Instructions for solving a 3x3 Rubik's cube in full. Secrets of assembling a Rubik's cube: elements, parts, key concepts

How to forget about incomprehensible patterns and solve a Rubik's cube according to the pattern for beginners?

If you still can't solve the puzzle without getting frustrated: in our article you will find the answer.

Now we will try to explain in detail how to do this in order to surprise yourself, friends and family.

What is a Rubik's Cube?

If you have set a task for yourself, then after reading the article it will become easy.

But if you don’t know how this most mysterious cube works, what it consists of and how it functions, the task becomes much more complicated.

You will learn below how to solve a Rubik's cube according to the scheme for beginners in Russian, but remember that you should not underestimate the complexity of the presented one.

A regular 3x3 Rubik is a small mechanical 3D cube, the edges of which are painted in different colors.

Solving a Rubik's Cube

Let's look at the components of the cube, piece by piece.

Let's start with the central element, there is one on each side. It can be rotated around its axis, but each of them always remains in place in the “correct” position.

There are slightly more corner elements - 8, and they have three different colors.

Let's not forget about the 12 ribs with several different colors located between the corners.

This results in only 20 particles that can be moved, and the solution to the problem depends entirely on knowing the correct change in their position.

If you start rotating one side, you can see the central elements, or rather, how they do not move. The edge becomes where it should be, and the corner - in its place.

Tip: each element has a specific type; it cannot be changed after rotation.

Puzzle Solving Basics

If you want to know how to solve a Rubik's cube, we have a special diagram for beginners in Russian.

Set yourself - let the elements fall into place. Concentrate on the center, only the cubes do not change their position there.

For example, an edge located between red and green is red-green.

Take a rule as a guide: there must be an edge of the same color near the green one.

Scheme 1. Correctly arranged particles are depicted in blue, those that can be changed in green, and those on which action is performed in yellow.

The corner should not be overlooked; it is always three-colored and placed between the central elements of the colors that correspond to it.

How to solve a Rubik's cube - a step-by-step diagram for beginners in pictures

You need to gather the edges of one side. To begin, choose a color to go first. Let it be yellow. So let's get started!

Turn the cube yellow up, so the bottom will remain white; almost all existing models feature this marking.

Tip: if you are interested in how to solve a Rubik's Cube, use the 3 by 3 diagram for beginners in Russian. At the top you need to fold a cross, to do this, put the edges of the color of your choice in position. They will match the central element.

Using our advice, remember what needs to be done in order.

The second edge color should match the central particle that is closest. Practice and you will succeed.

The main thing is not to stop, try and move forward with confidence. Patience and more patience will help you, don’t give up.

Assemble the cross according to the diagram, but do not forget that this will need to be done 4 times - for each side.

  1. The cube should be in your hands, turn it over, there should be a yellow center element on top, or the color you selected, below - white
  2. See if there is yellow at the bottom and notice both edge colors
  3. If you have found a yellow square, rotate the cube until the edge takes its place on top
  4. Continue to follow the instructions on how to solve a Rubik's cube according to the scheme for beginners in Russian in the photo and perform one of the actions: center - below, in front, edge - in the intermediate layer and repeat step number 1

Tip: If you see yellow on top, but it is out of place or oriented incorrectly relative to the center, change its position by simply placing another particle in its place.

The edge will stand in the position described earlier, using the diagram it will fall into place.

You need to do this for each of the yellow cubes, as a result you get a cross.

Top edge

After you have folded the cross, you can begin assembling the entire top. You need to put the corners in place.

If you put them the way you want, nothing will work out - everyone has their own place. This is determined by the colors of which it is composed.

Do not forget that any actions performed will need to be repeated 4 times for all angles.

  1. Place the cube in its original position, as before
  2. Try to find a corner in the bottom layer where there will be a yellow square, focus your attention on several colors on it
  3. Turn the bottom, the corner should be under its place
  4. You can choose one of several solutions: yellow on the left, right and bottom

Let's move on to the next face, while not forgetting about the central elements. They are fixed in place, so you need to swap them around and think about how best to place them.

We repeat all steps, as before, 4 times.

