What does a fortified area give to the player? Game portal

Recently we were lucky enough to collaborate with Wargaming and the famous World of Tanks clan ACES will discuss the details of the new game mode - “Fortified Areas” - and evaluate it in a demonstration clan game. As such, there was little new information about the mode: during its existence, it had already been studied in detail by WoT clans. But the material will be of interest to those who would like to learn first-hand about what fortified areas actually are and why contact them.

The Wargaming company, according to Dmitry Grigorov, who supervised our event, strives to “pull” players out of random and transfer them to group game. The idea is very correct, because once having experienced the slim, as in chess game, tactics in clan battles, only a few will want to return to the “sand”. From the ACES side, our guide was captain Evgeniy “Classic” Demyanenko, who then with his team clearly demonstrated what a real well-coordinated game is like.

The functionality of fortified areas is built right into the client and is most like a browser game - in a good way, of course. The interface is clear and intuitive, and it takes barely five minutes to understand all the intricacies of the mode. The whole point comes down to arranging the base: you begin to erect buildings that bring certain bonuses, upgrade them due to a good (if possible) level of the game and open up new directions, of which there are up to four. You can build buildings and improve them using industrial resources - a special currency that was introduced specifically for the fortified areas regime. For example, “Tankodrome”, depending on the level of the building, brings from 2% to 50% to combat experience. Any clan player can choose to link any existing building into which the industrial resource he earned in battles will go.

But the attractive interface and flexible functionality of the mode are just a cover for the main activity for which everything was started. We are talking about clan battles, actually. If you are still skating in “random” and don’t even think about a clan career, then it will be very difficult for you to understand what the battles of experienced teams are like.

Unlike the global map, there is no fog of war. In other words, an experienced team will immediately determine from the opponent’s setup what tactics the enemies will most likely choose. This is exactly what the ACES team showed us: counter rushes in a different direction, neat attacks and coherence that is hard to wrap your head around. Probably, it is precisely for the sake of such beautiful and high-quality performances that players should strive from the “sand” to the collective game.

So-called forays allow clans to fight in neutral territories for industrial resources. The winner receives most of the amount, the loser receives a consolation prize. But the ability to attack and plunder other people's fortified areas adds a much more pleasant variety to the game. It will not be possible to destroy the enemy base “to zero”: this is due to the policy of the Wargaming company, which would not want such negative consequences of clan games. Enemy buildings can be partially destroyed, and when their durability drops below 20%, they simply stop functioning until they are repaired. In fortified areas, battles are fought sequentially in specific directions for each building. Of course, in the event of a successful foray, you can loot a decent amount of industrial resources for its subsequent use for your own purposes.

Now you are probably desperately tormented by the question: why are fortified areas needed if there is a global map? The fact is that fortified areas are a lower rank game. The entry threshold here is much lower (starting from the sixth level of technology), there are gameplay simplifications such as the absence of the fog of war - and the rewards, accordingly, are less significant.

Labor costs are also lower: not everyone can truly “farm” on the global map, but in fortified areas you only need to recruit a small group of friends and call mercenary legionnaires into battle if you don’t have the required number of people. Of course, there will be less of the notorious “gold” from fortified areas, but the well-known difficulties of the global map will be avoided. So, you don’t have to guard your fortified area 24 hours a day in case of an attack by enemy clans: specifically for this purpose, you can set aside defense hours in the mode, during which your clan will be able to defend itself, and the fortified area will be open to attack. Accordingly, the more defense hours you allocate, the more attack hours you will have to plunder other people's fortified areas.

It must be admitted that, for all its simplicity, new mode turned out to be extremely curious. Here there is a significantly higher quality of battles, when there are not teams recruited from random players, but more or less well-established clans. And tangible rewards that are truly worth fighting for. And, of course, the lack of high complexity of the global map. Fortified areas will also be interesting for beginners clan wars who have long wanted to test themselves in a game of a higher rank compared to random, and GK veterans who are provided with a full-fledged constructor for development. Plus, fortified areas allow all clan members to take part in mode games, and not just selected fighters who defend the honor of the team on the main battlefield, which is also a tangible advantage.

