Computer games, their characteristics. Methodology for organizing computer games

Computer games are a relatively new type of games that involve the use of computer game programs. How to choose a high-quality computer program, how they can influence computer games on the development of children and what are the main rules for the use of ICT in the development and education of preschool children. The material contains a printed consultation for parents and a presentation



Computer games are a relatively new type of games that involve the use of computer game programs.

Existing computer programs can help children develop memory, attention, learn something new about the world around them, introduce letters and much more.

However, researchers note that the modern market is overcrowded with a variety of computer games, the objectives of which do not include the education and development of children. This various kinds action, aggressive games, arcades, simulators.

Research conducted by medical professionals in Switzerland showed thatchildren who regularly play computer games, are distinguished by the following qualities:

They think in quick, ready-made associations;

They pose superficial questions without showing interest in the answers;

Adults' questions are answered superficially and stereotypically;

They do not feel distance when communicating with children and do not know how to enter into deep personal relationships.

That's why children communication to school age With a computer, experts recommend starting with computer games, carefully selected taking into account age and educational focus.

One of the obvious advantages of using ICT is increased visibility, which helps develop children’s artistic taste and improve their emotional sphere.

During the play activity of a preschooler, using computer tools he has develops: theoretical thinking, imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design thinking qualities, etc., which lead to a sharp increase in the creative abilities of children.

Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, the computer has a number of advantages:

  • presentation of information on a computer screen game form arouses great interest among children; carries a figurative type of information that is understandable to preschoolers;
  • movements, sound, animation attract the child’s attention for a long time;
  • problematic tasks, encouraging the child to solve them correctly with the computer itself are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children;
  • provides the opportunity to individualize learning: the child himself regulates the pace and number of game-based learning tasks to be solved;
  • in the process of his activities at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence, that he can do a lot;
  • allows you to simulate such life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (rocket flight, flood, unexpected and unusual effects);
  • The computer is very “patient”, never scolds the child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself.

Scientific research on the use of educational and educational computer games,organized and conducted by specialists of the Association “Computer and Childhood” showed that thanks to the multimedia method of presenting information, the following results are achieved:

  • children more easily grasp the concepts of shape, color and size;
  • the concepts of number and set are comprehended more deeply;
  • the ability to navigate on a plane and in space appears faster
  • trains the efficiency of attention and memory;
  • master reading and writing earlier;
  • vocabulary is actively replenished;
  • fine motor skills develop, the finest coordination of eye movements is formed.
  • the time of both simple reaction and choice reaction decreases;
  • dedication and concentration are fostered;
  • imagination develops and creativity;
  • elements of visual-figurative and theoretical thinking develop.

The main advantage of computer games in preparation for school is the development of perseverance and determination in the child.

Rules of computer games

The number of minutes on a PC is equal to the child’s age multiplied by 1.5. For example, for a six-year-old, the game lasts 9 minutes.

The number of sessions on a PC is a maximum of 3 per day. For a six-year-old, this is half an hour a day.

After work, eye exercises and outdoor games are mandatory.

The chair and table height should be adjusted so that the child's eye level is at the center of the screen.

Let's look at some types of computer programs for preschoolers.

Educational games.

Designed for the formation and development of children's general mental abilities, emotional and moral development. They develop fantasy and imagination. They do not have a clearly defined goal - they are tools for creativity and self-expression of the child. Developmental programs are inherently research-based ------- various graphic editors, "drawing books", "coloring books", constructors that provide the ability to draw straight and curved lines on the screen, geometric shapes and spots, painting closed areas, music editors for entering, storing and playing simple melodies; "Fairy tale constructors", combining the capabilities of text and graphic editors for the formation and reproduction of illustrated texts.

Educational games.

These include game programs of the didactic type, in which it is proposed to solve one or more didactic problems in a game form. This class includes games related to: the formation of children's initial mathematical concepts;

with teaching the alphabet, syllables and word formation, writing through reading and reading through writing; with teaching native and foreign languages; with the formation of dynamic representations of orientation on the plane and in space; with aesthetic, moral education; with the basics of systematization and classification, synthesis and analysis of concepts.

Logic games.

Utility logic games is that they develop logical thinking skills in preschool children. Most often, the game is a single task or a set of several puzzles that the player must solve. Typical representatives of this genre are various tasks involving rearranging figures or composing a picture.

Games are fun.

These games do not explicitly contain play or developmental objectives. They provide children with the opportunity to have fun, carry out search activities and see the result on the screen in the form of some kind of “micro-cartoon”. The child comes up with his own plot using famous characters. Such games provide an opportunity to look for non-standard ways to solve problems.

The use of computer games that have a quality guarantee, full technical and methodological support in a rational combination with traditional types of games will contribute to the formation of an original creative personality of a preschooler.

Thus, computer games can influence various areas of a child’s development: intellectual, social, emotional. They contribute to the acquisition of new and consolidation of existing knowledge, skills and abilities.


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Children who regularly play computer games think in quick, ready-made associations; - pose superficial questions without showing interest in the answers; - they give superficial and stereotypical answers to adults’ questions; - they do not feel distance when communicating with children and do not know how to enter into deep personal relationships.

Computer games should be carefully selected taking into account age and educational focus.

ADVANTAGES OF CI Presentation of information on a computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest among children; movements, sound, animation attract the child’s attention for a long time; problematic tasks, encouraging the child to solve them correctly with the computer itself are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children; provides the opportunity to individualize training; in the process of his activities at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence; allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (rocket flight, flood, unexpected and unusual effects); The computer is very “patient” and never scolds the child for mistakes.

EFFECTIVE RESULTS Children more easily grasp the concepts of shape, color and size; the concepts of number and set are comprehended more deeply; the ability to navigate on a plane emerges faster and the efficiency of attention and memory is trained in space; master reading and writing earlier; vocabulary is actively replenished; fine motor skills develop, the finest coordination of eye movements is formed.

RULES FOR TEACHING CHILDREN USING CI The number of minutes on a PC is equal to the child’s age multiplied by 1.5. The number of sessions on a PC is a maximum of 3 per day. After work, eye exercises and outdoor games are mandatory. The chair and table height should be adjusted so that the child's eye level is at the center of the screen.


TYPES OF GAMES: Drawing games Editors (graphic, music) Logic (puzzles) Puzzles Constructors “Find the differences” Fun games Activators (“catch the balls”)


Thinking, memory



Game self-massage

One of the main tasks facing teachers and parents is raising a healthy younger generation. In recent years, there has been a deterioration in the health of children. This is due to many factors. In addition to unfavorable climatic features, the health of children is negatively affected by the deterioration of the environmental situation, electron beam, “metal-sound” irradiation of children (computer games, prolonged stay in front of the TV, watching videos, constantly playing rock music), as well as social tension in society and intensification of the learning process. There is a need to improve the health of children, to create health-saving technologies to solve problems of improving children's health.

Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is during these years that the foundations of health, harmonious mental, moral and physical development child, a person’s personality is formed.

In the period from three to seven years, the child grows and develops intensively, movements become his need, therefore it is especially important during this age period to educate physical culture The child also has a careful attitude towards his health.

Recently in preschool institutions Increasingly, non-traditional means of physical education for children began to be used: rhythmic gymnastics exercises, play stretching, dancing and others.

The game method gives the educational process an attractive form, facilitates the process of memorizing and mastering exercises, increases the emotional background of classes, and promotes the development of the child’s thinking, imagination and creative abilities.

Playful self-massage is an unconventional type of exercise that helps the child’s body develop naturally, and its individual organs and systems improve morphologically and functionally.

“Game self-massage” is the basis for hardening and healing the child’s body. By performing self-massage exercises in a playful way, with musical accompaniment, children get joy and a good mood. Such exercises contribute to the formation in the child of a conscious desire for health, developing the skill of self-improvement.

An indispensable condition is constant monitoring of the well-being and individual reactions of children. All exercises should be performed against the backdrop of positive responses from the child. When performing a massage, it is recommended to teach children not to press forcefully on the indicated points, but to massage them with gentle movements of the fingers. Massage movements should be performed from the periphery to the center.

Before conducting a lesson, an adult should try to perform all the exercises himself. In this case, during the lesson, children will easily perform them as shown. The selection of musical accompaniment, as well as the intonation variety of the teacher’s speech. You need to be able to create a fabulous, magical atmosphere with music, speech, and facial expressions. And you will see for yourself, you will see how the eyes of your students will light up with delight.

"The Duck and the Cat"

And the ducks, and the ducks

Everyone is stomping down the street.

They waddle

And they quack a little rhyme.

The duck quacks and callsStroke your neck with your palms on top

Take all the ducklings with you, down.

And the cat follows them,Rub with your index fingers

Like going to a watering hole. wings of the nose.

The cat has a cunning lookUse your fingers to stroke your forehead from the middle

Dreams of catching them! to the temples.

Don't look at the ducklings -Spread your index and middle fingers

You can't swim!fingers, make a “fork” and massage

Points near the ear.


Back massage to the song of E. Poplyanskaya (collection “And we are playing in class”)

The rain runs on the roof -Stand behind each other like a train

Bom! Bom! Bom! and pat each other on the back.

Along the cheerful ringing roof -

Bom! Bom! Bom!

At home, sit at home -Finger tapping.

Bom! Bom! Bom!

Don't go anywhere -

Bom! Bom! Bom!

Read, play -Fist pounding.

Bom! Bom! Bom!

And if I leave, then go for a walk -

Bom! Bom! Bom!

The rain runs on the roof -Stroking with palms.

Bom! Bom! Bom!

Along the cheerful ringing roof -

Bom! Bom! Bom!

“So as not to yawn from boredom”

Wellness massage of the whole body: fast, frequent clapping on the corresponding words

To avoid yawning from boredom, let's knock here and there,

They stood up and rubbed their hands, and a little on the sides.

And then with a palm to the forehead Don’t be bored and don’t be lazy!

Clap-clap-clap. We moved to the lower back.

