Detection mechanics. Changes to some medium tanks and tank destroyers of the USSR

This article is intended to provide players with all the details of the game. It covers every aspect of the game's mechanics in detail, so you won't have to look for it anywhere else. You can find some information about the game mechanics on the official website in the “Beginner” section.


A picture reflecting the current distribution of tanks in battles:

The balancer selects tanks for battle as follows:

A tank is taken from the queue and its type and level are determined. For example, the IS tank is a heavy tank, level 7. Take the line 7-heavy and see what battle levels this tank falls into. In our example, these are levels from 8 to 12.

We randomly select a level from 8 to 12 inclusive. For example 8. Then the balancer begins to process the queue of tanks, selecting from them tanks that can participate in the 8th level of battles (8th column) and composes teams from them.

Card restrictions

Attention, this section is about battle levels (columns in the table), and not tank levels.

Low-level battles are held on a limited set of maps. In particular,
Level 1: Himmelsdorf, Rudniki and Malinovka.
Levels 2 and 3: Himmelsdorf, Rudniki, Malinovka, Karelia, Prokhorovka, Ensk.
Level 4 and above: no restrictions.

Calculation of tank parameters

100% crew + ventilation + chocolate 100 %
100% crew + ventilation 92 %
100% crew87.3 %
100% crew (commander dead) 79.3 %
90% of the crew75.3 %
75% of the crew69.4 %
50% of the crew59.5 %

On many resources dedicated to the game (including the official website and our WoT-Wiki), the characteristics of tanks are indicated at 100% crew skill. But this is not entirely true. The parameters are indicated with 100% crew, the presence of improved ventilation and additional rations/chocolate/a box of Cola. And based on this, we present a table of tank parameters.

Experience and Credits

How to get experience?

Experience is earned:

  • For causing damage to enemy tanks.
  • For causing critical damage to enemy tanks (the difference in tank levels is taken into account).
  • For detecting enemy tanks (more for Art-SPG than for a regular tank).
  • Firefly for causing damage to targets illuminated by him using friendly vehicles.
  • Bonus experience for destroying an enemy tank (only the one who destroyed this tank takes into account the difference in tank levels).
  • Bonus experience for capturing an enemy base (only for invaders, proportional to the time spent at the base).
  • Bonus experience for knocking down the counter at your base (in proportion to the “knocked down” percentage).
  • Bonus experience for "Staying Alive".
  • For "active fighting" They mean shooting within a certain radius from the enemy and shooting by the enemy within a certain radius from the player. Overall it doesn't work out much, but it does have an impact.
  • The more hits your team removes from the enemy, the more experience everyone will receive. Only the hit points of killed tanks are counted. The coefficient is actually small.

Experience modifiers:

  • Bonus experience for a team victory (+50% experience for each tank).
  • For each tank, the experience gained for the first victory of the day is doubled. Tanks in the hangar that have not yet received double experience today are marked with an asterisk in the upper left corner.

Free Experience:

  • 5% of the experience gained per battle goes towards free experience.

Crew experience:

  • During the battle, each crew member receives the same amount of experience as the tank.
  • If a crew member was shell-shocked, he will receive less experience earned by the tank during his shell-shock.
  • In your personal file, only “combat” experience is displayed, all bonuses (first victory, accelerated learning) are not displayed, but are saved, and the level of proficiency of the current skill is calculated based on the sum of experience and bonuses.
  • The dependence of the level of proficiency on the experience gained is logarithmic: if learning from 0% to 1% requires 1x experience, then from 50% to 51% - 10x, and from 99% to 100% - 100x.
  • When a tanker is transferred to another tank, he receives serious penalties that reduce the level of proficiency in the main specialty and reduces the experience gained. To avoid this, the tanker must be retrained for a new tank.
  • If the tank has become "elite", you can enable accelerated crew training. With accelerated crew training, all experience gained (by the tank) during a battle goes towards training the crew. Thus, the crew member with the lowest skill level will receive twice as much experience. Over many battles, with an equal level of the entire crew, with an average experience per battle of 1000, accelerated training will look like this:

    • the lagging crew member will earn on average (1000 + 1000) = 2000 experience per battle.
    • the remaining crew members will earn 1000 experience.
Additional skills (skills) and modifiers (perks):

Experience is not earned:

  • For damaging friendly equipment.
  • For the destruction of friendly equipment.
  • For ricochets and non-penetrations.
  • For receiving damage.
  • For receiving “heroic” titles based on the results of the battle (except for “Invader” and “Defender”).
  • There is no bonus experience for a draw! For defeat, of course, too.
  • There is no special bonus experience for the entire team “For killing all enemy tanks”!

How to earn credits?

Accrual of credits in the game

Cash payments consist of payments for the very fact of entering the battle and for achievements in battle.

Payouts per fight

Payments for battle are guaranteed payments that do not depend on the success of the tank’s actions in battle. Payments are proportional to the level of the tank (in fact, its combat value).

The payouts for the fight are:

X * tank_level for defeat


team draw and 1.85 * X * tank_level for the victory.

