Osiris new dawn game review. Review: Osiris: New Dawn

Short description and useful information

Small disclaimer: Uv. AkylaShark, stop stealing information from my guide, didn't give you permission to do so.

Osiris: New Dawn - action-adventure mmo in a sci-fi setting.

In a nutshell about the plot

2046 year. Mankind already owns, though not perfect, but working technology of interstellar flights.

You are one of the colonizers of the second wave, sent to the system Gliese 581
( ) to search for and study habitable planets. While landing, your ship crashes, but you manage to survive.

From now on, your future fate depends only on you.

A little about the developers

Osiris: New Dawn is being developed by Fenix ​​Fire Entertainment consisting of only three people. The game was first shown at PAX West 2016 and has been available for purchase on Steam Early-Access since September 28.


Official website of the game:

Official site of developers:

Discussions for feedback, feature requests and bug reports:
(developers review them regularly)

Official English wiki games :

List of control buttons

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to remap control buttons in the game. You can see the list of assigned buttons when loading the game, and the settings menu or use this list:

  • Esc- Main menu
  • ~ - Autorun
  • 1-8 - Quick tool/weapon slots
  • E- Pick up/remove current tool or weapon
  • R- Reloading weapons
  • F- Use/pick up/open container/interact with other players
  • V- Camera change
  • M- Task list
  • Q- Cancel/skip the current task
  • Space- Jump (hold to use Jetpack)
  • Left Ctrl- sit down
  • Left Shift- Sprint
  • Left Shift+RMB- Quick transfer of items between inventories
  • L- Torch
  • R- Recharge
  • Enter- Start typing a message in a chat
  • Tab- Character Menu/Inventory
  • C- Cancel the last order to the droid

User interface (UI)

Standard equipment

In Osiris, the player starts with a standard set of equipment that cannot be lost if killed. In other words, the player will respawn every time with this set of items in their inventory:

Buildings in Osiris are divided into three types:

  • Auxiliary buildings(they can only be placed outside)
  • Building
  • Interior objects(they, respectively, can only be placed inside buildings)

Auxiliary buildings

  • beacon(Lighthouse)
    The beacon can be used to track interesting places on the map. Radar is used to get directions to a specific beacon ( Map).
  • Depository(Storage)
    The vault is an outdoor container where the player or droid can store the contents of their inventory.
  • Flag(Flag)
    The flag is used as decoration for your colony.
  • Forge(horn)
    The main production facility, which should be one of the first to be built. In the forge, you can make some useful tools and materials necessary for further development.
  • Large Gas Tank and Small Gas Tank(Large and small gas tanks)
    Tanks are used to store gases and refuel ships. Unfortunately, at the moment they are not available for construction.
  • Large Satellite(Large satellite dish)
    Designed to improve the functionality of the Radar. Several configuration options are planned, depending on which it will be possible to track animals, resources, and even other players.
  • Large Solar Panel(Large solar panel)
    It is a source of energy for buildings at the base, and can also be used to recharge vehicles and repair droids. Not working at the moment!
  • marker(Marker)
    A small decorative flag used to mark exploration in the world of the place.
  • Inflatable Dome(inflatable dome)
    This building can be used as a portable home. In it, you can save your progress, improve your health and replenish oxygen. The inflatable dome is available among the starting equipment of any colonist.
  • air lock(Atmospheric lock)
    A sealed structure that allows communication between zones with different pressures, different gas composition of the atmosphere on both sides of the device. Used as an entrance to your base. Without the use of a gateway, your base will not be considered airtight!
  • Habitat(Habitable module)
    Multifunctional compartment in which you can place a variety of different equipment. Several configuration options are available for module walls: solid wall, wall with a window, Connecting opening to add extensions.
  • Barracks(Barracks)
    A module that can accommodate various household items and devices, such as a shower or seating area. At the moment, not one of the objects of the interior of the barracks has no use.
  • Bio Dome(Biosphere)
    The biosphere is used as a greenhouse in which food and other resources can later be grown.
  • hallway(The corridor)
    It is intended for connection of compartments of base among themselves.
  • Laboratory(Laboratory)
    A production facility with which you can collect all types of available equipment.

