Didactic manual for mathematics “The Magic Apple Tree. Mathematical game “Collect apples Game “Colorful apples”


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Material: plywood; yellow, red and brown fabric; beans; Velcro; pipe 1 m long.

Sequence of work:


1. The tree crown and leaves were cut out of plywood and painted green.
2. The pipe was covered with brown fabric and a crown was attached to it
3. Velcro was glued to the tree crown using glue.

Apples: They sewed “apples” out of fabric like a bag, put different numbers of beans in them and sewed them up, and sewed Velcro onto each apple.

The manual can be used when teaching children counting activities, studying the composition of numbers, and helps reinforce logical operations (classification by color and size).

1. Game “Wonderful Apples”

Target: exercise children in counting using various analyzers, consolidate the idea of ​​​​quantitative relationships between numbers, improve tactile sensations and perception.

Progress of the game: On the teacher’s table there are apples containing counting material, from one to five beans. The teacher asks to hang apples with a given number of beans on a tree. The child finds an apple with a given number of beans by touch and hangs it on the tree.

2. Game “Colorful Apples”

Target: cultivate a desire to actively participate in the game, teach to distinguish colors.

Progress of the game: There are red and yellow apples on the teacher’s table. The teacher asks to hang only red (yellow) apples on the tree. You can make the game more complicated by asking them to hang it on a tree, for example: hang one red and two yellow apples on a tree.

3. Game “Big and Little Apples”

Target: consolidation of the concepts “big - small”, improvement of comparison skills, development fine motor skills.

Progress of the game: There are apples of different sizes on the teacher’s table. The teacher asks to hang an apple of a certain size (large or small) on a tree. The child chooses an apple of a given size and hangs it on the tree. The game can be complicated by adding color to the size, for example: hang a big yellow apple, etc.

Contributing authors:
Sergeeva Yulia Sergeevna
Tokareva Svetlana Vasilievna
MDOU d/s "Cosmos"
Balashov, Saratov region

Lyudmila soft

Math game « Let's pick apples»

Colleagues, I suggest you mathematical game for older children preschool age (5-6 years) « Let's pick apples» . Given material will be useful for teachers senior group. This game cognitive nature.

Target: Improve counting skills. Practice counting objects located in different ways. Continue to develop the idea that you can count objects in any direction, but you must not miss a single object and not count one object twice. Develop logical thinking and coordination of movements.

Cultivate responsiveness, friendliness, and honesty.

Material: Apples made of colored cardboard with watermelon seeds glued with tape, numbers, hoops.

Progress of organized activities.

(children dance in a round dance to the music).

The teacher reads:

Round, rosy,

It grows on a branch.

Adults love him

And little children. (children walk in a circle)

Like this apple! (stand up)

It (arms to the sides)

The juice is full of sweets. (hands on belt)

Stretch out your hand (stretch hands forward)

Pick an apple.

To words (pick an apple) children run and take pictures one by one apple from the tree, recalculated from reverse side seeds and stand in the hoop where the corresponding number is located

Children are asked to check that each other has completed the task correctly. Ask children questions. What number did you get? Why?

You can change the numbers in the hoops. Apples near the numbers may be of different colors.

Publications on the topic:

Purpose of the game: to consolidate children's knowledge of the four primary colors, to contribute to the accumulation of the child's sensory experience through the development of visual.

Didactic game “Pick berries.” Good afternoon, colleagues! Happy holiday! All the best to you! Just recently I introduced you to the game.

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Mathematical game “What? Where? When?" DIRECT EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES (for children preparatory group) GAME “WHAT, WHERE, WHEN” Purpose: To generalize, consolidate, systematize.

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Once upon a time, a righteous and kind man named Noah lived on Earth. He worked hard and never cursed. One day Noah received.

Today we will go to a wonderful fairy tale called “Little Muk”. This tale tells about the adventures of a little one.

Early this morning Winnie the Pooh woke up, stretched and suddenly realized something was wrong. - Maybe the house has run out of honey or winter has come.