Payments for damage caused to the enemy

For each hit taken (enemy health point), the tank receives Y credits, regardless of level. For each level the target exceeds the shooter no longer added0.1*Y loans. Hit points destroyed by fire are counted towards the score of the person who caused the fire. In the event of an explosion of an ammunition rack or a fire, all hits are also recorded on the person who exploded it.

Hit points are counted for defeating an enemy. Hit points destroyed by friendly fire (friendly fire; friendly fire) are not counted. Direct killing (fragging) is not paid.

When shooting at someone else's light - 0.5*Y credits for a filmed hit. If the opponent is damaged by another team member by highlighting the player, then the player is awarded up to 0.5*Y credits per hit (the more players hit, the less they get).

Discovery Payouts

For each enemy tank discovered for the first time, the player receives Z credits for the discovered Art-SPG – 2*Z.

Payments for capturing a base

Capturing a base is paid for with a certain amount of credits. The payment does not depend on the number of exciting players and the degree of their participation - everyone receives equally. Broken grip and failed grip are not paid for.

Balancing factor

Tool for customizing tank profitability. Payouts for all machines, except premium ones, are multiplied by a coefficient W. This coefficient is higher for premium cars.

The impact of a premium account on money

For a premium account, the money received is multiplied by a multiplier 1.5 .


Communication range


View range stated in the performance characteristics of the tank is achieved subject to the following conditions:

The crew has 100% experience, Coated optics are installed and equipment is used that gives 10% increase experience for the crew (supplementary rations (USSR), chocolate (Germany), a box of Coke (USA), strong coffee (France) and an improved diet (China).

Increased view

You can increase the viewing range beyond that stated in the performance characteristics using Stereo Tube and Improved Ventilation equipment.

Two things to remember:
  • Due to the mechanics of the game, the viewing range cannot exceed 450 m. (if the viewing range is higher, this makes it easier to detect camouflaged opponents)
  • After patch 0.7.0 The effect of the equipment, coated optics and a stereo tube, does not add up. That is, if both modules are installed, then while moving the tank receives a 10% bonus from the optics, and at rest, a corresponding 25% bonus from the stereo tube.


Each tank has its own visibility parameter. And for each tank it can change depending on actions and equipment. So, for example, a tank in motion is most noticeable, while it is standing in the bushes with camouflage net- he is almost invisible. Below are comparative tables of the visibility of all tanks in the game.

  • Blue: Camouflage in motion
  • Red: Cloaking while stationary
  • Green: Masking with the network (of course, after it starts working)

Detection Mechanics

Tank movement

Speed ​​plays an important role in World of Tanks. Often, the survival of a tank depends not on the accuracy and armor of the tank, but on its driving characteristics.

Maximum speed

The maximum speed of any tank is strictly limited by the characteristics of its engine and chassis. However, this parameter can be bypassed by boosting the crew to 100%.


Acceleration, like maximum speed, depends on various parameters. This is engine power (here the number of “horses” is more important than with maximum speed) and the mass of the tank. In fact, a new chassis increases acceleration in the same way as a new engine.

Despite the fact that springs increase the tank's carrying capacity, they do not affect acceleration - the mass of the tank itself does not change.

Types of surfaces

There are three types of terrain in the game: passable, difficult to pass and roads. According to the latter, the speed will be the highest. In difficult areas, such as swamps, the speed will be minimal.

Gun accuracy

The physics of shooting in the game is such that when shooting you need to take into account many parameters. Firstly, the projectile flies for a certain time to the target, and does not hit (or does not hit) it immediately. Therefore, you must always shoot proactively. In addition, you need to take into account ping - every 100 ping units is a delay of 100 ms (0.1 seconds), this can cost you a frag when shooting at long distances. The second, usually less important, is that the projectile flies in a parabola. No, you won’t be allowed to spin the projectile like in “Wanted,” but it is possible to hit an enemy standing behind a low rock.


When you press the right mouse button with the sight aimed at the enemy, auto-targeting is activated. It allows you to avoid aiming by eye, but at the same time it can never become a full replacement for manual aiming. One of the reasons for this is that the auto-aiming targets the center of the tank's silhouette, ignoring modules and armor.

There are also advantages. For example, during close combat, when the main thing is not to hit the enemy, but to dodge his shot, it would be more profitable to turn on auto-guidance.

Accuracy and Scatter Options

Any tank in the game has an accuracy parameter. It is indicated as the dispersion of shells at a distance of 100 meters. For example, an accuracy of 0.5 m means that at a distance of 100 meters the spread is 0.5 meters. When shooting at a distance of 200 meters, the spread will be 1 meter (0.5 m * 2), etc. Accuracy also depends on the skill of the gunner and is relevant for 100% training.

The aiming speed shows how long it takes to aim the gun from maximum dispersion in motion to maximum accuracy, subject to 100% gunner skill.


Ammunition types

Regular shells

Shells purchased with in-game credits
Armor-piercing (AP) shells

Armor-piercing shells are the main type of shell that can be fired by almost any weapon. This projectile deals the maximum possible damage (written in the weapon information)in case of armor penetrationenemy. He can alsodamage modules or crew, if it gets into right place. If the projectile does not penetrate the armor, it will simply ricochet and cause no damage.

