Fallout 4 boy in the refrigerator walkthrough. Where to find this quest

You should explore the area west of Jamaica Plan and south of University Point. You should hear a voice coming from a rusty refrigerator surrounded by tires and other debris. Talk to the "fridge" and then remove the door from its hinges to free Billy. Billy, the child of the ghouls, is trapped inside the refrigerator.

Walk Billy home

Talk to him and agree to take him home. Peabody's residence is located south of the Quincy Ruins, in the swamps. Go there and you will meet a shooter named Bullet. Apparently, Bullet wants to buy Billy from you. You can sell it. But you don’t want to participate in the child slave trade, do you? Decline and try to kill Bullet now to avoid more serious encounters later.

Go to the indicated location and talk to Carol and Matt Peabody. If you didn't kill Bullet, you can find and talk to him. You can either agree to sell him a family of ghouls for a few hundred caps, and then do so. However, you can agree, return to the Peabody family, talk with them, and after that still kill the Bullet and save Billy. There is a third option. You can immediately tell Bullet that the family is under your protection and destroy him, and then demand a reward from the Peabody family.

The virtual world of the Commonwealth is unique in that in its vastness you can find a lot of interesting and exciting adventures, which sometimes, although they don’t last long, can make you happy.

Fallout 4: quest Boy in the refrigerator, walkthrough

Traveling around the Commonwealth, you can find a lot of different small adventures that, although they fit into the overall plot, can please with their diversity and complement the overall world of the game. For example, in the vast virtual world You can meet the quest boy in the refrigerator in Fallout 4. This quest is not so long and can boast of its unusualness. In it you have to help a little boy return home and protect them from bandits. True, there are a couple of problems, the boy is a ghoul, and the bandits will be quite strong and will come to you along with their leader. But let's start the weight from the very beginning.

Where to find this quest

The Boy in the Fridge quest in Fallout 4 has interesting feature, which is that this task is not tied to a specific location. During your trip, you just need to carefully examine the area and look for refrigerators. Yes, at first you may come across simple and unremarkable refrigerators. But among them there will definitely be one that will shake in a strange way, and a child’s voice will be heard from it. After you open this refrigerator, a little boy, Gul, will come out of it and ask you to return him home.

He will mark on your map the location where his parents live and you just need to take him home. But you shouldn’t rejoice after you complete your plan. As soon as you hand the boy over to his parents, bandits led by Patron will find you. They will demand that the Ghouls be handed over, and you will have to decide whether to do it or not. In addition, you can try to persuade the Patron and send him on the wrong trail, but it is better, of course, to engage in battle with them. Once the aggression appears, you must deal with the enemies and try to survive. It depends on your skill and willingness to fight. Once you do this, the child's father will thank you and the quest will be completed.

What can you get for this quest?

Completing The Boy in the Fridge in Fallout 4 won't take you long, so the reward won't be that big. For example, the boy's parents are not so rich and they can only give you 150 experience. But if you defeat the bandits, you will be able to collect their equipment, including the rare Tessa’s Fist equipment. All that remains is to find the right refrigerator and complete this small but rather interesting task.

Boy in the refrigerator– collateral task in Fallout 4, one of the things that makes the game what it is. You can call the task an ideal presentation of Fallout 4. The plot is woven very soulfully, despite the funny beginning. I wrote this guide because I really liked this quest; As with most Fallout 4 quests, you'll have to make choices here. I would like to talk about the consequences of this choice..
Stop reading after the section with starting location, if you want to avoid spoilers.

Boy in the Fridge: Starting Location


You will find a baby ghoul named Billy inside the refrigerator. Billy has been there for 200 years and just wants to go home. You can choose the charismatic option, and gently say that his parents are most likely long dead **spoiler** but you would be wrong, they are alive! Billy will go with you anyway. You can even perform other tasks, and he will be nearby. If you take him away from Quincy, he will begin to whine and doubt that you are taking him home. If this moment does not touch your soul, it is better to see a doctor.

Patron – to sell or not

Shortly after meeting Billy, you will come across the mercenary Patron. The patron will contact you with an offer to buy a baby ghoul. A sufficiently high Charisma and several dialogues will allow you to raise the price from 200 to 350 caps. If Charisma is low, the Patron will refuse to do business with you at all. You have three options:

1. You can refuse to sell your baby. Later, Patron will appear at Billy's house with his comrades and the final reward will be 250 caps.

2. You can agree to the deal and sell the child. (make sure to shake Patron as much as possible). Almost all of your companions will not like this move, and Billy, of course. You will receive your caps, complete the task and go on your way.

3. And the third solution. You can agree to the sale, get the caps and immediately kill Patron. Then you explain to Billy that you didn’t want to sell it in the first place, you just need the money. The only drawback is that your partner will not approve of such fraud in any case. But if you don't have a companion, you'll earn 500 caps this way (Billy's parents will give you another 250).

Looking for Billy's house

Between Billy's refrigerator and his house is the Quincy neighborhood. It is filled with mercenaries and other level 30-40 enemies. You can certainly collect a lot of loot, but it will take a lot of time. If your level is low, or you want to complete the quest quickly, I advise you to follow the road and approach the house from the northwest. This way you will avoid hassles and will not be distracted along the way.