Of course, the decision whether to enter the clan level of play is yours, but with fortified areas it has become much easier to explore and become involved in this part of World of Tanks. Good luck in your battles!

5 years and a month ago Comments: 9


So, dear gamers who are members of the clan, welcome the new Fortified Areas mode. Fortified areas– this is new game mode, for clans with a population of 20 people or more. This mode will not be connected in any way with the Global Map or the World War. The fortified area will be available directly in the game client; it is a military base with a headquarters and surrounding areas. The fortified area, as it were, reflects the property of your clan.


Why are they needed, you ask, but everything is simple. By developing fortified areas, you get the opportunity to build new buildings on the base, which will subsequently bring you temporary bonuses (bonuses to silver, bonus to experience, etc.). You will receive bonuses depending on the chosen strategic development plan. Also in the near future they plan to introduce robbery of other fortified areas and defend their own, only at a certain level of development. Unique structures such as minefields, artillery support, pillboxes, fences, etc. will help you protect your fortified area.


So what does a fortified area consist of?

1) Command Center - This is the main building. As the level of the center increases, the level of the fortified area also increases. As the level increases, the volume of warehouses, time and number of transported means will also increase, and new buildings will gradually open up for construction.
2) Industrial resource . This is the main resource of the Fortified Areas, intended for pumping up the base and creating bonuses. You can get an industrial resource by participating in battles.
3) Directions . These are the ways of development of the Fortified Area. The clan commander will decide which direction to choose. For 1 direction, a minimum of 20 people are needed, respectively, for greater results, more people in the clan are needed. Other directions serve for military operations against other clans.
4) Place to build . There's nothing special here - it's free space on which you can build buildings. Plus, each chosen direction gives 2 free spaces for construction.
5)buildings . These are buildings that need to be erected on the free space of the directions in order to receive bonuses. The higher the level of the building, the more bonuses you will receive. You can increase the level of a building using industrial resources. Also, all buildings have strength and spaciousness.


First I want to tell you how to build these buildings. The player must choose a location for construction and the type of building. If all the rules are followed, a foundation will appear to which the resource will flow.

The main buildings of the fortified area include:

  • Financial part(gives a bonus to silver)
  • Tankodrome(bonus to experience)
  • Military school(bonus to free experience)
  • Training part(bonus to crew experience)
  • Motor transport part(bonuses to the Industrial resource received in sorties)
There are also special buildings for warriors between clans:
  • Quartermaster service(mitigates the consequences of looting)
  • Trophy brigade(increased bonus when looting an enemy Fortified Area)


Bonus reserve- these are bonuses produced in buildings that can be stored in the warehouse and activated at the right time. There are 2 types of reserves: combat(arrow shooter) and non-combat(bonus to experience, credits). Also, all reserves have their own level from 1 to 10, determined by the level of the building.


So, as I said, to create a fortified area you need to have at least 20 people in the clan. Each player who is part of the clan is formed into a Garrison. One Garrison- that's 20 people. There are 3 types of battles: sortie, attack on the enemy fortified area, defense of your fortified area. In all these battles, players conquer an Industrial resource, which is calculated from the experience gained during the battle. The resource is stored in the building to which it belongs. How better players fight in Fortified Areas, the faster it develops, and accordingly, the more bonuses you receive. The Sortie is a 15v15 battle among randomly selected teams heading out for the Sortie that deserves special attention. Before you go on a Sortie, it’s worth considering one nuance: you need to choose its type. There are 3 types in total: Average(1-6 level), Champion(1-8 level), Absolute th (level 1-10). Battles on sorties take place according to the rules of Company battles. Based on the result of the battle, the industrial resource earned by each player is calculated.

Bottom line

The developers have lifted the curtain on clans; perhaps now low-level clans will also have the opportunity to receive additional bonuses and try their hand at Forays.

Information may change periodically!!!

