The dark and light side of the WoT SuperTest. The dark and light side of the WoT Super Test How to get to the super test here

After innovations pass the development stage, a certain number of players test them. Such people are called supertesters, and the verification stage itself is called a supertest.

Wargaming developers invite proactive players to take part in the development of the game, to be a part of it not only from the consumer side.

It is important to understand that the supertest is volunteering in World support of Tanks.

Range of tasks

The scope of tasks refers to the duties of a supertester, which each volunteer must perform.

  1. Always attend testing. This is a mandatory condition even when the tests are similar to each other and their regulations are identical.
  2. Constantly be on the lookout for bugs and shortcomings, and then write reports about them. As reports are processed, bugs are fixed by developers.
  3. Write opinions and suggestions. Supertesters are people who are listened to. If the proposal on the issue is drawn up correctly and presented in detail, with examples, then it will be taken into account by the developers.

Requirements for a supertester

Each Supertest volunteer must have certain qualities that will help him cooperate and also perform the job effectively.

  • Stress resistance. Being a super tester means being on the job. There are clear rules here that must be followed.
  • Communication skills. This is a skill that is important in any job. And this is no exception. You need to be able to communicate and understand other people.
  • Skill in working with programs. Fast learning of programs - the quality of a supertester. You will have to learn new things and quickly get used to them and adapt.
  • Concentration on what is important, patience and perseverance.

In addition, there is age limit: Only players over 18 years old can become a super tester. The administration does not provide exceptions.

Experience for a supertester is a well-known requirement. The candidate must fight more than five thousand battles, of which more than five thousand on Tier X tanks. The winning percentage is more than 50%.

Free time and hard drive memory are the last, but not least, requirements for a volunteer supertester.

Rules for super testers

Everything that the supertester sees is still classified for ordinary players, so the disclosure of any information: screenshots, videos, vehicle characteristics, messages from chats and forums is strictly prohibited.

The penalty for violating the main rule is a permanent ban on Wargaming accounts.

Application for participation

You can become a volunteer by submitting an application on the volunteer portal (World of Tanks - Supertest tab).

In order to use the portal, you must log in and confirm the email to which you will receive notifications about the status of your application..

Brief description of how the portal works:

  1. Submitting an application.
  2. Reviewing answers to common questions.
  3. If the answer meets the requirements, a test task is sent by email.
  4. The candidate sends the completed task back to the recruiter.
  5. The test task is checked.
  6. If the task does not pass the test, the candidate receives a corresponding letter by mail. It is not possible to re-submit an application within 30 days.
  7. If the test task satisfies the recruiter, no messages are sent by email, and the application is sent to the last stage of approval - to the administrator.
  8. A separate letter with instructions will be sent to your email, and a notification will appear on the portal about the start of activities of a new supertester if the application is approved.

We have finally finished our large, independent article. The material turned out to be large, you can read it in several stages at night. It is worth noting that when writing, we took into account the opinions of former and current WoT testers (About 6-8 people specifically for WoT Express). In order to be objective, the opinion of former testers is very important, we talk to different groups. People who left PSG (of their own free will), with a scandal or just got tired of them. Nicknames and names, of course, will not appear in this material, however, testers or a developer of this department will understand the essence and recognize some personalities.

First of all, we want to subjectively and correctly describe what it is this place work. We do not want to humiliate or offend anyone. Are you ready to dive into the world of Wargaming testing? Then let's go!

Marokko (the person in charge of ST WoT) somehow wanted to tell everything in detail and even shoot a video, but in the end it somehow didn’t work out. And so we write. If you want to skim the text in 1 minute, you can immediately close the article.

SuperTest (ST, СТ) is one of the stages of game testing, when local checks in the office (by company employees) are completed, and mass testing of those innovations and fixes is required that employees simply have no time to close. It is SuperTesters (Toasters, crabs) who receive the first information about future updates, tanks, etc. It is worth immediately noting that this information is closed and is under NDA. ST is a copy of the forum and the game with overlapping patches; each patch contains a specific update that is tested.

NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) - agreement on non-disclosure of confidential information. Such a contract can be signed with any entity that you trust with access to confidential information.

But this is precisely where the main flow of “information leakage” comes from, popularly called (Exclusive) information from ST. It is from this information that we can look at the maps in advance or find out the preliminary performance characteristics of the tank. Watermakers often make videos on this topic. But I wrote above that all the information is in the public domain, so if they find out that it was you who “leaked the information,” it will be very difficult for you... Have there been such cases? Yes, there are a lot of them. They caught toasters leaking information and they hit their butts hard. Then no one saw them. At a minimum, you will simply be kicked out of SuperTest and will be permanently banned from all accounts in all of the company’s projects; at maximum, you will be forced to pay a very substantial fine, because they have all the information on you. Now things are a little different with plums; there are fewer of them.

Well, did your dear friend scare you? Let's move on to the next stage. If you decide to become a WoT tester, help native game, direct the game to the right direction then... you won't succeed, but more on that later.

You go to the forum under your nickname, scroll to the very bottom and see a special section. Next, you read carefully 2 topics and begin to write an application. I’ll say right away: write thoughtfully, clearly, constructively. If you don’t have a very strong computer, it doesn’t matter; if the application is good and competent, there won’t be any problems. Important! No need to flood or offtopic, write your form and wait. They may answer you in a week, or maybe in a month. Just check the forum periodically. If the answer is positive, you will receive an additional questionnaire and a test task via PM on the tank forum. You will also need to fill it out in a personal conversation, thoughtfully and complete several simple tasks. test tasks. This will take everyone differently, on average 2 hours. And if you have completed everything well, you will be informed about this in the same conversation on the forum and all you have to do is wait for a letter to your email. Within a week you will receive a letter containing all the information: passwords, server, links.

That's all, you are almost a WoT SuperTester (While you are all rushing to the forum to write your applications, think carefully).

You will have access to TeamSpeak, the ST forum, a bug tracker and a Jabber conference, you can read about them below.

After receiving the letter, go where you can and go read all the rules on the tester forum. Next in TS we will have a short briefing (about an hour) and you will eventually be asked if you are ready to move on? Only 1% usually leave SuperTest after this stage, and there are some. After passing all the tests and questionnaires, they realize that this is not for them. After that, you will be given a badge (a special group in TS) and you are 90% percent a full-fledged tester. Next, you will have a couple more training tests and within a month you will need to pass one test to find bugs. Have you changed your mind about going yet? In fact, everything is not so scary and if you know how to think, everything is very simple and easy. By completing these 2 tests you are fully qualified WoT tester. Congratulations!

What will you do on ST? Of course, test tanks and various features. From button and launcher tests to tests game modes. All testers have access to all tests. I forgot to mention above that on average you need to devote 1-2 hours to ST for 20 days, so as not to fly out in a month. You can spend an hour a day for 30 days. And then you will be fine. Further, when you get used to it, you yourself will determine and distribute your time and going to tests. But if you are a good tester, believe me, this volunteer work eats up a lot of time. A lot of time! In a month or two, if you hold out, you will be given a special, exclusive tank - T-44-122. Only SuperTesters have this tank and you can show it off to your friends. The tank is a kind of “imba” at level 7. One important detail, from the new batch of people arriving at ST, usually there are 50-100 people, only 70% of them remain - this is an extremely important observation!

Now a little about your tools:

  • ST forum - here you will write your feedback, the forum has all the rules, regulations for testing, each tank/map has its own specific regulations, you need to familiarize yourself with them before testing.
  • Mail - anything and everything will come here. In a year (if you hold out) the number of messages in your inbox will be 1000 more. Everything comes to your email, patches, regulations (which are duplicated on the forum) and much more.
  • TS - during the test you are required to be in the room with the test. During the test, you can have a casual conversation, or you can, for example, listen to music. Quite a lamp atmosphere, but more on that later.
  • Jabber conference - here you write the beginning/end/announcement about a set of tests, time, organizer, important announcements (duplicate by email), in general you can find out all the information.
  • Server - there are several of them. A regular server with all the tanks in the game, huge reserves of in-game currency. I think everything is clear here.
  • Bug tracker is a special site for working with bugs in the game.

