New theory on Russian drafts. Various openings when playing checkers

In Russian checkers, the concept of opening is not formalized by the number of moves and it is possible that the opening variation turns into a deep middlegame and into an endgame. Due to a large theoretical study of openings in Russian checkers, systems of playing with flying checkers ("flying") are used, with a toss-up of the initial moves. The role of theoretical knowledge is even greater in checkers, where individual titles of world champions are played: according to the classical system and with a draw of three moves. International checkers They are distinguished by a protracted opening stage - 10-15 moves are not uncommon.

Classification of openings

Openings are usually named according to characteristic constructions (stake, joint, and others) or by the names of the analysts who first worked on this beginning (the game of Bodyansky, the Game of Sidlin - Semyonov, and others). By their correctness, openings are divided into correct and trap. It is also customary to distinguish gambits - openings in which a checker is sacrificed for the sake of the initiative.

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Opening strategies

When playing the opening, the following tasks are set: capturing the center, seizing the initiative, timely development without overdevelopment.

Notes (edit)


  • Lysenko V.K.The first book of a checker player. Opening Course and Positioning Principles: A Beginner's Guide. - L .: Science and school, 1926 .-- 196 p., Ill., 1 p. portr. - 5000 copies.
  • Russo V. N., Pel A. N. Checkers debut "Crossroads". - M .; L .: Gosizdat, 1930 .-- 62 p. - 4000 copies.
  • Potapov L.S., Ramm L.M. Course of Openings: A Guide to the Study of Checkers. games. - M .: FiS, 1938 .-- 167 p. - 5000 copies.
  • Kuperman I.I.New theory of checkers openings. - M .; L .: FiS, 1949 .-- 64 p. - 10,000 copies.
  • Kuperman I.I. L.A. Rubinstein. - M .: FiS, 1950 .-- 163 p. - 20,000 copies
  • Ramm LM The course of checkers beginnings: A guide to the study of the game. - M .: FiS, 1953 .-- 348 p. - 15,000 copies.
  • Kuperman I.I., Kaplan V.M. The beginning and middle of the game of checkers / Preface. I. Kacherova. - M .: FiS, 1957 .-- 366 p. - 20,000 copies
  • Abaulin V. I. Beginnings in the drafts game. - M .: FiS, 1965. - 72 p. (Library of a beginner checker player). - 47,000 copies.
  • Abaulin V. I. Beginnings in the drafts game. - Chisinau: Kartya Moldoveneaske, 1982 .-- 80 p. - For mold. lang. - 5000 copies. Per. from rus. ed. 1965 g.
  • Agafonov V.P. Course of debuts. International checkers. - M .: FiS, 1988. - 480 pages - 100,000 copies.
  • Adamovich V.K. Drafts: Individual debut repertoire. - Riga: Avots, 1982 .-- 109 p. - To the Latvian. lang. - 8000 copies.

1.g3-f4 f6-e5 2.h2-g3.
F. Kaulen was considered one of the most powerful drafts players in pre-revolutionary Russia.
One of the opening systems that F. Cowlen developed and often used in various competitions is named after him.

Case study

1.g3-f4 f6-e5 2.h2-g3 e5-d4 3.c3: e5 h6-g5 4.f4: h6 d6: h2 5.a3-b4 g7-f6 6.b4-a5 f6-e5 7. b2-c3 h8-g7 8.c3-b4 g7-f6 9.a1-b2 e5-f4 10.e3: g5 f6: h4 11.d2-e3 b6-c5 12.b4: d6 c7: e5 13.b2- c3 e5-f4 14.e3: g5 h4: f6 15.c3-d4 a7-b6 16.a5: c7 d8: b6? (This move loses the game. It is necessary to beat 16 ... b8: d6, and Black's position is defended.) (Diagram 1.)

17.c1-d2! (After this move Black has the only continuation 17 ... b6-a5. On 17 ... e7-d6 White will carry out the combination 18.f2-g3 h2: f4 19.d4-e5 f6: d4 20.d2-e3 and remain with an extra checker. 17 ... b8-a7 (or 17 ... b8-c7) does not save either, then after 18.f2-g3 h2: f4 19.d4-c5 b6: d4 20.d2-еЗ White gets on the pre-dominant square and win the game again.) 17 ... b6-a5 18.d4-c5! f6- e5 19.d2-c3 e5-f4 20.e1-d2 e7-f6 21.c3-d4 f6-g5 22.f2-g3 f4-e3 23.d4: f2 h2: f4 24.f2-g3 f4: h2 25.h6: f4 f8-e7 26.f4-e5 b8-c7 27.d2-c3, and White won. (Part B. Gerzenson - F. Semenov.)


