What features does GTA 5 online have? Useful little things in GTA V

  • When will GTA V be released?
  • Who will we play for?

GTA V has three main characters with different stories. Each hero has his own circle of interests, friends and certain skills. Players will be able to switch between these characters at any time, completing tasks together with them. According to the developers, Michael was the first hero invented, after Trevor was created, Franklin was the last.

  • Michael- a former robber, over 40 years old. Married, is in a hostile relationship with his wife, has two children. It is located in . Michael wants to get away from his criminal past, become a family man, raise children and completely change, and moves to Los Santos. But his money runs out and he returns to a life of crime.
  • Trevor - old friend Michael, who used to rob banks with Michael. A former military man, addicted to drugs, mentally unstable. Has a tense relationship with Franklin.
  • Franklin- A 25-year-old aspiring thief who previously worked at a car dealership.
  • In which city (country, region) will the GTA V game take place?

The game will take place in the city of Los Santos and its surrounding areas, such as Vinewood. It was initially assumed, and this was evidenced by a number of indications, that we would once again find ourselves in San Andreas. However, according to Sarcastic Gamer, Rockstar sent a team of specialists to various cities around the world to compile a list of cities, one of which will be chosen for GTA V. The list included: Paris, Venice, Beijing, Havana and Cancun. There was information that Moscow was also on the list. Most experts and fans of the GTA game were sure that new version will amaze us with its geography.

  • Where can I go?

GTA V map approximately 3 times more maps GTA IV. So there is a lot of travel to choose from. You can watch sunsets from Mount Chiliad, skydive from the roof of Maze Bank, visit vineyards, bike through Blaine County, hunt wild animals and much more.

    Will planes return to the game?

Yes, and not only airplanes. GTA V will have a huge selection of ground, surface, surface and even underwater vehicles.

  • Are there activities (basketball, golf, etc.)?

In GTA V there will be an opportunity to play sports, all types: skating, exercise in and on large fields. Each character has their own. The game will also feature heists.

    Is there multiplayer in the game?

Definitely yes, and this will become one of the main features in the game. A number of developers refer to this.

  • What kind of communications will there be?

Like previous games in the series, GTA V will have a , but it will be used for some kind of action. The phone can also be used to access . significantly changed compared to the phone in GTA IV. It will be possible to see where the different ones will go.

  • What weapons will be in the game?

List of confirmed GTA weapons V:

Cold steel


Submachine guns


Slot machines

Throwing weapon


  • Will animals appear in GTA V?

Yes. Rockstar had never included animals in any of their games before Red Dead Redemption (except for seagulls and pigeons). According to rumors, police dogs were supposed to appear in San Andreas, but never appeared. Some associated this with Rockstar’s position, or rather, a lack of desire to get involved with animal rights activists. However, knowing how high the tradition of hunting is in the wild west, there is a high probability that the animals not only should, but are simply obliged to appear in the next GTA series. In addition to dogs, there will also be sharks.

  • Will there be a replay of missions in GTA V?

Remember in latest version GTA: "The Ballad of Gay Tony", as well as the portable GTA: "Chinatown Wars", a new technical feature was added, namely mission replay. This feature has appeared in all new games from Rockstar, including Red Dead Redemption and L.A. Noire.

This feature gives the player an incentive to complete the mission again and again to earn best rating and to unlock trophies or achievements. Through Rockstar Games' Social Club, users can also be ranked on online leaderboards.

It's very likely that GTA V will also include this feature.

Besides this. If the player fails the mission, he can repeat it (without starting over), the game has its own save points, so to speak.

  • Will there be downloadable content in the game?

Yes. The DLC will be both free and paid.

  • What songs will be played in the game?

As in previous games in the series, in GTA V the radio stations will be filled with a variety of music. Thus, a German magazine reported that the game will feature music from such genres as

With all its undeniable advantages, there is one problem - after end credits, when there is no longer a global goal on the horizon, it seriously slows down. And despite the fact that there are a lot of activities, not everyone was able to find themselves in an empty world without robberies. Fortunately, GTA Online , “a game within a game,” easily corrects this flaw - it is an excellent cure for boredom.

The launch of the project, however, cannot be called successful. Server crashes, missing characters, crashes, clouds of bugs - in the first few days, immerse yourself in underworld it was almost impossible. Nevertheless, the developers skillfully got out of it, quickly fixed the problems and in front of the victims.

Most of Rockstar's promises were faithfully fulfilled.

Welcome to Los Santos

GTA Online surprises right away with its unusual character editor. They won’t allow you to change the color of your eyes or the width of your nostrils; amateurs will have to get used to this. Heroes are born in a much more interesting way.

First, we need to select the fathers, mothers, grandparents of the future criminal, and then set his life style (how many hours he spends on sleep, entertainment, work, idleness, etc.). Depending on this they will generate for us unique avatar. Facial features, scars, clothes, skin color, skills - almost everything changes, you just drag the slider in the editor.

