Quest The Other Side of Truth. Now directly about Freya's farm itself

The Other Side of Truth ( back side truth)
Restrictions: You must have a level of at least 53, but not higher than 63 (no limit maximum level from the Freya update).
The description of the quest is relevant for all updates from Interlude to High Five.

1) The first of six Freya quests begins at the Ice Merchant Cabin

At Rafforty

2) Will need to be in Frost Lake (Frozen Lake)

talk to Misa (Misa)

and take Misa's Letter with you. You will need to meet with Misa in the game night, at other times of the day she is simply not at the meeting point. To reach her, go to the western passage to the bridge itself, turn right before the bridge ( north) and move along the coast to the very Frost Lake, where you will actually see Misa standing on a hefty ice floe.

3) With the received letter, you will need to go back to Rafforty. It will seem to him that the seal on the letter has been opened, so he will have to answer that we did not touch the letter. We didn't touch the letter, did we? In the first dialogue choose the first answer "Are you doubting me?" ("Of Course not!" From Freya's update) and in the third dialogue also the first answer "Who's Queen Freya?" and at the end take Rafforty's Letter (Letter to Rafforty). Now you need to go back to Misa and give her the letter.

5) Not far, northeast of Misa

you need to examine a group of ice figures Ice Sculpture (Ice Statue)

To get to them, go to the north passage, along the left wall, but DO NOT TURN into the gap in the ice barrier, reach the bridge near which Freya's Steward stands, turn your back to the bridge (and the steward) and again walk along the left wall.

6) After that, southwest of Ice Merchant Cabin

you need to find the same person-icy Kierre (Kier from the Freya update)

and take the Report Scraps (Part of the Report) from him. To get to it, go to the western passage to the bridge, but this time turn left and after the bridge, and not before, and when you are almost horizontally level with the mark on the map, you can see that there is a gentle segment on the opposite bank, along which will be able to get out of the water and be literally 10 steps from our ice-man.

7) After all these simple shenanigans, you need to return to Rafforty, talk to him twice, after which he will ask you to bring another piece. We must again run to a bunch of ice-men and examine them again to find a Piece of Tablet (Piece of a Stone Slab), with which, in fact, it will be necessary to return back to receive a reward and the opportunity to take next quest upon reaching level 82. This completes the first of the six Freya quests.

Quest Request of Ice Merchant

8) The second of the six Freya quests begins at the Ice Merchant Cabin at Rafforty. You will need to get back to the Kier ice (Kerry) in the southwest of the Ice Merchant Cabin and talk to him. After the conversation, Jinia (Zinia) will appear, with whom you will need to talk and receive a reward and the opportunity to take the next quest Acquisition of Divine Sword (Obtaining a wonderful sword). This completes the second of the six Freya quests.

Quest Acquisition of Divine Sword

9) The third of the six Freya quests begins at the Ice Merchant Cabin at Rafforty. At the end of the conversation, he will transfer you to the instance where Jinia will be located, with whom you will have a long conversation, after which she will escort you out of her. In silence, you see, the woman wanted to sit.

10) Now you need to visit Mithril Mines (Mithril Mine) and talk there with Krun (Kroon) (stands at the western entrance) or Tarun (Tarun) (stands at the northern entrance), and you will be transferred to the instance, where you will need to get to Kegor ( Kegor), and after the conversation, help him fight off Mithril Millipede (Underground Mine Beetle). It will be necessary to talk to him again, after the wave of monsters is cleared, to receive a reward and be again at the entrance to the mine. This completes the third of the six Freya quests.

Meeting Sirra quest

11) The fourth of the six Freya quests begins at the Ice Merchant Cabin at Rafforty. At the end of the conversation, he will move you to an instance where you will need to talk with Jinia, then with Kegor standing next to him, then again with Jinia, then with Sirra that appears next to him, and finally, for the last time with Jinia, after which you will be escorted out of the instance.