1.e3-d4 d6-e5 2.a3-b4h6-g5.
The beginning was developed at the end of the 19th century by the famous Petersburg drafts player Vasily Grigorievich Filippov. "Teacher" - so many fans of the drafts game called him. He used it frequently and with great success in games against strong opponents. Unexpected strikes, subtle combos and complex positional play have made this closed opening very popular.

Case study

1.e3-d4 d6-e5 2.a3-b4 h6-g5 3.g4 -h4 b6-a5 4.b2-a3 e7-d6 5.f2-g3 f8-e7 6.b4-c5 d6: b4 7. a3: c5 c7-d6? (How tempting it is to attack and try to win the c5 checker. But White turned out to be more far-sighted: a two-variant combination followed with a pass to the kings. Black should have continued 7 ... g5-f4, maintaining a symmetrical position.) (Diagram 2.)

8.c3-b4 !! e5: c3 (loses 8 ... a5: c3 because of 9.d4: b2 d6: b4 10.g3-f4, and wherever Black hits, White removes four checkers or five checkers and breaks into the kings) 9. a1-b2! c3: a1 10.d2-e3 a5: c3 11.c1-b2 d6: b4
12.b2: d4 a1: e5 13.g3-f4 e5: g3 14.h2: a3 with a complete defeat of Black.
We got acquainted with some of the checkers' openings. This is only a small part of the principles that exist in game practice. Separate books are devoted to openings, which deal with the numerous variations that arise after certain moves. In the future, you will learn from books with a multifaceted theory of beginnings and be able to apply it in practice.
Most of our tutorials ended up with a simple or complex combination. But along with the combinations at the beginning of the game, after a mistake by the opponent, you can achieve victory with the help of positional play. Here are some examples.
In the "city game" after the moves: 1. c3-d4 d6-c5 2. b2-c3 f6-g5 3. c3-b4 g5-h4 4.b4: d6 e7: c5 5.d2-c3 h6-g5? White's position (only after one wrong move by Black) becomes positionally won. Next 6.g3-f4 g7-h6 7.f4-e5. (Chart 3.)

White has deprived Black of the interaction between the left and right flanks. Now, no matter how Black plays, defeat is inevitable. Let's consider all possible continuations.
I. 7 ... b6-a5 8.d4: b6 a7: c5 9.e3-f4 g5: e3 10.f2: b6, and if Black wants to win back a checker with 10 ... b8-a7, then 11.c1 -d2! a7: c5 12.c3-b4 a5: c3 13.d2: b8 with a win.
II. 7 ... d8-e7 8.e5-d6 c7: e5 9.d4: a5X.
III. 7 ... f8-e7 8.c3 -b4 e7-d6 9.e5-f6 g5-e7 10.d4-e5 d6: d2 11.b4: f8X.
IV. 7 ... f8-g7 8.c3-b4 b6-a5 9.b4: d6 g7-f6 10.e5: g7 h6: f8 (if 10 ... c7: c3, then 11.g7-f8 solves with 10 ... h8: f6 wins 11.d6-e7)
11.h2-g3 c7: c3 12.g3-f4 (First, the defenseless checker g5 is won, and then the same fate will befall the black checker c3. An extra checker will bring White a victory.)
V. 7 ... h8-g7 8. a3-b4! c5: a3 9.e5-d6 c7: e5 10.d4: h8 with a win.
This is an example where only one wrong move in the opening immediately leads to a loss.
In the “reverse city” after the moves: 1. c3-b4 f6-e5 2. e3-f4 g7-f6 3. b2-c3 b6-c5 4. d2-e3 f6-g5? Black cannot avoid defeat. (It is correct to continue 4 ... a7-b6 or 4 ... f8-g7.) 5.g3-h4 e5: g3 6.h4: f6 e7: g5 7.f2: f6. (Chart 4.)

