Walkthrough of all The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard quests and review of the add-on. Walkthrough Prophet (Vampires) in Dawnguard Vampire Seduction Spell


“Vampire Seduction” - calms creatures and people up to level 50.
"Vampire's Gaze" - permanent while on (instead of 60 sec.).
"Embrace of Shadows" - gives the effect of invisibility instead of improving night vision.
"Servant of the Vampire" - constant duration (instead of 60 seconds). Allows you to revive the dead up to level 30/21/13/6.
Cold Resistance is now 50/40/30/20%.
Fire resistance increased to 25/50/75/100%.
Sunlight, affects vampires from 6 am to 7 pm
Vampiric Drain has a new sound and consumes 10 magicka per second. Efficiency depends on the player's level:

Level 1-5 = 10/7/4/1
Level 6-10 = 12/9/6/3
Level 11-15 = 11/14/8/5
Level 16-20 = 16/13/10/7
Level 21-25 = 18/15/12/9
Level 26-30 = 20/17/14/11
Level 31-35 = 22/19/16/13
Level 36-40 = 24/21/18/15
Level 41-45 = 26/23/20/17
Level 46-50 = 28/25/22/19
Level 51 and above = 30/27/24/21


“Blood Sense” - the spell is available at stage 4.
"Release the minion" is available at any stage.
Cloak of Dread is available in Stages 1 and 2
"Resist Paralysis" - ability
"Icy Heart" - ability
"Safe Fall" - ability
"Underwater Breathing" - ability
"Vampire Strength" - ability
"Supernatural Speed" - ability
Nutrition completely restores health
Eating grants Blood Fury.
Eating from corpses is available at stage 4. The player has an hour to drink from the dead.
The player turns to ash upon death.
Weakness for silver weapons 25/50/75/100%.
Stendarr's Marines are hostile at any stage
Vampires will not attack the player if they see them.


Baby girl = initial rank.
Bloodsucker = 20 days
Mistwalker = 60 days
Night Hunter = 120 days
Ancient = 200 days
Volkihar = 300 days


Baby sucker = Nothing.
Bloodsucker = 8% resistance to conventional weapons. Vampiric Drain also drains stamina.
Mistwalker = 16% resistance to normal weapons. Embrace of Shadows grants 25% spell absorption for the duration.
Night Hunter = 24% resistance to normal weapons. A player can have two minions at the same time.
Ancient = 32% resistance to normal weapons. The effect of supernatural speed also applies during the day.
Volkihar = 40% resistance to normal weapons. Cloak of Terror reduces damage taken by 50%.

Note : These changes apply only to the player, and do not apply to NPC vampires.

Installation :
Copy the Data folder and activate it in the launcher. In the game, if you are already a vampire, you must eat for the scripts to work correctly.

Removal :
Delete all mod files

Compatibility : Not compatible with mods that change PlayerVampireQuestScript and race mods.

Acknowledgments :
Many thanks kieranh7 for the implementation of the ash effect after the death of the GG and permission to use it in fashion.
Thank you very much Amarutu for advice on scripts.
Many thanks to the author for developing the modification!
Published with the written permission of the author - undomir

This is the final version of the mod, there will be no updates or additions!

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In the previous part, Oblivion, vampires could infect us "Hemophilia Crowned". And in Skyrim, such an infection is responsible for vampirism as "Sanguinare Vampiris", which is weaker in many ways, lacks bonuses such as increased resistance to conventional weapons, increased weapon skill or speed. However, the damage done to vampires by sunlight is also reduced, and is not the "fatal allergy" that was inherent in their Cyrodiil counterparts.

The skills and abilities given to vampires due to their origins make them ideal thieves, assassins, and illusionists, although other playstyles are also possible. Vampires' blood makes them immune to all poisons, diseases and cold, but fire causes them terrible suffering. Most people hate and fear vampires and will immediately try to attack them if they betray their nature.

Vampires of Skyrim are not adapted to quench their thirst with the blood of werewolves, because this will cure them of vampirism and infect them with lycanthropy. Once you turn into a werewolf, the process can no longer be reversed, because werewolves are immune to infection "Sanguinare Vampiris".