12) Now you need to talk to Freya's Steward (Freya's lackey), which can be reached by leaving the Ice Merchant Cabin through the northern passage, which should be moved to the instance, where, after talking with Jinia, they should be moved to the room where Freya is. do nothing, but you can kill the appearing Archery Knights (Knight of the Ice Labyrinth), sooner or later, in any case, they will show a cutscene, after which your character will find himself in Ice Merchant Cabin. with Rafforty and get your reward This completes the fourth of six Freya quests.

Reunion with Sirra

13) The fifth of the six Freya quests begins at the Ice Merchant Cabin at Rafforty. At the end of the conversation, he will move you to an instance, where you will need to talk to Jinia, then to Sirra who appears next to you, who should give out Black Frozen Core in the amount of five pieces, and then again with Jinia , after which you will be teleported back to the clearing.

14) Along the already known route, you need to get to Freya "s Steward, so that he can be moved to an instance, from where, having previously collected 2-3 groups in the amount of 9 to 27 people in the command channel, with the same progress in the quest , the leader of the command channel will be able to move everyone to the battle with Freya through Jinia (It is imperative to complete the quest chain, otherwise you will have to go through everything again to get to Freya in the future) After killing the Raid Boss, return to Jinia and take the reward. of the six quests on Freya will be completed.

Story of Those Left

15) The last of the six Freya quests begins at the Ice Merchant Cabin at Rafforty. At the end of the conversation, he will move you to the instance, where you will need to talk to Jinia (Zinia), then with Kegor (Kegor) standing next to him, and then again with Jinia, after which you will have to be transferred back to Rafforty, from whom you will need to get reward. This completes the last of the six Freya quests.

Reward for completing the Freya quest:
As a reward for completing the entire quest chain, Rafforty will give you a choice of six Forgotten Scrolls:
Forgotten Scroll - Magician "s Will
Forgotten Scroll - Archer 's Will
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will
Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Rune
Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Alignment
Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Elemental

Freya is an instance rollback zone 2 times a week on Wednesday and Saturday at 6-30 am.

Conditions for access to the farm Freya * normal:

  • Character level 82+
  • Maximum 3 groups (27 characters)
  • Completed a series of quests while keeping the sequence(5 of 6, the last quest is completed after killing RB):

  • - The Other Side of the Truth - A Conversation with Misa / The Other Side of Truth (taken from 53 levl, gives access to the main 5 quests)

    - An Ice Merchant Comission (82+, the presence of the completed quest "The Other Side of the Truth")
    - Acquiring the Sacred Sword
    - Meeting Sirra (82+, the presence of completed previous quests)
    - Meeting Sirra Again (82+, the presence of completed previous quests)
    - Story of Those Left Behind (82+, done after farming Freya)

    * All quests are taken from the NPC Raforti, which is right on the tp Ice merchant's hut and are disposable.
    Freya's subsequent farms are already do not require completing these quests.

    After completing the 4th quest, each of the characters is given 5 items. Items are not transferred, not thrown away, they can only be deleted, which I strongly do not recommend. Why we need these items, I will tell you below.

    Now directly about Freya's farm itself.

    After collecting the required number of people and fulfilling all the necessary conditions, we go to the NPC, this NPC is located on the way to Freya's garden, right in front of the bridge. Each character speaks to Lackey Freya which takes you to the other two npc Kegor and Zinia... The leader of the CC (CC) talks to Zinia, after which it brings everyone directly to the instance.

    After getting into the instance, everyone ends up in a small room, the buffs are reset. After raising the full buff, we run to the main room. Running to the middle of the room, a small video turns on.

    Freya's farm consists of 4 stages.

    Stage one

    First, mobs appear in the room, we naturally kill everyone, after a short period of time, an inscription will appear in the center of the screen " ". At this moment," comes to the field "itself Freya... Throughout the entire farming of the first stage Freya a certain number of guards will self-thread, so distribute in advance which group is doing what - someone beats only the RB, someone beats only the guards.

