On which pt sau to perform lbz. Guide to performing LBZ on LT

At the beginning of 2015, the Wargaming company introduced another entertainment for its players - personal combat missions. Anyone who completes a certain chain of quests receives a good prize in their hangar - a promotional tank, which implies an increased coefficient of crew experience leveling. Tasks are combined into blocks of 15 pieces for each of the classes of equipment present in the game. Promotional tanks four, to obtain each of them the tasks are similar, but the block has an increasing level of difficulty.

General principles for implementing LBP

Each chain contains tasks of varying degrees of complexity: there are clearly “passable” ones, but there are also those that are frankly difficult to complete. For example, how to make a LBZ LT-15? However, the principle of the approach to successful implementation should be the same: choose the right technology and use it as efficiently as possible. A simple example: in order to shoot 4 thousand damage on a heavy tank, it is irrational to take a level 5 tank. At this level of battles, the sum of the hit points of the entire team is not much greater, and collecting the required number will be extremely difficult, and therefore, to complete this LBZ you need a level 8-10 tank.

Types of LBZ chains from World of Tanks

Personal combat missions in the game are divided depending on the class of equipment used to complete them: fifteen non-interconnected quests for TT, PT, Artillery SPG, ST and light tanks. Each of the chains contains both tasks performed in solo mode and those requiring the creation of platoons. Here we will look at one of the most difficult tasks - the final one for the LT class.

Tough tasks

Some of the tasks drive almost everyone into a stupor WoT players. One of these questions is “How to make LBZ LT-15?” At its core, the task is truly non-trivial, since it is necessary to transmit intelligence data on enemy equipment so that at that moment the allies “inflict” a certain amount of damage. There are several problems that hinder implementation. And we will try to consider this process through overcoming each of them. So:

  • The right card. Not every combat range in the game is suitable for carrying out the LT-15 LBZ. No one, even a super-professional player, can tell you how to do it on “corridor” type maps - this is pure luck. To successfully complete this task, you need an open area where remote shooting is possible from several points simultaneously. Accordingly, the ideal maps are “Prokhorovka”, “Robin”, “Murovanka”, “Steppes”, “Sandy River”, “Polar Region”.
  • The right setup. A lot depends on the set of equipment in teams (both your own and the enemy’s), especially taking into account the map. As a rule, the actions of the players are quite formulaic and rarely change from battle to battle: TTs go to some squares, STs to others, PTs occupy certain bushes, the places of the main battles are known from the very beginning of the countdown. Accordingly, as soon as the list of commands appears, it is necessary to quickly analyze the information. Does the enemy have a lot of fast ST? This means they will fight with their fists, and we need to “shine” this group. Do slow TTs predominate? Even better! We highlight their move and the point where they will “tank”. At the same time, you need to understand that not only you, but also your direct competitors-allies will “shine” the enemy, accordingly, you need to think through your actions thoroughly.
  • The right tank. As mentioned above, the solution to the problem - how to make a LBZ LT-15 - depends not least on the right choice technology. To complete the first chain of tasks on the German tank destroyer Stug IV, you need to “illuminate” 4 thousand damage for allies, and technically you can use a level 5 tank. But taking, say, for execution will not be a completely justified decision: taking into account interfering factors (competitive allies, enemy travel on different flanks) and a relatively small number of hit points at levels 5-7 of battles, there will be problems with achieving results.

Tactics for performing the LBZ LT-15

How to do it in such a way as to “bring light”, and survive, and win? The main thing is to understand the role of your tank in battle and use it strengths. And here it is possible to use two main tactics:


Any WoT task is doable. Any! The success of their implementation, no doubt, depends on luck and coincidence, and yet the main factor here is the competent construction own game. Having wondered how to make a LBZ LT-15, you just need to think, weigh your own “hangar”, select and equip the right tank and press the “Battle!” button. And then everything is in your hands! Go for it!

Good luck on the battlefields, tankers!

We have already covered the necessary equipment, skills for the crew and the basic principles of playing the LT. All that remains is to pick best easy tank for these purposes.

