How to open the Cathedral of Eternal Night. Dungeon Preview: Cathedral of Eternal Night

As part of BlizzCon 2016, World of Warcraft development head Ion Gatzikostas held a presentation of the content that will be added to the Legion expansion in updates. We got first-hand details of updates 7.1.5 and 7.2, as well as hints about what might await us after that.

New update philosophy

With the release of Legion, developers have changed their approach to releasing updates. Blizzard's main goal now is to release a steady stream of content. At the same time, a stable stream in their view means not only a lot of content, but also properly distributed: for example, you should not release a new raid when most guilds have not yet dealt with the previous one.

With a steady stream of content, developers want to up their game on what's unique about MMORPGs - the ability to create a living world where there's always something going on. Blizzard is working towards this goal both through special content formats like World Quests and through ongoing changes.

Finally, in Legion the developers are experimenting with the update structure. Recently, all updates have been divided into small ones with system changes (for example, 6.2.3) and large ones with new raids and other content (for example, 6.2). While 6.2.3 was not a big release, it had a significant impact on the game and will serve as a template for future "small" updates.

With Legion, the game's creators want to bring back the medium-sized update format that was used during the classic World versions of Warcraft. An example of such an update is 7.1: Return to Karazhan, which is larger than 6.2.3, but falls short of 6.2.

Update 7.1.5

7.1.5 is the first “small” Legion update. It will include system changes, new rewards, and evergreen content that will always be relevant, regardless of the current update or expansion. The developers will begin installing the update on the PTR immediately after BlizzCon ends.

Time Travel: Mists of Pandaria

Time travel is a prime example of evergreen content. In 7.1.5, dungeons from the Mists of Pandaria expansion will become available for this mode. In the future, the developers plan to stick to the "current expansion minus two" principle for adding new time travel dungeons. No one is eager to return to Draenor now, right?

The following dungeons will become available for time travel in update 7.1.5:

  • Temple of the Jade Snake
  • Stormstout Brewhouse
  • Shado-Pan Monastery
  • Gate of the Setting Sun
  • Mogu'shan Palace
  • Siege of Niuzao Temple

The Scarlet Halls and Scholomance Halls will not be available for Time Travel mode.

Return of the Brawler's Guild

Brawler's Guild returns after a break. Unlike Warlords of Draenor, this time it has undergone significant improvements. Firstly, dozens of new bosses have been added. Secondly, it will appear new type battles - Rumble. From time to time, a raid boss will appear in the Brawler's Guild, dragging all players in the battle queue into battle.

Updated version of the Brawler's Guild

In addition, a completely new currency will be added that can be earned for participating in battles - Brawler’s Gold. Players will be able to spend the new currency on various benefits that apply to all players in the Guild. The developers didn’t forget to refresh the rewards: new shirts and a riding basilisk await us.


Micro-Holidays are a new content type coming in Update 7.1.5. These are like ordinary holidays, only small ones. The developers view micro-holidays not as full-fledged content, but as an opportunity to make the game world more alive and interesting. In 7.1.5 4 micro-holidays will be added:

  • Ahn'Qiraj Rememberance Day. To commemorate the opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, every year on January 21st, heroes of the Alliance and Horde will return to Silithus to participate in the donation of resources. The faction that gathers the most resources across the region on that day will place their banner over the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj until the next Remembrance of Ahn'Qiraj.
  • Volunteer Guard Day. On this day, players will be able to take on the role of a guard and patrol the streets, where they will have to cope with various problems and threats to city residents.
  • Hatching of the Hippogryphs. This is the day when all the hippogriffs hatch. This holiday, players will be able to get a baby hippogriff for a day, which will cling to the character, like Pepe the bird from Warlords of Draenor.
  • Boat Day. On Boat Day, the heroes of Azeroth will be able to forget about all their worries about saving the world and just relax on a boat somewhere away from civilization.

The developers do not plan to introduce any achievements, pets or other rewards for participating in micro-holidays. They were made simply to make Azeroth feel more like a real place.

Blade's Edge Arena Update

The Nagrand Arena update in update 7.1 was successful, so the developers are continuing to work in this direction. In 7.1.5, the Blade's Edge Arena will undergo a major overhaul.

Updated version of Blade's Edge Arena

A distinctive feature of the Blade's Edge Arena will be the presence of an ogre commentator who watches the players' battles and voices what is happening. If players like this feature, it will be transferred to other arenas.

Class Changes

In update 7.1.5, the developers will continue to work on classes, many of which were significantly redesigned with the release of update 7.0.

