How to play IS 3 correctly. The most dangerous opponents

IS-3 is a Tier 8 USSR heavy tank. Speed ​​and damage tank. Can be effectively used both in attack and defense. It has poor visibility, long aiming times and a vulnerable ammunition rack.

Leveling up

  • Research requires 77,000 experience units. The previous tank is the IS;
  • First of all, we’ll examine a top weapon that has decent penetration;
  • Next we study the top tower. It increases the level of protection of the tank, its visibility and the amount of HP;
  • We are studying and installing a top-end chassis, which will have a positive effect on the maneuverability of the tank and will allow the installation of heavy equipment;
  • Lastly, let’s increase the communication range and buy a top-end walkie-talkie;
  • The next tank in the branch is the IS-8. To research it you need 164,700 experience.

Top equipment


As in real life, and in the game the IS-3 is a development of the IS tank and IS-2, then the style of play will be approximately the same - support at medium and close range, breaking through directions with weak defense, flank attacks and base defense.

The armor, compared to the IS tank, is greatly improved, and it protects against guns like the D-25 and ZIS-6, but practically does not protect against long-barreled 105 mm guns. The turret is better armored than the hull.

The turret's forehead is fully protected from the top guns of the Royal Tiger and other tanks, but has a thin cover that is pierced by the three-caliber rule. The sides have bulwarks that absorb shells of any guns and calibers without damage.

The powerful top gun BL-9 has good armor penetration, damage and rate of fire, but poor accuracy, which does not allow it to be used at long distances.

The length of the hull does not allow you to hide behind small houses, but the tank has a low silhouette, so you can camouflage the tank well.

Due to the small vertical aiming angle, you have to fully show the thin side of the hull and turret to the enemy, and poor visibility does not allow you to see a hidden tank destroyer before being detected yourself, however, good maneuverability and high speed allow you to quickly escape from fire and occupy defense

Also, the “pike nose” of the forehead makes diamond tanking difficult.


  • High alpha damage
  • Speed ​​and maneuverability like a medium tank
  • Strong forehead of the tower


  • Long reloading and aiming of the top gun
  • Poor accuracy
  • Small elevation angle
  • Weak hull armor
  • Prone to fire

Crew skills and abilities

Equipment and equipment


The tank is capable of many things. Here you have an attack in the forefront and support of allies and defense of the base. The weapon is most powerful. But, given such a wide spread, you won’t be much of a sniper.

The review sucks. To see an enemy tank you need to close the distance, which we are very good at doing. Thanks to the engine with good top speed.

How to penetrate IS-3

The angular armor of the IS-3 can give you a lot of ricochets and missed shots if you don’t know where to shoot. You can easily waste some of your shells trying to shoot through a turret with excellent frontal armor or the sides at a high angle.

The sore spot of the IS-3 heavy tank is considered to be the ammunition rack, which is located both in the turret and in the hull, so when the opportunity arises, we criticize it. The IS-3 crew located in the turret is fairly well protected. The mechanical drive located behind the sloping frontal armor will be much easier to reach.

IS-3 armor


  • In the frontal part of the hull there is a vulnerable area in the form of a driver's hatch. The armor of this zone is only 60 mm.
  • The roof of the tower is poorly protected. The thickness of the armor in this place is only 20 mm.

Module location

On the left side the IS-3 has one big problem in the form of an ammunition rack located along the entire front half of the tank, including the turret. While the engine and fuel tanks are located at the rear of the tank.

On the right side there is a similar situation, except that the ammo stowage area is slightly enlarged. In general, the right side is practically no different from the left. The turret is the hardest part of the tank, so it's best to shoot at the sides in hopes of damaging the ammo rack, engine, or fuel tanks.

In the frontal projection, the damage goes to the lower armor plate, but if you find yourself in a clinch, then direct all the fire to the observation devices. The upper armor plate is at a large angle, which leads to massive ricochets.

The rear part of the tank makes it possible to damage the engine in case of penetration. Damage to the engine leads to a loss of tank speed or a fire. The back of the turret is a difficult target, especially if it is rotating.

Historical background

Decision No. 5583 of April 8, 1944 began the design of a new heavy tank. At the 100th plant, where the leading tank engineers were G.N. Moskvin and V.I. Tarotko, they decided not to deviate too much from the IS-2 design mastered in production, but at the same time the upper frontal part of the hull was made of two connected and strongly armor plates inclined to the vertical plane, rotated in plan at a large angle.