Characteristics for choosing LT

Let's look at the main characteristics of ranking light tanks 8 World level of Tanks for LBZ 15.
These include:

  • Masking coefficient– a very important parameter for LT, affecting the overall visibility in the game. This coefficient for the class of light tanks is the same when moving and stationary. The higher it is, the less noticeable the technique is in the game. When shooting, the coefficient clearly decreases, which is strictly not recommended for use in a passive light position.
  • Power density– a parameter influencing the overall dynamics. The faster a tank takes a key position for active or passive coverage, the more benefit it will bring to the team.
  • View range– a parameter that affects the detection range of the enemy, taking into account its camouflage coefficient. Above 445 meters, we will not be able to detect the enemy, but we will be able to detect camouflaged targets at the maximum accessible distance for us.
  • Damage per minute (DPM)– parameter, shows the value damage caused per unit of time. The greater the damage, the faster we send the enemy to the hangar.
  • Tank HP (HP)– parameter shows the amount of safety margin of the tank.

A table with the main characteristics is presented:

Having compared the characteristics, two clear leaders who are most suitable for passing LBZ LT 15 are highlighted with a green marker. It remains to determine which of them is the best!

German light tank tier 8 RU 251 superior to French in almost all respects AMX 13 90. But if you take a closer look at them, you can see a significant difference.

- approximately the same. But don’t forget about the size of the tanks themselves. After all, the detection of tanks occurs by the overall points of the tank (yellow dots in the image), located in the middle of each side of the tank. Thus, smaller sizes are easier to camouflage in vegetation and have less chance of detection.

power density The RU 251 is slightly superior to the AMX 13 90. All tankers are well aware that excellent tank dynamics play an important role, it contributes to the speed of movement from flank to flank and the speed of evading artillery shells.

viewing range tank is the same.
strength The RU 251 is superior to the AMX 13 90 by 100 units, which can sometimes change the outcome of the battle.
damage per minute Among its peers, the AMX 13 90 is the smallest, but do not forget that the tank has a drum loading system with 6 shells causing 240 units of damage. This allows you to deal more than 1400 units of damage in 15 seconds; a full reload with a 100% crew is 42 seconds.


To summarize, we can conclude that French tank tier 8 AMX 13 90 is best light tank for passing the LBZ LT 15 . Main features: stealth due to its camouflage and size; a charged drum poses a danger to the enemy.

Naturally, LBZ can also be carried out on other tanks, but the successful completion of the task does not depend on the chosen tank, but on many factors. Such as: direct hands, correct analysis of the situation in battle, adequate allies and of course GBR (Great Belarusian Random).

Whoever decides what map to play on, what enemy you will face, who will be on the allied team and what damage you will deal!

TT- VK 45.02 B, AMX 50 B, Maus, E100, IS-7
ST- Cromwell, E 50, T 54, T 55 A, B-C 25t AP, E 50M, Vol. 140, B-C 25t, TVP T 50/51
LT- M41 Bulldog, T71, AMX 13 90, Ru 251, WZ-132, level 10 LT for LT-15
PT- Rhm. Borsig Waffenträger, SU-100, Helkat, JagdPz E 100, T110E4, T110E3, Object 263, Object 268, Grill
self-propelled guns- T92, M53/55, G.W. E 100, 212A, Vol. 261
Tank destroyer- Hellcat, E 25, Rhm.-B. WT, Grille 15, Strv 103B, AMX 50 Foch B

Difficulty in performing LBP

The difficulty of performing a LBZ (WoT LBZ) varies depending on the technique. In each branch, after completing the first 8-10 tasks, you will have to show all your skills in combat and control of equipment.


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Hello everyone reading. Let's look at what's new in WoT, namely - LBZ, Personal Combat Missions(or IBZ, whichever you prefer).

Thanks to this feature, we have the opportunity to get such tanks as StuG IV, T28 HTC, T-55A, Object 260. You can see detailed characteristics of tanks in the game itself or watch a video from WG. And also - female crews, additional bonuses: game credits, free experience, equipment, slots in the Hangar and a premium account.