Now Black has two possible continuations.
First: 7 ... f8-e7.
Second: 7 ... f8-g7. Let's consider them.
I. 7 ... f8-e7 8.h2-g3! e7: g5 9.g3-f4 h8-g7 10.b4-a5 g7-f6
11.a1-b2 g5-h4 12.c3-d4 f6-g5 (12 ... a7-b6 does not save either, then 13.b2-c3 f6-g5 14.e1-f2 d8-e7 15.d4-e5 with a win) 13.d4: b6 a7: c5 14.b2-c3, and White should win.
II. 7 ... f8-g7 8.c1-d2! g7: e5 9.e3-f4 e5: g3 10.h2: f4 h8-g7 11.d2-e3 g7-f6 12.b4-a5 f6-g5 13.a1-b2 g5-h4 14.c3-d4, and White is assured of victory.
In "Filippov's game" Black's second move leads to a loss. 1.e3-d4 d6-e5 2.a3-b4 b6-a5? 3.f2-еЗ. With this move White has excluded the checkers of the black left flank from the game. Now they can only play with the checkers of the right flank. Black has four possible continuations.
First: 3 ... a7-b6.
Second: 3 ... c7-b6.
Third: 3 ... c7-d6.
Fourth: 3 ... e7-d6. Let's analyze them. (Chart 5.)

I. 3 ... a7-b6 4.b4-c5! b8-a7 5.e3-f4 c7-d6 6.b2-a3 d6xb4 7.a3xc5, and White wins.
II. 3 ... c7-b6 4.b4-c5! b8-c7 (or 4 ... d8-c7) 5.e3-f4 c7-d6 6.b2-a3
d6: b4 7.aZ: c5 with a win.
III. 3 ... c7-d6 4.b2-a3 b8-c7 (or 4 ... d8-c7) 5.e3-f4 c7-b6 6.b4-c5 d6: b4 7.a3: c5, and again White win.
IV. 3 ... e7-d6 4.b2-a3 c7-b6 (if 4 ... d8-e7, then 5.e3-f4 c7-b6 6.b4-c5 d6: b4 7.a3: c5X) 5. b4-c5 d6: b4 6. a3: c5, and Black should lose.
We showed you the tricks of positional winning in three openings after Black's wrong moves. A lot depends on the debut. If the beginning of the game is played out correctly, then in the middle of it the player will have at least an equal position, and maybe even an advantage, which will affect the ending.

For lovers classic Russian checkers a book by correspondence checker player V.A. Pesotsky is intended, which contains interesting options for the game in various checkers openings.

In the book "Drafts - a strategy of victory", the champion of Russia in the game of checkers by correspondence Vladimir Pesotsky presented his selected games, which were played both in face-to-face and correspondence competitions. Analyzed and commented by the author, these checkers fights show readers interesting possibilities for playing openings in Russian drafts.

On the basis of his games, V.A. Pesotsky not only proposes new variations in checkers' openings, but also refutes some variations of the game that were previously checkers theory were considered quite acceptable and not losing. It is no coincidence that the cover of the book also says: “new items, refutations”.

In the preface of the editorial board to the book "Checkers - the strategy of victory" it is stated in particular:

But on the other hand, in them the author shows such possibilities that even well-known theorists did not even suspect earlier. In addition to these new possibilities, readers will get acquainted with sometimes unexpected refutations of old worn-out options. "

The material of the book is presented by the author as it is usually done in other books on checkers theory: checkers games are grouped according to the openings that were played in them. Each opening is considered by the author of the book in a separate chapter, in addition, the games related to one opening are sorted by variants for the convenience of readers.

This allows us to consider the book as a kind of textbook on openings in drafts and use it as a guide to the theory of Russian drafts. In total, the book separately examines 13 different openings in Russian drafts, and in the 14th chapter the author presents "Unnamed games", that is, games in which openings that do not have a separate name are played. In total, V. Pesotsky included about 180 of his games in the book.

"Checkers - the strategy of victory" is the first of the books conceived by Vladimir Pesotsky. In the second book, he planned to continue to consider checkers theory on the example of the games he played, including - rare variants and new openings in Russian drafts... Unfortunately, V.A. Pesotsky died early, and his plans for the second book were not destined to come true. Remained uncorrected and some inaccuracies in the analyzes given in the first book, which, as far as possible, were corrected by the editors during the preparation of the 2nd edition of the book "Drafts - the strategy of victory".

The revised and revised second edition of the book was published in Cherkassy in 2006. The book is made in hardcover, the total circulation of the edition is 110 copies, the book contains 144 pages (A5 format).

Those interested can order the book "Checkers - a strategy for winning" on the site "Checkers for all", applications for the book are accepted through (or by e-mail [email protected] site). Delivery by Russian Post, various forms of payment are possible. You can read about how to find out about the availability and cost of a book, as well as where and how to place an order.

Variants and comments for the game classic checkers specified in the book, do not necessarily have a final completion, which leaves readers with room for creative search. New Raffle Opportunities openings in checkers, given by the author, will allow readers to independently analyze, check the author's opinion, which, of course, will contribute to the establishment of drafts truth.

