Quest game child driver of vehicles. Quest game on traffic rules for senior and preparatory groups

Nomination: quest script on traffic rules

Position: teacher

A quest game on traffic rules for children of the preparatory group with a compensatory orientation.

Here is a quest game
There are surprises here for you
You need to go the whole way
And reach the finish line...

Educator: Guys, we are going on a trip. Baba Yaga has prepared a surprise for us, but before we get to her, we will need to pass all the tests. Are you ready?
Children: Yes!

Educator: and so, our path begins from kindergarten and there is a note here (the teacher takes out the note and reads it)
Guess the riddle:
“Here is a sign, of which there are few:
This is an important road!
If you are driving along it,
You become more important than everyone else,
And to you, as if to God,
They all give way! (main road)

Children guess the riddle.

Educator: That's right guys, you and I are setting off along the main road. But what will we go on?

Next riddle:
A strange house rushes along the road -
Round rubber feet.
filled with passengers
And the tank is filled with gasoline... (Bus)

Educator: That's right, we will go by bus, but on a special bus, what sign should be on the bus if children are traveling on it?
Children:"Children" sign

Educator: You and I are ready to hit the road. We drive along the main road (the teacher accompanies the conversation by moving around the didactic panel). And on the way we stop at the zoo. Where should the bus stop?
Children: at the bus stop.

Educator: Right. We came to the zoo. It's waiting for us here next task(the teacher finds the note) reads: “You need to name all the animals in the zoo. Name the animal and determine the first sound in the word and determine whether the first sound is soft or hard.”

Children complete the task.

Well done, you completed the task, we continue our journey.
But we don’t know where to go next. And here is a new task (the teacher takes out the following note): “You were moving along the main road, and now you need to turn onto the road that runs between villages and forest belts, what is the name of this road?”
Children answer, the teacher helps in case of difficulty: country road.

Educator: We continue our journey along the country road, because Baba Yaga does not live in the city, we need to go to the forest.
They drive further, there are houses on the way, in each house there are notes with puzzles and riddles.

Educator: you and I don’t know where to go next, because there are no signs on the country road, in the first house there is a task, you need to solve a crossword puzzle:

At the traffic light the eye blinks,
All the people are walking across the road...
2. Here's a road riddle:
What is that horse's name?
What lay on the transitions,
Where do pedestrians walk?
3. Stop! The cars are moving!
Where the paths meet,
Who will help the street
Should people move on?
4. Not alive, but walking
Motionless - but leading.
Answer: the main word is “Left”

Educator: right, we need to turn left. They move on. In the next house, the task: mark the behavior of children near the road with the colors of the traffic light, if the children in the picture behave correctly, paint the circle green, if not, then red and explain why you painted the circle with this color ( The teacher distributes cards, the children complete the tasks).

Educator: You have completed the task, it says here that we can go further straight along the road.
On the way we have one more house and one more task: place warning and prohibition signs and we can get to Baba Yaga’s house.
Children complete the task, explaining the purpose of each sign.

Educator: And so we turned along the road that led us to a hut on chicken legs. Here a note from Baba Yaga awaits us6
“Dear children! You did an excellent job with my tasks, I see that you know the rules of the road, soon you will go to school and trouble will never happen to you, because you are obedient pedestrians. And now I’ll tell you where the surprise is for you, it’s hidden in your group. Turn to face the window, (children do) then turn to the left, take three steps forward, turn to the left, take four more steps forward. And here, where you find yourself, lies your prize. Children look for and find a prize (treat).

Name: Quest game on traffic rules for preschoolers of the preparatory group with a compensatory orientation
Nomination: traffic quest for children

Position: teacher
Place of work: MDOU "TsRR - d/s No. 8 "Golden Fish"
Location: Valuiki, Belgorod region

Quest game for preschoolers senior group with the involvement of parents in the organization

"10 Safety Notes"


old pirate's treasure"

teacher of group No. 7,

MA preschool educational institution No. 74

Target: Promoting the basics of safe behavior on the road, learning road rules through games

Tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about road signs, the purpose of a traffic light and its signals, consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of safe behavior in the world around them. Develop thinking, attention, memory, speech activity, continue to develop interest in learning traffic rules through games.