    At the first stage, you may just need the items obtained from the quest, the number of items used directly depends on the composition and equipment of your groups (I will write about this more specifically in the "Notes"). Items are needed so that while Freya casts the AOE skill, all your groups receive protection from this AOE. Rollback from an item 20 minutes, protection is imposed on everyone who is inside the room, therefore, clearly and in advance distribute the queue for the party, who uses the protection item for whom.

    Items are used as follows: put the items on the panel, wait for the inscription in the center of the screen " "- this means that Freya has started AOE casts and by clicking on this item we activate the shield. An icon similar to the celestial will appear in the buffs, also on 10 Seconds... According to my observations, I can advise you to use the item 2 seconds after the inscription appears. Since the AOE cast is not instantaneous, and in this scenario, the AOE strike will have to be about 5 seconds of the shield's operation. Sometimes AOE hits a little earlier, sometimes a little later, so an item delay of 2 seconds is the best option in my opinion.

    If you miss AOE you will instantly receive a debuff that within 5-7 seconds completely paralyzes everyone in the room, while HP drops sharply and the situation will look like this:

    After Freya was killed, we again observe a small video, after which 1 minute is given, before the start of the next stage. The time counter appears in the center of the screen.

    Stage two

    At the second stage, we have to butt with an intermediate RB Klakies... Before it appears Klakies, a small number of guards will also be summed up. After a short period of time, RB himself jumps out of the center of the room. The tactics here are slightly different from the first stage. You don't need to use protection items, but RB in certain points can strike so that there is a high probability of falling face down to the floor. To prevent this from happening, we immediately burn out the MP for him. The tank holds the RB on itself, all the others distribute their forces among RB and protection. Periodically burn mana and throw slowing debuffs. After the murder of this RB, the same 1 minute is given for rebuff / resong.

    Stage three

    The third stage is the most "fun". We watch another video and start farming. The tactics are the same as in the first stage, but the stats Freya and the guards were raised several times. The guards respawn much faster, so here you have to be very careful to work clearly on the assist in the party. It is in the third stage that you need to throw as many debuffs on Freya as possible. Protection items are used according to the same scheme of the first stage.

    In our case, we went to 3 packs: melee packs and 2 packs of magicians. Not the most successful line-up in terms of farm speed, but with strict control of the situation, problems do not arise. Mages fired back at the guards + constantly throwing debuffs at RB, only Freya worked out the melee pack. All available debuffs were kept for this stage, those that could roll back in a short time were used at the first stage. The main thing here is to demolish Freya's HP as quickly as possible up to 20-25%(I cannot vouch for the accuracy). As soon as RB gets HP in this segment, the last fourth stage begins. And in principle, the farm can be considered complete.

    Stage four

    At the fourth stage, everything is very simple. Watching the video again. Appear Kegor and Zinia who decide to come to your aid.
    After a short "popi * delok" about what Freya Khan came, they throw on everyone 2 buffs that last 20 seconds each, but immediately after the end of the action, these buffs are thrown again. Buffs give an increase to P. Attack, M. Attack, M. Dev, P. Dev by 300%, and Attack Speed ​​and Magic Speed ​​by 25%. In this case, it becomes completely wild regen HP and MP. Hillers can immediately relax and just watch the mockery of RB.

    Freya here, completely confused, he becomes in the pose of a river dweller and, with a displeased face, falls to the floor. Ours won, everyone is happy, flowers for women, ice cream for children.

