The role of computer games in human activity. Start in science Practical significance of the research

The processes of computerization in our country since the 90s of the last century have occurred very rapidly, which led to the development of various forms of interaction with the computer, in particular, users’ passion for computer games. For some individuals, this interaction has acquired forms similar in content to psychological addiction. Since the computer industry will probably only develop in the future, and computer technologies will become more and more accessible to the general population, we believe that the problem will become more pronounced over time. more and more acute.

A significant number of people who may be characterized by varying degrees of dependence on computer games are schoolchildren. According to the observations of teachers and parents, this causes significant problems associated with the successful socialization of children, physical and even mental health. In the traditional theory of gaming behavior, computer games are not identified as an independent phenomenon, since this phenomenon does not have much history. A computer game is a free activity that a person turns to at his own free will; the game occurs subject to the presence of interest; if this condition is not present, then the person can simply stop playing. In most cases, isolation is typical if the game is not online. A computer game, just like a regular one, is not an independent reality; the player is aware of the unreality of what is happening. Play is limited by place, space and time. At this point, the computer game is somewhat different from the traditional one, because the wide visual capabilities of the game make its space a product of mental activity not of the player, but of the developer who comes up with the rules of the game. The place of the game is gradually losing its significance. Game time has a similar meaning to time in a traditional game. The played computer game is stored in memory as a fact and can be repeated if desired, if the original conditions of the game are restored. In a computer game, it is also necessary to follow the rules, which is included in its algorithm.

Naturally, according to the classification, computer games differ somewhat from real ones, although some common points can be found. Specially created programs can replace role-playing games for children, setting the conditions of the plot and giving them the right to choose any role. Elements of an objective-manipulative game are characteristic of simulation games and training programs, for example for pilots, which simulate flight and, in fact, can also be classified as games. The pilot always reserves the right to make a mistake, because it will only entail a suspended sentence. However, such simulators perform the same function as object-based manipulative games: they help consolidate skills. Computer equivalents of many board and educational games are widespread.

In principle, all computer games are games with rules, and all real objects in computer games are replaced by symbols, which become more and more realistic with the development of technology. I would like to note one important difference between computer games and real ones: in a real game, the participants themselves come up with the conditions of the game, interact with each other, can change their behavior during the game, which allows them to think more flexibly, and develop communication skills. Virtual games reduce these possibilities to a certain extent, since the game usually has a developer who puts into it a certain algorithm, which does not change radically during the game. The different influence of computer games on the individual’s psyche is also explained by the special techniques that computer game developers usually use. So, for example, the view from the eyes of a computer hero provokes identification with the character, and a person may lose touch with real life, in contrast to the view from the outside of his computer hero, which is characterized by a lesser degree of entry into the role. An interesting feature, in our opinion, is the “life-death” paradigm in the gaming space. On the one hand, feelings about the death of the hero with whom the individual identifies himself in the game are quite strong, on the other hand, there is reason to assume that children and adolescents (whose ideas about death are already relatively immature) will partly transfer ideas about the possibility of having several “lives” and, as a last resort, “download” a new game from virtual reality into ordinary life. Comparing the phenomenon under study with traditionally identified forms of addiction, we relied on the definition of addictive behavior as the desire to change one’s mental state by taking certain substances or fixating attention on certain objects or activities. Apparently, the latter occurs when developing an addiction to computer games. Fans of electronic games are mainly teenagers and young people. One of the features of modern computer games is developed sound and video, which can create a sense of reality and temporarily remove the user from the perception of the world around him. Many electronic games involve not only solving logical problems, but also a certain emotional load, which, in fact, underlies most cases of pathological attachment to games. Electronic games differ significantly in genre and content. The least dangerous are the so-called arcade games, with simple graphics and sound. These games, as a rule, “kill time”; they cannot evoke long-term affection.

Another thing is role-playing games, during which the player “reincarnates” into the hero he controls and is immersed in his world. In such games, the sense of reality can be very great and hold the player’s attention for a long time. The greatest danger is posed by “shooters”, which are characterized by a very primitive plot based on violence. Such games can negatively affect the child’s psyche and cause excessive aggressiveness. Games are different. For example, the Windows operating system includes a standard set of games - usually solitaire. They can be good for relaxing and switching, if you have to work at the computer for a long time, they train thinking and attention. From the same series there are puzzle games, games for speed of reaction, for example, computer table tennis. Strategy games assume that the player controls the entire computer world - builds houses, conquers territories, extracts, for example, oil and gold. There is a type of computer game called "Quest". The point is that the hero finds himself in some difficult, confusing situation, or receives some kind of task, he has an adventure ahead of him. The player's task is to solve the mysteries and puzzles that accompany the adventure. Such games, as a rule, do not contain scenes of violence. They can be good because they develop spatial thinking and memory. Such games can be based on real historical events - for example, the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, great wars. So, with the right approach, such games can awaken interest in history and give you the opportunity to feel like a participant in events that took place a long time ago. The negative aspect of such games can be called the emerging illusion of omnipotence and the danger of escaping reality into a virtual illusory world. In addition, almost all computer games have this feature: at a certain stage of the game you can save, so that in case of failure (for example, the death of a hero), you can go back and start over. In real life there is no such possibility, but children, unfortunately, do not understand this - that we live without a draft, and sometimes what is done cannot be corrected. The situation is worse with various “shooters”. The view on the screen usually corresponds to the view from one’s own eyes, that is, the player not only sees the hero, but turns into him. At the same time, his task is to destroy as many enemies as possible. In such games, scenes of violence can really be destructive to the child's psyche, provoking children to aggressive behavior in real life. With the modern level of graphics, the blood on the screen after the hero is shot can seem quite real. The task of parents is to definitely prevent the child from developing such games.

