Route sheets in 1s 8 2. Logistics

Many organizations deliver goods to customers using their own delivery service. In the process of work, it becomes necessary to create a route sheet for each courier - a list indicating buyers, delivery addresses and other additional information.

Program "1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3" in general is not intended to automate the delivery service, but with the help of some tricks you can achieve the desired result.

Features of processing customer orders for the purpose of generating route sheets

Each buyer order is registered in the database using the “Buyer Order” document. In general, the order is filled out as usual, but there are some peculiarities.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Customer orders

Let's add a new order, specify the buyer, shipping warehouse and list of goods sold:

In the “Shipment” field, it is advisable to indicate the date of expected shipment/delivery. Then, when printing route sheet, you'll need to filter orders that need to be delivered today. The shipment date can be specified immediately or later, at the time of distribution of orders between couriers.

On the “Additional” tab, the delivery address and other additional information are indicated:

Distribution of orders in 1C between couriers

At the end of the day, you need to select orders that need to be delivered tomorrow and distribute them among couriers. The employee is responsible for the distribution of orders, because In the typical “Trade Management” configuration, there are no route planning assistants. In each order you can specify information about the courier. You can also immediately indicate the shipment date if you did not do this at the time of creating the order.

We will distribute orders using the customer order list form. To see only the orders you need, you can select by order creation date:

Or make a selection based on the order shipment date, if you fill it out at the time of creating the order:

Thus, we received a list of orders that need to be processed. We will distribute them between couriers and indicate the courier in each order.

To specify the courier, we will use the mechanism of properties and categories - create the “Courier” order property.

You can create and specify order properties in the order form itself. Open the form for one of the orders by double clicking.

Open list additional properties You can place orders using the button:

Initially, the list of properties is empty; there is not a single additional property in the database yet:

To create a new property, click the “Add” button, in the “Select the purpose of the property” window, select “Customer order document”. Next, we indicate the name of the property - courier, the type of values ​​- individuals.

After creating the property, each order will have the option to specify a courier. We will select the courier from the “Individuals” directory, where the list of company employees is stored.

Click the “OK” button to save and close the property.

The new property immediately appears in the order property editing window; let’s select A.I. Volkov as the courier:

Important: you only need to create the “Courier” property once. Once created, it will appear on all orders.

In the same way, couriers in other orders that need to be delivered tomorrow.

If you do not specify a ship date at the time of order entry, be sure to include it at the time of order distribution. This can be done simultaneously with choosing a courier.

ATTENTION! To automatically distribute couriers along their routes, you can use the delivery service automation development from the team

Formation of route sheets in 1C

To generate route sheets, we will use the “Statement of Customer Orders” report. The report will require additional settings.

Menu: Reports - Sales - Order analysis - List of customer orders

Printing a route sheet for one courier

Let’s open the report and go to the settings using the “Settings” button. Let's include the use of properties and categories in the report:

Click the “Add” button in the “Selections” table. In the field selection window, find the buyer’s order, expand it by plus and double-click on the field “Courier (customer order property)”:

As the value, select the desired courier - Volkov A.I.

In the same way, let’s add selection by the “Shipment Date” field of the customer’s order:

After this, the report will only contain orders for tomorrow for Volkov:

The order has quite a few columns for the quantity and amount of goods delivered. Let's disable unnecessary indicators in the settings in the “Indicators” table. Let us leave only two indicators: “Quantity” (final balance) and “Amount of mutual settlements” (final balance):

In addition, we will display additional fields in the report: delivery address, addition to address, counterparty. To configure additional fields, you need to switch to the advanced settings mode (check the “Advanced settings” flag in the lower left corner).

On the “Additional Fields” tab, repeat the following settings:

Thus, we have replaced the order number and date with information about the counterparty, and next to the counterparty, in separate columns, the delivery address and additional information will be displayed.

Example of a finished report:

Printing a route sheet for all couriers

In order to print a route sheet for all couriers, you need to make small changes in the current setting (it is better to switch from the advanced setting to the normal one):

  1. Let’s delete the selection line by courier (the “Selections” table below).
  2. Let’s add a grouping of lines “Buyer’s order. Courier" (table "Row Groupings" at the top in the middle), let's make this grouping first.

