What a ghast looks like in real life. Review of monsters, enemies, bosses in Minecraft

A silver-colored jellyfish-like mob with nine loosely dangling tentacles. It lives in the Lower World, where it soars in free flight, emitting squeals similar to the cry of a child. Moves with eyes closed and a mouth that opens only to spit out a fireball. Can appear anywhere in the Nether. Never attacks a player unless he sees him. You can hide from Ghast behind surrounding objects.

The fireballs that the mob spews can kill the player or burn through the surrounding blocks that are not fire resistant. At the same time, he can cancel the shot if the player manages to build an obstacle in front of him, which will protect him from Ghast's eyes. Also, this mob never pursues the victim if she hid or repelled the attack.

It’s quite easy to defend against the balls - you can even hit them with your hand. In addition, they fly quite slowly, which makes it easy to evade the fireball's flight path. At the same time, you need to be careful, because if two such clots collide with each other in the immediate vicinity of the player, an explosion will follow, which can cause significant damage to the player.

You can kill a Ghast with any weapon in melee or ranged combat. When dying, the mob makes a sound similar to death rattles from suffocation and sheds its last tear. Don’t forget to pick it up, as you will also need it to prepare a regeneration potion.

A flying jellyfish-like mob that shoots fireballs from its mouth. It measures 4x4x4 blocks and has 9 tentacles hanging from its lower body.

Ghasts were introduced in the Halloween Update. They fly around the Nether with their eyes and mouths closed, which open when they attack. They make camera-like noises when firing and scream loudly when damaged. The sounds made by ghasts are similar to crying and do not depend on distance, so you can clearly hear a ghast that is very far away.

The fireball explosion can set fire to blocks within the blast radius. The force of the explosion is quite small; serious damage to the landscape by ghastami is explained by the extremely low explosion resistance of the hellstone. Blocks with explosion resistance above 20 are guaranteed to remain intact after a fireball explosion.

An explosion of a ghast fireball that hits the blocks of the portal to the nether world will disable it. If the ghast sets fire to the lower obsidian blocks, the portal will turn on again.

Ghasts do not shoot at the player when they cannot see them. Glass, foliage and portals of the lower world also block the vision of the ghast.


Ghasts can appear anywhere in the Nether if there is enough space. Contrary to popular belief, they only spawn on solid blocks. If the surface size is less than 5x5 blocks, spawning will not occur. It is extremely rare that they can spawn near a portal in the normal world.

Battle with the ghasts

Ghasts shoot fireballs. The player can repel them with any blow, even with his hand, by shooting an arrow at the projectile, or using a fishing rod. This way you can kill a ghast by reflecting his projectile back at him (achievement). However, you need to hit the fireball at the right angle, which is quite difficult.

You can also kill a ghast using conventional weapons(sword) if he is nearby. In this case, it is recommended to use diamond sword, because it kills in the least number of hits. Ghast can be shot with a bow. This requires the ability to calculate arrow flight path and tension (for versions after the Adventure Update). There is another option - to attract the ghast with a fishing rod and kill him with a sword at close range. Starting with Beta 1.8, Creative mode is available, including in the Nether. The ability to fly can seriously help in the battle with the ghasts and will add some interest to it. In fact, there is nothing difficult in killing a ghast in flight, since in Creative mode ghasts do not shoot at the player, even if he attacks them. You can try to lure the ghast into a space 4-7 blocks high: it will not be able to rise and fall. Then you can calmly run up and kill him. If a ghast hits zombie pigmen, they have a low chance of attacking him.


Although ghasts and pig zombies, as creatures of Hell, do not take any damage from high temperatures, they can be drowned in water, but not in lava.


