Network modes. Online modes Ways to play together

Yes, yes, the title sounds like a "multiplayer guide" and this article will be entirely devoted to the different ways players can interact with each other in Watch Dogs. But there is one curious thing - if you ask anyone from the Ubisoft Montreal development team about multiplayer in Watch Dogs, they will certainly correct you - it is not multiplayer, but seamless online. And guess what? They will be right! Because Watch Dogs doesn't have the kind of multiplayer we're all used to. It does not contain statistics tables or player ratings. And this mode is not at all separate from the single player game. This is fully integrated gameplay right into your version of Chicago.

The game's lead designer, Danny Belanger, explains it this way: We're not talking about these components as multiplayer and single player. It's all online. And it's implemented seamlessly. You just continue your game. This aspect is very important to me, otherwise the experience of the game would not be complete. All game modes are a single whole.

But how does it actually work? And what kind of experience can you get from this seamless multiplayer? We'll tell you in this article, straight from Bélanger's lips.

Methods cooperative game


Belanger describes it as: A high-tech hide-and-seek where you have to steal data from your opponent's mobile phone and get away with it. The enemy can stop you if he can figure you out using a profiler.


If you go into someone's game, you can follow and watch the other player. The goal is to obtain valuable information before the player disappears from sight. As Belanger explains, the "invasion and stalk" approach is designed to "create an atmosphere of neutral-adversarial dynamics between two players in the Watch Dogs universe. Having someone come into your game with the sole purpose of killing you is not fun."


Those who prefer serious team-on-team battles will enjoy our 4v4 PvP mode. It's fast, intense and fully integrated into virtual Chicago. You could see this mode in the 9-minute video presented earlier.


That's right. Players will be able to use different cars to compete on a variety of tracks. And all this in the same virtual Chicago.


For reference: Yes, you can disable the online multiplayer option. If you don't want someone to invade your game and chase you, simply disable the corresponding option in the game menu. But before you do this, be aware that during missions, multiplayer is automatically disabled. "If you pass story mission“This is your mission alone,” says Belanger. And this is not the only case where multiplayer is automatically turned off. If you do something in the game that does not fit well with the invasion of other players, no one will be able to enter your game. We tried to do this that the multiplayer mode will only be active when you are in a suitable position for this and are not busy with something important. And only if these conditions are met, we will allow other players to interfere with your game. Another important aspect of seamless multiplayer. : It adapts to each player individually. Belanger explains: We have a so-called “shield”. And if you are under its influence, then if someone tries to enter your game and hack you, you will be protected. it simply cannot do this. And the less you use the multiplayer capabilities, the longer the shield lasts. If you do not hack other players or participate in something similar, then the game itself will understand that it is necessary to activate the shield. And that's good. The duration of the shield will gradually increase and reach several hours, and all because we are trying to adapt it for the majority of players. There are a ton of players out there, each with their own style of play, so we try to cater to everyone's needs to ensure their experience is complete.

Always Aiden.

One of the most common questions we get asked is: "If I'm Aiden Pearce, and I invade another Aiden Pearce's game... will we both be Aiden Pearce?" The answer is yes, but at the same time, no. (Yes, yes, it sounds a little discouraging) All players will play as Aiden Pearce. And that's okay. So if I'm invading someone's game, I'll still be Aiden Pearce. And even if someone else comes into my game, I will still be Aiden. The same is the case with other players. However, each of us will see the other player as a random NPC. This way, you always remain in your body and can easily distinguish yourself from a bunch of other NPCs. Bélanger explains: Such a system is much simpler than inventing a system with different appearance players. You are Aiden Pearce, and another player in your game looks like an NPC who is trying to hack you. Or vice versa - you are Aiden Pearce, who is trying to hack another player who looks like an NPC. One way or another, the existing system allows us to maintain the illusion of an open world with all its elements and without stereotyped characters.

Reward... and risk.