These sheets were covered on top with a triangular roof, inclined to the horizon at an angle of 7°. In this roof, directly above the driver's head, there was a hatch through which he could get into and leave the tank. Subsequently, this design solution was called the “pike nose”.

Soviet researchable heavy tank of the eighth World level of Tanks - IS 3. According to its tactical and technical parameters, the IS-3 is considered a heavy breakthrough tank.

For a more in-depth understanding of the Soviet heavy aircraft IS-3, it is necessary to fully analyze all the capabilities. IS 3 has good dynamics for a heavy weapon, devastating damage per shot - 390 units, excellent armor and shielded sides.

These features allow you to feel comfortable in any situation on the battlefield. Depending on the position in the team's list, the tank can be used in different ways. With classmates - the IS-3 can break through a direction, confidently taking damage.

With high-level opponents, the tank can support the attack of teammates. In addition, the heavy can quickly change flanks, performing the function of a medium tank.

Of course, even the famous “pike nose”, which is the hallmark of the third IS, is not without its drawbacks. When placed in a diamond shape, the risk of breaking through the VLD increases. In addition, criticism is caused by the safety margin, the small viewing radius - 350 meters and weak vertical pointing angles of the gun.

The crew of the IS 3 tank consists of 4 people. The choice of pumpable perks for the IS-3 is typical for any heavy tank in the game. For personal skills, you can use the following set:

Sixth Sense is a must-have skill for a commander.
“Smooth rotation of the turret” - useful for the gunner.
“The King of Off-Roads” will help the driver-mechanic.
“Non-contact ammo rack” is ideal for the loader.

Among the required perks, the following skills are pumped out: “Repair Speed”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Disguise”. Please note that the choice of skills should be a recommendation.

For example, instead of “Disguise” for a driver, you can pump out the “Off-Road King” perk. This will make the tank more noticeable, but will increase its cross-country ability on difficult soils.

To hide the shortcomings of the car, you need to choose the right additional equipment. The main task of IS-3 players is to maximize the damage dealt, which, by the way, is 390 units per shot.

In addition, we must not forget about mediocre accuracy, not the best convergence and stabilization times. Therefore, the optimal set of modules will look like this:

  • Rammer.
  • Ventilation.
  • Stabilization of vertical guidance.

It should be clarified that some players prefer to use strengthening the aiming drives, reducing aiming time, against improving all the characteristics of the vehicle. However, such a choice is often unjustified.

The fact is that ventilation gives an additional bonus to all characteristics, including convergence speed. If you level up the “Combat Brotherhood” skill for all crew members, you get a full-fledged bonus, equivalent to using an additional ration. In addition, this reduces the reload time of the gun, which allows you to feel confident in close combat.

Equipment selection

Here, too, everything looks pretty standard for this class of equipment. In particular, the choice for the IS-3 will be as follows:

  1. Fire extinguisher (manual).
  2. Repair kit (small).
  3. First aid kit (small).

Instead of a fire extinguisher, you can opt for an additional ration to get an additional bonus to the skills of tankers.

The most important question for beginners is where is the easiest way to break through IS 3 in battle. Everything is very simple, a pike nose can easily be penetrated if you know the penetration values ​​of your weapon; the image below shows a detailed designation of the penetration zones of IS 3.

Main places, lower armor plate, shooting in the VLD is advisable only if penetration is more than 205 mm. And the main thing is not to get into the fixed caterpillar track, because it adds 20 mm of armor.

How to play on IS 3

To determine combat tactics on the IS 3, you should start with the fact that the machine is very easy to master even for inexperienced players. In addition, let’s not forget that the “troika” is a first-line vehicle, so there is no need to shoot damage at someone else’s light while hiding in the green.

The tank should be in front, making maximum use of the power of its gun. At the same time, it’s clearly not worth throwing yourself into a pile of enemies in splendid isolation: fireflies and sts will easily “peck” any heavy enemy. In addition, the low accuracy and long aiming times characteristic of the “Soviets” are not conducive to firefights at a distance. Therefore, the ideal conditions for the IS-3 are city maps.

To fully enjoy the high potential of a vehicle, you need to learn how to play armor wisely: stay in cover, substitute a turret, and tank with side screens. By the way, the screens absorb hits not only from classmates, but also from high-level opponents.