Often, if a ghast hits a zombie pig that is standing close to the player, the zombie pig will begin to attack the player.
- The ghast's size can be misleading - they have less health than most hostile mobs.
- In versions before Beta 1.9pre, the fireball had the texture of a set snowball.
- After Beta 1.8 ghasts set fire to blocks in the normal world.
- In the normal world, ghasts fly far up after their appearance. If they shoot from above then fireballs get stuck at cloud level and stay there. Therefore, you can often see black balls in the sky in the ordinary world in the place where the ghast visited. The same applies to the Edge.
- Ghast can be placed in a trolley, but it is quite difficult, and he continues to attack while sitting in the trolley.
- When the player is in Creative mode, the ghast does not shoot fireballs at him.
- Ghast has 2 textures: with with open eyes both with your mouth and with your eyes and mouth closed. The first is used when the ghast sends fireballs.
- If a ghast has already fired one ball and was killed, and his ball is still left, then after a second the projectile will disappear.
- Ghasts are the only mobs whose movement trajectory does not depend in any way on the player’s location: they can fly both towards the player and away from him (they can sometimes simply fly away from the player in the midst of battle).
- Ghasts and the Ender Dragon are the only mobs that can notice the player from a much greater distance than other mobs.
- Ghasts are the second largest mobs.
- If you die in sight of a Ghast and are not reborn, the Ghast will fire at the player's corpse

Par Regis CREPET, météorologue
Publié le 14/02/19, mis à jour le 15/08/19 à 16h52

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De Lunettes Esprit SoleilViolet Lunettes De Lunettes De Lunettes SoleilViolet Esprit Esprit SoleilViolet Esprit kuOPTXZi

La Chaîne Météo vous propose chaque jeudi la tendance météo la plus probable à 4 semaines pour la France métropolitaine. Cette actualisation concerne la fin des vacances d"été et la semaine de rentrée scolaire, jusqu"au 15 September.

De Lunettes Esprit SoleilViolet Lunettes De Lunettes De Lunettes SoleilViolet Esprit Esprit SoleilViolet Esprit kuOPTXZi

La mise à jour de la tendance météo à un mois, concernant la fin du mois d"août et début septembre, présente le scénario météo le plus probable pour ces quatre prochaines semaines incluant la fin des vacancies scolaires d"été.

L'évolution attendue met en évidence un temps encore instable avec une alternance de passages pluvio-orageux et de périodes d"accalmies. Dans ce contexte perturbé, les températures s"annoncent moins élevées et même parfois un peu en dessous des normales de saison. Pour la fin du mois d"août, une période de beau temps calme devrait progressivement s"installer avec des températures plus élevées mais à priori sans canicule.

Les passages pluvio-orageux, bien que ponctuellement forts, ne seront pas suffisants pour enrayer la sécheresse en profondeur mais apporteront un répit en surface. Les régions situées près de la Méditerranée pourraient subir une sécheresse de surface plus durable.

Méthodologie utilisée pour l"élaboration de cette tendance

La tendance météo à 4 semaines est une "tendance" moyennée par semaine, avec une courbe de température pour la moitié nord et une autre pour la moitié sud: il s"agit donc d"un summary of the situation Qui ne saurait prendre en compte toutes les particularités du climate local. Il existe en effet de grandes différences entre les températures en plaine, en ville, en bord de mer et à la montagne.

En climatologie, il est usuel de se référer à la moyenne climatique de Paris (pour la moitié nord) et de Bordeaux (pour la moitié sud): ces deux villes bénéficient d"un climat tempéré constituant deux repères fiables. Brest et Strasbourg peuvent servir d" indicateurs extrêmes pour la moitié nord, tout comme Toulouse et Marseille au sud.

Cette tendance est une " moyenne lissee"qui tient compte des scénarii globaux des modèles numériques que nous utilisons: cela explique pourquoi vous ne retrouverez pas toujours la même prévision entre cette tendance et la prévision détaillée ville par ville, laquelle est actualisée plusieurs fois par jour.

Cette tendance est préparée, expertisée et présentée par notre météorologue Régis Crépet.

→ Ghast: description, ID, screenshots, etc.


Attack Power:

Random. Maximum: 17 ( x 8.5)

Added to the game:

ID (network):

ID (single):

0-2 Gunpowder

0-1 Ghast Tear


The Ghast is a hostile, flying mob from the Underworld.