Seamless multiplayer is entirely focused on Notoriety. To qualify your successes and failures in various modes multiplayer, the game has a Fame rating that goes up and down depending on your actions. Bélanger explains: This is your glory. This is your hacker rank. And if you are hacked, then it falls. As Bélanger says, the Fame rating works like a thermometer. When your rating rises, you gain special skills, i.e. Seamless multiplayer is not just entertainment, it is also profitable. The game even has a special skill tree that levels up as your Renown rating increases. Belanger also noted that for most players, gaining skills through the experience of seamless multiplayer should be easy to achieve: We don't want it to be difficult or tedious. Our goal was to create something cool and dynamic with a certain amount of risk. But this should not irritate or frustrate players. As a player masters the more advanced aspects of multiplayer, Renown rating becomes a truly important parameter. Belanger explains: The more you practice and progress further, fame becomes a kind of honor roll. You can hack a player and this will move him lower in the overall standings. This will encourage players to compete in a way to earn Renown and rise above everyone else.

Be freer.

Along with fully integrated, seamless multiplayer, Watch Dogs will allow other people to compete using a second screen. The companion app will allow players to feel inside the ctOS system, and take control of the city to try to stop Aiden Pearce with the help of hacking and the cops (police helicopter included). This kind of competition will bring a lot of fun to both players, and the application is absolutely free - you don't even have to buy the game itself, just download and enjoy. If the application is not synced with your game profile, then it will still have the opportunity to develop: players will be able to increase their Fame rating, gain experience, money and develop skills available in the mobile application. On top of that, Watch Dogs includes a “free” player interaction mode mobile device, which Belanger describes as a kind of "bonus" rather than a full-fledged mode: We give an entire city to two players where they can do whatever they want. No restrictions. You can get together with your friends and have a blast in virtual Chicago, where all possible hacks will be available to you, in general, the city and the ctOS system are at your complete disposal.

Advanced hacker.

Seamless multiplayer will give you a lot of fun, but how you play is entirely your choice. Bélanger explains: You can be offline and still enjoy some truly fun open-world action in Watch Dogs. This approach gives you choice. As is the case with mobile application companion. If you are online, then even more gameplay is available to you. Having experienced several online modes, I can confidently say that seamless multiplayer is a natural component of Watch Dogs, fully integrated into its world. Moreover, this element of gameplay creates a choice - I can either defend myself from the invasion of other players, or I can invade someone else’s game in order to hack my opponent. And this is one of the main features of seamless multiplayer. Belanger reports, summing up: Anyone can invade your game and hack you. In my opinion, if someone has invaded your game, then it is a matter of honor to fight back the intruder. Someone has broken into your game and you want to find him. It's like survival. Aiden Pearce is an advanced hacker and has everything in his arsenal to achieve this goal, but as a player, if you don't live with the feeling that someone is watching you, then the puzzle is missing a piece.

There is already a little less than a month left before the game's release, and the developers, in turn, are baiting ardent fans of the yet-to-be-released game with a huge amount of information. But we don’t really know anything about multiplayer except "You can hack the enemy while he's not looking".What's in it?...

Like robots, every Ubisoft Montreal employee says - "This is not multiplayer, but seamless online"- and they are certainly right.
It will not contain statistics tables, because... it is not shared with single player. This is integrated gameplay in your version of Chicago.

Danny Belanger, the game's lead designer, explained:
"We don't talk about these components separately (multiplayer and single player). It's completely online. It's seamless. You just continue your game. This aspect is very important because otherwise we would be interfering with the gaming experience. All game modes should feel like a cohesive whole."

We saw animation director Colin Graham about what exactly the multiplayer is and what it looks like.
Well, let's get to the fun part, namely, let's talk about specific game modes.


This is the painfully famous 4v4 PVP shootout. You can see this mode in the video just above. Team fight with the goal of capturing an extremely important file and decrypting it. Only old men go into battle using any means, be it retractable armored “shields”, lifts, gates. In general, everything that is somehow related to electronics. You can take a closer look at this mode in the video above.


This is the most famous network mode, announced after the announcement and unlike any other. Because this is absolutely new mode, players immediately had a lot of questions regarding him. Let's do everything in order.

Stalking involves invading someone else's single player game, after which you can watch and follow "Aiden 2". The main task is to get important information and run away. Or at least get information. Or at least escape. During a hack, the person being hacked will see and hear a hysterical siren alert and the hacking process.

The other player will immediately start rushing around the current location in search of the hacker. Once the hacker is found, it is necessary to neutralize him, after which the hacking will be stopped immediately. And if he managed to hide and go into his own game, you can join him and take revenge.