    After the murder Freya the leader of the CC (CC) talks to the dead tortured body of RB and the quest is considered completed. After that, you can start executing last quest, which is done in 2 minutes by the method "stand up and drink with 3 NPCs". After completing it, you can choose one of six delicious books:

  • Warrior's Will (81)
  • Will of the Magician (81)
  • Will Arrow (81)
  • Balance Defense (82)
  • Rune Defense (82)
  • Elemental Protection (82)
  • The only thing that can really ruin this whole idyll is that the necklace may not fall. Since the chance of a drop Freya's Necklaces not 100%. Well, if all the same the necklace falls, then we get the following nice thing:

    +10 Water Resistance
    Bleed Resistance + 20%
    Paralysis Resistance + 15%
    Stun Resistance + 15%
    Resistance to sleep + 15%
    Rollback time of magic skills -5%
    Refund 4% Melee Damage
    Increase MP by 50 points
    Acceleration of MP regeneration by 0.23 points
    Mental Attack Resistance + 10%

    Also on Freya * normal swing SA up to 17 levla falls S84 gear and bij, S85 down.

    Important! Our Bish filmed an excellent video of the entire farm from the beginning of entering the room until the last breath of Freya. ...

    Notes (edit)

  • It is desirable to have more protection from water: attribute in armor + buffs pp / mm + dance.
  • If there is an opportunity to collect a pack of destroys / shooting gallery + a tank, add a pack with necro or 2 nekras to this, then at the first stage Freya will fall for about a resong. In some cases, when the destroyers / shooting ranges have a good sharpening + 300 attributes in the cannons, the Freya of the first stage simply bursts in 30 seconds. At the same time, AOE protection items are used 1 time. The second stage also falls in minutes in 2. Well, the last stage is also no more than 2-3 minutes, items of protection are used 1-3 times. To work out the limits at maximum DPS, when the RB turns out to hang the maximum possible number of debuffs lowering the pdef (hex, mark, rt, dod, abyss) add to this stigma, tribunal, aggregate with sharpening on lowering pdev and RB will receive damage in serious five-digit numbers.
  • After all 5 items run out, you can take another quest item
    To do this, you need to talk to the NPC Zinia... The difference between this item is that it does not disappear after use and remains in the inventory,
    his rollback is the same in 20 minutes.
  • There are blocks of ice among the guards Freezing stone, these blocks hang a debuff that reduces HP, with 4 living blocks it will consume 300 HP every second. But after killing them, a buff is imposed, which lasts 10 seconds, and during this time the MP regen for all groups is increased - 60 MP every second. Therefore, we demolish them in the first place, extra MP will not hurt here, and minus 300 HP per second is not a very pleasant circumstance.
  • If the game client gives an error or lags the Internet and disconnects you from the server, then you can enter the instance. Also, if you lie dead for too long, you will be thrown out, but again you can go. You are thrown out to the NPC Lackey Freya, make a TP to the NPC Zinia and go into the instance on your own, the doors will be closed in front of the room, but there is the NPC Sirra, which will let you inside the room.
  • Thanks to my consta for help in writing this article,
    special thanks to our PL and clan leader eXtraQuality Switchblade"y, and our entire clan.

    I wish you a successful hunt =)

    Freya in L2 appeared in the chronicles The 2nd Throne: Freya, and is the epic boss that drops the necklace. It is possible to get the usual or Blessed freya necklace subject to murder improved Queen Freya.

    quest for freya high five asterios

    1. The first quest for freya in pictures is the other side of the truth.

    We fly to Schuttgart and immediately in Ice maze, on TP we find Raforti, we talk.

    2. We go to Mise, she stands on frozen lake, WARNING YOU MUST GO ONLY AT NIGHT GAME TIME... 1 real hour - 4 game hours. Misa be there from 00 00 to 6 00.

    3. Make soybeans and return to ice maze To Raforti, we return the letter, DO NOT CHOOSE THE PHASE "I could not contain my curiosity"... We speak with Raforti one more time, he sends us to Misa, and she sends to look for travelers. (which froze as it turned out later). We find them on the server ice labyrinth and talk to everyone.

    5. Find Kerry, talk to her, go back and talk to Raforti 2 times, we complete the quest.

    6. The second quest for freya high five - The order of the ice merchant.

    We speak with Raforti and run back to Kerry who just had.

    7. Appear Zinia, talk to her and complete the quest.

    8. The third quest for freya in pictures high five - Getting a wonderful sword.

    We speak with Raforti, click the Login dialog and get to Zinia home. We talk with her.