  1. This time you need to take the cube with the white layer on top, at the bottom you will get a yellow one, already assembled.
  2. Look for edges without white on both sides in the top layer.
  3. Scroll up in this manner until the edge and center colors completely match, it will look much like an upside down T.
  4. Choose one of the examples presented, your decision should depend on whether the edge is placed on the left or right. Here are the options to choose from: the edge is moved to the right or the edge is moved to the left.

If you can't find elements in a layer without white on either side, that means they're in the middle.

To correct this situation, rotate the other edge from the top layer into its place. You can continue your work by following the instructions.

Collecting the second cross

Now that 2 layers of the cube have already been assembled, let's try to make the 4 outermost elements of the top white.

You need to focus exclusively on the edge particles, avoiding the corners.

Still don’t know how to solve a Rubik’s cube according to the scheme for beginners in Russian? A thematic video will come to your aid.

So, if the first 4 white ribs are already at the top, move on to the next step.

But if there are only a few, use the instructions below and pay attention to how they are located relative to each other.

It all depends on whether they are next to each other or opposite: adjacent edges, opposite edges are white, not a single snow-white square is right.

If you try to fold a cross using one of the methods described above, then if there is not a single light square at the top, the result will be 2 finished squares.

Depending on the combination received, choose your action option, it can be the first or second plus the 4th step.

The second cross is ready. To make the side parts match the color scheme of the center, repeat the steps in the fifth section.

Turn the top of the cube until two edges match the color of the center. The second cross is in place.

Placement of corners

The particles have already found their place, and you almost completely know how to solve a Rubik’s cube according to the scheme for beginners in Russian from the video, all that remains is to complete the corners.

This must be done without paying attention to their orientation, you must know when it is in its position.

Tip: the angle is correct when the close central parts match the color scheme of the 3 parts.

We will show you in which situations the corners are incorrect and correct for assembly.

Of course, it may also turn out that the 4 corners will fall into place initially.

If 1 is in place, follow one of the examples:

  1. Turn the edge forward, up to the right, the other edge - forward, again to the side, but left, down, to the right, the other edge - down, and the reverse - to the left
  2. Left edge - up, right - left, forward, right, left - down, right - left, down, right

So, we put together a 3x3 cube, if you are interested in how to solve a Rubik's cube, there is a special diagram for beginners in Russian and for a 2x2 cube.

I would like to believe that we were able to help you and you solved the Rubik's cube.

This is quite an exciting activity that will help your mental abilities and finger motor skills.

Hi all. If you decide to learn how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube, then at one of the assembly stages it will be very difficult for you to do without formulas. Reading formulas for solving a 3x3 cube is not at all difficult. Below you will find all the symbols with which you can read the formulas for assembling a cube.

Language for rotating the sides of a 3x3 cube

Since the Rubik's Cube has 6 sides, we will have 6 main notations.

F – front – front side
B – back – back side
L – left – left side
R – right – right side
U – up – top side
D – down – bottom side

If there is nothing after the letter, then rotate this side clockwise once, as if we were looking at the edge in the face.
If there is a stroke ‘(stroke) after the letter, then you need to turn it counterclockwise once, as if we were looking at the edge in the face.
If there is a 2 after the letter, then the indicated side needs to be rotated 2 times (180 degrees).

Rotation of the main sides of a 3x3 cube with symbols in pictures (for clarity)

In addition to the main values, there are others; you need to study them if you want to study complex formulas for speedcubers.


Fw– frontal together with the middle layer
Bw– back together with the middle layer
Lw– left together with the middle layer
Rw– right together with the middle layer
Uw– top together with the middle layer
Dw– bottom together with the middle layer

Fw’ – frontal together with the middle layer counterclockwise
Bw’ – back together with the middle layer counterclockwise
Lw’ – left together with the middle layer counterclockwise
Rw’ – right along with the middle layer counterclockwise
Uw’ – top together with the middle layer counterclockwise
Dw’ – bottom together with the middle layer counterclockwise

Fw2 – frontal along with the middle layer at 180 degrees
Bw2 – back together with the middle layer at 180 degrees
Lw2 – left together with the middle layer at 180 degrees
Rw2 – right along with the middle layer 180 degrees
Uw2 – top together with the middle layer at 180 degrees
Dw2 – bottom together with the middle layer at 180 degrees

Note: Previously, such movements in a 3x3x3 cube were indicated by small letters (r, l, b, etc.). However, some time ago, due to confusion with the language of rotations of large cubes (where small letters indicate rotations of only the inner layers), the worldwide cube association switched to the designations Rw, Lw, etc. Therefore, now it is correct to denote the movements of any external face together with the internal index adjacent to it w. Small letters remain only for the 4x4x4 cube and indicate rotations of only one inner layer adjacent to the outer one.