High-explosive fragmentation shells - havegreatest potential damage, But insignificant armor penetration. If a shell penetrates the armor, it explodes inside the tank, causing maximum damage and additional damage to modules or crew from the explosion. A high-explosive fragmentation projectile does not need to penetrate the target's armor - if it does not penetrate, it will explode, causing less damage than if it penetrates. The damage in this case depends on the thickness of the armor - the thicker the armor, the more damage from the explosion it absorbs. High-explosive fragmentation shells can also damage several tanks at the same time, since the explosion has a certain radius of action. Tank shells have a smaller high-explosive radius, while shells Art-SAU - maximum.

Premium shells

Shells purchased for gold
Sub-caliber (AP) shells

Sabot shells are the most common premium shells in the game, installed in almost any weapon. Essentially they are armor-piercing, but with increased armor penetration.

Cumulative (CS) projectiles

Cumulative shells are premium shells for artillery self-propelled guns and other short-barreled guns that have a low muzzle velocity. Their penetration is noticeably higher, and the damage they cause is at the level of armor-piercing (AP) weapons for the same weapon. The penetration effect is achieved not due to the kinetic energy of the projectile (as with an AP or BP), but due to the energy of the cumulative jet formed when an explosive of a certain shape is detonated at a certain distance from the armor. Hence the differences from BB and BP - cumulative shells do not ricochet off armor and are not subject to the normalization rule.

High Explosive (HE) shells

These shells differ from conventional high-explosive fragmentation shells only in their larger explosion radius. Used in several artillery pieces.

Non-penetration and ricochet

Each projectile has its own penetration threshold. And if it is smaller than the armor of the enemy tank, then you will probably hear “Didn’t penetrate!” from the tank commander. To do this, aim at the most vulnerable places of the tank: the rear, sides and various ledges and crevices. If this doesn't help, use high-explosive shells.

If you shot at a tank standing at an angle towards you, then there is a high probability of a ricochet. The boundary between penetration and rebound lies at approximately 69°.


It is impossible to imagine a tank without powerful armor. This law also applies to gaming tanks. But, as in real life, the thickness of the armor is not the same everywhere. In front it is as thick as possible. On the contrary, the back is thinnest. The armor is indicated in this format: frontal armor thickness/side armor thickness/stern armor thickness. And if the armor, for example, is 35/28/28, then a gun with a penetration ability of 30 will be able to penetrate the stern and side, but not the front.

But it should be remembered that when specifying armor, its inclination is not taken into account. So, for example, the armor of the T-54 is 120 mm, and the angle of inclination is 60°. Using knowledge from a school mathematics course, with such a tilt we obtain the reduced thickness of the armor twice as high, that is, 240 mm.

But even the thickest armor has its vulnerabilities. These include various protrusions, cuttings, joints, etc. Therefore, in order to penetrate, be sure to shoot at these places. The most vulnerable areas are the top armor coating. That’s why they are so vulnerable to Artillery SPGs. Hitting such points most often concusses the crew, but with the same frequency damages various modules.

Study the weak points of tanks and the game will become much easier for you.


Location of weak points

The location of the various modules in the game is not indicated, but it is entirely consistent real prototypes. Therefore, if in life the ammunition stowage was in the left corner of the rear of the tank, then in the game it will be there. But still, most of the most vulnerable places are located in approximately the same place:

  • The engine and fuel tank are located at the rear of the tank.
  • The ammunition rack is located in the center of the hull or in the rear of the turret.
  • All other modules (gun, tracks, triplex, etc.) are visible to the naked eye; there is no point in describing them.
  • The driver and commander are located in the front of the hull.
  • The loader and gunner are located in the front or center of the turret.

Damage to modules

Shooting at modules has its own characteristics. Often hitting modules, you damage them, but do not cause damage to the tank itself. Each module has its own strength points (health units). If they are completely removed (critical damage), the module stops working and it will take some time to restore it. The module's health units are not fully restored, but only up to 50%. It remains damaged and may not perform as well. Accordingly, it will be easier to break the same module in the future. If new damage is caused to the module during repair, health points are removed and repair continues up to 50%. That is, if a tank with a removed track continues to be hit by the same track, then it will be repaired forever (or until the end of the battle/tank). The repair kit restores the health points of the damaged module to 100%.

Engine If the module is damaged or after repair, the maximum movement speed is reduced. Each engine damage can cause a fire with the probability specified in the engine description (10-20%). Chance of Damage: 45% Caterpillar If the module is damaged, the chance of rupture increases. If the damage is critical, movement is impossible. Ammunition rack If the module is damaged, the recharge time increases. If the damage is critical, the tank is destroyed. At the same time, the number of shells in the ammunition rack does not affect the chance of its explosion. Only empty ammunition racks do not explode. Chance of Damage: 27% Tank If the module is damaged, no fines are imposed. If the tank is critically damaged, a fire starts. Chance of Damage: 45% Triplex If the module is damaged or after restoration, no fines are imposed. In case of critical damage, the visibility range is reduced. Chance of Damage: 45% Radio station If the module is damaged, the communication radius is reduced by half. Chance of Damage: 45% gun If the module is damaged or after restoration, shooting accuracy decreases. If the damage is critical, the weapon cannot be fired. Chance of damage: 33% Turret rotation mechanism If the module is damaged or after restoration, the rotation speed of the tower is reduced. If the damage is critical, the turret cannot rotate. Chance of Damage: 45% Crew The commander is shell-shocked - visibility is reduced by half. The mechanical drive is shell-shocked - the speed of movement and turns is reduced by half. The gunner is turned away - the spread doubles. The loader is shell-shocked - the reload speed is halved. The radio operator is shell-shocked - the communication radius is halved. Chance of crew member being concussed: 33%


Fire is the enemy of all tanks. Fire damages almost all modules (including ammunition) in a short period of time and often leads to the destruction of the tank. The tank may catch fire if the fuel tank or engine is damaged.