    9. Teleport to Dwarf village and from there to Mithril Mine... We find there Kroon, on west entrance into the mine.

    10. He will send us to Kegoru will appear level 85 mobs, kill them and talk to Kegor... After the conversation ends, you end the quest.

    11. The fourth quest for Freya L2 - Meeting with Queen Sirra.

    Go to Raforti, v ice maze, it moves you to Zinia again, click sign in.

    12. We speak with Kegor and Zinia.

    13. We run to Freya's castle and find the butler Freya.

    14. Talk to Zinia v Freya's garden, talking to her, she moves us to Sirre... We run a little there until there is a video, after which we will be thrown out to Raforti... We talk with Raforti and take the last quest.

    The fifth quest for the passage to the Freya - Re-meeting with Sirra.

    15. After talking with Raforti, we get to Zinia, talk and run to Lackey Freya, move around and talk to Zinia.

    16. We collect 2-3 Full parties in the Central Center and go to heap the snow queen . After you've farmed Freya, talk to Zinia in Freya's garden to access the one-time spellbook quest.

    The sixth quest for freya la2 - The story of the rest.

    17. Talk to Rafforty, then move to Zinia then talk to Kegor and again with Zinia... Come back to Raforti and you will be given 6 books to choose from.

    Forgotten Scroll: Will of the Mage
    Forgotten Scroll: Archer's Will
    Forgotten Scroll: Warrior's Will
    Forgotten Scroll: Rune Defense
    Forgotten Scroll: Protection of Balance
    Forgotten Scroll: Elemental Protection

    Drop from freya

    Water Resistance +10, Bleeding + 20%, paralysis + 15%, stun + 15%, sleep + 15%, magician recharge time. skills -5%.

    Reflects 4% damage, max. MP +50, MP Regeneration +0.23, Mental Attack Resistance + 10%.

    + venus parts + S84 guns.

    Drop from extreme freya :

    Resistance to water +15, bleeding + 25%, paralysis + 20%, stun + 20%, sleep + 20%, magic recharge time. skills -5%.

    Reflects 4% damage, max. MP +50, MP Regeneration +0.46, Resistance to Mental Attacks + 10%, Received Heal Amount +15.6, MEN +2, CON +1, STR -1, MP Consumption of M. skills -5%.

    + Elegy parts + top-end S84 guns.

    Rafforty is looking for travelers to help the Guild of Zinia.
    1. Conversation with Misa
      • Target: Misa
      • Rafforty directs you to the Frozen Lake to meet with a woman named Misa. However, keep in mind that she only appears there at night.
    2. A letter to Rafforty
      • Target: Raforti
      • Misa asks you to hand over the letter to Rafforty.
    3. Unreasonable mistrust
      • Target: Raforti
      • Rafforty apologizes for doubting you.
    4. Unexpected offer
      • Target: Raforti
      • Rafforty tells you that he is a member of Zinia's Guild and asks for help.
    5. Short wait
      • Target: Raforti
      • Raforthy says that he was told something completely different, so he needs time to think. He asks you to come back later.
    6. Conversation with Misa
      • Target: Misa
      • Raforthy says that Misa has learned something. He asks you to meet her again at the Frozen Lake. However, keep in mind that she only appears there at night.
    7. In Search of the Ice Statue
      • Target: Ice Statue
      • Misa says that all of the missing agents have been turned into Ice Statues. You need to find them.
    8. Kerry's location
      • Target: Kerry
      • You found out where Kerry is. Go to her.
    9. Conversation with Rafforty
      • Target: Raforti
      • You have received Kerry's report. Take it to Rafforty.
    10. Decryption of the cryptogram
      • Target: Raforti
      • Wait while Rafforty decrypts the cryptogram.
    11. Piece of Stone Slab
      • Target: Ice Statue
      • To decipher the cryptogram of Rafforty, you need Stone Slab Pieces. You seem to have seen them somewhere near the Ice Statues. Go there.
    12. Conversation with Rafforty
      • Target: Raforti
      • You have found the Stone Slab Pieces. Return to Rafforty.

