Download Temple Run: Brave in the Free App Of The Week for iPhone and iPad. Walkthrough of Brave: The Video Game Game brave at heart how to play as a flasher


Probably, each of us, while still at a young age, cannot fulfill the hopes that adults place on us. Mom wants with all her might for her vigorous red-haired daughter to be a real princess and not be interested in weapons. Unfortunately, the heroine of Brave, Merida, got into trouble for her dislike for “women’s affairs” and turned her mother into... a bear. But our brave heroine is not a shield and with the help of three brothers - bear cubs will help her beloved mother.

Choose the difficulty of the game and go. A colorful video begins, showing us the castle. A bear breaks through the door and is released with the girl. This is where the game begins. Our heroine runs forward. We run along the log and jump over obstacles. Then we jump over the falling trees. Let's run after the bear. We run onto the bridge, which will collapse in its middle.

What follows is a colorful hand-drawn video from which we learn that the main character’s name is Merida. Her brave father taught her to ride horses and fight with a sword and bow in her hands. Our mother is Queen Elianor. She's a diplomat. She taught us to play music, but our princess couldn't do it. I couldn't become a princess.


We wake up after the video. Open the chest and get a sword. We break the barrels around with a sword and get coins. Then we break the wooden barrier ahead. We continue to break barrels. Then click on the stones one by one. First to the top left, then to the bottom, then to the top right and again to the top left. A chest will appear and we will receive a bow. Using the bow, lower the wooden bridge ahead and continue the path. Don't forget to break the barrels. Then we lower another door again and move on.

Then we reach the button and stand on it. Targets open up and we shoot at them with a bow. Let's move on. We climb up. We will be taught to jump from wall to wall, like the Prince of Persia. Fireflies appear in the cut-scene and our heroine runs after them. This is followed by a video in which we are shown how our heroine runs away from home due to her mother’s dissatisfaction. She finds the lair of a witch who, as Merida believed, would help us learn. How stupid she was...


Follows the blue fireflies. We enter the witch's house. It turns out that she turned our mother into a bear. The witch will tell the story of how many years ago a bear terrorized the inhabitants of the forest. His name was Mor'Du. We have to stop him. She will give us an amulet that will help us. We run to the stones, which are protected by magic. Wolves will start appearing from everywhere. We kill the wicked. Pick up objects that fall from the bottom. We fight until the video starts. One passage between the stones will be cleared and opened. He is the portal that will take us further.

We go forward and break the barrels. We are accompanied by invigorating and cheerful music. There will be a chest nearby on the left. We jump over obstacles. There will be wolves on the way. Then raise the platform with the amulet sign using an arrow and jump up. Here we fight the wolves and shoot at the damaged stone. Then a cut scene. The stone is freed from evil, and the gate on the right is open. Approach the stone and open the skills menu. Here you can upgrade your skills, change equipment and more.

We pass further through the gate. As soon as we approach them, they will suddenly close. A video is played in which we meet three little bear cubs. My God, these are our heroine’s younger brothers. Use the RT key to switch between the three bears. Place the top bear on the button on the left, and the second one on the central one. Use the platforms below to jump over to the second tier, and then move the top bears to the central and far left button. Bottom jump to the very edge and open a passage for our sister. Let's move on with our sister. We jump up and climb. We reach the stairs. A video is played in which it turns out that we fed mom the damned pie, because of which mom became a bear.


We continue on our way. We kill the wolves that appear. We have three buttons in front of us. Click on left center, right, and then center and left again. A passage will appear at the top in which we will find the key. Then go to the stone and activate it. The obstacle will disappear. Let's move on. Ents will appear here and throw spears. We kill them. Remember, when they die, they shoot spears in all directions. We lower the passage and continue on our way. Let's go out into the round arena. Go to its top edge. A video will appear in which we meet with my mother. She understands us, but cannot speak. The daughter promises that everything will be fine. We climb to the portal and teleport.

We appear in the swamp. We jump from island to island. The water is dangerous. We pass through a large hollow log. Wolves will start attacking us. Press X twice to double jump. Then we go up along the platforms. We fight the wolves again. Then activate the rope and move along it to another island. We continue on our way. Follow the rope again to another island. We found a damaged stone, but the way is blocked by wolves. We fight with them and there is a cut scene. The stone will become a portal. Let's use it.