Let's become a vampire

Wherever a vampire attacks you, you immediately risk becoming infected "Sanguinare Vampiris". At first, the infection has the symptoms of a common disease, which reduces your health by 25 units, i.e. at this stage the disease can be cured like any other. However, if you are careless about it, after 3 days this infection progresses into a full form of vampirism. From this point on, standard treatment will not help you.

Sanguinare Vampiris notifies the player every day at a certain time about his condition. At dawn, a message will appear: "You are overcome by a strange feeling of weakness." At sunset, a message will appear: "A strange feeling of thirst overwhelms you." After the third day, Sanguinare Vampiris will disappear from your active effects and you will gain the first stage of vampirism.

Stages and effects of vampirism

The full form of a vampire consists of four stages, starting with the first and ending with the fourth. You advance by 1 stage if you attack a sleeping NPC every 24 hours without feeding. Feeding always returns you to the first stage, that is, if you drink blood, then the stage “rolls back” to the first.

The progression of vampirism will be reflected on your character's appearance, giving the skin a pale tint (or patina), fangs and vampiric eyes appearing. Changes in appearance become more noticeable as you progress through the stages. NPCs may notice your appearance, but they will only become hostile towards you when you reach stage four.

Advantages and Disadvantages

As a vampire, you will experience both positive and harmful effects of change, depending on your current stage. The longer you go without blood, the more critical these changes become.


  • You are 100% immune to disease.
  • You are 100% immune to poisons.
  • Alteration magic increased by 25%.
  • You are 25% harder to spot while sneaking.
  • In daylight, your health, stamina and mana are not restored.

(In fact, you have an effect that reduces your regeneration rate by 100%, so anything that increases it will help you. Works with mana, if you wear the Mask of Clavicus Vile, which allows regeneration, without this mask the mana will not be restored).

Stage 1

  • You have 25% immunity to cold.
  • You have 25% vulnerability to fire.
  • During daylight, health, mana, and stamina are automatically reduced by 15.

Stage 2

  • You have 50% immunity to cold.
  • You have 50% vulnerability to fire.
  • During daylight, health, mana, and stamina are automatically reduced by 30.

Stage 3

  • You have 75% immunity to cold.
  • You have 75% vulnerability to fire.
  • In daylight, health, mana and stamina are automatically reduced by 45.
  • If you want to start a conversation, most NPCs will refuse to talk to you.

Stage 4 (bloodlust)

  • You are 100% immune to cold.
  • You have 100% vulnerability to fire.
  • During daylight, health, mana, and stamina are automatically reduced by 60.
  • Most NPCs become hostile towards you and attack you.

Vampire Abilities and Spells

In addition, as you progress through the stages, you will receive several unique abilities and spells, some of which will only gain power over time (or rather, as the stage increases). When returning to the first stage, abilities of higher levels will be removed or reset to their original strength.

Warrior of the night

Constantly active effect, which you receive at the first stage, increasing the potential of your illusion spells by 25%.

Traces of the night hunter

A permanently active effect that you receive at the first stage, increasing your stealth by 25%

Servant of the Vampire

An ability that allows you to raise dead bodies to fight on your side for one minute once per day. The power of this ability increases with each stage of vampirism.

  • Stage 1: Raises the dead body of a weak creature for 60 seconds.
  • Stage 2: Raises the dead body of a medium creature for 60 seconds.
  • Stage 3: Raises the dead body of a strong creature for 60 seconds.
  • Stage 4: Raises the dead body of a very strong creature for 60 seconds.

Vampire vision

An ability that improves visibility in the dark.

In the first and subsequent stages: visibility in the dark improves. Can be applied several times a day and allows you to switch between on/off modes.

Vampire Exhaustion

This is a unique beginner spell that absorbs a small amount of health from the target and transfers it to you.

  • Stage 1: Drains 2 health per second. Costs 5 magic per second.
  • Stage 2: Drains 3 health per second. Costs 10 magic per second.
  • Stage 3: Drains 4 health per second. Costs 12 magic per second.
  • Stage 4: Drains 5 health per second. Costs 15 magic per second.

