Five stones among 6 letter games.

Children's game Five stones" - a good memory from childhood. We often got together with friends and organized competitions until one winner was identified. And the game itself is simple and alluring at the same time. Once you learn to play it, you will hardly stop loving or forget how to ride a bicycle - you learned it once and already you won't forget.

Although, by the way, not only children, but also adults love the game. It develops healthy passion and brings players together. You can compete in sleight of hand without any circus predilections.

And for children, the game is doubly useful - after all, pebbles are a fertile natural material that transmits its unique energy, and is also environmentally friendly. The pebbles are of such a size that they are ideal for developing fine motor skills. Besides everything else, the game " Five stones"develops attention, memory, logic, perseverance.

For children's play" Five stones“All you need is five stones, a comfortable floor surface and a cheerful company.

It is best to have your own stones. After all, over time, your hands get used to them and become more dexterous. Although the overall set of pebbles is not bad.

It is best to play at home, sitting comfortably on the floor.

The children's game "Five Stones", like many children's games, involves competition, and therefore it is much more interesting to play collectively. But, even alone, you can have a good time unwinding and practice your skills.

The goal of the game is to throw and lift stones in a certain way.

To begin with, the players determine the order by lot and are located in a circle. Our game consisted of 10 stages. Each participant must complete all 10 stages the fastest. However, having made a mistake, the participant passes the turn to the next player, and begins his next turn from the unfinished stage.

Stage I - One at a time

The easiest one, so to speak, preparatory stage. It is at this level that beginning players have to work hard to understand and get used to the principle and technique of the game.

So, we take all five stones in our right hand and scatter them in front of us on the floor. We select one pebble, take it in our right hand, and throw it up. Our task is to pick up any of the stones lying on the floor and have time to catch the one thrown with one right hand. We picked up one pebble, put it aside, and again we tossed one pebble and picked up the next one from the floor. And so on until we raise all four.

If a player makes a mistake and does not have time to pick up the flying stone, then the turn passes to the other player. At the initial stage, you are allowed to make several attempts to lift the pebble, the main thing is to catch the flying stone.

Stage II - Two at a time

As in the first stage, scatter all five stones in front of us. We choose one to toss. Here it is important to take into account the location of the stones lying on the floor. Choose a stone to throw so that it is convenient for you to grab two stones from the floor at once when throwing. And, we throw a stone - we lift two stones from the floor at once and catch the flying one. We set aside two stones and lift the remaining two in the same way.

Stage III - Three at a time

Just like in the previous two stages, we throw one stone and pick up three stones from the floor at once. If the attempt is successful, we put three stones aside, throw one in and pick up the last stone.

Stage IV - Four at a time

The principle is the same - we scatter all the stones on the floor, choose one that has flown farther than the others, throw it up and pick up four stones at once and catch the flying one.

Stage V - Friendly group

At this stage, our task is to throw a stone, pick one up from the floor, and catch a flying one. Now, without putting aside the one that has already been lifted, we throw one stone into the air, lift the second one, and catch the thrown one. Now we hold two pebbles in our palms, toss one, and pick up the third from the floor. Same with the fourth. As a result, you should have all four stones in your palm and catch the fifth.

Stage VI - Recess

We hold all five stones in our hands. We toss one while it is flying, put the remaining four stones on the floor, and catch the flying one. We throw it again, pick up all four stones again and manage to catch the thrown one.

Stage VII - Arch

Now the left hand comes into play. We rest the index and middle fingers of the left hand on the floor, creating a kind of triangular arch. We place four pebbles in a line in front of the arch. Our task is to throw a stone while it is flying, drive one stone into the arch and manage to catch the flying stone. In the same way, we throw a stone and drive all four stones into the arch one by one.

VIII stage - Stables

We place our left hand on the floor, fingers spread out. This is our “stable”, and the spaces between the fingers are “stalls”. We take all five stones in our right hand and throw them onto the floor through our left. Now, we need to drive the “horses” - stones one at a time into each stall, while throwing one of them. Mandatory rule: all four stones must be “driven” into the stalls in order, without missing a single stall.