So, let's start with the description. What do we have? And we have 4 LBZ, for the corresponding receipt of the tanks indicated above. Each LBZ has 5 operations, one for each class of equipment. Each operation has 15 tasks. When you complete the fifteenth task, you receive 4 tokens (sheets) + 1 token (sheet) for completing with honors (more on this a little later). To get equipment into our hangar, we need to have 20 tokens, which means that we either complete all 5 tasks, or complete 4 tasks (on art, for example, you can skip them) with honors.

Now about completing tasks. You can simply complete them, receiving a guaranteed reward, or you can also try to complete them additional task(complete the mission with honors) and get even more goodies.
Let's consider performing an operation on light tanks. Already from the first task it is clear that completing them will not be the easiest task, since frankly speaking, now the LT class does not last long in battle. And if you look deeper, you can understand that the tasks are varied. For example: in one case, we will have to conduct targeted fire on the move (but not all LTs have good stabilization), in another case, we will need to inflict maximum damage on enemy vehicles (although, again, not everyone can deal a lot of damage) , Also, during the execution of the LBZ, your platoon mates will come in handy(in our case - in artillery), so call your friends, acquaintances, distant relatives and in general, whoever you can.
This means that in order to achieve the best result, you need to have at least 2 LT in the hangar. And of course these should be predominantly top-end light tanks such as Chinese WZ-132, German RU-251, American T49, Soviet T-54 lightweight, French AMX 13 90. As they say, choose according to your color and taste. After all, most have played at least one of these tanks.

It is best to carry out tasks to transmit data to allies on the RU-251 and AMX 13 90 thanks to 400 meters of visibility and good camouflage for both. Damage tasks can be performed on any of the above LTs, but not everyone will be able to have a high profit per battle, due to low penetration, for example, the AMX 13 90 and the T-54 lightweight. But don't forget about the platoon, because a platoon of three skilled light tanks is capable of turning the tide of the battle in its favor. And remember, your victory is in your hands.
If you can't complete a task the first time, don't despair, try again, and again. As soon as you understand how to correctly position yourself on any of the maps, you will learn better weak points enemy. It will be all plain sailing. After all, you can not only get a tank and additional bonuses for it, but also have time to take part in the “Personal Challenge” promotion that started on January 15th. For winning the competition you can get gold and a premium account. Full information on this promotion

For many players, the most difficult thing is completing a bunch of tasks on the way to various goodies and

Hello our young, or not so young, friends! We think everyone is already aware that as of January 15, personal combat missions have become available in World of Tanks, and that now you can play tanks not just for fun, but also, to some extent, “for passing.” If you don’t understand what we’re talking about, then go ahead.

For many players, the most difficult part is completing a bunch of tasks on the way to various goodies and unique tanks ( StuG IV, T28 HTC, T-55A, Object 260) there will be a need to step over yourself and pass the test of art. After all, sometimes it’s a matter of principle to never roll out a self-propelled gun into battle, even if it’s in the hangar, but for the sake of a great goal, you may have to. To prepare players for the unique gameplay, we decided to go through the entire chain of tasks for self-propelled guns. We will consider only the main tasks, so as not to let our thoughts wander too much.

Looking ahead, we immediately note that at first glance, LBZ on art is the easiest to perform. As specialized non-artists, who at one time played only this class of equipment, we estimated that 90% of the tasks set by the developers were completed quite successfully in random (even after the global nerf of art in patch 0.8.6, if that). But enough of the lyrics, it’s time to get straight to the point.

The 15 tasks of each operation (read the chains for obtaining a specific machine) are, in general, essentially the same and differ only in some additional conditions. For example, the first main task to obtain all four new tanks, SAU-1. Howitzer fire, absolutely identical: you just need to deal a certain amount of damage. To receive Shtuga – 1000, T28 HTC – 2000, T-55A – 3000, Object 260 – 4000. As you can see, everything is logical, as the rates increase, the conditions become more complicated, but not so much that they cannot be met.

The first task SAU-1. Howitzer fire, all four operations can be performed without much difficulty on any self-propelled gun of level 7 and higher. With great desire and/or “skill”, 3-4 thousand damage per battle is achieved on a conditional basis G.W. Panther, and on the top art, God himself ordered it to be “damaged” like that. Using equipment of the minimum acceptable level to perform this task is not for everyone, or for a special connoisseur of a particular machine.

