How to play a fool at cards. How to win at Durak: some tactical tricks

Rules of the game: players are dealt 6 cards, and a trump card is randomly selected - the suit that will be the highest in this game. It is placed face down, and the rest of the deck is placed face down on top. Let it be the queen of spades. The right to make the first move goes to the one who has the smallest trump card: for example, you have 10 spades, and your opponent has 7 spades - he makes the first move. You can move, for example, 2, 3 or 4 cards of the same value at once - for example, three sixes. You have to fight back with higher cards. If there is no suitable suit, you can play a trump card, which may be lower. If your opponent is satisfied with the way you fought back, the cards are folded separately and are not returned to them. In the flip “Fool”, the opponent can flip cards during the process. For example, on two sixes you put 7 and 8, if your opponent has 7 or 8 in his hands, he can “toss” them and you are obliged to cover these cards. After each “bounce”, the players draw cards from the pot so that everyone has 6. If you cannot repel the attack, you take these cards to yourself and use them further. And so on until the victorious or not so final. The player who has no cards left wins. If no one has them left, it is declared a draw. If at the very beginning you received at least 5 cards same suit out of 6 - you can ask to be distributed to you again.

Finally, we have more or less figured out the rules.

Now for some tactical tricks:

1. Try not to accept many cards, especially towards the end.

2. Don't skimp on your trump cards. You should not sit with the only king, taking the whole game until you lose your pulse.

3. Try to get rid of small cards and leave large ones.

4. Start your turn with paired cards. For example, you have two 8s and a six. It's better to go with double eights. After all, there is a high probability that your opponent will fight back with a trump six and you can safely throw in yours.

5. In some cases, it is advantageous to cover small cards with high ones. For example, you have a weak layout of 7s, 10s and one king. In order not to accept a bunch of 7s and 10s that your opponent will probably put in, cover with the king. If he throws a king, take it; if not, then get rid of small cards on your turn.

6. Throughout the game, remember the movement of at least the trump suit. Please note that, for example, the trump Jack went into retreat, you fought back with a 10, and your opponent took the queen from the horse, which was lying face down the whole time. This will especially help in the final part. Don’t forget about the elimination method: if at the end of the game you have a jack, a queen, and a king, but the ace was not visible throughout the game, it means your opponent has it.

7. Try to fight back with paired cards. For example, they came to you with three 10s. It is much more profitable to fight back with three kings (if any) in the flip “Fool” than, say, a jack, a queen and an ace. When you fight back with doubles, you don't give your opponent cards large selection in actions. Most likely, he will not have a fourth king, and the move will pass to you. And the risk that he has a jack, queen or ace is much higher.

8. Play confidently and even brazenly. You shouldn’t save a couple of medium trump cards the entire game; it’s better to fight back with them at a difficult moment.

9. Remember the cards the player accepts. And when you move again, think about how your opponent can fight back and whether you can throw it.

10. Remember, the more time you do not touch the deck, the greater the chance that your opponent will gradually draw all the trump cards. Therefore, try not to accept cards, and if you have to, then act according to point 5. It’s another matter if you are lucky with the layout - then you can sometimes pretend to have no trump cards and accept that your opponent tries to “riff” the deck more often in search of the treasured suit. And thereby you will save your trump cards. But do it within reason and depending on the situation.

I hope these little tips will help you win more often. Good luck!

Fool is perhaps the most common type of card game, in which to win you need to adhere to certain tactics and change them depending on the actions of the enemy. There are several tactical tricks that you can use to increase your chances of winning when playing fool online with one or more opponents.

Try not to take a large number of cards, especially as the game nears its end. You should not hold your trump cards, otherwise you will remain with them when all your opponents have already left the game. First of all, you need to get rid of the small cards and leave the large ones. It is better to play with paired cards, for example, if you have two 8s and one 10, then it is better to play with eights. In this case, it will be more difficult for the enemy to fight back, because he probably does not have one suit and he uses a trump card. Throughout the game, try to monitor the movement of the trump cards. Keep track of which ones have already retired and which ones your opponents have at their disposal. This will still save you towards the end of the game, when, as a rule. only the most strong cards. Also use the elimination method: if by the end of the game you have a trump jack, queen and king, then the ace means the biggest card that went to your opponent.

When you fight back, try to use paired cards to do so. For example, if they come at you with three jacks, then it will be much more profitable to fight back with three aces than with a queen, king and one ace. In the latter case, there will be a higher probability that you will be given more cards that you will no longer be able to return. Play confidently and a little boldly, even if you have a weak hand, don’t show it to your opponent. You shouldn’t save a couple of middle trump cards until the finals, while raking in cards one after another throughout the game.