Every sport is woven from victories and defeats. Defeat is the result of the athlete's mistakes. There can be a lot of reasons for mistakes: bad mood, insufficient level of training, psychophysical state, lack of experience, etc.

In a checker match, if both partners lead the right game avoiding serious omissions, it ends in a draw. Accordingly, you can win if your opponent misses.

In order to avoid your own mistakes, while increasing the level of your skills, you need to study and analyze others.

The mistakes that players make in fights can be classified into two categories: psychological and technical.

Psychological oversights are caused by the violation of the psychophysical state of the player as a result of heavy loads during the match and preparation for it.

Technical oversights are not related to the emotional or physical condition of the competitor. They are allowed as a result of insufficient qualification level of the checkers player, lack of experience, poor preparation for the match, etc.

Errors and pitfalls in the opening of the battle

Studying the basics of the drafts game, a beginner does not have to memorize individual options for possible steps. It is much more important to understand the essence of the techniques used, to think not in single steps, but in combinations, to be able to determine the strongest move.

When the player already has some experience, you can start mastering the beginning of the match. First of all, it is necessary to exclude rough looks and learn not to get caught on the simplest combinations of the opponent. When an opponent commits a mistake, one must not miss a chance, it is imperative to take advantage of this moment. Often, there is a trap in front of each of your opponent's combinations. In the opening of the game, there are situations when a seemingly promising move subsequently leads to defeat. To fall into the trap of an opponent means to suffer losses in the form of checkers or to lose a position.

The result of a match is very often decided at the beginning of the game. Believe me, a single rash step is enough for your opponent to secure a victory in the game. There are enough various tricks and tricks used by checkers in the opening: from the simplest ones, which are popular with beginners, to complex ones, used by already experienced checkers players. These traps are most appropriate for games such as blitz or quick checkers, as well as online checkers where there is a time limit. In general, wherever opponents do not have time to think about a move for a long time, and you need to play the opening very quickly.

If your opponent made a mistake at the beginning of the fight, be sure to take advantage of this. This will allow you to get material superiority over the enemy (one or more checkers), which at the end of the game can significantly affect the final result of the battle. A prematurely opened cell for the king or the grid placement of the opponent's pieces may allow such a combination to be carried out, which already at the beginning will decide the outcome of the match in your favor. Even one rash move of the opponent can lead to your decisive advantage. For example, block the opponent's checkers or take an advantageous position on the playing field.

Each professional player has this kind of trap up its sleeve. And the higher the level of the gamer, the more masterly he takes advantage of his opponent's mistakes.

How to start a game to win quickly

I wonder what is the minimum number of steps a participant needs to take to win a battle? Of course, you cannot win in one move. But after the second step, you can easily count on a positive result for yourself at the end of the game. Of course, you won't be able to get to the ladies square in such a short period of time, and you can't knock out a lot of your opponent's pieces, but it is quite possible to win 1-2 pieces from your opponent.

It is worth noting that even having an advantage of one piece in the opening of the match, you have a good chance of winning, since without the help of your mistakes the opponent will hardly be able to compensate for this checker at the beginning of the match. And in this position, you just need to concentrate, not allowing views, to bring the fight to a victorious end.

You should know that in order to win, you need to notice and apply the simplest tactical blows in the game. This skill will allow you to eliminate your mistakes and will not allow the enemy to knock out your pieces with the help of combinations. During the use of traps, as well as during the entire battle, the main thing is to be focused on the game and notice the opponent's reciprocal intentions in time.

Traps in the opening of a match are one of the ways to win the game, very popular among novice checkers.

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And, if it is impossible to predict the game further, then you can prepare for the beginning in advance if you look at the textbooks, in most of which, better or worse, but openings are considered. I would advise you to choose to start with one opening with White and one with Black (based on the most popular move of White c3-d4) and consider them in detail, and then how lucky.
From the textbooks it is not bad to look at the book: V.S. Litvinovich. Negra N.N. Checkers openings course

where to start with? basically all the same. The most famous is "Call", it is considered that White has an advantage. But on the other hand, your opponent, too, if at least once opened the textbook, he saw him. Hence the conclusion - a high probability of an equal game.
In this sense, I several times tried Romanychev's play as Black (hereinafter, I mean only the original variation - with a capture to the center, including the games in the Aurora program). In the textbooks it is called “the disastrous beginning” and it is believed (since 1910 !!) that Black has practically no chance of winning. But, on the other hand, most people reason like this: “Black has no chances, so I won’t play like this with Black, and only a fool can play like this against me, and I’ll win against a fool anyway” and don’t even try to study him ... And if you take a good look at it, then you already have an advantage (note - before V.I.Shoshin's analyzes in 1910, the system was considered promising). Unfortunately, this trick does not work against real masters, but on the other hand, there is practically no chance of winning against them with you and me.
By the way, in the base of the games in the Aurora program there are quite a lot of games played by Romanychev, especially in recent years, and Black does not always lose. For example, in this base G.Batoshvili played this opening with black in 2004-2005 13 games: of them 7 defeats, 4 wins and 2 draws, and out of 3 games of I. Blomberg in 2005 - 2 wins and 1 draw. This means that the masters still use it, and many of them repeatedly and successfully.