Interior objects

  • bed(Bed)
    Can be placed in Habitat or Barracks
    When used, restores some health and saves the player's progress.
  • Chemistry table(Chemist's table)
    Can be placed in the Habitat
    With it, you can synthesize plastic, rubber, as well as some medicines and liquids.
  • Climate controller(Air conditioner)
    Can be placed in the Housing Bay
    Maintains a comfortable temperature inside the base.
  • computer desk(Table with computer)
    Can be placed in Barracks
    Planned as a database on various aspects of the game. Not working at the moment!
  • Couch(Sofa)
    Can be placed in Barracks
    A place of entertainment and relaxation. Not working at the moment!
  • Crates(Boxes)

    Warehouse is small.
  • fabricator(Assembly table)
    Can be placed in the Hab
    Used to produce high-level materials and components.
  • Kitchen(Kitchen)
    Can be placed in the Hab
    In the kitchen, you can cook meat or other more sophisticated dishes.
  • oxygenator(oxygen generator) Can be placed in the Hab
    Fills base compartments with breathable air. Having installed one at your base, you will be able to replenish oxygen while being inside hermetic rooms.
  • shower(Shower)
    Can be placed in Barracks
    Not working at the moment!
  • storage locker(Cupboard)
    Can be placed in the Hab
    Large warehouse.
  • water reclaimer(water collector)
    Can be placed in the Hab
    Using the water collector, you can quench your thirst or replenish water supplies in containers carried in the inventory.

List of all tasks with translation

  • Use Patch Tape to fix suit breach- Repair your suit with Isoletna.
  • Press [v] toggle camera perspective- Press "V" to change camera.
  • Find survival kit- Find a survival kit.
  • Find ammo box- Find an ammo kit.
  • Find Inflatable Dome Kit- Find an inflatable dome.
  • Build Inflatable Domes- Place the inflatable dome.
  • Save inside Inflatable Dome- Save in the dome.
  • Search for minerals to build Forge- Find and gather resources to build the Forge.
  • Build Forge- Build the Horn.
  • Search for minerals to build Habitat- Find and collect resources to build the Hab.
  • Build Habitat- Build the Hab.
  • Inspect missing habitat panel with Multi-Tool- Explore one of the missing walls of the Hab with the Multi-Tool.
  • Search for minerals to build and complete Habitat structure- Find and collect resources to complete the walls of the Hab.
  • Search for minerals to build Airlock- Find and collect resources to build the Gateway.
  • Build Airlock on Habitat coupler- Build a Gateway at the entrance to the Hab.
  • Build Chemistry Table in Habitat- Build a Lab Table in the Hab.
  • Build Fabricator in Habitat- Build an Assembly Table in the Hab.
  • Build Oxygenator in Habitat- Build an Oxygen Generator in the Hab.
  • Build Bed in Habitat- Build a Bed in the Hab.
  • Save your progress at Bed- Save in the Habitat using the Bed.

Online game

For network game two types of servers are available: Public ( Public) and Private ( Private respectively). Playing online with randoms or friends is very simple:

Public servers

To play on public servers:

  • Go to menu section Multiplayer -> Public
  • Choose any server you like from the available ones in the list

Private server to play with friends

To play on your personal server:

  • Go to menu section Multiplayer -> Private
  • Create a new universe with the necessary settings
  • In the next window, select the friends you want to invite to the server
  • Create a new character or choose an existing one
  • It remains to choose the universe you created from the list
To change the world settings or invite new players - go to the customization menu by pressing the button Customize in the universe selection list.

Creation of a colony and joint play

To create a colony, go to the character menu (button " Tab"), press the Colony button above the character's name and give it a name. After that, you can invite other players to join the colony by interacting with them with the " F".

ATTENTION! It is best to create a colony immediately after the start of the game, otherwise the allies will not be able to use the buildings that you built before the creation of the colony!

Known bugs

  • Occasionally, items from the colony's public vaults may go missing.
  • The character can get stuck on rooftops or in doorways.
  • There may be minor problems with object collision.
  • After restarting the game, the name of the colony may not be displayed correctly.
  • Mobs sometimes just disappear after death.
  • Fur is currently not available for crafting.
  • Problems with texture proportions in barracks and habitation module.
  • Suit color in the character menu ( Tab) is out of sync with the selected color.
  • The blueprint system has not yet been introduced.
  • Barracks are not sealed.
  • Sometimes corridors disappear, and sometimes they cannot be built.
  • Problems with finding the path of mobs in some situations.
The list is being updated...

