Quests for singles: gather a team or go on your own. Quest in reality: what to do

A live quest is a new, modern, fashionable and terribly popular way to spend time with a small group of fellow soldiers.

Surely in your city there are a great number of organizers of such fun.

Before signing up for the game, you should find out what a quest is in reality.

A game for the brave and smart

Initially, computer games were called quests: teenagers willingly unraveled complex puzzles and looked for valuable artifacts in castles and dungeons.

But immersion in virtual world was never complete, so the gentlemen-entertainers transferred the game to reality.

It is enough to trust the professional team of organizers and surrender to your imagination - and now you are investigating a murder in an English mansion, escaping from a maniac with a chainsaw, or fighting zombies.

Entertaining quests help you take your mind off boring life and routine worries, turning for an hour into a detective, magician, super agent or marine stuck on a sinking ship.

What types of quests are there?

1) Story (live) quest. The most popular option, in which you need to take turns completing all the tasks planned for you by the presenter.

2) Mini-quest. You are given 10-15 minutes to complete the task. Reaction speed, attentiveness and a penchant for teamwork will come in handy.

3) Action game or sports quest . Participants will need coordination and dexterity; be prepared for physical exertion and “push-ups.” If you've always wanted to crawl through ventilation shafts like Die Hard, this is the place for you. Remember the tasks in the television game “Fort Boyard” - something similar awaits you.

4) Performance or quest performance. The luxurious immersion effect is achieved through the participation of real actors, acting according to the script or improvising on the fly. They will smoothly guide you into fictional world and will guide you through the story.

5) Escape quest or “escape from the room”. In the game, participants are asked to find a way to get out of a closed room.

Of course, there are hints and riddles here. Additional rooms may also open behind mysterious doors.

6) Unreal quest ("Morpheus"). All the intricacies of the plot occur exclusively in your head.

Participants are blindfolded, they cannot see and therefore strain their other senses. You will have to actively smell, touch and listen to unravel the mysteries.

The first escape rooms (literally “rooms for escape”) appeared in the advanced East - China, Japan - back in 2007. In our country, they have become widely popular relatively recently, but the idea of ​​games is actually gaining momentum.

Who should I take on the quest?

You can choose friends, relatives or colleagues as companions, or you can trust chance and join a group of strangers.

This is a very popular corporate entertainment: a mysterious adventure helps to shake up the gray everyday life, to show your strengths, raise self-esteem and become close to the team in difficult circumstances.

There are no special requirements for quest participants - neither a certain IQ level, nor fantastic physical fitness.

It is enough to have developed logic, be attentive to detail, be able to work in a team, remember details and use ingenuity.

This is an absolutely safe activity, allowed even for children over 12 years old. The entire time you are in a special room, cameras are watching you. Operators monitor every step and help in difficult situations.

Quest in reality: what to do

Most often, the tasks in the quest have an intellectual flavor and resemble brain exercises.

These are all kinds of puzzles, tasks on logic and erudition, searches for artifacts, evidence and clues, investigations of incidents.

Unraveling a complex chain of events along the course of the plot will inevitably lead to the final outcome and victory.

The theme of the quest in reality can be a famous film or book, then your team will turn into characters in the story. Often, popular computer games become the basis for the plot.

There are adventure quests that require endurance and readiness for physical feats.

The main framework is temporal (the lack of allotted minutes pushes you and contributes to a surge of adrenaline) and spatial (traditionally the quest is carried out inside one or several rooms).

The design of the space clearly corresponds to the theme: if a group of teenagers are stuck on a submarine, then there will be hatches, metal pipes, accompanying lighting, and a relevant “view from the window.”

A clearly thought-out script, entertaining mechanisms, realistic scenery and props will ensure complete immersion in the story.

How to organize an educational quest: methodological recommendations, rules and script of the quest for an English lesson.

A little about myself: My name is Vadim Suslov, I am a teacher of English and economics, screenwriter, writer, entrepreneur. Worked with children different ages from 5 to 16 years.