Psychologists distinguish the following classification of computer games according to the degree of danger:

  • 1. Role-playing computer games. They provide the most opportunities for realizing the need to accept a role and escape from reality. Their main feature is the greatest influence on the psyche of the player, the greatest depth of “entry” into the game, as well as the motivation of gaming activity, based on the needs of accepting a role and escaping reality. Here, three subtypes are distinguished mainly by the nature of their influence on the player, the strength of “dragment” into the game, and the degree of “depth” of psychological dependence.
  • 1. Games with a view “from the eyes” of a computer hero. This type of games is characterized by the greatest strength of “dragging” or “entering” into the game. The specificity here is that the view “from the eyes” provokes the player to fully identify with the computer character, to fully enter into the role. After a few minutes of play (the time varies depending on the individual psychological characteristics and gaming experience of the player), a person begins to lose touch with real life, completely concentrating on the game, transferring himself to the virtual world. The player can take the virtual world completely seriously and considers the actions of his hero to be his own. A person becomes motivated to be involved in the plot of the game.
  • 2. Games with an outside view of “your” computer hero. Sometimes they are called "quests". This type of games is characterized by less strength in entering the role compared to the previous one. The player sees “himself” from the outside, controlling the actions of this hero. Identifying oneself with a computer character is less pronounced, as a result of which motivational involvement and emotional manifestations are also less pronounced compared to games with a view from the eyes. If in the case of the latter, a person in the critical seconds of the life of his hero can turn pale and fidget in his chair, trying to dodge the blows or shots of computer “enemies”, then in the case of an external view, external manifestations are more moderate, but failures or death of “oneself” in the guise of a computer the hero is experienced no less strongly by the player.
  • 3. Strategy games. They are also “managerial”: The type is so named because in these games the player is given the right to direct the activities of the computer characters subordinate to him. In this case, the player can act as a leader of various specifications: the commander of a special forces detachment, the commander-in-chief of armies, the head of state, even a “god” who leads the historical process. In this case, the person does not see his computer hero on the screen, but invents a role for himself. This is the only class of role-playing games where the role is not given specifically, but is imagined by the player. As a result of this, the “depth of immersion” into the game and one’s role will be significant only for people with a good imagination. However, motivational involvement in the game process and the mechanism for the formation of psychological dependence on the game are no less strong than in the case of other role-playing games. Focusing on the preferences of the player on games of this type can be used in diagnostics, considering them as compensation for the need for dominance and power. The player can act as a special forces commander, commander-in-chief of armies, or even the Creator. The role is not given specifically, but is imagined by the player himself, and there is no actual hero on the screen. People endowed with good imagination have a better chance of immersing themselves in such a game. Many researchers write that such games develop systems thinking, others believe that players who prefer this particular type thus realize their need for dominance and power.

II. Not role-playing computer games. The basis for distinguishing this type is that the player does not take on the role of a computer character, as a result of which the psychological mechanisms of addiction formation and the influence of games on a person’s personality have their own specifics and are generally less strong. The motivation for gaming activity is based on the excitement of “passing” and (or) gaining points. There are several subtypes: addiction computer game dependence

  • 1. Arcade games. This type coincides with the analogous one in the genre classification. Such games are also called “console games”, because, due to their low demands on computer resources, they are widespread on game consoles. The plot is usually weak and linear. All the player needs to do is move quickly, shoot and collect various prizes while driving a computer character or vehicle. In most cases, these games are very harmless in terms of influencing the personality of the player, because Psychological dependence on them is most often short-term.
  • 2. Puzzles. This type of games includes computer versions of various board games (chess, checkers, backgammon, etc.), as well as various kinds of puzzles implemented in the form of computer programs. Motivation based on passion is associated here with the desire to beat the computer, to prove one’s superiority over the machine.
  • 3. Games for speed of reaction. This includes all games in which the player needs to show dexterity and quick reaction. The difference from arcade games is that they have no plot at all and, as a rule, are completely abstract and have no connection with real life. Motivation based on passion, the need to “pass” the game, to score more points, can form a completely stable psychological dependence of a person on this type of game.
  • 4. Traditional gambling. We use the word “traditional” in the name, since the type cannot be called simply “gambling”, because Almost all non-role-playing computer games are gambling in nature. This includes computer versions of card games, roulettes, slot machine simulators, in a word - computer versions of the casino gaming repertoire. The psychological aspects of the formation of addiction to these computer games and their real analogues are very similar and, therefore, we will not focus on this.

So, role-playing computer games to the greatest extent allow a person to “enter” virtuality, detach (at least for the duration of the game) from reality and get into the virtual world. As a result, role-playing computer games have a significant impact on a person’s personality: by solving the problems of “saving humanity” in the virtual world, a person acquires problems in real life. The psychological classification of computer games, which is based on the division of the latter into role-playing and non-role-playing games, will help us discard the insignificant influence of non-role-playing games and focus on the most interesting child of computer technology from a psychological point of view - role-playing computer games.

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Computer games have firmly entered our lives, taking an honorable place as a leader among the many ways to organize children's recreation. Virtual reality attracts with its limitless possibilities, and every year the computer industry presents gamers with more and more new games that are not easy to refuse.

However, the Internet and the media are full of information about the harmful effects of computer games on human health, and experts argue about the dangers of computer addiction. And parents often tell us that computer games are useless and harmful; computer toys take up a lot of precious time and distract from studying and communicating with peers.

I play a lot and with passion. I always want to get acquainted with new games. In my opinion, this is very interesting, develops memory, and takes up free time. And my classmates in the questionnaire I proposed to the question: do you play computer games, answered 70% “yes”. And how can one not ask the question: “What importance do computer games have on the life of a schoolchild?”

Target: study the role of computer games in the life of a schoolchild


    study the available literature on this issue;

    conduct a survey among 5th grade students to identify interest in computer games;

    process and analyze the survey results;

    familiarize students with the results of the survey in order to increase awareness and knowledge on this issue;

Object research: computer games

Item research: computer games in the life of a schoolchild

Hypothesis: Computer games are good, but in moderation.