Game description: Notes with tasks on traffic rules are hidden on the territory of the kindergarten. In a group, in a visible place, children find a bottle with old map- a plan of the kindergarten territory, where the locations of the notes are marked (since children do not know how to read). On back side The card contains a message from an old pirate, with an offer to find a pirate treasure, but to do this they need to split into two teams, pass difficult tests and test their knowledge of road safety rules. To do this, you need to move strictly along the map to find hidden secret notes with tasks; for each correctly completed task, the teams will receive golden piastres. And at the end of the journey, he hopes that together they will find a pirate treasure. The group is divided into two teams of ships “Green” and “Red”. Ship crews go in search of pirate treasure, look for notes, complete tasks and receive golden piastres. At the end of the journey, they will meet with the pirate himself, who will sell them for all the doubloons they have earned the most expensive thing he has - a piece of a map with the places where the treasures are hidden marked on it. Together they find a hidden chest with sweets and an invitation to a water trip with their parents - rafting on the Chanva-Yayva rivers in July exactly three weeks later.

Contents of the notes:

    On the map: Divide into two teams and hit the road as soon as possible! Complete all tasks and receive piastres! To find pirate treasure, you will have to go through a lot of tests! find at 10 secret places notes that have been there for a long time! Walk boldly along the map, take all your friends with you, help each other along the way, boldly follow the strict arrow! If you go through everything honestly, the treasure awaits you at the end of the road!

Team "Green" Team "Red"

Note #2 No matter if you go astray, repeat the traffic lights! Game "Red-Green".

Note #3 That everything was fine, guess the riddle: if yes, shout in unison - It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends! If the answer is “no”, you remain silent in response:

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

Which one of you is in a cramped carriage?

Did you give up your seat to the old lady? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

To get some fresh air in the trolleybus,

Who stuck both his head and body out the window? (Children are silent)

Who knows that red light -

does that mean: there is no move? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

Who runs forward so quickly

What does the traffic light not see? (Children are silent)

Does anyone know what green light means:

Let everyone walk boldly along the road? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

Who is near the roadway

Having fun chasing a ball? (Children are silent)

Who is the traffic police helping?

Does he keep order? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

Note #4 Speed ​​competition, start the cars quickly! Which team is the fastest? We'll find out soon at the races! An exercise with twisting a rope tied to a machine onto a stick - who is faster.

Note #5 The road alphabet is not so simple! You repeat the signs bye!

I want to ask about the sign,

The sign is drawn like this.

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can.

(“Careful, children!”)

We walked home from the garden,

We see a sign on the pavement:

Circle, inside a bicycle,

There is nothing else!

("Bike Lane")

The cars are racing at full speed,

And suddenly a sign comes towards us:

It shows a fence.

I rub my eyes, look straight ahead,

The highway is closed.

What kind of sign is this?

(“Railway crossing with barrier”)

Here is a circle with a red border,

But there is no drawing inside.

Maybe a beautiful girl

Should there be a portrait inside?

The circle is empty in winter and summer,

What is this sign called?

("Movement Prohibition")

The man walking in black

Crossed out with a red line.

And the road, it seems, but

Walking here is prohibited!

("No Pedestrians")

There are two brothers in a triangle

Everyone is rushing somewhere, rushing.

The most important sign in the world -

It's just nearby...


Pedestrian in a blue circle

He's not in a hurry, he's walking.

The path is safe

He's not afraid here.

("Pedestrian path")

What kind of sign is that hanging?

Stop - he tells the cars...

Pedestrian! Go boldly

about black and white paths.

("Pedestrian crossing")

You can find a sign like this

On the highway,

Where is the big hole?

And it's dangerous to walk straight,

Where the area is being built,

School, home or stadium.

("Men at work")

Young and old walk boldly,

Even cats and dogs...

Only this is not a sidewalk -

It's all about the road sign.

("Pedestrian path")

Roma's stomach hurts

He won't make it home.

In a situation like this

We need to find a sign.


(“First aid station”)

Search for a note in a given area

Note #6 This rod is not simple, you pass it with your hand, while the music is playing, the rod walks in a circle, whoever takes it in silence will leave the circle!

each team stands in a circle and passes the baton while the music is playing, as soon as the music stops, the one holding the baton leaves the circle.