Are your cheeks bored too? We bend down a little, breathe evenly,

We can clap them too. Clap as high as possible.

Come on, come on together, don’t yawn:

One-two-three-four-five. Music the hand shows the hedgehog.

Here's the neck. Come on, lively

Let's move on to the scruff. Along a dry forest path -

The feet stomp, stomp, stomp.

And now, look, he walks and wanders along the paths

We got to the chest. A gray hedgehog covered in needles.

Let's knock on it for glory:

Top, bottom, left, right.(insert about a hedgehog for a fairy tale


"The ducks were flying"

Children sit on the carpet where a facial massage is performed.

The ducks were flying Lightly touching with your fingers,

Above the forest edge,swipe across forehead 6 times

We hit the spruce Lightly touching with your fingers,

The very top of my head, swipe across cheeks 6 times

And the tree is long Index fingers

Swinging branches...massage the wings of the nose

In a circle away from you

" Goose "

Children sit on the carpet and massage their fingers

Where is the palm? Here? Here!Show the right palm.

Is there a pond on your palm? Pond!Stroke the right palm with the left palm.

Thumb- Massage one by one

This is a young goose every finger.


The middle one plucked the goose,

The nameless one cooked the soup,

And the little finger stoked the stove.

The goose flew into the mouthThey wave their hands, two palms,

And from there to the stomach.touch the mouth, then the stomach

Here! Stretch your palms forward.

"Our ears"

Children perform ear massage.

1. Bend your ears forward with your hands (4 times); press your ears with your hands, then release them; pull your earlobes with your hands to the sides, up, down, release (4 times);

Using your index finger, release the “water” from the auditory flaps.

2. Bending the ears forward: quickly bend forward with all fingers, press, sharply release.(Helps improve the well-being of the entire body)

3. Pulling the ears: with the tips of the thumb and index fingers, pull both earlobes down 5-6 times.(Useful for hardening the throat and mouth)

4. Massage the tragus: grab the tragus with your thumb and forefinger. Squeeze. Turn it in all directions for 20-30 seconds.(Massage stimulates the function of the adrenal glands, strengthens the nose, throat, larynx, helps with allergies)

5. Rubbing your ears with your palms.

"Who Grazes in the Meadow"

Children performing back massage

Far, far away Stand one after another like a train, put your hands on

Shoulders of the child in front and pat on the shoulders.

Grazing in the meadow Bend the thumb on your right hand and draw a

With the rest of your fingers, move a snake along the vertebral column.

Nick in front.

Co... Rock your shoulders back and forth.

Goats? Tilt your head forward

No, not goats! Shake your head left and right.

Far, far away Turn 180 and repeat the movements of verse 1

Grazing in the meadow

Ko...Horses? No, not horses!

Far, far away Turn 180 again and repeat the same movements

Grazing in the meadow

Ko...Cows? Turn 90, shake your head, hands on your belt

That's right, cows!

Drink milk, children,Gradually sit down. Stand up quickly on the last syllable

You will be healthy! and raise your hands up.


Children performing foot massage

Ladybugs, daddy is coming,While sitting, stroke your legs from top to bottom

Mom follows after dad, Stretch your legs

The kids follow their mother,Clap your hands

The little ones wander after themPound with fists

Skirts with black dots.Tapping fingers

They look like the sunRaise your arms up and cross your hands,

Celebrate the new day together. fingers spread wide

And if they feel hot,Stroke your legs with your palms and hide

Then they will all hide together in the shadows. Hands behind your back.

" Turtle "

Self-massage of the body

A turtle went for a swimChildren perform light pinching

And she bit everyone out of fearfingers, chest, toes.

Kus! Kus! Kus! Kus!

I'm not afraid of anyone!

Turtle Rura! Children stroke themselves with their palms,

She dived into the lake, performing circular movement and

I dived in the evening sentenced.

And disappeared... Hey,

Turtle Rura,

Look out quickly!

"Pussy Taffy"

Eye massage (Chinese medicine)

A pussy came to visit us.Rub your middle fingers together

She gives everyone toffees:

Mouse, swan, beetle,Close your eyes loosely and hold your fingers

Dog, bunny, rooster.tsami, without pressing hard on the skin, from

the inner edge of the eye to the outer.

We are glad, we are glad to see all the hotels!Make circular movements with your pupils

We see this in their faces.eye right and left

Everyone clapped their hands Hand clapping

We ran to visit the cat.Tap your fingertips against each other


"Our eyes"

Eye massage (according to yogis)

- Sit up straight, place your elbows on a support (on a table or the back of a chair on which the child sits like a rider);

- Without lifting your elbows, connect the edges of your palms and little fingers, lower your head so that your palms rest on closed eyes, and the forehead rested on the upper part of the palms and fingers;

- Relax your neck muscles. The forehead becomes the fulcrum, the palms only touch the eyes;

- Lightly massage your eyes with your palms. Alternate pressure, rotation, stroking and vibration; perform for 1-2 minutes. It’s good if there is a feeling of warmth in the eyes;

- Relax your eyes.

(Massage causes active blood circulation in the eyes, stimulates nerve endings and gives wonderful rest to tired vision)


Children perform self-massage of the body

Behind glass doorsPerform clapping with your right palm

along the left arm from hand to shoulder.

A bear with pies walks aroundSame for the right hand

Hello, Mishenka-friend, Chest slapping

How much does a pie cost? Claps on the sides

A pie costs three,Claps on the lower back

And you will cook!Claps on the legs from top to bottom

We baked piesPerform consistent strokes

Our table is ready for the holiday!life of arms, body, legs

"What a beard"

Massage of biologically active zones for the prevention of colds

Yes - yes - yes - grandfather has a beard.Rub your palms together

De - de - de - there are gray hairs in the beard.Run your hands along your neck from the back of your head to

jugular fossa.

Doo - doo - doo - comb your beard.Use your thumbs to gently rub

neck from chin down

Yes - yes - yes - I'm tired of the beard.Clenching his hands into fists, the heights of the pain

With your fingers, quickly rub the wings of your nose

Doo - doo - doo - let's shave off grandfather's beard.Place three fingers flat on your forehead

and, pressing gently, stroke your forehead.

Dy - dy - dy - no more beard.Spreading your index and middle fingers,

Place them in front and behind your ears and forcefully

Rub the skin

"Hotter, Holly Cloud"

Children perform self-massage

Hotter, holey cloud,Rub your palms.

Water your hands with water,

Shoulders and elbows,Tap your fingers on your shoulders

Fingers and nailselbows, hands, back of the head, vis-

My back of the head, temples,Kam, chin, cheeks.

Chin and cheeks!

Three washcloths for knees,Rub your knees with your palms,

Three good brushesfeet and toes.

Heels, feet and toes...

Wash the boy clean and clean!

Wash the girl clean, clean,

Our little girl!

" Fox "

Gymnastics for the eyes

A red fox walksClose your eyes tightly and open your eyes

He squints his sly eyes.

The sly fox looksExtend your right hand forward, on which

Looking for somewhere to make some money.swarm all fingers except the index finger,

WITH clenched into a fist. Move your hand left and right

And follow the movement of your index finger

Fingers with your eyes, without turning your head.

The fox went to the market,Raise your hand and lower it, tracing

I looked at the product. glance.

I bought myself a codMake a circle with your hand clockwise and

Balalaika for the foxes. against her.

" Sun "

Gymnastics for the eyes

Sunshine, sunshine, shine in the sky!Stretch your arms up

Stretch bright rays to us.

We will put our hands in your palms,Clap your hands above your head

Spin us around, lift us off the ground.Spin around with your hands up

Pull forward right hand, slowly

And he fell on the guys’ shoulders.touch your index finger to

right shoulder. Follow with your eyes.

The little ray of joy sang a song,Repeat the same with your left hand

Everyone looked at their own shoulders.

A ray of sunshine galloped quickly,Stretch your hand forward and touch your finger

And it fell on the little guys' noses.the tip of the nose. Follow with your eyes.

The little ray of joy sang a song,

Everyone looked at their own nose.

Our palms clap joyfully,Clap your hands.

Frisky legs walk quickly. Walking in place.

The sun has disappeared, gone to rest,Close your eyes and put your hands under your cheeks

We will sit down with you.Sit on the chairs

"Grandfather Egor"

Leg exercises to prevent flat feet

Because of the forest, because of the mountainsWalking in place without lifting your toes off the floor,

Grandfather Yegor is coming.trying to lift it higher than the heel.

On a horse myself Walking on your heels, hands behind your back

Wife on a cowWalking on toes, hands behind head

Children on calvesWalking with a heel-to-toe roll, arms

on the belt.

Grandchildren on baby goats.Walking with legs raised high, flexion

Knee in the knee, arms to the sides

Hop, gop, gop! Raise yourself on your toes and lower yourself

For the entire foot.

We've arrived! Sit down


Gymnastics for the eyes

Spun, spun"Lanterns"

White snowflakes.

They flew up in a white flockRaise your hands up and look

Light fluff. on them

The evil blizzard has calmed down a little -Slowly lower your hands and trace

They settled down everywhere.keep an eye on them

They sparkled like pearls -Extend your arms alternately to the sides

Everyone marvels at the miracle.and follow them with your gaze

Sparkled, sparkledPerform the “knife-” movement with your hands

White girlfriends. prostrate"

Let's go for a walk Step in place

Children and old ladies.

" Butterfly "

Ankle mobility exercise

I.p. – sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, arms resting behind;

1 – bring your knees together, spread your feet in different directions;

2 – spread your knees to the sides, bring your feet together, trying to reach the floor with your knees.

"Our Feet"

Massage of reflex zones of the legs

  1. Squeeze the tip of your thumb, then the pad of your thumb. If you notice a painful point. Rub it until the pain disappears.
  2. Grasp the Achilles tendon tightly with your thumb and forefinger, squeeze it, and release it. Repeat 3 times on each leg.
  3. Quickly rub your feet upward with the heel of your other foot.