Fortified Area is a game mode in which clans build structures and prepare clan reserves in them. Clans use prepared reserves to increase the earnings of their players in battles.

The clan receives a Stronghold at its disposal immediately after its creation. Therefore, it does not matter how many players your clan has and how many battles you have fought - you can develop a powerful Fortified Area and receive bonuses from reserves from the first day of the clan’s existence.

To go to your Stronghold:

  1. Go to the CLAN tab in the Hangar. The Clan Screen will be displayed.
  2. On the Clan Screen, click Stronghold.

Why is the Fortified Area needed?

Preparing clan reserves is the main goal of clans in the Stronghold. Clan reserves are divided into two groups: long lasting reserves And reserves for battles.

Long lasting reserves allow all clan players, except Reservists, to earn more credits and experience in battles.

Reserve "Combat Payments"

10-150% to credits in clan and tournament battles and +5-30% in Random and Ranked battles.

Reserve "Tactical training"

5-100% to combat experience based on the results of any battle.

Reserve "Additional instruction"

50-400% to crew experience in clan and tournament battles and +25-300% in Random and Ranked battles.

Reserve "Military exercises"

50-500% to free experience based on the results of any battle.

Before using the reserve, it must be prepared. To prepare reserves, clans erect buildings in their Fortified Areas (for more details, see Buildings).

The level of the structure is an important indicator of the development of the Fortified Area, on which the level of the prepared reserve depends. The higher the reserve level, the more bonuses it brings. In order to prepare high-level reserves, it is necessary to modernize buildings - that is, increase their level.

To build and modernize buildings, as well as prepare reserves, clans spend industrial resources (). You can earn industrial resources by fighting in special combat modes of the Fortified Area - Forays and Offensives.

You can also earn credits and experience in Sortie and Offensive missions.

A Sortie is a Standard battle against a randomly selected squad. The goal of the Sortie is to win the battle in order to earn as much industrial resource as possible (for more details, see Forays).

An offensive is a series of battles over the enemy’s borders and Citadel.

The main goal of the Offensive is to capture the Citadel. If the Citadel is not captured, the clan with the most borders under control wins.

Clans earn industrial resources both for each battle played and for captured territories. The more frontiers a clan captures, the higher the reward at the end of the Offensive (for more details, see Offensive).

To earn more industrial resources in Forays and Offensives, clans usereserves for battles.

Reserve "Heavy transport"

Reserve "Requisition"

5-200% to industrial resources for the result of the Offensive.

Reserve "Airstrike"

5-200% to industrial resources for Sortie and offensive battle.

Reserve "Artobstrel"

5-200% to industrial resources for Sortie and offensive battle.

The level of development of the Fortified Area directly depends on how much industrial resources the clans extract in battles. The more industrial resources clans invest in the Fortified Area, the higher the bonuses from reserves and earnings in subsequent battles.

How to earn gold in the Fortified Area

You can earn gold by participating in War Games.

War Games is a tournament in the Stronghold, the prize pool of which consists of gold and clan reserves of the highest levels, XI and XII. You can try your hand at War Games every Saturday.

In War Games, clans earn points for certain achievements, for example, for each enemy vehicle destroyed. Based on the points earned, the clan ranks in the ranking - this determines how much gold and reserves the clan will receive as a reward. The clan that takes first place in the ranking takes the main reward, for example 10,000 and eight long-term reserves of level XII (for more details, see War Games).

What powers do clan players have in the Fortified Area?

The Clan Commander and his Deputies are responsible for the development of the Fortified Area - they are the ones who erect and modernize buildings.

The powers of all clan players in the Stronghold can be found in the table.

Build and modernize buildings
Prepare clan reserves
Activate long-lasting reserves
Set reserves for battles in the squad window before a Sortie or Offensive (you need to be a squad leader)
Release any clan players, including those higher in position, from squad command in Forays and Offensives
Receive bonuses from long-term reserves
Receive bonuses from reserves for battles
Use the Airstrike and Artillery reserves in battle (you need to be a squad leader)
Create squads in Forays and Offensives
View industrial resource warehouse and journal

Fortified Area is not the only game mode for clans.