Changed settings:

Example of a generated report:

Many organizations deliver goods to customers using their own delivery service. In the process of work, it becomes necessary to create a route sheet for each courier - a list of orders indicating buyers, delivery addresses and other additional information.

Program "1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3" in general is not intended to automate the delivery service, but with the help of some tricks you can achieve the desired result.

Features of processing customer orders for the purpose of generating route sheets

Each buyer order is registered in the database using the “Buyer Order” document. In general, the order is filled out as usual, but there are some peculiarities.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Customer orders

Let's add a new order, specify the buyer, shipping warehouse and list of goods sold:

In the “Shipment” field, it is advisable to indicate the date of expected shipment/delivery. Then, when printing the route sheet, you will need to filter out the orders that need to be delivered today. The shipment date can be specified immediately or later, at the time of distribution of orders between couriers.

On the “Additional” tab, the delivery address and other additional information are indicated:

Distribution of orders in 1C between couriers

At the end of the day, you need to select orders that need to be delivered tomorrow and distribute them among couriers. The employee is responsible for the distribution of orders, because In the typical “Trade Management” configuration, there are no route planning assistants. In each order you can specify information about the courier. You can also immediately indicate the shipment date if you did not do this at the time of creating the order.

We will distribute orders using the customer order list form. To see only the orders you need, you can select by order creation date:

Or make a selection based on the order shipment date, if you fill it out at the time of creating the order:

Thus, we received a list of orders that need to be processed. We will distribute them between couriers and indicate the courier in each order.

To specify the courier, we will use the mechanism of properties and categories - create the “Courier” order property.

You can create and specify order properties in the order form itself. Open the form for one of the orders by double clicking.

You can open a list of additional order properties by clicking the button:

Initially, the list of properties is empty; there is not a single additional property in the database yet:

To create a new property, click the “Add” button, in the “Select the purpose of the property” window, select “Customer order document”. Next, we indicate the name of the property - courier, the type of values ​​- individuals.

After creating the property, each order will have the option to specify a courier. We will select the courier from the “Individuals” directory, where the list of company employees is stored.

Click the “OK” button to save and close the property.

The new property immediately appears in the order property editing window; let’s select A.I. Volkov as the courier:

Important: you only need to create the “Courier” property once. Once created, it will appear on all orders.

In the same way, we will install couriers in other orders that need to be delivered tomorrow.

If you do not specify a ship date at the time of order entry, be sure to include it at the time of order distribution. This can be done simultaneously with choosing a courier.

ATTENTION! To automatically distribute couriers along their routes, you can use the delivery service automation development from the team

Formation of route sheets in 1C

To generate route sheets, we will use the “Statement of Customer Orders” report. The report will require additional settings.

Menu: Reports - Sales - Order analysis - List of customer orders

Printing a route sheet for one courier

Let’s open the report and go to the settings using the “Settings” button. Let's include the use of properties and categories in the report:

Click the “Add” button in the “Selections” table. In the field selection window, find the buyer’s order, expand it by plus and double-click on the field “Courier (customer order property)”:

As the value, select the desired courier - Volkov A.I.

In the same way, let’s add selection by the “Shipment Date” field of the customer’s order:

After this, the report will only contain orders for tomorrow for Volkov:

The order has quite a few columns for the quantity and amount of goods delivered. Let's disable unnecessary indicators in the settings in the “Indicators” table. Let us leave only two indicators: “Quantity” (final balance) and “Amount of mutual settlements” (final balance):

In addition, we will display additional fields in the report: delivery address, addition to address, counterparty. To configure additional fields, you need to switch to the advanced settings mode (check the “Advanced settings” flag in the lower left corner).

On the “Additional Fields” tab, repeat the following settings:

Thus, we have replaced the order number and date with information about the counterparty, and next to the counterparty, in separate columns, the delivery address and additional information will be displayed.