As the developers explain, both modes (surveillance and invasion) are designed to maintain a neutral-positive dynamic between the two players. After all, if a player invades your game simply to kill you, then there will be little interest. Moreover, taking into account that we will not know the enemy by sight.

Here, I think, everything is clear. We race, we push, we arrive to the finish line first. Obviously, there will be the possibility of interaction with the city to prevent rivals from getting there.

Disconnecting from the network

As I said, there were questions, there was panic. If you are a simple farmer and philanthropist, and do not want to be hacked or persecuted, then at any time you can block other players’ access to your game. But I also want to note for reference that during the plot and side quests, this option is disabled automatically.

But that’s not all, multiplayer will adapt to each player:
“We have a kind of “shield”. If someone gets into your game and tries to hack you, then this does not happen. The shield is triggered. The less you play in multiplayer, the longer your protection lasts. If you do not hack other players and Don't go for that type of gameplay, the game will recognize it and acknowledge it."

In other words, if you are an aggressive player, then you will not have protection against hacking. If it is peaceful, it will be.

Are Aidens everywhere?

I am sure that many have wondered: “Will everyone really be Aiden? How will I play the role of a cool-hacker if I can be seen among one hundred and one zebras?”
I hasten to reassure you. In your game, you always play as Aiden. And in general, everyone plays for Aiden. But if you break into a person’s game, then to him you will look like an NPC with a random appearance. And no, there won't be a giant arrow above you saying "DUDE IT'S NOT AIDEN, DON'T LOOK HERE." Everything is done discreetly for maximum interest. You can only identify the enemy using a smartphone.

Rewards and Risks

Multiplayer is completely focused on fame (reputation). It will increase or decrease depending on your successes/defeats in various modes, and for greater interest there will be a rating.

"This is your glory. This is your hacker rank. And if you are hacked, then it goes down".

As Danny explained the significance of the table:
"The more you play online, the more fame you get. The ranking is like a leaderboard. You can hack another player, and that will move them up in the overall standings. This will encourage players to compete in a way to earn fame and rise above everyone else."

With a tablet in hand

Along with online multiplayer, people have the opportunity to interact with us through a "second screen" - a tablet application. In it, we are assigned the role of an agent who has access to all the electronics of the city and must stop Aiden-2.

For example, another player, from a portable device, will offer you a mini-game (namely, he will offer you, you can refuse), if you agree, then the chase begins. Another player, controlling ctOS and all the power structures of the city, will interfere with this, in an attempt to stop you.

The application will be available from the moment the game launches, and you can try it completely free, even without purchasing the game itself. Although the application is not synchronized with the account, it will contain reputation, money, and experience points.

And of course, the developers couldn’t stop there, so there will be free mode , familiar to us from GTA 4/5. Players can do whatever they want, mocking the police and residents in every possible way, ctOS will be at your complete disposal.

It looks like we definitely won’t be bored, either in the game itself or in the multiplayer. See you in Chicago!
I remind you that the release will take place already May 27th on all current gaming platforms(PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Wii U). For now, there is a 20% discount on pre-orders, however,

About Watch_Dogs multiplayer

About Watch_Dogs multiplayer

Watch_Dogs- good game. However, to experience it, you had to buy a license and fight through several dozen hours of gameplay. There are many mistakes in the game, and now we are not talking about bugs, lags and their derivatives, but about the mistakes of the person who was responsible for the logic of what was happening in the game. Perhaps the testers are also to blame for this, but nevertheless, I curse Ubisoft for the most inconvenient music player in the world. Anyone who has already played an impressive number of hours knows that it is almost impossible to listen to a song in a game from beginning to end - at any opportunity they will change it or start over. And if the song is interrupted, then the next time you start the music starts playing from the very first song in the track list. And this is terribly infuriating, because even when you already begin to enjoy this game, Ubisoft still does everything to make you write angry reviews.

In fact, it was worth guessing right away that Watch_Dogs- This is a dish with an aftertaste. When you stop paying attention to the same mistakes; when you get used to management and its problems; when you get used to the physics of cars; and finally, when late at night you lay your head on the pillow and you have those precious ten to fifteen minutes to think about the events of the day - it is at that moment that you realize that Watch_Dogs- good game.