(This massage helps to get rid of accumulated fatigue and turn on the main body systems)

" Airplane "

Gymnastics for the eyes

An airplane flies byLook up and swipe

I got ready to fly with him.behind the "flying" plane

He took the right wing back and looked.Move your arms alternately and trace

He took the left wing back and looked. glance

I'm starting the engine Make rotational movements before

And I look closely. breasts

I rise up, I fly,Stand on your toes and easily run in a circle

I don't want to go back.

"Our eyes"

Gymnastics for the eyes (according to yoga methods).

- With the index finger of your right hand, touch the tip of your nose so that the finger is parallel to the floor. Focus your gaze on the tip of your finger, look without blinking, until tired, until you cry, fix your gaze on the tip of your finger while breathing completely (take a full breath, then exhale completely). Relax your eyes. Repeat the exercise, placing your finger between the eyebrows;

- With the index finger of your right hand, touch the tip of your nose and focus your gaze on the tip of your finger. With an inhalation, remove your finger from your nose as far as possible within arm's length, continuing to look at the tip of your finger. With a sigh, return your finger to your nose. Repeat the exercise, placing your finger between the eyebrows;

- Throw your head back all the way. Focus your gaze on the tip of your nose. Take a full breath, then exhale completely. Repeat the same, focusing your gaze on the area between the eyebrows;

- Perform circular rotations with your eyes, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Do the same with your eyes closed. The rotation rate is variable, from slow to maximum fast;

- Cover your eyes with your palms so that no light penetrates through your palms. Sit like this for a while, letting your eyes relax.

" Snowfall "

Gymnastics for the eyes

(follow all movements with your eyes without turning your head)

White flakes white fluffSlowly lower from top to bottom first

Smooth and calmLa right hand, then left.

Circling above the trees

And above the bell tower.

Every house and every bushAlternately stretch your arms to the right,

Warms, dresses to the left.

Snow coat andReach your hand forward and touch

Snow hat. her forehead.

White flakes white fluffRaise and lower your hand from the level

It's falling from the sky, chest to waist.

Sheltering the white light

A white blanket.

To the left, in front,With your index finger touch the left shoulder

Behind and to the right cha, extend your hand forward, touch the left.

Slept sweetly until springCover your eyes with your palms.

Trees and grass.

How much will this cover?Spread your arms to the sides, eyes wide

Snow overnight!

This is how they fly

Sleigh down the hill!

" Bunny "

Children do nose massage and eye exercises

Here comes the bunny to us,Nose massage (according to Chinese medicine),
He calls us with his paw.
strengthening immunity to diseases

The poor bunny is sneezingproblems of the upper respiratory tract:

He doesn’t know how to get better.Rub your index fingers and

We will find a cure for you:rub your nostrils from top to bottom and

We'll rub our nose with our paw.from bottom to top 10 - 20 times.

IN We have a carrot in our hands.Children hold a carrot in their hand while performing

Let's continue training. with it slow movements left and right,

Up and down, in circles and following

With her glance.

Our bunny has recovered,

He is very happy with the guys

Invites you to play.

" Bear "

Gymnastics for the eyes

A bear wanders through the forest,Walking waddle, slightly bent

Walks from oak to oak. walk, raking a little with bent arms

Finds honey in hollowsDepict how he takes out and eats honey

And he puts it in his mouth.

Licking his paw "Waving away the bees"

Sweet tooth clubfoot,

And the bees fly in,

The bear is driven away.

And the bees sting the bear:Move your hand forward and alternate

Don't eat our honey, you thief!touch the nose, cheeks, tracing the movements

walking with your eyes without turning your head

Walking along a forest roadWaddle

The bear goes to his den.

Lies down, falls asleepLie down, hands under your cheeks

And he remembers the bees.

"Little Bear"

Gymnastics for legs (M. Krasev’s song “Bear”)

Show us, little bear,Walking on the outer arch of the foot

How the red girls gathered

For lingonberries, for raspberries

Yes, for the viburnum berry,

How we walked through the forest with baskets,

We picked berries to the brim,

They sat down to rest

They leaned against the stump.

Show us, little bear,Stand on your toes, inhaling and spreading your arms

How the girls yawned red,to the sides and lower your entire foot.

Covering yourself with a handkerchiefSit on the floor, hands behind you

Yes, they fell asleep under a bush.Alternately stretch and straighten

toe socks

How they jumped up, stretched,Stand up, stretch

They looked at each other,Side turns

They sang a song loudly,Walking with a stomping step

Round dances started.


Children performing ear massage

On the far borderBend your ears forward with your hands

Both in the cold and in the heat,

In a green cap

There is a sentry.

On the far borderPull your earlobes to the sides with your hands,

Both night and dayup, down, down.

He's vigilant, he's vigilant

Keeps an eye on the enemy.

And if the spyMassage with your index finger

Wants to passauditory flaps.

Will stop him

Soldier on the way!

" Rain "

Gymnastics for the eyes

Rain clouds have arrived:Shake your arms up,

Rain, rain, rain!look at them.

The raindrops are dancing as if alive:Slowly lower your hands, fingering your fingers

Drink, rye, drink!tsami, tracing the movements with their eyes.

And the rye, bending towards the green earth,Bend over, making soft, springy

Drinks, drinks, drinks.hand movements, look down

And the warm rain is restlessShow your index finger moving

It pours, it pours, it pours.from top to bottom and follow with your eyes.

"On the Mysterious Road"

Gymnastics for feet

Along a mysterious roadWalk on your toes with good posture

Mysterious feet walked.

On the high roadWalking in place without lifting your toes off the floor

Our feet began to walk.

Along the dusty pathRolling from toe to heel while standing still

Our feet walked.

And little legsWalking fast with legs raised high

They ran along the path.bent at the knees

On a narrow pathWalking with your toes together

Our legs are tired.

Tired legsWalking with a heel-to-toe roll while holding

We walked along the path.torso straight and looking forward

We sat down on a pebbleSitting on a chair, raise and lower your socks

We sat down and sat.legs without lifting your heels off the floor

Legs are restingStroke the muscles of the legs and feet

The muscles relax.

"Gift for Mom"

Finger massage

I decided to give my mother a gift.Sliding movements of palm on palm

She quietly opened the box of reels.Alternately rub the fingers of your left hand,

I took the threads and hoops from the shelf,as if putting it on each finger

Threaded a green thread into a needle.“Ring” from the clenched fingers of the right hand

Mom's thimble is on her daughter's finger.

I put the white fabric on the hoop.

With a needle I lead stitch after stitch.Alternately rub the fingers of your right hand

I am embroidering a wonderful flower:

First - green stems,

After - cheerful petals,

In the center of the circle is a bright yellow circle.

I secure the last stitch.Rub your palms together

I stretch my tired fingers.Clenching and unclenching your fingers

I'm putting away the old hoop.

I put the thread and needle in the box.Interlace the fingers of both hands and do

I quietly go to my mother’s room."rocker"

I'll stand on a low stoolGetting to their feet

And I’ll put a napkin on the chest of drawers.Stretch your arms forward

Mom will enter the room and be surprised:Shake your head with your hands on your waist

- Daughter, what a craftswoman you are.


Hush, hush, Kolobok!Walking with legs raised high

Suddenly the gray wolf will hear.bent at the knees.

Let's walk quietly with our feet,Walking on your toes while maintaining good

Let's sneak by unnoticed.posture

But rosy KolobokRise up on your toes andgo down

Jumped straight into the gardenall over the foot

Through the beds along the fenceRolling from toe to heel.

Jumps as if from Fedora.


Gymnastics for the eyes

(follow all hand movements with your gaze without turning your head)

Here is a clearing, and aroundWith a wide gesture, spread your arms to the sides

The linden trees lined up in a circle.clasp your rounded hands above your head

The linden trees are rustling,Hands up, swing them from side to side

The winds hum in their leaves.side

The tops are bent downLean forward

And rock them, rock them. Bend over and shake your body from

side to side

After rain and thunderstormsStraighten up, raise your arms

The linden trees shed streams of tears.Slowly lower your hands, moving your fingers

Each leaf has a tearHands down, shake hands

Must be thrown onto the paths.

Drip and drip, drip and drip -Clap your hands while making a circle with your hands

Drops, drops, drops - drip!first one way, then the other way

How weak the leaf is!"Drop your hands"

He will wash himself with the rain,Stroke first one, then the otherhand

It will get stronger every day.Clench your fists

"The Carpenter"

Children perform self-massage of hands

The master took the jointer in his hands,Stroke your left arm from shoulder to hand 4 times
Sharpened the plane sharply,
Stroke your right hand

Planed the boards smoothly,Stretch your left hand

I took the drill, I took the screws,Stretch your right hand

He cleverly drilled the boards,Circular movements with the fingers of the right hand from

shoulder to left hand

I screwed them together with screws,Same with your left hand

Worked with a chiselTapping on the left hand

I knocked everything together with a hammer.Tapping on the right hand

The result is a frame -Quickly moving the fingers of your right hand, walk

with them on the left from shoulder to elbow

A sight for sore eyes!Same with your left hand

That worker is wonderfulStroke your left hand

His name is simple: carpenter.Stroke your right hand

"Our eyes"

Children perform gymnastics for the eyes (according to the health-improving methods of yoga)

- Alternately fixing the gaze on the finger and the horizon: take a stable position and place your hand with the index finger raised at head level in front of you, about 30 cm from the eyes. Alternately move your gaze from your finger to the red leaf-check on the tree, lingering in each position for 2-3 seconds. The finger should be approximately in the same direction as the leaf, so that when you move your gaze, the eyeballs hardly move. You need to look at both the finger and the leaves carefully, achieving clear concentration. Perform for 1 minute.

- Alternately fixing the gaze on the tip of the nose and on the horizon: performed similarly to the previous exercise, only the gaze is transferred from the tip of the nose to the red piece of paper and vice versa. These exercises improve the eyes' ability to focus accurately at various distances. Improved vision occurs due to accommodation (the ability of the lens to change its curvature)

- Rest for the eyes: sit calmly and steadily. Close your eyes and relax your eyelids. Mentally stroke your eyes with warm, soft fingers. The face and body also relax. Relaxation time 20 - 30 seconds. This exercise protects the eyes from fatigue and serves as a preventive measure against vision deterioration.