If you are ready to build strong alliances with other clans, seize new territories and defend your possessions, try your hand at.

And if you are new to the world of clans, take a look at the HELP section on the clan portal. There you will learn how to join an existing clan or create your own clan and recruit suitable fighters into it.


All eight construction sites of the Fortified Area are open for construction. You can only build one building of each type.

To build any structure in the Fortified Area, you need a certain amount of industrial resources.

Cost of construction of buildings

To build a building:

  1. Click on the construction site.
  2. Select the building you want to build.
    At the bottom of the screen is brief description reserve that you can prepare in the selected building.
  3. Click Build.

That's it - the building is ready!


Construction has been completed, but the development of the Fortified Area does not end there.
Upon completion of construction, each building has level I. To increase the level, upgrade the building.

If a building can be upgraded, a green arrow appears above it.

Modernization of the structure increases the level of prepared reserve and, accordingly, the effect of its use.

After modernization, the level of reserves already prepared in the building remains the same.

To upgrade a building, you will need a certain amount of industrial resources. The cost of upgrading increases with the level of the building.

Q: What are Fortified Areas?
A: Fortified areas are a game mode for clan players. It is available in the game client and is in no way connected with battles and Campaigns on Global map. A fortified area is understood as the property of a clan, which consists of a virtual military base, directions leading to it, and additional buildings. A fortified area can be created by a clan commander for free, if desired.

Q: What are fortified areas in the game?
A: Fortified areas are the virtual base of the VoT clan in the game client. By developing their fortified area, the clan can build buildings in it in order to gain access to a variety of economic bonuses that can be activated for a certain time. For example, increasing the profitability of equipment in battles or speeding up the pumping of crews. It all depends on the development strategy of the fortified area. The current version of the mode is just the beginning of the work. There are plans to add many features in the near future. For example, new unique capabilities will appear in battles, such as aerial reconnaissance, artillery shelling, the creation of minefields and much more.

The structure of the fortified area and its development

Q: What does a fortified area consist of?
A: The fortified area consists of several main parts:

  1. The command center is the main building of your fortified area. The level of the command center determines the level of the entire fortified area available maximum level buildings, warehouse volume, quantity and time of transportation of industrial resources. In the current version, the Command Center level is limited to level four.
  2. Industrial resource is the main resource of the Fortified Areas mode. It is earned in battles and spent on constructing and improving buildings, as well as creating combat and non-combat reserves (bonuses).
  3. Referrals can be opened by a clan commander or a senior officer. Each direction gives two places for the construction of buildings. In the future, the directions will also be used for military operations against other clans.
  4. Building sites are empty areas where buildings can be built.
  5. Buildings are objects that can be erected in one of the directions to produce a particular bonus. The size of the bonus depends on the level of the building, which can be increased using an industrial resource. Each building has a safety margin and a warehouse, expressed in a certain amount of industrial resource. If necessary, the building can be demolished.

Q: What types of buildings are presented in the mode? What bonuses do they give?
A: In the current version, eight buildings are available:

  1. Office - “Special Instructions” (combat missions with various awards)
  2. Financial part – “Battle payments” (bonus to credits)
  3. Tankodrom – “Tactical training” (bonus to experience)
  4. Military School – “Military Exercises” (bonus to free experience)
  5. Training part – “Additional briefing” (bonus to crew experience)
  6. Motor transport part - “Heavy transport” (bonus to obtaining industrial resources in sorties)
  7. Quartermaster service - “Evacuation” (mitigating the negative consequences of looting)
  8. Trophy brigade – “Requisition” (increased bonus when plundering an enemy fortified area)

Q: How are buildings constructed?
A: The player chooses a building site and the type of building he wants to build. If all the requirements for construction are met, then the “Foundation” of the new building appears on the site. After this, it is necessary to transport the industrial resource to the construction site from the place where it is stored or earn the resource in battles (see Forays).