What motivated me to create educational quests?

Firstly, this is the strict framework of the program. You and I must understand that in 1 year or, for example, 6 years, a child will not learn English language. God willing, if he masters it in 11 years. This is important to understand and accept. Therefore, the main thing is to instill interest in the child and motivate him to learn the language.

Secondly, many children need an individual approach, and educational quests, in this case, serve as an ideal universal tool.

Thirdly, quests help to involve students with poor academic performance in the educational process.

And, of course, what could be better than children's emotions, genuine and pure? That long-awaited feedback that every teacher is waiting for.

Information is absorbed better during the game - that was and is my motto. Children aged 5,6,7 years are not very interested in grammar or rules, they are interested in the teacher and his tools.

Synopsis of the educational quest (point by point) or guideline for beginners

1. Give the children a printed quest (sheet with tasks).
2. Explain the rules and procedure, set strict timing.
3. Test in beta test mode quest for a small group of students.

4. Present the legend in parts, do not “unload” everything at once, if it is not
Olympiad or competition.
5. Try to make the riddles parallel so that all participants are involved in the process. At the same time, do not forget about the logic of the quest.
6. When creating a quest, come up with a problem and smoothly lead the players to its solution. If we are talking about elementary school, then try to introduce a negative character into the game.
7. Use as many tools as possible when conducting the quest, such as a safe, UV flashlight, UV marker, combination locks etc.

Such quests should not be arranged every day. 1-2 per month is enough, primarily for the purpose of consolidating the material covered.

Is it difficult to implement such a quest? No, it's not difficult. To carry out simple quest enough have this modest set:

  • Whatman sheet
  • Colored markers or markers
  • Scissors
  • Paper
  • Pens
  • A pinch of fantasy

As my experience shows, optimal number of participants in one team - from 4 to 5 people.

The topics can be any: Olympics of the Future or Investigation of the Century.

According to research, the most popular quest themes are prison escape or robbery. These themes are universal, they appeal to both men and women equally, and at the same time can be adapted for educational quests.

For example, the legend may be as follows: the students were locked in the hold on board the ship "Ignorance".

I suggest already ready script educational quest. The script has been tested in the Open World.

Educational quest in English

Scenario introduction:
The Players are a group of professional Olympic athletes from the future. Legend (told to the players or written on a sheet with tasks): the distant future has come, the year is 2166. Many things known in the 21st century have undergone significant changes: flying cars, environmental concerns, vegetarian society and much more. This included sports, or rather, Olympic Games, now it is not strength that is valued in athletes, but knowledge or skills. So, today the very day has come for you, which all athletes from all over the world are looking forward to. It is here and now that you have to show yourself and reveal all your skills and abilities. Don't forget that your goal– this is to score as many points as possible and get to the TOP of the ranking. As you know, all winners receive a prize.

So, your team is ready, it's time!

Quest specifics:

  1. Before the quest, all teams are given special sheets with tasks.
  2. There are few tasks, all of them are designed for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Players will have to fill out several fields on the quest sheet, so it is recommended that players be provided with a pen or pencil.
  4. To complete the quest you You will need the following items or props:
    pencils, pens, worksheets, 2 sheets of Whatman paper (several), projector and
    presenter - actor (but you can do without him), timer, voice recorder with recording, cork
    stand (like in schools), blindfolds (4 pieces), tennis balls, 4 vessels
    things with filling, a whistle and a visual start line.
  5. Incentive system - three teams in the TOP rating receive prizes:
    a Porsche car, a ticket to life, a trip to the planet England.
  6. Players receive points for completing tasks (obstacles).
  7. Players must read the assignments very carefully.

Progress of the quest:

Players take and receive sheets with quests (tasks) and reading the legend. As players read the legend, they understand that they are players and that some kind of competition awaits them.

After reading the legend, players will have to fill in the field at the top quest list. In the free “TEAM:” field, players must come up with and enterEnglishname of your team.