"We're Tired"

Exercises that promote rapid recovery

when tired or overexcited

-Place your palms in front of your chest with your fingers up, do not breathe, squeeze the bases of your palms with all your might so that your hands tremble. Tighten the muscles of your shoulders and chest. Then pull in your stomach and stretch upward, as if looking out of a window, leaning on your hands. Repeat 3 times. Your mouth should become moist.

- Place your hands in a lock, clasp the back of your head, point your elbows forward. Pull your head towards your elbows. Do not resist, stretch the cervical spine. Pull evenly, so that it is pleasant. Perform for 10 – 15 seconds.

- Rub your ears thoroughly for 15-20 seconds.

" Rooster "

Children doing exercises for neck muscles

Oh, handsome cockerel!Horizontal pecking movements of the head

On the top of the head there is a comb,tal plane to the right - to the left.

And under the beak there is a beard.Pecking movements of the head forward-on-

butt, chin moves parallel to the floor

Very proud gait:Walk in a circle, swinging your arms and lifting

Raises his paws uphead - inhale, and lowering - exhale

Nods his head importantly.

The rooster gets up before everyone else,Head tilts left and right

Sings loudly at dawn:

- Cuckoo! Stop sleeping!Wave your arms like wings, raising

It's time for everyone to get up!lowering his head

"The Flower and the Butterfly"

Children perform finger exercises and eye exercises

Swell quickly the bud,

Bloom a flower - peony.

- Under these words, children perform a finger exercise: close the fingertips of both hands. Slightly rounded palms form a “bud”. Press the lower parts of your palms towards each other. And spread your fingers wide in a circle and bend a little. It turns out to be a large open “flower”.

Let's try to inhale the wonderful aroma.

- Children, closing their eyes, slowly inhale through their nose, hold their breath and exhale slowly, saying: “A-a-ah!”

A butterfly flew up to a beautiful flower,

Let's see how it flies.

(Children sit, only their eyes move)

Look left and right, up and down.(Repeat 4 times).Now draw the sun with your eyes. A butterfly sat on a flower, basking in the sun. She even closed her eyes in pleasure. Let us sit with our eyes closed.

(Close eyes for 30 seconds)

"Steam Locomotive"

Children perform a back massage standing one after another

and placing their palms on each other's shoulders

Patting on the back with palms

I don't want to stand still!

Chug-chug, puff, puff, grumble,Rotate 180, beat the cu-

I don't want to stand still!lachki

I'm knocking my wheels, I'm knocking,Rotate 180, tapping fingers

I'm knocking my wheels, I'm knocking,tsami

I'm knocking my wheels, I'm knocking,Turn 180, stroking the palm

Sit down quickly, I'll give you a ride!yum

Chu, chu, chu!Light stroking with fingers

"The forest is green"

Facial massage according to Chinese medicine (improves blood supply to the facial skin, soothes headaches, relieves eye fatigue)

The warm wind strokes faces,Swipe with two palms, not too much

The forest rustles with thick leaves.pressing, from eyebrows to chin and

back 4 times

The oak wants to bow to us,From the point between the eyebrows with your thumb

Maple nods his head.with your left hand massage your forehead by running your finger

to the middle of the forehead at the base of the hair – 4 times

And the curly birchMassage the temple cavities with your thumbs

Sees off all the guys.right and left hands, making rotational

movements – 8 times

Goodbye, green forest,Stroking the face with palms from top to bottom -

We're leaving for kindergarten!4 times.

" Bug "

Gymnastics for the eyes (children sit on the floor, stretching their legs forward)

The index finger of the right hand is a beetle. Children turn it right, left, up, down, following the text.

The beetle flew up to the crane, buzzed and sang “W-w-w...”

So he flew to the right, everyone looked to the right.

So he flew to the left, everyone looked to the left.

The beetle wants to sit on your nose, we won’t let it sit.

Our beetle landed, buzzed and began to spin. "W-w-w..."

Beetle, here is your right palm, sit on it for a little while.

Beetle, here is your left palm, sit on it for a little while.

Children alternately extend their right and left arms forward, looking at the palm; then they get to their feet, stretch up on their toes and clap their hands, slowly lowering their hands.

The beetle flew up and sat down on the ceiling.

We stood up on our toes, but we didn’t get the beetle.

Let's clap together - clap, clap, clap,

So that he could fly away. "W-w-w..."



Here's our game: clap, palm,Hand clapping

Clap, another one!

Right, right palmSpanking on the left arm from shoulder to hand

We'll spank a little.

And then with your left palmRight hand spanking

Make your clapping louder.

And then, then, thenLight pat on the cheeks

We'll even beat your cheeks.

Palms up! Clap! Clap!Claps overhead

On the knees - slap, slap!Knee slapping

Now give me a pat on the shoulders!Shoulder slaps

Slap yourself on the sides!Side slaps

We can clap behind our backs!Back spanking

Let's clap for ourselves!Chest spanking

On the right - we can! On the left - we can!Tapping on the chest right, left

And let's fold our hands crosswise!

And we will stroke ourselves.Stroking the arms, chest, sides,

What a beauty!back, legs.

"Our Feet"

Self-massage of feet

- Children sit down, take off their shoes, cross their legs. On the right hand, bend the fingers, making a “brush”, and move them vigorously along the foot of the left foot;

- The palm of the right hand vigorously rubs the foot of the left foot;

- Knead the toes of the left foot with both hands;

- Knead the heel of the left foot with the right hand;

- Move the toes of the left foot;

- The palm of the right hand strokes the foot of the left leg;

- Use both palms to stroke the ankle joint;

- They stomp their feet on the floor.

- Repeat everything on the right leg.


Gymnastics for the eyes

The first drop fell - drop!A finger shows the trajectory from above

And the second one came running - drop!the movements of the drops and follow it with their gaze

We looked at the skyLooking up

The droplets began to sing, drip-drip,Raising their hands up, they quickly finger


Faces got wetWiping your face with your hands

We wiped them off.

Shoes - look -Point with hands down and look at shoes

They became wet.

Let's move our shoulders togetherShoulder movements

And shake off all the droplets.

Let's run away from the rain

Let's sit under a bush.Squats

" Walk "

Exercise to prevent flat feet

Let's hold hands together,Heel-to-toe walking

We'll go to the green forest,

We'll walk through the clearing,

Let's sing a fun song.

Bend over and take a lookWalking sideways on a thick cord

What makes the bush red?

Don't hide, strawberry,

We will find you anyway!

Mosquitoes are ringing above us,Rolling from toe to heel while standing on a thick cord

Mosquitoes bite on the forehead.

We are at war with mosquitoesSimultaneously with the rolls, perform clapping

We clap, clap, clap!palms in front of you, above your head, right, left,


Tatiana Dvoryaninova
"Computer games for preschool children." Consultation for parents

Consultation for parents

« Computer games for preschool children»

The modern child is entering computerized the world is as natural as he learned to walk, play with toys, communicate with peers and people around him. The child perceives computer as part of the environment and masters it very quickly. Sometimes it is very difficult to explain to a child that in addition to computer, there is still a lot of interesting things around. Computer attracts the child because the child can participate in computer game, performs actions for the hero himself games-This is different from simply, passively watching cartoons.

Child communication - preschooler with computer should start with computer games, carefully selected taking into account age, health, development of the child, characteristics of his attention and memory.

Among modern game programs there are many developing: educational programs are offered for children games, in which they recognize the colors and shapes of objects, memorize letters, numbers, learn to count, etc.

For example:

« Constructor» , "Build a house"- to develop skills design.

"Enter the Castle", "Help the chick"- to develop and consolidate mathematical concepts.

"Give me a word", "ABC"- to develop the child’s speech and to consolidate knowledge of the native language.

Managing computer game program, children learn to think first and then act: computer games develop the ability to plan their activities, train memory, develop logic and abstract thinking. Forming children the basics of information culture must be taken into account age and psychological characteristics children, maintaining their mental and physical health.

, falls on the eyes. For a child preschool age It is best to choose a static image, large and in color, accompanied by sound. Because games, containing images moving at high speed and small elements, lead to overfatigue and tension in the child’s body. sitting behind computer, the child is in a cramped position, as he has to look at the screen and press keys at the same time. The adult’s task is to create conditions for motor exercises and eye exercises. It is also necessary to diversify the child’s leisure time as much as possible. nka: between classes on computer he must play mobile games, spend as much time as possible walking and playing sports.

Gymnastics to prevent eye fatigue while the child is outside computer, should be carried out twice: 7-8 minutes from the start of work and after finishing. Gymnastics, lasting 1 minute, is simple and accessible to everyone. For example: sitting at computer, the child raises his eyes upward and, imagining a flying mosquito, watches its movement from one corner of the room to another, without turning his head - only the eyes should move! This exercise can be done by adults too.

Computer games form a motivating force for preschool children, intelligent, operational readiness for use computer funds for studying at school.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for parents “Didactic games and exercises, their impact on the development of preschool children” Didactic games and exercises, their influence on the sensory development of preschool children. A child finds himself at every age stage.

Consultation for parents “Musical education of preschool children” Slide 1 Dear parents! Today we will talk about developing the creative potential of your children. Why does a child need music? Strange.

Consultation for parents “Teaching skiing to preschool children. Outdoor games on skis"“Teaching skiing to preschool children, outdoor games on skis.” One of the most accessible types of recreational activities for preschoolers.

Consultation for parents “Patriotic education of preschool children” Patriotic upbringing of a child and interest in the spiritual beginning of our lives are the basis for the formation of a future citizen. To achieve.

Consultation for parents “Sensory development of preschool children” A child’s sensory development is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size.

Consultation for parents “Learning to hear and distinguish speech sounds” (games for children of primary preschool age). Dear parents! We'll talk about children's speech. In order to achieve correct pronunciation of the sounds of your native language, you must first.