There are two ways to put out a fire: manual fire extinguishers And automatic fire extinguishers. Manual fire extinguishers instantly extinguish a fire when used, automatic ones - 1 second after a fire occurs and reduce the likelihood of a fire.

The fire starts with maximum strength and weakens as it is extinguished until the damage dealt becomes 0. The extinguishing speed without fire extinguishers depends on the tank model, as well as the number and fire extinguishing skill of the crew.

5 years and 6 months ago Comments: 4

Today we will talk about many secrets of shooting in our game. Namely, we will find out how various processes occur during shooting, how everything works in general, and we will find a couple of bugs (as well as their causes).


If you've been playing tanks for over a thousand battles (and I have no doubt) you've already fired a lot of shots. And you have often observed how this happens visually, but you do not know how it happens systematically. The server on which you play takes into account the position of your tank, gun, turret. After pressing the shot button, your computer transmits the shot data to the server. After which the server transmits the result to your computer, i.e. punched, covered, etc. All server considerations (position of the tank, gun...) affect the trajectory of the projectile. For example, you raised your gun up and fired, the trajectory, that is, the trail left by the projectile will be directed upward. If you shoot to the side or down, then naturally the trajectory will be directed to the side or down. This is the dependence of the necessary factors on the trajectory of the projectile.

Not all tanks in the game have the same trajectory; for example, the KV-2's projectile flies slowly and is a little arty-like. And with a tiger, for example, the projectile flies quickly and smoothly. Therefore you can do conclusion that the trajectory of a projectile also depends on the type of gun and projectile.

There is a very common concept in the game - anticipation. Let's say there's a car in front of you breakneck speed To hit it, of course, you need to shoot a little forward. This calculation is anticipation. This indicator directly depends on the speed of the projectile and.

Players with a weak Internet connection may have experienced a bug. Your projectile flew through the tank without damage. In this case, due to a weak Internet, the server simply did not have time to send you the result of the shot, or yours did not have time to inform the server that the shot was fired. This bug happens very rarely, but if it happens to you often, then it’s best to change the game server. If changing the server did not help, then you need to improve your Internet.

Scatter circle.

For many, it is no longer a secret that the sight is a circle, and not a crosshair inside it, and that you need to wait for this circle to close for more accurate shooting. But few people know where the projectile most often flies in this circle. About 4-5 patches ago, the developers made more precisely shots. According to them, about 20% of the shots flew towards the edge of the aiming circle, about 45-50% into half the circle, and only 4-8% into the very center. In one of the updates, they reduced the percentage of the probability of a projectile flying to the edge of the circle to 1-2%, and in half a circle to 60%, in the center it was increased to 20%. The probability of where a projectile will fly does not depend at all on the type of gun, projectile, server, type of tank, your country, time of year, etc. This is a purely random calculation. The only thing that can be highlighted. All tanks in the game have different aiming circle sizes, and the narrower it is, the higher the accuracy.

In this section we can also highlight a bug. As before, those who have a poor Internet connection experience the following problem: the projectile flies outside the circle. That is, you took aim at the enemy, fired, and the projectile flew not into the aiming circle at all, but behind him. In this case, you just need to check the “Use” box in the settings server sight"And you can get by by changing the Internet.
Shooting accuracy.

In general, everyone wants to shoot accurately, hit and penetrate. Now we will figure out what is needed to successfully hit the enemy, even from very long distances:

  • 1. You need a fully trained (100%) person, in our case a gunner.
  • 2. Additional modules (stabilizer, aiming drives).
  • 3. Additional skills (combat brotherhood).
  • 4. Premium equipment.
Of course, few people can fulfill all the above points, but everyone can fulfill 1 point and it is the most important. A gunner fully trained to 100% levels the gun much faster and makes it more accurate than a 50% gunner. Whatever scythe gun you have, a trained gunner will make it more comfortable. All other points are of little influence, they only improve the result by 5-10%, which is hardly noticeable, but still exists.

Mixing time.

The aiming time is the time during which our sight (the aiming circle) will narrow as much as possible. This indicator is indicated in the characteristics of the guns, but the characteristics show only half of the information, while the full information doubles in time. For example, for borscht the mixing time is shown in the characteristics as 2.3. This means the total mixing time is 2.3*2= 4.6 seconds. That is, we will need 4 and a half seconds for complete mixing.

Like accuracy, convergence time also has necessary factors. They are the same, only fur-water is added. The driver has a skill that, when learned, will make your alignment circle narrower on the move, i.e. It won't be scattered so much.

