Logic games checkers for 6 years old. How to teach a child to play checkers from scratch in a playful way

Checkers is a game that trains attentiveness, instills perseverance and a focus on winning. A good age for learning is considered senior group kindergarten. Exactly at the age of 4 - 5 years It is worth training children, developing their visual, imaginative and predictive functions of the mind, and accustoming them to logical thinking. Let's talk in this article about how to teach a child to play checkers from scratch.

Benefits of the game

Psychologists have established the fact that children, starting from the age of 5, master and actively use the associative sequence “thought-word” or “thought-action”. It is kindergarten age that is considered the most appropriate to begin a step-by-step study of the rules of the game of checkers.

This mind game stimulates mental development, attentiveness, and determination. After just a year of training, the resulting concentration and perseverance will help you achieve great success in school. And the ability to calculate the situation several moves ahead, make important decisions and bear responsibility for them are qualities that will be very useful in adult life.

If your child is still a preschooler, then you can teach him the game yourself; for this you need to have initial skills or watch educational video lessons on the Internet. If the child is younger school age, and you yourself are new to this matter, then you can send it to a school club, where teaching is carried out using different methods, depending on the level of preparation of the young checkers player.

Advice for parents: replace family evening gatherings in front of the TV with a game of checkers, this will have a good effect on family cohesion and trust in each other. Perhaps this will become a good home tradition.

Rules of the game

There are several variations of the game in the world - Turkish, English, Italian checkers. They differ in color palette, move options, number of fields and, accordingly, the number of pieces. We will look at classic Russian checkers. To make it easier for your child to remember the rules, you can teach him short, funny rhymes.

Checkers board for the Russian version of the game consists of 64 cells, painted in black and white colors, checkers are also black and white. Before the start of the fight, all figures are placed in the bottom three rows against a dark background.

All moves in the game are carried out only on a dark background:

"Checkers slowly but accurately

They only walk on black squares!”

  • The first mover always has the advantage white pieces:

“You can start the battle with confidence -

White always makes the first move!”

“Everyone knows: both old and young,

We hit the saber forward and back!”

  • Walk in the other direction with this position of the figures prohibited, even if you expose yourself to blow:

“Checkers are probably unlucky,

The checkers only move FORWARD!”

“The opponent’s checker will immediately die,

If yours jumps over it!”

“The fields will suddenly end,

The checker will immediately become a queen!”

“So that your lady is not caught,

It moves along the entire diagonal!”

  1. Kill the queen, in the appropriate position, any shape can.
  2. The player who wins The first one will kill all the opponent's checkers:

“The goal of the game is to beat the “enemies”

And so that they don’t have any moves!”

Advice to parents: If you have difficulty explaining the rules to your child, then take advantage of online training courses, where experts not only give instructions for the game, but also conduct online consultations for parents.

How to teach

The first lesson should begin with familiarization with the playing field. Let the child first try to arrange the figures correctly on his own; if it doesn’t work, come to the rescue. Explain that the middle must remain free for combat, then proceed directly to the game.

Note! Try playing with fewer checkers. In the first training game, their number can be reduced to 8. This will allow you to become more familiar with the rules and use a larger number of exercises.

Having reached the moment when the opponents' pieces are nearby and the squares behind are empty, explain that, as in any battle, the time has come to kill the enemy. The one whose turn it is to go does it first.

You can make a move back in the case when you can eat someone else's checker. When one of you gets to the opposite edge of the board, flip the piece over - it's now a queen. For greater clarity, you can stick a colored circle or picture on the queen, showing her importance and the ability to walk as she pleases: any number of squares, both forward and backward.

Usually the child is so carried away and focused that he does not see the entire current situation, does not notice the dangers that the enemy is preparing for him, and does not realize the dynamics of the entire game. An important skill that you should teach a young player is to calculate your own and other people’s moves, and predict possible situations.

Look useful tips from additional education teacher Matveeva Irina Vladimirovna.

  • No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but learning should take place in the form of a game. The usual reading of the rules will not lead to any result. Transform all the figures into warriors and practice the strategy of capturing strangers or crown the most worthy knights as kings. Come up with new stories every day, the participants of which will be your acquaintances, friends, favorite cartoon or fairy tale characters.
  • Don't let your baby become overtired. No matter how interesting your game is, it is necessary to take breaks for exercise, a snack or a short walk. This will not only keep you healthy, but will also prevent the game from becoming boring and uninteresting.
  • Praise and encourage your child, point out the most successful combinations, inspire victories and new achievements. Don’t scold if your child doesn’t understand something or makes the wrong move, be more patient. Show your child interesting and understandable video material with great grandmasters.
  • Don't give in! If the child wins all the time due to the fact that you have successfully “arranged” everything, then there will be no sense in such a game. It is enough to give him a head start only occasionally to increase his confidence in his abilities. Of course, a loss will upset the baby, and tears may even appear, but this will serve as an incentive for further victories. Just explain that losing is not a shame or scary, it’s a shame not to try anything, but it’s scary not to try to do better next time.
  • When the game of Russian checkers is clear and accessible, you can play “ Giveaways», « Chapaeva», « Corners" These types of checkers are no less interesting and exciting. When you master these funs, it’s time.