Rotations of middle layers

M– middle layer located between the left and right layers

S– middle layer located between the front and back layers

E– middle layer located between the top and bottom layers

One of the most famous childhood puzzles is the Rubik's Cube. Every child has always wondered how Can you solve a Rubik's cube completely? . Very often, most people failed to assemble it, and such fun was put aside in a drawer. Only a few were able to complete the puzzle quickly and easily.

The most common version of the cube is the cube, which consists of fifty-four small cubes. Each side consists of nine cubes, which are colored in colors such as yellow, white, blue, green, red, orange. The main essence of the puzzle is the ability to assemble a toy so that each side corresponds to a specific color.

One of the modern cartoons called “The Fixies” details that a hero named Nolik recklessly said that he could easily assemble it. But he didn’t succeed, and Nolik and his friend Fire disassembled and reassembled the cube, securing it in such a way that it was impossible to disassemble it again. This method deprived them of the most important thing - interest in the assembly process.

The history of the creation of the Rubik's cube

The inventor of this puzzle is University of Architecture teacher Erno Rubik. He came up with his masterpiece at the age of 30 in order to prepare teaching aid for students. With the help of the invention, the author wanted to introduce students to the theory of groups in mathematics. The puzzle received awards and prizes in 1980 for the originality of the invention.

The project itself was created over several years. Even the author himself understood that assembling his invention was not so easy. In 1975, the inventor managed to obtain a patent. And the first batch arrived in the USSR in 1981. This toy was very popular and in short supply among the inhabitants of the USSR.

Nowadays, puzzle solving enthusiasts participate in various puzzle assembly competitions. Only a man named Mats Valk managed to solve the Rubik's cube in 5.55 seconds, which is an absolute record at this point in time.

How to quickly solve a Rubik's cube

In this part of the article, readers will learn how to learn how to assemble a puzzle. The steps to solve a Rubik's Cube include:

1. Assembling a cross on one of the faces of the cube. Usually the top edge is chosen. To build a cross, you need to select any color whose fragment is in the center of the face. Then try to build a cross around it. In order for the cross to be assembled faster, it is necessary that its “branches” continue on the next faces, which consist of two similar fragments of the figure.

2. Direct layer-by-layer assembly of the cube. It is necessary to assemble a side of the same color. The puzzle pieces must form a special “belt”, which is located near the assembled edge. Then you need to assemble the second “belt”.

3. You need to assemble the cross on the side that is opposite the side containing the cross. And then completely assemble the side containing the second cross.

4. Arrange the corner parts of the cube so that all three sides match the edges in color.

5. Arrange the sides of the cube according to color.

It is believed that the smallest number of steps by which this puzzle can be completed is twenty.

Having mastered the simple method, you can move on to Jessica Friedrich’s method, which is more complex. According to this method, solving a Rubik's cube goes like this:

  • The cross is assembled on the starting side.
  • The first and second layers are assembled.
  • Assembling the remaining layers.

Thus, the process of solving a Rubik's cube is quite exciting and educational. Having learned to assemble such a puzzle, you can amaze both friends and ill-wishers with your intelligence.

The implementation of these methods in practice is presented in the video below.

Instructions “how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube” with pictures and formulas for beginners. The lightest and simple circuit, but will require attention and accuracy from you. This is the second (improved, more complete and convenient) edition of the instructions for assembling a Rubik's cube; it takes into account the wishes of our readers. The instructions are suitable for solving a Rubik's cube yourself and teaching your child.

Step 1. Solve the first side of the Rubik's cube

This step details how to solve one (first) side of the Rubik's Cube with the first belt. There are many possible options at this step, so it is difficult to describe them all. It is recommended not to memorize formulas, but to understand their essence, then you will be able to cope with any situation.