If there is a need to leave cover, you should not drive out in a diamond pattern, hoping for a rebound. In this position, the VLD becomes flat, so if it hits, there is guaranteed to be a penetration.

The IS-3 is one of the few tanks in the game that catches ricochets at right angles: the “pike nose” fulfills its function. At the same time, one should not forget about dancing: tilting the body from side to side at angles of 5-10 degrees. This technique makes it difficult to target weak points, increases the likelihood of non-penetration and gives time to reload the weapon.

The IS-3 feels good in the clinch, but only with opponents of equal silhouette. When approaching tall vehicles, the IS exposes the roof of the turret, which has only 20 mm of armor. Always remember one important nuance: any tank tanks well with a full safety margin. Therefore, sitting out in the bushes in such a car with 100% health would be simply the height of madness.

IS 3 video

The IS-3 is one of the tanks that evokes emotions. Some people are annoyed by the screens that swallow shells, some suffer from the shells from the spinner that Soviet guns can send, and others, on the contrary, enjoy playing on this heavy Soviet tank of the 8th level.

What is its charm? A combination of good, albeit nerfed, armor, good mobility, camouflage and an excellent weapon.

Yes, you heard right, the BL-9 scythe is truly an excellent weapon that allows you to deal damage at any level. Despite the long alignment and poor accuracy, shooting with the IS-3 is a pleasure. A large alpha of 390 allows you to exchange HP, and good penetration with 225 mm and 265 gold allows you to fight with any opponent. A small DPM can be easily corrected by calculated play, and accuracy and aiming can be easily corrected by correct positioning of yourself in battle.

The IS-3 has enough armor in World of Tanks. It sounds strange, so it’s worth talking about it in more detail. Our tank is not at all a Maus or an E-100, for which it is enough to put a diamond, turn the turret a little and joyfully catch shells without damage, but it is not a whipping boy like the cardboard French. Side screens sometimes save you from stray shells and allow you to do excellent tanking on the side. But here a feature of the IS-3 comes to light - its pike nose. By tanking too brazenly on the side or trying to place a diamond, you expose the enemy’s cheekbone at a small angle, behind which there is also ammunition. I don’t think it’s worth writing about what such breakouts lead to. Because of this form of armor, you will always have to be careful when tanking sideways, and, when colliding with an enemy, keep the tank level. One more weak point The IS-3 is a turret roof, easily penetrated by taller tanks, remember this and do not clinch with them.

IS-3 drives through the fields WOT battles Great. Maximum speed 38 km/h, good dynamics and maneuverability. This splendor is spoiled only by the inability to turn around on the spot, but we can survive, we are not Tiger-2, constantly setting up a diamond and being afraid that some light tank will drive into its side. You will almost always have time to be in the right place, if desired, support the CT rush or break the tackle.

Upgrading IS-3 modules

Playing on a top tank is much more enjoyable than on a stock one. You will learn what to do on newly purchased equipment and what is best to download first by reading the short text below.

  • You're in luck. On a stock IS-3 in the world of tanks, you can immediately install the top-of-the-line BL-9 gun and begin comfortably upgrading the following modules.
  • The new turret will give more HP, armor and slightly improve visibility; our tank will become more difficult to penetrate, which will help us survive longer in battle, deal more damage and tank more confidently if necessary.
  • The IS-3 is a very fast tank, but not stock, so we are pumping up the chassis, with which you will immediately feel ease of control and increased maneuverability, and you will also be able to install any equipment without weight restrictions.
  • Now comes the time for the engine, which gives an increase of 50 hp. and improving dynamics.
  • All that remains is the radio, although you can forget about it and start upgrading the next tank called IS-8.

Leveling up the skills of the IS-3 crew

A tank with 50% crew does not drive or shoot, with 75% it looks like a child who has recently learned to walk, with 100% it can already do something, but with an experienced crew it is ready for any challenge.

We have 4 crew members who can easily be transferred from the previous IS. Of course, any tank needs repairs, an exception can only be made for the commander who needs a light bulb. Further leveling depends on your playing style.

When playing aggressively, it is worth taking combat brotherhood as your second ability, which will give a small increase to all the characteristics of the IS-3, allowing you to drive and shoot faster.

The other extreme would be camouflage for those who like to shoot from a bush or dissolve in the middle of an open field on a Soviet tank.