Questions from the players (from the comments to the guide)

  • Has anyone else run into a single player problem. I can't launch it. I join publics without problems, but the sing does not work.
    As it became known later (thanks to the person who asked this question) - a single player game may not start if you have spaces or special characters in your Steam nickname.
  • How to start local multiplayer?
    Read about the server launch and other details of the multiplayer game in the "Multiplayer game" section.
  • Where to mine Azurium?
    Azurnium is mined in space, on asteroids located there. Sometimes it can be found on the planet in the form of fallen asteroids.
  • How to fix a droid?
    The droid can be repaired with the Multi-Tool.
  • What to do if a droid is destroyed?
    So far, there is no way to restore it in the game. Just save and re-enter the game - the droid will appear next to you, safe and sound.
  • Can a worm be killed?
    So far, there is no such possibility.
  • How to invite a friend to a party?!
    First you need to create a colony, and then go to a friend and invite him by pressing the "F" button. More detailed information- in the "Multiplayer" section of the guide.
  • Oxygen in the spacesuit is restored by itself (unless, of course, it has reached zero percent), is this a bug or am I not understanding something?
    No, this is not a bug, everything is as it should be. To spend less oxygen, you should use the Jetpack more often. You can also restore oxygen in the Inflatable Dome or Habitat (if an Oxygen Generator is installed there).

Osiris: New Dawn is an action-adventure multiplayer role play with elements of survival, which takes place in 2046. After crashing on a distant planet, the player can explore new world, create your own colony, make new friends and fight aggressive representatives of the local fauna. In this guide, we will tell you about the basics of crafting and help you not to die in the first 10 minutes of the game.

In 2046, humanity decided to send 581 research groups to the Gliese system to study all the potentially habitable planets. At the very beginning of the game, the user must choose one of two factions to choose from: the United Nations of the Earth or Aliens (space pirates). After that, you will find yourself in a desert world where you will have to survive in extremely unfavorable conditions for life.

Helpful Hints:

  1. There are 4 most important things you should build first if you don't want your character to flip their fins in the coming days: Inflatable dome, Storage (Depositary), Workbench (Forge) and Habitat (Habitat) .
  2. After creating the workbench, make sure you have Shovels, as they will come in handy in the future.
  3. When encountering an alien life form, try to use stimpacks to maintain your stamina. If you die in battle, you will appear in safe place(Inflatable dome). We advise you to immediately go to the place of your death in order to pick up the items that have fallen from the inventory.
  4. On the map you have, the coordinates of all deposits of rare metals and geysers are marked. In addition, it shows the entrances to the caves and the location of various resources, such as rubber and berries.
  5. Use Barrels to collect gas from geysers. This is one of the most important resources for beginners.
  6. Go to the game menu and find the button located just above the avatar. With it, you can establish a colony. After that, you can send invitations to friends or other players with an offer to join your group for the joint development of the base.
  7. If you want to run faster, then you should let go of all the tools and weapons. To instantly pick up or remove certain devices back into your inventory, you need to press the "E" key.
  8. Tired of digging in mines? Use Droid for mining. He will independently store all the extracted resources in the Storage.
  9. Hold Shift and left click on an item to transfer an entire stack from one inventory to another. To transfer one thing, just click on it once and move it to the desired slot.
  10. Hold Shift and right-click on an item to drop it from your inventory. To move one item in a stack, right-click on it once.
  11. You should not assume that you have become a survival specialist by wandering around the planet during the daytime. Wait for the night, because it is during this period of time that terrible creatures crawl out of their holes that will try to eat you alive. Use your flashlight to avoid the alien monster's dining table.
  12. With the help of a multi-tool, you can rename your robot. We also add that this tool has a lot of useful features. For example, he is able to repair equipment, grind solid materials and destroy small aliens.
  13. In addition to small alien animals, you will meet quite dangerous and intelligent creatures that will not attack you as long as you are close to other players. However, as soon as you are alone, they will immediately try to tear you to pieces.
  14. Observed FPS drawdowns? Then we advise you to reduce the terrain details (terrain details). Nevertheless, the developers did their best and "rolled out" quite beautiful game, but system requirements she was quite tall.
  15. After crafting an item on the crafting table, make sure you take it out of the workbench's inventory.
  16. To repair the suit at the very beginning of the game, you need to take electrical tape (press the "3" key) and use it on the suit (left mouse button).
  17. To use the rocket pack (jetpack), you need to hold down the space bar.