Vampire Seduction

An ability that is equivalent to the illusion spell "pacify". Can only be used once a day.

At the second and subsequent stages: Calms creatures and people up to level 10 for 30 seconds.

Embrace of the Shadows

An ability that is equivalent to the illusion spell "invisibility". Improves vision in the dark while the spell is active. Any interaction with the external environment or attack will make you visible. Can be used once a day.

Stage 4: Invisibility with improved vision in the dark for 180 seconds, once per day.


In order to constantly remain in the first stage of vampirism, you must drink blood from sleeping NPCs. To do this, you must press the "Use" button, whether you are in a slumped position or standing near the victim, and select feeding. Feeding should take place without witnesses, that is, quietly, because witnesses can immediately attack you. You can drink blood from almost any NPC who sleeps in a bed, that is, from representatives of all races, even ghosts and other vampires. You cannot drink blood from children.

Whiterun companions will not be hostile to you until you join them and reach the final stage of vampirism. At the same time, it can be useful to use other Companions without much difficulty for feeding at night.

Members of the Dark Brotherhood are not prejudiced against vampires, although if they catch you feeding, they will attack you.

You can use the people accompanying you as food with impunity, given that there will be no witnesses. Just tell them to go to bed and drink their blood until they get up again. They become a reliable source of fresh blood for the player.

Attention: If you are using console commands In order for a werewolf and a vampire to be immediately available to you, then after turning into a werewolf you will lose the ability to drink blood from sleeping NPCs.

Cure from vampirism

Go to any tavern and ask the owner about the rumors. He will tell you about a wizard researching vampires in Mortal, his name is Falion. Run to Mortal and meet him. He will ask you to bring him a black soul stone (you can buy one from him for 280 septims), trap a soul in this stone using the Soul Trap spell, or use any weapon enchanted with this spell, use it on a person, kill him to devour the soul. Once the soul is encased in the stone, take it to Falion and he will ask you to meet him at the summoning circle outside the city at dawn (around 5am). Once there, after a short ritual you will be healed. Please note that you must not be at stage 4 of vampirism, otherwise Falion will refuse to perform the ritual.

There is another way to cure vampirism - to become a werewolf. Since lycanthropy gives 100% immunity to disease and infection Sanguinare Vampiris will be healed.

About vampires

The book "Blood of the Immortals" describes the life of vampires in Skyrim (the "Volkihar" tribe), who are endowed with supernatural powers. The book also claims that they are able to pass through layers of ice to overtake unsuspecting travelers and turn them into ice. However, the vampires of Skyrim are in many ways similar to their counterparts from Cyrodiil, and are almost their cousins ​​because they can tolerate sunlight (provided they have recently drunk blood). Vampirism is more pronounced between feedings.

When you complete the task regarding the hematite bowl, Dawnguard walkthrough will continue with a new quest - you will need to go to Lord Harkon first, you will see that he has prepared a speech for his clan about the prophecy of the tyranny of the sun and that in order to decipher the Ancient Scroll, you will need to find the Priest Moth, a well-known prophet from Cyrodiil in his circles. The Lord will offer to interrogate the cabbies and innkeepers about the Priest.

At the same time, his daughter Serana suggests turning to the College of Winterhold for the necessary information. The information will be both here and there, and after receiving it we will inevitably have to go to Dragon Bridge. After receiving information from the residents and guards, find out that the Priest is no longer in the village, follow him in a southerly direction. Behind the large stone bridge you will see a cart that was damaged from the attack, and there will also be lifeless bodies lying around it.

Search the vampire's body, you will see a note that an ambush was being prepared on the Dragon Bridge. Our passage of Dawnguard will continue with the fact that we need to pull the Priest Moth out of the hands of the kidnappers who intend to break his will, the target place is the Shelter of the Ancestors, we follow to this cave, passing from the cart in the eastern direction, then cross the river, among the boulders with rocks you will find a close passage This passage will lead you to a stone balcony.