Stage IX - Football gates

With the middle finger of the left hand, we “grab” the index finger from above and place the hand on the floor so that a “gate” is formed. We pour all five stones through the left hand. We choose one, toss it and, in any order, drive the stones into the gate one by one.

Stage X - Final

The most difficult stage. We pour all the stones onto the floor. We throw one stone, pick one up from the floor and catch the flying one. Now we throw two stones, pick up the third one from the floor and catch the two thrown ones. Now three stones are thrown up, the fourth is raised, and all three are caught. And finally, we throw four pebbles at once, pick up the last one and catch all the stones. If you have all five stones in your hand, the game is over. You are a winner!

You can start over.

Particularly advanced participants, as a super-game, staged a duel, going through all stages from the first to the last without errors. In case of an error, the entire game was started from the beginning.

Good luck and have fun!

So, throw stones in front of the “arch”. Toss one, drive the other into the arch and catch the flying one. Throw it again, the third one into the “arch,” catch the flying one, and so on. All pebbles should be under the “arch”. Was it successful? Let's move on to the next trick. No? Transition progress :)

The seventh trick "Garages". All fingers of the left hand are placed on the floor with “claws”; garage doors are formed. Stones are thrown to the floor from behind the left hand. Next, one stone is in flight, the second one is driven into the garage. Each stone goes to its own garage.

Trick eight "Hole". The middle and index fingers of the left hand make a hole; We rest the structure on the floor. Throw stones nearby. One stone flies, another is thrown into the hole; catch a flying stone. And so on, throw all the other stones into the hole.

Ninth trick. Throw a stone, grab another, catch a flying one. Throw two stones at once, catch one, catch two flying ones. Throw three and grab the fourth without losing those in the air. The same thing with the last stone.

Have you completed all the tricks? It's time to rejoice and look down on other players. But not for long, because there are even more tricks in “their” versions of the game 5 stones. First video lesson:

Second video lesson:

The third video lesson about the game 5 stones from “them”:

Fourth video lesson about 5 stones:

So, successful training of fine motor skills and reaction speed in the game 5 stones!

By the way, they say that the better fine motor skills, the better a person’s thinking...

It also actively interacts with attention, thinking, coordination, observation, imagination, memory (visual and motor). Once upon a time in distant childhood, we all enjoyed playing the game “Pebbles” or “Five Pebbles”, as you called it.

Nowadays they write and talk a lot about the benefits of developing fine motor skills. It is not only directly related to the development of speech, but also actively interacts with attention, thinking, coordination, observation, imagination, memory (visual and motor).

Once upon a time in distant childhood, we all enjoyed playing the game “Pebbles” or “Five Pebbles”, as you called it.

To play, you needed pebbles - ordinary river pebbles. Everyone selected a set of five stones for themselves - to suit their hand, some liked round stones, others chose flat ones. We had fans of the game who always carried their kit with them in their pocket, and the rest simply picked up more or less suitable ones from the ground.

We played while sunbathing by the river in the summer, and on rainy days, when you don’t want to go home, and because of the rain you can’t go anywhere. To play, you needed a small flat area of ​​trampled earth or a flat floor of a porch or gazebo.

To begin with, the order of the game was determined - who would follow whom.

The essence of the game is tossing and catching pebbles.

Step 1. Units

All five pebbles are thrown onto the ground in front of you. One of them is selected. This is a cue ball. This pebble is thrown into the air and while it is flying, you need to pick up one of the remaining pebbles on the ground and manage to catch the flying one with the same hand. The selected pebble is put aside and the action is repeated for all remaining pebbles.

Step 2. Twos

All five stones are again thrown onto the ground in front of you. One of them is selected, and you need to make sure that the remaining four stones lie in pairs, as close to each other as possible. A pebble is thrown into the air and, while it is flying, you need to immediately pick up two pebbles lying on the ground and, of course, have time to catch the flying one. The action is repeated for the second pair of pebbles.

