Passage of the game Last Half of Darkness. Lust for Darkness walkthrough Last half of darkness walkthrough

Last Half of Darkness

We enter the hallway, turn left - into the northern hall. Before us are three doors - to the kitchen, the library and the billiard room. We go to the kitchen. We open the drawer of the table, we look, we take away the match. We open the door in front, we pass into the dining room. We take the knife. We return, we pass into the library. We select a magnifying glass and go into the garden. We take a vase. We go into the living room. Open the secretary and take a hammer from it. We pass directly into the music room. We look at the bench near the piano, open it, take the notes. We use them on the piano. An image of a girl appears in the mirror. Click "apply" on the image of the girl. We tear off and go through the door on the right. We are in the billiard room. We go out into the hall, then into the hallway.
We go up the stairs. We go into the first door on the left. We open the chest of drawers on the right, inspect, take the box with engraving. We approach the table and take the verse. It can be used on any of the mirrors. This is a puzzle to be solved.
Exit and go to the next room. We take the lamp (you can take it in other places), use the knife on the panel on the left. We go into the secret room. We click "apply" on the picture (remove the cover), then "look", and use a magnifying glass.
We go into the third room in the corridor. We turn to the chest of drawers and take the diary. We leave. We go to the end of the corridor and turn left into the room in front of the western corridor. At the top left, open the cache, pick up the elixir.
We return to the dining room and use the match on the hanging pan. In inventory, light the lamp with a match. We go into the billiard room and use the box on the burning fireplace. It melts, and we are left with a golden key.
In the third room along the corridor, use it to open a small box in the wardrobe. We take the map of the crypt.
We leave the house, go to the cemetery, and then to the left to the crypt. We go into the crypt, pick up the shovel, and, returning to the cemetery, dig up the grave. We take the key and go to the garden house at the other end of the swamp. On the way, we collect water in a jug (it is also possible from a fountain). We open the door with the key, we go in. Pour water over a half-dead flower.
We return to the house, go to the backyard. We use the hammer on the door clogged with boards. Click "apply" on the door. The head of a doll of a girl appears and gives you a task. We go for a flower that was watered, and with it we enter the cleaner's house. We read the diary on the table. Open the closet, pick up the brush.
From here we go to the crypt. In the upper right dead end (on the map) there is a flying skull - we pour the elixir on it.
We go into the house - into the secret room. We use a magnifying glass on the picture. After that, we go into the western corridor, into the room on the left. We set the time on the clock (puzzle solution) - 4-53. We wet the brush into the blood.
In the secret room, use the magnifying glass on the picture, then the brush.
Watch the final video.

Series Last Half of Darkness- an honorary relic of the adventure genre. The first part was released in 1990, that is 18 (!) years ago. Since then, all games under this brand are characterized by three features. Firstly, they are still made by one person and the steamship William Robert Fisher, and secondly, the project consistently ignores all fashion trends and technological advances, remaining a defiantly old-fashioned quest. Finally, thirdly, it's really scary here.

About the state to which a player can be brought by sequential movement through static, hand-drawn screens, we know from a recent Scratches. Accurate work with sound, gloomy interiors of abandoned crypts, plus amazingly effective animation electrify the playing space cleaner than in Penumbra. Fisher seems to wind up the tension ad infinitum, and at some point an innocent rustle in the corner can cause a premature stutter or a funny nervous tick.

All this is true for the last part for today Last Half of Darkness: Beyond the Spirit's Eye. Chronologically, it is a continuation of the previous Shadows of the Servants: We play as the same stranger who dealt with the shadows in New Orleans. This time the path lies in the city of Shadowcrest, the homeland of Captain Marcos Fernando, who imprudently brought an ancient artifact to his native land. The city was immediately cursed and was invaded by dark forces. However, contrary to expectations, we are met not by crowds of aggressive carrion, but by gloomy desolation.

The air in empty crypts, abandoned houses, bars and shops sparkles with tension. It is felt that death, mysticism and their personal representatives are somewhere nearby. The doors creak in an otherworldly way, the wind howls, the stairwells and corridors blacken meaningfully. From time to time, two unblinking eyes light up in the dark, a sad zombie falls out from under the bed, and someone invisible drags the corpse along the corridor: we see only the legs disappearing in the opening of the dark room. And, of course, the game takes advantage of our innate curiosity: it throws up immovable figures that certainly sit with their backs to you. Of course, you approach, click on the character with the mouse, after which you emit a prolonged screech, and the hero on the other side of the screen loses consciousness.