TEAM: (for example: FOX, Balls)

Task No. 1 (on whatman paper)

After the players have entered the team name, they go to Whatman paper with the characteristic number one(under the number: one).

What's on Whatman paper: In addition to the number, players will also see a drawing on the Whatman paper, and under it an encrypted message and a small crossword puzzle (5 words).

Decipher the message: pmizb n(a heart icon or a letter in a heart with a hint of next task) is possible only with the help of a “master letter” (the letter with which encoding begins), using the Julius Caesar cipher.

Julius Caesar code

Caesar Cipher is a type of substitution cipher in which each character in the plaintext is replaced by a character located some constant number of positions to the left or right of it in the alphabet. For example, in a cipher with a right shift of 3, A would become D, B would become D, and so on.

In order to get the “master letter” and solve the encryptedmessage - players must solve the crossword puzzle(located on the same sheet Whatman paper).

The crossword consists of five words and is absolutely linear, i.e. To solve it, you need to write words sequentially, but pictures (drawings or something else) are used as questions. Divide each picture like a field in a sea battle game.

Crossword drawing

Sample questions/answers

  1. What do you see in the picture? (animals)
  2. 3X1 (sheep)
  3. 2X5 (pig)
  4. An animal with a long neck? (giraffe)
  5. This letter is in the alphabet between the first letter of the answer to the fourth
    question and you (you – I)
  6. The players deciphered the code and received the following message: “heart” (heart F in English).

With the help of the decrypted message, players understand which stand they need to go to next, and which card they need to draw from the next table.

Players will receive the maximum for this task 5 points. At the discretion of the presenter.

Task No. 2 (stand)

On the next stand there is a heart drawn. On the table near the stand there are 10 cards with various tasks (on front side Each card players see a letter of the English alphabet). Turning over card with a letter, players will discover a task.

  • Speak for 5 minutes in a squeaky voice.
  • After each word, say the word SIR for 10 minutes.

The task is to complete the previous tasks and not guess on the “coffee grounds”, but to pull out the card with the required task the first time.

For completing this task, players will receive a maximum of 4 points (at the discretion of the leader).

Task No. 3

Players need to take a selfie with the host in front of him and post it on Instagram or another social network with the hashtag (for example) #scenarioquestcloud, #questplanetinland

For completing this task, players will receive a maximum of 4 points ( at the discretion of the presenter).

Task No. 4

Agility task. The task is simple and is carried out (and assessed) by the presenter: say the phrase and simultaneously throw and catch balls (tennis).

  • “Whether the weather be fine
  • Whether the weather be cold
  • Or whether the weather be not.
  • We will walk together.
  • Whatever the weather
  • Whether we like it or not.”

After the leader’s assessment, players receive points from 1 to 5. And they make up a word from the letters on the balls (players can get additional points) “ courage"- courage.

Task No. 5

All players are waiting for the back on courage. The players (the entire team) are blindfolded. They need to put their hand into certain four niches. You have a choice: vase, jar, hole, hat. After which, feel the object there (inside) and describe it in English words, and other team members must guess it and fill it out free cells in the quest list.

The difficulty and specificity lies in the fact that in addition to the description, players have to stick their hand into different vessels with “vile contents”(in tactile terms).” An example of filling vessels with “abominations”: a vessel with insects (toys), a vessel with plush or hair, a vessel with rice, a vessel with a slug, a vessel with Legos or water.

Descriptive items(popular words):

  • star (toy)
  • book or plastic fork
  • ring
  • glasses, stone (flower)

Note: vessels or boxes are located on the table.

For a greater WOW effect, at the time of completing the task of courage, it is worth using local sounds (from the speaker) from “horror films”.

Safety precautions: It is advisable to use plastic vessels so that they do not break and there is no damage from splinters.


The players go to the school board. The players' results are recorded by the presenter, after which they leave the quest area.

Congratulations from the presenter!