Gentleman's rules

The presence of gentlemanly rules is a feature of Turkish checkers. However, their use in the Russian version of the game is not only appropriate, but also completely justified.

  • As a sign of respect for each other, the opponents shake hands at the beginning and end of the game. Thus, at the beginning of the game it promotes a friendly mood, and at the end, despite the fact that there is a winner and a loser, the tension is relieved.
  • Distracting the attention of your playing partner or giving hints is strictly prohibited. Cheating, like any kind of fraud, is not held in high esteem in decent society.
  • Playing quietly, measuredly, without throwing the pieces, rearranging them without unnecessary noise - signs of a well-mannered person.
  • Laughing at an opponent's loss is unacceptable. Respect for a person in any situation is a sign of nobility.

Important Terms

  • Simple- an ordinary checker that is not a queen.
  • Side checker– a figure located on the edge of the playing field.
  • Dame field– the last, 8th row of the playing field.
  • King- a figure that has reached the queen's field.
  • Move, or quiet move– moving a checker piece from one cell to another.
  • Impact move– a move in which the opponent’s checker is captured.
  • Sacrifice- placing an ordinary checker in such a way that the opponent can kill it.
  • Exchange– a move in which both players lose the same number of pieces.
  • Passed checker- a checker that will take the place of the king on the next move.
  • Breakthrough- a combination of techniques that provides passage to the kings.
  • Tetanus– the defeat of the queen determines the order of the move.
  • Sieve- such an arrangement of figures in which free fields alternate with occupied ones.
  • Locking– the checker is in such a position that it is covered by the opponent’s pieces and has no move.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

Anyone who knows how to play chess will say that checkers is for children. Indeed, their gameplay much simpler and more accessible to study even for children. Fans of board games often organize evenings playing checkers, constantly improving in this matter.

The only similarity with chess is that it is graphed into sixty-four black and white cells board and pieces of similar color, and also in the fact that white makes the first move.

Checkers game options

Checkers principles retain an individual style, although there are several varieties of the game:

  • Armenian;
  • International;
  • Altai;
  • Turkish;
  • Spanish;
  • English;
  • Brazilian;
  • Canadian;
  • Italian;
  • We are closer to Russian checkers and we invite you to play checkers online.

    It has already become a habit to transform board games into computer versions. Checkers did not escape this fate, but changing actions will not seem difficult, because all control is done with the help of a computer mouse and you just need to click on a piece to activate it, and to move to a certain cell, click on it.

A little about the rules

The rules have been kept original, which will also not complicate the process of learning the game version.

  • At the beginning of the game of checkers, you will play “simple” pieces, and then raise them to the rank of “kings”.
  • Your goal is to move all the checkers across the field and make them kings, as well as block enemy objects, making them unable to move.
  • A checker can only move diagonally, moving one square forward, but only if it is not occupied.
  • If there are enemy pieces available for capture, they must be captured. For such an action there is only one condition - the cell behind the figure must be free.
  • If there are several checkers on your way to remove, you will also have to hit them, even if the action is unfavorable for you.
  • During such movement, the trajectory of the checker can constantly change in different directions.
  • When, during a game of checkers, you reach the extreme strip of the opponent's board, your checker becomes a queen, and to emphasize its status, simply turn it upside down.
  • Now, when you move the queen, you have new opportunities - she can no longer move one square, but immediately overcome several spaces back or forward, but maintaining a diagonal line.
  • The obligatory removal of enemy checkers also remains, but now, if there are several cells before them, you can easily overcome the distance, although the condition of a free cell behind the one being hit is also necessary, as in the case of simple pieces.

When you start playing checkers for free, you need to know one more feature of the gameplay.

  • When it is possible to make a move in different directions, you can choose any one only if there are the same number of checkers to remove everywhere.
  • If in one case there are more of them, in another there are less, you should choose the option with a larger number of withdrawals.
  • If during the moves you reached the extreme edge of the board and became a king, but there are still pieces left to be destroyed, further movements occur in a new status and with the acquired ability to move several cells at once.
  • When the checker became a king on the last move, then it will be possible to use the opportunities that have arisen only during the next move.