Master class for parents: “Game and information and computer technologies on traffic rules for preschool children”(2 slide) Goal: increasing the activity of parents in developing safe behavior skills on the road in preschoolers through play.

But there are many negative aspects when usingcomputer games:

For children of middle and senior preschool age (from 4 to 6–7 years old) it is recommended various games, in which you can use the cursor to draw any shape or even a picture. You can ask your child to come up with a name for the picture drawn, populate it with certain characters, and together come up with a story about them. Special games (dramatizations) are especially good for this, in which drawn characters can come to life and reproduce invented actions, like in a cartoon. A disclaimer must be made right away: these are by no means the games in which you want to create game character(choose appearance, clothes, etc.) and act according to game scenario. In this regard, the indisputable advantage of dramatization games over traditional gaming computer programs is the fact that they do not suppress or deform the child’s sphere of goal formation. The child sets himself game tasks himself in the same way as he does in traditional plot-based amateur games, and therefore such computer games do not distort the specifics of preschool play and do not destroy its truly developing essence.For children of this age, developmental and educational games aimed at cognitive development child. These are games for developing memory, logic, reading and counting skills, as well as studying foreign languages .

Stage I - preparatory.

Stage II is the main one.

Stage III is the final stage.


  1. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federationdated June 10, 2010 No. 64"On approval of SanPiN" (as amended on December 27, 2010)
  2. [Computer games in the life of preschool children - Psychological Science and Education - 2012/2]


The importance of computer games for preschoolers.

Today, information technologies significantly expand the capabilities of parents, teachers and specialists in the field of preschool education. The possibilities of using a modern computer make it possible to most fully and successfully realize the development of a child’s abilities. Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, a computer allows not only to saturate a child with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and what is very important in preschool age - the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

The use of computer games for the development of preschool children has a number of advantages:

interest in new technology appears, the fear of it, which is characteristic especially of adults, disappears;

psychological readiness to master computer literacy is formed;

make it possible to simulate completely new situations, even in the future, in which real life intertwined with the imaginary world;

attention and speed of action are developed, dedication and concentration are fostered;

there is confidence in one’s strengths and capabilities, independence in solving various problems;

the child learns to plan and predict the outcome of his actions.

But there are many negative aspects when using computer games:

the child stops communicating with friends, playing sports and other activities that are beneficial to him;

the entertaining nature sharply reduces the intellectual activity of children in the game;

By experiencing this or that situation during the day that occurred in a computer game, the child thereby pushes real life events into the background.

Therefore, it is not the computer that should control the child’s activities by offering him tasks, but, on the contrary, it is important for the child to use the computer as a means to solve his own developmental problems. In the first case, the computer acts exclusively as a simulator, and in the second it allows the child’s activities to develop, enriching him in different ways actions, enriching his experience. The computer is an enriching element of the developing subject environment. It is a means that promotes the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers, the creation of a favorable emotional background, the socialization of the individual, thanks to the development of regulatory abilities (i.e., obedience to rules) and the possibility of communicative interaction in the game. In modern conditions, computer games are a unique form of mastering the surrounding reality. However, it is important to note that they should only complement, and not replace, amateur games.

Games should be selected taking into account his age, the content of the game and the individual psychological characteristics of the child himself.

In early preschool age, preference should be given to games aimed at developing perception. Games in this genre are widespread, so there is no need to recommend specific ones. You can offer games in which you need to assemble a complete picture from several elements, focusing on a sample, or find two identical objects, arrange figures of different colors and sizes in their places. This develops not only the perception of color, size and shape of objects, but also the child’s thinking.

For children of middle and senior preschool age (from 4 to 6–7 years old), a variety of games are recommended, in which you can use the cursor to draw any figure or even a picture. You can ask your child to come up with a name for the picture drawn, populate it with certain characters, and together come up with a story about them. Special games (dramatizations) are especially good for this, in which drawn characters can come to life and reproduce invented actions, like in a cartoon. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation: these are by no means the games in which you need to create a game character (choose an appearance, clothes, etc.) and act according to the game scenario. In this regard, the indisputable advantage of dramatization games over traditional gaming computer programs is the fact that they do not suppress or deform the child’s sphere of goal formation. The child sets gaming tasks for himself in the same way as he does in traditional plot-based amateur games, and therefore such computer games do not distort the specifics of preschool play and do not destroy its truly developing essence. For children of this age, educational and educational games aimed at the child’s cognitive development are suitable. These are games for developing memory, logic, reading and counting skills, as well as learning foreign languages.

Design games are also of great importance for the development of children, during which children either need to put together a figure of a certain shape from different pieces, or, conversely, break an existing figure into given parts. These games develop not only perception and coordination, but also children's imaginative thinking, which is the main thing for preschoolers. In addition to the general developmental games that we have just talked about, there are also special games for teaching children mathematics, Russian, and logic. The value of these games is that they present the content of these objects in a more visual (but not simple) form, which allows children to easily and quickly master this material.

It must be remembered that, according to the hygienic requirements for organizing the work of children and adolescents with a computer, children 3–7 years old can spend no more than 10–15 minutes a day at the computer.

Computer classes should be comprehensive. They include 3 stages.

Stage I - preparatory.

The child is immersed in the plot of the lesson, a period of preparation for the computer game through educational games, conversations, contests, competitions that will help him cope with the task. Gymnastics for the eyes is included, finger gymnastics to prepare the visual and motor apparatus for work.

Stage II is the main one.

Includes mastering the way to control the program to achieve results and the child’s independent play at the computer. There are several ways to “immerse” a child in a computer program:

1 way. Consistently explain to the child the purpose of each key, including guiding and control questions.

Method 2. Focusing on the computer skills acquired by the child, introduce new keys and their purpose.

3 way. The child is offered the role of researcher, experimenter, and is given the opportunity to independently figure out how to manage the program.

4 way. The child is offered a card-scheme where the algorithm for controlling the program is specified. At the first stages, children get acquainted with symbols, pronounce and practice control methods with the teacher, and later “read” the diagrams on their own.

Stage III is the final stage.

Necessary for relieving visual tension (eye exercises are performed), for relieving muscle and nervous tension (physical minutes, acupressure, a set of physical exercises, relaxation to music).

Classes are held in subgroups of 4-8 people 2 times a week in the morning. After each lesson, ventilate the room.


  1. Wenger, L.A. Types of computer games // Is your child ready for school. - M., 1994.
  2. Kalinina, T.V. Management of the preschool educational institution "New information technologies in preschool childhood." M.Sfera, 2008;
  3. Novoselova, S.L. On the new classification of children's games // Preschool education. - 1997. No. 3
  4. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 10, 2010 No. 64 “On approval of SanPiN” (as amended on December 27, 2010)
  5. Smirnova, E. O Right to play J. Modern preschool education, No. 1, 2011, P.28-31

Ekaterina Khlomova November 20, 2011 at 00:58 Child and family psychotherapist

Computer games for preschoolers should be exciting, develop attention, speed of reactions, and train memory. Completing all game tasks should teach the child to think analytically in non-standard situations, classify and generalize concepts; develop fine motor skills hand and hand-eye coordination. In addition, the game should be meaningful and simple at the same time, with a low level of aggression.

The main advantage of computer games in preparation for school is the development of perseverance and determination in the child. Children who are familiar with computers feel more confident in modern life and adapt to different situations more easily.

Rules of computer games

The number of minutes on a PC is equal to the child’s age multiplied by 1.5. For example, for a six-year-old, the game lasts 9 minutes.

The number of sessions on a PC is a maximum of 3 per day. For a six-year-old, this is half an hour a day.

After work, eye exercises and outdoor games are mandatory.

Internet resources for preschoolers: - a site for children's educational and developmental computer games that can be used in educational institutions and at home: puzzles, coloring books, puzzles, Sudoku, Japanese crosswords, solitaire and other puzzles that develop perception, attention, visual memory, logical thinking; - developmental manuals and CDs for children of preschool and primary school age; - children's portal “Let's Play” - educational computer games; ​​- children's electronic presentations and clips; ​​- computer program for children's development; - online educational games for children;


Educational games have an individual and collective component of activity. Preschoolers learn to communicate and gradually master the rules of society.

Thanks to collective developmental activities, the child can listen, talk and share his feelings. In the game “Blow up the Bubble” for children of middle preschool age, children learn to interact with the help of an adult.


  1. The teacher or parent invites the children to sit on chairs in the room. He approaches one of the preschoolers and asks the question: “What is your name? Say your name so that you can be heard.”
  2. The child answers, the leader takes him by the hand and adds: “Let's go play!” The adult with the first preschooler goes to the next child.
  3. When all the children become a “snake,” the leader closes the circle of children and says: “What a big bubble we have! Let's make it small."
  4. Preschoolers close in a tight circle, then blow into their clenched palms - “inflate a bubble,” uttering “f-f-f” with each exhalation and taking a step back. Once again you get a large ring.
  5. An adult goes to the center and touches the children’s clasped hands, exclaiming: “The bubble has burst!” The guys clap their hands and run to the leader. You can play several times.


Preschoolers learn the basics of exact sciences in game situations. The level of perception and memorization of material that is objectively difficult for children depends on the preparation carried out by adults.

Educational mathematical games involve the use of a ready-made Geometric Mosaic set, natural and waste materials, and stationery.

With their help, the adult forms in the child ideas about the shape and size of geometric shapes, the quantity and number of objects. Math games develop fine motor skills and logical thinking.

Game descriptions:

1. “Wonderful bag”

An adult puts cones, nesting dolls, cubes, and small balls into a bag made of thick fabric. He explains to a child or group of children that various objects are hidden in a wonderful bag and names them. Calls the preschooler and offers to get: 4 cubes, 3 cones, 2 balls (without peeking).

2. "Hammer"

The adult invites the children to pick up cards with numbers corresponding to the number of hammer strikes.

3. “Be careful!”

1 option. The presenter silently shows the children different numbers of toys, other objects or images. Children hold up signs with corresponding numbers.

