We create a mod directly in the Minecraft game. Programs for creating mods for games

Everyone dreamed of making their own mod for Minecraft. But not everyone knows how to do it. In this article I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible about how to create a modification for Minecraft Pocket Edition.

To begin with, you have two development paths:

  1. Create mods and scripts using programming languages
  2. Make mods using special programs, for example, ModEz.

Let's take a closer look at each of the options and find out which one is better.

How to create a mod using programming languages?

To learn how to make addons and resource packs, you will need to understand their structure. Enough for this download any addon in .zip format, after which unzip it and see how everything works. But addons do not allow you to use all the functionality, so more good modifications usually written in JS using blocklauncher API.

How to make a mod using ModEz?

ModEz is one of the programs that allows you to create a modification without programming skills. But this program has insufficient capabilities and it will not be possible to create a global mod using it.

With this phone program you can easily do the following things:

  • creation of new crafts,
  • creating new food,
  • creating new items and blocks.

This program also makes mods that work on Block Launcher. To create a mod you will need:

1) Come up with a name for the mod.

2) Select the functions you require. To do this you will need to have knowledge English language. Let's say that by selecting the SetPlayerHealth function you set the player's HP amount to change when performing a certain manipulation with any block that you previously specified in the settings.

3) So, just now you are practically created a first aid kit mod. It is enough to redraw the texture of the block to match the texture of the first aid kit.

4) To install the modification on BlockLauncher you will need go into the game, further click on spanner and choose enable ModPE scripts, then just add new script from your device as shown in the pictures below.

This is the second lesson on creating modifications Minecraft by using Forge. In this lesson we will create the first mod files, look at the main functions and work with Forge API, and also create a mod directory with all the nuances. If you haven't seen the first part on creating modifications, be sure to check it out at the link below. Link to the first part - .

Let's start creating our first mod.
  • Modification name
    You need to give your mod a name. For example, denchikmod. It is necessary to indicate the name of your mod in Latin, without indicating punctuation marks or other symbols. It is advisable to start the name of the mod with a Latin letter. Numbers and the underscore (_) can also be used in the title.
  • Design and location of the mod in the Minecraft structure
    There are certain rules for coding. In Java, it is common to structure packages as follows: domain.product or domain.company.product
    What do domain, product and company mean?
    1. domain is a domain similar to the one indicated at the end of the site (ru, com, org, etc.)
    2. product - the name, in our case, of the Minecraft mod. Usually the product value = the name of your mod
    3. company - the name of your organization. If you are alone, then a regular nickname is enough
  • Type of design of Minecraft, Forge and FML code
    Minecraft, Forge and FML have a domain.product structure. That is, I should do the following - click on src/main/java and select New → package. Write “com.denchik51rus.denchikmod”, case sensitive. This will create a directory in which we will work. That's it, then you can start creating the mod itself.
  • Base(Main class) fashion
    To begin, you need to click on the modification directory and select the Class subsection in the New Section, entering the name of the class. This is your main file, don't forget to indicate this in the name, for example Main_denchikmod (This is in my case). And then click Finish. Well done, we have the first and main class of fashion.
  • Writing the code itself in the main and other classes
    Well, now the sweetest part - Writing code B)
    1) Write the following above the line public class...: @Mod (modid = "denchikmod", name="Denchik Mod", version = "1.0"). With this line we set that the name of our mod is Denchik Mod, and its version is 1.0. But errors may occur in the development environment, so we need to import the library that we need. Therefore, after the line package denchik51rus.mods.denchikmod, we write: import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;. And everything will be cool!
    2) Next, in the body (in curly brackets) we write:
    public void preLoad(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)

    If errors appear, then you need to use import cpw.mods.fml and then choose according to the situation, but often you can not register them if the development environment already knows the class paths and where they are located.

End. The base of the mod is complete. You can also launch Minicraft (Client button at the top) and see your own mod in the list.
In the next lesson we'll look at creating a block in our mod! But remember that self-development and work are important! The mod a la Forestry or IC2 did not write itself! Already written huge variety modifications that expand the capabilities of “pure” Minecraft. But since human imagination is limitless, there is a chance that you will come up with some kind of mod that other Minecrafters have not yet implemented. To make your idea a reality, it is not at all necessary to delve into the complexities of programming - after all, there is a very convenient ModEZ application, specially created for easy development of your own mods.

A user-friendly interface allows you to very quickly configure changes made to the game. Try adding new food to give Steve special treats, or develop unique weapons that can take you to the extreme. new level effectiveness of battles with monsters. Create tools, mechanisms, vehicles and in general anything that seems interesting and useful to you.

Mods won't necessarily make things easier. gameplay– they are able to add new options, but often it takes effort to implement them. For example, having entered a new object into the ModEZ program, come up with a suitable crafting recipe for it on a workbench or processing in a furnace. This will make the game even more interesting!

ModEZ will require from you not only creative efforts, but also good knowledge of English. It is in this language that the application menu is written. It’s good that Minecrafters perceive such situations not as an obstacle, but as a chance for self-development.


Many computer games have mods - special programs that are written using code original game. It would seem, why does Minecraft need this, a game with completely open world, in which you can interact with absolutely all objects and entities? But gamers will never be completely satisfied. And even in such a world they manage to expand opportunities. Therefore, in this article you will learn about mods in this game as such, and most importantly, how to make a mod for Minecraft.