Appendix 1.Contents of the quest list (for players)

The Players are a group of professional Olympic athletes.
Legend (told to players or written on the task sheet):
The distant future has arrived, the year is 2166. Many famous at 21
century, things have undergone significant changes: flying cars, caring for
ecology, vegetarian society and much more. Including got
sports, or rather the Olympic Games, what is now valued in athletes is not strength,
but knowledge or skills. So, today is the day for you,
which all athletes from all over the world are looking forward to. This is where
Now, you have to show yourself and reveal all your skills and abilities. Not
Remember that your goal is to score as many points as possible and get to the TOP
rating. As you know, all winners receive a prize. So, yours
The team is ready, the time has come!
✔️ Obstacle ONE awaits you.
✔️ Pull out the card you want. The extra one found in the decryption will help you.
✔️ Say the phrase and throw and catch balls at the same time.
✔️ Be brave and smart. (4 free fields)
✔️ Final score. Say four “groped” words.

Vadim Suslov. I hope my article was useful! You can also order my book “Quest” - in it you will find all the answers to your questions regarding quests. If you have any questions, please email me ( [email protected]) or search on VKontakte: My website:

Used for corporate team building and events. We develop and conduct quests in the city or park. In any room, for example, in an office. Or even abroad.

In this article we will talk about:

  • types of quests
  • quest mechanics
  • quest development - the process and duration of the project
  • how to develop a quest yourself
  • quest price and cost components

Types of quests

Appearing in the early 80s as a direction computer games(for example, “Mystery House” for the Apple II computer, released in 1980), quests “spread and multiply.” Now you won’t surprise anyone with this word.

Although we can say that the quest (if we take the meaning of the word - a search for something accompanied by adventure) has always existed. Primitive man buried a mammoth's leg and marked the place with a stick... Pirates buried treasure on a desert island. They laid the deceased comrade on a hill to indicate the direction, made a map, and then this map was divided into several parts! Why not a quest?

We use the following concept of a quest - a legendary game consisting of a set of activities of various directions (search, intellectual, creative, motor, etc.). We won't consider computer quests, in which a person interacts with a program. We still do live quests.

So, about the types of quests according to the method of moving participants:

  • walking quest - searching for locations and exploring the territory on foot (it is possible to use transport in the city);
  • bicycle/scooter quest - almost the same thing, only more enjoyable (you can’t go down the subway with a bike);
  • car quest - partially or completely in cars (quest locations are remote from each other or fast movement is required, more often carried out on weekends or at night).

According to the territorial criterion:

  • indoor quest (, quest room or escape room, quest in a cafe or restaurant, office role-playing game);
  • quest in the museum - allocated as a separate item;
  • or a historical estate;
  • tourist quest or quest abroad.

Quests are very diverse in their application:

  • educational quest
  • networking - pause in the event
  • team building event
  • getting to know the new office, etc.

Also, the concept of “business quest” has recently appeared, which is sometimes used to replace the “business game”. Most often, a business quest is aimed at demonstrating or practicing skills that are important for employees. During such an event, employee evaluation may occur. We don’t see any particular differences between a business simulation or a business game - another attempt to give the old a fashionable name. By the way, one of our business games- "" - uses quest mechanics: participants explore the territory.

Features of quests

Still, the main feature of the quest is the presence of search activities/stages and solving “riddles”: during the quest itself, participants solve an intellectual problem (anything - a mathematical or logical example, a text, a visual image). Often this is a two- or three-step process: the elements fit together like a puzzle or provide a resource for the next stage.

Or all stages provide a solution/resource for the final part. For example, opening a chest, telephone number, etc.

Unrelated to the previous feature, but important for corporate events is time. Still, it is worth recognizing that most quests are conducted for team building and joint recreation. We recommend conducting quests lasting no more than 4 hours. This is due to group dynamics and the physical capabilities of the participants - not everyone, for example, will be ready to continue solving problems or walking around the city for more than 3.5 hours.

The quest should have rotating activities, different formats, and a level of difficulty that challenges participants to make an effort. Otherwise, the quest ceases to be itself - the participants get bored, mechanically performing repetitive tasks. Therefore, when developing a quest, we create a matrix of stages and arrange tasks for a specific group or event.