We hope these tips will help you get through your first night in Osiris: New Dawn and see your blossoms safe and sound.

It all started in 2046, with the invention of an engine for interstellar flights by mankind, which opened up endless possibilities for expeditionary missions in deep space. One of the expeditions, called Osiris, was called to visit the star system Gliese 581 (which by the way exists in reality), but something went wrong and the team was forced to make an emergency landing on one of the planets of this system.

The plot of the game, although similar to most fiction books, is much more interesting to survive on a distant planet full of unpredictable dangers. So, we are dealing with an adventure indie sandbox, designed for a small multiplayer, single player or cooperative. We will have to do everything: growing potatoes, digging, crafting, digging, killing mobs, digging again, as well as exploring neighboring planets.

Last Feature is quite interesting in terms of gameplay, it's a pity that in real world this is not possible (especially after skating in the COP or Dota). Among other interesting features, one can single out modern graphics, the ability to switch the view from the first and third person, the system scientific research and pumps.

All in all, if you're into sci-fi and love to travel, Osiris: New Dawn is a great fit. Too bad the project is in early access and is not deprived of a bunch of bugs, but, judging by the reviews and updates, they are actively involved in it, so you can comfortably count on a quick study of other worlds.

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Survival. Ends oxygen, overheating, hunger, thirst.
Mobs. The damage is not strong, they are killed quite easily (1 lvl) (you can either shoot or sweep with a hammer). There are not many species, there are both very small "insects" and decent-sized creatures that look like spiders. Walking along the crater, you can become a dinner for a worm, the size of which ... however, you will see for yourself. If you see an inscription that you hit the crater - just run without looking back, using the jetpack, and you will live.
craft. Weapons (including ammo), buildings, workbenches, storage, secondary components are crafted.
Mining. Ore is mined (magnesium, iron, copper, etc.), gas, loot from mobs, berries.
Movement. From walking, to riding rovers, flying gliders and more.


  • You can get into a storm, in which visibility is greatly reduced. It worsens so that beyond a few meters it is difficult for you to navigate in space and you can easily stumble upon a mob.
  • You can step on something prickly.
  • Mobs are active, pursue for a long time, jump, there are fast individuals.
  • Some mobs are "terrible", similar to reptiles from The Forest.
  • If you just stand still, you can easily become dinner for a passing mob.
  • There is no such hardcore survival as, for example, in Ark, but it is present and felt.
  • The loot has a weight, it will not work to leave for an hour and come with pockets full of resources. When overloaded, you will go like a turtle. With a strong overload, you will not be able to pick up a weapon / tool.
  • It is impossible to type 100 "000 units of iron in one cell. Resources have a maximum amount placed in a cell.
  • There is a change of day and night. It is possible to use a flashlight.
  • There is a pet in the form of a droid flying behind you. No, you can't ride him. But he can accompany you, collect resources, repair, beat the enemy and has his own loot compartment (if the pockets are full). At the beginning, be careful when you take him with you - your friend is fragile, can quickly die from the paws of various evil spirits, and you cannot resurrect him.
  • You can't make holes in the landscape. That is, you cannot dig an underground base for yourself and build up there.
  • During the construction of the base, there is no free placement of furniture. You can't Feng Shui place a bed at an angle of 93 degrees near a window. There are certain places in the room where you can place workbenches, laboratories, etc.
  • You can't run for long. The character gets tired if you run too long - some vital signs will fall and others will take off.
  • There is a skill leveling system. Do you often hit a mob on the head with a hammer? Melee attack will be pumped.
  • Riding a G.A.V? Fast, yes, faster than a rover, there is a cannon, BUT - beware of small boulders, you can get stuck "sitting on your belly". It was not possible to shove the car with a foot.
  • Even with an advantage of 180%, you can move quite quickly, removing everything from your hands and using jetpack jumps.
  • The Rover is slower than the Jeep and has no weapons.
  • To find out where the north is, where the south is, either get used to remembering landmarks, or use a map. It is very convenient to put beacons (Beacon) that directly show the path to them (as a spawn location in the upper left corner. To switch, use LMB with a device in your hands)
  • Do not crash cars into buildings, you can drive into textures. If you drove a jeep into the barracks - demolish a couple of walls, get into the car, back up and no longer try to park your car indoors.
  • Do not run from mobs (if you are not hitting melee, and if they are not slow (for example, if it is not Kolos)). Jump up (hold down the spacebar) and shoot while flying. Landed, jump again and shoot.
  • Do not jump on top of buildings, do not fly into them from the side - you can easily get into the textures. Do not jump indoors, do not try to break through the ceiling with your head - you can get stuck to the textures.
  • Don't try to travel 10,000 meters from home to find a secret alien base and fly away in a flying saucer. Other than the desert area, there is little to find.
  • Difficult and tedious to get different types gases? Suffer ... Or take a lot of barrels, throw them into the car and ride on them. Droids are brakes, digging is fine (not good) with them until the first car is built.
  • When asking for help from guides to find resource coordinates - don't rely solely on them, as these guides are recent, some resources are still not listed there. Therefore, take a piece of paper / create a file and if you see something - save the coordinates.