In addition, from time to time you will enter into dialogues with statues (!), which seem to have come off the cover of the band's latest album Cannibal Corpse.

* * *

Mandatory quest exercises do not interfere with the story at all. All riddles are inscribed in the narrative in the most logical way. Collecting and using items is diluted with puzzles and mini-games of varying degrees of difficulty. At the same time, no one is going to please the player: puzzles, like in the good old days, make you naturally take a notebook, write out and draw. But - no tension and far-fetchedness: more than once or twice this game will allow you to experience a feeling of deep satisfaction from the fact that you yourself, with the help of your own brain, have found a solution.

The problems of Last Half of Darkness lie in the same place as its virtues. This is an old-fashioned, on the verge of archaic, work. The game is completely immune to everything that happens with the genre, interactive entertainment and modern technologies. William Robert Fisher and his assistants, who were in charge of sound, still work wonders: almost on bare enthusiasm, they release amazingly atmospheric, exciting horror quests of frightening power. But, like ten years ago, these games require you to much more emotional effort and concentration than any modern representative of the genre. This is a real underground: before entering, you must give Fisher a big credit of trust, turn on your imagination, turn off the lights and, preferably, drive all unnecessary sounds out of the apartment. And if everything works out, then this will be the beginning of a good friendship.

Replay value - no

Cool story yes

originality is not

Easy to learn - yes

Expectations met: 90%

Gameplay: 7.0

Graphic arts: 5.0

Sound and Music: 7.0

Interface and control: 6.0

Did you wait? An old-fashioned horror quest featuring artistic chair bouncing and a variety of mental exercises.

The game is non-linear.
Interface: in the upper right corner of the screen - exit to the menu, at the bottom of the screen - inventory. Some items can be viewed by right-clicking on them.
Interaction with the object - the cursor turns red.
Look closer - the cursor takes the form of a purple eye.
At the very beginning of the game, you will find a map, thanks to which you can automatically move around the location.
Collect gold coins (there are 25 of them).

1. Underwater maze

From the boat, go into the passage to the left. On the left there will be a dark passage to the left, go through it and take gold coin from a vase standing on the step. Past the vase, go forward and see what is in the thicket in front of you. Go back to the fork and take the nails from the boards with which the passage is clogged.

Return to the boat - behind it is a skull, next to which lies a cable. Turn right from the boat and go forward. A hall with three vases will appear in front of you. Break one of them and take the hook.
Step into the bright passage, in front of you is another fork.

Turn left into the bright passage and pick up a notebook near the skeleton. Open it in inventory and take the card. Walk forward to the pool. There is a lever on the wall to the right. Click on it and it will flush the pool. Pick up two gold coins from the bottom of the pond.

Return to the fork and try to go into the dark passage. Return to the hall with vases and turn right into the dark passage. On the pedestal is the first puzzle.
It is necessary to light four red light bulbs at the corners of the square by inserting nails into the holes. The pressing combination is indicated in the notebook: 2 - 5 - 7, 14 - 10 - 4, 9 - 1 -6, 11 - 3 - 8. After you light the light bulb, you need to get the nails and use them for the next combination. When all four lights are lit, the center light will flash and you will see that a secret passage has been opened.
Go forward, you need to go down into the well. In inventory, combine the hook with the rope and throw it into the opening.

2. House, cemetery and marina

In front of you is a cemetery. Go left into the crypt - there is a puzzle that cannot be solved yet. If you go forward, there will be another crypt on the right, which is closed. On the left is a gazebo with another puzzle. Go forward and take out two gold coins from the open grave.

Return to the fork and click on the sign to the right. If you go to the right from it, then you will come to the pier, if you step forward from the pointer, a gate will appear in front of you.
There is a mailbox at the gate, open it and read the letter from the coroner, in which he writes about a corpse with gouged out eyes and ancient stone on his chest.
Go to the house. Go down to the right. Here you can go to the garden, to the right or climb the stairs to the second floor.