Quest mechanics

When developing quests, two main mechanics are used:

  • chain - tasks/stages are received sequentially (automatically or through game technicians) and without completing one stage there is no way to move to the next - more often used if it is necessary to maintain time limits;
  • assault (“storming”) - all tasks at once, the teams determine the order independently - used, for example, if several teams go through the same locations, and they need to be “separated” at the start.

The quest can be controlled by:

  • booklet/cards;
  • SMS, phone, instant messengers;
  • engine on the site;
  • Internet links;
  • QR codes;
  • presenter, game technicians and “agents” in the quest area.

Quest tasks

The mechanics also involve using different types of tasks that can be in a quest:

  • “find” – caches (envelopes, codes, artifacts, etc.);
  • “find out” – information (company, colleagues, etc.);
  • “do” – team activity;
  • “solve” – logical, mathematical and word problems.

For example, we write a message in hieroglyphs with a UV marker, and the team, having received a UV flashlight at one of the previous stages, must read and decipher it. It turns out that there are two types of tasks at once: search and intellectual two-move.

Quest development: how does it all happen?

Development of a quest used for corporate event, for us it starts with collecting needs - still, the consulting “leader” is not going anywhere. It is important to understand the objectives and limitations of the event. It’s one thing to design a quest for a corporate event in a restaurant, and another thing to reflect the peculiarities of corporate culture.

So, the first thing is what the quest is for. Determining the purpose of the event and the criteria for success.

The second point is the number of participants/teams. It is advisable that the team does not have more than 7-8 participants. This is not a training group whose dynamics are fueled by a coach and/or psychologist. All participants must find a “use”; no one should drop out of the process.

The third point is the territory of the event, time restrictions. The composition and nature of the stages are selected or developed for specific conditions.

After all this, the quest is laid out - the tasks are arranged in the required sequence (if this is a chain quest) or a matrix of individual tasks is created for each team (as in most of our office quests). A schedule is drawn up according to which game technicians can track the dynamics of the quest. Some areas of the quest may be tested.

Development of a new quest takes from 2 to 4 weeks. There were projects when we had to develop a quest in 3 days. It was a quest abroad - we were “dropped” into the city 3 days before the event. But we were already traveling with some experience in the area.

How to develop a quest yourself?

Yes, we do not deny this possibility. Why don't you try developing an quest yourself? For example, bringing colleagues to a new office.

To do this, it is necessary, as we have already written, to come up with several different stages/tasks. For example, the first will be to receive a letter by email with a request for all participants to gather in a certain place - this can already be done in the form of a riddle. At this point, participants discover an envelope with a rebus indicating the name of the metro station where the agent will meet them. This agent needs to be told a password, and he will give the coordinates of the business center. Can you think of more? If it’s difficult, then right now you can order from us the development of a quest for your event.

Ready-made quests from the “Business Games Laboratory”

As mentioned above, we conduct almost the entire range of quests that can be used for corporate events:

  • city ​​quests - the wonderful quest “Moscow” (or “Boulevard”) and the compact “Zamoskvorechye”;
  • quests in the estates “Kuskovo”, “Tsaritsyno”, “Kuzminki”;
  • office quests, adaptable to events and premises;
  • a business game that includes a quest element - exploration of the territory.

Quest price: development and implementation

First, about the components of the quest price for a corporate event. It consists of the cost of developing or using the idea, as well as administrative costs. The second component is the necessary adaptation to the number of groups/participants and duration. The third part is the work of the host and gaming technicians at the event. And the fourth is the cost of entrance tickets (for example, to a museum), if any.

The last thing is to pay for the transfer if the quest is not held in Moscow.

So, the cost of conducting a quest per participant can vary between 900-2000 rubles. As a rule, the more participants, the lower the cost per person.

If the quest is developed from “0”, then we can talk about the approximate cost of such development - from 15,000 rubles.