Q: What is industrial resource transportation?
A: An industrial resource can be transported from one building, including the Command Center, to any other within your fortified area. This is necessary to create buildings, improve them, and also produce reserves (bonuses). Transportation is a long process that is carried out in stages, that is, the resource is transported in portions. The size of one serving depends on the level of the military base.

Q: What is meant by reserves? How do they work?
A: Reserves refer to bonuses produced by buildings and valid for a certain time after activation. There are two types of reserves:

  1. Combat reserves such as artillery fire, air reconnaissance, etc. will be added in future updates.
  2. Non-combat reserves, such as bonuses to experience, credits, etc. are available in current version mode.

Only one reserve can be used at a time; the remaining reserves are placed in the warehouse. Types of non-combat resources:

  1. “Special Instructions” is a combat mission for clan fighters. When completed, there is a reward. Produced in the Office building.
  2. “Battle Payouts” is a bonus to credits earned in all types of battles. Produced in the Financial Part building.
  3. “Tactical training” is a bonus to experience earned in all types of battles. Produced in the Tankodrom building.
  4. “Military Exercises” is a bonus to free experience earned in all types of battles. Produced in the Military School building.
  5. “Additional instruction” is a bonus to crew experience earned in all types of battles. Produced in the Training Unit building.
  6. “Heavy transport” is a bonus to obtaining industrial resources in sorties. Produced in the Automotive Unit building.

Each reserve has a level from 1 to 10, which is determined by the level of the building in which it is produced. Thus, you can increase the reserve level by improving the corresponding building. At the same time, the reserve parameters change, such as validity period, bonus size, production period and price.

Q: How do the Chancery's "Reserves" work?
A: When the Chancellery reserve is activated, a special combat mission is activated for all clan fighters. It must be completed during the reserve period, that is, within two hours. Players will receive a reward for completing this task. The size and quality of the reward depend on the level of the Office.

Q: What “Combat Missions” can be obtained in the Office? At what levels of technology can they be performed?
ABOUT: Combat mission is issued randomly, one for the entire clan. Completing tasks is only possible with vehicles of level 8 and higher. The reward is given only once, to each clan fighter who completes it.


  1. Destroy 2 enemy tanks in each battle for 3 battles in a row.
  2. Be in the top 2 among all battle participants based on experience in 2 battles in a row.
  3. Provide support for 4000 damage in one battle.
  4. Deal at least 4,000 units of damage and block at least 2,000 units of damage with armor in one battle, or deal at least 2,000 units of damage and block at least 4,000 units of damage with armor in one battle.
  5. Detect 6 or more enemy tanks. According to your intelligence, they should inflict at least 1500 units of damage.
  6. Fire more than 12 damaging shots in one battle. Deal at least 4000 damage.
  7. Deal 3000 damage in one battle from a distance of at least 300 meters.
  8. Earn 150 base capture points. Only those battles where you win are counted.
  9. Receive the “1st degree” class badge 2 times.
  10. When playing in a platoon, take part in the destruction of at least 10 enemy tanks with your entire platoon. You personally must deal at least 1500 damage.
  11. Destroy 5 tanks in one battle.
  12. Deal at least 4000 damage. Survive and win. The task must be completed 3 times.
  13. Get at least 10 hits. Block at least 4000 points of damage with armor.
  14. Deal damage to at least 8 enemy tanks. Win the battle.
  15. While playing in a platoon, destroy 8 enemy tanks in one battle.
  16. Be in the top 3 in terms of damage dealt 5 times.
  17. Destroy 7 Tier X vehicles in a maximum of 7 battles using a vehicle of at least Tier 8.
  18. Deal a total of 10,000 damage as a platoon and win the battle.