The best option for most players would be the following upgrade, which allows you to play differently and does not let you down in different situations:

We train the commander as a jack of all trades, after which we are not afraid of shell shock of other crew members. The gunner gets a smooth turret rotation, making it easier to shoot around corners and catch fast enemies. For the mechanic-driver, we take the king of the off-road. The radio operator can upgrade his camouflage, or try to improve his visibility using radio interception.

If you already have a third specialty, then it’s worth getting camouflage, or it along with mobility and visibility.

Equipment and gear for IS-3

Equipment greatly affects the tanks in the game, literally transforming them. Don’t forget about consumables that will save you in difficult times or give you an advantage on the battlefield.

Many tanks need a rammer and vertical stabilizer, and the IS-3 was no exception. It is worth putting improved ventilation in the third slot if your crew has a military brotherhood or reinforced drives tips, if mixing the BL-9 really bothers you.

Some players believe that the problem of ammo rack explosions can be solved by installing a wet ammo rack, but this is not the best option. It will not save you from crits and will not be as useful as other equipment.

If you don’t mind the money, then take a large repair kit along with a large first aid kit. They will give +10% to the repair speed and +15% to the crew’s critical protection, while allowing you to repair all damage with one click. A more standard option would be a small repair kit and a small first aid kit along with a fire extinguisher in the third slot. This set of equipment will allow you to feel confident during battle, without fear of an accidental crit or fire. The most risky guys can take gasoline or extra rations in the third slot, and the most cautious ones can take gold and regular repair kits along with a first aid kit.

Video guide IS-3

A short video from the official World of Tanks channel that will show you the IS-3 in action.

How to play IS-3 well and increase your statistics

So, how can you play the IS-3, be useful for the team, enjoy the game and improve your statistics?

The IS-3 is suitable for many players due to its versatility, so how to play it is up to you. A good option will become an aggressive game together with ST. With it, you can deal good damage and make the work of your team much easier, but it requires certain experience games in World of Tanks, since a beginner can easily stumble upon superior enemy forces or catch several shells in an open area. However, if you pay attention to the experienced players on your team, you will quickly notice good routes and places for your IS-3. Also try to ride with a couple of other tanks, spreading the damage between them and focusing on one target. For such a game you will need a fighting brotherhood, ventilation and a standard set of consumables.

For more careful players, a good option would be to play at medium distances, in which you will follow your allies and support fire when they are spotted, or take damage yourself if necessary.

If you are unlucky and find yourself at the bottom of the list, then do not despair, since your cannon is capable of penetrating any opponents into vulnerable points. Follow your allies, avoiding being hit and helping them deal with the enemy. Sitting in a bush would be a bad idea, because if you're alone, you won't be able to do much even to a damaged level 10 enemy.

So, always use your speed and dynamics, do not be afraid of the armor of enemies of any level, and remember that the IS-3 is capable of tanking, albeit cautiously.

How to play the IS-3 tank with great popularity

IS-Z evokes amazing emotions even from its very appearance. Some people are wildly irritated by it, others simply don’t know how to use it, while others get unprecedented pleasure from playing this extremely difficult level 8 technique.

So why is it so good and why has it become incredibly popular?

He has excellent armor, moves quite quickly, is camouflaged, and has wonderful military weapons.
The IS-Z has a scythe called BL-9, which allows you to deal serious damage to all enemies at any level. Yes, the tank may not have good accuracy and it takes a long time to set up, but it is incredibly interesting to shoot from. It has huge punchy numbers and an impressive 390 degree alpha. Therefore, on the IS-Z you can try to fight with any enemy.

The IS-Z has plenty of armor. This is a very strange statement, so it’s worth explaining in more detail. The tank, of course, is not able to take a position that, for example, a Maus or E-100 can. They shoot at them, but don't hit them. But it is not as simple as it seems. Sometimes he manages to dodge enemy projectiles and can be controlled perfectly. But the IS-Z has one peculiarity, because its nose is quite impressive. During brazen and assertive attacks, the tank exposes its nose and ammunition to attack. Such a penetration can lead to the instant death of the tank and nothing can be changed. Therefore, when playing on the IS-Z you have to constantly keep your distance and be careful. Therefore, it is necessary to move mostly sideways, and in a direct collision with the enemy, it is necessary to keep the tank as level as possible. By the way, the roof of the IS-Z has very weak protection, so a taller tank can quickly and skillfully penetrate it.