First, the developers strive to achieve equivalence of talent in each row. They will move towards this goal both through changes in numbers and complete reworking of some talents.

Secondly, the team is currently not satisfied with the current situation, when additional characteristics affect the character’s power much more than the main ones. Rewards in World of Warcraft are structured in such a way that completing more difficult raids should reward more equipment. high level, which should be better than the current one. A fire mage should be happy to have a rating critical hit on the equipment, and do not consider items without it as garbage.

Thirdly, Blizzard will improve the “feeling” of playing for some specializations. This is a very subjective question and its decision will mainly concern the smoothness of rotations of certain classes.

Fourthly, the developers admit that they went a little overboard with removing class abilities from the game and will return some of them. For example, hunters with the Beast Mastery and Marksmanship specializations will again be able to use traps, and robbers will regain the ability to make their entire group invisible.

Update 7.2: Tomb of Sargeras

Update 7.2: Tomb of Sargeras is the next big thing World update of Warcraft. As the title suggests, we must return to the Broken Shore and close the Burning Legion portal in the Tomb of Sargeras. The update will be installed on test server immediately after the release of 7.1.5.

Tomb of Sargeras

Return to the Broken Shore

A new faction will appear in the game, Armies of Legionfall, which will consist of those united together class strongholds players. We are to establish a base of operations against the Burning Legion at the ancient elven ruins of the Broken Shore. This will be reminiscent of the process of discovering the Isle of Quel'Danas from The Burning Crusade, but with more player participation.

Broken Shore in Patch 7.2

Each player will be able to choose which of the three parts of the ruins (Nether Disruptor, Command Center or Mage Tower) he wants to work on restoring. When the restoration of any part of the ruins is completed, all players gain access to new world quests, bosses in open world and other content.

Selecting a part of the ruins for restoration

Players will also have the opportunity to continue their class story campaign as they return to the Broken Shore.

Legion attacks

While we've been collecting the Pillars of Creation for months and fighting the Emerald Nightmare, the demons haven't been idle either: they've safely recovered from Khadgar's daring stunt with Dalaran's express teleportation and are ready to continue their onslaught of playable zones. Only this time they will not attack the habitats of newcomers, but the Broken Isles themselves.

Legion Invasions are back and are now called Legion Assaults. Periodically, the skies will become dark, and the Burning Legion will begin its offensive. During the Legion's Attack all local quests are canceled until the players repel the attack. By the way, don’t worry: participation in this process will count towards the number of completed local quests in the location, so there shouldn’t be any problems with envoy quests.

But now the matter will not end in a skirmish with the forces of the Legion on earth. After successfully repelling the attack on the ground, players will be able to join a 3-player Mists of Pandaria-style scenario and finish off the very Legion airship that is the source of the invasion force.

Flights and class transport

How to get to the Legion ships that are floating in the air? The developers will help us with this by opening up the ability to fly on the Broken Isles with update 7.2. However, to gain access to this function you will have to work: you need to complete both the first part of the achievement Pathfinder of the Broken Isles, and its continuation, for which you will need to thoroughly master the content of the Broken Shore. As in Warlords of Draenor, after completing the achievement, flying will be immediately available to all characters on the account.

Along with the flights, the developers have prepared a small surprise. Each class in the game will receive its own unique class vehicle, from another faithful steed for a paladin to an elemental mount for shamans. All new vehicles can be used for flights.

Class vehicles

New Raid: Tomb of Sargeras

Tomb of Sargeras is a new raid in which 9 new battles await us. Players will have to descend into the very depths of this place and use the Pillars of Creation to close the Legion portal. In ancient times, this place was the Temple of Elune and the influence of demons has not yet reached all its parts, so the raid promises to be quite diverse. The Tomb of Sargeras can be divided into 4 sections.

Layout of the Tomb of Sargeras

The first section is a dark cathedral. This is a kind of reflection of how the Tomb now looks from the outside. This is where we will encounter most of the demonic bosses of this raid. Next, players will have to step back a little from the foundation of the Temple of Elune and visit the nearby flooded underground caves, where Queen Azshara’s minions are now located. After this, we will find ourselves in the very depths of the Tomb of Sargeras, which have been sealed for millennia and are fraught with great evil. Eventually we will reach the very base of the structure, the very place where Magna Aegwynn defeated the Avatar of Sargeras hundreds of years ago.