Mods for Minecraft

Before you deal with it yourself, you should dive a little into this mysterious world. This way you can understand what exactly can be modified and how it will affect the game. So, first of all, you should look at the famous existing mods, which are universally recognized. An excellent example is “Industrial Craft” - a modification that adds a huge number of blocks, recipes for creating items and much more to the game. Thus, this mod is a titanic work that completely transformed the world of Minecraft. However, you shouldn’t try to do something like this right away, as it will require many months of work, especially if you are going to do it alone. It's better to look at small modifications that add a few blocks and items, or slightly change one or two aspects of the game. This mod can be done much easier and faster. This will be great practice for you and a way to see if you want to continue modding the game on a larger scale. But how to make a mod for Minecraft? Naturally, you will need the material with which you will work, as well as the appropriate tools.


If you want to learn how to make a mod for Minecraft, then first of all you should prepare your own. And the most important point here will be to download a special program called Minecraft Forge, in which you can do a lot for Minecraft. You can show your imagination without any restrictions, create new blocks, characters, and you can immediately import them into the game. You will also need textures with which you will work - you can either create them yourself, but this will require certain knowledge of what textures are given to which object, or you can download them from thematic sites and then change them yourself to visually transform your " Minecraft." How to make mods 1. 7. 5, as well as other versions of the game, because so far you have just prepared for the process?

Creating a modification

If you are interested in the question of how to make mods for Minecraft 1.5.2 and other versions, then you will need to spend a lot of time in Forge, since you will need to separately work out each block that you are going to add to the game, set its purpose, interaction with other blocks and objects. In general, the amount of work will be simply enormous - even to create one new block with some basic functions you will need several hours of painstaking work. What can we say about modification - even the simplest of them will take you several tens of hours. Now you have to imagine how long it took the creators of Industrial Craft to release such a project.

Creating an Assembly

Once you've made a few modifications that you like and find worthy, and have been approved by a few people to avoid bias, you can try promoting them online. Naturally, you will not receive any profit for this, because mods for Minecraft are free. But you can get a lot of satisfaction from positive feedback from gamers who try and appreciate your creation. You have several options - for example, you can upload your modifications separately to thematic sites so that gamers can choose what interests them most and download. But there is another option - you can make a Minecraft build with mods, and then users will be able to download a version of the game in which your modifications will already be installed. This method has its advantages, as it gives you access to all your mods at once.

Custom modification computer games- This is a fairly common phenomenon, which is the modification and addition of game files to obtain more content, variety of gameplay, and so on. Sometimes mods can be small, adding only a couple of items or features. And sometimes you can find global fashion, which almost completely change the gameplay. For Minecraft, one of the most popular computer games of our time, gamers make quite a lot of different mods. Therefore, you can learn how to create a mod for Minecraft - it’s actually easier than it seems, but in any case it will take you quite a lot of time.

Mods for Minecraft

So, if you seriously decide to figure out how to create a mod for Minecraft, then you need to understand what exactly can be modified there. In fact, there are incredibly many possibilities - there are many more mods for this game than for all others. This is due to the fact that Minecraft looks quite simple - accordingly, it is easier to change something in it or add certain functions to it than to a top project on which hundreds of professionals have worked for several years. Now there are already mods such as “Industrial Craft” or “Taumcraft”, which can easily be considered global, as they add an incredible amount of content to the game - the first one takes Minecraft into the industrial era, adding hundreds of new recipes and items. The second one adds magic and everything that comes with it to the game. Naturally, you should start with simpler projects, but in the end you can also create something serious. But first, you need to learn how to create a mod for Minecraft.

Creating a pure mod

If you want to learn how to create a mod for Minecraft, then you need to immediately understand that it can be done in two completely different methods - using the API or without. First you need to figure out how to create a pure mod that does not require additional software. In this case, you need to be well versed in the mechanics of the game and have certain design skills, as well as the ability to program in high level. Then you will be able to introduce something new into the game, as well as change certain items, functions and much more. As a result, you will be able to create a unique and unusual mod, but it is likely that it will be limited in use by other gamers, since it will not be standardized - accordingly, some gamers may have problems with launching and compatibility, regardless of what mode was this Minecraft modification created - survival or creative?

Creating mods using the API

API is a special software interface that already contains many functions from the game itself, as well as textures, skins and much more. Thus, instead of writing all the code from scratch, you can use ready-made solutions that can be combined with each other to create something new. Exists large number There are a variety of interfaces, and choosing something specific among them can be a challenge. Here you need to take into account the specifics of the mod, for example, in relation to the Minecraft mode - survival, hardcore, creative, and so on. But if you are just starting to make mods, and also want your modification to be available to the maximum number of people, then you need to use Minecraft Forge. This is the most common API that currently exists - at the same time, it is the most functional, extensive and in demand. Therefore, if you are going to add to Minecraft new fashion - pay attention to it first of all.

Features of using Minecraft Forge

Many gamers who create or use mods wonder why Forge is needed at all. After all, this is so inconvenient - you definitely need to install the API itself in order to be able to then launch the modification. Is it really impossible to do clean fashions, which do not require anything additional to play? In fact, Forge has many more advantages than disadvantages (by the way, there is only one, which is the need to pre-install the API to run the mod). Firstly, the process of creating a mod is simplified, and secondly, you have many more features that do not require any effort to use. But the most important thing is that your mod becomes universal. If you make a modification without an API, as mentioned above, there is a high probability that many gamers will not be able to install it. If you used Forge, then any gamer with the API installed will be able to install your mod without the slightest problem.

Features of use

The most important rule of modification, no matter which option you choose, is to not modify the source files. For example, you decide to do for Minecraft mod on cars - it is better to add new objects rather than correct those that are in the game to avoid conflicts.