Now, actually, about why " we are gathered here today". Multiplayer mode Watch_Dogs should have turned out to be quite a rare and valuable gem among other games. However, other problems and problems have turned too many people away from the game, and the insignificant online is doing its dirty work. This is echoed, as usual, by a poorly designed player selection system.

The mode itself is a development of the single-player campaign and is often heavily intertwined with the plot. The fact is that it is implied that in parallel with Aiden, there are many more “such” hackers operating in Chicago who constantly cross each other’s paths or are hired for work.

You can just walk down the street, hacking passers-by, and suddenly hack a bait person or just a serious guy who realizes that he has been hacked and immediately calls, for example, the Bloom Corporation, where they are on you, like in the good old days." Wild Wild West“Times will put up a sign saying “wanted: dead or alive.” But this is a saying, no one really bothers you to just start searching for a player with a suitable game mode through the same phone. Watch_Dogs five: network decryption, network surveillance, network hacking, free mode and CtOs mobile.

Imagine my surprise when I tried to pull the driver, an elderly lady of about seventy, out of the car with the goal of stealing it (the car), and the granny instead turned on the gas all the way and sped off into the distance, knocking down pedestrians. This is how I first became acquainted with the regime" Network surveillance", the goal of which was myself. Later, having been on both sides of the barricades, I can call this mode one of the most interesting, because pretending to be a computer dummy and standing at a traffic light when the victim leaves is very difficult.

More drive, of course, in "mode" Network hacking", and sometimes for both sides. The task of one player here is to hide from the other, while being within strictly defined boundaries. This, by the way, only applies to the horizontal. Most often, the enemy you are looking for, while precious percentages of your “personal information” are leaking, turns out to be not at all where you expected it to be - it may be in one of the cars parked in the parking lot, somewhere deep underground, and you may not even suspect that there is a parking lot - it won’t be shown on the map. But how funny they run away, when their detection becomes obvious, you cannot shoot at the person being hacked, you can only run away, and after hiding you can continue the hacking or even go into “your reality”, back to your native and safe Chicago, with a penny of experience, but a whole skin for such guys. Personally, there are always a couple of grenade launcher charges.

Both of these modes are valued for being unexpected. The victim-player is always made aware that something is happening already when it begins to happen, so all that remains is to act.

Another mode is a timed race against control points for one player and countering him with the help of CtOs of another player. My favorite mode, the most frequent and half the time ending with the phrase " player XXX left", which means that the last few minutes are wasted, because in this case no experience is given. The problem for the second player most likely lies in the fact that he is forced to start his own mode ctOS mobile, which, as you might have guessed, is a smartphone application - the player sees global map Chicago, which displays the driver’s icon and absolutely all possible systems for hacking - traffic lights, spikes, police fencing, bridges. The driver's task is to pass all the points in time. The task of the opponent is to interfere with the driver, using all available possibilities.

In practice, over several dozen races, when at least someone really opposed me, no one could stop me. Detain too. All danger points are predicted by themselves, because "our" Aiden He also sees them and can even use them so that the enemy cannot. The most dangerous moment is if the bridge is raised, but there is so much time that it is quite possible to get to another bridge and return to the route.

About Watch_Dogs multiplayer

About Watch_Dogs multiplayer

Network decryption- the most boring mode. It can be called banal Capture the Flag with four players on either side. The entire set of hacker gadgets is retained, but at first only three sets of weapons are available to all players to choose from - scout, soldier and sniper. Rough but accurate estimate. As you level up, three more sets of weapons will open. The goal of the game mode is to capture “information” within a strictly defined territory of a specific part of Chicago and hold it until decryption reaches one hundred percent. In this case, four of you can drive around the arena in one car and shoot back at your pursuers. BUT! the game itself immediately turns into chaos and promising moments never arise in it. Once you take an advantageous position, the enemy's spawn point will be right behind you. In general, boring four-by-four shooting games. Some people might like it, I didn't.

The last mode is an absolutely banal racing game for eight players. Ordinary Need For Speed. Drive a few laps and be the first to arrive. And if you don’t have time, while the score is being calculated, get out of the car and destroy all the other opponents. There is nitro.