Virtual checkers are always preferable

Online checkers games are an excellent substitute for real pieces, because now you no longer need to store the board in the closet, look for a partner for the next game, there is no risk of losing the checkers and losing the opportunity to play when the desire arises, and the computer variety of options turns the usual game into a real sacrament.

Games, the essence of which is to rearrange various figures according to playing field in a box, have enormous opportunities. One of the legends about the creation of chess says that the sage who created this game for the raj asked “only” the following. Place one grain on cell A1, twice as much on A2, twice as much on A3 as on A2, and so on until the last cell on H8. Raja agreed without thinking twice. There are only 64 cells, but he is so rich! But when the treasurers counted everything, it turned out that there was not so much grain in the whole earth! The magic of such games is truly mysterious. The most perfect computer will never completely defeat the most perfect chess player. The game of checkers falls into this category. Despite all its apparent simplicity, it is not easy for the common man.

Anyone can play checkers online. Like many games, checkers allows two players to play at the same time. And these days, in order to relax and win, it is better to take a familiar person than a computer. In addition, many developers introduce various kinds adjustments to the rules of the game of checkers, so the player can be in for a complete surprise when he throws all his strength into breaking through, and therefore loses half of the checkers, having learned that in this version of the game you can move backwards. In addition, checkers are installed in all popular network formats - extreme checkers on irregularly shaped fields, checkers for three and many other options.

On our website www.site you will find all the conditions for slowly exploring all the possible options for this game. After all, online checkers games make them endless. They are so deep that you can fight with an opponent for several hours in a row without even noticing the passage of time. Well, if it doesn’t allow you to immerse yourself in your favorite game limited access to the network - no problem! Download the game file to your computer and play for as long as you like! And if you get tired, come back a little later for new game. We think our catalog will provide you with your favorite games for a long time. But online games checkers is what you need after a hard day at work.

Game composition:

1. Game board 64 (8x8) cells. Cells of two contrasting colors, located diagonally. The designation of game cells is alphanumeric (like on a chessboard).

2. Checkers of two different colors, 12 pieces each.

Purpose of the game:


The playing field (board) is positioned in such a way that the corner dark field is located on the left side of the player (Diagram No. 1).

Diagram No. 1

Diagram No. 2

The choice of color by the players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on three rows closest to the player on dark cells, as shown in the figure. The right to make the first move usually belongs to the player who plays with white (light) color. The moves are made by the opponents one by one.

If a simple checker reaches the last horizontal line, it becomes a “king” and is indicated by turning over (Diagram No. 3). The king can move diagonally to any number of free cells.

Diagram No. 3

Taking a checker The opponent's move is carried out by transferring his own through it, if it is on the diagonal cell adjacent to the simple checker and there is a free field behind it (Diagram No. 2). If after this move there is a continuation to capture other opponent's checkers, the move continues. The opponent's checker(s) is removed from the board. Capturing the opponent's checker can be done both forward and backward, and is mandatory unless it was agreed upon to change this rule before the start of the game.

These rules for playing Russian checkers are standard, but changes can be made to them by mutual agreement of the players.

International (hundred-square) checkers.

The rules of the game of international (hundred-square) checkers are very similar to Russian checkers, but, nevertheless, they are different.

Game composition:

1. Game board 100 (10x10) cells. Cells of two contrasting colors, usually white and dark (gray or brown) arranged diagonally. All dark (black) fields have specific numbers - from 1 to 50.

2. Checkers of two different colors, 20 pieces each.

Purpose of the game:

To win a game - when the opponent does not have a single checker left, the opponent's checkers are blocked, or the opponent admits defeat early.

If it is impossible for any of the participants in the game to win, the game is considered a draw.


The game involves 2 players. The players are located on opposite sides of the board.

The choice of color by the players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on four rows closest to the player on dark cells, as shown in the figure. The right to make the first move usually belongs to the player who plays with white (light) color. The moves are made by the opponents one by one. A move is considered made if the participant in the game releases his hand after moving the checker. If a player touches a checker, he must make a move. If any of the opponents wants to correct the checkers, they must warn in advance.

At the beginning of the game, all opponents' checkers are simple. Simple checkers can only be moved forward diagonally to an adjacent free cell.

Taking a checker

For clarification, below are illustrative examples:

Diagram No. 6

Queen 10 can take one checker, placing himself on square 46.

A simple checker 36, removes 3 opponent’s checkers, ending up on square 29.

Therefore, checker 36 must capture.