Let's return to mom. We feed her our berries. Wolves appear. We'll eat the berries later. Let's play for mom. We fight in the form of a bear with a crowd of wolves and ents. There will be many enemies, but our bear is also capable. Then again a cut-scene in which mom will run away from us. A passage across the bridge will open. Let's run further. We press the button and shoot at the targets. They open temporarily. Let's go inside.


We reach three buttons and press them in order from left to right and vice versa. Then we move on. We go up the stairs. At one point, the grate will close behind us and we will find ourselves in a small arena. Wolves will start attacking us. Then we continue our journey. In the cut scene we meet a fire amulet. With its help, you can and should bypass some obstacles. We go down to the unfortunate stone. Ice wolves will begin to appear from all sides. Use fire arrows against them. The stone will be freed from evil. You can use it here for an upgrade. We acquire the desired abilities and move on.

We jump over the stones to the other edge of the exit. The gates will close behind us. We watch the cut-scene. We can't get through the bars, but the bear cubs - brothers - come to our aid. With one bear, go to the button on the left and pull. The bridge will turn. The second one go to the button on the right, and place the third one on the bridge. Then switch to the right one and pick up the teddy bear on the bridge. Turn left again. By turning the lever on the bridge and the passage will open for the sister. Let's move on. At the places where the icon of fire arrows is drawn, shoot fire arrows to open the passage.


We go outside. Phantom wolves will begin to attack us. We go upstairs and jump from wall to wall, while pressing the buttons. Then, at the very top, press the button on the ledge and the cache will open. Let's move forward. Then we move along the rope to the other edge and continue our journey. We run across the log. Then we jump over the river using a raft and go up. On the upper left there will be a box in which we will find a new sword. Then we jump back and run across the bridge. The spoiled stone is very close.

We fight the ice wolves. Use fire arrows. The stone will be freed from evil, and we will be able to learn new abilities and change equipment.

We approach the portal and teleport. We return to the ring of stones. Now the second passage is open. We approach him (second from the left) and use the teleport.

We appear on the shore. Destroy the villas - coins fall out of them. Let's jump up. We kill the ent that appears. We go further and kill the Ents. Let's run further. We see a chest, but we can’t get to it. Let's move on. We meet our mother, but she runs away. We find a stone. There are many Ents around. We kill them. There will also be a stone golem that throws stones. Kill him and the stone will be freed from the forces of evil. We pump ourselves up and continue on our way. We jump over the stone pillars to the other side. New enemies will appear here - insatiable birds. We shoot them with a bow and run further. On the left we jump on the pillars again. Then we kill a couple of birds and jump on the pillars again. At the end, birds and another stone golem await us. Then we stand on the button, wait for the moment and quickly run until the gate closes. A stone golem and his dog are waiting for us inside. Then we lower the gate and move on.


We get a new type of arrows. Use them in the appropriate places with the icon. We descend at an already familiar place in the game. Stone pigs appear around you and are easily killed by a new type of arrow. Let's go right. We kill birds. But here we are again at that same chest. Now we can easily get to it. We reach the skill leveling stone. We jump over the pillars and now we can go through the stone gate, but the path was blocked by stone golems, but now they will easily fall from our hand. Use the springs to jump over.

At the other end we jump over the pillars to the other end, then along the rope we lower ourselves to the shore. We run along the shore. On the right along the islands, get to the box and get a new bow, and then use the spring to jump to the captured stone. There will be ents and a stone golem here. We kill them. The stone is freed from evil. We use the springs again and jump to the left side of the bank. We kill enemies. Then we jump over the river and kill the golem. We shoot at the targets and a chest will appear. We jump over to the right. We continue our way to the small castle.


We need to open a passage for my sister with the help of bears. Use the teddy bear on the top left to lower the stone platform. With the bear at the bottom, stand on it, and then raise the platform again and go to the button at the back. Use the teddy bear on the stone to move the lever. All that remains is for the third bear to also move the lever and the gate will be open. Let's run our heroine further. There will be stone portals from which stone pigs will arrive. A golem will also appear. The main thing is to destroy the portals. Finish off the remaining enemies and the stone will be released. Use it to upgrade your abilities.

Use the portal to return to the ring of stones. We have opened another passage. Let's use it.