Novelty of the research work is that I wanted to learn as much as possible about computer games; understand why they are especially harmful and whether they can be useful; What should computer game lovers take into account?

Practical significance of the study:

    conducting classroom hours for 5th graders on the topic: “Computer games - good or bad?”;

    Distribute a memo with a set of exercises for the eyes and neck muscles among computer game lovers.

Research methods:

1. theoretical (study of literary sources, Internet resources);

2. survey method (questioning of 5th grade schoolchildren)

The research work is presented in two parts.

In the first theoretical part of the work, information about the concept of “computer games” is collected, a classification of computer games by genre is given, and a description of the mode of computer games is given.

The second part presents the results of a practical study on the study of computer games in the life of a schoolchild; an analysis of the benefits and harms of computer games is given; An example of health-saving technology “A set of gymnastics exercises for the eyes” is given.

    World of computer games

    1. Computer games

A computer game (sometimes the ambiguous term video game is used) is a computer program that serves to organize the game process (gameplay), communicate with game partners, or itself acts as a partner.

A game is a type of unproductive activity, the motive of which lies not in its results, but in the process itself.

A.M. Novikov highlights the following features of the game:

    Every game is, first of all, a free activity. A child or animal plays because they enjoy the game, and this is their freedom;

    The game is not “ordinary” life and life as such. It is rather a way out of the framework of this life into a temporary sphere of activity;

    The game is isolated from “ordinary” life by its location and duration;

    One of the features of the game is the presence of the phenomenon of “flirting”, when a child or an adult cannot escape from the “captivity” of the game;

    The game generates gaming associations among people. The feeling that unites game partners is that they are in some kind of exceptional position, that they are doing something important together, that together they are isolated from others, that they are going beyond the general norms of life - this feeling retains its strength far beyond the game time. Novikov A.M. Pedagogy.

Computer games can be created based on films and books; there are also the opposite cases. Since 2011, computer games have been officially recognized as a separate art form in the United States.

1.2. Classification of computer games by genre

The genre is determined by the purpose of the game. The following genres are distinguished:

Sandbox - has developed functions of a construction game or character manipulation (in games with strategic or social elements). The player can design, test and play levels and missions. A sandbox may not set any specific goals for the player, making his only task to stay or survive in the game world and explore it.

An adventure game is a game that has a full-fledged literary plot, and the player himself reveals all the twists and turns of this plot during the game. Minecraft: Story Mode is a story-oriented graphical adventure video game based on the sandbox video game Minecraft. Assassin’sCreed (from English - “Assassin’s Creed”) is a series of multi-platform computer games in the action-adventure genre, an atmospheric folk band based in California.

Action - a game consisting mainly of combat scenes, fights and shootouts. Action games are divided into: Shooter (English shooter - shooter) - a genre of computer games. Counter-Strike (from the English - “Counterstrike”; abbreviated CS or KS) - a series of computer games in the genre of a team first-person shooter hand-to-hand combat of a small number of characters within a limited space called an arena. MortalKombat from English. MortalCombat is a series of fighting video games.

Survivalhorror (roughly Russian: survival in a nightmare) is a genre of computer games, characterized by an emphasis on the survival of the game character and the escalation, like horror literature and horror films, of an atmosphere of fear and anxiety. Five Nightsat Freddy’s (Russian: Five Nights at Freddy’s) is a multi-platform game in the indie point-and-click (Russian “point and click”) and survival horror genres (roughly Russian “survival in a nightmare”)

Stealth action (eng. Stealthaction - Russian literally: “Hidden action”) is a genre of computer games in which the player is required to move unnoticed, hide, stealthily and quietly kill enemies, and avoid detection in order to complete a mission. Hitman (Russian assassin) is a series of computer games in the stealth action genre, available on many modern platforms.

Role-playing game (RPG - English RolePlayingGame) is a game, the distinctive feature of which is that the characters have certain skills and characteristics that can be acquired and subsequently developed by performing any actions. This genre also includes multiplayer role-playing games (MMORPGs), which, unlike single-player games, have neither an ultimate goal nor a complete plot. Allout (from English - radioactive fallout) is a computer role-playing game, which takes place in a world that has survived a nuclear war. DragonAge: Origins (Russian: Age of the Dragon: Beginning) is a computer role-playing game.

Strategy game (Strategy) is a game that represents the management of large-scale processes, such as building cities, running a business, commanding an army, etc. The gameplay can take place both in real time (RTS - realtimestrategy) and in step-by-step mode (TBS - turnbasedstrategy). StarCraft (English: starcraft - literally “star craft”, sometimes translated as “star art”) is a computer game in the real-time strategy genre. Niverse At War: Earth Assault (Russian: Universe in War: Earth Assault) is a real-time strategy from PetroglyphGames and Sega.

A computer simulator is a game that completely imitates some area of ​​real life, for example, simulating control of a racing car or airplane. GoatSimulator (Russian Goat Simulator) is a video game. The player controls a goat whose goal is to cause the greatest damage to the surrounding world. SurgeonSimulator 2013 (Russian Surgeon Simulator) is a first-person game. Using the mouse you can control the character's hand.

Puzzle is a game that consists entirely or more than half of solving various logical problems and puzzles. Portal is a first-person puzzle computer game developed by Valve Corporation. Braid (Russian: “intricacy”) is a puzzle platformer video game. The mysterious story underlying the plot tells how the main character, Tim, tries to save the princess from the monster.

An educational game is a game that includes elements of educational programs that are presented through the gameplay itself and, due to increased interest in them due to the unusual surroundings, are subsequently well remembered. Sonic’sSchoolhouse is an educational game in the SonictheHedgehog series, created for personal computers. The game Sonic'sSchoolhouse is divided into three modes, or rather, consists of a number of small games related to mathematics, reading and spelling. Tails and the Music Maker (Russian: Tails and the Music Maker) players can control Tails using buttons. Using the stylus, you need to click on various points on each page, thereby activating mini-games.