Option 2. An adult shows cards with numbers, and preschoolers 5–6 years old show toys (pictures of objects).

With a ball

When a child runs, plays ball, and jumps, he develops agility, increases endurance, and develops coordination. The preschooler also learns the meaning of objects and phenomena. Children begin to remember what the words mean: “throw the ball”, “go”, “stop” and others.

Every piece of information obtained in the game finds fertile soil, children collect it and use it in the future. For children of primary preschool age, bright balls of different colors and diameters, targets, and baskets are suitable.

Game descriptions:

1. “Day and Night” (throw and catch the ball)

Children pick up one ball each. When the presenter says: “day,” the guys begin to throw balls up, down, at a wall or target. The adult’s command “night” is heard, the children freeze in the movement they were performing.

You cannot move until the leader says “day.” You can play with a small group of children for 4-5 minutes.

2. "Children's bowling"

Two lines are drawn in the yard or room, forming a “bowling green.” The smaller the children, the shorter the distance between the lines should be. Place 3 plastic pins on one line.

Children are behind the second line.

Each of the kids takes turns trying to knock down the pins with a ball. It can be thrown or rolled, whichever is more convenient for the child. Each knocked down pin earns the player a point and he is awarded a small paper square.

Whoever collects them more than others wins the game.

Tongue twisters

Poor diction very often leads to problems at school. The formation of correct speech is possible with the help of children's educational games. In them, the child learns to pronounce letters, words and sentences.

Children of middle preschool age are especially fascinated by tongue twisters. They enjoy fun speech training consisting of short funny phrases:

  1. All beavers are kind to their own.
  2. – Tell us about your purchases! – What “about purchases?” – About your purchases, about your purchases, about your purchases!
  3. Starlings and titmice are funny birds.
  4. The needles on the Christmas tree are pegs.
  5. The bristles of a pig, the scales of a pike.

Pronouncing Russian tongue twisters and nursery rhymes strengthens the speech apparatus and enriches the vocabulary of a preschooler. An adult needs to monitor the correct pronunciation of letters and words, especially for a 6-year-old child, and offer him new tongue twisters.

With rope

Jump ropes provide an opportunity to have fun with your child. Simple games with ropes, younger and older preschoolers like them.

Game descriptions:

1. "Snake"

Carry out in the yard, on the path of the garden or park, in the room. One child or several children can participate. The adult places the rope on the ground and asks the child to jump over several times. Stretches the rope along the ground, holding one end.

Asks the children to help move the “snake.” The game is best played with fun music.

2. “Rope fun”

An adult lays a long rope in the form of a broken line on the grass or path. Invites the child to walk on a rope, come up with and perform other types of exercises, for example, jumping over a rope on one or two legs, crawling along it.


Neither teachers nor parents question the developmental nature of outdoor games. Many adults remember their favorite outdoor games from childhood. There are Russian amusements that are several hundred years old, for example, “Geese-geese”, “Bear the bear in the forest”.

Games are classified according to the intensity of movements (low, medium and high mobility). There are fun with and without a driver, with objects and other types.

Game descriptions:

1. “By the bear in the forest”

The driver - the “bear” sleeps in the “den”. Children pretend to bend down and collect gifts from the forest. Gradually approach the leader.

They sing a song: “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries, but the bear does not sleep - he growls at the children.”

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The driver stands up and growls, portraying a dissatisfied “owner of the forest.” Children rush in all directions. To improve the game, you can change the starting position of the driver (in the center, standing, sitting on a chair, behind a bench.).

2. "Dragon"

During the game, a column of children turns into a “dragon”. The first child represents the “head”, and the last child represents the “tail”. At the leader’s signal, the “head” tries to grab the “tail”, but it dodges.

When the “tail” is caught, the children change places.


Children's dominoes, drawing stencils, coloring books and others board games develop the child’s memory and intelligence, and allow him to organize his leisure time.

There are ready-made sets in stores; it is no less interesting for children to play homemade dominoes (cardboards with geometric shapes, cars, vegetables and fruits, animals).

Drawing with stencils develops a child's creative skills and eye.

Children love solving puzzles; they especially like one of the modern games - puzzles. Simple ones are intended for children of primary preschool age; they can collect 4-6 elements. The more complex ones have dozens of fragments; adults are usually happy to help children assemble the picture according to the model.


Bright pictures on the screen enable the child to learn colors and geometric shapes, letters and numbers. Educational computer games captivate children, stimulate logical thinking, and broaden their horizons.

The choice is huge, they create them for almost all children age groups(excluding the smallest ones). A preschooler's screen time should be no more than 20 minutes a day.

Finding age-appropriate educational games for a child is both an interesting and challenging problem for parents. Do right choice Simple tips will help you organize your child’s leisure time:

  • Children must play.
  • By nature, a child is curious, interested in objects that stimulate the imagination, as varied and wonderful as the world around him.
  • The best toys are complex ones, for example, multi-colored cubes of different sizes, and on the edges - the alphabet and pictures.
  • Children need to move; toys should include balls, jump ropes, and skittles.
  • The development of language begins with the simplest games, nursery rhymes and lullabies. Then comes the turn of fairy tales, tongue twisters, and literary works.
  • Simple puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, and construction sets develop children's coordination and allow them to understand how different objects fit together.

In educational games, preschoolers acquire skills that help them more successfully overcome the steps of the age “ladder.” The children learn about time, nature, people, sciences, and art.

For children of middle preschool age, the social-emotional side of activity is important. They learn cooperation in the game, obey the rules, which becomes the key to successful socialization.

Therefore, it is so important to teach a child to cope with emerging problems. Overcoming another difficult situation, he rejoices: “I did it!”, “I did it!”.

Video: Developmental exercises (games) for children 3-4 years old

Read also

More details

  1. mood and emotional state at the moment.

The specifics of educational games depend on the age for which they are intended.

Educational games for children are an important element of preschool development. With them, children learn to navigate time and space, distinguish shapes and forms. Educational games for preschool children often work specifically with these children's skills.

And even more than that: in many games, preschool children also learn to read, count, and develop logical and creative thinking. The need to follow the rules of the game develops discipline in children, and cooperative games learn to act in a team.

But, perhaps, the main thing that educational games provide to a preschooler is motivation to learn and awakening curiosity.

Children's educational games for primary schoolchildren -

Educational games: download or online?

You should probably download free educational games if:

  1. you do not have regular Internet access,
  2. your computer is equipped with a powerful antivirus,
  3. your child does not often spend time on the computer,
  4. you have time to update the children's game library (search for new educational games, install them, remove games that are no longer interesting or that the child does not like).

It is better for you to look for educational games online if:

  1. you have the opportunity to regularly access the Internet,
  2. you want free educational games to pose minimal risk to your computer,
  3. you do not want to install additional programs on your computer,
  4. you are looking for educational games, updated free of charge and without your intervention by developers of children's projects.

Educational computer games are a great opportunity to show your child that a computer is not just a box of toys! Remember: finding educational games for free is not an easy, but quite feasible task for modern parents. We wish you and your child to find educational games with which your child will love to learn.

On topic:


The article presents a list of programs for preschool children....

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Computer games for the development of preschool children

In the 21st information century, the PC has become one of the most common household items in almost every home. Almost from the first months, the baby begins to be interested in this mysterious technique. After all, he always sees one of the adults constantly sitting behind him.

Adults are more interested in communicating via the Internet, as well as searching for various information (music, films, games). Kids are more interested in what it is all about and why various sounds are made from there, why some pictures are constantly shown.

A child's first acquaintance with a computer

The first acquaintance with a PC should be made no earlier than the child is at least two years old. At this point, kids already have a fairly diverse knowledge and are able to quickly master new ones.

At the first stage, you need to teach the child to use a computer mouse, explaining to him that its pointer moves with every movement of his hand, and also that when you press the left button, you can perform some actions, for example, pick up and move an object.

The game “Butterflies and Fishes” is a good way to develop your mouse skills. Its essence is that when you press any key on the keyboard or mouse button, fish or butterflies appear on the screen. The game itself is accompanied by classical calm music.

This game will captivate the child, but it’s worth picking up a few similar games different levels complexity and different topics, in order to change them from time to time. Such games coordinate the movement of the hand and mouse.

Educational games for learning foreign languages

It is worth considering that games of this nature should not be used earlier than three years. They will help you prepare for school.

In this case, the key to a successful result is the child’s interest in the learning process. And it is the game that is a good way to attract the child’s attention to the most effective learning of any foreign language.

Today there are language discs of various levels of complexity. At first, games with letters and simple words would be an ideal option.

Gradually, you can switch to discs with adapted fairy tales, which also contain numerous animated illustrations, voice prompts, and exciting quizzes. Also, don’t miss out on multilingual dictionary discs.

Computer games for the development of memory, thinking, attention and spatial imagination

When considering the possibility of teaching a child with the help of computer games, you should not lose sight of his mental development. The bulk of tasks of this type are labyrinths, puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, and mosaics.

With their help, your child will begin to think logically, analyze and remember. The most common game is “Smeshariki”.

Computer games based on a specific plot also contribute to the development of thinking. The player's goal is to complete a series of tasks to achieve a certain end result (usually the victory of good over evil). You can already introduce them starting from 4 years old.

Computer games to develop creativity

Thanks to games for the development of creative abilities, a child from a fairly young age will be able to learn the basics of calligraphy, painting, and design.

In addition, such discs have the goal of introducing a child to the world of classical music, the playback of which is accompanied by cartoons with interesting comments.

Such music lessons will contribute to the development of hearing and musical abilities. The child also gets acquainted with the sound of most musical instruments accessible to his perception and the features of their sound.

Remember that at this age, learning is primarily a game, even if it takes place on a computer screen. In the process of such seemingly simple classes, the child will master the basics of mathematics, reading, foreign languages, painting, and music.