We are in a winter forest. Let's run forward. We reach the first stone and fight the fire wolves. An ice golem will then appear. A passage further will open. We go inside and to the left. Break the pile of stones - there will be a chest behind it. We leave the cave and use the rope to get to the other end. We reach the stone again, where stone portals spew out enemy creatures. Kill everyone and open the passage. Here we will get a new type of arrows - ice ones. With their help you can run to the right. Now fire pigs are attacking us from fiery stone portals. Kill them with ice arrows. Now we have a river with moving platforms in front of us. Use them to jump over to the small islands and then to the other side.


We go upstairs and press the button on top, press three buttons from left to right, and then again on the bottom. It will open and we will find a new sword in the chest. Then we jump again on the floating platforms and move to the other end of the shore, where we fight the ice wolves. We kill them and move on. We reach the damaged stone. An ice golem and ents will appear. Kill everyone. Pump yourself up and continue on your way. We jump on the islands again. We jump on the shore, where strange device with yellow squares. We need to put them in one row and press the button on the left, then the passage forward will open. We go inside the castle. Press the buttons to open the targets. Then jump to the left along the pillars. Take everything you need and then jump along the pillars to the right of the places where the buttons were. We go outside.

The bear cubs will help us move on. Get the two onto the bridge and then turn it around. Take one to the left and the other to the right. Then bring the central one onto the bridge and lift it with the left bear. He will calmly reach the lever. The bridge will go down. Our heroine will easily run further.


We jump using the spring and again move forward along the floating platforms. While we are jumping, birds will attack us. Kill them with a bow. We jump until we get to the island with the enchanted stone. We fight the ice wolves. Then fire boars will appear, accompanied by a fire golem and an ice golem. Upgrade yourself if necessary and move on.

We jump on the islands. We kill ents with a bow. Let's move on. We jump over the river. We pass under the arch of the rock. New enemies are attacking us. We pass to the other end of the cave and get to the stone. We deal with the enemies. Pump yourself up and go through the opened passage. If you want coins, then pay attention, you can climb up the wall from above, where by breaking the object, you will get the coveted coins. Then press the button at the waterfall and jump up. We go through the passage and the gate will close behind us. Spikes will begin to protrude from the ground. Let's go forward. At one point, a fence will appear around and we will have to fight with enemies, and in the end we will receive a key.


Then we go right. Along the platforms at the top you can reach a chest in which we will find a new white dress. Let's move on. We return to the place where we have already been. Now we jump up and open the passage from the blue gate using the key. Let's move on. We jump over to the islands and to the other end of the cave. Let's reach the purple glow, where the cut-scene will begin. We will be surrounded, but mom will come to the rescue. Now we play as a bear and easily destroy the enemies around. The cutscene then plays again. Mom runs away. All we have to do is use the spring and move on. We can't get through without the help of the cubs. So, with one bear we open the passage. Switch to the one on the left and remove the cube. Central bear with button behind. A passage will open for the bear on the right. He will remove the cube, or rather we will remove it. Then we also remove the cube with the left one and close the passage again with the center one. Hooray! The water stopped flowing. We'll go left and open the treasure chest.

Then we go into the passage. We get to the new magical gate. They can't be opened yet. We pass into a narrow passage. We climb up and fight with the golem and boars. Destroy the portal immediately. Then we go down. We stand on the button and shoot at the target. We take the key for ourselves. We use the spring to go down. We run up to the magic gate again and open it. Then in a small arena we explode with explosive dudes and jump from wall to wall to get to the top. Finally we reached the stone. Ents are attacking us. We kill them. Then we upgrade ourselves, if necessary, and continue on our way.


We move again along a thousand floating platforms to get to the other end of the shore. You can get to the chest if you want. You will find a new bow in it. On the island on the right we use the springs and jump up. We need to get to the stone. Along the way, a golem will throw stones at us. There will be platforms on the steep wall. Activate them and use the spring to get to the stone and golem. Now we have a fight ahead of us. We kill small golems, and then one huge one that threw stones at us.

After killing him, a cutscene will play in which one of the most important stones will be restored. We pump ourselves up and run to the portal. He will return us to the ring of stones. A new passage will also be opened. We continue our journey.

Swamp of Shadows

We go down and cross to the other side. We collect coins. Here we find the first stone. We destroy the Ents. Then we cross to the fallen tree on the other side. We meet a familiar device. We need to place all the yellow squares in one row and a chest will appear. Then we jump to another island and watch a cut-scene. We are surrounded again, but my mother comes to the rescue. Now, in the role of a bear, we deal with everyone. Mom runs away again. We collect trophies. In the chest nearby we will find a new sword. Then we jump over the islands. We continue on our way.