  • Remember the cards accepted by your opponent and the next time you move, remember what he can use to fight back;
  • Keep in mind that the longer you do not take cards from the deck, the higher the likelihood that all the trump cards will fall into the hands of your opponent. In this regard, try not to accept cards, sparing the available trump cards and large cards. This is a losing strategy and is why most players lose. As a result, by the end of the game, almost all of your opponent’s cards will go to you, and he will only have trump cards, against which you will have nothing to bet.

When playing with no more than 2 players

You can learn to play like a fool. To do this, we will define 2 stages of creating a winning strategy.

1. Determining your opponent's playing style.

2. Creating your own counter-style of play.

Determining your opponent's playing style

In order to determine what style your opponent plays, you need to play several control games with him. There are often 4 main play styles:

a player who collects trump cards is a player who, during the game, never throws up trump cards, makes the first move with one card and throws up any cards, with the goal of not overwhelming the opponent, but discarding unnecessary cards in order to take trump cards from the deck.

Game option

One of the users of my program introduced me to this version of the game when there was this gap in the algorithm for playing the fool. This gap lay in the following tactics of the game.

If at the beginning of the game you get 2-3 large trump cards (you can also use small trump cards), then during the game you do not beat off your opponent’s cards, but accept them until there are at least eight to ten of them left in the deck (you can find out how many cards are left , if you count them during the game), then you start walking with the smallest cards, of which there should be 3 or 4 of the same value. In this case, the opponent will have to either fight back (then in any case you will have cards that you can throw to your opponent) or accept cards. If the opponent fights back, then after the hang up, when he draws cards from the deck, he will most likely take non-trump cards, since he fought back with them and then, having fought off his move, you can easily beat him. But if your opponent accepts cards from you without fighting back, then he will have a chance to beat you using the same tactics (as you played) (the opponent will accept cards from you for the time being, after which he will fight back and overwhelm you with the same cards that I received from you).

Most often, few people know about this game tactic and, after playing once, they lose, but an experienced player immediately understands what’s going on and will try to interrupt the game in the middle.

When playing with 3 players

In such a game you need to collect trump and pair cards. To do this you need to try to fight back. The most important thing in such a game is to never throw cards at the player you are following. This can only be done at the end of the game, when the cards in the deck have run out and you see that this player can be the first to leave the game. This is explained by the fact that if you throw cards at this player, then the next move will be made for you by the next player and you will not be able to discard unnecessary cards again and throw at a player who may come to you. You can even cheat, take the card with which they came to you, and then the next player will go to the player who will have to come to you. You will have a chance to throw cards at this player.

When playing with 4 players

In this game you need to decide whether you are playing against everyone or against two, that is, pair against pair. If the player sitting opposite you plays at the same time with you, then the game will become much easier. This game is usually called pair-on-pair. The player who sits to your left plays in pairs with the player who sits to your right, and you correspondingly play in pairs with the player sitting opposite you. In such a game it is necessary to throw players left and right. To do this, it is recommended to go to the player on the left at the beginning of the game with low paired cards. If there are none, then choose the lowest card of the suit that you have the most. If this is not the case, then you can make a pair of low cards, for example: a trump six and a six of diamonds.

If you managed to kill the player to your right and the turn has passed to you, then it is advisable for you to play from those cards that the player to your left or right does not have. After the first round of the game, you can already guess what cards these are. For example, during the rebound process, the player flashed cards 8, 10, jack, and the player on the left flashed 7, queen, in this case it is recommended to go with 6, 7, 9, since the chance that your partner has these cards is high.

If the player to your left or right takes cards and among these there is a card of higher value, for example, a queen or a king, then try to get rid of it, since you will not be able to fight back with it (since they will immediately throw you the rest of the paired cards) and you will have a chance to draw a pair or trump card from the deck. If the player to your right couldn’t fight back and takes the cards and you are sure that you can take out the player to your left, then you don’t have to throw in the highest card, since obviously the player to your right can use it to fight back when your partner moves and You can already drop it off.

When playing as a pair, you should never throw your player. You can only throw cards to him when he takes them, and then only of the highest value and so that they make up a combination of 3 or four cards for him, so that the likelihood that he will fight back next time is high.

If you are playing against everyone, not pair against pair, then it is recommended to take the low card that they came to take from you, otherwise you risk taking a large number of low cards. For example, you hit a six with an eight, respectively, all sixes and eights will fly to you. Otherwise, you will only take sixes.

When playing with 5 players or more

In such a game, of course, everyone plays for themselves, so try not to beat off the low card with which they came to you, just take it. If they come to you with a higher card, and you see that you cannot fight back, then fight back with a higher card, so that these higher cards are thrown to you and you have best cards in relation to the cards of other players.

If the opponent fights back with trump cards at the beginning of the game, then we can definitely say that he plays cards poorly, since at the beginning of the game there is no point in discarding the trump card. It is recommended to take the bounce cards along with the trump cards, but next time it is better to try to fight back.