Note No. 7 To move forward, we urgently need a transition! Teams need to see who can lay out a pedestrian crossing from white and black sheets the fastest.

Note #8 Urgently call the special services and repeat their numbers! So that there would be no groans and tears, you could call the specialists without any problems! Repetition of special service numbers 112, 101, 102,103,104, names of services and cases when they are called.

Note No. 9 Find the envelopes quickly and collect them inside! Cutting pictures of transport

Note #10. Well, this is the end of the road, let's remember everything and repeat it! A repetition of all the traffic rules that were used in the quest today and that are known to the children.

Old Pirate Billy Bones

Review of safety rules

Finding a Treasure Chest

With the old pirate's treasure chest!

Evgenia Domnikova
Quest game according to traffic rules “Search for the missing attribute for designing a play area according to traffic rules”

Target: promoting the basics of safe behavior in road, studying road rules through the game.

Tasks: teach children to distinguish road signs(warning, allowing, prohibiting) designed for drivers and pedestrians.

Strengthen children's understanding of traffic lights and their signals.

Materials: icons – yellow and red emoticons, traffic light, road signs, cards with numbers, envelopes with tasks, strips of white and black cardboard, steering wheel, traffic controller’s baton, red, green, yellow mugs.

Game description: children, (two teams) Having found a letter from their parents, they go to search rudder and baton along the route indicated in poetic form and finding tasks in an envelope under a certain number. For each Right and a team that quickly completes a task receives a point in the form of road sign. Having found the steering wheel and baton, the teams receive incentive prizes.

Progress of the game. While going for a walk, the children discover an envelope lying on the stairs.

Some kind of letter. I wonder who it's from? Let's read it.

“Guys, we tried decorate your play area so that you are interested and not bored while walking. And knowing how much you love driving cars, we brought another car. And you, of course, noticed that the new car is missing one important part so that it can drive - is it missing? ...steering wheel. You need to find the steering wheel and the car will be ready. But for this you need to pass difficult tests and test your knowledge about road safety rules.

Our tips will help you searching steering wheel and one more important thing attribute, helping in regulation traffic on the roads. You will find out what it is when you complete all the tasks. Participate in search by two teams. For each completed task, the team will receive one or two points. Based on the results of the competition, you will receive incentive prizes.

Your assistants in the game will be Evgenia Vasilievna and Marina Vladimirovna.

The first task is for the number 1 in the envelope. Good luck to you.

1 Task.

This is just a warm-up exercise for now.

So that everything is in order, we will play riddles. If you agree with us, shout back loudly “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”. If not, then keep quiet.

How many of you go forward only where there is a transition?

Who is happily kicking a ball near the roadway?

Which of you in a cramped carriage gives up a seat to the elders?

To get some fresh air on the bus, who sticks both their head and body out the window?

Who knows that the red light means there is no movement.

Does anyone know that a green light means road Let everyone walk boldly.

Who runs forward so quickly that he doesn’t see traffic light.

Who helps the traffic police, keeps order.

Forward to search. The next task is for number 2.

Number 2 is located in a clearing between mushrooms.

2 Task.

Road the alphabet is not so simple. You repeat the signs for now.

1. I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can. Be careful children.

2. There is a gas station in the blue square

What will the sign tell us loudly? Gas station.

3. I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this

Empty red triangle

Whoever notices him yields to everyone. Give in the road.

4. Red circle,

And there is a brick in it,

Don't try rashly

Drive past the brick. No entry.

5. There is a pedestrian in the blue circle,

Take your time, go

The path is safe.

He's not afraid here. Pedestrian crossing

6. The sign stands

In it, in the red circle

The number is located.

Tells what it is? Speed ​​Limit.

7. This sign is a dock driver

Sees him from afar

Bright yellow square

Everyone is happy to see him. Home road.

8. Red circle on a blue background

Crossed out with a cross

What does the sign mean?

What is he telling everyone? Stopping is prohibited.

Excellent on task you did it.

Number 3 is waiting for you at the bees,

In spotted ladybugs.

3 Task.

To move forward, a transition is urgently needed. Teams need to lay out a pedestrian crossing from black and white strips of cardboard.

The next task is for number 4.

The four hid in the wheels.

These wheels don't want to roll,

The wheels want to turn into a flower bed.