Performing SAU-2. Hidden and dangerous, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel either - will never appear in battle and at the same time shoot for Stug - 500 damage, T28 HTC - 1500 damage; for T55A and Object to be in the top 5 and top 3 in terms of damage. Almost any artillery piece with a normal firing range, 100% crew and a minimum set of equipment ( camouflage net) is capable of this. Again, we recommend a universal option - G.W. Panther.

SAU-3. Accurate sight will make us just hit the target causing damage from 3 to 6 times per battle depending on the operation number (for example, for Shtug - 3 times, and for the 260th - 6 times, who did not understand). Here “sniper” self-propelled guns enter the arena, their accuracy will be higher than that of other relatives: Object 261, AMX 13 AM, FV304, yes and G.W. Panther again, it won’t be superfluous. Roughly speaking, it is best to use units with a gun spread of 0.7 m or less.

Performing SAU-4. Blind the enemy, you will have to rely on luck for the first time. We have to destroy enemy light tanks (Stug - 1 LT, T28 HTC - 1 LT in the first 3 minutes of the battle, T-55A - 2 LT, Object 260 - 2 LT in the first 5 minutes of the battle). It is clear that in order to meet the required number of “fireflies” in a random environment, who will agree to kill you at the beginning of the battle, you need special leniency from the VBR, and you can’t come up with a special guide for destroying LTsheks on art. Although, if you use art of the minimum acceptable level (from 4th to 6th), then the likelihood of encountering a larger number of tanks of the class we need, and even those that are not particularly fast (such as AMX 40, Valentine, Crusader), increases somewhat.

For SAU-5. Help in destruction It is best to have a “big gun” in the hangar with shells with a high rate of fragmentation. You will have to shoot down the tracks and hope that the “tagged” enemy will subsequently be killed by others (Shtug - shoot down the harp of the 1st enemy, T28 HTC - 2nd, T-55A - 3rd, Object 260 - 4th). Top "broads" ( T92, G.W. E 100, Conqueror GC) and gold landmines to help!

SAU-6. Hammerman: we simply kill opponents of a higher level. For Stug - 2 tanks of the same level or higher, T28 HTC - 3; for T55A – 3 vehicles per level higher, for Object 260 – 2 vehicles per 2 levels higher. It is immediately obvious that the top art is not suitable, which means the “finest hour” of “low-level” self-propelled guns is coming. We use equipment no higher than level 8, do not get to the top of the list, and here it is, the recipe for success. You can really cheat and go “trailer” into a platoon with equipment a level or two higher and be guaranteed to get the opponents you need. As random experience shows, with artillery such a trick is often quite effective - experience and silver are farmed better.

Execute SAU-7: Fighting against snipers, it seems, will not be difficult, because there are a huge number of tank destroyers in the random pool. However, the developers have added additional conditions. If it's simple kill a PT (for Shtug) and kill a PT at a higher level (for T28 HTC)- not a problem, then destroying 2 or 3 self-propelled guns (for the T-55A and Object, respectively) and at the same time winning the battle is a little more difficult. At this point we climb to higher levels and aim at the “glass” German cannons – waffenträgers and the sides of all sorts of “foshes”.

Task name SAU-8: Fire at heavy tanks! speaks for itself. All you need is cause from a thousand to three thousand damage (depending on the operation) only to heavy tanks . For this, it is also better to play at the top levels, where the number of hit points for vehicles is higher and the damage for weapons is larger. Also real positive effect from platoons with equipment of a higher level.

SAU-9. Shooting with anticipation another task that requires not only direct hands, but also luck. Not only that need to damage a moving target, that after 0.8.6 it very much depends on the FBG, and also the target must move at a certain speed. From 10 to 40 km/h, depending on the level of the task. We use self-propelled guns with good flatness of projectile flight (the British immediately disappear) and projectiles with a large splash (“covered” also counts). You can also play at low levels, where there are more nimble tanks. The most important thing is to learn to determine the speed of the enemy by eye.