Correct shooting.

And now some information for beginners. Many novice players simply do not know how to shoot correctly, which often leads to missed shots and misses. If you are still in the sandbox, then the ability to target various hatches, holes, etc. you won't need it. You just need to learn how to hit. For a successful hit you need: complete information, good aiming (in sniper mode!). It is not necessary to always shoot in sniper mode; sometimes you need to shoot in arcade mode. That is, when you circle someone and the time to stop, information, etc. you just won't have enough.

If you have already reached level 6-8 tanks, then it will be more difficult for you. Here you already need to be able to punch. For this purpose, I would not advise you to download skins with penetration zones, because... they are absolutely useless. Judge for yourself what a player can see near the tank from 200-300 meters. What if the enemy is in the bush? The only use of skins is only when attacking from close. My advice is to download the Wot Tank Viewer program and turn on all the armored tanks one by one (with which you have difficulty) and in the armor mode look at the armor of each tank. Of course, you won't remember the thickness of everyone's armor armored tank in all vulnerable places so that you must always know that the most vulnerable places in the forehead are the lower armor plate and various machine-gun turrets. If the enemy only gives you a turret, then always find the commander’s hatch on his turret (almost everyone has one) and shoot there. You can also train with your friends on your own by shooting at each other in different places.
This ends my guide, good luck on the battlefields!

Hello fellow tankers! This issue of the "secrets of the game" series is dedicated to shooting in World of Tanks. If you are new to the game and you are not interested in the intricacies of its mechanics, then you can immediately go to its last section, which is called “How to shoot correctly.” You will find a link to it below; the rest, most of the video, may seem boring and uninteresting to you. And the rest of us will figure out what a shot is in the world of tanks.

How does a shot happen in World of Tanks?

Sitting at your computer, you find a target, go to sniper mode, take aim with the hope of inflicting good damage, press the mouse button and at that moment, your computer transmits a command to the game server, the shot is fired, and the results are returned. The server has an accurate picture at any moment of the battle, it knows where you are, what projectile is loaded in your tank, the exact location and tilt of your gun, and, having received a command to fire, it builds a parabola of the projectile’s flight, taking into account gravity. By the way, for artillery, in order to ensure interesting gameplay and its unique role, the attraction coefficient is taken much higher than the real one. Otherwise, it would shoot like the KV-2, there would be no talk about any mounted shooting, and there would be no talk about this class of equipment. To make the game more interesting and for greater realism, each weapon has its own dispersion coefficient. The trajectory of the projectile does not begin strictly along the axis of the barrel, but within a small cone, the dimensions of which depend on the accuracy of the gun. This ensures a small spread of hits.

In addition to accuracy, each weapon has two more quite important, but not documented characteristics:

1. Maximum projectile range

2. Projectile speed.

If the first indicator is of interest and affects the game only in low-level battles, then the speed of the projectile, and therefore the lead that must be taken before firing, you will have to independently evaluate for each type of projectile, for each gun and each of your tanks. Remember, the speed of a tank's high-explosive shells is often lower, while sub-caliber shells are always faster than armor-piercing shells.

After the trajectory of the shot, the time and place of its end are calculated, the shooter is given its coordinates and a short result of the hit. Shot, missed, rebound, critical situation or missed. Then, using this data, the game client addresses the corresponding visual effect, and sometimes, due to poor communication quality, the result of the shot does not always reach the player from the server or arrives very late. In this case, you may not see the transfer; one of the rather rare cases of a missing shell will occur. Now let's move on to the basic principles Shooting World Of Tanks.

Scatter circle

As already mentioned, shells in the game do not fly exactly into the crosshairs of the sight, but within a scatter circle, the size of which depends on the specific weapon. Moreover, the chance that a projectile will hit any point of this circle is not equal, but is subordinated to the Gauss distribution. This means that the probability of hitting closer to the center of the sight is much higher than in the center of the aiming circle. Moreover, this distribution depends on the initial size of the aiming circle and does not depend on the weapon used, not on the class of equipment, not on the payment for a premium account, not on the time of day or phase of the moon.

By the way, the displayed scatter circle may differ from the one currently calculated on the game server. Usually this is due to poor quality Internet, here you can help by enabling the server crosshair checkbox in the game settings. However, it should not be used in other cases. The client sight, as a rule, is quite consistent with the server one, but slows down significantly less.

Firing accuracy

The size of the scatter circle, and therefore the shooting accuracy of World Of Tanks, depends on:
1. Basic accuracy of the gun.
2. Skill in mastering the main specialty - tank gunner (it is additionally influenced by the commander skill, which is given to crew members, one percent of the skill, for every 10 percent of their command skill).
3. Combat brotherhood and ventilation.
4. Extra rations, box of cola and similar disposable, approximate consumables.
5. Temporary increase in gun spread caused by tank movement.

Try to hit the center of the target offhand at the shooting range; it’s not an easy task. Isn't it true? In order to accurately hit the target, you need to freeze, exhale, hold your breath and smoothly pull the trigger. Although shooting from a tank gun is much more difficult, in the game we only need to point the cursor at the target and wait a little while the virtual tank driver does virtual aiming. At this time visible circle the spread gradually decreases, when the convergence is completed and the circle has reached the minimum value for your tank, you can shoot, the chance of hitting will be the highest.