New tips:

Material from the site

computer science teacher MOUSOSH No. 1


An analysis of the software recommended for preschool children (both in our country and abroad) shows the enormous potential of computer games for the general intellectual, emotional and personal development of children and their learning. All children's gaming computer programs, due to their specific, specially oriented organization for preschoolers, are developmental in nature. At the same time, among the diverse range of children's programs, there is a large group of educational and developmental computer games that are specially created for use for educational purposes.

Classification of computer programs and games

Educational games for preschoolers.

These are computer programs designed for the formation and development of children’s general mental abilities, goal setting, fantasy, and imagination. They do not have an explicit purpose - they are tools for the child’s creativity and self-expression.

Programs of this type include:

  1. graphic editors, “drawing books”, “coloring books”, designers that provide the ability to freely draw on the screen with straight and curved lines, contour and solid geometric shapes and spots, painting closed areas, inserting ready-made drawings, erasing images;
  2. simple text editors for entering, editing, storing and printing text;
  3. “environment constructors” with a variety of functionalities for the free movement of characters and other elements against the backdrop of scenery, including the set that serves as the basis for the creation of “director’s” computer games; “music editors” for entering, storing and playing simple (usually single-voice) melodies in notated form;
  4. “fairy tale constructors”, combining the capabilities of elementary text and graphic editors.

Educational games

These are game programs of a didactic type, in which one or several didactic tasks are proposed to be solved in a game form. This class includes games related to the formation of children's initial mathematical concepts; teaching grammar, syllable and word formation, writing through reading and reading through writing, native and foreign languages; the formation of ideas about orientation in plane and space; with aesthetic, moral education; environmental education; with the basics of systematization and classification, synthesis and analysis of concepts.

Games - experiments

In games of this type, the goals and rules of the game are not explicitly specified, but are hidden in the plot or method of control. Therefore, in order to achieve success in solving a game problem, a child must, through search actions, come to an awareness of the goal and method of action in the game.

Fun games

These games do not contain explicit game or developmental objectives. They simply provide the opportunity for children to have fun, carry out search actions and see the result on the screen in the form of some kind of “micro-cartoon”.

Computer diagnostic games

Educational games, educational games, and experiments can be considered diagnostic, since an experienced teacher, especially a psychologist, can tell a child a lot in the way they solve computer problems.

Examples of computer training and development programs:

Game name

Material from the site

How quickly time flies! It seems like just yesterday you were buying rattles and walkers for your baby, and now you’re going to the store for a princess doll, a super hero or a computer game. After all, now your child is not just a baby - he is already a preschooler!

Preschool age is called the stage mental development child from 3 to 7 years old. During this period, the child’s personality, his intellect and emotional sphere are actively formed. Scientists distinguish three stages of pre-school development:

* younger preschool age (3–4 years);

* average(4–5 years);

* senior (5–7 years old).

Taking these periods into account, groups in kindergartens are formed. And knowledge of these stages will help parents in choosing toys.

After all, in the process of play, 3-7 year old children learn the basic techniques of activity and norms of social behavior, and the child’s abilities improve every year. At this age, children develop an interest in designing, drawing, modeling, and weaving.

The main function of a toy during this period should be to activate independent child activity. Now the child’s motives and desires begin to be consistent with each other, he acts not only impulsively, but also indirectly, assimilates the rules. Memory is actively developing, a preschool child can easily remember many poems and songs.

He likes to learn something new and communicate. It’s as if the child turns into a “why”, wants to be able to do everything and “be like an adult.” But with all this “adulting”, the main activity remains the game.

Keeping all of the above in mind, we will go to the toy store. But first, for convenience, we divide preschool age into 2 periods: 3-5 years and 5-7 years. Because when choosing toys for a child under five years old, we will focus on general personality development, and after five, specifically on preparation for school.

Toys for children 3-5 years old

Dolls of all types and accessories for them

After all, a doll is one of the most ancient toys; it teaches a girl to be caring, kind - prepares her for the future role of a mother and woman. A girl can have quite a lot of dolls. They should be of different sizes and “ages”: from baby dolls to “adults” like Barbie.

Bratz dolls have recently appeared on sale: they look quite similar to Barbie, but they look much “younger” - like teenage girls. The “newborn” Baby-born doll has proven itself well: she can drink from a bottle and even... wet diapers!

Moreover, the older the girl, the more dolls of the same type you can buy for her. Don't forget about toy furniture, dishes, clothes and houses: let the little housewife learn to keep them clean and populate them with new pets!

Cars and toy weapons

Symbols of masculinity that every boy is partial to. It could be a pistol, machine gun, space blaster, sword or bow and arrow. Thanks to these toys, the boy prepares for his future role as a protector.

There can be a lot of cars: from small racing cars to large dump trucks, from a police car to a fire truck. By playing with them, the child learns about new professions and social roles of men.

Clockwork and electronic toys

From cars and robots to remote control to dogs and dinosaurs that start up with a key. Suitable for both boys and girls. You can come up with a lot of games with them: for example, a car can go around obstacles, transport cubes and dolls, and a dog can guard all this.

Super heroes and monsters

Perfect for boys role playing games. Spider-Man, pirate, Batman, RoboCop and other heroes of your favorite comics and films. You can play with them individually or assemble entire armies.

They develop imagination well: the child comes up with more and more new games with already familiar characters, and can play out a scene from a movie or cartoon.

Cubes with composite pictures and letters

Something unusual - Home incubator

This is an egg with a baby animal inside. Thanks to this toy, a child can watch how a chick or even a small dinosaur is born from an egg. To do this, just put the egg in a container with water.

And then a small miracle will happen: after 12-24 hours, the shell will slowly begin to crack, and a baby will emerge from the egg. And after the egg shell is completely destroyed, you need to place the baby in a large container and watch it grow. Most likely, after such “magic” the child will become interested in books about these animals. And you can prepare yourself mentally for school: “They will tell you a lot of interesting things about animals there!”


At this age, the child perfectly perceives and remembers visual information if it is presented in a bright and interesting way. The child needs to be shown different cartoons - both domestic and Disney, from modern to classic.

And if a child is particularly interested in a cartoon, you can buy a toy character and coloring books based on the cartoon. Nowadays, the cartoon “Smeshariki” is very popular among children of preschool (and primary school) age, and its characters have appeared on store shelves - funny, colorful, round animals: Krosh, Nyusha, Barash...

Children's educational interactive computer

With it, the child will find himself in a world of amazing adventures and at the same time will learn letters, words, numbers, spelling and mathematics, improve memory and logic, have fun playing music or games, and will also begin to learn English. Controls are computer keys and a computer mouse.

The keyboard layout is like on a real computer.

Toy books and fairy tale books

Made of hard cardboard, with bright applications and three-dimensional figures of the main characters. The child, most likely, does not yet know how to read, but can look at the drawings with interest and touch the pasted-on animals and people.

They develop attentiveness, and most importantly, they form an interest in reading. But these books need to be “revived” as often as possible - read to the child. There is very little text, and the child will be able to quickly remember it and even retell it - and this is already good preparation for school!

Constructors and transformers

Develop logic, thinking and creativity. They don’t get bored for a long time, because... can change and become something new.

Home Toy Studio (stuffed stuffed animals)

The good thing is that even 3-4 summer child will be able to “sew” a toy with his own hands. All materials included, no needles or threads required. Develops fine motor skills and accustoms to work.

In addition, a child will definitely fall in love with a handmade plush animal.

Swedish wall

Suitable for both doing morning exercises and just hanging out. Very useful for the spine and muscles.

Sets for drawing and sculpting

Pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, crayons, watercolors, plasticine, clay and quickly hardening plastic mass. Gradually prepare the baby for writing and develop creative abilities.

Kits for making beads and bracelets

Great for developing fine motor skills and perseverance! The set contains not only large beads and beads of various shapes, but also colored threads, small hearts and even multi-colored feathers. The little fashionista will be delighted!

Toys for outdoor games:

balls, skittles, darts, hula hoops, jump ropes, etc. Necessary for harmonious physical development, outdoor recreation and games in the yard.

Toy basket

This is no longer for children, but for parents. After all, there are a lot of toys that have accumulated and they need to be stored somewhere. It will help keep the children's room clean and teach the little fidget to be in order.

It’s good if it is made of bright, colored material - then the basket will suit the interior, and the child will want to put toys and other “treasures” there himself.

Toys for a child 5-7 years old:

Drawing kits

To regular felt-tip pens and watercolors, you should add gouache, oil paints, pastels (crayons) and a batik set. All this perfectly stimulates imagination, hand motor skills and prepares for school.

Embroidery kit

A young craftswoman's dream! The set includes a hoop, sketches for transferring to fabric, and colored threads. Develops fine motor skills, trains perseverance and accuracy, which will definitely be needed in first grade.

Wood carving tools

This is no longer just a toy, but also a thing needed in the household. This way the boy will learn to help his dad, and later the sawing skill will be useful in labor lessons.

Board games

Dominoes, lotto, puzzles, split alphabet, puzzles... Develop logic, ingenuity, and quick thinking. It is especially good if parents play these games with their children.

But at the same time, one must take into account the child’s character: a diligent child is ready to spend hours assembling a mosaic, but a restless child will play outdoor games with much greater pleasure.

Computer games

If your child is not yet familiar with the computer, it's time to fix that! Computer games train fine motor skills, reaction speed, intelligence, attention...

And most importantly, they help prepare for school, where already in the lower grades you may need the ability to work on a computer. Boys will be interested in “shooting games”, “adventure games” and strategies, girls will be interested in fashion show simulators, and some will not mind “chopping” monsters together with their brother.

And everyone will enjoy games based on fairy tales and cartoons! You shouldn’t worry too much about the cruelty and “bloodiness” of some games, because all of this, as children say, is “make-believe” (and there is always an age limit on the packaging). The main thing here is that the child does not stay at the computer for too long.

Beading kit

Thanks to small details, it develops attentiveness, clarity of movements and prepares for writing. Thanks to the small “caliber” of beads, the girl will be able to make jewelry not only for herself, but also for dolls, which she will definitely like!