Example of a finished report:

Printing a route sheet for all couriers

In order to print a route sheet for all couriers, you need to make small changes in the current setting (it is better to switch from the advanced setting to the normal one):
  1. Let’s delete the selection line by courier (the “Selections” table below).
  2. Let’s add a grouping of lines “Buyer’s order. Courier" (table "Row Groupings" at the top in the middle), let's make this grouping first.
Changed settings:

Example of a generated report:


Launched a trading system for a large food distributor. At first, the project started in the branch in St. Petersburg. And after a successful launch, it was already planned to launch in Moscow. And just before the launch, the logistician told me that the proposed routing option did not suit him at all; it was inconvenient to work with the system. At that time, in St. Petersburg it was necessary to route about 200 points and 15 cars per day, in Moscow - 500 points and 40 cars. The most interesting thing is that the idea of ​​using cards was immediately rejected by the logistician. He proposed his own option, especially since he previously worked according to a similar scheme, but in a different program (not 1C). I was forced to create processing for visual routing (and it turned out better than in the old logistics program). And now processing is used in 4 countries in our branches: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Tested on release:

1C 7.7.27, 1C++, Windows XP (on Windows 7 there are problems with coloring lines in the 1C++ library).

What does processing do:

Allows you to separate shipping documents into non-routed and routed, as well as group documents by sectors and delivery points. The result of the processing work is the created “Routing Sheet” documents with a completed tabular part from the shipment and receipt documents.

Who benefits from the treatment:

A programmer who needs the local cargo delivery routing function in 1C 7.7 and is ready to make changes to the configuration.


The configuration and processing will have to be changed. Processing works with configuration objects:

  • Directory "Delivery points"- to indicate cargo delivery points and I don’t like the idea of ​​using Counterparties for this function (those who have worked in trading companies know that one legal entity can have several retail outlets. For example, the largest retail chain in Russia has more than 3 thousand outlets) .
  • Directory "Delivery sectors"- allows you to group delivery points into sectors to simplify routing (currently in my company Moscow and the region are divided into 200 sectors).
  • Directory " Delivery blocks" - allows you to group one or more points into a block for issuing tasks to storekeepers for collecting cargo. Each block means a separate task. In my case, the directory was created for synchronization with WMS "Warehouse Management".
  • Document "Route sheet"- stores information about the car, the driver and a list of shipping documents (separate route sheets are created every day; for one car there can be several route sheets if the driver performs several trips).
  • Directory "Carriers"- for storing information about motor transport organizations
  • Directory "Cars"- information about cars, subordinated to Carriers
  • Directory "Drivers"- information about drivers, subordinate to Carriers
  • In documents "Implementation", "Return from buyer", "Receipt from buyer", "Write-off" added props " Driver".

How processing works:

The logistician selects the routing day and displays a list of documents (Implementation, Return, etc.) in the table of unrouted documents. Documents are grouped by points so that multiple documents by point are displayed on one line. You can view a list of documents by point by clicking on the triangle icon. Transfer between the tables of non-routed and routed requests is carried out by double-clicking the mouse or pressing Enter.

To make it convenient to work with a large number of points, a logistician needs to install a monitor with a diagonal of 20 inches or more.

Based on production orders, route sheets are generated, according to which production is dispatched at the local level. The generation of route sheets is not available if a schedule has not been calculated for the order:

And if the schedule is calculated, then it becomes possible to generate route sheets:

Dispatching of route sheets created in departments with operational management is carried out in the workplace - Manufacturing dispatch (MES):

Dispatching of route sheets created in departments with the production management method - BBV/UBBV - is carried out in the workplace Production dispatching (PPD):

Moreover, in the case of the BBB, in addition to dispatching route sheets, dispatching work centers is also available:

Question 11.7 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. Route sheets are created based on:

  1. Generated production schedule
  2. Prepared production schedule
  3. During the execution of the production schedule

Verified. The correct answer is the first, see above for analysis.

Question 11.39 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. The "Production Dispatching" workplace allows you to dispatch route sheets and work centers of departments for which the methodology is used:

  1. Operational planning
  2. Options 1 or 2
  3. Options 1 or 2 or 3

Verified. The correct answer is fourth. In the case of operational planning, center workers are dispatched from a separate workplace.