Go up and to the left. This is the living room, and in the next room is the Strange Man. He says that this is the house of a doctor who found an ancient box, but how to open it is unknown. Strange Man wants a drink, but he has run out of wine. Go to the table and try to take the box - the Strange Man will show you a huge cleaver in response.
Go downstairs and go right - this is the dining room, behind it is the kitchen.
Take a bottle of wine from the refrigerator. A shelf with bottles hangs above the front door, examine them and take away the olive oil. Remove the cereal bag from the door shelf. Check the faucets - only hot water flows. You can't just give the wine to the Strange Man, you need to find a way to distract him.
Return to the hall and turn around. In front of you is a staircase. Climb up there, next to the door under the picture on the table is another gold coin.
Enter the door on the right - this is the bathroom. There is an empty bottle of sleeping pills in the sink. Water from the taps does not flow - apparently, the tablets spilled into the drain and remained there. You need to find some pliers somewhere to unwind the pipe and check. Above the bathroom is a shelf with 12 gold coins. Look in the bathroom and take the towel. Examine the dark corners.
Exit to the garden, go around the house, and on the right you will see a hatch to the basement. Go down into it, but the path into the interior of the room is blocked by a grate with a lock. Return to the entrance to the house. To the left of the entrance are pipes. Turn the valve and return to the basement - steam began to pour out of the pipe and you need to plug the pipe with something. Use the towel and the grate will rise.

In the basement, open the drawer of the table and take away the rusty pliers, grease them with olive oil in the inventory. Look into two glasses with brushes - one of them contains a coin, the other contains glue. Study the instructions for assembling the cylinders, which hangs above the table. Pick up a wooden bucket. Return to the bathroom, open the drawer under the sink and unscrew the drain with pliers. Take the sleeping pill from it and add it to the wine in inventory, give the bottle to the Strange Man.
Exit the room and go down the corridor to the right. Here is an empty room with a TV. Look at it closer - there is not enough toggle switch. Take the box from the table and open it: there is a broken tumbler inside. In the left dark corner there is another table on which lies the program guide, in which two programs of the 7th channel are highlighted in yellow. In inventory, glue the broken TV toggle switch, put it back in place and turn on the TV. Flick the switches until you find channel 7. Click on the TV screen, and you will see the inscription: "Set up." Wiggle the antennae until the cereal box appears on the screen. After the video, the website address on the Internet will appear: "".
Return to the living room - the Strange Man is already asleep, and take the box. In inventory, examine it - it shows three symbols.
Go back to the corridor by the bathroom and go into the room on the left - this is the library. Come to bookshelves and look at two books - tear out a page from one of them and take away the semicircular key, in the other read about the golden idol of the ancients, which is encrusted with rubies and lies in the tomb of Emperor Zohir on the Isle of the Dead.
A portrait hangs on the left wall. Under it is a well, where you need to insert a semicircular key - you will open a secret door.
Get inside. There is a table on the right against the wall, open its drawer and take the handle for the cylinder. Read the book about the tomb of Zohir and the magic stones, which lies in bookcase.
Return to the library and enter the right opening - there is another corridor with a locked door. We need to look for the key.
To do this, go to the hall. On the left is the door to the toilet. Take the key from the box on the table, open the locked door and go inside. There is a scroll in the closet that tells you how to open the puzzle in the crypt.

Look at the newspaper clippings on the wall and take the cylinder cover from the cabinet.
Go to the crypt (back to the fork of three roads and to the left - see Fig. 6) and solve the puzzle on the pedestal. You need to swap small and large chips (this is indicated on the tip from the scroll in the library). The puzzle is randomly generated, there is no passage.
When all the small pieces are in the outer circle, the crypt wall will move aside. Now at any time you can enter the secret door by clicking on the pedestal.
Go inside and look at the statue of the boy on the right, get the cylinder from the cache in the pedestal.
In inventory, combine the lid, cylinder and handle. Go ahead and insert the finished cylinder into the hole on the wall. Turn it and the wall will move to the side.
Go there and look at the valves. Twist them and gas will start flowing into the stove - you need a lighter to set it on fire.
To get to the pier, you need to turn right from the gate. You cannot cross the bridge because there is not enough board. Step back two steps and click on the graveyard fence to turn left. You will see another pier with a board on it.

Go to the pier, throw the board and sit in the boat. You will meet a local resident who will not allow you to escape from here, and will sail away in it himself.
Take two gold coins from the barrel on the edge of the pier.