Bosses of Tomb of Sargeras

Among the battles of the dungeon, such bosses will appear as the defeated Avatar of Sargeras, in which there is still some of the Dark Titan's power left, and the commander of the Burning Legion himself, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, this time with legs. He will be the final boss of the raid, and the outcome of the battle with him, according to the developers, is a huge spoiler.

New Dungeon: Cathedral of Eternal Night

For the first time since the Cataclysm expansion, a full-fledged new dungeon is included in the content update. It will be the Cathedral of Eternal Night: 4 bosses, we will not go down, but climb to the top of the Tomb of Sargeras in order to use one of the Pillars of Creation, the Aegis of Aggramar.

Diagram of the Cathedral of Eternal Night

The dungeon begins on the balcony, from which you can see the very beginning of the raid part of the Tomb of Sargeras. Cathedral of Eternal Night will be available in both Mythic and Heroic difficulties.

Bosses of the Cathedral of Eternal Night

PvP brawls

Inspired by the experience of other Blizzard games, the World of Warcraft developers decided to add a brawl system for the PvP component of World of Warcraft. These will be weekly game events, which aims to experiment with classic game modes to create variety and fun.

As part of the presentation, we were presented with 6 examples of PvP brawls:

  • Southshore vs. Tarren Mill: the return of bloody battles for the Hillsbrad Foothills.
  • Instant-Cap Warsong: at Warsong Gulch you can surrender an enemy flag even if your own flag is in the hands of an opponent.
  • Packed House: arena 15 to 15.
  • Gravity Lapse: Eye of the Storm with periodic gravity distortions.
  • Winter Arathis Basin: a winter version of the Arathi Basin with poor visibility and frozen water that you can walk on
  • Eye of the Horn: Eye of the Storm, in which each player is riding a ram with the ability to butt from Stormheim.

In the future, the developers plan to expand the system and add new brawls.

Artifact Changes

Artifacts are one of the main systems Legion expansions, and it will be expanded and improved as part of update 7.2.

Firstly, new directions for the development of the artifact will appear. The developers will add a sequel storyline for each artifact, after completion of which the heroes will be able to discover the true potential of their weapons and gain access to new features of the artifacts, including the ability to improve old minor features to rank 4. In the expanded branch, each artifact will also receive a new golden feature, which will affect the mechanics of specialization.

Second, new levels of knowledge about the artifact will emerge to compensate for new features with ever-increasing costs. Along with this, it will be possible to purchase knowledge about the artifact using class stronghold resources, which will allow beginners to catch up with experienced players.

Thirdly, a new type of relic will appear, which increases the rank of two artifact features at once. The developers hope that this will make the process of choosing relics more thoughtful.

In addition, in update 7.2, each artifact will have a new appearance. To unlock this skin, players must complete a challenging individual class challenge in the style of the Hunter and Priest class quests from classic version World of Warcraft.

New Artifact Skins

As part of this Artifact Skin Series, Guardian Druids will receive a werebear form with a new set of animations, while paladins and warriors will receive a flail, made possible by the addition of weapon physics support in Legion. Otherwise, these are simply those artifact appearances that have been in the game files since the release of the add-on, but which currently cannot be obtained.

Dungeon Changes

Due to the appearance of new content in the game, all Legion dungeons will be rebalanced in update 7.2. Difficulty of completing Mythic and heroic modes will increase along with the minimum level of equipment that can be obtained in them. Thus, all dungeons will be brought to the Cathedral of Eternal Night difficulty level, which will avoid the loss of relevance of old content.

Returning to Karazhan will be divided into two dungeons: Lower Karazhan and Upper Karazhan. This will make the dungeon available in Heroic and Mythic+ difficulties. In addition, the Catacombs of Suramar and the Quarter of Stars will be added to Heroic difficulty, allowing players to visit them through an automatic party search system.

Example of a new Mythic mod

The developers will not forget about the system Mythic Keys. Low level Mythic Keystones will be rebalanced to match the new base dungeon difficulty. New random properties of Mythic Keys will be added.


While closing the portal in the Tomb of Sargeras may seem like a logical conclusion to the expansion's storyline, we won't stop here. Even if we manage to win a small victory, the Legion will definitely return sooner or later, and we cannot just leave it like that.

Destination: Argus

Players will lead an expedition to the Eredar homeworld and the Burning Legion's hub world of Argus to stop Sargeras' burning crusade once and for all.

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The Broken Shore is similar to Tanaan Jungle and the Timeless Isle, but the content on it is unlocked in stages. The Broken Shore is home to the Cathedral of Eternal Night dungeon and the Tomb of Sargeras raid dungeon.