If you want to marry a white girl and a black guy, and put “legal work” first on your list of hobbies, you will get a handsome mulatto man in a business suit. Shift the emphasis to lawless deeds, and black marks will immediately appear on his face, his jacket will be replaced by a shabby jacket, and his Shooting ability will increase by one notch. There are many such combinations: it is really difficult to meet identical (as well as frankly unsuccessful) characters in the world.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: the entire Los Santos and its environs is divided between sixteen players, and whether you will encounter any of them is still a big question. If you play with friends or with members of your gang (and it is to them that the game mainly “throws” us), then you will probably go in search of adventure in a pleasant company. With strangers, you don’t feel much calmer than when traveling around the world - you never know whether a person will turn out to be adequate or will try to kill you. However, if there is sometimes a lack of communication in the city, then during the matches themselves it will hardly be possible to avoid close contacts. To go on a mission, you just need to drive up to one of the markers scattered around the location (each symbolizes a specific mode), receive an SMS with an invitation to a mission, or join someone’s game yourself by selecting the desired item in the cell phone menu.

They throw our “newborn” into the thick of things, familiar to every GTA fan. There is almost everything that was in the single-player mode: the same mechanics, the same island, the same activities (tennis, golf, hairdressers, internet, cinema, etc.). They just look completely different - playing tennis, for example, is much more interesting with a friend than with AI, and almost all the components are revealed from a completely different side.

You can “pass” GTA Online almost alone, but it’s not nearly as interesting as doing things with friends.

Clothes, hairstyles, apartments, tuning - now these gadgets are starting to be useful. Having someone to show off to, someone to invite to visit - this is really necessary online and makes you stand out from other players. True, here, unlike the main plot, all this is not given immediately and in abundance. Literally every “bonus” has to be earned through your own labor: opened, and then also set aside huge sums for it.

In this regard, GTA Online is reminiscent of previous parts of the series, when we came to the city completely “naked” and slowly but surely climbed the career ladder. True, this process here is even longer, and the culprit is not even the character development (although it is progressing hard), but the so-called reputation points. They are given out for murders, successfully completed missions, victories, escapes from the police and a sea of ​​other things, but they are needed for literally everything. New clothes, weapons, tasks - almost everything has to be opened, and again it won’t happen quickly.

And money won't hurt either. honest players No one will allow you to shovel. It is very difficult to get them here, but to spend them, on the contrary, is too easy. So it is simply necessary to complete tasks and take on a variety of jobs. There are plenty of ways to get money: you can sell stolen cars, rob stores and do all sorts of small things. However, all this brings in pennies, and real success must be achieved by going “to work”: participating in team and single deathmatch, winning races, completing errands and so on.

You won't be able to discover most of this stuff even in ten hours of continuous play.

THIS IS INTERESTING: One of the main expenses is the services that characters and organizations can provide to us. Lester, familiar from the plot, for example, can help get rid of police stars or hide us on the map from other users, the mechanic will drive the necessary car almost anywhere in the city, and military company will provide fire support and ammunition directly on the battlefield.

Regular shootouts are exciting, but not exciting, but races and missions are a completely different matter. There are races here for every taste: both water and air, with or without weapons. But first of all, rallies are noteworthy when one player (at the wheel) is almost deprived of all landmarks and marks on the map, and the other (the navigator) shows him the direction.

However, this is a small thing compared to what they offer to do in missions. At first, however, we will be entrusted with only the boring role of an ordinary performer: stealing a car or disrupting drug deals. But as your reputation grows, the complexity of the assignments increases. And then you will have to steal documents from the roofs of skyscrapers, hijack cargo planes from crowds of well-armed mercenaries, and so on.

Particularly attractive are tasks that pit several teams of players against each other. For example, when four squads are tasked with driving the same rare cars. There are only five of these in the whole world, so you have to fight for the cars: look for new ways to intercept targets before your opponents, select less dangerous routes, eliminate enemies along the way and really work as a team.

City of great opportunities

At the same time, GTA Online has a lot of subtleties that single player was not enough. For example, we can now be robbed, and to prevent this from happening, it is better to transfer everything acquired through back-breaking labor to a bank account (using ATMs or via the Internet). However, you can only pay the taxi driver in cash.

Another possibility that for some reason did not find a place in story campaign, — purchase of apartments. It’s one thing when you have to live in a house predetermined by the developers, and quite another when you are allowed to choose your own apartments and purchase them with your own money. It’s much nicer to have your own den, where you can invite friends, where you can watch TV, have some kind of “parties” and just catch your breath between tasks. For now, the house serves a purely aesthetic function, but Rockstar promises that it will soon become the real nerve center of our future heists.

When robbing a store, you can shout into the microphone to tell the seller to hurry up, and, surprisingly, it works. It's a small thing, but it's nice!

What's even more interesting is that you can keep your favorite car. You don’t have to put it in the garage, it won’t go missing for no reason, and if it gets blown to atoms, you can return it for a modest fee (or the fee will be charged to the player who blew up your car). All you need to do is pay a few thousand dollars for insurance and install an inexpensive “beacon”, after which your personal transport will always be with you.

This is also useful because driving a stolen vehicle in network mode for once, she has ceased to be carefree - if the cops see you in a stolen car (and you haven’t had time to repaint it yet), they will immediately give chase. And I want to avoid such situations in every possible way.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: The current version does not yet have two of the most interesting components: major robberies and a content editor. What will come of this cannot be said yet, but in words everything is very tempting. For example, for raids on banks, as in single-player mode, you will need to carefully prepare: think through a plan, arrange vehicles for escape, select a team. Well, the potential of the task “designer” can so far only be assessed by trailers.