1.3. Computer game modes

Single-player game, single game or single player (English singleplayer, from the words single - one and player - player) - in computer games, a type of game in which one person takes part.

Typically the goals for a single player game are:

    Confrontation with gaming artificial intelligence.

    Movement towards the final goal of the game (passing).

    Accumulating points or improving skills (character leveling).

Often these goals are combined.

The opposite of a single-player game is a multiplayer game, or multiplayer. Many games offer a choice between single-player and multiplayer modes, or both are available together.

Most often, single-player games are quests, Japanese role-playing games and economic strategies, some simulators or games with a maximally enhanced plot component, where the presence of a second player leads to absurdity (for example, it will lead to duplication of the only character available for use by players, with a parallel assertion of its uniqueness etc.)

Online games are games in which the game is played only with other people over the Internet. The word online covers everything that can be done while on the Internet. In contrast, there is the term Offline (not online), which characterizes what can be done in real life. Online mode. Many computer programs (and applications for mobile phones and tablets) require an Internet connection to perform certain functions. When a program works over the Internet, it is called online work.

2. The influence of computer games on the life of a schoolchild

2.1. Computer games in the life of a schoolchild

To study this topic, a survey was conducted among 100 5th grade students at our school. The students were asked the following questions:

    Do you play computer games?

    How do you think computer games affect people?



    What's your favorite type of computer game? (your own option). For example: racing, horror stories, horror stories, etc.

    Which mode do you prefer?

  1. Single player

    I love everything

    What's your favorite game? (your own option)

The survey showed that 67% play computer games, 25% rarely play, and 8% of 5th grade students do not play games.

55% of students know that computer games have a negative impact on people, 24% think that they have a positive effect, and 21% of schoolchildren answered that games do not affect people in any way.

The most common types of computer games among 5th grade students are strategies - 44 people, shooters (shooting games) - 32 people, horror (horror stories) - 21 people, other types (simulator, sims, I don’t play) - 3 people.

44% of guys prefer to play online, 12% choose single-player games and 42% like to play in any mode.

Among fifth-graders' favorite games, the sandbox "Minecraft" is in first place - 42 people, the shooter "Conter-Strike" is in second place - 33 people, the strategy "World of tanks" is in third place - 12 people, 10 people play the shooter "Warface", the rest 8 people prefer to play other games.

After conducting a survey of students and analyzing the results, we came to the following conclusions:

    About 70% of 5th grade students cannot imagine life without computer games;

    45% of my peers do not think about the fact that computer games negatively affect mental and physical health;

    The most common ones are:

    games that involve managing large-scale processes, commanding an army, building cities;

    games consisting mainly of combat scenes, fights and shootouts;

    survival games in a nightmare, horror, atmosphere of fear and anxiety

    Logic and educational games are not widespread.

The distribution of certain computer games is closely related to the preferences of teenagers. The highest ratings are for games that require creativity, dexterity, and communication from the player; games for dexterity and the ability to predict various situations are no less important; fifth-graders also love games with elements of fear.

Having studied the results of the survey, I also studied the issue of the benefits and harms of computer games for schoolchildren

2.2. The benefits and harms of computer games.

1. Escaping reality.

2. Full participation in the role, immersion in virtual reality.

3. The death or defeat of “your” character is experienced almost as if it were your own.

4. Going headlong into the game is accompanied by aggressiveness and bitterness.

5. Games require increased attention, are addictive, and difficult to tear yourself away from.

6. The emergence of gambling addiction.

Gaming addiction is a form of psychological addiction that manifests itself in an obsessive passion for video games and computer games. The formation of addiction is facilitated by situations when the game allows you to solve psychological problems and problems of the player. Thus, games allow you to feel like a different person than in reality; to manifest feelings that a person does not allow himself to openly experience (for example, aggression); cope with anxiety caused by real relationships by going into the virtual world.

7. Harm to health

The greatest harm is caused by strain on vision; myopia may develop. The eyes are directly connected to the brain, so visual fatigue affects the physical condition of the body. Incorrect workplace equipment and spending a long time at the computer cause poor posture. Snacking during games can lead to weight problems.

There are health-saving technologies when working with a computer. For example: “A set of gymnastics exercises for the eyes for students in grades 5-11.”

    Starting position: sitting, leaning back in a chair. Take a deep breath. Bending over, exhale. Repeat 5-6 times.

    Starting position: sitting, leaning back in a chair. Close your eyelids, close your eyes tightly, then open them. Repeat 5-6 times.

    Starting position - sitting, hands on your belt. Turn your head to the right, look at the elbow of your right hand. Return to starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.

    Starting position - sitting. Raise your eyes upward, make circular movements with them clockwise, then counterclockwise. Repeat 5-6 times.

    Starting position - sitting, arms forward. Look at your fingertips, raise your arms up. Inhale. Watch your hands without raising your head. Put your hands down. Exhalation. Repeat 4-5 times.

6. Starting position - sitting. Look straight ahead at the chalkboard for 2-3 seconds, move your gaze to the tip of your nose for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times.

7. Starting position - sitting, eyes closed. Massage your eyelids with the tips of your index fingers for 30 seconds.

    Develops: speed of reaction; fine motor skills of hands; visual perception of objects; memory and attention; logical thinking; hand-eye coordination.

    They teach: classify and generalize; think analytically in a non-standard situation; achieve your goal; improve intellectual skills.


During the study, we managed to achieve our goal. The issue of the impact of computer games on schoolchildren has been deeply studied, rich and popular material on modern computer games has been collected, the effect of the main game genres on schoolchildren has been analyzed, and a guide has been compiled for fans of computer games.