    The Other Side of Truth

    Quest walkthrough

    1. The quest starts at the Ice Merchant Cabin at Rafforty.
    2. Rafforty believes that you are curious enough to desire pure knowledge and invites you to find out what lies behind the icy mask of truth. In accordance with the canons of the genre, you agree to help him.
    3. Rafforty asks you to meet Misa, an eccentric girl who loves to freeze on the ice of Frost Lake at night. Go NIGHT through the NW passage from the Ice Merchant Cabin, walk along the left wall to the bridge, turn right in front of the bridge and go around the maze along the shore until you reach Frost Lake, where you will see our freezing beauty on an ice floe in the middle of the lake. The passage on the ice begins a little to the left, look under your feet - you will have to save yourself from under the ice yourself if you fail.
    4. Talk to Misa, she asks you to take the letter to Rafforty, but by no means read it. Take the letter and fly to the city (time is expensive, you will have to dangle to this Snow Maiden again), from there again to Rafforty.
    5. Talk with Rafforty, who dubiously examines the letter and wonders if you have read it - the seal looks broken ... Are you insulted to the core? ( Are you doubting me?- otherwise you will have to do the quest from the beginning!) Okay, Rafforty apologizes for being suspicious and explains that he is one of the members of the Zinnia Guild. While he is soft, ask him well about all this and ask how you can still be of use to him. Rafforty will ask you to wait a bit - he needs to finish reading the letter.
    6. Speak with Rafforty... He will ask you to bring a letter to Misa outlining new information he has recently received. Do it.
    7. After talking with Misa, you will learn that many of the Zinnia Guild members who searched the maze were turned into ice sculptures by Queen Freya. Misa will ask you to find these sculptures and see if there is anything useful after the deep frostbite of the search party.
    8. Return to the Ice Merchant Cabin, exit the NE, follow the left wall, but DO NOT TURN into the gap in the ice barrier. Get to the bridge near which Freya "s Steward (Freya's lackey) is standing, if you wish - talk to him, express everything you think about him and get a formulaic answer about" do not you to meddle there alone" and " discretion is the best ingredient for valor", turn around to the bridge (and the steward) with your back and again walk along the left wall, carefully going around all corners.
    9. Not so far, at some elevation from the steward we abandoned, a pin is stuck into the map and there are 4 ice statues. Examine them all carefully, of course not much survived, let's hope this will help you ... What? Yes, indeed, bad luck. Queen Freya is interested in your search. Well, we'll have to live with this for a while. And now - in search of Kier (Kerry), the location of which is indicated by the information you found.
    10. Walk from Ice Merchant Cabin to NW, follow the left wall to the bridge, cross the bridge, turn left after the bridge and walk forward a little. Cross the river back to the Frozen Labyrinth side, where the Frozen Labyrinth side of the river turns into a small cove with a gentle entrance to the water. Go further south along the coast to the place where the pin is stuck on the map.
    11. However, you are late. Instead of Kier you are greeted by his sad statue of cold ice. True, in her hand she squeezes a piece of some kind ... looks like a letter, but in a language that you do not know. Take this scrap of paper to Rafforty - maybe he can read it?
    12. Probably he can ... if you don't stand over his soul during the decryption process and come back later.
    13. Talk to again Rafforty... According to the instructions received from the encryption, he needs Tablet Fragments to obtain information. Give the fragment found on the sculptures to Rafforty and get a reward - 60,040 Adena.
      • Since the Freya update on the Eurooff servers, this item is not relevant, but is still relevant on the Ruoff servers: He will also tell you that you can now get to the Ice Queen, but only after obtaining 10 Silver Hemocytes. These items are obtained from the An Ice Merchant 's Dream quest, which you can take from him.

    see also

    • An Ice Merchant 's Dream

    Sources of

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