You can skip this step

If you can solve one side of the Rubik's Cube and the top belt (Figure 1-1c) without formulas or outside help, move on to .

1.1. Volumetric cross of the first side

On one side of the cube we will assemble a cross, the colors of which correspond to the central squares of the other sides (Fig. 1–1b).

Action 1. Find the appropriate rib cube (Figure 1-2) and rotate the front side to move the cube upward (Figure 1-3). Then go to step 2. Follow steps 1 and 2 required quantity once.

If the rotation “breaks” already solved cube, move the found cube to another plane (Fig. 1–4a, b). If the cube is not yet on top, go to step 1 again.

If moving to another plane will also “break” an already assembled cube, use the appropriate formula (Fig. 1–4c).

The figure (Fig. 1–4c) shows only one of the possible options - proceed by analogy.

Action 2. When the found cube is moved up, use one of the formulas.

1.2. Side and belt

To arrange the corner cubes and complete this step (Figure 1-1c), you will need the following formulas.

To remove an irregular corner cube, use formulas.

If the cube is “hidden” at the bottom, then we move it to the lower belt, so that we can then move it to its place using the formulas above.

Step 2. Assemble the second belt

The second belt is easily assembled using two formulas. Find a suitable cube in the third belt so that both colors match (twist the third belt if necessary), and move it diagonally to the second belt using the formulas.

Formula: (N’P’NP)(NFN’F’)

Formula: (NLN’L’)(N’F’NF)

If there is no suitable cube

If there is not a single suitable cube, using the same formulas, move any cube from the third belt to the second - the desired cube will appear.

Step 3. Cross on the opposite side

Now you need to assemble a cross on the opposite side of the Rubik's cube. The cross is assembled without taking into account the colors of the third belt (Fig. 3-1). In other words, at this step only the cross is assembled, and the cross is coordinated with the colors of the third belt at the next step.

Your Rubik's Cube now has one of four combinations: a, b, c, d - see Fig. 3–2. The transition from one combination to another occurs using a single formula: F P V P" V" F". You need to repeat this formula 1-3 times, depending on what combination you have.

If the cross is already assembled (Fig. 3-2d), skip this step. If you only have one center square (Figure 3-2a), then you need to repeat the formula 3 times. If the angle (Fig. 3–2b) - 2 times. If the line (Fig. 3–2c) - 1 time.

Formula: F P V P" V" F"
Please note

Before each execution of the formula, the Rubik's cube must be positioned exactly as shown in the pictures.

Step 4: Coordinated Cross

As a result of this step, we will get a cross that matches the colors of the belt (Fig. 4-2c).

Rotate the top belt until the 2 colors of the cross match the middle squares of the top belt (Figure 4-1). Only two combinations are possible: the colors match the line Fig. 4–2a) or the colors coincide at an angle (Fig. 4–2b).

Formula when the line matches: P V P" V P VV P"

We move the incorrectly placed cross cubes located opposite each other (two opposite ends of the cross).

After completing this formula, rotate the top belt again until the 2 colors match the middle squares of the top belt (Figure 4-1). Please note that even now the two ends of the cross will not fall into place, but the combination will change to “colors coincide at an angle” (Fig. 4-2b).

Formula when the angle coincides: P V P" V P VV P" V

We swap the incorrectly placed cross cubes, located diagonally relative to each other (two adjacent cross cubes).

After completing this formula, the cross will be assembled and its side colors will match the colors of the upper belt (Fig. 4-2c). If the result is not achieved, then repeat this step again, first orienting the cube correctly.

Step 5. Arrangement of corner cubes

Corner cubes are arranged using two formulas. After applying these formulas, the corner cubes will remain in place (in their corners), but may not be rotated correctly. In Fig. 5–1, a black dot marks a cube that is placed in its place (in its corner), but turned incorrectly. The cubes are unfolded in the next step.

Right turn formula: (P’F’L’F)(PF’LF)

Left turn formula: (F’L’FP’)(F’LFP)

Step 6. Rotate the corner cubes

The reversal of all corner cubes is performed by the simple formula P'N'PN, performed many times. Before you begin, please read the entire section thoroughly and make sure you have no questions.