From the balcony there is a view of the blue magical dome - our sought-after Priest is imprisoned in it, however, it is guarded by Dawnguard fighters, who, for complete happiness, also managed to kill the leader of the kidnappers - the vampire Malkus. Kill all the enemies, search Malkus's body, you will find a core on him, which will allow you to remove the barrier (you need to go up to the console and insert the core). The freed prisoner will attack us, we will have to fight back, since his mind is clouded.

Common sense will allow him to return to the blows successfully carried out on him, after several good blows he will finally come to his senses, and we will continue the passage of Dawnguard, using the “Vampire Seduction” talent on the captive. Afterwards you need to turn him into your thrall - just bite him on the neck. Now he won't go anywhere - he will do whatever is required, so order him to go to Volkihar Castle.

Having arrived there yourself, talk to Harkon about the successful operation, and then force the Priest to read Ancient Scroll. From the scroll we get information that in order to bring the prophecy to life, we will need to find two more of the same scrolls, they will allow us to find out the location of the legendary weapon - Auriel's Bow. Actually, now our goal is to obtain those same scrolls, they are called Blood and Dragon.

Diseases in the world of Skyrim: lycanthropy and vampirism | Features of the game werewolf and vampire

Like in the game The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim become a werewolf or a vampire? What are the benefits of lycanthropy and vampirism? And how to recover from these terrible diseases? I will try to give detailed answers to these and other questions.

Attention! This article contains spoilers!

Lycanthropy: the path of the Werewolf in Skyrim

Do you want new unusual sensations? Game creators The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim found an elegant solution! If in the previous parts of the game you had to spend weeks on end looking for meetings with a werewolf, and then re-register a hundred times, in the hope of catching lycanthropy, then in Skyrim, turning into a werewolf is framed as a quest for a faction.


In principle, lycanthropy does not provide any special disadvantages. You will turn into a werewolf only at your own request; the animal will carry all the clothes with it (although it is not entirely clear where it puts them). To remain a werewolf longer, you need to devour the corpses of the people you kill. Which, by the way, also replenishes life. If you don't eat people, you'll turn back into a human pretty quickly. In addition, lycanthropy provides 100% protection from any disease. Including from infection with vampirism. So if you became a werewolf and would like to turn into a vampire, you will have to be cured of lycanthropy.

Of the minuses, you will not be able to receive the rest bonus after sleep (which gives accelerated leveling of skills). The game in the guise of a werewolf takes place from a third person, which many may not like. In close combat, a werewolf does not have any special advantages over, say, a well-pumped warrior in heavy armor. Those. the werewolf, of course, is strong, but in such a way as to brutally tear everyone to pieces - this does not exist in Skyrim.

To become a werewolf, go to Whiterun and join the Companions faction. One of their quests will be turning into a werewolf. Here, from the Companions, over time it will be possible to receive the appropriate quest and go in search of a cure for lycanthropy. Which is very convenient.

In principle, you can safely complete quests for your Companions. Joining the Companions faction is especially recommended. Lycanthropy does not have any particular disadvantages, although, in my opinion, it does not provide any particular advantages (100% disease resistance can hardly be called a significant advantage). Which overall blurs the experience of playing as a werewolf. But I still recommend being a werewolf at least once. To experience all the delights of playing a werewolf in your own wolf skin.

Vampirism: the path of the Vampire in Skyrim

Unlike lycanthropy, vampirism can only be contracted through “contact” with a vampire. Those. infection occurs completely randomly, there are no quests like “join such and such a faction and you will definitely become a vampire” in the game The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim No. To become infected with vampirism, hugging and kissing a vampire is completely optional. It will be quite enough if the vampire uses the Vampire Suction spell on you. However, there is a relatively small chance of contracting Sanguinare Vampiris disease.

Sanguinare Vampiris Disease in Active Effects

From the moment you become infected with the disease, you will have three days to drink a bottle of Cure Disease potion or touch the altar of one of the nine gods. Otherwise, in three days you will turn into a vampire.

Vampirism provides both bonuses and maluses:

  • 100% resistance to disease and poison
  • Vampire is 25% harder to spot when sneaking
  • 25% bonus to Illusion
  • talent to see in the dark (similar to the talent of the Khajiit race, can be activated/deactivated at any time as many times as desired)

Vampires also have such a parameter as hunger. Fasting, on the one hand, opens up new spells for the vampire (which disappear without a trace after drinking the blood) and increases resistance to Frost. On the other hand, it increases vulnerability to Fire and Fear of Light (during the day on the surface, health, magic and strength levels decrease, strength levels are not restored).