Tenth task SAU-10. Artillery Storm, should appeal to most art haters, because you need to kill your own kind. If you want to get a StuG IV, kill one enemy self-propelled gun, T28 HTC - two. For T-55A and Ob. 260 also one and two, respectively, but the enemy’s art has not yet been exposed. Thus, it can be assumed that soon, among artillery operators, get-togethers in battle will become common and other classes of equipment will be able to “breathe easy.” To complete this task, you will have to study the common habitats of the art and monitor the tracers. It also doesn’t hurt to ride in a platoon of two or three self-propelled guns in order to be guaranteed to encounter the required number of targets in battle and to have an extra pair of eyes to look for tracers of enemy shells.

SAU-11. Damage area will require the player's bombardier skills, because you need to hit 2-3 enemy vehicles with one shot (StuG IV - damage 2 vehicles, T28 HTC - 3rd. For T-55A - hit 3 vehicles, one of which must be destroyed, Object 260 – destroy 2 cars). It would seem that you just need to use “large caliber” and splash landmines, play at higher levels, where the technology is slower, but a lot will still depend on luck. Try and catch a successful crowd of enemy equipment and with one shot hit not only it, but also the necessary conditions of the task.

When performing this task, this machine would not hurt...

Task SAU-12. Drummer has the most different conditions for obtaining equipment from our four. By doing this, for Stug it is enough to get into the top 3 of your team in terms of damage and make 1 kill, for the T-28 HTC it is more difficult to get into the top 3 of both teams in terms of damage and kill two opponents, for the T-55A it is even more difficult to score more damage everyone on the team and kill three, and to get Object 260 needs to be the first in damage for both teams, make 4 kills and survive in the bargain. Here you need to demonstrate all your skills in playing artillery, which the player will have to develop on the way to completing previous tasks and simply carry out a successful battle. First of all, you need straight arms and knowledge of the best positions for firing, but luck won’t hurt either - convenient map already half the success.

SAU-13. Artbattery– a platoon task, where everything seems simple: take a friend or two and win by shooting at least 20% of the total damage of the entire team with your platoon. This is for starters, i.e. Shtuga. Further the platoon's contribution to victory increases to 30%, 40% and 50% damage (for operations on T-28 HTC, T-55A, Ob. 260, respectively). In principle, this can be done on self-propelled guns of any level, loading premium shells and not ending up at the very bottom of the list. In this case, it is advisable to focus one target and thus “take away” damage from your own team as intensively as possible. However, at low levels there are more inexperienced players and the likelihood of being “dragged” by a platoon, shooting the lion’s share of the damage, increases.

The penultimate mission is also a platoon task - SAU-14. Joint action. Having at least one light tank in a platoon with artillery, personally inflict a certain amount of damage. To receive StuG IV – 2000, T28 HTC – 3000, T-55A – 4000, Object 260 – 5000. Relatively nothing complicated. LTs are supposed to just make the task easier, but starting from the realities of random, where very few people play fireflies effectively, we actually get a slightly more complicated very first task SAU-1. Howitzer fire. Therefore, we return to the advice in “point 1” and slightly exceed the plan.

The final task of the SAU-15: Gods of War will be the icing on the four cakes. Conditions for Shtug 4: we deal at least 2000 damage and get into the top 3 of our team in terms of experience and damage. For the T28 HTC chain it’s the same, only you need to get into the top 3 in experience and damage among both teams. T-55A and Object 260 will require 3000 damage and be the best in experience earned and damage dealt among your team and both teams, respectively. It is logical to assume that such results can be most easily obtained using non-top-level equipment. After all, the lower the level of technology, the greater the likelihood that for 2-3 thousand of damage caused you will be in the top in all respects. I will also remind you again about the opportunity to take risks and play with a platoon with vehicles of a higher level.

Phew, so we briefly went over the specifics of the LBZ on self-propelled guns. If all of the above causes fear and horror, then you can simply not perform artillery tasks. True, for this you will have to complete the final tasks for all other vehicle classes with honors, like this.

We remind you once again that you can find all the information on the new challenge in World of Tanks