Go to the fishing tackle warehouse. There is an iron cabinet with three buttons, but it is not yet clear in what order to press them.
Now explore the house. To the right of the door are two barrels and a trash can. Take out the pieces of cardboard. In inventory, look at the cereal bag and turn it back - a wall has been cut out here and you can get a wrapped prize. Unwrap the package and take out the magnifier.
Look at the pieces of cardboard in inventory through a magnifying glass and assemble the mosaic. Several letters are cut into the cardboard. It is obvious that the scraps of cardboard found are the back wall of the cereal pack.

Go inside and examine the drawers of the nightstand to the left by the bed. The top drawer contains a fisherman's diary. His name is Hank. He talks about how his wife drowned. Hank buried her, but then someone ransacked her grave and stole the ring from her hand. Together with the doctor, he began to dig in the mine to rebury his wife. After some time, the doctor disappeared, and his house fell into disrepair. The corpse of his wife also disappeared somewhere from the grave. Hank mentions the cereal they used to eat with the doctor, and he borrowed one box for himself. The diary ends with the entry that he found the corpse of a man who had a red stone in his pocket and his wife's ring on the body.
There is a lighter in the bottom drawer of the nightstand.
Go to the computer, turn on the computer and enter the site "" as the TV prompted you. Now you need to enter two passwords.
Look through a magnifying glass at the side wall of the computer - these are the missing letters cut out of a piece of cardboard: "MERMAID7".

If you have an English version of the game, type the first phrase from the cardboard.

packed with 7 vitamins found in meat chem bios cereal is a creepy treat

If you have a Russian version of the game, there is a glitch in it when entering data into the computer (you need to demolish the crack or load a save).

Read email. One of the letters contains the code for a lock on an iron cabinet. Go to the warehouse and press: 3 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 3
Look inside - there is a hole between the cabinets. Remove the key from the nail and use it to open the locked drawer in the table in the house. Get the poem "Amy's Ashes".
Return to the crypt (to open secret door, click on the puzzle).
Ignite the gas with a lighter and go right. Here is another valve. Spin it and you'll see the next puzzle activate. She is in the gazebo next to the closed crypt (go back to the fork of three roads - see Fig. 6 and go forward and to the left).
In front of you is a structure with two valves.
The puzzle is randomly generated, there is no passage.
If you have an English licensed version, please use the original disc that comes with the game.
For everyone else, here is a program that allows you to solve this puzzle (may be in the Vitality or _Addons folder along with the game):

Spinner Puzzle Program

1) Look at the letter and its corresponding astrological symbol in the two upper boxes on the right, draw two symbols in the boxes to the left of the valves.
2) Run the program and turn the movable disk so that the given character is opposite the given letter.
3) Write down what letters correspond to the other two given symbols and return to the game.
4) Use the valves to set the found letters and press the button.
If everything is done correctly, the green light will turn on.
You will be given another letter-symbol sequence, repeat steps 1-4.
When all three lights turn green, the crypt doors will open.

The figure shows the sequence of actions:

Enter the crypt, but the grate to the back of the room is closed. There are three cylinders on the right wall. But what code do you need to dial on them? It is logical to assume that the code is the name of Hank's wife, which is indicated in the poem. Install "AMY" on the cylinders and the grille will open.
Inside is an elevator with a vase. Apparently, to go down, it must be filled with water. To do this, return to the kitchen and scoop up water with a wooden bucket.

Climb the stairs and pick up the fuel canister along the way.
Open the door on the left - this is the burial place of Amy, Hank's wife. On the left is the sarcophagus. Look inside - it's empty. Approach the portrait on the wall and insert the semicircular key into the hole under the portrait. The door will open and you will see the control room.
Look at the instructions for starting the monorail on the wall above the control panel. It is necessary to pour fuel into the generator, put the energy lever on maximum value and turn off the "A" button.
To the right of the console is a generator, take a closer look at it and pour fuel into the funnel. Turn on the "Network" button, flip the toggle switches to turn off the "A" button (A - B - C - A), and move the lever to the right.

The monorail cabin will appear on the display screen. Exit the room and go upstairs, sit in the cabin. Click on the lever above the green button and the monorail will take you through the shaft.

4. Swamp

Get out of the cabin and go down. At the fork, look left and go across the bridge to the house.
Go through the hallway to the next room - this is the living room. Open the cupboard and read the instructions for making an antidote for the viper. The recipe is as follows: boil 50 mg of alcohol, add 2 mg of ventia, 1 sachet of spider venom and drink.
On the shelf to the left is a locked wicker box.