4 Task.

Let's check if your attention has wandered. Game "Three lights at traffic light» . Terms games: the presenter shows a green circle - you walk in place; red - frozen; yellow - clap your hands.

You guys are attentive

Well, if you're not tired

We are looking for 5 on the pedestal.

5 Task.

Game "Cross the street". The yellow and red teams stand different sides streets. You need to cross the street following the signals. If they show a green circle, take a step forward, a red circle, a step back, a yellow circle, stand still. The team whose player crosses the street first will win.

The next task is for number 6.

Number 6 went on a hike,

The number 6 is floating on the ship.

6 Task.

Each team must find and collect signs of a certain meaning. The red team is looking for warning signs, the green team is looking for prohibiting signs.

Number 7, I’ll tell you brothers,

Where you like to ride.

7 Task.

Drivers' relay. Teams must guide their cars between the wheels, trying not to hit them.

It grows and curls slowly,


Under the vine near the grapes

You need to find the number 8.

8 Task.

Look road signs, someone cut it into puzzles. You need to collect signs, combine puzzles. The red team collects warning signs, the yellow team collects permission signs.

On site, y tracks

The mushroom grows on a thick stalk.

Not an ordinary mushroom - a giant,

Everyone loves to sit there.

9 Task.

Captains' relay. Which of the captains will come up with and draw faster? road sign.

The final number 10

On the road leaving the road.

On the signs road regardless,

Without letting anyone through, it sits behind the wheel.

10 Task.

Your ordeal is now over. Count up your points earned. Well done guys, you're great completed the task. The team with more points is sent for our main prize, it also includes rewards for you.

The team with the fewest points goes to the second important attribute You’ll find out what it is from the katran. Rewards are waiting for you.

The captains are given guiding verses.

The steering wheel is located in the gazebo.

In the smallest gazebo.

The steering wheel lies, lies, lies,

He's in no hurry.

Waiting for you to come,

And take it for yourself,

And rush with the wind

Driving in a car.

We'll open it for you guys

What is hidden for you?

Traffic controller's rod

This rod is not simple,

And with a surprise.

Find him quickly

On a tree with big leaves,

On one of the four sites.

Teams find hidden objects and medals to be awarded.

Awards are presented, and it is discovered what surprise the rod is hiding.

Publications on the topic:

For some time now, we have had several small Kinder Surprise Egg Machines around our house. And I decided to make a tabletop one.

Goal: to continue to reinforce children’s knowledge of traffic rules, to continue to teach how to act on a traffic light signal. Develop attention. Material:.

Goal: - consolidate children’s knowledge and ideas about road safety; - continue to familiarize children with the rules of the road;

Quiz game on traffic rules for older children Target. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules, signals and traffic lights in game form. Clarify children's ideas.

Quiz game on traffic rules for the senior group Goal: to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic rules. Objectives: Systematize children's knowledge about road signs.

Quest game “In search of gifts” (preparatory group) Goal: To attract parents to actively participate in the life of the kindergarten. Create a joyful mood and feelings of satisfaction in children and parents.

Summary of GCD on traffic rules for children 5–6 years old “Traffic lessons for Auntie Sovunya” Abstract of GCD on traffic rules for children 5-6 years old Topic: “Traffic lessons for Aunt Sovunya” Purpose: Expand and deepen.

Lesson summary on traffic rules “The ABCs of traffic, or Journey to the Sunny City” Purpose of the lesson: Continue to introduce the rules of the road, learn to practically apply them in various situations. Develop thinking.

Project on traffic rules for middle school children “Why do we need traffic rules?” Project goal: to develop children's ideas about road signs. Objectives: PO "Cognitive Development": Expand and consolidate children's knowledge.

Role-playing game based on traffic rules “We are walking along the street” PROGRAM CONTENT: Goal: Continue to introduce traffic rules, teach them practically, and apply them in various situations.

Image library:

Progress of the quest game:

We enter the music room. We stand in a semicircle.

Vs: - Guys, today I have prepared a very interesting one for you. word game according to traffic rules. Do you want to play?

D: - We want to play.

V-l: But for this you need to be very attentive, act harmoniously and amicably. I ask you a question, if you agree with it, then you will unanimously shout in response: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” If you don’t agree with the question, then stamp your feet together. Agreed? Well, let's start the game?

Children: let's start the game!