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Early Access Product Overview

Osiris: New Dawn is a hardcore space survival game. Here you will be treated with potatoes, and they will give you duct tape, and the Spitz will be driven into an intimate place for not knowing English. The gameplay of the game is made in the style of a la Minecraft (only without squares), and your primary task will be the typical extraction of natural resources and the construction of a camp where you can store and process these same resources. From the first, from the second and from the last glance, the game looks great. It can be seen that the developers have invested their intellect, directness and soul into it. What touches her the most is open world and good optimization, of which the world gaming industry Today it is not very easy to find. More impressive is something else - the game is being developed by only 3 people! Hell yes, if you were Gabe you would have a fatal_system_error! I don't care that the last phrase has three words! Of course, with such a tiny team, there are so many high level It’s very difficult to develop, so the guys moved to Steam Early Access to show players the alpha particle of the product and understand what gamers want from such a project. To be honest, I'm shaking from such a marketing move as in a centrifuge, but what can you do about it? The dudes from Fenix ​​Fire Entertainment are artists, they see it that way.
The plot of the game is as follows (read the next line with a pretentious facial expression): 2046, that is, the future, humanity travels through space without remorse, touching everything it sees with its rowing hand. As a result, it was decided to create an expeditionary project "Osiris" to explore the galaxy. Our monkeys, that is, volunteers, are sent to the Gliese 581 system, and after that all the fuss begins. Due to unforeseen circumstances, or rather a malfunction of the spacecraft, the pilots have to make an emergency landing on the nearest planet. Here you enter the imaginary stage - from this moment the essence inside you is free to do whatever it wants, because the game begins. To survive on a harsh unknown oxygen-free planet, you need to build a planetary complex, on the territory of which there will be solar panels, defense systems, places to sleep, food, dumping waste. In the end, you even have to build a farm, like in The Martian! Note: I do not advise you to go outside the area marked by your reproductive organ at night. If you are Alan Wake, you can take a chance and start writing another masterpiece of horror literature in online viewing mode.
Osiris: New Dawn is an example of how to make games on a tight schedule and with a small team. The conspiracy theory around kosmosims again reigned around us, and this is wonderful. You and I serve as the so-called colander for sifting trash in the gaming industry. Bad specimens remain on the grate, and cool specimens fall into a vat called "Goodness". And be sure, Osiris, in a good way, has already broken through the sieve, and soon it will also break through the vat.

Users who found this review helpful: 44

Early Access Product Overview

At first I didn’t taste it, but now it’s just sweet, but of course we still need to refine it. And please! Developed! Bring the Russian language

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Early Access Product Overview

Just recently I wrote a review on a cute Astroneer toy. Space breaking didn't let me go that evening, and my friends and I sat down at Osiris: New Dawn. After all, we know that there is never enough space. The quintessential "Astroneer" can be summed up in the word "darling." Today we are introduced to a completely different world. And he's not nice. Not good. He is cruel, sullen and ruthless.

I'm sure many of you like Firefly. But I am also sure that the number LV-426 is not an empty phrase for you. These are not numbers, and not even the number of the planet, but a brief and capacious description of the all-consuming horror. When I started the game, I hardly expected to be on LV. There was an action movie on the teasers and screenshots. But I didn't think that three players, flying off to explore a new planet, in an unknown quadrant of the universe, would end up in the world of Riddick. You know the proverb, radish horseradish is not sweeter? This is about Osiris.