Please note

After starting to execute the formula, the Rubik's cube will “collapse” and will finally be solved only after all the corner cubes have been correctly deployed. In other words, all the corner cubes are unfolded in one operation, which will require your attention and endurance.

Let's find the corner cube that needs to be rotated (counterclockwise or clockwise - it doesn't matter), see Fig. 6–1.

Take a Rubik's cube as shown in the picture below and complete the formula.

Please note

1) The formula (of 8 moves) must be performed 1 or 2 times until the corner cube turns over to the correct position (Fig. 6-2b).

2) When the corner cube rotates to the correct position, the Rubik's cube will "collapse" - don't worry, the Rubik's cube will only be solved when you are done with all the corners.

3) Do not change the position (do not turn over) the Rubik's cube in your hands until the end of this step.

When the first corner cube is already correctly positioned (Figure 6-2b), rotate the top layer (Figure 6-3a) so that the next corner cube moves to the upper right corner (Figure 6-3b). If the next corner cube is already turned correctly (does not require turning), rotate the top layer one more time (Figure 6-3a).

Again perform the 8-move formula (1 or 2 times) and follow all the above recommendations. These steps must be repeated until all the corners are turned correctly - until the Rubik's cube is completed.

I wish you patience and success!

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Have you tried numerous times to solve a Rubik's Cube without success? All the instructions presented on the Internet were written by professionals, but for “dummies” the solution seems very confusing? Do you think it is impossible to solve this puzzle? Following our step-by-step instructions, you will not only be able to completely solve the world's most popular puzzle without formulas, but also understand how you did it.

You will need:

Where to start

So, your goal is to solve the Rubik's Cube. It will not be possible to do this without knowing how it works, what it consists of and how it functions.

A standard 3x3 Rubik's cube is a mechanical 3D cube, each face of which is painted a different color.

The traditional option is blue, green, white, yellow, red and orange. Edges:

In total, the Rubik's cube has 20 moving elements (12 edges and 8 corners) and the solution depends directly on knowing how they can change their position.

When we rotate one side, we see that the center elements remain in place, the edge moves to where the edges should be, and the corner takes up space in the corner.

It follows from this that each element has a specific type, which does not change after rotation (the edge remains an edge, the center remains the center).

Frequently asked questions and answers

    What should a Rubik's cube be like?

    If you are not going to participate in competitions, you can take any cube. It is better for young people and children to buy a puzzle from Chinese manufacturers. When choosing, consider the following:
    - It is better to take the cube of the latest models, it contains the shortcomings of previous versions, and it is more improved.
    - The correct cube should spin easily and cut corners well.
    - Cubes for professionals can be disassembled and customized.

    How many edges does a Rubik have?

    The classic Cube consists of 12 two-color side or edge elements (12 “ribs”).

    How many schemes for solving a Rubik's cube?

    There are many ways to solve the Cube. There are those that allow you to assemble a couple of formulas, but in a couple of hours. Others, by memorizing a couple of hundred formulas, allow you to solve a cube in 1 minute or even 20 seconds.


Our goal is to put all the elements in the right place. To determine the direction in which to turn and the “right place” of this or that square, you need to pay all your attention to the central elements, because, as we have already said, they have a fixed position.

For example, the edge that is located between the red and green centers is, respectively, red-green, so you need to focus on placing an edge of the same color near the green center, and a red edge near the red central element.

The corner is always three-colored, so care must be taken to place it between the centerpieces of the corresponding colors.

Step 1. Gather the edges of one side

The first thing you need to do is choose a color to start with. In this example, the main color is yellow, it will be represented in all diagrams. Everyone is free to choose the option that he likes best and start from there.

So, if our top central element is yellow, then the bottom, accordingly, is white (in almost all models of the Rubik's cube it is on the opposite side).

In order to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube, you must first make a cross on its upper edge - place all the edges of the selected color (in our case, yellow) in the corresponding positions around the central element.

This must be done in a certain order so that the second color of the edge matches the nearby central element.

This step is the hardest to explain to those who don't know how to solve a Rubik's Cube. It is easier to solve this problem on your own and you will undoubtedly be able to do it after a short training.