All tests are usually carried out in training rooms. These are tests of new tanks on the Krabovo map (and some others) 5x5, less often 6x6. New tanks are tested against certain replacements at their level. One team has 5 new tanks, the other has 5 old ones. But I will talk about this later.

There are also map tests. And many other small tests.

In principle, ST has quite a lamp-like and soulful atmosphere. You can always discuss some news or talk about pressing problems during the test. Chat in the Jabber conference or TeamSpeak, gather a party in Dota2 or CS:GO. You can safely play Hearthstone in special TS rooms and talk with your colleagues about the problems of the game. There are many possibilities, this ST is not only tests, tests and more tests. You will find friends and take tests together. If you find yourself there, you will hardly want to leave. Under good circumstances, will you be able to get a ticket to the Events at the ST forum? where Wargaming is presented: Stalin Line, IgroMir and others.

The most interesting thing is that ST has a system of bonuses and incentives. At the end of each month, you will receive a reward in the form of gold to your main account:

  • 1 test is 1 point.
  • 30 points - 3k gold.
  • You need to gain about 30 points per month in order not to be kicked out of ST.

You can get a maximum of 34,500 gold per month. Those. you will need to score 120 points in 1 month. But you have to devote a lot of time to tests. And not everyone has such indicators. On average, testers get 9-12k gold per month per base. Another pleasant and main bonus of the Tank SuperTest will be one more thing.

After the patch is released, an average of 3-4 tanks are added to your main account, which you can ride in random for an unlimited number of battles. But don’t get carried away at all, because in full gold you won’t be able to raise your stats. And one more thing, if any of these tested tanks are put on free sale, then this tank will remain with you forever. This is not a bad bonus. Often, there are 1 such tanks, maximum 2 per patch. But the rest of the tanks are strictly taken away forever (GK, LBZ, EU server, gift set, gift tank). And another bonus will be roaming for certain SuperToasters. But it's not for everyone. The last bonus will be the opportunity to get tanks that are not on sale, for example: KV-5, Type 59, E-25, TOG II* and others. Well, and the very last point, there is still the opportunity to get yourself premium planes and ships.

While you all have your mouths open, remember the beginning of the article. For violations of regulations/rules you may receive a warning. You collect a certain number of these, and goodbye dear ST.

But if it’s so nice and bright there, then where are all the problems? Ahh, my friend, they are kept in the lowest place, under several locks and are not obvious at first glance, but they are a whole bouquet of roses. We will talk about them further.

How to become a super tester in World Of tanks and received the best answer

Answer from Yomich[guru]
A questionnaire is a questionnaire. And one of the most important criteria for supertesters is personal achievements and activity in WoT. In simple words, if your stats are not very good and you don’t pour money into the game, then it’s impossible to get there, unless of course one of the developers is your relative. And in general, why go there? It’s a chore and doesn’t pay.

Reply from Norton[guru]
I received it, but didn’t use it because I didn’t see the letter in time. Wait for the recruitment to arrive and send the application form. I wrote the truth. that I myself work in the IT industry and am familiar with the process first-hand. Lie in the same vein, tell them what they want to hear.