I am writing this review during storms. Visibility is zero, often accompanied by precipitation. It's a special story... a storm at night. The apogee of the storm at night, when all this found you in the desert, and not near the house. When the sun went below the horizon too quickly. When the darkness began to howl and growl, and when it became clear who was the boss on this planet. Closer to the morning I will take out a cleaver and start to fight with them. Not for life, but for death. Because I need to hold the station. According to rumors, it was here that they saw the mineral we needed. Such is the prose of life on Proteus II. We are both miners and soldiers. We build strongholds and hold them. For what? To live another day. Another night. Meet the dawn. And they are amazing.

Somehow we went to explore with a naparikom. And somewhere in the middle of the desert they saw the “hackwork of designers”. Frankly repeating rocks. At least that's what my friend thought. They reminded me of the vertebrae of a skeleton. Only now the size of each vertebra was the size of a house! We began to climb the mountain to examine the outlandish object. And before the storm hit, they saw a giant head with three jaws. Desert worm. Straight from Arakis. Probably one of his relatives.

I was afraid that "O:ND" would not give me a new one. But I was wrong, and I am immensely glad for this mistake. The game gave us a storm of emotions. There was zero visibility in that storm and we were attacked. Vile degenerates of a kind so terrible that we screamed in panic, shooting back “into milk” and died in a matter of seconds. It is quite obvious that the developers were inspired by the very best in sci-fi cinema. A giant beetle resembling a facehugger is a good confirmation of this. Yes, and Shai-Hulud wandered into the light for a reason. However, all this is not perceived as tracing paper, being properly designed.

It seems like a grind of materials, which has already become familiar crafting elements of buildings, weapons and equipment. But in a frame so successful that you immediately forget about secondary game mechanics. Against the "standards" were terrible nights, patrols and the search for rare materials. At the very start of the game, rifles were lost, and we had to fight monsters with a sword. The game pleases with a light touch of RPG, development tree and character leveling. The character pumps the effectiveness of certain disciplines, which allows you to get more, fight better, wear more, run faster, etc.

Not only the visuals are good, but also the potential. The planet where you ended up in the beginning the only world. And that was a revelation. If you do not watch trailers, do not read the manual, the game is perceived in a completely different way. And gives for this ignorance triple.

There were some downsides as well. Not a very user friendly interface. A simple repair procedure creates a lot of unnecessary gestures. First, you need to switch to the appropriate tool, through quick slots. Secondly, use not a tool, but a context menu with a certain key, which appears only in the case of a correctly selected tool. In sum, such roughness lengthens the sessions of working with interactive elements, and this greatly affects when you can be attacked every second.

The second major disadvantage is transportation. Not how it's implemented. He is good on his own. But for some reason, even in large cars you can’t be alone. Which makes the desired evacuation procedure impossible. What turns a trip somewhere into a cavalcade of cars. I believe that this problem is known to the developer and is most likely related to synchronization.

As a summary, I will say this - the outgoing year threw up two games from which I did not expect such a storm of emotions. The already mentioned "Astroneer" and "O:ND" are firmly established in my personal "early access" space chart.

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Early Access Product Overview

Well, let's start with the positives:
- great graphics and atmosphere
- scary nights and detailed monsters
- frequent updates
- not intricate craft
- combat system at the level of normal shooters
- you can play with friends in public

Now to the cons:
- at the moment there is very little content, besides, 70% of what you see in the trailer is not yet in the game.
- very boring loot, you need to play in a group of 5-6 people in one colony in order to comfortably craft something.
- private servers are not being created, they have not been finalized yet.
- restriction of buildings on publics.
- small online in public, because of the buildings, people can not build a base.
- in solo it is very long and difficult.
- variety of weapons, etc. not yet.
- space is dead, nothing can be done there and there is no content yet.

Overall review of early access 5 out of 10. But huge potential, original ARC in space. If the game is not abandoned, it will be a BOMB, and it is very important that private servers do it as soon as possible.