We reach the road, where after a certain period, spikes pop up everywhere. Use the platforms to cross this path. Then a cutscene in which the hated bear Mor'Du is trying to kill us with a tree. We will come across ents ahead. Then we jump up to the entrance to the castle. There are two buttons here. The left one opens the first gate, and the right one opens the doors. Do everything quickly, otherwise the gate will close .Destroy the obstacle ahead. The stones will roll towards us. Then we jump to the fire portal. The first step is to destroy the portal.


We open the gate. You can see a box on the left, but it's behind the gate. There is a small tunnel ahead with a button that opens the grate. Then we jump up. Let's go right. There will be a bunch of coins here. Let's go back. From the left we will be attacked by wolves, ents and these small creatures that resemble brutal frogs. We go into the tunnel, where fire boars are waiting for us. The road is blocked. Again, the cub brothers come to the rescue. Everything is quite simple here. You need to use the catapult to hit the targets and the gate will open.

We run inside. A crowd of enemies awaits us here. We deal with everyone. The passage ahead will open. On the right, the stone will be freed from the forces of evil. Level up and move forward. Rocks will start to come towards us. Avoid them. Then we cross the large bridge and go inside. A sea of ​​fire boars and golems awaits us. At the end, a portal awaits us, which will lead us to a ring of stones. Another passage will open for us.

Let's jump up. We kill annoying birds. On the right you can find a pile of coins, and then use the buttons to climb up and find a chest. Then activate the platform and return to the starting location. Let's go forward. Destroys insolent Ents. A sea of ​​lava awaits us ahead. We activate the platforms on the right and carefully jump over the pillars. Don't fall into lava. Then we jump to the burning platform, which needs to be cooled. They will continue to appear. Just shoot them with ice arrows. This way we will get to the key, and after jumping we will find ourselves at the magic gate. Let's go forward. On the right there will be several buttons that will give us access to the cache where there will be a new bow.

We kill the golems and use the platform to go upstairs. Higher and higher. We get to the stone. A massive battle is brewing here. We kill everyone, upgrade and move forward. We cross the bridge on the right and continue our way. You can reach the chest at the top along the right side. There will be a new sword. Then we fight the fire golem and continue on our way. Once again the cubs are helping us. The puzzle is familiar to us. You need to again arrange all the yellow paths in one row and at the end activate the lever. The passage will open.


Let's move on. We meet a sea of ​​small creatures. We kill them. Climb up and to the right. You will find a new chest containing a new combat suit. We continue to the left. We'll find a stone on the right. We fight with fire boars. Then we continue our journey and enter the arena. There is lava all around. We are surrounded by creatures, but a bear comes to the rescue. We kill everyone. Control passes back to us. Use the platform to move to the wall and climb up along it. There will be a chest in the far corner. Then we move along the rope to the other end. At the other end, activate the platform to get out. We go straight, and then jump along the platforms to the gate. On the right behind the barrier there are buttons that will open the grate for us. And at the end, oh my God, a dragon awaits us. We fight him. Sometimes frogs will come running to help him. The main thing is to move quickly. We kill the enemies and use the portal.


Let's pump up. And we move on. The bear cubs come to the rescue again, and with their help we open the passage. Let's get there. At the end we fight on the platform and use the portal. Now the last step remains. Finally, another video that reveals part of the plot.

Ruins of the Ancient Kingdom

We break the barrels, collect coins and move on. An enemy bear will try to attack us. Then we jump on the pillars. On the left behind the barrier there will be a chest with a sword. On the last platform we use the springs and jump to the stone. Here we fight with enemies. We free the stone. Then we open a passage for ourselves with the help of the bear cubs.

Then we go inside the castle. Let's go forward. We jump over the gap in the stairs. Nearby there will be a chest in which we will find a new super powerful bow. Next we will go to the stone. Golems will attack us from all sides. We save the stone from the forces of evil and watch a short video. Then we upgrade ourselves, if necessary, and move on. IN certain moment we will find the button. Standing on it, the gate will begin to open, behind which there is a chest, but you will have to jump over the stone in time, which will run into us. We go further and find a stone. Now we fight with the bear against the enemies and easily deal with everyone.