After conducting a survey and studying the results of a survey of 5th grade students, we came to the following conclusions:

    about 70% of 5th grade students cannot imagine life without computer games;

    45% of my peers do not think about the fact that computer games negatively affect mental and physical health;

    44% of schoolchildren are only interested in online games.

After conducting research and studying the literature on the impact of computers on the physical and mental health of schoolchildren, I found out that computer games have a positive effect (they develop memory, thinking, mathematical abilities, make them think, analyze and predict various situations, help navigate the flow of information) , and a negative impact (cause computer addiction), which can lead to mental disorders and the development of gambling syndrome.

If the sanitary and hygienic rules of working at a computer are not followed, physical health suffers - vision, posture worsens, up to curvature of the spine, obesity develops, and headaches and muscle pain appear.

Every schoolchild between the ages of 11 and 12 has tried to play a computer game at least once.

The distribution of certain computer games is closely related to the preferences of teenagers. The highest ratings are for games that require creativity, dexterity, and communication from the player; games for dexterity and the ability to predict various situations are no less important; fifth-graders also love games with elements of fear. Logic and educational games are not widespread.

According to research by psychologists, games with elements of violence, cruelty, murder scenes, and blood have the strongest negative impact on a child’s psyche. Basically, their principle is that you need to reach the final by destroying your opponents.

This leads to aggression in children, cruelty in relationships with peers and teachers. In addition, children tend to transfer into reality everything they see on a monitor or TV screen. And if the hero of the game jumps from a height without breaking, or dies and is resurrected with several lives left, the child can try to repeat this in reality, putting himself in the place of the invulnerable hero.

But the positive influence of computer games cannot be denied. Games - strategies, logic games develop thinking, memory, imagination, mathematical abilities, make you think, analyze and predict various situations.

My hypothesis was confirmed: “Everything is good in moderation!”


    Scarlet sails. Project for gifted children URL:

    Library URL:

    Info tutorial URL:

    Computer game URL:

    Computer game URL:

    Computer game URL:

    Computer games as art URL:

    Novikov A.M. Pedagogy. Dictionary of the system of basic concepts - Egves, 2013. - With. 59 URL:

    Novoseltsev V.I. Computer games: children's fun or pedagogical problem?/School director. - 2003. - No. 9.

    Memo “Gymnastics for the eyes” URL:

    Tips from around the world URL:

Computer games have become an integral part of our lives, becoming one of the most popular leisure activities among young people. Virtual worlds open up enormous opportunities for us; we can play the role of superheroes, race car drivers, generals and many others. At the same time, game developers release hundreds of new games every year. Almost immediately after computer games appeared, there was talk about their dangers for children and adults. Since then, thousands of articles have been written on this topic and hundreds of studies have been conducted, but there is still no clear answer. What is the danger of computer games and can they be beneficial?

The first thing opponents of computer games say is the danger of developing a gaming addiction. Indeed, this is a rather serious mental disorder that requires the help of specialists. People who become addicted to games live longer in the virtual world than in the real world, which becomes “dull” and uninteresting for them. In extreme cases, which are described in detail, the gambler loses his appetite and may die from exhaustion. The most dangerous thing in such situations is that such addiction develops unnoticed by others.

This addiction can develop in both adults and children, but children, for obvious reasons, develop this condition much more often. A fragile child's psyche very quickly succumbs to the negative influence of games. Children are simply unable to control their behavior enough to resist computer addiction.

At the same time, gambling addiction is becoming a serious problem for adults. Addiction to computer games is gradually overtaking alcoholism and adultery in the list of the most common reasons for divorce.

However, gaming addiction is not the only problem. She is accompanied by vision problems, excess weight, neurological problems (especially in the hands), etc.

However, there are benefits from computer games. And here, as in many other areas of human life, everything depends on a sense of proportion, and in the case of children, also on the age for which they are designed. Most of the games that children play in our country are rated “16+” or even “18+”. In this case, responsibility falls solely on the parents.

Many games promote the development of intelligence, attention, reaction, spatial orientation and logical thinking. There are educational games for the little ones, and games that will help them master foreign languages ​​or some scientific disciplines, and you can always play “Super Mario”.

But time dictates its conditions and we must be selective in our games. A modern student must have a strong psyche; in my opinion, computer games are a good way to spend leisure time for young people. I only urge that parents monitor what games their children play in order to prevent harmful consequences.


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2. Ibatova A.Z., Formation of readiness of students of non-linguistic specialties for professionally oriented communication in a foreign language: dissertation... candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.08 / Ibatova Aigul Zufarovna - Surgut, 2009.- 210 p.

Many of us, instead of doing something useful, like to sit for an hour or two with some toy. And almost always spending such time is considered in vain. I will try to evaluate whether this is true using my own example.

A person has been playing since childhood. Games are natural. They promote the elaboration of abstract situations, and on the basis of this elaboration, the formation of skills that are difficult to obtain in any other way. When a small child collects blocks, he develops construction skills; when children play social games, they try on roles; when a person plays chess, he learns to calculate actions.

However, the more complex the game and the more diligently a person plays, the greater the developmental effect. A complex castle made of cubes - and the child understands that it is necessary to build carefully and think through the details. An interesting role that attracts the attention of others - and comes the understanding that you need to take an active position in life. There are many moving combinations in chess - well, I think it’s clear...

So, back to computers. A computer game is not a castle made of cubes and therefore has a slightly different effect on a person.
Computer games have the most active influence on the human psyche. And therefore it would be rational to understand and direct this influence in the right direction. That is, the game is virtual, but our thoughts, efforts, emotions, assessments, habits, all this is REAL and manifests itself in the game.