Step 3. C grade

The pebbles are thrown onto the ground and you must first pick up three stones at a time, and then the remaining one.

Step 4. Four

You, of course, have already figured it out - first we throw all the pebbles on the ground, and then we pick them all up at once.

Step 5. Exam

All five pebbles are simultaneously thrown into the air and caught with the back of the hand. Then, all the stones from the back are thrown into the air again and you need to catch them with an open palm. How many pebbles you catch - so many points you earn.

The game is repeated from the beginning. The one who scores the most points wins.

The turn to a new player occurs if the player dropped or did not catch the cue ball stone, did not pick up the required number of stones from the ground, or did not catch a single stone in the palm of his hand during the exam.

Sometimes we complicated the game with additional rules. For example, you had to catch the cue ball not with an open palm, but with a top-down grip. Or the selected pebbles were not put aside, but were held in the fist.

"- a simple boy's yard game. Its rules are simple, but its benefits are great: this game develops fine motor skills hands, dexterity and attention.

This is a game for children and adults from five years old. “Five Stones” can be played alone, but it is more interesting if there are more players: from two to five. To play, you will need five pebbles per player (the pebbles must be the same size and they must all fit in the hand at once).

Rules of the game

There are nine stages in this game, called kons. If there is more than one player, then the order in which the horses will be executed is decided by drawing lots. If one of the participants makes a mistake, then he is not given the right to replay, and the turn passes to the next participant.


First con

The player takes five pebbles in his right hand and throws them onto the ground. Then he takes one pebble and throws it up. At this moment, you need to quickly pick up another pebble from the ground and catch the flying stone in the same hand. There should be two stones left in your hand. Then one pebble is deposited somewhere, and the process is repeated again. Thus, if the player manages to pick up and catch all the pebbles in a row and he has no game units left. But if he makes a mistake even once, the stake goes to the next player.

Second con

Now the game becomes more complicated: you need to again collect all the stones in your hand and throw them on the floor, you need to throw and catch a pebble, but you now need to pick up two pebbles at a time. If at first it is too difficult for the player to adapt to such a difficult task, then he can collect the pebbles on the ground into a small pile.

Third con

Fourth Con

Even more difficult: take four pebbles and catch the last remaining fifth stone.

Fifth horse

And finally, the most difficult con for beginners in this game: catching five stones. Those who cope with this challenge can move on to the next ones.

Sixth con

It has a name – “Arch”. The player must place his middle and index fingers vertically on the ground. Then line up all the stones in a row in front of the formed “arch” and take the first pebble in this row (counting from the arch). With the other, free hand, the player throws this stone, and in the meantime, pushes the next stone into the “arch” with the remaining fingers of his right hand. After this, the participant must have time to grab the flying “projectile”. A lucky player, having caught a stone, can continue the game according to the same scheme: the caught stone is put aside, the next one is pushed into the arch, and so on until all the stones are gone.

Seventh horse

It is called "Stable". The rules are reminiscent of the previous game, but have a significant difference: the fingers of the right hand represent a stall (to do this, you need to place the spread hand vertically to the ground), and place the left hand in an “arch”, so that it represents a “stable”. The stones need to be placed opposite the “stalls” (the spaces between the fingers of the right hand). When throwing a stone, you need to have time to drive the stone into the “stall”, and then catch the flying “horse”.

Eighth con

The fingers of the left hand (middle and index) will be the “gate” (they need to be placed on the ground as in the sixth horse, on the ground), with the right hand you need to throw one stone and “hammer”, while it flies, all the remaining stones into the “gate”. Each caught stone is hidden, and the game continues until all the stones are gone.

Ninth con

The last kon most resembles the first: all the stones are thrown onto the floor with the right hand, then one is thrown, it is caught and lifted with the second. Then the caught stone is put aside and the game continues longer: until there are no more stones.

Number of players: from 2 people

Additional equipment: 5 small pebbles per person