Go left into the corridor and right down through the dark passage to the lab. Approach the closet lit with red light. On the top shelf is a book about spiders, on the bottom - three cans. Take the worm from the middle can. To the left of the entrance is a table with a distillation apparatus.
Climb up and go into the light corridor, in which there is a locked chest, and further into the room. On the shelf is a box in which hangs a key guarded by a scorpion. It is impossible to take the key, you need to distract the scorpion with a worm. Take the key, return to the living room and open the box. A snake will crawl out of it and immediately bite you. Look what she was guarding - it's Hank's fishing license. Turn over the license and at this time the mistress of the house will appear. She will tell you that Hank died, she found this license and the “blood stone” from him.
Now you need to prepare an antidote.
1) In the living room on the shelf on the right, get the fly from the leaves of the carnivorous plant.
2) In the farthest room, open the closet and take the big key and the bottle of alcohol. 3) Return to the corridor and open the chest, get a match from it.
4) In the hallway, look to the right and take out the ventia leaves from the jar on the shelf.
5) Exit the house, go back to the bridge and turn right. Put a fly on a pile of earth, take a step back, approach again and catch the spider.
6) Return to the laboratory. Light a candle under the distillation apparatus, pour in the alcohol first, then add the ventia and the spider. Drink this potion and return to the living room. Take the gem box from the closet. You can’t touch it yet, otherwise you will die.

Exit the house and go back. When you get to the fork, turn right. A boat is tied to the pier. In inventory, turn over the license and remember the code "3928". It must be dialed at the castle, get into the boat and sail away from these places.

5. Abandoned city

Go through the archway and open the door on the left. Enter the room and take the flashlight from the desk drawer. Take three coins in the closet and read the book about the Shadowmoon Temple. Climb up the stairs.
A girl sits at the back of the room. This is Tara, a young gypsy. She says that it is necessary to return the stones to the tomb, this requires a scroll and three dead spiders.
Tara will show you three cards with symbols, and the fourth card will tell you which direction to turn them - clockwise or counterclockwise with a question mark (this puzzle is randomly generated). How to turn them, Tara does not know, you need to find the Witch's house and find out from her.
Exit the house and go to the alley. Take the batteries from the trash can and insert them into the flashlight. Go into the passage to the left - this is the stairs to the Witch's house.
Check the nightstand on the right - there is a piece of paper on it, and under it is another one with a poem about the five colors of the rainbow. The top drawer of the nightstand is locked.

Go into the dark room and click on the center of the screen - it will light up a little and you will see the Witch. She will tell you that you have to go to the tomb and replace the stones, as well as destroy the eye of Acareus with the hammer of Tamarak. The witch will ask you to bring her a bag of spheres from another room.
To the left of the Witch on the table is a small box with a puzzle.
It is necessary to combine three identical symbols, and they will turn into bricks. First, click on the symbol to be moved, and then on the cell where you want to move it. Help yourself with two adjacent bricks so that there is only one free cell next to the symbol.
When all the symbols turn into bricks, the box will open and you can take the key to the nightstand.
Go to the next room and pick up the eye of Acareus, which was dropped by the crow. Open the drawer, take the bag and approach the Witch - one orb is missing. Return to the next room and enter the painting on the wall. You will see a familiar girl with a doll in her hand. She will drop it, and you will find yourself in a room. Return to the painting and take the doll. In inventory, take out the blue orb from it.
Click on the Witch and place the spheres on the floor, as indicated in the poem: purple - on top (in the clouds), red and blue - left and right in the center of the screen (in the hands), green - in the center of the screen (in the heart), yellow - at the bottom of the screen (on the tail).

The witch will tell you how many times and in which direction you will need to turn the spiders - write this information down (the puzzle is randomly generated). Return to Tara's house. Near the stairs in the room with the fan, feel for the hatch in the floor. Go down into the sewer, light the shield on the left on the wall with a flashlight and turn on the electricity. Walk along the collector to the lake, on the way look into the pipe on the left - there is a crab here.

6. Hidden area

Walk right. In front of you is a suspension bridge. A clue hangs on a pole to the right - a string of red and green beads. This is the designation of steps - you can step on green ones, but not on red ones. Approach the bridge and mark the correct steps, keeping in mind that the bottom beads are the far side of the bridge and the top beads are the near side. When you mark five steps, cross the bridge.