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Early Access Product Overview

Not a bad toy. An ordinary sandbox, nothing special, there are thousands of such games now.
From the pros:
+ Beautiful graphics(not top of course, but it doesn't hurt the eyes)
+ There is farming (for me this is a big plus)
+ Enough content
+ There is a multiplayer
Of the minuses:
- If there is no one to play with, it will be boring (since there is no plot in the game, but everything is based on the extraction of resources and food)
- There is no Russian language (for me this is not a problem, but for others it may be a reason not to purchase the game)

P.S Developers please add please Russian language.

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Item received free of charge

Early Access Product Overview

Osiris: New Dawn
All these zombies, dinosaurs, aborigines have pulled me up! I decided to move to Mars, creditors will not find it, no matter how the subscriber is unavailable, he took a mortgage for half the planet, a sheet, a bot, a hammer and, oddly enough, the almighty Scotch tape and decided to start life from scratch!
And what? Everything was fine, the sun, a pack of dry carrots, 2 potatoes, a couple of bottles of mineral water, which is not romantic.
The neighbors haven’t stopped yet, it’s a little boring, but in principle it’s not bad, Jimmy, a worm, lives not far from the house, we get along with him, we show our tongues to each other, when I come to him, he joyfully jumps out of his hole and jumps into my arms.
I also see blue Saturn from the window of the house. The sun sometimes bakes, but what to do, he wanted to near the beach. I haven’t reached the sea yet, but I’ve seen plenty of sand!
Five kilometers from my house lives a quite friendly prime of necromorphs who strive to establish sexual contact with me, but I politely refuse to enter into it, because my ace is dearer than loneliness.
In some places everything seems to be slowing down, from time to time I can’t catch more than a couple of frames per second with my eyes, but it quickly passes. It’s even better here than on the planet with dinosaurs, where my eyes were generally dead, the neighbors said something about optimization, but I didn’t understand them, there were holy fools, they rode turtles.

Igrulya will do, the price is good, the potential is visible and it's fun to run a little in the desert with Jimmy!
We are waiting for updates!

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Early Access Product Overview

To say that I was absolutely delighted is an understatement! I fell out of real life for many hours, and the raging fantasy still haunts me, so I decided to write this review.

It is not known exactly for what reason I painfully slammed against the surface of the planet, but I immediately realized that I had problems. The suit is depressurized and the life support system is heart-rendingly signaling damage, which means the atmosphere is not suitable for breathing. Luckily, a skein of electrical tape was at hand, which successfully closed up the cracks.
The first thing that caught my eye was the stunning scenery! Opening my mouth in amazement, I could not stop admiring the beauty of the local nature, an indescribable feeling of joy arose. But it didn't last long. Clear weather was quickly replaced by a sandstorm in which visibility dropped to almost zero, after a while the storm was replaced by an impenetrable fog in which you can see a little more than nothing, the fog was replaced by rain, the measured knock of its large drops on the visor of the spacesuit calms well. And then night fell and I regretted that I was not quick enough to have time to build at least the simplest shelter! In the morning, sitting on a huge stone surrounded by aggressive creatures, bandaging wounds and patching new holes in my spacesuit, I realized that neither rain, nor fog, nor storm is at all a problem and no reason to stop looking for resources to build a reliable shelter.

In addition to a coil of electrical tape, the starting arsenal has a very convenient and effective pickaxe, with which almost all possible resources are extracted, and its fast and accurate strikes help protect against small freaks in close combat, if there are not more than one of them.
The multitool is an essential tool for building and repairing everything that can be built and repaired.
Navigator - I personally didn’t figure it out right away, in fact, it accurately shows only the coordinates and direction of movement, and the map of the area is presented in the form of scanning heights relative to my position. That is, it does not help to orient oneself until the control points are entered into the memory. I don’t know if the altitude scans are loaded into his memory or are broadcast from the orbital probe online, but judging by the fact that many navigation satellites lie sadly on the surface of the planet, some kind of collapse occurred in orbit.
About the spacesuit.
At first glance, it is light, makes it possible to move freely and even run, although it heats up and quickly consumes oxygen. It is equipped with temperature and pressure sensors, systems for diagnosing injuries and human health, and also carefully reminds you when you need to drink water and eat something tasty so as not to die.
The life support system maintains a comfortable temperature, pressure and oxygen level inside the suit.
Apparently, an exoskeleton is built into the suit, allowing it to carry weights and move even with an overload of 200% above normal.
The jetpack allows you to move quickly while making long jumps, and when threatened, climb into hard-to-reach places in order to methodically shoot off their vile paws to spider-like reptiles!
I’m not sure exactly, but it looks like I have a cold fusion reactor in my knapsack behind my back, I don’t see another explanation for where the right amount of energy is consistently taken from for the whole variety of volatile systems and equipment.
If at the very beginning of my adventures I had looked around carefully, and not stared around, I would have found several boxes with various supplies and the best ball friend in the universe!
Not far from the place where I first left a trace of my face on the ground of the planet, you can find an inflatable tent that is easy to assemble and disassemble using a multitool. Crates with various supplies, food, water, medicines, weapons and ammunition. And finally, the most interesting thing is a spheroid roaming nearby, ready to unquestioningly carry out all your orders and selflessly engage in battle even with superior enemy forces!