Diagram No. 7

White has 2 options for capturing the opponent's checkers:

With queen 45 you can take 2 simple checkers and a king, standing on square 16;

With a simple checker 26 you can take a king and 2 simple checkers.

In all options, the quality and quantity are the same, so the player makes the capture based on tactical preferences.

These rules for playing international (hundred-square) checkers are standard, but changes can be made to them by mutual agreement of the players.

More detailed rules, when holding official competitions, you can find out in the Code of Rules for the sport “Checkers”, approved by Order No. 481 of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia dated May 12, 2010.

Brazilian checkers.

Brazilian checkers is played on a board of 8x8 cells according to the rules of international checkers.

Game composition:

1. Game board 64 (8x8) cells. Cells of two contrasting colors, usually white and dark (gray or brown) arranged diagonally. All dark (black) fields have specific numbers - from 1 to 32.

2. Checkers of two different colors, 12 pieces each.

Purpose of the game:

To win a game - when the opponent does not have a single checker left, the opponent's checkers are blocked, or the opponent admits defeat early.

If it is impossible for any of the participants in the game to win, the game is considered a draw.


The game involves 2 players. The players are located on opposite sides of the board.

The playing field (board) is positioned in such a way that the corner dark field is located on the left side of the player.

The choice of color by the players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on three rows closest to the player on dark squares. The right to make the first move usually belongs to the player who plays with white (light) color. The moves are made by the opponents one by one.

At the beginning of the game, all opponents' checkers are simple. Simple checkers can only be moved forward diagonally to an adjacent free cell.

If a simple checker reaches the last horizontal line, it becomes a “king” and is indicated by turning over. The king can move diagonally to any number of free cells.

A move is considered made if the participant in the game releases his hand after moving the checker. If a player touches a checker, he must make a move. If any of the opponents wants to correct the checkers, they must warn in advance.

Taking a checker The opponent is carried out by transferring his own through it, if it is on the diagonal cell adjacent to the simple checker and there is a free field behind it. If after this move there is a continuation for taking, the move continues, and the option is chosen according to the “majority rule”, i.e. take the largest number the opponent's checkers, in this case the king does not enjoy any advantages and does not impose any additional obligations on the player.

Capturing the opponent's checker can be done both forward and backward, and is mandatory unless it was agreed upon to change this rule before the start of the game. The opponent's checker(s) is removed from the board.

If a simple checker, in the process of capturing the opponent's checkers, reaches the field of the last horizontal line and is given the opportunity to be further captured by a king according to the rules of battle, then it turns into a king, stopping on the field of the last row. According to the king rules, she acquires the right to capture only from the next move.

English checkers (American, checkers)

Game composition:

Purpose of the game:

To win a game - when the opponent does not have a single checker left, the opponent's checkers are blocked, or the opponent admits defeat early.

If it is impossible for any of the participants in the game to win, the game is considered a draw.


The game involves 2 players. The players are located on opposite sides of the board.

At the beginning of the game, all opponents' checkers are simple. Simple checkers can only be moved forward diagonally to an adjacent free cell.

If a simple checker reaches the last horizontal line, it becomes a “king” and is indicated by turning over. The queen can move one square diagonally forward or backward

A move is considered made if the participant in the game releases his hand after moving the checker. If a player touches a checker, he must make a move. If any of the opponents wants to correct the checkers, they must warn in advance.

Taking a checker The opponent is carried out by transferring his own through it, if it is on the diagonal cell adjacent to the simple checker and there is a free field behind it. Capturing an opponent's checker with a simple checker can only be done forward. When captured, the king moves only across one square in any direction, and not to any diagonal square, as in Russian or international checkers. Capturing the opponent's checker is mandatory, but if there are several continuations of the "battle", any one that is most tactically expedient is chosen (the main criterion is the absence of further continuations for captures).

If a simple checker, in the process of capturing the opponent's checkers, reaches the field of the last horizontal line and is given the opportunity to be further captured by a king according to the rules of battle, then it turns into a king, stopping on the field of the last row. According to the king rules, she acquires the right to capture only from the next move.


The rules of the game in Pool are very similar to Russian checkers, but, nevertheless, they are different.

Game composition:

1. Game board 64 (8x8) cells. Cells of two contrasting colors, usually white and dark (gray or brown) arranged diagonally.

2. Checkers of two different colors, 12 pieces each.

Purpose of the game:

To win a game - when the opponent does not have a single checker left, the opponent's checkers are blocked, or the opponent admits defeat early.

If it is impossible for any of the participants in the game to win, the game is considered a draw.


The game involves 2 players. The players are located on opposite sides of the board.