In front of you is a skull with an emerald in its eye socket. In order to solve this puzzle, you need to look in your inventory at a torn page from a book in the library.
Need to find the most effective method touch all the numbers indicated on the page by turning the skull clockwise or counterclockwise.
If you twist incorrectly, after a few turns, the mechanism resets. You can use the hint - twist the skull several times and step back to the exit, then a ghost will come to your aid, and the solution will be written on the torn page.

1) From the number that lights up first for you, turn the skull counterclockwise to 2.
2) Rotate the skull clockwise to 11.
3) Rotate the skull counterclockwise to 5.
4) Rotate the skull clockwise to 3.

Take the emerald.
Return to the lake and go forward to the trees. You will enter Big hall, where the statue stands, covered with cobwebs. In the center of the statue there is a square hole where you need to install the box from the doctor's house.
The instructions of the two witches will come in handy here. On the box are already installed images of the cards that Tara showed you.
Here is the installation key:

1) Find the image of the first card that Tara showed you - this is the starting position.
2) Count from her the number of steps in the direction the Witch told you (clockwise - clockwise, counter-clockwise - counterclockwise) and draw a new symbol.
3) Find this symbol in the box slot.
Repeat steps 1-3 for the other two symbols and insert the box into the hole. If everything is correct, the wall behind the statue will move away.

For example:
Tara pointed to these cards:

The witch said that the spiders should be rotated 5 steps clockwise. Using the diagram, we get:

Before you go there, check the niches in the hall: in the left niche there is a vase with a gold coin.
Ahead, the passage is guarded by a black wolf with burning eyes. Return to the sewer, take the crab and give it to the wolf. Go inside, but now the path is blocked by spikes in the floor. Pick up the broken spear and look to the right on the wall - there is a mechanism with a round hole. Insert a shaft into it, and the spikes will hide. Climb the stairs - Zohir's tomb awaits you.

7. Tomb

Go through the passage on the right and you will see a wall with a skull.

From the courtyard, go forward and up the stairs. Remove the bomb from the vase on the right and go further into the cave.
You need to solve the puzzle by balancing the scales. Only the top weights can be moved. One solution:

Watch the video as the wall with the skull rises. Go there and you will enter the courtyard. First, enter the dark passage on the right, go up the stairs. This is the Lunar Room, in the center of which is a puzzle, like in a book in Tara's house. You need a wand.

Return to the courtyard and explore the passage on the left.

Go forward and take the whole spear shaft from the skeleton. In inventory, collect the emerald, spearhead and shaft, and return to the Moon Room. Place the wand in the slot and look into the circle of light. Remember the number of moths (the puzzle is randomly generated).

Exit to the courtyard and go into the illuminated passage. Here is a grave from which clouds of smoke are poured - this is the tomb of Zohir. Light the fuse of the bomb on the candle, which is to the right of the sarcophagus, and return to the central courtyard. Enter the left passage and go forward without turning anywhere until you see a puzzle with 12 holes in front of you.
You need to put in the holes the number that you saw in the Moon Room. Starting position - each rack is set to "1", the total amount is 12. Rotate the racks in the holes until you get the number given to you.
The puzzle will move aside, go downstairs.
Pass by the skeleton, near which lies a red stone, and approach the opposite wall. Blow it up with a bomb, go inside and take Tamarak's amulet. Now you can collect gems without fear of evil forces.
In the inventory, take the first gem from the box, take the second gem from the skeleton.
Exit the hall and touch the skeleton on the left. He will fall, and you can remove the ring from his finger.

Behind the skeleton is a hole, climb into it and go to a small reservoir. Cross it and go up the stairs. On the wall you will see a ball puzzle.
It is necessary to guide the ball through the maze. He will interfere with you, moving along two adjacent cells. Therefore, it is easier to build a path from the end point to the start point, and when the ball starts rolling, quickly move aside the cell that it just passed.
Water will pour out of the reservoir, go down and take the third gem.
Return to the fork (Fig. 33) and turn right.
You will enter a hall with an eye on the right wall and a round hole in front of you. Use the ring on him and the wall with the eye will move away. Enter inside - this is a prison in which three cages with skeletons hang, each of them has a gem.
Exit the prison and turn left. There is a grate in front of you, and there is a passage to the right.