A useful fact, as we have already said, in addition to the basic aiming coefficient of the gun, only the basic skill of the gunner affects the shooting accuracy with full aiming, and this influence is very noticeable. A good gunner will shoot better from a bad gun than an untrained gunner from an accurate one. To demonstrate this, we will conduct several tests. In the upper left corner are shown the results of firing from the Z-6-7 gun with the crew seated behind the tank for free. Thus, the gunner should have 55 percent proficiency in the profession. Next is the same gun, but the crew is 100 percent trained. In the next window, the crew of the same tank received maximum level mastery of a profession, ventilation, military brotherhood and more. ration. And finally, for comparison, in the fourth window, the results of firing from a tank with one of the precision guns in the game STUK 72 M-70 with a gunner with 75 percent proficiency in the specialty.

Yes, it’s hard in training, easy in battle. A skilled crew can easily compensate for the lack of accuracy of any weapon.

Mixing time

Modern tanks are able to stabilize the gun and automatically track the target chosen by the gunner, but the tanks of the early and mid-last century presented in the game did not yet have such capabilities, and shooting on the move for most of them was not accurate or completely impossible. To simulate the movement of a real tank, in our game, when moving, when turning the turret, even when firing, the scatter circle increases sharply and you have to wait until it narrows to a minimum value. Moreover, the higher the speed and rotation of the tower, the more the circle increases. The increase also depends on the chassis installed on the tank, which has its own undocumented dispersion coefficients when moving and turning. Detailed data on these coefficients can be found on the website of our information partner wot-news in the section extended information about tanks. Please note that the characteristic of convergence time is mistakenly called convergence speed, which causes some confusion.

Let's take for example American tank reception level T-34. At the same aiming speed, the time indicated in the gun characteristics of three and four seconds will be required for aiming if a tank with a 100% gunner accelerated at a certain reference speed and, stopping abruptly, began to aim. And if you drive very slowly in first gear, the spread circle will increase much less. Mixing after stopping will naturally end much earlier.

So, the mixing time does not depend on the following characteristics:
1. The corresponding characteristics of the weapon.
2. On proficiency in the gunner's specialty, which, as we remember, depends on proficiency in the commander's skill, combat fraternity, ventilation and approximate consumables.
3. Additional: gunner and driver skills (main entrance and turret rotation), from reinforced drives aiming and stabilizer vertical aiming.

Let's take a closer look at the last point. In the theory of amplified drive, pickups and stabilizers differ quite significantly. The first increases the speed of aiming and the useful properties of shooting from a place, and the second reduces the circle of dispersion and is suitable for shooting while moving. However, in practice their functions partially overlap.

The stabilizer, as follows from the description, is perfect for those tanks on which you shoot straight away. It significantly reduces the range of spread when driving. And for tanks from which you are accustomed to shooting from short dashes, but with full aiming, there is practically no difference between the drive and the stabilizer. Under equal conditions, from a smaller circle, the gun can be brought down in the same time as from a larger circle with a reinforced drive. Moreover, when shooting from a standstill, the stabilizer reduces the circle of dispersion after a shot, which is also a type of movement. And in this case, alignment with the stabilizer takes less time than with drives.

So if your tank is equipped with a vertical aiming stabilizer, then its use is more profitable than reinforced aiming drives. According to one of the game developers, better known as Vader, this rule is generally correct, excluding weapons with very slow aiming.

How to shoot correctly

Now let's give some tips on how to shoot better. Let’s say right away that in this series, we are not considering any artillery techniques. This is an independent and very large topic that will have to be devoted to a separate program, or even more than one.

So, first of all, get down. Of course, shooting without aiming is sometimes necessary, but there are very few reasons for such shooting. This is useful on some light and medium, literally several heavy tanks with a good rate of fire and gun stabilization. Shells that, even at maximum speed, in most cases fall into the crosshairs of the sight, but if you are not confident in the gun of your tank, especially if you know that they are not intended for firing on the move, it is better to stop in more or less safe place and wait for complete convergence and cause damage.

Except for cases of shooting on the move or shooting at enemies who have gotten used to your tank from the side and are moving back and forth, making it difficult to aim, it is better to use a sniper scope. With a sniper scope you can calculate weak areas opponents and will have a high chance of causing damage, but you pay for it with a very narrow field of view. An enemy who literally appears a couple of meters from your target can go unnoticed and, as a result, be confident in the safety of shooting at you. Therefore, immediately after the shot, go to normal arcade mode with the left shift button. This will allow you to assess the situation on the battlefield and change your position, etc. Make such a switch a habit and the benefits from it will not take long to arrive.

By the way, to increase the rate of fire, aim shortly before reloading ends, so that by the time the tank is ready for the next shot, you have time and completed aiming at the target.