Well, on the battlefields you can drive around in the IS-Z to your heart’s content, because it does it superbly. It reaches speeds of up to 38 km per hour, is quite dynamic and maneuverability is also high. There is just one small problem, he is not able to turn around in one place, but somehow he can survive this. After all, the IS-Z, with its characteristics, may well always have time to get to the right place and make an attack or dodge about someone.

Upgrading the IS-3 tank

A top tank causes much more positive emotions than ordinary stock. Therefore, a newly acquired tank needs to be improved as soon as possible. Well, on the new IS-Z you can instantly install a good gun called BL-9, and then start upgrading the remaining modules.
Replacing the turret will immediately make the tank's visibility much better, because of this there will be no fear of unexpected enemy attacks, which will significantly extend the life of the tank. The IS-Z is very fast, but not in new condition, which is why it is necessary not to forget to pump up the chassis, which will immediately change the maneuverability in better side. The engine will also make the tank more dynamic, and after that only little things will remain, because the most important thing will already be done.
By the way, you should never forget about upgrading the crew’s skills. After all, a tank whose skills are at 50% is generally not able to drive or shoot normally. Whose 75% is not doing much better, having reached 100% you can play best case scenario somehow. Well, those who have upgraded the crew to an experienced one are able to overcome any difficulties and challenges.

Four people travel in the tank, of whom this crew consists. The crew can be taken with you from the previous military equipment, but it still needs to be improved. One commander does not need special treatment, so he only needs a light bulb.

Weaknesses of the IS-3

Equipment of the IS-Z tank

Equipment is extremely important for playing World of Tanks, because they instantly transform. It is necessary to purchase stabilizers and rammers vertical interference and many other useful things. It would also be a good idea to improve ventilation for the crew’s comfort.
For those who do not spare money, you can purchase a large repair kit and pharmacy supplies. After all, tank repairs will happen much faster and protect the crew better. All damage and problems can be fixed with one button.

How to learn to play the IS-Z masterfully and increase the level of statistics

The IS-Z will appeal to most players due to the fact that it is very versatile. Therefore, when playing it, almost any tactic is suitable. An aggressive game would be a great option. However, you have to learn this, because beginners simply will not be able to benefit their team and cause damage to enemies. After all, opponents have also already earned a lot of experience and can easily destroy any newcomer. But if you don’t look at experienced players and rely only on your own strengths, you can independently discover good places for tank, cover and routes. By the way, you can try driving in a team with two or three tanks. The damage will not be as strong, and the target will be destroyed faster.

Those who like to play carefully and accurately will be perfect for playing at a medium distance, where you can simply support your team, tyranny over one target, and remain in the shadows yourself.

Well, if for some reason the player is at the very bottom of the list, then it is possible to attack from a long distance. After all, the IS-Z is quite capable of inflicting enormous damage on enemies from any distance. You simply need to follow the team, avoid direct hits on yourself and help them shoot. By the way, hiding in the bushes is not an option at all. After all, the remaining one tank will not be able to do anything to the unexpectedly appearing enemy.
It is necessary to use speed and dynamism to the maximum, to be bold and courageous and to rush into battle with joy. It is then that the IS-Z will show itself in all its glory and any player will be able to appreciate its abilities!

In this material we will talk about old things like World of Tanks way dodging damage. The method consists in the correct location of the tank relative to the opponents. We will analyze side-by-side and butt-side tanking using the IS-3 tank as an example.

A distinctive feature of the IS-3 is its sloped armor, false sides, a very damaging cannon with an average damage of 390 units, and the dynamics of the tank are almost on par with the ST. All these goodies allow him to work wonders on the troika, and many players consider him an ideal tank.

The location of the false sides (screens) on the IS-3 is shaded in this screenshot:

The ricochet screens on the IS-3 are very difficult to penetrate.

A little about armor and penetration

Even the very thin armor of a Frenchman may not be able to be penetrated due to the fact that the angle of the armor relative to the trajectory of the projectile will contribute to a ricochet. To make it clearer, look at the diagram:

It looks like the tank was hit, but the damage was not sustained. You are happy, but the shooter is furious with the report." Didn't hit!", breaks his keyboard, breaks his monitor... In general, if you constantly keep this principle in mind, then it can be applied to almost any tank.

What is broadside tanking?