Question 11.40 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. When using the operational planning methodology, route sheets are formed from:

  1. Production order
  2. Workplace "Production dispatching"
  3. Workplace "Operational planning"
  4. Options 1 or 2
  5. Options 1 or 3
  6. Options 1 or 2 or 3

Verified. The correct answer is fourth. You can generate a route sheet from a production order:

From Operational Planning - in any case. ( Point - in release 2.1 the workplace is called not Operational Planning, but Production Dispatch (MES))

Question 11.46 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. After generating route sheets (status "Created"), you can work with them in the workplace:

  1. Production dispatching
  2. Execution of route sheets
  3. Production route sheets
  4. Options 1 and 3
  5. Options 1 and 2 and 3

Verified. The correct answer is fourth. You can work with them in the Dispatching route sheets workspace.

Question 11.42 – Source of information on materials in the route sheet

IN Question 11.42 it is necessary to indicate the source of information on materials in the route sheet. Data on the materials and semi-finished products used are determined when generating the route sheet:

  • according to the resource specification
  • according to the route map specified in the resource specification
  • according to the route map, the specified line of the order specification
  • Combinations of options

To answer the question, follow these steps:
1. Let's create a route map.
2. Let's create a resource specification in which we indicate the route map.
3. Let's create a production order.
4. Let's calculate the production schedule.
5. Let’s create a route sheet and analyze which sources of information are involved in determining materials and semi-finished products.

1. Create a route map by copying the product route map available in the demo database SI1000_K_Manufacture 1 top tabletop (Production and repairs – Regulatory and reference information – Route maps). We are changing the division and types of work centers.

On the bookmark Materials and work leave information about the need for material Sheet 6 St3ps5 .

Save the route map and set the status Valid .

2. Create a resource specification for the product (Production and repairs – Regulatory and reference information – Resource specifications).

On the bookmark Production process specifications indicate the division and the route map we created.

We fill in the specifications and types of work centers using the route map data.

Let's make some changes:

  • We indicate the operating hours of types of work centers
    -Plasma cutting machines– 0.2 h,
    -Drilling and milling machines– 0.1 hour
  • On the bookmark Materials and work we indicate different material (after all, it is important for us to understand from which source the information will get into the route map, which means the information should differ).

Setting the specification status Valid.

3. Create a production order ( Production and repairs – Scheduling – Production orders).

The document records the need for the production of semi-finished products SI1000.002.000 Top tabletop in quantity 1 piece according to resource specification SI1000.002.000_S (11.42).

By pressing a button Change order item go to the order line specification. Here on the bookmark Materials and work the need for material has been recorded Sheet 3 St3sp5 in quantity 30 kg (from the resource specification).

We change it to Sheet 2.5 St3ps5 in quantity 25 kg.

Let's make sure that the order line specification contains information about the route map. Go to the bookmark Production process.

By pressing a button Edit stage

As you can see, the route map SI1000_K_Manufacturing 1 top tabletop (11.42) listed here.

We save information. We set the status of the production order To production and carry out the document.

4. Let's calculate the production schedule.

Opening the workplace ( Production and repairs – Scheduling – Production schedule).

We find our order. Double click the mouse in the field State We start the process of calculating the production schedule.

After performing the calculation, we save the information. Open the production schedule diagnostics form.

As we can see, at this stage, information about the needs for materials and semi-finished products is determined according to the specification of the production order line.

5. Create a route sheet. Let's analyze what sources of information are involved in determining materials and semi-finished products.

Let's go to RM Production dispatching (Production and repairs – Schedule execution – Production dispatching).

Open it and go to the bookmark Materials and work.

This is the moment of truth! The routing sheet includes information about the requirements for materials recorded in the routing map specified in the order line specification.

Now let's go back to the production order, open the order line specification, remove the information about the route map on the tab Production process.

By pressing a button Edit stage open the production stage form.

We save information.

Let's make sure that on the tab Materials and work the need for material is indicated Sheet 2.5 St3ps5.

We save information. Let's forward the document.

Let's go to the workplace Production schedule dispatching.

We are again calculating the production schedule. Open the production schedule diagnostics form.

As before, here is information about the requirement for the material that is specified in the order line BOM.

Let's go to RM Production dispatching and create a route sheet. Open it and go to the bookmark Materials and work.

As you can see, now that the production order line specification does not include a routing map, the routing sheet contains information from the production order line specification.

Based on the results of our experiment, we can draw the following conclusion:

When forming a route sheet, the materials and semi-finished products used are determined:

  • from production order line specification
  • according to the route map, the specified line of the order specification.