Next I will use my own examples.
Once upon a time I played the sphere of fate, and after a while I played Travian, these are two online strategy games. In the realm of destiny, I noticed that I was very easy to carry out various trade deals and trade negotiations. That is, before the game I did not have this experience, but I got it in the game. And although I, of course, understood that this was a game, the fact that I was the main merchant of one of the top alliances was reality. And all thoughts and efforts are also real from a mental point of view.
There were far fewer trading opportunities in Travian, so I simply managed the alliance's resources. He assigned and calculated taxes, provided development assistance, made investments, gave loans, took out loans, conducted transactions with other alliances...

In general, these two games showed me that I am much better at managing numbers than others.)) That is, yes, the numbers are virtual, but the experience of management, calculations, analysis, negotiations, this experience is REAL, or rather the efforts and work are real psyche

This is an example of how games helped us better understand our natural inclinations. In other words, strengths.

But games can also help identify weak points.

When I was 18, I was into StarCraft. I played with a friend using a dial-up modem.
I was constantly losing. The reason was that I stayed too long at the base. He was afraid to stick his head out, he was afraid to be the first to attack, he didn’t think about reconnaissance, he was afraid to make expansions, he couldn’t quickly figure out how to spend resources, and so on. One day, a friend pointed out these shortcomings to me and I took a risk and went on the attack first. I don’t remember at what attempt I won, but when I won, something inside me, in my character, changed forever.
When the second old man came out, I had already had a normal Internet for a long time and I had the opportunity to play with equal opponents on the battlenet. I didn’t reach the diamond level, but I was confident in the platinum league. Consequently, we didn’t encounter any opponents, which meant we had to strain our brains, try to cover the entire map with attention, remember everything that was happening, and analyze. Since StarCraft is a game with obviously equal starting conditions, it was obvious that my skill was limited only by personal qualities, which means that while improving the level of the game, I simultaneously worked on my character.

By the way, I carry some of the skills I learned in StarCraft with me throughout my life. For example, the idea that resources (money) should work and not lie dead weight.))

Now I occasionally play HON (it's a Dota clone). It was the thoughts that came during this game that prompted me to write a post.
In general, I didn’t like Dota because I lost and didn’t want to bother. But due to the fact that I had not played for a long time, I immediately agreed to HON when I was offered to be fifth in the team.
So, for a while I was the worst of all ten. Then I began to analyze the reasons, I realized that I was incorrectly assessing the risks, that I was assessing the situation incorrectly, that I was choosing the wrong moment to attack, that I was setting priorities incorrectly, that I was too lazy to use arts, that I was in trouble, that I was not trying to analyze and predict the actions of other players.. In general, a lot mistakes related not to the game, but to my personality. Impatience, greed, passion, inattention, laziness and other qualities are clearly manifested in the game. And although, after realizing my shortcomings, I never became “Pro,” I still began to play better.

Let me now summarize the post.
Many people know the saying: “The only way to become smarter is to play against a smarter opponent.” This saying originally refers to chess. However, this saying can be applied to all games that force you to strain your head. So play games, but only games that help you learn something and don't just waste your time.


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The role of computer games in human development, 7.5 out of 10 based on 4 ratings

Kalashnikova Galina Ivanovna
Educational institution: GBPOU RO "Salsky Agrarian and Technical College"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2016-09-20 Computer in the life of a first-year student Kalashnikova Galina Ivanovna GBPOU RO "Salsky Agrarian and Technical College" This work contains the results of research on the use of computers by first-year college students. The research was organized in 3 directions: 1. Availability and use of computer equipment by students 2. The Internet in the life of a student3. Computer in classrooms through the eyes of students To conduct a survey of students, 3 questionnaires were developed in accordance with the areas of research. The study involved first-year college students of various specialties. Total 62 students

Computer in the life of a first-year student



Computer technology in the life of first-year students

in GBPOU RO "Salsky Agrarian-Technical"

research work


Nowadays, computers and computer technologies are present in all spheres of human life: production management, management and maintenance of social activities, automation of various types of work, design and calculation work, etc.

The use of computer technology allows you to create databases and reports. The computer helps people with disabilities get an education and work. With the creation of the Internet, a person can get almost any information, make purchases and make friends without leaving home. In many large factories, computer programs control all production. Computer technology is the future. Research into space and the depths of the sea will be entrusted to computers. Modern science is advancing by leaps and bounds, and who knows what invention will follow next.

It is impossible to live in the modern world and be far from computers. The computer has entered our lives for a long time, and will we be able to exist without it in the future?

More and more people spend several hours at the computer every day. The role of the computer is great!!!

In the life of a student, the importance of a computer, both in educational activities and in everyday life, is very diverse. The computer is a teaching tool; it is a huge source of inexhaustible information. What is there: encyclopedias, educational games, dictionaries, essays, as well as games, communication, entertainment, reading, music, films. If earlier reading lovers filled their closets with thick books, music lovers piled numerous cassettes on the shelves. Now you can buy several small disks with a large amount of information on them, or it’s even easier to use the “services” of the Internet.

For some students, using a computer can feel like a journalist or a computer designer. You just need to want it very badly! Please join the affiliate program, invite your friends and earn money without spending a lot of effort and time on it.

With the advent of computers, computer games burst into student life and immediately won many hearts and found a lot of fans. This means that relaxation with a computer is also guaranteed! Every year games are improved and turned into real masterpieces, and the list of computer fans is growing by leaps and bounds. The newest games are very realistic games with good graphics and sound design. Games simply force us to get used to the role of the main character. For a while, the teenager leaves reality, forgets about various student problems related to either a test or an exam. But excessive interest in computers already has a downside - computer and Internet addiction, decreased vision, headaches, and overstrain of certain muscle groups.

Relevance of the study

A computer is an absolutely common thing today both in the home and in educational institutions.
The ability to use a computer as well as other gadgets is an important skill for modern children. However, should you limit your computer use? And if so, how? These thoughts should worry teachers, parents, and the teenager himself. Where is the benefit, where is the harm? How to make better use of your PC's capabilities. How to dose the use of computers in a student’s life and is it necessary?