We deal with everyone and move on. In the round arena we fight with shadow wolves. She will start to rise. We get up and meet with mom, to whom we will apologize. There is a fight with Mor'Du ahead. So, let's fight him. First, we fight with a huge ice wolf and a bunch of small ones. Use fire arrows. Then you will have to destroy the pillar that appears. Then we destroy a huge fire boar and a bunch of small ones. Next, we destroy the pillar of fire.

Now we fight with a huge bird - a dragon. Please note that our circular battlefield is now broken. We kill the bird, and then its post. Next we fight with a huge golem. Our slabs completely changed their position and sank down in the form of a spiral. We kill the golem and the pillar, and then watch the video. Merida finally realized that she had matured. The curse on mom has been lifted. Everyone is happy and everyone is satisfied. Here it is - Happy Ending.

Replenished new game, and it's called Temple Run: Brave. The goal of this game is the same as in the original - to run without stopping, only here we will not be running away from evil mutant monkeys, but from an angry bear. You will play as a brave girl named Merida, from the cartoon of the same name “Brave” from Pixar.

Gameplay simple and clear. Management is carried out exclusively by swiping in different sides to jump, duck, or turn in the other direction. You will run until a bear overtakes you or some obstacle prevents you. During your journey you will collect coins, as well as various bonus items. Bonuses, in turn, will help you set a new record.

The gameplay is different from original game“Temple Run” only because Merida knows how to shoot a bow and clearly demonstrates this to us. If you hit all the targets that will be depicted on the location, then you will be given a portion of additional points, as well as coins, depending on the number of targets hit.

Game Temple Run: Brave made in the “Endless Run” genre, so locations, as well as obstacles and everything else, constantly change their location. If we talk about locations, there are not so many of them here. Mostly you will run through forested areas or along the roads of a ruined castle. The gameplay gets boring over time, because you need to constantly run through the same places, which are not as original and unusual as we would like, even shooting at targets with a bow doesn’t really help. However, if you are a big fan of the original Temple Run game, then this factor will not bother you.

The graphics here are much better than the previous part of the game. The textures are more detailed and look much better, and I also liked the color scheme of the locations. It is also worth noting that the animation has become much better, Merida's hair wriggles while running, and her clothes constantly change their shape under the flow of the oncoming wind. In addition, all the actions of Merida and the bear chasing her look more smoothly. You can also note dynamic lighting and shadows.

Probably one of the main features of the game, after simple and exciting gameplay, is an in-game store. In it you can increase the level of bonus items, buy additional “one-time” bonuses, as well as a new costume for the main character, you will purchase all this with the help of coins collected at the level. Most likely, it is the store that is the incentive to continue playing and collecting more coins and pumping up bonus elements at the same time.

Also in the game Temple Run: Brave There are tasks, after completing which a piece of some picture will open. There are few tasks here, but the main thing is that they are not very monotonous and sometimes interesting.

Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Arcade
Developer: Behavior Interactive
Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios
Publication type: Digital license (Steam-Rip)
Game version:
Interface language: Russian, English
Voice language: Russian, English
Tablet: Sewn (SSE)

Brave: The Video Game - an arcade game based on the popular cartoon Brave from Disney. It was released by Behavior Iteractive following the film adaptation in 2012.
It is a children's arcade game developed for the sake of sales following the film, as is usually the case with such projects. Disney often adapts their films to personal computers, and often they completely fail among adult audiences.
The style is noticeable from the first titles, which is similar to the film. In the main menu, you can choose 4 difficulty levels, which is not typical for children's arcades. They differ in the enemy's health, damage dealt and slightly improved AI. “Brave”, the hardest level, is well designed and presents problems for older players who have completed more than one slasher film. At the beginning, they give you a choice between chain mail and princess clothes.
The heroine fully corresponds to the cartoon. Red Merida does not want to become a princess, but rather wants to spend time in the forests, hunting and riding horses. She is the daughter of the great King Fergus, who is not too interested in the affairs of the kingdom while his wife, Elinor, rules the castle.
The gameplay is typical for an adventure game, in which you have to destroy enemies with the hands of the princess in different locations. You will also have to cross gorges, jump on hills and climb rocks. The not-too-gentle princess destroys everything she gets her hands on in order to get an extra coin. The chests contain weapons that help in further travels.
Brave is a completely linear game that takes you through a specific story. Closed corridors limit the playing space, preventing deviation. Of course, in our time this is rather a minus, but nothing can be done about the boundaries of the genre. Missions have different puzzles, which vary in complexity. There is no aiming, the target is selected automatically.
The toy turned out quite well - a children's arcade game designed for dynamics and fun. Here you don’t have to think about the plot - you are given a goal, given a tool to achieve the goal and obstacles in the form of opponents who must be destroyed.