We are ready to develop and conduct YOUR quest.

— a ready-made original kit (the idea and its implementation belong exclusively to the site), consisting of a set of tasks with which you can organize a team quest in the office at a corporate event to find a hidden surprise.

All tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones based on keywords, print them out and arrange them in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain immediately before starting the game.

Ready-made scenarios for conducting quests. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

About the kit

  • A wide variety of universal places in the office where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself.
  • There is no imposed search chain, you can arrange tasks in any order and complete any number of stages (maximum 14 stages).
  • Suitable for any corporate event.
  • Interesting and varied tasks based on word games And various types cipher
  • The kit is suitable for printing on a black and white printer.

Team quest game

Set " Team quest in the office" involves playing a game for two or three teams: each type of task is completed in several versions, with different keywords- so that teams have equal chances, and victory depends on the speed of reaction and intelligence of the players. This is also done so that the quest organizer has a wide choice of the most convenient places when drawing up search chains.

Set design

Description of tasks

(key places where you can hide hints and surprises are indicated in brackets)

  1. Hint “TV show reversals” ( envelope,Xerox). An interesting and fun task that will especially appeal to fans of the game “shifters”. Example from the tooltip: Caucasian chebureks (Ural dumplings).
  2. Hint “Catchphrases from movies”(newspaper, magazine). To find out where to move next, you need to remember phrases from famous Soviet films.
  3. Hint “Pseudo-scientific nonsense” ( book,lamp). A very exciting task for a sense of humor and imaginative thinking. The task contains well-known proverbs and sayings in which all words are replaced with scientific (or almost scientific) definitions. The result was some pseudoscientific nonsense. Example from the tooltip: A person who has ingested ethyl alcohol in an amount exceeding a certain dose is prone to an inadequate idea of ​​the depth of certain types of large bodies of water (Answer: The drunken sea is knee-deep).
  4. Hint "Fairytale Ads" ( computer,bedside table). A nice, fun task of ingenuity. You need to guess which of the famous fairy-tale characters is the author of the comic advertisements. Example from the tooltip: I offer services for conducting fire and pyrotechnic shows. An irreplaceable worker! By inviting me, you will appreciate the saying: “One head is good, but several are better!” (Answer: Zmey Gorynych).
  5. Hint “Proverb squared”(door, wall). A difficult task for quick thinking: you need to cut out 9 squares with letters and fold them into one large square so that you can read the proverb.
  6. Hint "In the Animal World"(mirror, picture, telephone). A fun task of ingenuity: you need to guess which of the representatives of the animal world is most suitable for sayings as mottos. Example from the tooltip: “The grave will correct the hunchback!” (camel).
  7. Prompt "Family Ties" (battery,printer). It is necessary to restore the confused words denoting the names of various family relationships.
  8. "Encrypted text" tooltip ( closet, box). There are 4 encrypted phrase options to choose from.
  9. Hint "Dance" (window sill, refrigerator). Interesting dance quiz.
  10. Hint "Edible anagrams" (shelf, curtain). An entertaining task with anagrams. Example from the tooltip: rent + nickname = nectarine.
  11. Hint “Encrypted phraseological units”(table, chair). A good task for imaginative thinking.
  12. Hint "Common letters" (armchair,mug,flower). Intelligence challenge.
  13. Hint "Encrypted saying" (package, bag). Tricky cipher. We need to find a way to read the famous saying.
  14. Hint "Multiplication tables" (green folder,red folder). An interesting logic task.

Please note: tips 1-9 are made on an A4 sheet, and tips 10-14 are on half an A4 sheet.

  • Recommendations for preparing and conducting the quest + handy sign for creating a search chain
  • tasks and answers (each task is immediately followed by an answer, and for convenience and clarity, all answers are formatted in the same way as the tasks themselves)

Attention! The kit is offered in electronic form- you will need to print everything you need on a printer yourself (sheet format when printing A4).

Set format: tasks and answers - 53 pages, recommendations - 3 pages (pdf files)

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