Purpose of the study: to identify the level of provision and directions of use of computer equipment and the Internet by first-year students, as well as the degree of satisfaction from the use of IT technologies in classes.

Research objectives

analyze information characterizing the availability and directions of students’ use of computer equipment and the Internet, as well as satisfaction with the use of IT technologies in the classroom

Object of study:

First year students

Subject of research

The use of computer technology in the life of a student

Research methods:

Questioning students




. In this work, research was conducted on the use of computers by first-year students at the State Budgetary Educational Institution RO "Salsky Agrarian and Technical College"

1. Availability and use of computer equipment by students

2. The Internet in the life of a student

3. Computer in classrooms through the eyes of students

To conduct a survey of students, 3 questionnaires were developed in accordance with the areas of research. The study involved 1st year students of State Budgetary Educational Institution RO "SATC" of various specialties. Total 62 students

1.Use of computer equipment by students

Computerization of all spheres of human social life is one of the most impressive events of the last quarter of the 20th century. The computer has become an integral part of modern life, captivating modern teenagers with its influence.

Computer technologies leave a definite imprint on the personality development of a modern teenager. The powerful flow of new information, the use of computer and Internet technologies, the spread of computer games have a great impact on adolescents, and the learning process and leisure time of adolescents are also changing.

But is it good that cars occupy such an important place in the life of a modern person, a teenager? It is worth recognizing that modern young people communicate much less directly with each other, preferring virtual friends. A child is more interested in playing games on a computer than building a hut or playing football with friends. Undoubtedly, a modern teenager has more information than his peer from the 80s.

But how healthy such a child will be is a controversial issue. Spending a long time at the computer leads to a number of diseases. And people working on computers developed occupational diseases. Most often the spine and joints, visual and respiratory organs are affected.

All information, thanks to the Internet, becomes more accessible. Modern students no longer need to sit in libraries for hours and copy materials from primary sources. However, such an easy way to obtain information from the Internet makes modern students lazy, and they delve less into the material and do not delve into the problem on their own.

Undoubtedly, the role of the computer in modern society is not only great, but also unique. It is unlikely that there is a person living on our planet who can answer any question, accurately and in a matter of seconds calculate the trajectory of a nuclear missile, or quickly manually edit the photos you took a minute ago. The computer is the main assistant in our life.

However, it is worth remembering that working with a computer should not develop into an addiction. Man is a social being with feelings and emotions. And do not forget that a computer is just a machine, consisting of metal and plastic, and a machine will never be able to satisfy all human needs.


provision and directions of use of computer equipment by students (in people, total number of respondents 62 people)

Do you have access to a computer?



What computer do you use all the time?



With friends, in college

Approximately how much time per day do you work on the computer?

I don't work with PC

Up to 2 hours

3-5 hours

More than 5 hours

For what purposes do you use your computer?

Everything you can

Only communication

I don't use it

Games only

Movies only

Only training

Do you use a computer for studying?




What kind of educational tasks do you complete on your PC?




Everything you need

Where do you print educational materials?


In college, with friends


Who installs programs on your computer?

Completely on your own

Partially on my own


I don't install

What would you like to learn when working with a PC?


Everything possible

I can do everything

Individual programs

(time limit, blinking special equipment - chair)





After processing the survey data of 62 students, it was revealed:

1. 58 students have access to a computer, of which: 38 have their own computer, 15 share a family computer, 9 are in college or with a friend.

2. Students spend a lot of time per day at the computer, namely

More than 5 hours – 17 people

– 3-5 hours – 27 people

Less than 2 hours – 13 people

And 1 person does not work systematically at all

3. Students use the computer very intensively for classes, namely:

Complete all tasks assigned by the teacher 38 people

And for educational purposes they use a PC - 48 people

Use PCs to complete all tasks possible – 40 people

4. 37 people are not equipped with equipment for printing material at home

5. Most students know how to work with computer programs

Completely on your own 27

Partially independently 11

6. Believes that:

need to learn to master all the capabilities of a PC 40 people.

no need to learn anything 9 people

7. Students do not consider it necessary to take care of their health when working on a PC.

Only 14 people follow the rules

partially only 9 people

Summarizing the responses of the survey participants, we can conclude that

1. The majority of students use computers – 94%,

2. the majority of students use non-home PCs for printing – about 60%

3. For educational purposes, students make maximum use of PC capabilities – 77%

4. About 70% of students spend more than 3 hours on PCs

5. Proficient in computer programs to some extent – ​​61%, but want to have all the capabilities – 65%

6. Only 37% comply with safety rules to some extent.

General conclusion:The supply of computer equipment for students is high, but not in full (there is not enough of their own office equipment to print out the material), knowledge of the capabilities of a PC and the desire to work well on it are high. It is recommended to limit the time young people spend at a PC during the day, as well as to follow safe work rules

2. Student and the Internet

It is already difficult for a modern student to imagine his life without the World Wide Web. Internet has firmly entered the life of every person, institution and enterprise. And even children consider the Internet an important part of life.

What is the use of the Internet?

Researching the benefits and harms of the Internet, scientists and doctors disagree. No one denies that the Internet has greatly simplified many things. It has become easier for schoolchildren and students to study because they have free access to a huge amount of educational materials. Businesses can now exchange information much easier and faster. Thanks to the Internet, everyone can have an interesting time without leaving home. Social networks allow you to communicate with people from all over the globe.

At the same time, doctors are sounding the alarm, as the Internet contributes to the development of various diseases. The presence of the Internet increases the time spent at the computer. And, as you know, a sedentary lifestyle is the cause of many diseases. Problems with vision, cervical spine and poor posture are also increasing as the number of active Internet users increases.