If you are going to fight back. In this case, your cards should not contain low cards and more than two cards of the same suit, with the exception of trump cards. Otherwise, you risk drawing cards.

How to win at cards? Every fan of card games has asked this question more than once.

Let’s say right away that we are talking about an honest method. win a card game. No cheating or marked cards.

Today there is two types of card game. In the first case, it is against a living opponent. When the game is played with people. The dealer and the participants present at the card table use their logic when playing the game. And the second option is against a computer program. Online casinos or computerized card tables. With programmed logic of behavior.

And so the principle of a card game can be divided into four stages.

First: distribution of cards to the players. At this stage, nothing depends on us. When distributed playing cards there is always an element of chance.

Second stage: cards in the draw (commercial card games) or cards that are dealt on demand (gambling card games) determine our further actions, the logic of building the game or the bet amount. At this stage we also have little influence on the situation. It all depends on the algorithm random numbers (computer program) or from the honesty of the banker.

At the third stage, the result of the drawing depends only on the player. The most important part of the game, where all skills, experience, logical thinking, the ability to bluff or the ability to restrain emotions are fully demonstrated. By the way, the development of precisely these abilities, as well as a thorough knowledge of card game rules there may be another answer to the question how to win at cards.

Well, the fourth stage. Played cards are removed from play until the end of the game or until the end of the deck. In any card game, what were the rules of the first two stages, this is the “BEFORE” factor, so to speak, it affects the future process of the game. On the logical construction of a strategy for conducting a card battle. As they say: “The main thing in war is maneuvers.”

The third stage is the factor that determines the present moment. When a player compares himself with opponents not only with the cards he has at his disposal (dignity of cards, suit, presence of trump cards). He also compares his experience, the logical combinations on which he builds your card game. And even in a very unfortunate situation, when the question how to win at cards, is no longer relevant (for objective reasons), an experienced card player always tries to reduce the game to minimal losses.

The fourth stage is our “AFTER” factor. It shows the result of our actions and the actions of our opponents. If you are careful, at this stage you can see the mistakes made by your opponents or your own. What is actually important is the fourth stage in any card game. And an experienced player will not miss the opportunity to use the information to adjust his future strategy.

After all, if you think about it, the “AFTER” factor has a direct impact on the “BEFORE” factor. And determines the options for distributing cards or demolishing cards for bribes.

The process of any card game is circular (closed cycle) in nature. After the drawing there is always the next bet or a new trick. And information about cards that have been eliminated from the game helps to simplify the calculation of probability on a new round of play.

This is what gives features of card games and sets them apart from other types of games.

The dependence of what comes from what comes out of the game becomes more obvious.

The idea is not new and anyone who has been playing card games for quite a long time could come to this conclusion themselves.

The whole problem lies in counting the eliminated playing cards

After the third or fourth draw, it becomes difficult to keep in mind all the cards that came out of the game. For an unprepared player, it will be difficult to remember all the cards played. And even more so when Card deck consists of several mixed complete card decks. Naturally the question arises about training. visual memory. Which will not be superfluous for general self-improvement. Developing such an ability is not as problematic as it might seem at first glance. And the development of visual memory for such a narrow specialization as card games will require even less effort and time. Given the natural desire of everyone to win at cards, no one will dispute the advantages of possessing such information.

At the initial stage, in order to evaluate the benefits of using information about cards that have left the game, you can resort to another method of memorization. Back in high school, during computer science classes, we were introduced to the binary number system.

Probably everyone asked themselves: “Why do I need this? Well, where in life will I need it?” So this is exactly the case.

Let's omit the theoretical calculations from the program high school and let's move directly to the description of the method of memorizing cards in card games.

Imagine the palm as sixteen bit system. Where each finger corresponds to the number 1, 2, 4, 8. To illustrate the method, let’s take the card game twenty-one as an example. We will count the four largest (by value) cards. Ace, ten, nine, eight. Or for a variant with a deck of 52 cards, where each figure card (king, queen, jack) has a value of ten points. Imagine that you have a combination of cards in your hand that is from eleven to sixteen points. The amount of points is very risky and buying another card can lead to busting. When one of these cards falls out in your hands, in the buy-in or from the banker, mark with your thumb on your index finger. If you get two, then fold the middle one. If you roll three, mark with the thumb on your index finger. At four we bend the ring finger. In the continuation of the card game, when five or six tracked cards fall out, we bend two fingers, the index and ring fingers or the middle and ring fingers, respectively. When the number of cards reaches seven, only the little finger will remain uncurled, etc. up to sixteen cards.

This is how you can easily count the cards that have left the game.