Like the single-player game, the multiplayer ultimately feels a little undercooked. Hacking and spying on players look very promising, but even they are essentially a transfer of similar modes from the already boring “killer saga”. All other modes generally seem like entertainment for a couple of times. Only mode with checkpoints and its mobile version They look like some kind of original and interesting idea, but they also ended up stuck in implementation. Such things.

Last modified:

End of May 2014... Released new game Watch Dogs. This is one of the most anticipated games in 2014. And the most interesting thing about this game is the multiplayer. The game is somewhat reminiscent of GTA. So, below we will describe all the existing working methods on how to play this game online for free or cheap. Information will be updated as new ways to play Watch Dogs online become available.

First, we need one of 2 clients in which we will play Steam and Uplay. For this game I recommend the Uplay client, since the game was released by Ubisoft Corporation, and Uplay is their official client.

(61 Mb)

(1 Mb)

We install the client we need, create an account there and log into it.

The first method is how to play Watch Dogs online (purchase of an activation key)

We buy a license key with a 100% performance guarantee and cheaper than the official one using the following links:

Buy a Watch Dogs key(499 rubles Uplay) - verified seller

In the upper right corner of the Uplay client, find the gear icon and click on it. Select "Activate Product" from the drop-down menu.
Enter the product code that was sent to you by email after purchase.
The game will appear in your Uplay library where you can download, install and play it.

The same is done for Steam. Now you can play online without any problems.

The second method is how to play Watch Dogs online (buying a cheap account)

If you don't have much money, but still want to play Watch Dogs online for free. You can get away with little loss and buy an account with this game. An account is on average 3-10 times cheaper than an activation key.

|| Buy an account (39 rubles - Uplay) - verified seller

|| For those who don’t know how to buy accounts + how not to become a sucker, read .

You will receive your Uplay or Steam login information by email. Login, download, install, play.

The third way is how to play Watch Dogs online (for free)

This method is not yet available, but if such a method becomes available it will be published here.

If you don’t have money, then play offline for free. To do this, download the ready-made repack and install it.

(13 Gb Repack Cracked)

If you agree to work on the Internet and earn money for your account, then open and read the information! This game requires only 49 rubles, you can earn it in an hour or two of work and then enjoy the game!

About Watch Dogs multiplayer:

Watch Dogs is inspired by the idea of ​​hyperconnectivity, you are online always and everywhere. Even if you don’t plan to play with someone online, they will still be connected. The implementation of this idea is currently being actively tested and we are already completely satisfied with the result. Players will interact with each other more often than in other games with open world. Our idea is to create control, and several players can take control of the entire Chicago by managing its surveillance systems, public transport, traffic and much more. So if you're capable of doing something big, ask yourself, can Aiden Pearce do it? Will another player online be able to do something unimaginable at the same time as you? Of course! - said Jonathan Morin, creative director of Ubisoft.

Video network game Watch Dogs / Instructions

Watch_Dogs- good game. However, to experience it, you had to buy a license and fight through several dozen hours of gameplay. There are many mistakes in the game, and now we are not talking about bugs, lags and their derivatives, but about the mistakes of the person who was responsible for the logic of what was happening in the game. Perhaps the testers are also to blame for this, but nevertheless, I curse Ubisoft for the most inconvenient music player in the world. Anyone who has already played an impressive number of hours knows that it is almost impossible to listen to a song in a game from beginning to end - at any opportunity they will change it or start over. And if the song is interrupted, then the next time you start the music starts playing from the very first song in the track list. And this is terribly infuriating, because even when you already begin to enjoy this game, Ubisoft still does everything to make you write angry reviews.

In fact, it was worth guessing right away that Watch_Dogs- This is a dish with an aftertaste. When you stop paying attention to the same mistakes; when you get used to management and its problems; when you get used to the physics of cars; and finally, when late at night you lay your head on the pillow and you have those precious ten to fifteen minutes to think about the events of the day - it is at that moment that you realize that Watch_Dogsgood game.

But this is what I add to my words here: "While the gods watch, the dogs watch"

Now, actually, about why " we are gathered here today". Multiplayer mode Watch_Dogs should have turned out to be quite a rare and valuable gem among other games. However, other problems and problems have turned too many people away from the game, and the insignificant online is doing its dirty work. This is echoed, as usual, by a poorly designed player selection system.