Side tanking is also called gusli tanking or reverse diamond tanking (not to be confused with a regular diamond). It consists in positioning the tank with its side facing the enemy at such an angle that it becomes almost impossible to penetrate your armor (continuous ricochets). The important thing is that this method works many times better if you combine it with shelters - houses, hills, corpses of tanks. This method is good on those tanks that have the turret is shifted to the stern or to the middle of the hull, and there are also side screens (not necessary, because you can absorb damage with a harp).

Classic side tanking can be used on German tanks, such as Lowe, E-series, Mouse and Slippers, as well as on the Soviet KV-5. To make it clearer, below is a picture in which this technique is illustrated:

Classic broadside tanking. The technique is also called the “reverse diamond”.

With this arrangement of the tank, we hide its lower frontal armor plate - one of vulnerable areas, and the angle of the armor relative to the enemy is such that it will be unrealistically difficult for you to penetrate even classmates and more top-end tanks. And in the case of the KV-5, we also achieve with this arrangement of the tank that we hide the vulnerable “boobs” of the driver and radio operator.

Side tanking on the KV-5

A whole bunch of hits, but not a single penetration.

This technique can be used on many TTs and some STs. On a LT this is difficult due to the fact that the armor is too small; on a PT, the horizontal aiming angles will not allow this to be done, and the art is a whole different story.

However, tanking with a reverse diamond on the IS-3 risks taking damage to your pike nose and cheeks. The structure of the tank is such that the turret is located close to the nose, and during a reverse diamond shape, sometimes you have to roll out very hard to have a normal view.

At this angle, the IS-3's forehead is very easy to penetrate.

In this case, a cunning trick comes to the rescue.

Butt tanking

This type of side-by-side tanking can only be done on tanks whose turret is shifted toward the nose of the tank, for example, like our IS-3. The peculiarity of the “pike nose”, as mentioned above, is that it is quite easy to penetrate, especially if your tank is at an angle to the shooter (reverse or classic diamond), so the projectile will enter almost at a right angle into your plating . In one of our guides, we discussed in detail, including head-on.

So, what to do in this case? Butt tanking comes to the rescue:

  • turn the tank with its stern towards the shelter;
  • We leave the shelter at an angle of about 20 degrees.

In order not to constantly think about degrees, just turn the barrel to one of the corners of the stern and drive out a little like this, leaving part of the tank in the shelter:

Proper tanking with the ass and side on the IS-3.

Now let's see what exactly happens when the tank is positioned this way in the diagram:

When using this technique, do not roll out too much, always keep the stern in cover! The ideal place is a banana in Khimki.

Important points about tanking with your ass on the IS-3

  • Do it only from behind cover, which can be: a house, an embankment, the corpse of a tank, or another artificial indestructible cover.
  • If you're discharged, roll back to cover! Actually it's golden rule for this tank in any position.
  • Do not use in open areas.
  • Do not roll out too much, so as not to take damage to the tanks or the ass itself.

Video about butt tanking on the IS-3

For even greater clarity and understanding of “how it works,” watch the attached video materials.

In one of the episodes of the Cybersport program, there was a mention of tanking with the stern on the IS-3 by the Arclit player. Fast forward to the 3:25 time mark (three minutes and twenty-five seconds):

The next video is a case from random. This replay perfectly covers the theme of the IS-3's ricochet screens. This tanker, of course, clearly did not use tanking with his ass; rather, he had something accidentally similar to his misunderstanding, however, the theme of the 4 ricochets received is fully disclosed:

Show video

Pros and cons of butt tanking on the IS-3:

  • constant ricochets;
  • very rare penetrations with damage;
  • a convenient position for shooting at enemies and causing damage to them;
  • breaking the pattern among schoolchildren.


  • can often bet on the harp (but without damage), thereby the tank becomes immobilized, somewhat vulnerable for a while;
  • if you roll out too much, you can take full damage to your ass;
  • At first it is very inconvenient, you can get confused with the controls.


If you have an IS-3 in your hangar, be sure to try the method described in this material. If you don’t have this tank in your hangar yet, don’t think about it and upgrade it! You can safely go to the Soviet TT branch only because of the IS-3 - everyone who has it will not let me lie that the tank is really for bending. Hurry up to enjoy the game before Serb and company decide to nerf him in the next patch.

Write in the comments if you tanked with your ass, and also on what other tanks you would use this method.

Thank you for your attention and good luck in the battles!