If you are faced with the fact that Brave: The Video Game slows down, crashes, Brave: The Video Game does not start, Brave: The Video Game does not install, controls do not work in Brave: The Video Game, there is no sound, errors pop up in Brave : The Video Game saves do not work - we offer you the most common ways to solve these problems.

First, check whether your PC's specifications meet the minimum system requirements:

  • OS: Windows XP/7
  • Processor: 3.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 Class or AMD Athlon 64 3500+
  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Video: 256 MB, Shaders 3.0 support ( NVIDIA GeForce 8400, ATI Radeon 2900)
  • HDD: 4 GB free space

Be sure to update your video card drivers and other software

Before you remember the worst words and express them towards the developers, do not forget to go to the official website of the manufacturer of your video card and download the latest drivers. Often, drivers specially optimized for them are prepared for the release of games. You can also try installing a later version of drivers if the problem is not solved by installing the current version.

It's important to remember that you should only download final versions of graphics cards - try not to use beta versions, as they may contain large number no errors found or corrected.

Don't forget that games often require installation for stable operation. latest version DirectX, which can always be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

Brave: The Video Game won't launch

Many problems with launching games occur due to incorrect installation. Check if there were any errors during installation, try uninstalling the game and running the installer again, after disabling the antivirus - often files necessary for the game to work are deleted by mistake. It is also important to remember that in the path to the folder with installed game There should be no Cyrillic characters - use only Latin letters and numbers for catalog names.

It also doesn’t hurt to check if there is enough space on the HDD for installation. You can try to run the game as Administrator in compatibility mode different versions Windows.

Brave: The Video Game is slow. Low FPS. Lags. Friezes. Freezes

First, install the latest drivers for your video card; this can significantly increase the FPS in the game. Also check your computer's load in the task manager (opened by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE). If before starting the game you see that some process is consuming too many resources, turn off its program or simply end this process from the task manager.

Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First of all, turn off anti-aliasing and try lowering the post-processing settings. Many of them consume a lot of resources and disabling them will significantly improve performance without greatly affecting the picture quality.

Brave: The Video Game crashes on desktop

If Brave: The Video Game often crashes on your desktop slot, try to start solving the problem by reducing the quality of the graphics. It is possible that your computer simply does not have enough performance and the game cannot run correctly. It's also worth checking for updates - most modern games have a system automatic installation new patches. Check if this option is disabled in the settings.

Black screen in Brave: The Video Game

More often than not, the problem with a black screen is an issue with the GPU. Check if your video card is compatible minimum requirements and install the latest drivers. Sometimes a black screen is a result of insufficient CPU performance.

If everything is fine with the hardware and it meets the minimum requirements, try switching to another window (ALT+TAB), and then returning to the game window.

Brave: The Video Game won't install. Installation stuck

First of all, check if you have enough HDD space for installation. Remember that for correct operation The installation program requires the stated amount of space, plus 1-2 gigabytes of free space on the system disk. In general, remember the rule - there should always be at least 2 gigabytes of free space on the system disk for temporary files. Otherwise, both games and programs may not work correctly or may refuse to start at all.

Installation problems can also occur due to a lack of Internet connection or unstable operation. Also, do not forget to pause the antivirus while installing the game - sometimes it interferes with the correct copying of files or deletes them by mistake, considering them viruses.

Saves not working in Brave: The Video Game

By analogy with the previous solution, check the availability of free space on the HDD - both on the one where the game is installed and on the system drive. Often save files are stored in a documents folder, which is located separately from the game itself.

Controls don't work in Brave: The Video Game

Sometimes game controls do not work due to multiple input devices being connected at the same time. Try disabling the gamepad or, if for some reason you have two keyboards or mice connected, leave only one pair of devices. If your gamepad does not work, then remember that games are officially supported only by controllers defined as Xbox joysticks. If your controller is detected differently, try using programs that emulate Xbox joysticks (for example, x360ce).

Sound does not work in Brave: The Video Game

Check if the sound works in other programs. After this, check whether the sound is turned off in the game settings and whether the sound playback device to which your speakers or headset is connected is selected there. Next, while the game is running, open the mixer and check if the sound there is muted.

If you are using an external sound card– check for new drivers on the manufacturer’s website.