1) Vampirism of the first stage is characterized by:

  • mild photophobia (decrease in health, magic and stamina by 15 units)
  • vulnerability to Fire 25%, and resistance to Cold 25%.
  • the spell Vampire Suction takes away 2 units of life
  • The Vampire's Servant talent allows you to revive a weak dead person for 60 seconds once a day.

2) Vampirism of the second stage is characterized by:

  • increased photophobia (by 30 units)
  • vulnerability to Fire and resistance to Cold increases to 50%
  • the spell Vampire Suction takes away 3 units of life
  • The Vampire's Servant talent allows you to revive a more powerful dead person for 60 seconds once a day.
  • appears

3) Vampirism of the third stage is characterized by:

  • severe photophobia (by 45 units)
  • vulnerability to Fire and resistance to Cold increases to 75%
  • the spell Vampire Suction takes away 4 units of life
  • The Vampire's Servant talent allows you to revive a powerful dead person for 60 seconds once a day.
  • talent Vampire Seduction, when used, creatures and people up to level 10 inclusive do not fight for 30 seconds

4) Vampirism of the last 4 stages is characterized by:

  • very severe photophobia (60 units)
  • vulnerability to Fire and resistance to Cold increases to 100%
  • The Vampire Suction spell takes away 5 units of life.
  • The Vampire's Servant talent allows you to revive a very powerful dead person for 60 seconds once a day.
  • talent Vampire Seduction, when used, creatures and people up to level 10 inclusive do not fight for 30 seconds
  • a new talent appears - Embrace of Shadows, in which the vampire can become invisible for 180 seconds (night vision is automatically activated)

Thanks to progressive hunger and a whole set of bonuses and maluses, the life of a vampire in Skyrim is much more varied and eventful than the life of a werewolf. The disease affects the appearance of the vampire himself - a hungry look and pale skin raise questions among civilians. If a vampire is really hungry, he already looks so unpresentable that everyone he meets begins to rush at him. So it’s better not to bring things to the fourth stage.

What's a hungry vampire to do? Of course, feed on the blood of innocent victims! To do this, you need to sneak up on a sleeping character and drink his blood. The vampire’s “victims” are not affected by his nightly adventures in any way. Alas, vampirism in the game is completely vanilla; you won’t be able to infect a jarl with vampirism, or drink an unwary sentry in some dungeon. For which I severely reprimand the creators of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim!

Today on the menu is the Jarl of Solitude!

Now let's talk about treatment. Curing from vampirism is not easy, but very simple! All you have to do is go into any tavern and ask the bartender to tell you the latest rumors. He will mention a certain magician from Morthal, who devoted his life to the study of vampires, draugr and other undead. It is from him that you can receive a quest to cure vampirism. The quest itself is simple, I don’t see any point in describing it here.

In general, playing the game as a vampire significantly diversifies it. Vampirism is especially good (due to the bonus to stealth and the ability to see in the dark) and (who don’t care about stamina recovery during the day on the surface).


Lycanthropy itself gives mostly, albeit small, bonuses, so that by completing quests for the Companions faction, you can safely become a werewolf. The downside is the lack of a bonus to the speed of leveling up all skills after sleep.

In the northern province of Tamriel, which is called Skyrim, diseases abound. This includes stone gout, ataxia and, in the end, a common runny nose - cold mountain winds do not contribute to high immunity. But there is one scourge in this province that has spread throughout the Empire, and its name is vampirism. Although vampirism cannot be called an infection as such, it is rather a logical consequence of a disease called Sanguinare Vampiris(Sanguinare Vampiris). It is transmitted through the spell “vampiric drain”. If you had the dubious good fortune of communicating with a vampire and contracting this infection, then you have three days (that is, 72 hours) to cure. During this time, you can use any altar of the Eight Divines (don’t forget about Talos, no matter what the Thalmor say, his divine power cannot be taken away from him) or drink a potion of healing diseases. If you did not notice how you became infected, then the incubation period will be accompanied by inscriptions in the upper left corner of the screen: for example, at sunset, “The sun is setting and you feel strangely thirsty.” Well, don’t forget that caring townspeople will rush to notify you that you are somehow too pale for a healthy person. If you accidentally (or intentionally) allowed the infection to develop, then after two days from the date of infection the disease will come into its own.
Vampire Lairs: Fort Bloody Throne, Movarth's Lair, Haemar's Shame Cave ) , Moonlight Bor Cave (Pinemoon Cave), etc.