But the most important thing that distinguishes online mode from single player mode is better side, - these are, of course, people. Yes, there are a lot of children and simply inadequate individuals who can turn your existence into hell (sometimes neither the “passive” mode, nor even the fact that the scoundrels are sent to servers for cheaters or a reward is announced on their head) can save you from this. But adequate players are capable of giving many pleasant emotions.

In the single-player game, cars kept disappearing from garages, but GTA Online allows you to assemble a whole fleet of vehicles.

When, after a not-so-successful raid, the cops are pressing you from all sides, and a complete stranger comes to your aid, an ordinary chase leaves a completely different and much more vivid impression. And here you can work almost miracles with friends: organize ambushes or robberies in a completely new way. While one holds the frightened seller at gunpoint, and the other provides cover, the third will drive the escape vehicle in time, and as a result, the whole team will escape before the police arrive at the crime scene. Of course, so far the complexity of such operations is small, but just imagine what scope for improvisation will open up when we are allowed to rob banks!

* * *

True, for now GTA Online is just a big experiment that is still far from complete. And its problems are almost the same as those of the previous parts of the series. The game takes a very long time and forces us to deal with all sorts of small things, there is a lot of driving back and forth (you can call a taxi, but there is no skipping the trip - everything is in real time), and we are not always lucky with interesting opponents and companions.

Get ready for the fact that you will spend part of your time either waiting for a match (there are enough users, but gatherings, settings, etc. still takes several endless minutes), or crossing almost the entire world on the way to the next goal.

But it's worth it. Especially if you have friends with you.

This section contains various interesting facts and small details regarding Grand Theft Auto V, which could elude even an attentive player. From time to time the article will be supplemented with new information.

How to find a parachute

You can get a parachute at the cable car station at the top of Mount Chiliad, as well as on the boom of a tower crane near the Mile High Club skyscraper under construction in the Pillbox Hill area. It will take a long time to climb, but the views are beautiful. In addition, parachutes of various colors can be purchased at Ammu-Nation stores or obtained using.

In addition to parachutes, Ammu-Nation sells special signal bombs that are attached to the leg. Pay for the smoke checkers of the desired color in the store and press them during the flight or . By the way, for the first time in the series in GTA V When descending by parachute, you can fire from light weapons. Previously, this was only available during flights on jetpack V San Andreas. Californians know how to have fun!

Invulnerable Trevor

What to do if you jumped out of an aircraft and suddenly realized that you didn’t have a parachute? If you play as Trevor, consider yourself lucky. It is enough to activate Mr. Phillips's special ability a few seconds before hitting the ground, and a fall from any height will not harm him. He stood up, dusted himself off and ran to steal the nearest car :)

Attention! Apparently, this opportunity appears and disappears at different stages of the game. It is still difficult to say what is the reason for this.

Transporting a bicycle

You can always find a bicycle near the cable car station for climbing Mount Chiliad. Ride it straight into the trolley and go to the top! From there there are several paths going down that are suitable for downhill skiing. You can, of course, ignore all the rules and jump straight off a steep cliff. Just make sure you take your parachute with you in advance.

Bicycles can also be transported in pickup trucks. To make loading easier, climb into the body and lightly push the rear door - it will open. Then get on the bike, accelerate and jump into the cargo compartment. While the car is moving, the bike stays inside quite well, but it is advisable not to take turns at maximum speed.

We shoot through the gas tank

Although refueling cars (or charging batteries with electricity in the case of Coil Voltic) GTA V We are not forced to, but cars still have fuel tanks. And if in GTA: San Andreas cars exploded just from one hit in the gas tank cap, then in the fifth part everything is a little more realistic.

To pierce the gas tank of most passenger cars, you need to aim at the left rear wheel arch and shoot 3-4 times. The fuel will begin to flow onto the ground, leaving a path behind the car that can be set on fire, just like in the action movie Die Hard 2. Moreover, it can be ignited even by a shot, or by fire from the exhaust pipes of sports cars.

However, the real treasure for the pyromaniac is the large fuel tanks that are often transported by tractors in the Paleto Bay area. Just don't overdo it: one shot from a pistol is enough to start a fuel trail. Otherwise, the entire fuel tanker will blow up. Unfortunately, the fire spreads very slowly along the stream of gasoline; it would be interesting to watch how it catches up with the departing truck.

Quiet hour

Repainting the car in GTA V no longer takes up several hours of game time. Nevertheless, you can quickly “move the arrows” forward in the hero’s bed. In this case, it is not even necessary to save the game, just exit the menu and refuse to select a save slot.

An interesting point is that each hero has his own sleep time. In particular, Trevor spends half a day in bed, Franklin sleeps for 8 hours, and Michael only sleeps for 6.

Polygonal right button

Button / is responsible for many actions in the game. If you are driving a car, you can use it to turn the headlights on and off during daylight hours. At night, in addition to this, switching between low and high beam modes is available. And by pressing the same magic button in a convertible for 1-2 seconds, you will be able to raise or lower the folding roof, if this is provided for by the design. The classic Manana, for example, does not have such an option. But for cars of the Ubermacht Sentinel class and above - please. Just remember that the car must be stationary for this mechanism to work.