Q: 1.Which of you goes forward only where there is a transition?

Person 2: Which of you in the cramped carriage gave up your seat to the old lady?

Children: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Question 3: To get some air on the bus, who stuck both their head and body out the window?

Children: stamp their feet together.

Question 4: who runs forward so fast that they don’t see the traffic light?

Children: stamp their feet together.

Question 5: who knows what the green light means: let everyone walk boldly along the road?

Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Question 6: Who is happily kicking a ball near the roadway?

Children: Stomp their feet together

Vl: Well done guys, played well. What do you remember now?

Children: We remembered the rules of behavior on the road.

There's a knock on the door. The postman enters.

"Hello. Are you guys from the group “Kapitoshka?”

Children: Yes, we are guys from the group “Kapitoshka”

P: I was asked to give you a parcel. Please take it. All the best to you, goodbye!

Q: What an interesting premise. Who is it from? What do you guys think? (Children's answers.)

Do you want to know what is in the package?

Children: We want.

Q: How can we find out what is in the package?

Children: you need to open it.

Q: Let's open it.

They opened it and took out the box and flash drive. We examined the box.

Q: What a beautiful, unusual box, isn’t it, guys? Let's try to open it.

Children: Let's try.

We are trying to open. Nothing works.

Q: It’s not working, guys. How do we know what is in the box? We can't open it.

Children: Maybe we need to see what’s on the flash drive?

Q: Let's see. Let's sit down on the mat. And let's see what they sent us on the flash drive

We are watching a recording of a video story of the Traffic Light from the “Land of Road Signs”.

“Hello, guys! My name is Svetoforchik. I learned that you study the rules of the road and always follow them. And so I prepared a gift for you and put it in the box. But in order to open the box you will need to complete tasks. This is a quest game. For each task completed correctly, you will receive a key. Among them is the right one. You will have to try. Riddle clues will help you find the tasks; they are in envelopes. See you soon, guys. I wish you good luck!

Q: Guys, are you ready to complete the Traffic Light tasks? To find out where the envelope with the first task is, listen to the riddle.

He has 4 legs,

Let's put spoons on it.

We put vases, cups, mugs.

The chairs are his girlfriends. What is this, guys?

Children: Table.

Q: That's right, guys. This is a table. And what does this mean?

Children: this means that the envelope with the first task is on the table.

Q: Well done, guys. please find us the first envelope. They find an envelope.

Q: Well guys, let’s see what task is in the first envelope? Can I open it and read the assignment to you?

Children: Yes

I take puzzles out of the envelope: “ Road signs"("Pedestrian crossing", "Bicycle path", "Road works").

Q: Guys, here are the pictures. But it looks like some hooligans cut them up. You need to put them together and see what happens. To do this, we will divide into three teams of 5 people at your request. Putting pictures together on platforms. Well, are the teams ready? Then, let's start, attention, let's begin!

Children complete the first task.

Q: Oh, how interesting! what happened?

Children: Road signs

Q: What are these signs called and what do they mean? Who on your team will answer?

The children answer.

Q: Well done, guys. The first task is completed, so we take the key.

I take the key out of the envelope.

Q: This is the first key. Let's see, guys, does this key fit our box?

First the child tries to open the box, then the teacher. The key doesn't fit.

Q: Guys, does the key fit our box?

Children: No, it doesn't fit.

Q: So what should we do now?

Children. Complete the next task and look for a new envelope.

Q: Okay, let's do the next task. Riddle 2 - hint.

He has four legs

He doesn't walk on the path

He doesn't jump, doesn't cry,

Stands quietly by the wall -

Those who are tired tell them to sit down.

What is this, guys?

Children: Chair

B: That's right, a chair. Please find the envelope with the task.

(The envelope is attached to the back of one of the chairs.)

Q: Guys, the traffic light has prepared for us interesting game according to traffic rules. To do this, you need to sit nicely on the mat and look carefully at the screen. Watch and listen carefully. You need to help Dunno cross the road correctly. To do this, you need to answer the questions with complete answers.

We watch the game and answer questions.

Q: Guys, please tell me, was the game difficult for you? What was the easiest thing for you? What new did you learn from this game? (Children’s answers.) (Assessing one’s successes and failures.)