After speaking with Archmage Khadgar at Krasus's Playground in Dalaran, you can begin a scenario that opens access to the faction and the entire Broken Shore. After completing the scenario, you will be able to complete world quests on the Broken Shore and earn reputation with the new faction.

In patch 7.2, the old currency from the Legion pre-patch returned to the game, . It is used to purchase reputation rewards with the Legion's Ruin Army and "discarded" blanks for crafting equipment. Nether Shards can be obtained by completing new world quests or killing monsters, and can also be found in chests scattered throughout the Broken Shore.

1. Nether Shards

Nethershards are the currency of the Broken Shore and are used to purchase rewards.

2. Buildings

The main base on the Broken Shore is Deliverance Pinnacle. There you can contribute to the construction of buildings that provide various bonuses (including opening access to new content). The one-time contribution is 100 Supplies of the Army of Legion's Ruin (given as a reward for completing tasks, obtained from rare elite monsters). Construction is being carried out by one faction from across the region.

You can build three different buildings (Mage Tower, Command Headquarters and Void Destroyer). Each building provides one permanent bonus that applies to everyone, and one random bonus that changes when a new building of this type is built. To receive bonuses, players need to speak with Commander Chambers after constructing a new structure.

After completing construction, the Legion armies will attack your building for 3 days until they completely destroy it. During the attack period, bonuses from the building do not apply. To start new construction, you must wait 1 day.

Tower of Mages

The permanent bonus from the Mage Tower is called Fel Treasures. It opens up access to artifact trials, secret Parselmouth chests, and a network of portals.

  • Artifact Tests: The Council of Six will allow you to take part in a series of unique challenges: a great opportunity to put your skills to the test!
    • This is single-player content that allows you to try your hand at fighting powerful opponents. Upon successful completion, the player receives new look for your artifact. For each attempt you have to pay with Void Shards. There are 7 different challenges for each specialization.
  • Secret Wraithtongue Chests: The power of the Mage Tower reveals the location of hidden Parselton chests on the Broken Shore.
    • Players gain the ability to see Unusual Parselmouth Caches. To open the chest, you need the Parseltongue Cache Key, which can be purchased for 500 Nether Shards from Treasure Hunter X"reeged. X"reeged appears after completing a chain of quests that begins with Spiders, then? . He sells Wandering Parselmouth Essence for 5,000,000 Nether Shards.
  • Network of portals: The mages of the Kirin Tor will provide you with access to portals that will allow you to quickly travel throughout the Broken Isles.
    • In the Tower of Mages there are portals that allow you to travel through the zones of the Broken Isles (Azsuna, Highmountain, Val'shara, Stormheim).

Random bonuses

  • Aware - Whenever you loot an item from a dungeon or raid that grants Artifact Power, you have a chance to gain an additional Artifact Power token.
  • Like a feather - While on a vehicle, you can move along the surface of the water.
  • Overwhelming Power - Completing a World Quest has a chance to grant you an additional Artifact Power token.
  • Worthy of Respect - The attitude of the Legion's Bane army improves 30% faster.

Command Headquarters

The permanent bonus from the command rate is called Order Forces. It opens up access to world quests in the Cathedral of Eternal Night, reinforcements for the Legion's Ruin Army, and challenging quests for allies.

  • World quests in the cathedral: Having organized the command of your troops, you can concentrate your efforts on storming the Cathedral of Eternal Night.
    • Provides access to world quests in the Cathedral of Eternal Night.
  • Legionfall Army reinforcements: Legionfall Army commanders receive additional support in the Broken Isles.
    • When fighting monsters on the Broken Shore, you receive help from the Legion's Ruin Army (for example, demon hunters shoot at your opponents from above).
  • Difficult tasks: Send your most worthy defenders on challenging missions in the heart of the Broken Shore. If successful, a great reward awaits you!
    • Provides access to special tasks for teammates, allowing them to receive valuable rewards.

Random bonuses

  • Powerful Empowerment - Upon completion of a World Quest, you have a chance to receive a Corrupted Empowerment Rune.
  • War Campaign - When you receive Legionfall Army Supplies, you have a chance to receive additional supplies.
  • Full readiness - Increases all basic characteristics by 10%, valid only on the Broken Isles.
  • Worthy Defenders - Increases the chances of receiving a legendary piece of equipment from a follower.

Void Destroyer

The permanent bonus from the Nether Destroyer is called Epic Hunter. It provides access to local bosses, unstable Nether portals, and armorer's letters of recommendation.

