throw from the left side. Below are 4 trajectories for knocking down pins with the Spare strike.

You need to choose “your” throw from all the options. Remember one secret to winning at bowling: to knock down all the pins on the first throw (Strike), you need to hit the “pocket.” If you are right-handed, then the “pocket” for you is the space between the 1st and 3rd pins. And if you are left-handed, then the “pocket” for you is the space between 1 and 2 pins.

Secrets of bowling: video.