With the release of Dawnguard, several more methods have appeared:
1. Start the main storyline of the expansion, during which you will be asked to become a vampire. Even if you refuse Harkon's offer the first time and choose to side with the Dawnguard, you can still use Serana's services.
2. Visit the Redwater Den and drink from the spring.


A vampire is not only red eyes, sharp fangs and a nocturnal lifestyle. This state gives you several pleasant (and also unpleasant) bonuses, which depend on the stage of vampirism. There are four stages in the game:

First stage

The appearance of your character changes slightly: the color of the iris of the eyes is diluted with red hues, the fangs become longer, the cheeks become sunken, and the surrounding NPCs begin to look askance at you.
Capabilities: Harbinger of Night(Champion of the Night) – your Illusion school spells become 25% more effective; Footsteps of the Night Predator(Night Stalker’s Footsteps) – the vampire moves 25% more stealthily. Your cold resistance and fire vulnerability are increased by 25% each, and your resistance to poison and disease is 100%. In addition, you begin to suffer from photophobia - health, mana and stamina are reduced by 15 points and their recovery slows down or stops altogether (depending on the enchantment placed on the armor or other extraneous factors) if you are under open air during the daytime.
Spells: Servant of the Vampire(Vampire’s Servant) – raises a weak dead man who will fight for you for one minute (can be used once a day); Vampire vision(Vampire Sight) – night vision for one minute; Vampire sucking(Vampiric Drain) - sucks 2 points of health per second from the victim and transfers them to the caster (the ability belongs to the school of destruction, so all the perks corresponding to it benefit the vampire - author's note).

Second stage

To get to the second stage you will have to not drink blood for 24 hours. Some of your skills remain unchanged, some are enhanced, and new ones appear.
Capabilities: your resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire increases by 50% each; photophobia begins to cause more trouble - health, mana and stamina are reduced by 30 points and their recovery slows down if you are outdoors during the daytime.
Spells: Servant of the Vampire(Vampire’s Servant) – raises a medium-strong dead man who will fight for you for one minute (can be used once a day); Vampire sucking(Vampiric Drain) – drains 3 health points per second from the victim and transfers them to the caster; Vampire Seduction(Vampire Seduction) – creatures and people up to level 10 stop attacking you for 30 seconds.

Third stage

To enter the third stage, you must not drink blood for 24 hours after the onset of the second stage. Some skills continue to improve.
Capabilities: your resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire increases by 75% each; photophobia - health, mana and stamina are reduced by 45 points and their recovery is slowed down if you are outdoors during the daytime.
Spells: Servant of the Vampire(Vampire’s Servant) – raises a strong dead man who will fight for you for one minute (can be used once a day); Vampire sucking(Vampiric Drain) – drains 4 health points per second from the victim and transfers them to the caster.

Fourth stage

It is required not to eat for 24 hours after the onset of the third stage. The appearance of a hungry vampire evokes fierce hatred in those around you, and they will attack you as soon as they see you. However, the housecarls will still continue to serve you faithfully. Yes and in Dark Brotherhood you will still be welcome, but isn’t that the main thing for us?
Capabilities: your resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire increases by 100% each; photophobia - health, mana and stamina are reduced by 60 points and their recovery is slowed down if you are outdoors during the daytime.
Spells: Servant of the Vampire(Vampire’s Servant) – raises a very strong dead man who will fight for you for one minute (can be used once a day); Vampire sucking(Vampiric Drain) – sucks 5 points of health per second from the victim and transfers them to the caster; Embrace of the Shadows(Embrace of Shadows) – gives the caster invisibility and night vision (can be used once a day).