Actually, after completing a series of easy tasks, I very quickly got used to this unfriendly world, built a cozy base, which is visited by evil natives from time to time, they get cradles from automatic turrets, some I cook on the grill and eat)

I really hope that the developers will find inspiration and a lot of strength after new year holidays! I'll be looking forward to new updates! I congratulate everyone on the upcoming holidays, I wish the fulfillment of all desires in the new year!

- Who did you dream of becoming as a child?
- "Free cash desk" shout!
- Fuck off! Okay, let's put on a spacesuit. Now let's go change the solar panel!

Only recently I discovered an interesting thing for myself. How does the proverb say? "I was born too late to explore the Earth and too early to explore the Cosmos." I inserted this phrase wherever I could. But soon, common sense entered my head and I realized that I was born just in time. I appeared just at the moment when we can dream and develop, invent and not be afraid of mistakes. It is very interesting. And so it happens. There are so many wonderful space games, where you can plunge headlong into a non-empty vacuum and explore the world. Today I would like to introduce you to interesting game. We love to dream of distant travels and new uninhabited worlds, but we don’t think if we can survive there. The game Osiris: New Dawn will teach us to live in an angry world where, in addition to dying from the local fauna, we can die from a vacuum.

Simple plot

By 2046, people were still able to invent the technology of safe movement at about the speed of light. And we are thrown into the Gliese 581 system in search of a new habitat for humanity. Perhaps some planet will please us. But, as always, something went wrong and had to make an emergency landing on an uncharted planet, which turned out to be inhabited by hostile fauna, and even unsuitable air composition. Therefore, the movement will take place in the spacesuit constantly. The plot is very simple. But still, the game is focused on survival and unnecessary history is useless here.

Gameplay: Sociopath's Paradise

Survive. Build. Get it. Kill. Protect yourself. Work. Repair.
We have survival here, not dramatic game. Of course, there is some drama - everyone died, you are alone on an alien planet, but the developers were counting on that when creating the game. At the initial stage, you only have tape, with which you will immediately rewind your cracked spacesuit, loot cutter and jet boots. Everything. Otherwise, you have to think for yourself and act like this. As you wish. A pile of scattered metal around the not-so-soft landing of the rescue shuttle and... that's it. The main thing is not to panic. Do not scream and beat your head against the glass of the spacesuit. Focus, look around and go ahead to survive. And most importantly, do not run fast, because oxygen is not eternal.
The game is designed as a multiplayer. Therefore, if you do not want to wander alone, then there is always the opportunity to call a friend. Or a girlfriend. Better second, because on a deserted planet, in the circle of bloodthirsty creatures, there is not a very perspective. Although you can domesticate the fauna in the game ... This is not human.

Craft in zero gravity

The variety of everything that can be done is amazing. Solar panels, greenhouses to grow potatoes from your own plant waste, weapons to exterminate bugs or other players. Well, if you are tired of wandering around the planet, then you better aim at building a spaceship and go into low Earth orbit. Better go home if you can. Or try crafting something else. Since in space, really, there is nothing to do. Yes, it's beautiful. Asteroids, neighboring planets, a station through which you can fly. Space for space. Therefore, turn around and fly back to the ruthless planet. Suddenly, not friends came to you and are trying to steal your things and your girlfriend.

Cosmic total

Even before its release, Osiris: New Dawn was awarded "PAX West Best Survival Game" by MMOGames and "PAX West Best Indie MMO" by MMORPG.