Go through it into the cave, in the center of which is the mechanism. Remove the board from the wall and insert it into the center hole of the mechanism. The door will close behind you, water will begin to flow into the cave, and you will rise up with the water. Climb up the rope ladder to the next floor. Two skeletons will appear in front of you, drive them away with the amulet of Tamarak. Go past them and pick up the seventh gem. Go downstairs - you came to the grate near the prison on the other side. A hook hangs in front of you, and a stone lies under it. Hang the stone on the hook and press the lever on the wall. The portcullis will open and you can go to Zohir's tomb.
Place the seven gems in the slots around the coffin and the wall on the left will slide back. Go inside and climb up to the pedestal above which hangs Tamarak's hammer. Place the eye of Acareus in the center of the pedestal and smash it with the hammer. An earthquake will begin, and stones will fill up all the exits. Go down through the hole in the center of the hall. Walk right.
You will see an underground river and a boat near the pier, but before you get into it, go into the niche on the right. Here on the door is last puzzle.
You need to quickly find two identical red tiles among the nine inverted tiles. Do this four times and the door to Zohir's treasury will open. Touch the gold, watch the cutscene, quickly run back and jump into the boat. She will take you to the stairs. Climb up, press the handle on the pole, and sit in the descended Balloon.
Click on the handrail and watch the cutscene.
Click on the golden idol - a secret compartment with an individual code will open for you. Go to, enter this code and get a bonus.

Copying of material is allowed only with the indication of the author of the walkthrough, known on the Internet as Julia-10

The game is non-linear.
Interface: in the upper right corner of the screen - exit to the menu, at the bottom of the screen - inventory. Some items can be viewed by right-clicking on them.
Interaction with the subject - the cursor turns red.
Look closer - the cursor takes the form of a purple eye.
At the very beginning of the game, you will find a map, thanks to which you can automatically move around the location.
Collect gold coins (there are 25 of them).

1. Underwater maze.

From the boat, go into the passage to the left. On the left there will be a dark passage to the left, go through it and take the gold coin from the vase standing on the step. Past the vase, go forward and see what is in the thicket in front of you. Go back to the fork and take the nails from the boards with which the passage is clogged.

Return to the boat - behind it is a skull, next to which lies a cable. Turn right from the boat and go forward. A hall with three vases will appear in front of you. Break one of them and take the hook.
Step into the bright passage, in front of you is another fork.

Turn left into the bright passage and pick up a notebook near the skeleton. Open it in inventory and take the card. Walk forward to the pool. There is a lever on the wall to the right. Click on it and it will flush the pool. Pick up two gold coins from the bottom of the pond.

Return to the fork and try to go into the dark passage. Return to the hall with vases and turn right into the dark passage. On the pedestal is the first puzzle.
It is necessary to light four red light bulbs at the corners of the square by inserting nails into the holes. The combination of pressing is indicated in the notebook: 2 - 5 - 7, 14 - 10 - 4, 9 - 1 -6, 11 - 3 - 8. After you light the light bulb, you need to get the nails and use them for the next combination. When all four lights are lit, the center light will flash and you will see that a secret passage has been opened.
Go forward, you need to go down into the well. In inventory, combine the hook with the rope and throw it into the opening.

2. House, cemetery and marina.

In front of you is a cemetery. Go left into the crypt - there is a puzzle that cannot be solved yet. If you go forward, there will be another crypt on the right, which is closed. On the left is a gazebo with another puzzle. Go forward and take out two gold coins from the open grave.

Return to the fork and click on the sign to the right. If you go to the right from it, then you will come to the pier, if you step forward from the pointer, a gate will appear in front of you.
There is a mailbox at the gate, open it and read the letter from the coroner, in which he writes about a corpse with gouged out eyes and an ancient stone on its chest.
Go to the house. Go down to the right. Here you can go to the garden, to the right or climb the stairs to the second floor.