It is worth noting that photophobia in Skyrim is not as fatal for a vampire as in the previous part of the game. Yes, his strength is weakening, but he can move quite comfortably under the sun. The main thing in the daily life of a vampire is not to get involved in serious showdowns in the open air, since a decrease in the basic characteristics and the speed of their replenishment can become critical for him.
However, at the first stage of vampirism, I calmly picked up the Elder Dragon almost without bottles(author's note).


Drinking blood, as has already become clear, is necessary to maintain a normal appearance, because after four days of fasting civilians and the guards will begin to attack the vampire, not understanding his purpose as Dovahkiin. Therefore, you should decide for yourself what is more important - a comfortable existence among the townspeople or passion taste vampirism to the fullest. Eating for a vampire has changed little since the other Elder Scrolls series. Any sleeping NPC can become a victim (I choose jarl castles and barracks: they are never locked, and soldiers in barracks often sleep during the daytime). Activate the interaction button on it (can be used in both snick and normal state) and a menu will appear where you can choose from “talk/pickpocket” and “eat”. Hunger will be satisfied for the next 24 hours. Despite the fact that the victim will not wake up from the bite (although some NPCs, such as Sibylla Stentor, can sleep lightly and wake up from your manipulations), beware of eating in the presence of strangers - sucking blood is a crime (eating does not remove the invisibility effect from you - approx. .author). And keep in mind that a new sip of blood “rolls back” your stage of vampirism, as indicated by the inscription in the upper left corner of the screen “Your vampire strength weakens from nutrition.”


With the Dawnguard DLC installed, the vampire's capabilities become much wider. But first, let's talk about the visual part: the face of your character and other vampires will undergo some changes. Now all night hunters have acquired specific external characteristics, more characteristic of the Volkihar clan.

Among ordinary vampires, there are also individuals whose faces have been transformed so much that they look more like monsters than people.

A common bug occurs when the character’s skin takes on darker shades and is also covered with a kind of dirt. This can be treated by installing special mods.

The vampire's thirst continues to play an important role, but the lack of nutrition is no longer so critical to the game. One of the useful features of the add-on is that due to hunger after the onset of the last stage of vampirism, others no longer attack the player as soon as they see him. This means that a vampire, retaining all his strength, can appear in settlements without fear of being attacked.

If the player still wants to satisfy his hunger, then he does not have to look for a sleeping victim. With the Vampire Seduction ability, the player can charm any sentient creature of limited power and bite it without resistance.

Clan Volkihar

Most of the vampires in Skyrim belong to the Volkihar clan. These creatures are famous not only for their bloodthirstiness, but also for the special form of the vampire lord that they can take in battle. The history of this clan began many centuries ago, when the powerful Lord Harkon made a deal with the Daedric prince Molag Bal, sacrificing a thousand innocent souls to him, and in return receiving immortality for himself and his family. Molag Bal turned the lord, his wife and daughter into pure-blooded vampires, giving them unprecedented abilities. Since then, Harkon has gathered his minions around him, organizing a vampire clan that terrifies not only the living, but also other vampires.
The blood of Harkon, transferred to those close to him, allows him to take the form of a vampire lord, increasing their characteristics and giving them new abilities.

While in Vampire Lord form, the player can adopt two stances: floating and ground. In flight he gets a more powerful variant "Vampire Suck", which hits the area and allows you to passI feast on the vital forces of several opponents at once. Developing this ability also allows you to drain mana and strength. At the same time, the vampire can raise the corpses of powerful creatures for support in battle. The Vampire Lord form also allows movement on the surface of water.

If the player falls to the ground (by default the buttonCtrl), then turns into a melee fighter, dealing damage with its claws.

Note 1: Sometimes in battle, opponents even with full health become frightened by the monster that attacked them and try to run away.
Note 2: Transformation does not allow you to search containers and corpses, open some doors and use the map and your own inventory. It is also impossible to use weapons, any other magic and other talents not related to vampirism.
Note 3: The townspeople and guards, seeing you in this form, immediately attack.