Q: What rewards are possible for completing combat missions of the Chancellery?
A: - The reward is selected randomly, according to the table:

Level Crew experience Equipment Tank experience Loans Premium account days Gold
1 - - - 20 000 - -
2 - - - 30 000 - -
3 3 000 - - 40 000 - -
4 4 000 - - 50 000 - -
5 5 000 - 5 000 75 000 - -
6 6 500 2 pcs. 6 500 100 000 - -
7 8 000 4 pcs. 8 000 200 000 - -
8 10 000 6 pcs. 10 000 300 000 1 day -
9 12 000 8 pcs. 12 000 450 000 3 days 500
10 15 000 10 pcs. 15 000 600 000 7 days 1 000

Battles in Fortified Areas mode

Q: How is an industrial resource mined? What is the role of ordinary clan players in the Fortified Areas mode?
A: Each clan player is assigned to one of the buildings and makes up the so-called Garrison. When creating a fortified area, all players are assigned to the Command Center by default. However, each player has the right to choose any other building of the fortified area and assign to it. Players fight in three types of battles:

  1. Forays
  2. Attack on an enemy fortified area
  3. Protecting your fortified area

In all three types of battles, players are rewarded with a certain amount of industrial resource. This amount directly depends on the net experience earned by the participant during the battle. The conquered industrial resource is stored in the building to which the player is assigned. Thus, the better the clan fighters perform in offensive and defensive battles, the faster the fortified area develops.

Q: What are forays and how do they happen?
A: A sortie is a battle according to the standard rules of the company mode, but the battle mode is only “standard”, without assault and oncoming combat, and the teams are selected randomly from among those who are currently going on a sortie. Any player can create a company to participate in a sortie, but before going into battle, you need to decide on the type of sortie. The maximum level of available equipment and the number of fighters depend on this. The game features three types of forays:

  1. Medium (level 1-6)
  2. Champion (level 1-8)
  3. Absolute (level 1-10)

Based on the results of the battle, the amount of industrial resource earned by each player and the team as a whole is calculated.

Questions about how the functionality works

Q: Do bonuses from UR add up to bonuses from the pre-account and from promotions?
A: Foldable.

Q: Will the statistics of battles in URs be in general or separately?
A: Statistics on battles in URs will be in a separate tab in the statistics (like Team battles)

Q: How are bonuses produced?
A: In general, the mechanism for producing reserves (bonuses) looks like this: Industrial resources are earned in sorties. In UR, for a given industrial resource, a building is built that produces a certain type of bonus (the so-called “Reserves”) A reserve is made for a certain amount of industrial resource for a certain time, then, if desired, it is activated and valid for a fixed time. For the duration of its action, all clan fighters will enjoy the bonus that this reserve provides (more experience, more income, and so on). The more high level building - the greater the bonus from the reserve made there. Accordingly, reserves are made using industrial resources obtained in forays and remain in the warehouse until activated.

Q: Is it possible to activate all reserves at the same time?
A: Only one reserve can be active at a time, with the exception of the Quartermaster Service and the Trophy Brigade. The “Requisition” and “Evacuation” reserves are activated without a two-hour limit and, after activation, are used automatically in the next period of defense or attack, applying to all battles of one series.

Q: How are industrial resources awarded for battles?
A: There is a base amount of industrial resources for each type of foray. For example, the “champion” division: 200 units of industrial resources. Two teams met in a sortie, one won, one lost. In total, the winning team earned 15,000 “pure” experience, the losing team earned a total of 5,000 pure experience, for a total of 20,000 experience (the numbers are arbitrary). As a result, 200 units of industrial resources are divided among these teams as follows - the winner gets 3/4 (150 units), the loser gets 1/4 (50 units).

Q: Is it possible to lower the level of UR if they offend you at level 5?
A: Yes, you can. But all buildings will be reduced to the same level.

Q: Can companies from the same clan meet on a sortie?
A: No, they cannot.

In: Legionnaires. Who are they and what should we do with them?
A: Legionnaires are fighters without a clan who can be invited to a sortie.

Q: Is it possible to invite fighters from another clan as legionnaires?
A: No, you can't. Only non-clan players can be legionnaires.

Q: How many foreign players can be invited to a battle?
A: In any division you can invite no more than 5 foreign players.

Q: What will happen to the industrial resources that the legionnaires earn?
A: Industrial resources earned by legionnaires do not go to anyone, i.e. disappears.