The playing field (board) is positioned in such a way that the corner dark cell is located on the left side of the player.

The choice of color by the players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on three rows closest to the player on dark squares. The right to make the first move usually belongs to the player who plays with white (light) checkers. The moves are made by the opponents one by one.

At the beginning of the game, all opponents' checkers are simple. Simple checkers can only be moved forward diagonally to an adjacent free cell.

If a simple checker reaches the last horizontal line, it becomes a “king” and is indicated by turning over. The king can move diagonally to any number of free cells.

A move is considered made if the participant in the game releases his hand after moving the checker. If a player touches a checker, he must make a move. If any of the opponents wants to correct the checkers, they must warn in advance.

Taking a checker The opponent is carried out by transferring his own through it, if it is on the diagonal cell adjacent to the simple checker and there is a free field behind it. Capturing an opponent's checker with a simple checker can only be done forward. The king's capture of the opponent's checkers can be carried out through any number of diagonal cells, provided there is free space behind the “victim”. If she again finds herself on the same diagonal next to or at a distance from the opponent’s checker, behind which there is one or more free squares, the queen must continue to capture subsequent ones and occupy any free square on the same diagonal behind the last taken checker.

Capturing the opponent's checker is mandatory, but if there are several continuations of the “battle”, any one that is most tactically expedient is chosen (the main criterion is the absence of further continuations for captures).

If a simple checker, in the process of capturing the opponent’s checkers, reaches the field of the last horizontal line and is given the opportunity to further capture, then the checker continues the “battle”, while remaining simple.

Italian checkers

The rules of the game of Italian checkers are reminiscent of Checkers, but, nevertheless, they are different.

The choice of color by the players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on three rows closest to the player on dark squares. The right to make the first move usually belongs to the player who plays with black (dark) checkers. The moves are made by the opponents one by one.

At the beginning of the game, all opponents' checkers are simple. Simple checkers can only be moved forward diagonally to an adjacent free cell.

If a simple checker reaches the last horizontal line, it becomes a “king” and is indicated by turning over. The queen has the right to move one square diagonally forward or backward.

A move is considered made if the participant in the game releases his hand after moving the checker. If a player touches a checker, he must make a move. If any of the opponents wants to correct the checkers, they must warn in advance.

Taking a checker The opponent is carried out by transferring his own through it, if it is on the diagonal cell adjacent to the simple checker and there is a free field behind it. Capturing an opponent's checker with a simple checker can only be done forward. A simple checker is forbidden to “beat” the king. When captured, the king moves only across one square in any direction, and not to any diagonal square, as in Russian or international checkers. Capturing the opponent’s checker is mandatory, but if there are several continuations of the “battle”, the option is chosen according to the “majority rule”, i.e. taking the largest number of opponent's checkers; in this case, the king does not enjoy any advantages and does not impose any additional obligations on the player.

If a simple checker, in the process of capturing the opponent's checkers, reaches the field of the last horizontal line and is given the opportunity to be further captured by a king according to the rules of battle, then it turns into a king, stopping on the field of the last row. According to the king rules, she acquires the right to capture only from the next move.

At the beginning of the game, all opponents' checkers are simple. Simple checkers can only be moved forward diagonally to an adjacent free cell.

If a simple checker reaches the last horizontal line, it becomes a “king” and is indicated by turning over. The king can move diagonally to any number of free cells.

Taking a checker The opponent is carried out by transferring his own through it, if it is on the diagonal cell adjacent to the simple checker and there is a free field behind it. If after this move there is a continuation to capture other opponent's checkers, the move continues. The opponent's checker(s) is removed from the board. Capturing the opponent's checker can be done both forward and backward, and is mandatory unless it was agreed upon to change this rule before the start of the game.

The king's capture of the opponent's checkers can be carried out through any number of diagonal cells, provided there is free space behind the “victim”. If she again finds herself on the same diagonal next to or at a distance from the opponent’s checker, behind which there is one or more free squares, the queen must continue to capture subsequent ones and occupy any free square on the same diagonal behind the last taken checker.

Capturing the opponent’s checker is mandatory, but if there are several continuations of the “battle”, the option is chosen according to the “majority rule”, i.e. capturing the largest number of opponent's checkers

In cases where a simple checker, when captured, reaches the last horizontal row and is given the opportunity to further capture checkers, then it is obliged to continue the battle with the same move, but as a queen.

In cases where a checker has reached the last rank without being captured and is then given the opportunity to fight, it must hit, provided that this opportunity is retained only by the next move as a queen.

Broken checkers are removed from the board only at the end of the move, repeated “jumping” over broken checkers prohibited.