The mode itself is a development of the single-player campaign and is often heavily intertwined with the plot. The fact is that it is implied that in parallel with Aiden, there are many more “such” hackers operating in Chicago who constantly cross each other’s paths or are hired for work.

You can just walk down the street, hacking passers-by, and suddenly hack a bait person or just a serious guy who realizes that he has been hacked and immediately calls, for example, the Bloom Corporation, where they are on you, like in the good old “Wild West” times will put up a "wanted" sign: dead or alive. But this is a saying, no one actually bothers you to simply start searching for a player with a suitable game mode through the same phone. A modes in Watch_Dogs five: network decryption, network surveillance, network hacking, free mode and CtOs mobile.

Imagine my surprise when I tried to pull the driver, an elderly lady of about seventy, out of the car with the goal of stealing it (the car), and the granny instead turned on the gas all the way and sped off into the distance, knocking down pedestrians. This is how I first became acquainted with the regime" Network surveillance", the goal of which was myself. Later, having been on both sides of the barricades, I can call this mode one of the most interesting, because pretending to be a computer dummy and standing at a traffic light when the victim leaves is very difficult.

More drive, of course, in "mode" Network hacking", and sometimes for both sides. The task of one player here is to hide from the other, while being within strictly defined boundaries. This, by the way, only applies to the horizontal. Most often, the enemy you are looking for, while precious percentages of your “personal information” are leaking, turns out to be not at all where you expected it to be - it may be in one of the cars parked in the parking lot, somewhere deep underground, and you may not even suspect that there is a parking lot - it won’t be shown on the map. But how funny they run away, when their detection becomes obvious, you cannot shoot at the person being hacked, you can only run away, and after hiding you can continue the hacking or even go into “your reality”, back to your native and safe Chicago, with a penny of experience, but a whole skin for such guys. Personally, there are always a couple of grenade launcher charges.

Both of these modes are valued for being unexpected. The victim-player is always made aware that something is happening already when it begins to happen, so all that remains is to act.

Another mode is a timed race against control points for one player and countering him with the help of CtOs of another player. My favorite mode, the most frequent and half the time ending with the phrase " player XXX left", which means that the last few minutes are wasted, because in this case no experience is given. The problem for the second player most likely lies in the fact that he is forced to start his own mode ctOS mobile, which, as you might have guessed, is a smartphone application - the player sees a global map Chicago, which displays the driver’s icon and absolutely all possible systems for hacking - traffic lights, spikes, police fencing, bridges. The driver's task is to pass all the points in time. The task of the opponent is to interfere with the driver, using all available possibilities.

In practice, over several dozen races, when at least someone really opposed me, no one could stop me. Detain too. All danger points are predicted by themselves, because "our" Aiden He also sees them and can even use them so that the enemy cannot. The most dangerous moment is if the bridge is raised, but there is so much time that it is quite possible to get to another bridge and return to the route.

Network decryption- the most boring mode. It can be called banal Capture the Flag with four players on either side. The entire set of hacking gadgets is retained, but all players have only three sets of weapons to choose from - scout, soldier and sniper. Rough but accurate estimate. The goal of the game mode is to capture “information” within a strictly defined territory of a specific part of Chicago and hold it until decryption reaches one hundred percent. In this case, four of you can drive around the arena in one car and shoot back at your pursuers. BUT! the game itself immediately turns into chaos and promising moments never arise in it. Once you take an advantageous position, the enemy's spawn point will be right behind you. In general, boring four-by-four shooting games. Some people might like it, I didn't.

The last mode is an absolutely banal racing game for eight players. Regular NFS. Drive a few laps and be the first to arrive. And if you don’t have time, while the score is being calculated, get out of the car and destroy all the other opponents. There is nitro.

Like the single-player game, the multiplayer ultimately feels a little undercooked. Hacking and spying on players look very promising, but even they are essentially a transfer of similar modes from the already boring “killer saga”. All other modes generally seem like entertainment for a couple of times. Only the mode with checkpoints and its mobile version look like some kind of original and interesting idea, but they also eventually ran into implementation. Such things.