If you have a truck with a semi-trailer, then pressing / will allow you to disconnect it. And in GTA Online a helicopter passenger sitting in the front seat next to the pilot can launch an external surveillance camera. Taking aim from firearms With the flashlight installed, the “right” button can turn the backlight on and off. In addition, when using the button near passers-by, the hero will make several remarks to them.

Color differentiation

As we already noted in the description, each character has its own color: Michael is blue, Franklin is green, and Trevor is orange. These colors can be observed when switching between characters, they are also used to color the icons of the purchased game, all missions and additional tasks on the map.

By the way, the numbers that you see when changing heroes next to their portraits are the number of available tasks for each of them at the current moment in time. If you suddenly get stuck during the passage and don’t know how to move forward, switch to another character, check and answer the letters in his mailbox email, complete several additional missions.


Colors are not the only thing that distinguishes the game's heroes. Each of them has their own smartphone. Michael bought himself a device from the company Fruit, which parodies Apple. Interface, appearance devices and the name iFruit certainly remind one of the operating system iOS system and iPhone 4/4s models.

Franklin uses the phone of an operator at Badger, the telecommunications corporation for which T-Mobile. By the way, Niko Bellic was also once their client. The interface of Franklin's mobile phone is based on the Android OS, and the model itself is based on the Samsung Galaxy S III. Finally, Trevor has a smartphone from Facade Corporation, a gaming parody of Microsoft. The prototype of his phone was the Nokia Lumia series, and operating system- Windows Phone.

Unlike Grand Theft Auto IV, now our heroes can not only make calls using their phones, but also browse websites on the gaming Internet and even make purchases through them. Rockstar Games I listened to the criticism of the players and now my friends don’t distract me with their endless calls and invitations. But the managers of the purchased game are not shy about asking for help immediately after downloading the game.

As before, you can also make phone calls to random numbers. To do this, open the contacts menu and press / to bring up the numeric keypad. After entering the number, press the same button again. For example, if you dial 545-555-0122 from the mission "Lure" in GTA IV, some guy will pick up the phone and, with the accent of a typical Indian taxi driver, demand that you stop pranking him.

Game of cat and mouse with the police

Stars indicating the level of police wanted, in Grand Theft Auto V not six, as was the case in previous games, but one less. At the same time, the cops of San Andreas, perhaps parodying their real-life colleagues, do not like to make arrests at all, but shoot straight away to kill. You can get into jail only if you have one wanted star and without interfering with the law. An attack or attempt to escape immediately adds another one and you can’t hope for a bloodless detention. However, being killed by cops is not so bad: unlike police officers, doctors in the hospital will not take away all the ammunition for the various types of weapons owned by the character.

The system for evading the police in the game has been redesigned. Its essence lies in the fact that now you can’t get into the field of view of the cops when they are nearby. As in GTA IV, try to avoid main roads and give preference to back alleys. If you catch three stars or higher, a helicopter will join the search, which sometimes gets in the way. There are several options to hide from him: go at high speed, hide in an underground tunnel, or drive into a multi-story parking lot.

Indoor parking is very convenient for wanted persons. Most often, there you can easily change your wanted car (you will notice that your character’s arrow on the map will turn gray instead of white). Then it will be more difficult for the police to find you, but they still won’t let you drive past the patrol in a stolen car.

As a last resort, you can even hide in some large bush. You just need to do this when the police do not know your exact location and are not combing the nearby area. Again, it is better not to choose bushes near the road. If the arrow indicating the character turns gray, the place is suitable. Now we can only hope that some overly-eyed patrolman will not decide to run next to the thickets.

Ammu-Nation discount

Even if you followed ours and made a couple of billions, this does not mean that you can throw money away. On the Ammu-Nation network, regular customer which you undoubtedly are, you can save a lot of money on purchases if you complete all the tests in the shooting range. There are only two such stores with shooting ranges in the state, both are located in Los Santos and are marked on the map with an icon.

Entrance to the shooting range costs only $14. You need to pass three tests with each type of weapon. If you earn at least “bronze” in all tasks, you will receive a 10% discount. “Silver” will give you 15%, and “gold” will help you save 25% on the purchase of weapons and ammunition. The only drawback is that only the character who fulfills the conditions of the tasks receives a discount, so you will need to complete them three times, each of the main characters.

But the developers took care to simplify purchases from Ammu-Nation in large volumes. IN GTA V you have the opportunity to quickly purchase full ammunition for any weapon. Select a point of sale of cartridges (or other ammunition) for the corresponding gun and press / . Although there are no volume discounts for this, don't forget about saving time. Only throwing weapons - tear gas, grenades and sticky bombs - will have to be purchased individually.

Flip off

Other road users in GTA V They have become a little smarter: they no longer try to go around your car if you suddenly want to stop at a red light. On the other hand, they don't like to use their turn signal when changing lanes on the highway, which sometimes leads to spectacular accidents.

There is a new way to express your dissatisfaction with other drivers. To get started, use the scroll button / Make sure your hands are empty and no weapon is selected. Then press / and point the camera towards the recipient of the offensive gesture. The most spectacular way to do this is while in an open-top convertible.

scuba diving

Underwater world in Grand Theft Auto V is very well designed, and its research is rewarded with weapons, ammunition and body armor. Previously, it was possible to find cases with money at the bottom of the ocean, but Rockstar I removed them in one of the patches.