Ghasts are very large (4x4x4), flying creatures. Their eyes and mouth are closed, they open only when Ghasts shoot fireballs. There are 9 tentacles hanging from below, which makes them look like jellyfish or octopuses. You can also notice that tears are pouring from their eyes (you can find out about the approach of the Ghasts precisely by the sound, similar to crying).


You can meet Gast in the Lower World. The only requirement: the surface must be more than 5x5 blocks.

Behavior, fight

The ghasts will immediately start attacking you when they see you. Since they fly, it is almost impossible to kill them with a sword... Although there is a small trick, you can attract Ghast to you with a fishing rod, and then attack him with a sword.

But still, best weapon the bow counts against him. The main thing is to calculate the trajectory. Also, do not forget about the Ghast balls, try to move chaotically so as not to get hit.

History of appearance

  • Alpha 1.2.0 - first appearance;
  • Alpha 1.2.2 - lava does not damage them;
  • Beta 1.6 - Beta 1.9 - Ghast fireballs do not set fire to blocks;
  • Beta 1.9 pre - Ghasts may drop a Tear of Ghast;
  • 1.0.0 - achievement Return to Sender.


  • If you get close to Gast, you can find yourself “inside him”;
  • Ghasts shoot at the player even after death;
  • If Ghast touches the web, he will begin to spin quickly, and it will be impossible to kill him;
  • Ghasts can spot you from afar;
  • Ghast is one of the largest mobs;
  • Ghast has less health than other mobs.;
  • Ghast cannot be burned in lava, but he can suffocate under water;
  • Ghasts have resistance to fire and lava.

Ghast, aka Ghast- a hefty flying mob measuring 4x4x4 blocks. Looks like a jellyfish. Has 9 tentacles. Shoots fireballs from its mouth. Has a size of 4x4x4 blocks. It also has a significantly lower health reserve compared to other mobs. Resistant to high temperatures, but does not tolerate contact with water;).

They fly within themselves in the Lower World with their eyes and mouths closed, which open during an attack. They make camera-like sounds when firing. When they receive damage they scream loudly.

The sounds made by Ghasts are very similar to crying and in the Lower World do not depend on distance, so they can be clearly heard even if the Ghast is very far away.

The scream of the wounded Gast is quite distinctly similar to that of a woman. This is the only thing in Minecraft world a creature that in some way resembles the female gender.

The explosion from the fireball released by Ghast can easily set fire to blocks within the affected radius. But the force of the explosion is small enough to cause any serious damage to the landscape. When a fireball explodes, blocks with an explosion resistance greater than 20 will remain intact.

Also, the explosion of a ghast’s fireball, in the area of ​​the portal to the lower world, hitting its blocks will turn it off, but if the ghast sets fire to the lower obsidian blocks, the portal will turn on again.

If a ghast does not see a player, it does not attack him. You can protect yourself from the ghast with blocks of glass, foliage, or portals of the lower world.

Given space, Ghast can appear anywhere in the Nether. They only spawn on solid blocks measuring 5x5 blocks or more. They were also seen near the portal in the ordinary world.

Killing a ghast is very simple - you just need to reflect the fireball he fired at him. In this case, you need to manage to hit it at the right angle, which is quite difficult. The player can deflect a fireball with any blow, even with his hand, by shooting an arrow at the projectile, throwing a snowball/egg, or using a fishing rod.

You can also kill a ghast using a conventional weapon, for example a sword, preferably a diamond one, of course. You can also shoot Ghast with a bow. You will need to select the arrow flight path and tension. There is another option - to attract the ghast with a fishing rod and then kill him with a sword at close range.

You can make a trap 4-7 blocks high and try to lure Ghast there. Once in it, he will not be able to rise and fall. Then you can calmly run up and kill him.

In the ordinary world, in the places where Gast visited, you can see black balls in the sky. The explanation for this phenomenon is: in In the normal world, Ghasts fly far up after their appearance, and if they shoot from above, the fireballs simply get stuck at the level of the clouds and remain there.

A funny effect can be obtained by placing Ghast in a trolley: he will continue to attack while “sitting” in the trolley.

Since version 1.5, we got the opportunity to go through the portal, but since they don’t fit into it, it’s difficult to lure them there.