The harm and benefits of the Internet for students

The main benefit of the Internet for students is the availability of educational information. It has become much easier to write abstracts, reports, and find material for creative work. However, this has opened up access to a mass of ready-made essays and homework, which reduces the creative potential of students.

In addition, the appearance social networksled to the fact that communication from the real world moved into the virtual one.

But the biggest problem with the Internet is that it causes addiction among teenagers due to the fact that their psyche is not fully strengthened.

It is necessary to teach how to use the World Wide Web correctly and how to spend time on the Internet profitably. Although it would be much more beneficial for them to communicate with friends face to face and take a walk outside.


First-year student and the Internet (per person). A total of 62 people were interviewed)

Do you have internet access?



From what device do you access the Internet?

Only from phone

Only from computer

From two devices

I don't use internet

Approximately how much time a day do you spend on the Internet?

1-2 hours

3-4 hours

5-6 hours

All day

Not how much

Approximately what percentage of the time spent on the Internet is spent completing school assignments?

Not how much

Less than 1 hour

1-2 hours

2-3 hours

What kind of academic work do you do online?

Everything that is asked

Searches and abstracts


In no way

Only in contact

In contact and classmates

In every possible way

Do your parents limit your use of the Internet?



I'm hiding

No internet

Do you consider yourself Internet addicted?




No internet

Does the college provide you with Internet access?



Your wishes for the administration regarding working with the Internet in college

Free access

Dorm access

I don't care

Access during classes


Having processed the survey data of 62 students on student use, it was revealed:

1. 58 people (94%) use the Internet, of which 49 people (79%) access the Internet simultaneously via phones and PCs

2. 27 people (44%) spend time all day, 22 people (35%) communicate on all possible networks, while 43 people (about 70%) do not limit their parents and the same number of students do not consider themselves Internet addicts

3. About 70% use the Internet to do homework; most believe that the college does not provide enough opportunities to work with the Internet

4. 50 people, i.e. 81%, consider it necessary to provide free access to the Internet in college

General conclusion:Almost all students, but not those from college, have the opportunity to work with the Internet. A large number of students use it to complete academic assignments. But many students also abuse this by spending long periods of time on the Internet and engaging in mindless chatter. At the same time, almost all students do not consider themselves Internet addicts.

Recommendations: work with both parents and children on the possible limitation of time spent on the Internet. Also, the college administration should think about expanding access to the Internet for educational purposes.

3.Training sessions with IT technologies

The computer has come to educational institutions in the last few decades. Computer capabilities contribute to the desire to learn and help to identify the abilities of adolescents. During the lesson, the teacher has the opportunity to observe and record the manifestation of such qualities in students as search, active reproduction of previously learned knowledge, interest in replenishing missing knowledge from ready-made sources, and independent search. The purpose of these technologies in education is: improving the quality of education, increasing the activity of students in cognitive activity, optimizing the search for necessary information, developing thinking, mastering skills in working with information and various software products. It is also necessary that computer education be aligned with the curriculum. Computer curricula made their presence known immediately with the advent of the personal computer, but despite this, they began to gain recognition only in the last few years. The broadest concept, applicable to all educational programs, textbooks and other computer products, is a software tool for educational purposes. Educational software has several goals: monitoring and diagnosing errors, facilitating the educational process, presenting educational information in a convenient and interesting way for the student. Let us consider in more detail the educational software tools most widely used in the field of education.


IT training sessions

In what lessons does the teacher use the capabilities of the computer - educational presentations, tests, films?

A little bit of everything






life safety


What programs does the teacher use?

Don't know




All of the above

How often are such lessons taught in disciplines other than computer science?



Don't know

What do students do during presentations and videos?

Minding their own business

Watching and recording

Which activities are more useful - with or without IT?

Using IT

Without the use of IT

I don't care

In which lessons should you use a computer, presentations, but are not used enough?

Basics of agronomy

life safety

physical training




Don't know

At all

Do you find it useful to use computer tests in class to test your knowledge?



I don't care

In what lessons does the teacher use computer tests?



Don't know

What types of work would you do on the computer if they were in every lesson?

I would sit on social media. networks

I don't care

Internet works

Tests, calculations

Videos, presentations

What are your suggestions for teachers regarding the use of PC capabilities in the classroom?

Everything is fine

I don't care

Use more often


Having processed data from a survey of 62 students on the use of IT technologies by teachers for educational purposes, it was revealed that, according to students,

1. Teachers use IT technologies in classes mainly in computer science - 68% and in all other classes - 32%. These are films and presentations, but 13% of students do not notice this.

2. Such lessons are held frequently, according to 47%, but 16% of students again do not notice this. What are students doing during this time? 74% are all attention, but the remaining 26% mind their own business

3. Are such lessons useful? Yes – 81%, but 16% don’t care

4. In which lessons should the use of IT be increased? For everyone, almost 30% think, but the same number think they don’t care

5. 82% like computer testing, but it is carried out mainly in computer science

6. If teachers would increase the use of IT technologies, it would be better if these were tests and calculations - almost 50%, and also videos and presentations - almost 20%

7. Students like lessons with IT technologies - 68%, but 24% are indifferent

General conclusion:In general, according to students, the use of IT technologies in classes is welcomed by students, they are held frequently, and they like presentations and tests. If such activities are increased, this would be welcome. However, this is more characteristic of computer science and less of other disciplines. It is worrying that up to 20% of students are indifferent or simply don’t notice

Recommendations: Use IT technologies more in all lessons except computer science. Teachers should pay attention to indifferent students who find it possible to mind their own business during class.


Thus, we can conclude that SATC students are characterized by the same signs of information literacy as young people in almost the entire country. They have access to computers and the Internet. They know how to work with them, use IT technologies to prepare for classes, and they are ready to improve their skills. At the same time, they abuse the Internet and are ready to sit all day without following safety rules..