Go up and to the left. This is the living room, and in the next room is the Strange Man. He says that this is the house of a doctor who found an ancient box, but how to open it is unknown. Strange Man wants a drink, but he has run out of wine. Go to the table and try to take the box - the Strange Man will show you a huge cleaver in response.
Go downstairs and go right - this is the dining room, behind it is the kitchen.
Take a bottle of wine from the refrigerator. A shelf with bottles hangs above the front door, examine them and take away the olive oil. Remove the cereal bag from the door shelf. Check the faucets - only hot water flows. You can't just give the wine to the Strange Man, you need to find a way to distract him.
Return to the hall and turn around. In front of you is a staircase. Climb up there, next to the door under the picture on the table is another gold coin.
Enter the door on the right - this is the bathroom. There is an empty bottle of sleeping pills in the sink. Water from the taps does not flow - apparently, the tablets spilled into the drain and remained there. You need to find some pliers somewhere to unwind the pipe and check. Above the bathroom is a shelf with 12 gold coins. Look in the bathroom and take the towel. Examine the dark corners.
Exit to the garden, go around the house, and on the right you will see a hatch to the basement. Go down into it, but the path into the interior of the room is blocked by a grate with a lock. Return to the entrance to the house. To the left of the entrance are pipes. Turn the valve and return to the basement - steam began to pour out of the pipe and you need to plug the pipe with something. Use the towel and the grate will rise.

In the basement, open the drawer of the table and take away the rusty pliers, grease them with olive oil in the inventory. Look into two glasses with brushes - one of them contains a coin, the other contains glue. Study the instructions for assembling the cylinders, which hangs above the table. Pick up a wooden bucket. Return to the bathroom, open the drawer under the sink and unscrew the drain with pliers. Take the sleeping pill from it and add it to the wine in inventory, give the bottle to the Strange Man.
Exit the room and go down the corridor to the right. Here is an empty room with a TV. Look at it closer - there is not enough toggle switch. Take the box from the table and open it: there is a broken tumbler inside. In the left dark corner there is another table on which lies the program guide, in which two programs of the 7th channel are highlighted in yellow. In inventory, glue the broken TV toggle switch, put it back in place and turn on the TV. Flick the switches until you find channel 7. Click on the TV screen, and you will see the inscription: "Set up". Wiggle the antennae until the cereal box appears on the screen. After the video, the website address will appear on the Internet: "".
Return to the living room - the Strange Man is already sleeping, and take the box. In inventory, examine it - it shows three symbols.
Go back to the corridor by the bathroom and go into the room on the left - this is the library. Go to the bookshelves and look at two books - tear out a page from one of them and take the semicircular key, in the other read about the golden idol of the ancients, which is encrusted with rubies and lies in the tomb of Emperor Zohir on the Isle of the Dead.
A portrait hangs on the left wall. Under it is a well, where you need to insert a semicircular key - you will open a secret door.
Get inside. There is a table on the right against the wall, open its drawer and take the handle for the cylinder. Read the book about Zohir's tomb and magic stones, which lies in the bookcase.
Return to the library and enter the right opening - there is another corridor with a locked door. We need to look for the key.
To do this, go to the hall. On the left is the door to the toilet. Take the key from the box on the table, open the locked door and go inside. There is a scroll in the closet that tells you how to open the puzzle in the crypt.

Look at the newspaper clippings on the wall and take the cylinder cover from the cabinet.
Go to the crypt (back to the fork of three roads and to the left - see fig. *) and solve the puzzle on the pedestal. You need to swap small and large chips (this is indicated on the tip from the scroll in the library). The puzzle is randomly generated, there is no passage.
When all the small pieces are in the outer circle, the crypt wall will move aside. Now at any time you can enter the secret door by clicking on the pedestal.
Go inside and look at the statue of the boy on the right, get the cylinder from the cache in the pedestal.
In inventory, combine the lid, cylinder and handle. Go ahead and insert the finished cylinder into the hole on the wall. Turn it and the wall will move to the side.
Go there and look at the valves. Twist them and gas will start flowing into the stove - you need a lighter to set it on fire.
To get to the pier, you need to turn right from the gate. You cannot cross the bridge because there is not enough board. Step back two steps and click on the graveyard fence to turn left. You will see another pier with a board on it.

Go to the pier, throw the board and sit in the boat. You will meet a local resident who will not allow you to escape from here, and will sail away in it himself.
Take two gold coins from the barrel on the edge of the pier.

Go to the fishing tackle warehouse. There is an iron cabinet with three buttons, but it is not yet clear in what order to press them.
Now explore the house. To the right of the door are two barrels and a trash can. Take out the pieces of cardboard. In inventory, look at the cereal bag and turn it back - a wall has been cut out here and you can get a wrapped prize. Unwrap the package and take out the magnifier.
Look at the pieces of cardboard in inventory through a magnifying glass and assemble the mosaic. Several letters are cut into the cardboard. It is obvious that the scraps of cardboard found are the back wall of the cereal pack.

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