  • Local bosses: The energy of the Void Destroyer attracts the most powerful opponents to the Broken Shore.
    • Opens access to four world bosses that drop level 890+ loot. Bosses do not appear until the Void Destroyer is built. The bosses themselves: Apocron, Brutall, Malificus and Si"your.
  • Unstable Nether Portals: When the Destroyer is activated, unstable Nether portals will appear on the Broken Shorethey can be activated to summon powerful enemies.
    • Activating the portal requires the Nethergate Destroyer. It can be purchased for 50 Nether Shards from Battle Mage Kat'lin. Monsters from the portal drop improved loot.
  • Broner's letters of recommendation: The highest level artisans will receive official commendations allowing them to craft legendary items.
    • This effect allows you to talk with Eliezer Hammerbeard and learn how to make legendary items with the help of professions.

Random bonuses

  • Fate Smiles on You - If you fail your bonus roll on the Broken Shore, there is a chance your Seal of Broken Fate will be returned to you.
  • Netherstorm - When collecting Nether Shards, it gives a chance to receive additional Nether Shards.
  • Reinforced Reins - While on a vehicle, you can interact with objects.
  • Determine Your Destiny - Each day while the Netherbreaker is active, you can return to the Broken Shore and complete a quest that provides a free Seal of Broken Fate as a reward.

3. Discarded blanks for crafting equipment and obtaining legendary items for certain slots

You can purchase discarded blanks and Vashrin the Wonderworker. Each blank costs 5000 Nether Shards. Using these blanks, you can get a piece of equipment for your specialization (with a small probability, legendary). These items are the equivalent of the goods from Kadala from Diablo3.

4. Cerberax

The Cerberax is a Legion gunship that flies over the Broken Shore and attacks specific areas. Enemies in Cerberax's shadow can drop beacons used to open portals containing demons. Demons drop Nether Shards as loot, materials for crafting items using professions, and enhanced beacons that summon additional enemies. There are several types of beacons.

Invasion of the Broken Shore

It seemed that the Legion's forces had been driven back from the Broken Isles. The glow of the Fel flames has subsided, the demons have begun to be pushed back, but final victory is far from complete. The Broken Shore is still infested with creatures from the Twisting Nether, eager to devour our world! To arms, heroes of Azeroth! It's time to finish off the enemy once and for all!

War with the Legion

Upon arrival at the Broken Shore, you will have to engage in battle with hordes of demons and, gradually moving deeper into the territory, gain a foothold and organize an outpost. In order to do this, you must have a level 110 character, to whom Khadgar will give a task to complete a single scenario.

Next, as you continue your invasion of the Broken Shore, you will have to fight Mephistroth, a powerful dreadlord stationed on the Legion's airship. Most likely, you will defeat him, but... These are the lords of horror, who knows in what guise he will come back?

After completing the scenario, you will be taken to the Pinnacle of Deliverance. From now on, this is your base on the Broken Shore, from where the combined forces of the Strongholds will launch forays and large-scale attacks on the invaders. A new faction, the Legionbane Army, will also settle there.

The Pinnacle of Deliverance and the continuation of the massacre

Everything around is saturated with Fel. Earth, water, air. The fragments of the former elven civilization, growing in ruins on the Broken Shore, have become the abode of dark creatures and restless spirits. The army of the Burning Legion, which should become smaller, is only growing.

IN new location You will be able to complete new world quests. The rewards for them will be the usual ones, such as resources, gold, Artifact Power. But not only! You will also receive supplies from the Legionfall Army, as well as reputation with this faction. In addition to local environments, rare monsters are available for these purposes, as well as other methods. Supplies will be needed in order to build certain buildings on the Broken Shore.

Not a step back!

Having completed the scenario, the initial chains and acquired supplies, you can begin constructing the buildings necessary to fight the enemy. There will be three buildings available to choose from. each of which provides certain bonuses and unique tasks. It is not factions or even servers that participate in the construction of buildings, but regions! Yes, one building for the whole region. But each hero's contribution will be valuable and necessary, so think carefully before handing over supplies.

Once the building is built, players will be able to enjoy its bonuses and benefits for three days. After that strike forces The Burning Legion will destroy the building, and the reconstruction will have to start all over again. However, between destruction and new construction a day must pass.

And now more about the available buildings:

Tower of Mages

  • The building gives the "Fel Treasure" effect. It allows you to complete Artifact tests, find treasures on the Broken Shore, and use portals to cities.
  • One of the building's effects is "Aware". Thanks to this effect, players will be able to find additional Artifact Power in dungeons and raids. Not bad!