Of course, you can use a second palm to count more playing cards (which increases your chances of winning at cards), but this may seem suspicious to card game partners. Agree that a person who constantly bends his fingers will look quite strange. And although rules of any card game It is not prohibited to count eliminated cards; it would be very undesirable if such manipulations were noticed by the casino administration or neighbors at the card table. Gambling establishments are very categorical in their disapproval of such actions, which can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to try to somehow hide your calculations. Do not leave your palm motionless, like a notepad with notes on a card table. You can rub your finger against your fingers, stroke or pat (if according to the rules of the card game this does not mean that you want to buy card table cloth. A glass of drink or bottle will do to hide the position of your fingers.

Fantasy is a great power and with its help you can come up with such a disguise that no one will be suspicious. In any case, when you are looking for an answer to a question how to win at cards It's always up to you to use this method or not.

I have a friend, his name is Serega. Comrade, he is overly violent and hot-tempered, and as a result he often gets imprisoned for 15 days. This is what he told me after “being on vacation.” Personally, I have no reason not to believe him, because Seryoga, to put it mildly, has no sense of humor and idle talk: with us, he is purely serious and strict. Further from his words.

I’m sitting in the bullpen, waiting for the investigator. They put a tramp in my place - a man with a puny little body and sad eyes. We sit together, bored, with nothing to do.

- Well, bro, maybe we can play cards for fun?

To my friend, like " regular customer", the police gentlemen are making concessions, like the same deck of cards.

The man smiled sadly, as if I were asking a math professor to multiply by column.

“Well, come on,” he says.

We sat down to play, and you won’t believe it, the man was rushing as if under a spell, Always beats me. I’m already doing this and that, and I don’t think I’m a fool at cards, but he’s winning! Well, I think I'm screwed, I've clearly fallen for a card sharper. I say, no, my friend, that won’t work. You’re somehow “cloudy”, let’s go into the dark (only the dealer touches the cards), I’ll deal. The man smiles sadly again: “Come on.”

I deal, I see: he has a noticeable card, with a frayed edge - it’s the ace of spades, I know this card well, the site is mine. And the man draws and draws, and gets three cards from the top. Well, I think that’s it, it’s too much, I rolled it. We open up - he has an ace, a queen, a queen, a jack, a jack. Twenty one! At this point my eyes started to pop out of my head - how could that be? It is almost impossible to pull out such a combination, and even blindly, the chance is about the same as with eyes closed hit a fly flying twenty meters away with a soccer ball.

The man grins again with his signature smile and says:

The man sat in the corner of the cell, and I mixed the deck thoroughly.

“Eight cards of any kind,” says the man, “take them out.”

I took it from above, below, from the middle. I gave it to myself too. I'm 19.

“Open mine,” the man says from the corner.

I open it. Eight cards. Four queens, four jacks. website Twenty! I look at the guy, I’m quietly shocked, he smiles sadly again.

- What is it, how, why? - I say to the peasant.

“Come on,” the man chuckled, “you still won’t believe it.” Nobody believes.

- You tell me, and then we’ll see.

And he told me such a fable. About 15 years ago he was on vacation in Anapa. He was drinking in some tavern and a “slippery guy” sat next to him, and the man didn’t remember the appearance, voice, or even the clothes of this “type.”

“Let’s play cards, if you’re not afraid,” says the “slippery one.”

They played and played, sometimes winning, sometimes losing, joking, drinking. The man came to his senses only when he had lost every penny, even losing his wristwatch. I realized that I couldn’t even pay for a drink.

- What, little man (that’s actually how he addressed him), do you want to get even? - “slippery” tells him. — website I know one trick to never lose. Do you want to never lose at cards?

And the man went into a frenzy, there was excitement and alcohol and greed:

“I want to,” he says.

Slippery slips him a piece of paper.

- This is a special mantra, it brings good luck, read it and you will be trampled on.

And on the piece of paper the words are in Russian letters, but the language is some kind of non-Russian. Well, the man thought maybe he was some kind of sectarian (there were a lot of them back then, even more than now). Why argue with a fool? Read it. And then he got screwed. He beat the slippery one outright (started out in debt). I was still happy like a fool; I won ten thousand.

So he was lucky with cards from then on, he always won. He could get any card from any deck, always and without error. But I felt that this was all for a reason: after four months, I decided to find out what kind of mantra it was. website I searched the Internet - to no avail, went to a group of some yogis - also missed. Until I told a translator I knew a few words from memory. The translator enlightened him that the few words that the man remembered were from the Hindu language, called “Urdu”. And they mean: “I give voluntarily”, “luck”, “forever”. Since then, the man has been walking around so sad, afraid that he sold his soul to the devil.

Those who love should play the game Mafia 2, available at this link. Feel like a real mafioso and find out why this game is so popular all over the world.