Kits for plaster modeling and creating bas-reliefs

This is already much more interesting than sculpting from plasticine. The child will be able to feel like a real sculptor. You can use the drawings on the box as a sample, or you can create your own unique piece.

"Funny" student supplies

They will help prepare your child for the role of a future student. Only they should be brighter and more colorful than those of schoolchildren. For example, a spiral pen, a large colored eraser, a pencil with a toy at the end, a notebook with a favorite cartoon character... For every attempt to write or draw something, the child should be praised and the significance of his activity emphasized: “Like a real student!”

Children's encyclopedias

If a child is very interested in certain animals or phenomena discussed in the book, it is worth going with him to a museum or exhibition so that the child gets to know these “interesting things” better. Is your child interested in a story about dinosaurs?

Go to the store together and buy a set of these “monsters” or an album with stickers. At the age of 5-7, children perfectly absorb new information if it is presented in a playful form.

All the games and toys listed here are ideal for children of this age, helping them develop and learn something new. But some of them are the ones the guys love to play the most.

Favorite toys

1. baby dolls with accessories (Baby-born, Anabel);

2. Barbie (and similar dolls) with furnishings;

3. soft toys, musical toys, centers and role-playing toys “Cook”, “Hairdresser”, “Doctor”, etc.

For boys:

3. figurines of animals, people and musical toys.

Girls' love for dolls, and boys' love for technology is historically determined and lasts for many years. But at the same time, a girl can happily play with Batman or a ninja turtle, and a boy can ride his sister’s dolls in a car.

Favorite educational games


Educational games for preschool children encourage activities that improve the child's thinking and memory. His character and skills that are in demand for further education are formed.

Properly organized play activity It is considered an indispensable means of education, as it helps children grow healthy and acquire skills that will be useful in life.

Preschoolers are attracted to new activities and positively colored emotions. Faithful allies of adults in education are educational games for children of primary preschool age, “smart” toys.

Interesting and useful activities at 4–6 years old influence the formation of the child’s character, improve his attention, memory, thinking and other functions of the growing body. All this is in demand and necessary for subsequent successful education at school.

Educational games for preschool children

Preschoolers learn how to act; this is the cognitive aspect of educational games. Children do not receive ready-made knowledge, but obtain it themselves. Mental processes and abilities are being formed.

In the game, the child learns to find objects based on characteristics and exchange them with other children. The relationships of preschoolers are developing (the educational side of the game process).

A number of features allow us to distinguish educational games from story-based, didactic, theatrical and other activities:

  • a special game plan that an adult offers to children;
  • material prepared in advance for the game;
  • certain rules;
  • organized communication between children.

The game design takes into account the age qualities of children. Younger preschoolers are more interested in objects and their properties. For them, they should choose a material of various textures, which they get into their own hands. Modern computer games attract children of older preschool age.

An adult in an educational game is its organizer and direct participant:

  • communicates the plan, rules;
  • teaches game actions;
  • directs the game;
  • helps children;
  • encourages achievements and ensures compliance with the rules.


Educational games have an individual and collective component of activity. Preschoolers learn to communicate and gradually master the rules of society.

Thanks to collective developmental activities, the child can listen, talk and share his feelings. In the game “Blow up the Bubble” for children of middle preschool age, children learn to interact with the help of an adult.


  1. The teacher or parent invites the children to sit on chairs in the room. He approaches one of the preschoolers and asks the question: “What is your name? Say your name so that you can be heard.”
  2. The child answers, the leader takes him by the hand and adds: “Let's go play!” The adult with the first preschooler goes to the next child.
  3. When all the children become a “snake,” the leader closes the circle of children and says: “What a big bubble we have! Let's make it small."
  4. Preschoolers close in a tight circle, then blow into their clenched palms - “inflate a bubble,” uttering “f-f-f” with each exhalation and taking a step back. Once again you get a large ring.
  5. An adult goes to the center and touches the children’s clasped hands, exclaiming: “The bubble has burst!” The guys clap their hands and run to the leader. You can play several times.


Preschoolers learn the basics of exact sciences in play situations. The level of perception and memorization of material that is objectively difficult for children depends on the preparation carried out by adults.

Educational mathematical games involve the use of a ready-made Geometric Mosaic set, natural and waste materials, and stationery.

With their help, the adult forms in the child ideas about the shape and size of geometric shapes, the quantity and number of objects. Math games develop fine motor skills and logical thinking.

Game descriptions:

1. “Wonderful bag”

An adult puts cones, nesting dolls, cubes, and small balls into a bag made of thick fabric. He explains to a child or group of children that various objects are hidden in a wonderful bag and names them. Calls the preschooler over and offers to get: 4 cubes, 3 cones, 2 balls (without peeking).

2. "Hammer"

The adult invites the children to pick up cards with numbers corresponding to the number of hammer strikes.

3. “Be careful!”

1 option. The presenter silently shows the children different numbers of toys, other objects or images. Children hold up signs with corresponding numbers.
Option 2. An adult shows cards with numbers, and preschoolers 5–6 years old show toys (pictures of objects).

With a ball

When a child runs, plays ball, and jumps, he develops agility, increases endurance, and develops coordination. The preschooler also learns the meaning of objects and phenomena. Children begin to remember what the words mean: “throw the ball”, “go”, “stop” and others.

Every piece of information obtained in the game finds fertile soil, children collect it and use it in the future. For children of primary preschool age, bright balls of different colors and diameters, targets, and baskets are suitable.

Game descriptions:

1. “Day and Night” (throw and catch the ball)

Children pick up one ball each. When the presenter says: “day,” the guys begin to throw balls up, down, at a wall or target. The adult’s command “night” is heard, the children freeze in the movement they were performing.

You cannot move until the leader says “day.” You can play with a small group of children for 4-5 minutes.

2. "Children's bowling"

Two lines are drawn in the yard or room, forming a “bowling green.” The smaller the children, the shorter the distance between the lines should be. Place 3 plastic pins on one line. Children are behind the second line.

Each of the kids takes turns trying to knock down the pins with a ball. It can be thrown or rolled, whichever is more convenient for the child. Each knocked down pin earns the player a point and he is awarded a small paper square. Whoever collects them more than others wins the game.

Tongue twisters

Poor diction very often leads to problems at school. The formation of correct speech is possible with the help of children's educational games. In them, the child learns to pronounce letters, words and sentences.

Children of middle preschool age are especially fascinated by tongue twisters. They enjoy fun speech training consisting of short funny phrases:

  1. All beavers are kind to their own.
  2. - Tell us about your purchases! – What kind of “shopping?” - About shopping, about shopping, about your shopping!
  3. Starlings and titmice are funny birds.
  4. The needles on the Christmas tree are pegs.
  5. The bristles of a pig, the scales of a pike.

Pronouncing Russian tongue twisters and nursery rhymes strengthens the speech apparatus and enriches the vocabulary of a preschooler. An adult needs to monitor the correct pronunciation of letters and words, especially for a 6-year-old child, and offer him new tongue twisters.

With rope

Jump ropes provide an opportunity to have fun with your child. Simple games with ropes are popular with younger and older preschoolers.

Game descriptions:

1. "Snake"

Carry out in the yard, on the path of the garden or park, in the room. One child or several children can participate. The adult places the rope on the ground and asks the child to jump over several times. Stretches the rope along the ground, holding one end. Asks the children to help move the “snake.” The game is best played with fun music.

2. “Rope fun”

An adult lays a long rope in the form of a broken line on the grass or path. Invites the child to walk on a rope, come up with and perform other types of exercises, for example, jumping over a rope on one or two legs, crawling along it.


Neither teachers nor parents question the developmental nature of outdoor games. Many adults remember their favorite outdoor games from childhood. There are Russian amusements that are several hundred years old, for example, “Geese-geese”, “Bear the bear in the forest”.

Games are classified according to the intensity of movements (low, medium and high mobility). There are fun with and without a driver, with objects and other types.

Game descriptions:

1. “By the bear in the forest”

The driver - the “bear” sleeps in the “den”. Children pretend to bend down and collect gifts from the forest. Gradually approach the leader. They sing a song: “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries, but the bear does not sleep - he growls at the children.”

The driver stands up and growls, portraying a dissatisfied “owner of the forest.” Children rush in all directions. To improve the game, you can change the starting position of the driver (in the center, standing, sitting on a chair, behind a bench.).

2. "Dragon"

During the game, a column of children turns into a “dragon”. The first child represents the “head”, and the last child represents the “tail”. At the leader’s signal, the “head” tries to grab the “tail”, but it dodges. When the “tail” is caught, the children change places.


Children's dominoes, drawing stencils, coloring books and other board games develop the child's memory and intelligence and allow him to organize his leisure time.

There are ready-made sets in stores; it is no less interesting for children to play homemade dominoes (cardboards with geometric shapes, cars, vegetables and fruits, animals).

Drawing with stencils develops a child's creative skills and eye.

Children love solving puzzles; they especially like one of the modern games - puzzles. Simple ones are intended for children of primary preschool age; they can collect 4-6 elements. The more complex ones have dozens of fragments; adults are usually happy to help children assemble the picture according to the model.


Bright pictures on the screen enable the child to learn colors and geometric shapes, letters and numbers. Educational computer games captivate children, stimulate logical thinking, and broaden their horizons.

The choice is huge; they are created for children of almost all age groups (excluding the youngest). A preschooler's screen time should be no more than 20 minutes a day.

Finding age-appropriate educational games for a child is both an interesting and challenging problem for parents. Simple tips will help you make the right choice and organize your child’s leisure time:

In educational games, preschoolers acquire skills that help them more successfully overcome the steps of the age “ladder.” The children learn about time, nature, people, sciences, and art.

For children of middle preschool age, the social-emotional side of activity is important. They learn cooperation in the game, obey the rules, which becomes the key to successful socialization.

Therefore, it is so important to teach a child to cope with emerging problems. Overcoming another difficult situation, he rejoices: “I did it!”, “I did it!”.

Video: Developmental exercises (games) for children 3-4 years old