It is at this step that most beginners stop - they collect the cross, then one side - then, unfortunately, few advance.

For those who cannot do this, below is a diagram of how to assemble the cross. Keep in mind you will have to repeat this step 4 times - once for each side.

  1. Take the Rubik's Cube in your hands and turn it over so that the yellow center (or other color of your choice) is on top and white on the bottom.
  2. Look for yellow edges on the bottom plane. Pay attention to both rib colors.
  3. If you find a yellow edge at the bottom, rotate the layer until the edge with the yellow square takes a position under its “place” on the top edge.
  4. Do one of the following:

a) Yellow “looks” down

b) Yellow looks forward

c) Rib in the intermediate layer

Note: If the yellow square is on the top layer, but it is not positioned correctly or oriented correctly relative to the nearby center, change its position by placing another element in its place.

After this, the edge will be in one of the three positions described above. Using the diagram, place it in the “correct” place. Repeat all steps for each yellow edge and make a cross on the top layer of the Rubik's cube.

Step 2. Assembling the top edge

If you were able to fold the cross, then it is worth collecting the entire top layer, that is, putting the corners in place one after another. We cannot place them as we want, because each corner has a specially designated place for it, which is determined by the colors of which it consists.

Just like the previous step, there are several solutions that we will follow.

Remember that you will have to repeat all the steps 4 times - one for each corner.

  1. Turn the Rubik's cube over so that the yellow layer is at the top and the white layer is at the bottom.
  2. Look for a corner with a yellow square in the bottom layer. Notice the 2 other colors on it.
  3. Rotate the bottom layer so that the corner is under “its” place.
  4. Use one of the solutions below:

a) yellow looks to the left

b) yellow looks to the right

c) yellow is at the bottom

Please note : If the yellow corner is not in the bottom layer of the Rubik's cube, then it means that it is in the top layer, but not in its place.

You need to put any corner from the bottom layer up (executing the first solution, for example). This way you will get a yellow corner in the bottom layer.

Repeat for each corner until the top layer is completely assembled.

Step 3. Algorithm for assembling the second face

We want to solve the second layer of the cube. Remember that the central elements are fixed, so there is no need to change their places and think about how to place them. Keep in mind that you will have to repeat the steps below 4 times - once for each edge.

  1. Take the cube so that there is a white layer on top and a yellow layer on the bottom - the one we have already collected
  2. Look in the top layer for an edge with no white on both sides.
  3. Rotate the top layer until the color of this edge and the center piece on the side match, forming an inverted T.
  4. Follow one of the solutions below, choosing an example depending on whether the edge is placed on the left or right.

There are several possible options:

1) The edge should move to the right from where it is.

2) The edge should move to the left from where it is now.

Note: If the top layer does not have an outermost element without white on either side, it means they are in the middle layer but not in their proper places.

Place any other edge from the top layer in its place. In this way you will get an edge in the top layer without a white square and you can move it according to the instructions above.

Repeat this step 4 times, once for each edge.

Step 4. Second cross

So, we have solved the first 2 layers of the Rubik's cube. Now we must ensure that the 4 outermost elements of the top layer are white, forming a cross. At this stage we will focus only on the outer elements, not paying attention to the corners.

The top edge of the cube may have four white edges, or two, or none. If all four white edges are on the top side, then you can skip this step and move on to the next one. If there are two edges, then you need to use one of the following options depending on how they are located relative to each other: next to or opposite.

1) Adjacent edges

2) Opposite edges are white

3) Not a single white square is placed correctly

If there are not a single white square in the top layer, do one of the two options described above and you will get 2 white squares in the top layer. After this, perform the necessary sequence of actions, depending on the situation.

Thus, we folded the second cross.

Step 5. How to place the second cross

At the previous stage, we folded the second cross. At this stage, we will make the side parts of the cross match the color of the central elements of the corresponding faces. We will focus our attention only on the white edges of the cube, not paying attention to the corners.

  1. Rotate the top layer of the Rubik's Cube until two edges match the color of the center of their respective faces. If only one edge matches, continue rotating.
  2. Use one of the examples given, depending on what position the side edges will take - sequentially or oppositely relative to each other.

a) adjacent edges

b) opposite edges

Thus, we have placed the second cross of the Rubik's cube correctly.