I repeat once again, on some light, medium and even heavy tanks, when on the move, especially in close combat, use sniper scope on the contrary, it’s not worth it. Instead of targeting a weak point, you may miss where your opponent is aiming or where you are going. At the same time, you should have some experience of shooting while moving, and it is better to shoot at the side or karma of the enemy. Because even tanks with poorly armored fronts can ricochet many hits. You must understand that on the move the best guns can give way, in such a situation you should not expect to fire a shot that will destroy the enemy. Hope for the best and expect the worst. By the way, when you are designed in motion, you can shoot with an auto sight. This will prevent the enemy coming after you from getting bored, will prevent you from concentrating on shooting at you, and you will get an extra chance to cause damage.

Remember the penetration zones of all tanks. Consider the angles of the armor and the performance of the ammunition used. This point in World of Tanks is perhaps the most difficult. There are hundreds of tanks in the game and for most of them, at least at the levels at which you play, first of all, you need to know the maximum number of characteristics. Roughly speaking, knowing even just where to break through any opponents you may encounter will increase the number of your victories by 5-10 percent. Moreover, the more you know about the enemy, the easier it is to fight him. For example, knowing the reload time of your enemy will allow you to make an extra shot at him, the speed of turn - to spin him, the viewing range - to choose a safe distance for shooting, and so on. Useful mods will help you with this - a reservation panel with enemy reload time and penetration zones tanks World of tanks.

If you have to shoot through opaque vegetation at the silhouette of an enemy, before making a shot, feel for its accessible part. As you move your sight over the enemy tank, you will see that the border on it appears and disappears. It disappears when the cursor moves from the target to the obstacle covering it. This way, you can assess which part of the enemy is available to shoot, and not waste a projectile by hitting the ground, or even an ally standing next to him.

There are exceptions to this rule. When you shoot through the gaps of another tank, including a destroyed one, the enemy’s outline does not appear, but the projectile can still hit the target. And although shooting like this is a little unusual, it is often very useful.

When shooting at moving targets, take into account the speed of the projectile and take the appropriate lead. The speed is individual for each weapon and for each type of ammunition. And the necessary calculations will be made by your own hands automatically as your experience grows, but this experience must be gained. To get it, you just need to remember that you need to shoot at moving targets with a slight advance. Not into the tank itself, but to where it will be in a second.

When shooting at long distances, if the tank disappears from sight or when shooting at lead positions, a well-measured shot may miss. Why is this happening? At the beginning, we said that projectiles in the game fly like in reality in a parabola. If you are aiming at an enemy tank, then the arc is calculated in such a way that the end is exactly at the point of the enemy at whom you are aiming. But when you try to hit an enemy that is moving or has disappeared due to the light, your line may rest on a surface located far behind him. The trajectory in this case will be calculated based on the target of this distant point, which is shown by the sight. And the projectile will go higher than the enemy. It is very difficult to give simple and universal advice on how to shoot in this case. Therefore, if you see that the aiming point is far behind your target, and you cannot change it, wait until the enemy lights up again so as not to waste your shot and time.

Let's summarize.
1. Get together!
2. Use a sniper scope.
3. But know how to shoot from arcade mode.
4. Remember the penetration locations and characteristics of all tanks.
5. Use the silhouette of the enemy tank to find its accessible parts.
6. Shoot at moving targets with anticipation.
7. For enemies who have disappeared from the light, sometimes it’s better to wait...

So, in this program we figured out how shooting happens in World Of Tanks, we learned how to increase accuracy and reduce aiming time, how best to shoot at the enemy. In the next episodes we will see what happens when a hit occurs in armor-piercing, sub-caliber, high-explosive and commutative shells.

Balancer- a software mechanism whose functions include the distribution of players into teams before the start of the battle.


The basis of the World of Tanks game is battles between two teams, consisting of 15 combat vehicles each. Cars are divided into classes (light, medium and heavy tanks, anti-tank self-propelled guns and self-propelled howitzer artillery), each class includes 10 levels of “development” of equipment. To "random battles" (main game mode) were interesting for players, three important conditions for automatic tank selection must be met:

  • Equality of capabilities of military equipment of two opposing teams.
  • Diversity of team compositions.
  • Unpredictability of the course of the battle and its results.

This task is performed by the “balancer” - a module of the World of Tanks server part, which adds tanks to the team, makes them equal in “strength” and sends the teams into battle. The balancer appeared at the beginning of the closed beta testing of the game (it was not present at all during the alpha test). In his very first version, there were only two levels of battles (“sand” with tank levels 1-2 and general battles of levels 3-10). Then it was replaced by a more complex balancer, which is constantly being improved.

Operating principle

The system analyzes the machines in the queue and selects one of the templates - server-side algorithms for collecting commands that determine the number of machines at the top, middle and bottom of the list.

The balancer begins its work by attempting to create a three-tier battle using the 3/5/7 template (three cars at the top, five cars in the middle and seven cars at the bottom of the list) or some other variation of it (for example, 3/4/8, 3/ 3/9, etc.). The option chosen by the balancer depends on the composition of the queue. In any case, there will be no battles where the number of vehicles at the top of the list exceeds the number of vehicles in the middle. Guided by the same principle, the balancer does not create battles where the number of vehicles in the middle exceeds the number of vehicles at the bottom of the list. The following rules will always be followed:

  • there cannot be more cars at the top of the list than in the middle;
  • there cannot be more cars in the middle of the list than at the bottom.