Q: Guys, you are great. You did a good job. Look in the envelope there is another key. Let's try to open the box.

We try to open the box, the key does not fit.

Q: And again the key did not fit. Guys, I think you're a little tired. I suggest you get some rest. I suggest you dance a little.

They dance the dance “Wheels, Wheels and a Merry Steering Wheel”

B: Great, guys. Now we need to continue our search for the key. Let's complete the third task of the Traffic Light. But in order to find the third envelope, you need to guess another clue riddle with the number 3.

Listen carefully:

In winter it is sealed,

And in the summer it opens

It ends with "O"

And that's how it begins. What is this, guys? How do you think?

Children's answers. (Window.)

IN:. So where is our envelope with the task?

Children: the envelope with the task is on the window.

B: Carry the envelope. Open the envelope and read the task.

Q: Guys, the traffic light invites you to play a game called “Walk through the transition.” Shall we play?

Children: Let's play.

Q: But before we start the game, please listen to the task. You will need to go through an obstacle course: go through a pedestrian crossing, go through an overpass, and at the end go through underground passage. To do this, you need to split into two teams according to your desire. Select a watcher on your team. The team whose members complete the task faster and more accurately will win. Well, are you guys ready?

Children: We are ready.

V: Well then, to the start, attention, let's go!!!

We play the game “Walk along the passage.”

Q: Guys, tell me, did you follow the traffic rules? Did you break any rules? (Children's answers.)

Okay, you have completed this interesting traffic light puzzle! The envelope contains the key. Let's try to open the box.

We are trying to open the box. Nothing works.

Q: Well, what should we do, guys? Not a single key fits our box...

Children: you need to look for the next key.

V: Well then. Then listen to the riddle.

They walk but stand

Everyone talks about time.

When to sleep, when to get up,

When can you go for a walk?

Children: watch.

Q: That's right, it's a watch. So our envelope with the number 4 is next to what? (The envelope is next to the clock.) Who will go for the envelope with the task?

Open the envelope and read the task.

Q: And again the game. This game is called "Pass the Baton". Now you and I will stand in a circle, and to the music we will pass the baton to each other. As soon as the music stops sounding, the one who has the baton raises it up and names any rule for the safety of a pedestrian or passenger. Just no need to repeat yourself. Well, are you guys ready?

Children: We are ready

Q: Then, let's begin!

We play the game “Pass the Wand.”

Q: This game is over. Guys, was it difficult for you to remember the rules of the road? Or did you not have any difficulty at all? Why is it necessary to know the rules of the road? (Children's answers.)

Q: We already have the fourth key. Let's open our box already. Oh, guys, this key is not from our box... Let's look further. Listen to the riddle.

Standing from the edge of the street in a black boot,

Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.

Where the cars move, where the paths meet,

Helps people cross the street. What is this?

(Children's answers: Traffic light.)

Q: So the next envelope with the number 5 is there? (Behind the traffic light.) Please bring an envelope. Thanks guys. (They bring an envelope.)

Q: Guys, please tell me, what is a traffic light for?

Children: A traffic light is needed to regulate traffic. With its signals, it allows or prohibits movement in one direction.

Q: What kind of traffic lights are there?

Children: There are traffic lights for pedestrians and vehicles.

Q: Well done, guys. Listen to the next task. You need to split into three teams. Each team will be given a picture where traffic signs will be missing. There are carved traffic signs on your desks. You need to choose the right sign for your painting. Do you understand the terms of the task? Are you ready? Let's begin.

Children complete the task.

Q: Did you guys complete the task? Now let each team tell us what kind of picture they had, what signs were missing in the picture, and what do these signs mean?

Teams show and talk about their picture

Q: See if anyone has any errors. Did all teams place the signs correctly?

(Children's answers.)

Q: You did an excellent job. Here's the last key. Let's try to open the box with this key.

Let's try to open it. The key fits.

Q: Hurray, guys, this key worked! Finally we opened the box. And here is the gift that Traffic Light (traffic rules game) has prepared for you.

Q: What a great fellow you are, guys. You know the rules of the road well.

Where were we today, guys? What did you do? How did we help the Traffic Light? What new did you learn from the Traffic Light? What rule do you always follow? Now, I am absolutely sure that you will always follow the rules on the streets of our city! Now let's go to the group and play our new game!