In Vampire Lord form, the player has access to a separate talent tree, allowing the player to use experience points to increase their powers. Experience is earned in Lord form by killing opponents with “life drain” in levitation or by biting in ground form. Other attacks do not give experience. As your strength increases, more experience will be required.

Among the interesting abilities are the paralysis spell or the ability to transform into an incorporeal cloud, which makes the player immune to any damage and allows you to quickly replenish health, mana and strength. And also the summoning of a gargoyle, which will distract opponents towards itself.

To gain the opportunity to become a Vampire Lord, you must begin the main quest Dawnguard add-ons. The chain of quests will lead the player directly to the lair of the Volkihar clan, where Lord Harkon himself will offer the hero the power of a vampire. Moreover, it does not matter whether the player is already a vampire or not - Harkon will treat his essence as a “mudblood” with disdain and say that true strength and nobility only lie in his blood. If you agree to his proposal, you will join the clan and carry out tasks as its representative, but if you refuse, then entry into the castle will be legally closed to you.
A lot of useful things await the vampire in Castle Volkihar. First of all, this is, of course, the loyalty of local vampires and the possibility of trading with them. For example, Rontil sells unique volumes of spells, after studying which you can heal friendly undead - useful thing for a necromancer.
The lower rooms of the residential part of the castle contain thralls, which vampires use to quench their thirst. Prisoners are constantly in a drugged state, so there is no need to use charm spells on them.
On the tables in the common room you can find refreshing vials of blood that you can take with you and use as needed.
Among the inhabitants of the castle there is a blacksmith, an alchemist, and also teachers of some skills.
For relaxation, you can use coffins in the local equivalent of a bedroom.

During the course of completing tasks, the hero will gain access to an ancient artifact - the Heliotrope Cup (Hematite Cup), the use of which significantly enhances the effect of vampire sucking. It acts as an altar, giving its blessing for a certain time. Having completed additional quest“Ancient power”, the effect of the Cup can be significantly extended.
Among the random quests issued by clan members, there is a task to search for powerful objects that enhance the abilities of a vampire - amulets of the Power of Night and rings of Blood Magic.
And thanks to the quest “The Gift” you can make your husband/wife a vampire. To run this task you must be married.

Note 1: It doesn't matter which side you chose during execution Dawnguard quests- clan Volkihar or Dawnguard. If you refused the “gift” of Harkon, then Serana can convert you, but only after complete passage quest chains. You will gain all the same abilities, but will not be able to receive the blessing of the Chalice and the relics of Molag Bal.
Note 2: Accepting the gift from Harkon will cure you of lycanthropy.


If the life of a vampire, that is, a nocturnal lifestyle, a bloody diet and rejection of you as a full-fledged member of society, is not to your liking, then you can get rid of this scourge. And even easier than in the previous part of the game.
Talk to almost any tavern owner, discuss the latest rumors, and he will tell you about a man who has been studying vampires for a long time. Perhaps he is the one who will help you get rid of the disease. This is how the quest begins "Rise at Dawn"(Rising At Dawn).
A person who studies vampires is Falion(Falion) – court magician of Jarl Morthal. Go to him and talk about your problem. Redguard will not refuse to help and will give you the task of finding and filling the Black Soul Stone with the maximum possible soul for him. Stones can be found in necromancer lairs or bought from Falion - he always has a couple on sale. The soul trap spell can also be bought either from him or from any other magician. To fill such a stone, the soul of a rational being is required - human, Mera, beast races, as well as dremora. After filling the stone, return to Falion, who will make your next appointment at dawn (this is approximately 5-6 am) in the summoning circle, which is located north of Morthal. The magician will perform his ritual and rid you of vampirism.

There is some disagreement regarding the conditions for curing vampirism. Other sources claim that your disease must be at stage four to start the quest, but I was offered the task literally the same minutes that my character became a vampire. I think it’s logical, because at the fourth stage getting to Falion will be very problematic.(author's note)

Another Skyrim infection will also help you recover from vampirism -. By performing the ritual of becoming a werewolf, you will no longer be a vampire.
In Skyrim, you can become infected with vampirism more than once, since curing immunity to Sanguinara does not provide Vampiris.