Reply from Ser Taki[newbie]
send me the link to fill out the form for supertester, please

Reply from Kolyan crafter[newbie]
Thanks to its ever-growing popularity and the desire to keep up with modern computer technologies, the World of Tanks project began to attract its best users to participate in the development and improvement of the game. Cooperation We are talking about gamers who, on a volunteer basis, completely disinterestedly help improve the quality and versatility of their favorite game. The company has a special service that informs volunteers how to become a World of Tanks super tester. Tasks Each such user has a certain minimum of mandatory tasks: 1. Tests must be attended regularly. 2. Tracking and reporting bugs. 3. Meaningful observation and expression of your opinion through mandatory feedback. Characteristics In the manual, how to become a World of Tanks super tester? the qualities of a tester necessary for successful and productive cooperation are clearly and in detail described: 1. Good manners and correctness. Gamers who swear in chat are not allowed to participate in testing. 2. Stress resistance. It is important to follow the rules; accordingly, punishment for violating them will not take long to arrive. 3. Communication skills. The ability to establish contact with different groups of people (geography, age and nationality of “tank crews” have no boundaries). 4. Availability of certain skills in computer software. WoT supertesters regularly use various software. 5. Commitment to learning and adaptability. 6. The desire to read several times. 7. Diligence and endurance. 8. Age – majority. 9. The presence of more than 5000 battles. 10. Test weekly three to four times in a one-hour session.

SuperTest (abbreviated ST) is one of the stages of game testing, after the completion of local tests within the office (by Wargaming employees), when there is a need for mass testing of innovations or fixes for which the company’s internal resources are insufficient to study.

Supertesters in World of Tanks are members of the Wargaming Quality Control Department. Participants for the supertest are recruited free of charge, that is, this is a kind of volunteer work for testing WoT games. These players are the first to get the opportunity to get acquainted with upcoming patches and new equipment.

As a reward, super testers receive gold to their account.

We will look in more detail about the amount of payments and the conditions for receiving them below.

Punishment for this ranges from the ban of accounts in all Wargaming projects to the payment of a fine.

To have an application approved, the player must have the following qualities necessary for productive cooperation:

  • devote to testing at least 3-4 days a week, with a gaming session lasting at least one hour;
  • At least 5000 battles must be played on your account, with at least 500 of them on level 10 vehicles;
  • winning percentage 50% or more;
  • age must be 18 years or older;
  • such character qualities as politeness, perseverance, patience and restraint;
  • the ability to adapt and assimilate new material;
  • communication skills to interact with colleagues;
  • resistance to stress - you can’t give free rein to your nerves, because this is no longer a game, but work.


Since this is already a full-fledged job, supertesters are therefore faced with a range of tasks required to complete:

  1. Regular visits to SuperTest.
  2. Searching for errors/bugs and writing a report (bug report).
  3. Compiling feedback on your observations and your current opinion regarding the update.


You must leave your application for participation in the SuperTest on the volunteer portal in the Vacancies section World of tanks => SUPERTEST.

On the portal you will need to log in and confirm your email address to receive notifications and comments about the status of your application.

Next, you should read all the requirements and fill out a personal profile form.

Then a series of standard questions will follow.

Next comes the stage of waiting until the application is considered. A notification with further instructions will then be sent to your email address. The status of your application can be tracked in personal account on the website

Portal process:

  1. First, you submit an application.
  2. The recruiter accepts your application and evaluates your answers to the initial questions.
  3. If the application meets the requirements of the volunteer portal, you will be sent a test task.

It will roughly look like this:

In case of a negative result, the candidacy is rejected, but is given the opportunity to re-apply within 30 days.

  1. At the last stage, after the application is approved, it is sent to the administrator, after which you will receive a notification on the volunteer portal and a letter with instructions to your registered email.

What to pay attention to

There are several points to consider before submitting your application:

  • ONLY YOU should have access to your account;
  • you must have FULL ACCESS to the mail that is used to log in game World of Tanks;

If there are problems with this point, then before submitting an application for the SuperTest, you first need to resolve the issues with the CPP.

  • for full testing you will have to install several game clients for different test servers, so you will need at least 100 GB (gigabytes) of free space on your hard drive;
  • those players who are members of the guard and other formations, or who are directly involved in moderation, can be admitted to the SuperTest after recommendations from their curators.

How to earn gold

SuperTest provides a system of bonuses and incentives. At the end of each month, a gold reward is issued to the main account.