Unfortunately, the fins and diving suit were left only for story mission, but regular scuba gear with a mask can be obtained by climbing into an inflatable boat or bathyscaphe. The first one can be found, and the bathyscaphe can be found near the abandoned Sonar Collections dock. More information about him is in our GTA V.

Scuba gear will allow the character to remain underwater for an unlimited amount of time. Without it, you will need to periodically float to the surface for a breath of air. To put on the gear, simply sit at the helm of the boat (or climb into the submersible) and then jump overboard. The button is responsible for diving under water / .


Having met underwater world, let's pay attention to its main predator - sharks. As you surf the ocean surrounding San Andreas, from time to time you will notice a red dot on the radar. This is the shark. You can, of course, take it and shoot it from the side so as not to get in the way, but if you want to get one of the achievements, dive into the water.

Usually the shark is in no hurry to attack immediately, but only circles menacingly next to the character. But over time, an attack will follow. Then the hero will receive the posthumous “Dangerous Waters” (Out of Your Depth). But if he has a knife in his arsenal, you are no longer completely defenseless against a bloodthirsty killer. A few well-aimed blows - and the formidable sea giant will float up with its belly.

Non-random encounters

Not everyone knows that if you place a purple marker on the map, the character will go to the indicated point even if you switch to another hero. There is a chance to watch for him there; a situation in which the first character was traveling on an airship can be especially effective. Just a couple of shots is enough...

However, you won’t be able to truly kill the other protagonist, no matter how hard you try. As a result, the phone will only receive an angry message from the victim demanding payment of hospital bills. Therefore, it is better to take advantage of this meeting and go with a friend to a golf club or some bar. Although it’s easier to call and agree on joint leisure in advance.

You can also get a response from the character if you start damaging his property. Try, for example, as Franklin or Trevor, to fire at Michael's mansion with a grenade launcher or steal the car of his daughter or wife;)


IN GTA V You can also fly on the largest aircraft with four engines, reminiscent of the shape of the Boeing 747 fuselage. You can easily meet them at Los Santos International Airport. If you have already bought a hangar for Michael or Franklin, then the police will not cause any problems for these characters, but Trevor will have to act very quickly.

To hijack a passenger airliner, you need to go to the front landing gear and press the usual landing button vehicle: / . The plane is very clumsy, however, with proper skill, it can be landed on the roof of a skyscraper or Mount Chiliad.

Cargo helicopter

Cargobob has returned to us from GTA: San Andreas. At the same time, he borrowed from his brother Leviathan the ability to hook and lift other cars and cargo, and not only in the story mission.

You can buy it on the Warstock Cache & Carry website for $2,200,000. Don't forget that you can get a 10% discount on your first purchase if you start following the company's page in a fictitious social network Lifeinvader. To receive a discount in the game, your PSN account or Xbox LIVE must be linked to an account in the Social Club service.

The load hook is released with a button / , which we have already written about above. To pick up a car or any object, you don’t need to press anything specially - you just need to hover exactly above the load and lower yourself to the height at which the hook touches the roof.

As already mentioned, with the help of Cargobob you can lift not only cars, but also all sorts of objects, such as outdoor toilets or a bathyscaphe abandoned behind the airport hangar in Sandy Shores after the corresponding mission. By the way, this is a good opportunity to explore the bottom of the Alamo Sea, because it is not possible to deliver an underwater vessel there in any other way.

If you decide to take this step, then take a look - it is in this place that the remains of the crashed Merryweather cargo plane, destroyed in one of the story missions, rest.

If you have difficulties with the helicopter hovering in a certain place, try holding simultaneously + or + . This should make the rotorcraft more manageable and free it from turbulence.


If you've spent a lot of time exploring Internet gaming sites, then click / when you want to exit the browser. This button will immediately close the program (and hide the smartphone if you accessed the network using mobile device), and you won’t have to go back through all the pages you’ve viewed.

Street racing from a traffic light

Stop at a red light next to a car. Pinch / and start revving the engine. Do this a couple of times, and your neighbor, not caring about all traffic rules, will take off and rush forward. You can follow a reckless driver: the cooler his car, the more interesting game catching up.

Satellite navigation

The territory of the state of San Andreas is very vast, and it’s easy to get lost here. If you find some interesting object or a beautiful place that you want to return to again later, take a photo with your smartphone! Subsequently, using the gallery in the game menu, you will be able to see not only all the pictures, but also the places marked with the camera symbol where they were taken. You can even enter the coordinates of the selected frame into your car’s navigator using the button / and get there along the shortest path suggested by the game.

There is safety in numbers

An easy way to earn Three Man Army: Call the other two main characters and set up a meeting, then pick them both up and head to Los Santos International Airport. It is better to act on behalf of Franklin, since his special skill can come in handy. And, of course, the car should undergo a course at the Los Santos Customs: additional armor and bulletproof tires will help a lot.

Arriving at the airfield, blow up an airliner to attract the attention of the police. To get the achievement you need to hold out for only three minutes with a minimum of three wanted stars. There is plenty of room for maneuvers here, try not to jostle with cop cars, but drive along the runway at maximum speed.

Free repair

If you damage the suspension of your car and cannot move further at the usual speed, switch to another hero and immediately return back. Outside of missions, this action will repair your car, except that the windows will remain broken. It happens, however, that the car disappears when switching, but this is rather an exception.