Step 6: Place Corners

We have already put all the elements of the Rubik's Cube in place, except for the corner parts of the last layer.

The goal of the penultimate step is to place the corners correctly, without paying attention to their orientation. This way you need to know exactly when the corner is in the correct position.

So, the corner is placed correctly if the nearby central elements match the color of the 3 parts of the corner.

Let's look at a few examples of when the corners are placed incorrectly and when they are in the right position to solve a Rubik's Cube.

It is possible that all 4 corners will be in place from the very beginning (feel free to move on to the next step), or only 1 corner will be placed correctly, or none. If only one corner occupies its place, follow one of the examples below, choosing the one that will allow you to place all the elements in their place.

1) 3 corners are not in their position (a)

2) 3 corners are out of position (b)

3-4) None of the corners are placed correctly

If none of the 4 corners is in its “right” place, do one of the examples described above - this way you will be able to put one of them in place. Next, follow the steps depending on what you got.

Thus, we solved a 3x3 Rubik's cube, putting the corners in their positions. The last step is to rotate the corners of the last layer to solve the puzzle completely.

Step 7. How to assemble

At the previous stage, we put all the elements in their places. All that remains is to rotate the corners to solve the Rubik's cube and solve it completely. At this point there may be two, three or four misdirected corners left in the final layer.

If there are 2 incorrectly oriented corners, follow one of the examples below depending on the situation that arises.

Be sure to read this before rotating the faces of the cube.

Very important! This step is not as easy as the others, but it is also much more difficult. There are a few things to know before you get started. Option 1 has several sub-options, so first of all you need to understand which one is right for you. To solve this step, follow the first sequence of actions. After that, take the necessary steps depending on the red table option you have received.

Option 1. Two corners are not oriented correctly. Please note that the “neighboring” corner needs to be rotated clockwise.

Option 2-3. Three corners are oriented incorrectly.

If 2 corners are not oriented correctly, solve the Rubik's cube following the first example - this way you will get only 2 incorrectly oriented corners. Finally, perform a sequence of actions, depending on the situation you have.

Option 4. All corners are not oriented correctly.

If none of the 4 corners are oriented correctly, follow the first example given. Then choose a solution that suits your situation.

If you did everything correctly and followed our instructions so far, then congratulations! You solved the Rubik's cube yourself!

And other logic games.

And here, by the way, there is something to prove yourself in:

  • You can become the fastest. The current record is 5.5 seconds. People who are engaged high-speed assembly are called speedcubers.
  • Maybe you want to become the most original? Rubik's cube solved with eyes closed, kicks, etc. There are also records here and you can beat them.
  • And the most creative and inventive ones draw with the help of a Rubik's cube and, by the way, create real masterpieces of incredible beauty.

We hope we inspired you and helped you understand how to solve a Rubik's cube. If you are interested in thinking games and puzzles, you will probably be interested in learning the secrets of playing dominoes. A mixture of options 1 and 2 is suitable for us, option 2 as a last resort.
If you lubricate it very thinly, its sides will begin to fit together too tightly. The thick one takes away the rotation speed. If you mix two types of lubricant, this is the optimal consistency.

I can't solve a Rubik's cube...

Many people ask the question: “How to solve a Rubik’s cube, if I took it apart, I can’t put it back together?” Most often this happens on the last layer. You may not be following the algorithms exactly. But if you follow the diagrams exactly, you should get it together. If not, the problem may be the following - Chinese manufacturers make cubes of varying quality - from professional to those that fall apart in your hands at the very first rotations. If the cube falls apart, it must be assembled correctly.
On a cube with two layers assembled, use a flat screwdriver or a knife to pry up the lid of the central cube of the third layer, remove it, and use a small Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the screw (do not lose the spring attached to the screw). Carefully pull out the corner and side cubes of the third layer and insert them correctly color to color. At the end, insert and screw the previously unscrewed central cube (do not tighten too much). Twist the third layer. If it turns tightly, loosen the screw; if it turns too easily, tighten it. It is necessary that all faces rotate with the same force. After this, close the lid on the central cube.