Personally, I have been preferring White's “game of Bodyansky” lately. The reason is a slightly non-standard first move, the enemy does not really expect it and, in principle, an equal play further, but if you are prepared, then there are good chances. In addition: here are the statistics from the base of parties of the Aurora program:

1st ____ total ____ won ___ lost__ draw
the course of _parts
cd4 ___ 39586 _____ 17.5% ______ 16.4% ______ 66.1%
cb4 ___ 23977 _____ 19.0% ______ 17.1% ______ 63.9%
gf4 ____ 8358 _____ 20.5% ______ 16.2% ______ 63.3%
ed4 ____ 6246 _____ 20.4% ______ 19.3% ______ 60.2%
ab4 ____ 7968 _____ 22.3% ______ 19.6% ______ 58.1%
gh4 ____ 4467 _____ 19.1% ______ 19.5% ______ 61.4%
ef4 ____ 3402 _____ 17.5% ______ 22.9% ______ 59.6%

that is, the game of Bodyansky (ab4) has the greatest chance of winning - 22.3%, although it is rather big to lose, but for a draw - the smallest, therefore, a sharp struggle is planned with good chances of winning.

the truth is, this is the statistics of the masters' games, but for beginners it will be different :).


It seems to me that checkers is such a game that it is not known who will win until the end. If the pros play one white and the other black and both know that black will lose, then it simply won't be interesting to play. Although I could be wrong….


For beginners, I would say the City game is the easiest, and the first move is cd4. When you become a little more familiar, you can learn non-standard variations, knowing a few "basic" openings: city game, stake, jab, fork, jambs.


I also love the jab with a checker sacrifice as a follow-up. But so far I have not met in local applications those who are joking.


I remember starting the study of openings with jabs and calls for white and playing for black. In principle, for beginners, this is it, these openings are called “easy to play”.
I would not recommend any bodywomen, the gambit of Kukuev, Romanychev, because there you need to know the typical schemes and constructions inherent in these openings in order not to quickly get into trouble.


I would recommend that newbies play Role Playing (good for both colors). The opening in which the least chance of getting caught on a variation. And if you want to catch on options, then you need to go deeper))))
initial moves:
1.sd4 ds5
2.vs3 sd6
3.sv4 wa5
4.db6 ac7.

If it's interesting, I'll write a trap))


In my opinion, you are both right.
Wagering is minimal risk and the game is immediately simplified. If the opponent is stronger, then there are chances for a draw, which is already very good :). And if you have already mastered the game in the endgame a little: you figured out what opposition (confrontation) is, Petrov's triangle, you have an elementary understanding of connections, etc. - then there are good chances to win.
And Kol and Poke is a pure attack, more chances, but also more risk.
And what was said above about Bodyansky and Romanychev is really more for the dischargers: with Bodyansky, you can simply “catch” the black king on a1 or e1, and Romanychev’s “Bad start” is not in vain (although for beginners: hardly).
But Kukueva, if you play "Tichok", you need to at least look. For White (beginners, of course) this can turn out to be a serious nuisance, you can even lose a pawn, or even drive someone into a "stupor". Although in fact there is nothing particularly terrible there.


Weird Tips for Beginners ……. play Kukuev's gambit ... gamble and so on ... ... years will be spent studying these openings ...
The most realistic stake positions try to get away from them without losses ... ..
That is, to start with the count and the reverse count, and then you will understand…. and not necessarily all variations, but only one or two forks ... and the reverse call is one of the most poignant openings ...


in our club, each coach teaches children in their own way. But what they are similar in is that they start learning openings from jamb, stake positions, slingshots, and urban ... As for me, I like the old game, and with black ... it will give quite sharp and interesting ... though it is dangerous to use it in tournaments ... especially in the lightning fast program. traps and combinations are at every step for blacks and whites ... however, in our city, among adults, there are more often competitions with a random draw or (what I like best) "flying".

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