Command Headquarters

  • The building gives the effect of "Strength of the Order". It allows you to do unique local quests in instances, call on fresh Legion forces to fight, as well as complete complex and difficult quests.
  • One of the effects of the building is "Military Campaign". Thanks to this effect, players will be able to find additional. supplies for the new faction.
  • At Headquarters it is possible to use strategic map from the stronghold, sending his comrades on missions.

Void Destroyer

  • The building gives the "Epic Hunter" effect. It allows you to summon strong bosses, fight them and receive certain rewards.
  • One of the building's effects is "Strengthened Reins". Players will be able to use various objects and items without getting off the vehicle.

Let's continue the company

On the Broken Shore, you can continue the company of classes and improve your Artifact. Those players who managed to reach level 25 of knowledge will be able to increase their knowledge further. Those who have not yet managed to do this will be able to go through accelerated learning and still get level 25.

Those players who have unlocked all the Artifact talents will be able to receive a new task, after which they will have the opportunity to further improve their weapons by unlocking 4 additional talents. And players who have not yet reached Artifact level 35 and unlocked all the talents will be able to complete a special task that will allow them to further upgrade the artifact.

The Bulwark campaign on the Broken Shore is part of the main story. After a few weeks, you will be able to acquire a new follower, as well as unique locales for your class! Moreover, to perform some of them you will need to interact with other classes.

flying boat

The Legion's fearsome vessel, the Cerberax, hangs in the skies above the Broken Isles. By destroying troops sent from the ship, you can get an item that opens portals to Cerberax. Even stronger creatures will appear from them. And from them you will receive an item that will summon demons more powerful than the previous ones! In the end, a huge demon will appear when summoned, equal in strength to the raid boss.

All this is needed in order to farm Nether Shards, the unique currency of the Broken Shore. Among the other things available for purchase with Shards are tokens for high-level items that will help you get started in update 7.2. And by purchasing a token and making an item out of it, you can use Shards to improve it! These are the manapies.

Cathedral of Eternal Night

Once the starting quests on the shore are completed, players will have the opportunity to enter the Cathedral of Eternal Night. This is optional, but seeing the new dungeon, getting things, and KILLING MEPHISTROTH AGAIN is worth it! Do you think the nasty demon will appear again soon, huh?

So, gradually and methodically defeating more and more new opponents, the heroes will advance all the way to the Tomb of Sargeras, kill the guards and go inside. Monstrous creatures await them there, whose power knows no bounds. But that’s why you are heroes, to fight such evil spirits, right?

The developers of the MMORPG World of Warcraft told us about the bosses that you will definitely meet in the new dungeon “Cathedral of Eternal Night”. It will appear in the game after the next patch is released. In addition to the dungeon, you can enjoy a colorful zone and a dangerous raid. Well, now let's take a closer look at the new dungeon.

Cathedral of Eternal Night

Having gone on a raid, you and your team must reach the depths of Tartarus, while simultaneously destroying the evil spirits. Everything is different in the new dungeon. Ready to climb to the top of the tower and plant the Aegis? Then get ready to face bloodthirsty demons and four bosses. To intrigue gamers, the developers placed the opponents as close to the Blight as possible. Thanks to this, you will have the chance to enjoy luxurious elven buildings, as well as take part in bloody battles with extremely deadly opponents. Well, now let's talk about the bosses:

  • Agronox: not so long ago, this giant was subordinate to the priestesses of Elune, but since Fel entered the sacred temple, everything has changed. If before Agronox kept order, now he wreaked havoc. Ready to take on the lashers, spores and vines?
  • Wrathbite: Once in the library, you will encounter Frown's brother. Despite the fact that he is ordered to protect ancient tomes, he happily destroys relics and precious books. When approaching the boss, be careful, his attacks can cause colossal damage. To defeat him, attract the attention of another bloodthirsty mob. By facing each other, you will have time to finish them both off. When putting your plan into reality, beware of the tomes; catching them will release ancient magic;
  • Domathrax: When faced with this fiend of hell, be prepared to face a mighty army of demons. When the boss has half his health left, portals will begin to appear. Aegis will help you overcome evil. She can protect you from deadly attacks, but if her energy runs out, you will be left defenseless;
  • Mephistroth: he is ready to do anything to prevent you from establishing the Aegis. Black magic will help him deal with you. When the boss reaches 100% energy, the demon will disappear, but will continue to deal damage. To return him to the world of the living, focus on protecting Illidan, because only he can do this.