Thus, the balancer ensures that, regardless of the player’s position in the team list, there will always be a sufficient number of enemy vehicles of a similar level for him, and the influence of such a player on the outcome of the battle increases.

Since April 3, 2019, the principle of operation of the balancer has been changed: dynamic templates have been added, which should reduce the number of battles against vehicles two levels higher, especially for vehicles of tiers VI and VIII. Tanks will be redistributed into single-level battles and battles with a difference of one level. Premium technology VIII level with a preferential level of battles will be less likely to be encountered in battle with an opponent of a level higher in a two-level battle and more often - with opponents of the same level or a level lower.

Dynamic Templates

Unlike the current balancer with hard-coded templates, the new ones will dynamically adjust to changing queue conditions.

Templates 3-5-7 and 5-10 still remain relevant, but they will be used less frequently - when there is a suitable distribution of equipment by level in the queue.

Preliminary list of templates that will be used in the new balancer:

  • 5-10, 7-8, 6-9 and 4-11 for two-level battles;
  • 3-5-7, 3-6-6, 4-5-6 and 4-4-7 for three-level battles.

If the 3/5/7 team build causes players to wait in line too long, the balancer will loosen the requirements to create the matchup faster. In this case, two- and one-level battles can be created. The bulk of the battles will be three-level.

If a player has fought several battles in a row at the bottom of the list, the balancer will try to find such a player a place higher, regardless of whether the player went into battle on the same or different vehicles. However, if waiting for such a battle takes too long, the balancer will send the player to any suitable battle. As a result, players will not have to wait in line for too long, and team compositions will correspond to the current situation on the server.

Creating a fight

Stage 1: Determining the range of vehicle levels in battle and the type of battle. First, the balancer determines the number of players and squads suitable for each combat level, as well as the type of combat. Next, the system analyzes the modes specified by the players, the equipment they have chosen, its levels, as well as the standard or preferential level of battles.

Stage 2: Create two equal teams. Having determined the range of vehicle levels in battle and the type of battle, the system tries to distribute players among teams, taking into account balance requirements and restrictions:

  • Patterns: Both teams must follow a pattern: the number of vehicles at the top, middle and bottom of the list must be the same.
  • Self-propelled guns: the number of self-propelled guns is limited to three vehicles per team.
  • Platoons: Only single-level platoons are allowed in random battles. The difference in the number of platoon players should be no more than three.
  • Types of equipment: the difference in the number of self-propelled guns, light tanks and tank destroyers within each part of the team list should be no more than one vehicle.

At the same time, the balancer DOES NOT take into account vehicle nation, module configuration, equipment, equipment, crew level and player statistics, excluding the number of battles. The latter is taken into account when creating separate battles for beginners.

Stage 3: Select a card. Once the balancer finds a template that meets the requirements, he assembles teams, selects a map and creates a battle. Cards for low-level vehicles are randomly selected from a limited set. In other cases, the balancer determines a set of cards that correspond to the type of battle and the range of vehicle levels in the teams. Next, the program analyzes which maps the players fought on in the last few battles, and selects the one with the fewest tankers.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Is there a preferential battle mode for newly purchased stock vehicles?
A: Newly purchased vehicles without a platoon have an increased chance of getting to the top of the team list, however, this rule is neutralized if the server cannot create such a battle at the moment. Also, a preferential battle mode exists for the first twenty battles using first-level vehicles.

Q: Do premium cars have priority to get to the top of the team's list?
A: No, premium equipment has no advantages other than increased profitability and reduced repair costs. Some premium vehicles have preferential battle levels.

Q: At what point is a card selected? Before or after team formation?
A: The map is selected after both teams are formed.

adapted for;

When playing WOT, sometimes you come across situations that seem contradictory and wrong. Many have noticed that, even with final alignment, a projectile fired from a gun flies past its target. Some may consider this a bug, while others will simply think that it is an accident, but in fact, in addition to the aiming circle, other mechanics are involved when firing, which are hidden from the players by the developers.

Firing accuracy is largely influenced by factors such as accuracy, which is calculated using very complex formulas. And in order to hit your opponent’s equipment more often, you need to understand the difference in the work of these two mechanics. Thus, the range of information differs in that it characterizes the degree of readiness of the gunner from the tank crew, while the accuracy reflects the characteristics of the gun itself.

The creators of this mod revealed the accuracy parameter by introducing a scatter circle in the sight of a combat vehicle.

Having installed this modification, it becomes clear why shells sometimes fly past the enemy. After all, the scattering circle has a smaller radius than the convergence circle.

Another interesting point is the fact that the scatter circle reaches its minimum radius faster than the convergence circle. That is, simply put, the first one is reduced faster. This explains approximately the same accuracy with full and partial aiming, when shooting is carried out in orientation to the aiming circle.

When installing this mod, by default, it displays client circle scatter. But there is also the option of replacing it with server scatter circle(to enable it, just replace the parameter false on true in line "UseServerDispersion": false). Which is more preferable for the game, especially in conjunction with the client circle of information.


  • Copy folder res_mods to the game directory WOT, confirming the replacement of files;
  • The mod is configured in the file WOT\res_mods\configs\BBMods\Auxilium\DispersionCircle.json.