Mother of pearl on matte paint and metal

When using salons in GTA V An interesting bug was discovered that allows you to add a pearlescent tint to the matte paint or metal coating of the car body. Repeat the steps below exactly to get the desired result:

  • first choose a matte paint that will become the main color of your car;
  • Having paid for repainting in a matte shade, open the metallic section and immediately go back without repainting the car;
  • go to the license plate section and buy one of them;
  • go back to the paint section, which now has a selection of pearlescent shades.

A similar procedure will help you apply mother-of-pearl to a metal coating if you select it in the first paragraph of the instructions. Probably, in one of the future patches the developers will fix this error, but for now you can use it.

Did you find an interesting point missing from our description or do you know how to make this or that part of the game easier? Let us know in the comments below.

GTA 5 Online on PC is a world-famous project that quickly attracted the attention of millions of fans. This is because here the player is invited to plunge into criminal world with its own laws and realities.

A huge number of possibilities will not let you get bored, plus the GTA series of games is one of the best car simulators, which also increases interest in it. In this article you can find some important information on the game, cheats, account blocking, money cards and myths. Any fan will be interested in this, so we definitely recommend this article for you to read.

No matter what update the developers from the Rockstar Games studio add to GTA 5 on PC, the value of money in this world is not lost. It is the currency that allows you to buy luxury cars, houses and build your own business. This is already a sufficient reason to look for optimal ways to earn money.

At first, the user should look for easy targets that can be killed. Other users often set rewards for characters, which will allow you to earn a little money. After analyzing the basic mechanics, you can join a gang, find comrades and go on missions together.

Earning money in GTA 5

This way, completing tasks is much easier, and the reward is given with a bonus for team interaction. In a gang, it is easiest to find comrades who will later become a robbery team. These types of cases earn hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Third Party Help

The PC version of GTA Online has become a huge success due to its features, but newcomers to this huge world are often lost. Often, complete chaos occurs on the streets of multiplayer Los Santos, and anarchists destroy all living things. It often happens that you cannot deposit currency into your account, and a stray bullet takes away all your hard-earned funds.

Under such conditions, the desire to continue to have fun is greatly reduced. To prevent this from happening, the player can order one of the upgrade packages for himself. This paid service provides for the transfer of the account into the hands of professionals who will help in the development of the hero as soon as possible. The user can not only save his time, but also get the desired result. The character is guaranteed to rise in level, skills will increase, and there will be a good amount of money in the account. The high level content in the game is much more interesting. For example, for decent racing it is necessary to have a fast car with full pumping in the workshop.

You won’t be able to get it without money, but leveling up your skills will increase your chance of finding a heist team for yourself. These scenarios are very complex and no one wants to take newcomers with them. Because of such problems, many people prefer to download GTA game 5 and enjoy the single-player campaign, but in fact the multiplayer has its advantages.

The problem with using cheats

Fashion on PC mod GTA 5 Online, which allows you to get significant benefits, began back in 2015, when the computer version was released. A huge number of users in any of the multiplayer games prefer to get victories by dishonest means. At the same time, they greatly interfere with the enjoyment of honest players who follow all the rules.

There are no such problems on consoles, because it is simply impossible to introduce additional utilities into the system. It's a different story with personal computers, where you can download a small application and gain incredible abilities. This includes teleportation, walking through walls, immortality, and the like. In 2015, the situation reached such proportions that main servers in every third session you could meet a cheater. The developers knew about this problem and began to fight with harsh methods.

Using the “Immortality” cheat

Of course, not every player interfered with other users, some took advantage for personal gain, but this was not a sufficient excuse. In 2016, Rockstar Games Corporation changed its account blocking measures, which greatly frightened many users. There were cases where players received bans for modifications in single-player mode that accidentally got into multiplayer files, but the developers responded to a similar problem.

Reasons and rules for blocking

In GTA Online on PC, an account ban was previously issued for the first time as a warning for several days. He did not carry any consequences, but in 2016 everything changed. Developers from Rockstar Games decided to fight cheaters with radical methods. It should be noted here that the only reason for blocking can be dishonest play.

Now if a player receives the first ban, then all accumulated progress is reset. The character will return to the first level, without real estate and money, and the whole journey will have to start from the very beginning. This warning had a significant impact on cheaters and their number decreased. If a person continues to use prohibited utilities after this, then the second blocking is for life. The developers simply prohibit access from this Social Club account.

GTA Online Ban

You should also think thrice before using prohibited functions because even after five years account won't unlock. Such precedents have never happened, because the developers strictly follow the policy. From a legal point of view, license holders will not even be able to get their money back. This is because it is the single-player content that is purchased, and the multiplayer is a free bonus. By doing this, publishers protected themselves from all sides.

Official purchases

All fans gaming industry know that every popular project is a great way to make money, especially for publishers, whose greed often goes beyond all bounds. This has never happened in GTA 5 Online. Developers regularly delight players with free content, and people can only purchase cosmetic items in the store for real money.

Not long ago, the project added the ability to purchase “Shark” cards, which allow you to receive a certain amount of funds. The player essentially buys in-game currency for real money. Moreover, everything is fair and there are no risks. The map data has been confirmed by Rockstar Games and they are the ones who added this feature to their project. For the creators this additional method get rich, and people can save a significant amount of time on saving money.

Cards are divided into categories, the minimum you can purchase is 100 thousand dollars (red shark), the maximum is 8 million (megalodon). As mentioned above, the status and wealth of the user in the world of San Andreas depends on the amount of money. It is difficult to earn large sums here, and therefore Shark cards are very popular. This is an alternative to gaming methods of earning money that does not upset the balance.

Various myths

You can not only play Grand Theft Auto V for free, but also look for various myths, and later test them in practice. Every player understands how diverse the world of the fifth part is. There are so many details hidden inside it, various small functions, that even in a thousand hours it is almost impossible to find and understand them all. For example, few users know that with the help of explosives the player can disconnect cable cars while moving. This legend has been tested in practice and confirmed.

The same goes for sticky bombs, which can be detonated in mid-air without waiting for them to land on their target. This trick should have worked with grenades, but when tested, the result was negative. There is no way to detonate this type of explosive device in the air. Such mechanics can be useful in a robbery. The myth that the player in the role of one main character can pursue another is also confirmed. If you continue like this for a while, he will get angry and kill the user's character.

Another interesting legend is that the dog Chop can bring grenades. When the hero throws the ball to him several times and then switches to explosive devices, the animal does not see the difference. The explosion will not kill him, but will only knock him to the ground. The myths don’t end there, because in the world of GTA 5 anyone can find them, and this is one of the most interesting activities.

One of the main advantages of GTA 5 and GTA Online is its support for multiplayer mode. For the first time GTA Online became available to users on October 1, 2013. The game is considered standalone, although only for launch game world You will need the original disc with GTA 5.
GTA 5 release for PS4 and Xbox One took place in mid-November 2014. GTA 5 for PC was released on April 14, 2015.

GTA Online is based on the cartography of Grand Theft Auto 5. Players are free to travel around the world, interact with it and other users from different countries. Each player tries to make their character unique. To do this, purchase real estate, cars, clothes, airplanes, weapons and other props available in the game.

Teams and individual players can take part in dozens of different events: attacks on criminal organizations, truck robberies, impromptu street racing and other events. Some missions are available exclusively in multiplayer.

Game zones can be divided into 2 worlds: “open world” and “local world”. In the first case, a common virtual environment is organized without observing pre-agreed rules and behavioral tactics. In the second case, the game world is localized for participants in Verifed Jobs missions.

Participants in one of the localized missions play in separate sessions and do not interact with players from the “open world”. Verified Jobs can be organized in one of the modes, including races, mortal contractions, survival missions, etc. The maximum number of participants and some other parameters will depend on the selected mode and the organizer’s settings.

Quantity available missions Verified Jobs are based on the rankings of individual teams and players. The higher the status, the more opportunities. Users can create their own missions using the developer tools available in the game.

Game modes in GTA Online

  • Free Mode (free mode) refers to multi-user functionality. It is present in the fourth and later versions of GTA.
  • Deathmatch (mortal contractions). The main principle is “kill or be killed.” The mode refers to a multiplayer game aimed at at least 2 people. The user who earns the maximum amount wins. Money is paid for every kill. There are also "Team Deathmatch", in which teams fight each other, and "Last Team Stading", whose rules are almost identical to the rules " Team battle to death", except that killed players do not revive.
  • Race (race). Each user can play alone or with friends. Participants have the opportunity to earn additional RP bonuses and cash. Races are divided into 4 subtypes: classic, air, water and bicycle.
  • Rally (rally). The mode first appeared in GTA Online. Unlike regular racing, a co-driver rides with the driver and acts as a coordinator on the road.
  • Capture (capture). The idea is simple: 2 teams, 2 bases and 2 valuable objects that need to be captured. The team that is the first to capture and deliver to its base a valuable object belonging to its opponents wins.
  • Survival (survival). Players must successfully complete 10 stages. Winners receive $30,000. Players who die before reaching the end will have to remain spectators for the rest of the game.
  • Hold (retention). Team mode, in which players must collect and save the maximum number of valuable objects. They can be found in the area and taken from the enemy team.
  • Contend (capture and hold). Game mode is similar to Capture. The main difference is that there are not 2 valuable objects on the map, but 1. It must be found in the center of the area and delivered to your base. After which he disappears and reappears in the area.
  • Raid (raid). In a team confrontation, you need to infiltrate your opponents' base, steal a valuable object and deliver it to your territory. The game is on on account. The maximum number of points is awarded to the team that collects more valuable objects than its opponents.
  • Parachuting (parachuting). Participation in game mode can accommodate up to 8 users. They parachute over scenic locations and must pass several checkpoints as they fall.
  • Adversary Modes (Adversary Modes). These are various missions given out by Martin Madrazo, in which two teams of players compete in challenges, according to completely different rules. These modes were added with the Heists Update. There are many Adversary Modes, and Rockstar Games periodically adds new ones as updates are released.
  • Heists (Robberies). These are special missions added with the release of the Heists Update, in which a group of players will have to complete complex and varied missions: from robbing banks to organizing a prison escape.

General description of gameplay in GTA Online

Let us outline the main features of the GTA Online gaming environment. The information will be useful for beginners and partly for experienced gamers.

Player activity is rewarded with reputation points (RP) and cash (GTA$) needed to make purchases. As your character increases in rank, new weapons, hairstyles, vehicles, and additional missions. The higher the rank you need to gain access to a specific mission, the more cash and bonuses you can get during its completion. Authoritative characters with high ratings can use additional features gameplay, which includes the use mobile phone, lowering the wanted level, calling air reinforcements and other privileged features.

You can find jobs and tasks in GTA Online in " open world» using markers that mark the required addresses. The task can be simplified by using the corresponding list of tasks in the pause menu. Players have the right to independently create jobs, join friends before and during the gaming session, and also accept invitations from friends to their phones. To increase your income, you can bet on yourself or other players.

The gameplay in GTA 5 and GTA Online is largely similar, although there are significant differences. They lie in the "mechanics" game events. For example, the police do not try to arrest players online, and the wanted levels increase very quickly. Three stars are awarded for killing a policeman, 4 for illegally entering Fort Zancudo.
Certain characters featured in GTA 5 will also appear in GTA Online. Notable character exceptions are the absence of Mikhail and Franklin. You will get to see Trevor and the new crime boss - Gerald.

The chronological chain of events in GTA Online is set before the start of the single-player mode. Martin Madrazo, who encountered Michael in GTA 5, is still found in a luxurious house in Vinewood Hills.

Each player can be subject to a kind of “ban”, which will lower the character’s rating in the eyes of other players and will not allow him to participate in certain tasks. The “ban” is temporary and can be imposed if other participants in the game consider that the user is having a negative impact on the “open world” or is behaving inappropriately.

Character Customization

GTA Online does not provide the ability to completely change the appearance of the main character. It is inherited from “parent” characters. Their choice is available to the user. For example, Niko Bellic from GTA 4, Claude and Misty from GTA 3 can be taken as the “parent”. Having chosen one of the characters as the main one, it will be very difficult for the player to replace him in the future.
Players can continuously and seamlessly work on their character image. You can change your clothes, choose new tattoos, hairstyles and masks, which are sold in stores throughout Los Santos. Along with the image, there is a choice of daily actions that will affect the initial skills of the character.

Players can have access to up to 2 characters with unique settings. After selecting them, the remaining characters will be blocked.

An interesting feature of the game is the character's response to the current player. When the player starts talking through the microphone, the character's lips begin to move.

Money and activities in GTA Online

The basis of economic well-being in GTA Online is RP and money. Their number directly affects the player’s ability to purchase almost any object in the game, including apartments, cars, airplanes, wardrobe items and much more. Money can also be useful for launching individual missions and tasks.

You can earn the game's internal currency by completing tasks, winning competitions, and other activities. Exchange available through internal Rockstar stores real money for virtual currency.

“Money” players can quickly purchase apartments and garages to be able to store personal vehicles. It can be used in free mode, races and individual missions.

The cost of garages is in the average range of $25-100 thousand, low-level apartments - $80-120 thousand. Mid-level apartments will cost from 125 to 150 thousand $, high-level - up to 400 thousand. All apartments from 205 to 400 thousand have the same designer finishes. Housing from $400 to $500 thousand is considered pure exclusive with a unique interior.

How to make a lot of money in Grand Theft Auto Online? Unfortunately (or fortunately), there are no cheats for GTA Online. However, this does not mean that you cannot get rich quickly. The inquisitive mind of the player will sooner or later decompose any game into its component parts and find a way. Actually, this is what we do - we share our gaming experience with you, so that you feel like a fish in water online. On our website there is a website where all the ways we have found to make quick money, as well as any kind of income in general, are clearly and simply described. And believe me, we play GTA a lot.

GTA Online Gangs

There are two main types of teams - private and public. The number of private teams (gangs) does not exceed 1000 people, while public associations can have an unlimited number of participants.

Playing in a team brings additional benefits to its participants. In particular, they additionally receive a 10-20% bonus to the regular RP bonus. Cash rewards for racing competitions are increasing. The size of the bonus directly depends on the number of players in the team. In addition, only teams can take part in certain missions; single players are not allowed.

For team players GTA Online provides additional functionality. It is possible to create your own color schemes and logos. Emblems can be applied to personal vehicles.

GTA Online missions and tasks

There are about 500 jobs in GTA Online at any one time. Their list is constantly updated. You can get a new task by walking around virtual world, by calling or answering a call from an NPC, making a choice in the appropriate menu item.

Car mods that improve their appearance and technical characteristics are allowed for racing. Players can create their own racing tracks and deathmatches using the developer tools - Content Creator.

By selecting one of the available missions, the user can view the list of participants, invite friends and join the game. While watching the participants, you can learn their basic driving, shooting, flying, and endurance skills.

The main types of tasks include:

  • Race. Players must overcome a series of checkpoints. The better the result, the higher the reward and reputation of the character.
  • Deadly fights. It's simple and brutal: the player or team with the most kills counted wins.
  • Survival. The player will have to survive under the onslaught of enemies who attack again and again with increasing force. The longer you manage to hold out, the higher the reward will be.
  • Capture. The classic goal for team competition is to capture the flag before your enemies do. To win, you will need to work out a strategy and coordinate friendly players.
  • Joint missions. A common goal is achieved only through team efforts. Depending on the selected vacancy, participants may be assigned various roles (snipers, carriers, etc.).
  • Competitive missions. Several teams are asked to complete the same task (steal a car, eliminate a target, etc.) or different ones. The team with the best result wins.